Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 May 1931, p. 5

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lllEll`.d_'.$'\'.`l'. "l'ne quality of the first cure.-` 0I'3.~.mt`- n1-at 21.5. securing and holding you:-' inarket," he declared. On behalf of Hon. Mr. Weir, Dom- '-Yllvn prejudice inion Miziister of Agriculture, M121 Simpson exp1'_-ssml regret that he was unable to be present, but extended the minister'.- greetings and blessiiig, on the undertaking. ; Solving their Problem l C. L. Burton seemed to hit the` nail on the ll('iI(l '.\'hen he said it was! - -~a ne omen at this time of economic} distress to see people getting up and helping theinz-;el\'<-.<--finding a solu- tion Lo their own problems in such schemes as the co~operati\'e porl; packing s_\'::te1n they had come to in- augurate. The present nancial s`.`ress was undoubtedly the result of` mismanagement of both public and private affairs, he said. He mended the able Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett was meeting the situation and expressed faith in his ability to solve Canada s econ- omic problems. By its spontaneous applause the crowd showed its ap-- proval of the speaker's statement that- 75 per cent. of the boys and girls of Canada go too far in higher educa- tion, which has a tendency to make them wasters instead of workers. It would be far better for Canada it` the majority of young people were put to work and given a practical training that would fit them far bet- ter for the business of life than much book learning. 1. from this plant to the ` consumer will go a ltmg way `-.owa;'(ilto1(l the crowd tlat tin ,culty in selling our products. com- 3 manner in which ' ,pat themselves on the back. xx as much yet to be accomplished and` Wm. Hunter of Guelph and Mr. Wm. `. `the present adverse agricultural con-"er\~'a Leonard and Miss Noble of To? Rv-itrl nntlnnlr i L!:1CX1[ \\`UUl(l :.:`,'l\'U VEILAII1 (,'\'L`l':. [J05 "NH U1-`U L -`11'-`--- 1-11 -`- | 21;-`sistance. Ur. and .\Ir.:. Jack {ir-';:;i" l `on wr==`: I Thos. Ol;-`en, mH112lf.;'1:1` of `En: planz, \`l~l"0l`>' Witl-1 M1`. 1111'! Ml`-`sh :\l3`S'l A1 g'g1t';,- Richardson. 3 (-ring made up for the 1-,`m ;.-:1-ug. .li.-as Snider of li`.m\:=.le spent the-. {gle oi" the past two and a half }'(-.1113 week end at Mr. and .\Ir.=. G. Snid- liud to be lJ1'0l{C11'l'l"-`- _' _ _ down, discouragement faced and 1170 \`~0m``il -`' lll-*`-H11? -*~\'m:' O\'(3l L'0lH(` and a thousand and one rli1TI(:ultie.< . No Opposition We have all the political parties with us to-day and I hope you notice they are all on one side--there is no oppo.-ition--which speaks well for the united support. we hope to 1`e-.C"Hui'ci1 SU`.`Jlz1.' 111 7.730 pm .- ct-ive," said Mr. Olsen. From the` .\Ir. M. Bell,.=1)ent the week end at repre. of big re-tailing firms l`.l.~' 1101110 l 1C1'0- ' you have heard how bright our mar-'. Mr. P. Newman is spending a few keting prospects are. You will see days with friends at North Orillia. we are not going to have any di`i~l Service at St. Peter s at 11 II-In-3, `,St. John s, ,3 p.m.; St. James, 7.30 Mr. Olsen paid tribute to Carl p-m. Neils-on, architect of the plant, and] Miss Betty Newman spent the holi-1 to `Webb & Sons, Orillia contractors, day at her home, returning to To-` who had brought their plans to such'1'onto Tuesday. a .-uccessful issue. The Board ofl STROUD Directors were commended for the A number of visitors spent the. faithful work they had done, and` their wives also came in for a certain amount of praise for the patience 24th of May with friends here. they had shown when they husband.-:_ Mr. and Mrs. Sandford Walkem were obliged to be absent from home :-.nd family of Stratford visited Mr.= attending meetings and talking co-`,and Mrs.. Thos. Nightingale. , cperation to their neighbors. Hei Mrs. Watson of Toronto visited` said, however, that it was no time to her sister, Mrs. McNicholl. There Mr. George Hunter of Toronto,, course will commence I\`Ionda,\', Jim-Ji ;1.-'t. at 2.90 p.m.. in the (`n:mnuni`._\, Hull. .-\ll lzulie.-' kindly be p1'e. at llllr n1eetin;.: .\lr.<. Nina Nloore Jamiesovi and other .~'])e:ll\'M'~' ar.- r-: to l)' nre. l _ l Service at Knox Presbyterian E through their persistent effort anal Carruthers of Toronto spent the holi-' the co-operative system, he felt sure day at J. Hunter's. they could change or help to changel Mr. Albert Leonard and Miss Min-, zlitinnc, lrnntn ennnt Han linliiinv with Mrs. .T,. *.:1l the cour.-'x ' , IJLUJUCL ur-uziusc 1: [)`.`lli.g'.5 people -`U of the county and the to'.vn (.'l0. together. You are ul:;pemlen`. ugmr Uh us and we on you, so that wliatevcr JL benets one will help the other.` We are prepared to give this under- taking e\'e1'_\' support and are boost-' 4:2 : for your business. J. 'J`. Simpson, M.P., said the .:*.-`m terest in the packing plant was not 14 solely local, it had spread to O: 1;: tawa. He vZ,`l1'lpi1:'.'\.<'i7.L'(l the need OI a, loyalty on the part of the sharehold Cl'.:' and conaplimented them on their| ' H17lH.'l0`{*l', D5 THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1931. ;._ ux-lgnt uuuoox | Cheers went up when Presidentr Pentland of the Dominion Stores an-1 nounced that his rm haul contracted for the first 100 l1o;cs to be dressed at the plant. He stated that his rm. would xnarkct three times the capacityl of the plant and gave the assurance; that they were ready to back the undertaking with their patronage. l '|`lm unmn nnHn nnfn wn< ' CUUIU lllkl1'Kl.`L Ul1'CC` IIIHCS UIC CaDZl.CHy| LTZIUC. assurance, The blowing of the` whistle an- theinounced that the plant was open Z1110 patronage. Huang.` of the visitors crowded their The same optimi. note \va.~: way through to have a look at the sounded by all the other I`Cp1`(`.~'(?l111l-`(ll`lfC1'C`I'lt departments. Pop and hot tives of the chain stores, 'l`. P. Loblau ` dogs were dispensed generously by law adding that the p1'olLicLs ofithe management following the open- Stevenson farms near Alliston werezing. Friday morning the plant` was available to the plant if required. :going full blast and the rst Hon. 'l`. L. l{en1'.-edy assured the`*`Copz1:'o pror,luct.< \`.'l.'l.` in p1`0t'L`.~`.- officials of the company that his de- of pat-kin_x:. mug. Bright Outlook wnnf. llh whr-n E The rst sitting of the Court of I ;Revision for the township of Vespra. !was held in the township hall, Mid- hurlst, on the 2;S1th nst. Parties ap-E pea ing, or t eir representatives. "were heard, and the court decided. ias follows : . ` T A T\r`I'nAI1=+ny~ o n:~En|:n'v~nnv14- nan,` Lll'llL (l); L}. 1'5. .Vld\`.', 1'(1LlCl`3(l DDUUI `on land; Tressa Drury, reduced $200 on land; A. Hes1ip,, one dog struck! `of? roll; A. H. Tuck, dog struck o roll: Jas. Binnie, reduced $300 01:1 I land. E 'I`1\. nn.-.5 ...11'.-.n....n.1 L- n-.n,.+ Tnwn I \_;Ull1`l- UL IXCVISIUII. I Communicrtions vvore read from z} J. T. Simpson, M.P., acknowledgingi recept of stlgzgestxons re downward `rnv=inn nf f'wnrr]1f. vnfn: nn +':n'n1 VESPRA COURT OF REVISION }H1L`llL .l'U J.\1Ll:'Kl"dE Ll'L`K. E The reeve, clerk and Coun. Cum-5 mug were appointed a committee to, meet the Water and Light Commis- ;.~:i0n of the Town of Barrie re getting. 1a water semrice for the village of} . CIJIHHGS. 'I`kn n1m.1_- um 1':-+m.,.+n.1 4... ...~.f.L..` (Continued from page one) placing our_approval and offering our congratulations _on the introducing of the co-operative packing scheme. which has proved so protable in that little country of Denmark, into this province. I`here was a time when Canadian_bacon was looked upon in Great Britain as a prime product of this young country. Such a concern as this is bound to be a great factor in getting back Canada s overseas market, which of late years has been slipping z1)\`aY Ltrom her. .\Iust Stick to It The Premier expressed the opinion that the iglant would benet the whole g'l`1Cl11tural situation. He stated that to accomplish their aim it would be necessary for the farm` r.-rs who form the packing company to ~`.'-.'=n1(l whole-heartedl:,' behind the projeigt. Hany, he knew, would n.l it difficult to stick to their bargain to provide the plant with -10 hogs :1 year of standard quality, but stick. ing was the only way to win out. "()ll \\'ill 56` }ll1`.\ innulV u':uf(\l1r-rl luv -wvv...uvu AVA mu. uunugiuy iwas on Pa1'ti:sc_ap-,1_ -E-Ji.$`ii ear3f anthe`c 3`ff"deJ{Z% 1 ,as l J. A. McA.llist.er s assessment con-I5 rmed; Wm. P. Priest, reduced $150 i on land; Fred Dobson, reduced $100 g ,on buildings; Isaac Carruthers, `re- `-` 'duced $200 on land; Jos. .Maw, re- 5 iduced $250 on land; Katie Graves` - ggeduced $100 on land and $1010 oral. I uildings; Frank Chappell re ucedl on buildings; Ernest W1`ight, re duced $200 on land; F. Travers, re- dueed 1$1.0Q0OOon 1an}()l;.1;I1as. Trzgers, 1'C(u( er on Lil ings ariy burned); D. H. )`I2w.', reduced $306] Hes1ip,, o The court adjourned to meet Junci End, at 10 amp. , i Council Meeting` E The council met iznnediatcly after. , Court. of Revision. 1 l i Frxixwn n J. m,.;., 1 \IA- , .. Mid-I t -~.m.n 1-nnll -(Hmm -I Dr. L. J. Smpson, medical exam-_ `iuzztioii of in,ligr.>n`c, 85.00; Wm. E, '*.rownn, balance .=:alary as collector] and postagw, $116.00; A. E. Riclmrul-I son, bridge over award drain, Con. 14., $10.00; 'l`rcnsu=:r)1' of Ontilrio, li-, C('11. ~,'I: for hall, $3.00: Geo. W. Crawg ford, balance SlU.1`} 2:5 assessor am. l .1po.stagc, $55.00; Dr. W. A. Le\vi.~:.i Jackson. photo for hall, 35.20; A. ll. `medical examination of indigent.` 00; R. M. Bell. wood for i:1.(li_. '$.--.00; D. H. Coleman, hospital ac- icounts re indigems, 8160.26; G. \'v'.* `Cilson & Co., premium t '.'.'nship in- : surance, $100.00. Council adjourned to meet im- zmstliutcly after Court of Revision 0:2: June 22nd. ` l`CUll.y lll 5L`lllng' Out` I)l'O(lUC[S." `IDL. dUllH E, ,0 [).lll.; DL. ddllll; b, l.OUi fl tribute [1 -ito `vt ebb h;wl`o such` ronto gla ;uccessful of, n thc' and i ` of thei 3 `amount | .they `.\lr. Walkemi l 1 Hei visite(l_ however, l\'Ir.~'. 3, pat Toronto,';. 1 and Wm through holi-1 `the Hunter's. they change! Min-I l l l l I I . . . . i itne agricultural con-`erva To-l | ditions. lronto spent the holiday with Mrs. J. it Other speakers who helped to em-ls. Leonard. i 1-iphasize this optimistic opinion were. )Ii.~;.~: Elsie Webb of Toronto and Falling` from the rumiin an automobile upon whic 1'i I`.erthz1 Lee, aged 1 fin, .~~ui1'ei'cd a 1'1`-uctL1:`od < and other minor injuries. | muons. 2 r em-is Iphasize optimistic `H. D. Burns, A. W. Roebuck, Ag} `Amos, Edgar Jzunicson and the re- t ,}n`(:sr3ntuti\'(- of the Toronto Board of` |Trade. 11 ml. mm..:.... Al; 4-11$: \.,h;=n.. nu. INJURES lent would give `meln 4 \ nucfnhnn n running board of : upon winch she \\':x.~: aged 18, of 0111- collar bone; In 1I1'II1`InIn'- COLLAR BONE ` D0_5 3 | royston. Miss Bernice Young of Toronto . ] and Miss Anah Bailey of Barrie spent 3 the week end at the former s home. 2 ;F'nnn-..n+n1-~.Hnne nvn nvf-nnzlorl 4-n CC.)-`(SPERATIVE PAGK- me, WILL HELP SOLVE? .j:__ .]1`10Sp1t1l, barrie, on the 14m 1n_st. ; 1`! Mrs. Price and Miss Alice _Re1d o_fi 3}Toronto spent the holiday with theul `sister, Mrs. Will Maw. E Mrs. Brown of Kitchener has been} the guest of her sister` at the manse`: the past week. 3` lliss Idi'..h Tracy of Toronto spent= ;,.the holiday at her home here. = R; The funeral of the late Mr. Chap- jlpel was held on Tliurstlay afternoon ` niand was largely attended. SC-).'V`lCL`_ ;in the United Church was conducted; 9 ` by the pastor, Rev. F. Stotesbury, and , interment \'.'a.~: made in the Union iCe1netery. Six sons of the deceased Ifactcrl as pal]-bearers, Rex and Ralph ;of Toronto, Leighton of London and .117-::;:k, lvan and Stewart of Mine-y ':sing-. l'\'-:o other sons, Nelson of 1] Grand Prairie, Alta., and Fred of n Regina, Sask., were unable to be, present. There also remain three Norma, Elvia and Annie, _Z all of Toronto, beside the widow, to )'_ all of whozn are extended the sym- ,t pathy of the whole connnunity. I. Many oral tributes from friends ini i1l`.e \Ve;=t, Toronto and other places` {`_.bore inute testimony to the esteem )f in which the deceased was held. The _lat<.- Mr. Chappel spent most of his sixty-nine years in this place. He. t. was a splendid neighbor, was honest and m)ri_r;lit in all his dealings, was a faithful attendant for years of the Metlio(li.~'t Church and later of the- 3L'nited Church, and was highly re- .1 garded by his fellow cit.izen.<. Those 1 present from a distance attending- ithe funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Hen . son and sister of Detroit, Mich., Mr:-. Miller, of Toronto; Mrs. .-`irmstrolig; _ of New liiskc-n1' and relatives from 1\'andorf and Barrie. i,_. The Tuxis rrroups will have charge ioiofr the service on Sunday night at ;._` 7.30 in the United Church when the 1 `speaker will be C. F. Plewman, Boys Work Board Secretary. ` D. (`::a i;;l)cll spent :1 few days in Raw-1-in laid` xvnr-l: .1 ( K ` l. Mrs. Leeson and daughter Betty of `Toronto are the guests of Mrs. Mur- `ray Ronald this week. ; ! ':\/Tic: _T Qfninfnh n*F '|"m'rmfn W2: 3 ray nonam U115 ween. ; E Miss J. Stainton of Toronto was a holiday visitor with Miss Jessie` Foyston. I Mice Rm-nir-p Vnnmr of Toronto {He WEEK CHO 3.1.7 I-X18 I0l'lT1Bl"S HD1116. rCongratulz1tions are extended to `Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Biggar on the arrival of a daughtey in the R.V. Hospital. Barrie, the 14th inst. E 1 My-:, P1`i('r= zmrl Miss Alice Reid of`: JJ. L7`.`f1`13l)C`!l LBa1'r1e last week. .....o.. .`;,;..,.....;. A5 ..... bereavecl 1'riend.=, and 11-12 Joseph Chappc-1, who pa: his home on May 19th. \[su1r]n Twit-\ H114 154` `ms name on may 1uu1. > | Maude T1`ZlC_V hc..~: 1'etu1'nn.=d home after spending some time in i'o;ontu. I .I`!1e Ladies Aid meeting` was held *at1`v~.r.= home of ?[r.~. Thos. Binniv `last. Tuesday. _ i A I1umbe1'f1`0m here attend-.-'1 LIN 11 I ,_,____ .... '\T1v.,\-Jun 1n.~e`- 'I'hu1\~;r] `.3 . Llfillll. ` : The Glee Club hold a social o\',-:3- -':n_g' Inst Wedn0.<(la_v at the home of: `air. and .`Ir.~:. Ed. Cavanagh. There! '\vas a good attendance and ali repo1'LI `a very enjoyable time. The Tuxis boys are iooki a E fo:'~` V -`3 \va1.-v`. `Lo the .\.'ort.h Sxmcoe Work T130211-(1 eld (lay, which is to be held at .\1i:`.1ur.=`; reform-stry 3133' 30th. i S':1\'ic:,.- will be in ;\Iin0:ing United - 'Chui'c`n nc~:\". Sunday cw-11ix1g'. Itlwiii be a s'_')o(~izv.l .=<;1vEc;- for {me b0\':< and 41...! .. A . '\T.. f` L1 DI \.-n - x 5'3- b2_1]1 % `L'ULl1'SL' \\l1l CUIIIIIIUHCU .V`lUllUU_\'_. JUHU at the (,`r,m*.1nr.1x1i`._\ Hull. .-\l1 cou1'.~':` kindly be at this n1eetin_.. othe) (.-:<;w<-tot} Lu m'es(-12! Rprxzinrx n1 Knnv P1-nzhvtm-inn D was we only to Wm out! You be zmxiously watolmd by' those who will use all the tricks in the trade to keep you from taking their market away from them, but per.~.u\'ere. There is a great oppor-. tunity open to you," declared the Premier. HT am Int! 4... L,..... 4.-.. :Ah LL,` J11`. J1. DUI] _."[)(.'HL UIC \\'L UK 0110 2111 here. x:< spendn1g Oriliia. 1 Qr.lvIV:nr\ n6- Cl Dntnq-Yr n6~ 11 nu-\ -I [lily ELL J. I.'l.LUlI:Cl`.S. l ! Min-,` `lervu eronto is. V Toronto and `Herbert Webb of Ilmvale visitedi `tht-ix` home over Sumluy. : `i WW.-.4 Inn T1lnnL- rd I'\/Tirnnnrl vicifnrl! men` nome bunuuy. : 3 .\Iis.e Ina Black of Midland visited her mother over the holiday._ i Mr. Bruce and Mr. and .'m-s. I-lur-N old Wztllace visited their home here. _-\11ni\'r:'; .>e1'\'ie:.~' \vm'z,- held in the Pre.~:byterian Church on Sunday, May 24th, both morning` and even- ing. Rev. '11:`. I\Izn'ks, of Elmvale, was the speaker. The choir p:m'c ex- cellent music and \\.`erx- :1.~:si.st(~d by St.. And1'e\\".= choir of Barrie. Goozl cnn,r:1'e_r:atiou.~: were in attendance at both services. MENESING STATION MINE SING} CRAIG-EEURST "from attenib;-I tin t Minesing last 'f1m1'. esing being` the \\*inn?__1,. |.';.'L.' M1`. L..u.-...ds.`u .J nux.` relatives 01' 312'. passed away 21;! 0H1 ` The Northern Advance rremier. ` I am glad to heal` that in the` County of Simcoe you have beer producing a high grade of hogs: It s a 5.-;reat asset and will make it possible for Manager Olsen and his; staff to produce the A1 article for, market. Your success will not only} be helping you, but will advertise us in the markets of the world. Iii you are only able to accomplislal something; in a small way, you wiill have done :1 great thing for Can-i dd`; r` n........ ...L.. :_;......1.-..,..1 4.1.-` Entering the theatre business less fruit merchant, is to control a circuit I it \\'a5 staterl `of four theatres, than a year ago, John Saso, Barrie E THEATRE ` IR! Featuring Fa -zahions As Gay As ;'ummer s Gwn Blossoms A RE)[-'\TRliA]$L] group of culul-111 11c\\' (11-(mes, 4____-,.1 A._ 41. ...:-_: I L`.\.. 9 .... xx: .4. .`.L` L]... RE)[-'\R1A]$LE tuned to the spirit of the summcl-time ! For tons, for dances at the club, for dining out, for bridge pa1`t'1es, for Hlloppillg trips, for b11. . . . you name the o<-(-asion and \\'c`1l nd you the 1:'::o<[-k in this sale. ALL XV`-XNTEI) M;~\TE1;2'[-`\LS Ne\'c1' 11;1*.'e we been able to o'l't'o1- su;-11 an i111'e1~c. ing an-1'a_\' of materials, such a c-0111px-<>h .s'(~}or-- tiou as 1-1g11t now. '.1.`11e dress y;>11 \\`z111t at the price you hke. . _. . ' Phone 526 FORD ROADSTER Overhauled, ready to drive zxway With1iCe]1SC, gas and oil. $250.00 nun ubtuuw uu A\\.\,l) Jvu .L1uHl csuuiig IULIUIJL U1 :Llf.`.'_`.`,L`LlUll: ICU (lU`v\ ll\`\'E1l'U revision of freight rates on farin oppor-.produce; Hon. R. J. Manion, ack- nowledgzing same; Stanley F. Jones, offering` to purchase a portion of tha- theltownship property on highway No. have beei 2"; W. W. Walker, re non receipt. hogs iof tax bill and percentage charged;. a limer. Black, re misunderstanding` hislirc percentage charged; Mrs. R. An, fO1`|S11l2l`l1`ll.l ld, acknowledging` receipt of only` grant toward womens rest room, Bar-- rie; Boys & Boys, re appointment re. If` Division Court costs at Craighurst; to accomplish C H. Fullerton, Deputy Minister of wi1liI\`orthe'rn Development, returning have Can-?C`0loni7.ation by-law for amendment`, ado. land nal passing. ` E. C. Drury, who introduced the: HYd1`0 C0Ilt1`i1('t Sign`-` by G0- H- Hon, George S. Hem-y, stated t11a1lPlo\\miz1i1 for class 2A service \va.'~;` his interest was that of one of tl1r:`,?11>1J1`0\'0d. | 1,500 fai'mers who had signed 3 con.` The clerk was instructed to try tract to supply the plant; wit}-, 4()`ai_1d ziri`ang'e collection_ of two hos-. bacon hogs a year. He 1001;.-_.(1 fox ;~.i<-_il accounts; also write the dc-part-` \x\i~l to the time when the planllmcnt re Muskrat Creek. l woaahl be selling a train load of 1'0eV, C1_0I'k C0un_. bacon to Loblaw ahme, and antic-1. committee .to_ Dated the building of other ~._i:nil:l\_ Light Commis- l)l;1l1t.< in the province before aiiotl1e'i:>`l011 Of B11'1`10 getilililn ve yeal-5 had e1ap5e(_|_, (`l`.."i1`l(-x` Ci`OQ`Q`. in'r- F-Pl 01" Fm-.ClJll(lleS. DON"I' DELAY ANY LONGER if you want to make a big saving on a reliable used car. This mammoth sale of de- pendable used cars is your opportunity to get the greatest values We have ever offered. Act quickly . . . select your car immediately . . . come in to-day ! G. LAWRENCE 8: CO. CHAIN ACQUIRED , YEAR BY FRUlTERER' JUNE DRESSES Bum @veaE.a.mE Te First Choose Your Dea1er-Then Choose Your Used Car ! Lf::P;1,E3 nWEAR,% PHONE 278 28 E112/abeth 3+;-.. ILVQ: 3eu1`5 nuu EIZXPSCU. ` C':1arlc-:< Gregg, })rosido11t of thxv; Co-opem1i\'e Packers, state.` that thal plant was the xyresult of two years 01 persistent eifort and he felt it would; play 11 real part in the buildinxr 01% a prosperous Canada. T7nHn\\`ino- `rT'\n rn-nmwu n1` non. Jacket Ensembles Printed Ghions Tennis Frocks Street Dresses . -. o1"r`1c_ial1y this week. With the com-: 'p1ot1on of an $80,000 theatre in B:1r- H ,1`ie, one other theatre in the town, 1 the Gayety i11 Collingwood. the lat-.1` mt theatre to be added is the Bijou,:'t in I en0t:m_Q_', which will be tted with ii modem Equipmen1.--- l`oronto Globe. Jj In Goodwill FORD TUDOR 1928 Ex(-ellent r-ondition. A g'1'e:1t car for thI'IFl\ (\l'\ $5356.00 Opposite Bell Telephone Co., Barrie ELIZABETH STREET BUICK COACH Best condition, good tires, license. Drive away. $350.00 IN SUMMER S NEVVEST FASHIONS L.'lZ11`lCS uregg, ])1`Osl(lO1`.t 01 tm tln would ol Following` the example of Den- mark, which country had successfully d-f21non:s t1'21ted the merit of co-opera-I tion; t.he Danish systc.-in of pork pat-34-. .`\lJll[l1B.'3'. `to certain parties on the Donnelly` ;awarr.l dram, drawing attention to; ?,the fact that if he drain wn= nr~ geiezzizeci out `to its original tiepcn Linn-. the ]):\1`)' applying for the same could `lH`l?`.". on the engineer to force the 3.~:ume, t0f,"("tl1C).` with the costs of the` said engineer. rziven its `third in;: would be used. The directors? B.\_'-1?`-V-' 30- 700 W35 L _ _ fuglt they \\`e`_'c as goof! [';_11'n1Q1`_3 35 the 1`v;`:iI.llllf. ,' 1l`.`.\l p:1sse(l l.L` COl0I'1lZal-l01`.i Danes and that Canada was as good ; l ~0"1 _ ~ :1 country as Denmark. Under the1 F110 f(Jll0\\`11113: EICCOIIIYE-S Were pa: management of Thos. Olsen. \'~.'ho hzulvf-`d I ` had experience V_l"it`: -'_}~_(. 1); '.-11` Srnpson, system, the direc-tor.=. l0Ol\-Jkl for-wz1rIl:`:`~~li0?1 l l`;LT`~ "t/~ condently to the realization of their dreams. h`. l ..L.-.:..... .~ .. -. quvvuix.-r\v'I r~ 1vr\v\-\n1-`- 13ro\\'n11, $1116.00; unn lmvirlo-n n\-nv nxvzn-rl rlvnin (".nn " The clerk was instructed to writz-il I i In spite of restricting laws and "warning talks, motor accidents are taking_; :1 l1ezu'_\- toll of lives. Prem- .ie1' H.-m'_v s sL1rg;'e.stion that motors jbe geared down to a reasonable spec-S iis a timely one, and should be put 7 into effect. PONTIAC 1930 6 wheels, great shape, with our gtmrantee. A._..1_ `A AT POPULAR PRICES Gapelet Sleeves Dashing Prints Fluttering Laces Polka, Dots Sheer Crepes Chiifons and Flat Crepes Light Tops $750.00 Page Five (.U.'U`c`lH1S. ` Dr. Simpson s chairman's: 1'enmr".'~. `\\'<,-re brief but full of connnendation for the ambitious 1111dertu1:ing, for v.'?`Ich he bespoke succe . Mayor ;\IcCuaig olfeu-d the con-'1 7g1':1tulation.'~: of the town council on` the completion of the plant and the ix:-irrlwf `Fnfn1-r- fhnf nnnruvrnlv lin: ahead of it. UIL` CUHIIJIBUUII OI E110 17121117; 1111(l U10 b:-i{_:htfutu1'c that appztrently 1iesV ` We looked with a yxreat deal of`\ interc. on the dew-lop2`m.-nt of tl1i;~' project bvcause it brix`-.g's ` people of thn Pmmfv and thra fnx-cu 1-In`-ms`

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