Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 28 May 1931, p. 4

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Page Fou1_'_ E\'u1'y f:1s11immbl0, mu], dodmhlo type of straw hat is to he Found in this exten- sive (-allot-un. New \\'<`a\'0s h:1\'0 boon dru\\'11 from `rroph-al (-linms \\'1101'e koop~ ing` the head (-001 hugs` become an art as well as :1 11m`-es. `I You ll find Smn1i1's, Spt St1.':1\\'s, Nilaus, Yoddos, l-}z111g'1 B;11i1)11mz1].*<, Leghorns, Porto Riczms and 1 z111am21:<; in all dross, 5])m"[ and negligeo : our llmsscs and all Fine Goods Sciemic-a11_\' Dry L`/leaned with our Modern 3[ac11i11es. Goods Called for and Delivered No Extra Charge MEN ! BE C()()L A.I\']) ()()Ml4`OR'l`..\J5LE ;\.\'D L()(_)]\' SNA PPY IN 'l`I*IESE NEW SPORT SI`I.J,I} l'S. '.l.`HEY RE JAU._`T .l"I*IE J.`HlNG ! IN GREEN, NAVY, FAWN AND \\'I-IITE AT THE SIGN OF THE BEAR Ai"`*JNOUf*JCEMENT Alex Miine & Son HATS Fine Knit, Fleece Lined at In Rayon Silk at tk Ami 1 i I Raemad J. D. MILNE $1.50 $133 109 Dunlop St.` .$1.00 .$1.():) .$1.00 ~ Pt I I I :\1i.<.< Sc yusta-r(l:1y Mrs. J. Num: urc Llzunilton. 1\ 1i.~'.~ N( is the gu :11 hm` .~u 1 Mr. um \ \vcn- tlw Mrs. l~Ia1-1 g All`. RU} `gxzm-L 111:1 [on ()\\'\-H ! Mr. C1: `by Mr. (R `end at h ' M1`. 1111 of l';1l:_-`r: Barrio. ) .\1r.<.l{ ,in ldmls: M1`. :11 turmxl :1 I Scott and Min. I)0\\'n:s It.-ft for (..':xl;,:':n'_v. ;\ll:1. M. ;'\'<-5:: uml '.\1i:s.~; Hilllit: holi(l:1yim.r in 'l`uronto and 1\/li.<.< I\`m':1 :\rm. of (Gm-lph, gtn-st. of Miss Ruth Snrjn-zlnl :1L .~'nmnwr home. ` Mr. uml L\lr.~'. '.\luin:=, ml" llznniltam, tin h0H(l:1_\' _u'u<-. of Mr. and I-[arty .-\1`xn.~:Lr(m;:. l{v_:. Il:1cl<.~'tm-k um! ;\1i.s'.< Mur- p:z1:'oL lHuukstm'l: \\`1-re :1L Llu-ir home un 51. uvur Lhu \\`(-wk end. Mr mm-nm-n Am1)l(~r. :u:c(>1m)uni<:| l I 1 1 i I i n f` km`. 1 ; ronto, |1- 1'oi`.=1b1L Unite-ci < D1`. 1}:1`c~:u-110: 2,). 1-: M1`. Blzmc 2 "1 'nvr `on St. Lm: \\`('`Ii nu. Clarence Ambler, :1(:c()1n|)zn1i1:(| `by (lr:mL .\I:1rlin, :[H`YlL the week `end his home on I'm-I St. 1 and 1\l1`.<,. Maison und falmily, vol` l"u1:.:1'u\'c, spunk thu holiday in ` - n...- I.` (lnrvnlt :111(1SO)1JLlCk were nux'L'1\'. I M12. R. Gm`1`uLL and 5011 Jack in l.imls;1_\' over He holiday. I` and .\I1'.<. Bi iI]j.;'>}1L`_V have re- u1'tn-1' u \\'m,-k'.s \".1cation at I.`u)`t b``(lx1Le', L\1u.\'kuk:1. ' I\h~.<. Huxt'.1blo, of l-lorning s Mills,` `was in town VVedm'. to attend the funeral of Clmr1v.a G'.u'ne1`. hnn-.l.| u;IIim.--.-Im- is honu: from! |{ FI%%: E?H & EIEQGRE 1| lll lilll(l:'.|_\ U\UL b`_\` l\1u.\'l\ ol<:1. Mills, ll\ I\Jll\lIOJI Blll~lllf.,>`.lL`_\' viication Donald Billing,-`sley is home liiiigstoii L'ni\'ersit_\', having been L~U("\'.`.\>'l'Ul in his rst year exams. Mr. and .\lr.--'. W. J. Jebb and son Gordon, of Toronto, were visitors at ~the home of Mr. and Mrs. John illacliay, Worsley St., over the holi-, day. They were accompanied by' .\li.<.< Florence Charlton. Mrs. Jas. Gibson, of Cheltenham, accompanied by her daughter and` fson-in~la.w, motored up to Barrie amll spent Sunday with her niece, Mrs. Y. L. \".1nAtter. Mrs. Gibson is 93% years of age, but enjoyed the trip immensely. i The engagement is announced oi`- \'era Isabel, only daughter of Mrs. .\lcCarthy and the late Jeffrey Agar`. .\lcC-arthy, of Barrie. to Mr. J. Wil- liam Mackenzie, only son of Mr`- Mackenzie, Spadina Road, Toronto, umi t`:.:_- lute Captain John Mackenzie,-i of Halifax, NS. The marriage will take place in Barrie the end of? June. 2 Mr. and l\Ir;~:. Duncan Robinson, of, i.SC(.`llC.i narr_\' ll'()llI(tl', as m~.~i <'lo\\`n. |iro\'ml to h:I\'<- llll'.l`l("(l liis-i trionir ubilit_\'. Ono (-annnt .<:i_v too ninth in pr:xi.~- of this _\'nnn;: m:in':; work, for it . finish \`.'lll('ll i'.-w :nn:itvur< li('!]l.1ll`(` the first .~=4-:x. In his impersonzltion of Sir Toby llelrli, (lordon Loi1,g'n1:111 . in carrying: the (-mne along`, 1.-\'r521 when the humor \`\'-'15 :1 hit labored! and the j0l a little (lillicult to un-l (lvr. Ilis \'ariou.< . with` Sir Amlr-.=\\' Ag;L1eclwel<," ])l2l_\'(:(l by Steven. Stack; Fabian," by Henry. .\lelmii.<, and the clown. (l(_`llf,:`lllC:(l the; audience. l`h(-ir co-compirator, Oli\'ia .< maid Maria was cleverly taken by Miss Audrey Clifton. While Dr. Burns as Antonio, Bill Knot: as` the sea captain and a g:uar(l, and Oscar Shank as Valentine and the priest, had le.<.~'er parts, they made no small contribution to the high merit of the production as a whole. 1 Special mention must be made of the expedition with which the man_-,' were :-liftecl without causing delay, under the direction of A. S.` Morrow and Miss Sadie Bremner. The Guild Orchestra, which has been, (li1'ecte(l by Mr. Lorne Arnold, was also lieard to a(l\'a11t;1ge in se\'era`. pleasing selections. ,. u Llll.' ':\= U- , um on l<`ountr_v. 'vKuE3 TO .\Izu`k: and fur \*:;::-tub! number: listen t: for the the De] i.~ (-mull Lhruugl: The 1 Y'()()lll ('( lo:-ul r~ Agricul 01' givi L0 pres Hw mu n|' HH- vr uxpl way wl the III-I :'l0.<-I` 'LlmI v H<- ] m',t'.:mi H:'n\\'I` \`(-. uhliggu-< for fr Hll` Ih`m~k` and \\ b:n,':. ed tht czxlixy \vh-re he st: had i1 of HM men 2` kets June. ; ` of` Toxomo, are occupying their summex` home near Stroud. } . T-TnTn~n 1-.u\' hf` ()nk\'il1(_.- ! Kev. H. L. rescoct, .u.u., u.L LU`[' ';ronto, will represent the On`Lario;5l rol`.=ibiLion Union at the Central`U_ `United Church next Sunday evening. C1 ,[Dr. Pescott is one of the noted? i}.i`CI*.Ci1C1`S of Ontario, having occu-1" l`1}i\.{.l]1`Iz.`\11' prominent pulpits. For`(l '>`(.'1]1C time he was in clmrge of the-`C L7nited Church at Orillia. it ; and mm. E. Smith, Mr. La-}_f `Blane and Mr. Bud Beauehamp, all.1 | of Toronto, spent the 2-lth with the: " former`.-: pureiits, Mr. and Mrs. Jdil Smith, High St. . Masters Eddie and Ra}: SmiLh lauve ;I returned to Toronto after spa-nding;2 .:e-veral week: with their grzuid-lg t 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, High 9+ 1 home Strouu. 3- Miss Helen La\\'. of Oakvi11c,- spent. the holiday as the guest of` M. . Duncan Robinson. Mr. Egerton Young, of To1'onto=` `University, is home for his summer; holidays. `1 ' \*..- T3, Anon Young. BA... of To-~' , 4 holidays. ` Mr. R. Allen Young, B.A., Tow` route, spent Sunday with his parents, luv. R. and Mrs. Young. 3-I`-.. `.'o'.:ng` l`.`:1S been appointed to the stall of Hzunilton Collegiate Institute nml will a.<.=u1nc l1i.~: duties there thisi l`..1l ` (Hill , fall. 1). Ian. 5 Rev. G. W. Snell, who will occupy *L':`*cpu1pit of the Ccntra1United\ (1Ln`c11 next Sunday morning, is one got` the veteran missionaries to In-; dia11. He at presex 11'1iSSi0I1al _\.', 1, ..`n-,n-n-n -_v T?:n~nn mi :inn_ `. 1 . Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Pulling, of T-)-} .ronLo, \'i;~:ited with Barrie friends last `iwcek end. 34 ' Mr. and N115. A. H. Ferguson, 01` Brent, motored down on Sunday to see Hrs. Fer:.,-`uson, Sr., returning , Blomlay morning. ` 3 .\Ir.<. Ii. ] u_\'ne Smith is 110mm` ..,...-.:.~ ..r',... unnyulinar n uvnalz in O)-ii- 1.1o:1 mornmg. . 1 ]".`._`\'I1(_` homu_: !again after spending J. week in Oril-W lglia, the gruest of .\Ii.~;.s C. S. Robinson. 1 .\1i.<.< B<.-mice Perry was a recent visitor at her home in Creemore. 1 E .\I1's. R. J. Gauley, of Ottawa," `spent the week end at the home of the-1' father, J. D. Rodgers. 1 TN... 1 mu`-an .un:l \Ti:: F*.':anr'r-= n Gents Suits . Gents Coats . Ladies Suits Ladies Coats. incl` 121mm`, .1. U. 11u 1 )Iis.~: Louisewaml 31155 1<`1'ancc:~:- `I-Iurlburt, who have been attending. |L'ni\'ersity, are home for the holi-E days. _ I Mr and M1-.:_ W. Jacobs and chiI~l .\li'.~'. 1:. J. uauiey, OI ULtu\\u,, "pent the tar l{o `' Fraiice.'~: `I-lurlburt, atteii(liiig _L'iii\'ersity, holl- ;days. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jacobs and cliil- dren are \`l:iltlYl,`2` with the f0l`l110t`YS` nai-eiit.< on Baylield St. G. 0. Cameron and W. Griffiths are a Iisliiiig trip in the north' lcountry. IVIARKET GARDENERS ORGANIZE ASSOCIATION Market gardeners of the district farmers intere.sted in producing w.-;;'etalile.<, turned out in considerable nunihers lust TU(.`.\'(l2l.y evening to to Mr. George Rush, tiehl man market gardeuiiip; hrunch 01 Department of Agriculture, who ('Ull(lllt`lll|1..',` an or;,r:uii'/.iu;: czuiipaigi`. througlmut the province. gtated he fariiied 75 acres with tha" `gone to school up to the junior 4th'~_ the stand and in oeing t.'.\i11llulL'U help of his son, that the bay ha.`I; hook and had never given them any? trouble. He was clever at xingf `cars and seemed to care more for? 0 `that kind of work than anytliiiig else. I I . you reineiiiber the time 2 he wa.~: brought into police court ac-1 F cused of the theft of a. generzitor ? asketl the Crown Attorney. ; He \\'a;< acquitted of that cliarge,"` answered Mr. Boys. (`i`os.<-t-xziiniiietl further. the fzitlier, admitted that the lad was away from home oil and on" and that he did a good deal of ll`1l\'(`llillg` around in the old secoiitl-li:iiid car he had- hought. and tixed up. . Declaring that he was going to take a lenient \'l('\\' of the case and let the zzccused go on su.~ipended sen. tL'll('.(!, Judge Wismer took the oppor- tunity to advise young Booth to stop_ running zl.l'0lllld in cars and devote meeting was held in the board t-omieetetl with the oll'i<'.es of the represental.ive of the Dept. 01 Agriculture, and was for the purpose givinp: lVll'.. ltuxli an opportunity prlrulll, his H(Tlll!lllt' l`or furtlieringz iuarltel, .'ltl\ .`llll.ll}!_`l.'B uud l'aeilitie;s w-Ln-lalile grower. 'l`ht,~ spunk. explained that tliere was only UIl( whereby pzruweru could supply leinaml and thus he brought into lt)ll('ll with the eoiiieuuier. zuui l.ll.'ll. was tlireup;li ortruiii'1.atioii. lli. nunnh-cl nut nun llI`.`l!Il|l'l| \\`l1l-|`lI liiiiist-ll` to his t`:itlier s Iarni, Wl1Cl`:: there was a future. for him. He told` him lie would he required to report 1.0 Chief Stt-wart the first week in eu('.li month for a _\'t`&ll`. The fzttherlt also had to enter into a l`(`C0g'lllZtlllL'L`. of $1,000 that at any itnie during the! year it his hoy did not follow the . :uid narrow path lie could he lirouirlit into court and S0lllI`ll(`(`.'(l. In .~:ueh case his honor intimated that [the sentence would be llll.ll'll ll(`1l\'lt!l than he would inipose at this time. I ________ Personals 1 ':v\.'I\ L0 HIWEHUHIV Illa H(',ll|5HH' lUl' l|.ll`l4llUl'||I).'l :u|\':nnl.:1gu.-:4 uhvmzunl point;-(I nut. mw in:4lum-(- \\'l1:-,r m'3.r:u1i/.:Llion wnuhl have helped. (im\wr., in lh- lli.~'ll'lI'l. who hzul hur- :1 hr}: crop of c:u`r01.s' xvvrn ()bL':('(l In pluw l.h<,-m into the land ferLili'/.nr huczunse they had no 5:111 for tht-In. At the sauna time Hr()(`h\'ilh- hml :1 shortage of (-.:u'rotx \\'z1.< n'm'in1.: 1:24 high as $l..75 :1 Ilmur H-ul Han urn-n\\~;.\u hnnn rn- i l '(ll]H UIH.`!'lIl1.f {IS H|}.','H Z15 -Tlfli) Hzul the ;.:ru\v,-r.+ been organiz- the surplus of ('.:1r1'0ts in one 10- <,-nuld hz1vr~ lmnu nmrkcz-te(H \vhor<: there was :1 demand. Thi-z, stated, was what the Government in mind and it was the purpose nf` Hm ah-mu-Inxr-nf in hnvn mlned. nan m mma mm It was me ])l11'pUSul of Hm it-p:n~IInr-n`. to have qualied in the eld locatmg such mar-` i for SH1`))]Ll.< produce. lhllllkl Illl::'lUlL. L. Pescott, D.D., Ynirm n1; 1`,'n(: '| est ot Accused of hzw.ving' takexl two tires wo1.0n:w;off a car owned by Private G.C'J.`E11`d. ummerlof Camp Bozden, while it was stored`, iin VanPatter s gzuage on the niglxzi T0..3of Marglx 16th, Bertal Booth, _pl arems, Crzug'vz`..:-, came before Judge V`.1.~-I ._ mer in County Court \`v'c(lne.=_(l:1;." morning` for trial. As soon as ' , mtitute charge was read, the young 1n'.:1= we thisjplea(1(.'d g`ui1;.y, and his counsel, J. R `Boys, app.-1:":-l to the couri for lclx 1 Occupylliency, :=t:u' th_at `Booth }f.'z\.~: um; Unitediable to }. ' - W -`~. and 21'.` case, al1..v..D.. :1-. 5:11 l1Z1\'C: -.'-.-. ._ .1n_;and gotten o". JL1(l.}_`(: Wismc-1' com- sionau-`plinlentz-Ll both the :~.c(-used and 111.1 -_..._~..1 M. u-:,. ..u:+...,I,\ .+..4:un- 4-lam `L11.- THEATRE GUILD IN ;; PLEASING PLAY I Phone 229 (oniimxml from page one) I Nlisx .1:-an K:-:u'n;<. 'l`h.- twins, Sc- hu.-ztinn mu: \/"iclu, who might have bu-4-n {wins il1llI'('l|, so murkml was the rv:--m|l:uu-z.- :l<`hi4-\'ud by similar cm- lumv uml muk<--up, \\'(-1'- Mr. l*`rank. Sp.-urn uml .\Ir.+. Jzu:k l{()tl;.:(:1`a', to`; wlmm special x-rt,-lit i: due for her :u't,in_u; n!` :1 lnnp: and u-xzu-Ling` part \\'h'n-h .4ln- look up mi :1. mmm.-nL'.'<. notice \\'h(-n Mi.-:.~ Lillian Kr3:11'n.~< bu-- ........-. :11 vzune . Thu purl of Olivia : (`uh--`.\`lm';::n1, \\ .'1:; an lHl`I`.1. Hm` .xm-up in u:..I.. . ......ui....| nu-1'. Vlnln V ll)l:l \\.. |H|l'lHfLlli| .~':nm- qn.-1liL_\' 0|` -xm-ll in Lllc pm'L!':1y:1l 01' .~\. Mcrixlu. who.w cu min, s<-H`-lovinp; m: ()livi:L'.~" hnusvlmlti w: Il:u'r_\' hwllmr, `.. I 4.. In. IHULLHLLB .1111 bllolh 4`: EVUAI (la tun.- te yoL1ngm'.x1 Lislpleadcd his J. Boys, appp ' (1 to 1` 3y iency, stnLn Booth \\'z\.s uvxyg diable }.--* s.:1=-I fiq":'1'~. tar necase, :1-. `..:._,W:1t -.'-.a`:1v_ n_`.`and o . com-1 N plimented mu`: Ecounsel on this attitude, stating that` j0.Ei`c \`-.11: :1 serious mattc:' to make fa1.~c ,.....'L. A `nu- x-1:$'\, HBERTA1. BOOTH GETS OFF i ! wnxa SUSPENDED SEN'fi-LNCE x llldu UULISIIL lll kJL- \I`(L`Lll(A.AlA\.s2n ;` Continuing` his appeal to H10 courz, ;,1\Ir. Boys ar_g`uc(l that the boy had ggalways been good lad and never` ajgivell his paren1..< -any trouble before, `n` that 1115 father \' -> an old man and |neo(lod l1i.< a_=.'i.~tzu;ce in worlnng` `clu- `_l'Fv.n-n1 0:11?-(`;!\\' nf this Tllh. \\'ll{.1l 11; \`{1`1:' 11 mus lH' LU lHLU\L: L. C` ~`statements under oath. A few 111111- uutes 1fater`F. Exmus, .K.tC(.i, 1J1 eseeu- ` `_tin or tau 1-own, pom `e on dd`- at gghe p1'e1iminar_v hearing in police `-court Booth s attitude had been quite! -`>di"e1`ent when he pleadr,-v.1 his inn-3-1 cence and told the court that one 0% the tires supposed to have been taken . frdm V2mPatter s garag'e and placed` yin evidence, had been on his cm .I when he bought it and the oL`ner hr. ihad bought in St. Cat.harines. f`... 1..-. nu`!-\.>.-x` fn Fun nnnr: \ L` U.L'lULL`.1 \ . I L The aged father was brought, to` `7_iti10 stand and in being u.\;amine iigtated Lhr: ihelp had; ~"h'gone 4L1`! ziihnnk and had Qziven any? gn-;=r:(1ou 1113' a5.'~ 1.~La1`.CC 11_1 \\'ormn3_; `un- ;farm, e.~:pec1al1y at thls tune_, \\'u;-x1v he 1s unable b(`ClluS(3 oi nancxal con-; 1'} .= Q";-hcl. ` [(1It`u`(?1.1L_ 10.`]Ih| p V`. ` ` luzu 1.: me unfo1.unate pzut o_ t1'.e:~'n sort of cases, remarked hx;~` ' honor. Innocent parents have to `su`(.-1' for the o'enco,< of thmj: ch11 ;Kdrrn. There is so much oi Lh1.~: 501'. -'of thing` going` on that the youth 01 " _ F4 _to-day does not seem to take then] ; serlously. 1 I`r`L- ...-.m.] -{`.-`Harm n-ca Tnvnnu-1H` 4n` THE SILVER ARROW TAXI SERVICE after June 1st, 1931, will be located at 52 Bayeld Street. ` (Next door to Vespra Hotlsc) PHONE 44 27w -- D.-\ Y .'\I\']) I\'IGrI-TT SERVICE - 250 Remmmblo Rate for Long: Distance Trips Bruce Wilson, Proprietor. I. ill. \\'I Joan was newly ll1ll`l'l(.`ll and her hu.\l:uul \\':'l.\` :1w:1_v on :1 short`. trip. ``I .~'houlxln`t lw so silly, but I tun`; lnnt-ly, zulllxlllml Jmlll. lf Mum `were only horn !" 'l`hvn (`mnv ll\~- lllll 01.` Lt`ll`|IlH)lllll).'_'. A good elm? \\*itl1 motlu-1' over l.uIu:,' Di>:l:1m'v--` 1:nm_]_ Jo:m ft-ll like :1 nuw ywrsnn. I I`|lUllll|ll| In` nu nu Jo: '1' l.u .:md V While no denite .SU']).s` \\'l'l' toxvard m-:_-tmizcntion, it is stood that the proposition i 1.':x\'o1'z1b1y considered by the of the district. .. um... . \':1:; :n'ti:: M-u-rm Lhu ; p.-nrli(:ul:u`ly n1` l*`\'('(`('ll('l SAVING THE DAY Lu :1: lukvn by Wi.-`.~' m :1rti::Liu :u'l1i<:\'u ;,;`:mlu-n with` culnrly lin--. TIN: .'vll-um: \\':1.< mm.-I Mulvolir) by (}.g 2 com-.1-plion of the major (lomo of u'-nu ll!-Hirllfrlll, DI` (IUIIIU (l(:li;:;|1LI.'u1. I4`:-.-In 1` 'l'\* Lilkvnl untlor-: is Iwim: u'rn\\'-I` 1 |i SPECIAL SELLING F or a Cool Summer! Featvirigsg ew The MATADORS--PEPPER CLUB MINSTRELS are making a. Canadian tour-wi11 be at COOKSTOWN ON FRIDAY, MAY 29th TI'\YY'\' (W11 Yrh17\Y17\r WALKER STQERES, Ltd. 1 HATS For % Midsummer As Airy As a. Cooling Breeze! `DANCING New Blaclg Kay Inp, Aggus u7-- -i_-_-... I Square and Round Dancing from 9 p.111. to 2.00 am. (Stzmdard Time) Admission: Gentlemen, 50c; Ladies free Ladies espeo.iall_v i1n*ited-;\ good time g11:1m11teed The New Black Kat Inn Always Open -- D.-\.\ CE ANQI) DINF. AT ANY TIME - SO LIGrH .L` you s<`:ar(:e].y know you have a hat on your head, but so lovely mf you are p1roud1'y c-ou- scious of it. Fe1ni11i11e, f1atte1'ing, rh1'i]ling, are the hats `(hat go with sllmmor-time . . . g1iick Motor Sales n ...... 1-\ 6+ 13am-win STR3 Butterick, McCall and C11a.te1ai11e Patterns PHONE 25 1:11 i:->1;e-` 4'91`. 1929 `STANDARD COUPE . . . . . . .$325.00 1930 FORD COUPE . . . . . . . . . . . ..$475.00 1930 COUPE-Rumb1e Seat . . . . ..$485.00 1930 ROADSTER-~Rumb1e Seat . .$435.00 1929 FOR SPORT COUPE . . . . . . .$360.00 1929 FORD SPORT COUPE . . . . .$375.00 1929 DE LUXE SPORT COUPE . .$375.00 1929 ROADSTER . . . . . . . . . . . . .$275.00 1927 STAR LIGHT DELIVERY . .$190.00 2 FORDSON TRACTORS (re-(4:ondit.ioned) ALL DESTIIR ED STYT JCS USED CARS DANCE ___ ____, _._. JOHN GILHEENEY, .VIanago1' DRESSES 93c tL;;2.95 I9I.ERE S as i11`r01'c-.sti11g` :1 selection of D1-asses as we have shown in m011th:s. A _\'oa1* ago you paid almost double the prim-. In(;1ud- (id in this 110t`211>10 assort- ment are 1n-ints, l)ati: dais, ]a\\'11s, 1in011.`<, dim- i1i.<~.< and Voilcs \vi1`h frills, ares. peplums, pleats and ]'>1e111T_\' of C-011t1'asting volors. Your FROM 6 TO 14 YEARS PRICE YOUNG FOLKS THURSDAY, MAY 28, 1931- $L29-3.95 i .1;'u1:1op't.,` SEMFMNS & 9.

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