Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 4 Jun 1931, p. 6

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NORGE The sea isn t always salty. Re- r.~:.11t1;: e>.1>1orers found a thirty-foot layer of fresh Water at some plat-e.< in the Arctic Ocean. The explan- ation of the apparent paradox is that meltin gsnow and ice from glaciers stood the gruelling test of 245 miles an 110121` 011 Ca.pt. Malcolm Ca.mpbe11 s .731U.e1s:i1":'i. '1`ha.t- s one reason why we 1'eco1n1ne:1c?. DUNLO3? 1 ~. ..ei11fo1cec1 Cable {; or( Tires. E`5U?%L@:?` TERES ff: Ambition breaks the ties of blood, "and forgets the obligation of grati- tude. Phone 138< icvbt-1`g.~t supplied the fresh 1'. Weekly Crop Report Rt.-por1;.= from most districts indi- cate that fall wheat, clovcrs, pa=~ turns and spi-ing grains: gcivc promiso of a ht;-.'1\`_\' yield. Outbreaks of web worm have occurred in Haiton Haidimunri and Feel and have caused <'on. damage to old pastures and spi-ing grains. Numnrnn: nnh THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 190!- -.._... _ Lzazaiath St um.-u1.~.m\'c.= apparent m a eld through :'ndi\'irlu:1] pI:1nt.= becoming,` .=`.unted in _growth and sickly in appearance. Purpln blotches may appvar on the . of the leaf and t1:-'-=r- inclimtel lame co1oni(-:< on the umlcr surface. Thr2:~:e infestted plants .=.`nou1d be pull-I ed and 1*-'.~move(l at once. , n_\ nmru: ])l0\\ 0ll under. The turnip zlphids or plant Hera make thelnsc-!\'o.= apparent in eld through pI;1n'.'.= becomimr .`<`nnfnrl in 1i;yj;:}" 14., 1`0\=.5' 3h.f`, th' 0*` t `W 8 ma. \r) 0 tho utvln cro ' NP ()1, ` 03`,:.d c`. t by I _F.-;1_\i urniD '1)?`.L* .*h.n(1S Co-operative Packing Plant The first co-operative packing plant in Ontario was opened recent- ly at Allzmdale in Simcoe County, by Premier George S. Henry. The build- ing and machinery cost $165,000. The plant holds the hopes of 1,500 farmer.= in the counties of Simcoe, Grey, Dufferin and Ontario for their future welfare in the hog raising in- dustry. The farmers have each con- tributed $100 towards the project and are under contract to supply the plant with their hog. output. for the next ten years. Modeled on the co- operz1`.i<.'e pl:1n1.= of DOl]T!12l1`l( and built after two years of p1'ep:11'z1tion, the Allandale plant is (`lziimed by its 1`.i;m:\.e`m'. Tho.--. 0L:-r -. I`.-mn ---1- -.... .-.....muu. 1.nLu|L- m rmxnu.-u u_V IE5 1`n:111z1;1' Tl1o:r. Olsen, a Dane who has been in Canada for 35 years, to be the equal of any plant of its kind on the continent. The new V',`ntlI1"_` will be entitled the First Co-operativr: Packers of Ontario, Ltd., and will r-mploy 25 men permanc-ntly. Sod Web Worm Prof. Lawson Caesar, of O.A.C., states that the present serious out- break of sod web worms in several districts is the first of its kind in his forty years of experience in On- tario. A peculiar feeding habit of sod web worms is that old blue grass and timothy are attacked, whereas alfalfa and clovers are immune. O.A.C. entomologists have found a fungus or bacterial disease which is killing off the caterpillars and check- ing the spread of the pest. r.cL:u .sueus 310119;` with their graf This` has: been demonstrated in seed drill survey carried on by ag cultural representatives in fo counties of Eastern Ontario this ye: About half of the samples examin from Durham, Lanark, Frontena and Prince Edward counties were I jected by the Seed Branch. Otta on the score of weed impurity. I The dry season of 1930 and the lack of frost in the ground during! the past winter have been favorable for the growth and increase of in- sects. Farmers who are experiencing trouble with the cutworm or any other post are advised to get in touch at once with their district representa- tive. An increase of more than 22 per cent. in Creamery butter production! in Ontario for the first three months. of 1931 as compared with the same period of 1930, is noted in the re-i port of George H. Barr, Director of Dairying. La.~:t year the rst quar-. ter .< production was 8,032,190 1bs.| of crozzmcry butter, and this year` 0,81U,.".2S pounds. u; c1'eun1c-ry butt pounds. "Whatever You Sow" i Why are weeds growing; worse on: so many farms ? The answer would` seem to be that many farmers are; continually sowing `Far fnn mam-! :L:I:u1 LU U8 mac . continually sowing far weed seeds along with demonstr: 1-nHn-....1 -----~ Farm News ,, ..... .... ...,_,u._: L..uuuAuL`u| Durham, F`rontenace rince re- Ottawa, Whatever You .' {ITO \\'nrAr]: crvnu-u'nn. ...... u; we mm mm r.1`.-'-~'*- 1n(l1r':1`ce olonim nfesrted pull- a 'ey agri- rcsentatlves four stern year. c.\'amined Lannrk F`1~nv1+n1-unnn my m1`me1's are; too many` their grain l Page Six _ uuumon [0 ma- club members. nrlifinn Hwy-nnnl-. Luu many` then` grain.` vn fn :1 in .. \ Dolls and Fertilizers Exhibit You will probably practice a crop rotation on your farm. Why do you do it? Your neighbor across the way had a better wheat crop than you did last year and it is ahead of yours already this year. You know he uses fertilizer, but how much of it 7 And wlmn rlnna 1-in m-ml" M 9 nu uaus xcrmuzer, out now much of And when does he apply it? How does drainage affect soil,ferti1- ity ? Lhmn what three factors does successful crop production depend, and how are soils built up '. These and manv other nnmtinnzl _ how efficiently and just how cheaply these two factors can be put into practice. unu now are soils built 2 many other questions of a similar practical nature will be answered by word of mouth by dew- mon. and by special exhibits at the Ontario Azzricultural Clollegel during Farmers Week, to be held frmn June 15th to June 19th. l`l'1l\' it H111` Ann ilnrvx n(-` tlnn ..... .... Jllllll dune tom 10 June 19th. This is but one item of the excep-l tionali-y interesting program and if` you are anxious to keep abreast with` 'the times it is an opportunity you cannot a or(1 to miss. Don't foi'gct' the (Iutes, June 15th to June 19th.` Phone your district agricultural re- . . . I presentafive for further information. 1 No world peace is possible if! Ipeace does not exist in the cradle of a civiIization-the Metlitmrrun0an.-- ` ammo Mussolini. I A I ` Bob was the only son, and his de- !parture for the city was hard on his !parents. They didn't say much, but Bob knew they were lonely. Per- haps there s something in this tele- phone visiting, reected Bob. It s worth trying. He soon found it was worth continuing. Long Dis- tzlmce made a big di'erence to them a 1. i The teachers of Belleville have! :agreed to accept the schedule ofl [1926 as the maxmum in salary, and there Will be no increases this year,' `unless prosperity is on the increase. `With living conditions down there `no reason why teachers salaries lshould increase under prc:,-cnt condi- I lions. ween, June wtn to June 19th, will name you to see an exhibit point ing out the z1(l\'anLages of this method and showing the bust size of package to use. Empire Day, held this year on 9. Monday, made a long week-end holiday. In every part of the Don-.in:'on, holiday-makers took ad- \:vnm..'o of the new low week-end rm-ently inaugurated by the (';1m1d?an Pacic Railway, charging Karo and a quarter for return trips to any point in the country. This rt-(motion is in force everywhere in L unad-u every week-end. (739) Representative French railway experts touring this country and the United States recently made a thorough inspection of Canadian Pm-ific transportation facilities, steamships, hotels and terminals, gathering a considerable body of information with a view to renewal of material and equipment on the Chemin de Fer du Nord. in France. lr.-.1-'iurle.'l in the brilliant passenger lis` Llizzt will feature the maiden vr :v.'.tc- of the Empress of Britain, 4:: NI)-ton Ilugship of the Canadian l- :\_'ilic Atlantic fleet, at the end of M 7.)}, will he Lord Rothermere. gr-cat Emtlish publicist and owner of a string of British newspapers, including the London Daily Mail. A Calgary man has won the oteque for $500 otfered for the best sh:-,-an in the contest just closed by tilt . management of the World s (1 rain Exhibition and Conference to l>s> held at Regina, July 25- August 6. 1332. The slogan W315: Show what you grow and share what you know. . ..-. sent ~. ulatir l::~..nh'. Yoho and .Kootena_\' na- tinnai parks in the Rockies are 22'.`aila?;le to inatr.-ri. in a :ontinu- ous loop route at the cost of 9. $2 licence fee. This o,;ens up 400 miles of ne tmx'e11in_-.-' in unrivalled scenery with a total park area of 3,679 square miles. Foxes on the ranches in Prince Edwami Isl.-md are getting Vitu- mine D in their diet, through the medium of fish. Twice 2; week sun-dried herring are fed to the foxes on the ram-hes. The animals are thriving: on this new diet. Sixteen countries have so fur ac- cepted the invituthm of the (`ana- dian Govo1'nment to send offiziul representzntives to the World's Grain E.\'hihition and L`nnl'orence to be held at Reginzl. July 25 to Au- gust. 6. 1932. 'l'hirty~e`ight lakes in the district of The Pas are being commercially shed today as against 18 two years ago. T!.e catch was 2,175,000 pounds cu" sh in 19530 as compared with 1.-10P.(.00 lbs. in 1925. More newsprint paper is made in (Ianada than in any other country. In 1930 Canada manufactured 2.50-1,000 tons or 36 pm` cent of the world produotion of ne\v.`,>rint paper. ._:.:_ Dairy Exhibit at 0.A.C. Have you ever considered putting up chc-e: in small packages for the home market `Z It is thought that i! this method were adopted, Ontario .\'oul(l consume all the home-made cltr-est`. A visit to the Ontario Agri- cultural College (luring Farmers Week, June 15th to June 19th, will 4I1?llIl( . vou to son nn n\'h1'hif nnim. Adzniral Earl Jellicoe. hero of the lattle of Jutland, will open the Toronto Exhibition next August. He will he a passenger on the Duchess bf York. Soils and Fertilizers r011 nrnhnhlv nvnnf-inn n 1. ierc.-3 anci There to grow in pop- wv`. in f`z21m Licensed re- .m: scxs M the end of last run Kotallcd .311,Tf>1, an increase V ....'~'. r,-w_=:' the n'1mbr21` register- the gum-a-ions year. Figures for yr-m` to March 31, 1931 repre- t 2| set for (:\'m'v 19 nf fhn mm- `in .~r>:):`u= 3-1:: 1- .u:u'(.'u 61, 1331 every 19 of the pop- rm. BOB FINDS A WAY .. Tears are the softening showers -,which cause the seed of heaven to spring up in the human heart. l Five-year-old Archie Bell, .~:on of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bell, of Sunni- Corner.~:, \\ :1.'in.~;tantly killed Saturtlay afternoon, May 23rd. when the prevailing` high wind blew the barn door to, pinning him be- tween the sill and the door ::ml cru;~hin_9; him to death. The fumil): moved from Pretty River Valley to their present home about four \veek.- ` ago. Surviving, beside the parents, are one brother and three sisters, all under six years of age. _ The train from Port McNicoll to ..lirlIzml wu.s held up one hour and ten minutes one day last week, when a horse belonging to Jos, Argue,` which had been pastured near the Mzu'ty1".< Shrine, wandered onto the C.P.R. trestle and reaching a point about (i.`)3 feet from the bank, miss- ed its footing, the hind legs slipping between the ties. On instructions from the company the horse was shot. A cable was attached to the body and a locomotive dragged it off the trestle to the bank. At :1 recent meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Orillia Y.M.C.A. a movement was set on foot for the omanization of Y.W.C.A. work in that northern town. Miss Ford, of the Toronto Young Women's Chris- tian Association, was present to ad- drc-.=s the gathering and add inspir- ation to the effort that will have to ho put forth if the suggestion mater- ] izilizes. Ill ubc. "iv?-4-r:~.~.l (fi(.`2l1liillf}SS is the price of .=uccr:.=.<.' and The production of clmm milk 1`0qui1'0.< sanitary methodi- comliined with prompt and e`i<~icnl cooling. 'l`hosc two slogans have lorry: h ix` E`: the forefront of the D:-"'.\' I):-p:irl.n1r:nt s t-ampzlign for bl"1."." zml mrn-v elTicir-nt milk pro- (i11.~'i.'m in Onizxrio, and you can do your part by making a point of visit- ing the 0..-\.C. during Farmers Week and seeing` for yourself just When her (lress caught on the -horns of :1 vow she was fee(linp,`, Mrs. l".dwz1rd Mnlkln, of Merrick township, `xvns thrown violently to the ground and sustained a fractured left hip. Her collie dog Crz1_\' Dawn. which was with her at the time, kept the `cow from trampling` her to death `and watched over her until she coulul lrlrng herself to safety. Work on what will probably be kiiown an: l1ig'h\\'ay No. 23, started }l:1. week, to the delight of Al1iston- 5 inns, \\'l]01`. three su1'vt+yors com~ menced operations. This will form- )-,-41-t of :1 road that will carry traffic - from Mitchell by way of A1't.hu1' and ' , A , , I Mount Forest. across country to thc, now hizrhwav fh1`nn_rl1 Sr-hnmhnwr nmll 'uua.$. Aeuy, or Mlaland, learned to his .~:or1'ow that chicken stealing in Penetzmg does. not pay, when he ap-A 1,-r.-:.rrer.l rncently before Police Mag- l~'L1'L1`u_- C pclzmd and was given a year each on two char,9:cs. The accused pleaded _:3,'uilt_v to taking` 21 Barred locks from the premise: of John L. ffood, Tiny iowmhlp, and 22 more from the coop of .~\n(lrew Elliott, of Tay. b _v U) this \'.`li.Il a gem wH.~:L \\'z1I'n. (Jo1'1. Palm:-1'\'.'ill he a`U(fL'(`,(`\l(:(l by Cun- stablc Donald Fra;~.L1' Bell, who is 3 lil,',':l1ly (`.Z])(.`l'l(.`l1(.'(.`(1 trz1fl'ic officer. .uuuHL rm-est country thc; Inghway through Schomberg and Cookstown. I JLHU llllll -of Port meeting - membe1's )3:-. 411/-\ 1. H|k`JIiUL`l'(\' [O in the hand.< Young. Joseph iiakr.-1', of I (.-neLan_r,r, lost his life May 27 by drowning: in Moon River, while employed in b1-in.L';ing the winter s cut of logs to McGibbon's mill. The tragedy oc- curred at the chute \\'he1'e Baker and iwo others were working; from a punt which \vz1.< CZ1L1_:`]H. in the rapids and sunk. Bakor _< companions jumped zmd .<\\'un1 to . but Baker did not make the shore. gl Rev. Neil Campbell, 111)., of Bur- ric, will occupy the pulpit, in the '"` P1`c.~:by1(.-riun Church at Nottawu for _thc.- nt.-xt few months (luring the ab- .~:(-nce of the pasto1', Rt.-V. R. Birniu, who left this \\'(,'(,`l\' for Scotland L0 visit his n10Ll1nr, who is ill. uecu ulstrlbuted 1n a( tnrial supplic-S to 142 Soil is in excellent com out the province. A" prices for butter, eggs gparn n-nn,.....I nu The United Workers of Orilliu are ruis:7n_u* fuiids by means of .`in0ke1'.<, to defend William Ainsworth, charg- ed with assaulting; the principal of the West \Vzmi school, who comes up for trial at the June .s'e.s'. of the Couniy Court. District N v:s_ I __.._ A most unusual .'z is report- cd from Gutlnrh.-, xvhuru an auLomob1.e,~ LL1r1`.c(I complotvly over in :1 shallow tliu-h near tlu.-ru one day last \V(.'(.'k, ri_L,v`!1l:d it.s'L-IT and was driven away |b_\' Us owner, the solo occupant, who -nu...`-n..a1.. .....,. L _.n r. u l'(.` ()1 ;.'_'.'1. dozvn honnm ing fucl:uul begun. .|_x.-,;u;u lLbL`ll. zulu was (l1'lV(,'n by 1'9 :\pp;u'r:nLly was unhurt. I Mr. LuCl21re, 01' M(',L<-:| lstore, G1'avcnh1n'.~;t, haul the 1 tune to land L1 nim.--pound while ca.<.ting in the Severn cc-ntly. DriHin_L: op<~1'21ti011s will bu rr-.s'un`u:d at the Brown oil well, Munfurzl, June ls. 'I`11(:r- is um-zuly :1 strum: pr:-,5- Sll)`L- of 211.. .-:L1II'ici:nt tn . :. I A consignment of 500,000 pickerc] I lfry were deposited in Lake Couchi- ching last week by Mr. Turner, who is in charge of the Government sh Ihatcheries at Collingwood. I with a team and a wagon, `zordon Gross overLurm:(l his car near the Haxvkmtonu turn on highway No. 1' Saturday cw,-ning, May Ziirri. about 10.30. G1'o.`<.< and his two t:mnp:1n- ions, Andy M('Cz1ul(~_v and J. (loont-,:; iCSL`:lp('(i with only minor injuriw,-sz. i Swerving sharply to avoid impnctl ' a I I `Chas. Kelly, of Midland, learned I) his <(H`1`n\'\' Hnf r~]m`1-Iran ;~rnn!.'.~..-.- .. .. .m,;,uu.-.< L0 142 club members. condition through- Abnormally low and live stock seem general throughout Ontario. Farm labor has been quite plentiful, although of course wages are very low. Tmffic OII'iL-c-1' Jack Palmer has con t1`.'-111.-`fa-1').`ed from Oriilia to :;u'o1 tlzr hi_u_'h\\'ay from Bradforzl ) 'i`oron:o. Before leaving Orilli:-1| In. -If; ,-,n,,`.]...- ,\(Y`I;-nu 1101`. ....L. 1 Sim:-p dierence of opinion among: he members of the village council 1' .WI0.\'icoll clu1'in_g' a recent n.-L-ting of Lliat body, caused all the 1i`n`il)O1'.'~' to place their resignations 1 of the clerk, Mr. J. C. 'oun2`. DOG CAME TO RESCUE I ULUXltU. popukw 1: host of n ...,.1,) lU.L ;,,ro`1r1 ` u-.11 U zuu-any it sLr()r1;.f ])) to supply u with In-ntimz and cook- Lhc well [NIH only bet.-n \ \ `5 K ` M `s .V\*` `\ \\ ELJ V11." wmcn , ` I she \Jl`HHil {OI Eng` Orillir-1 bunquetcd n.n.,-..n1...l\ - nu. uxn:u;,'(: \\lll DC greau.-2 this year, one county report- ing 50 per cent. inc1'ea. Pota- toes are also more popular, with 3 \'(:r_\' marked demand for certied seed potatoes in many districts. In .\Ii(M]r-. over three carloads have been distributed in addion to sunnlios tn 1A9 nun. ....n...1.-.... ':|_y.1 urug : good for- `. pick:-rt.-I I R.\/or I-1-. drug (I I'm I`. Dutch bu. 11l('1] 112213` 2`.0'\\` 1 "conferences over the telephone. new phone .=er\'ice put on `t1"z:{ `Holland recentl;c pm-m:":< from ti _`to six : to talk with s. |othe1' over the phone at one fmc.. l Elizabeth St. Barrie O'ffici'a.l Depot Phone 3 as p .- -_. `t/Le RFRlGERATORt/La.2':p.(1y$` / 9.1.- ._ ..-.. $10.00 down places a EEORGE in your Hor=_1e--Two years to pay the balance Three years guarantee, of course--See the N bfO3." you buy. '. R. COULTER <')n.~'!(1(:1'aDl0 damage to old ;-pring grains. Numerous out- break:< of cut-worms are reported. which have attacked spring grains sown on elds recently broken out of sod. Alfalfa acrcugze will be greau.-1' cent. in(:)`r~;1'<.'~ PAM-

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