Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 21 May 1931, p. 8

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139.89 Eigii 'l.`ue.~;duy ml 131 Ulllll ht, (.`rz1i;:. \' |11n111:_v`.< (}u1lI'0),'I~ h In. '71!` (Lu i I - '\.`I ly um ..v _h Brig.-:hL young man 0| 1% who h:n.: __ _!A_b_l_l.'a'ill('.\'.$ (',()|l(:;.{(5 trzxinimr, is .'w,(:l(- inn,` :1 position ma (tlurk, huokks:pm', etc. /\lIll)H.i()ll.H' um! willim: to (In :1n_\' kind 0| work that, will not In- imn In-:wy. l`his i.: n p::rl,ir:ul:u'ly \\'m`(,h_v msu.-. l`lm.w-: Iv:-`irim: Hluth 1101]) are u.~.'kI.-(I to mnnnnuniztntt-, with William: H. plvzulml nut` 1 syn-<~tlim,;' wln-1 :-zmrl l,l:i.. mt .-nnnnn-..~ 'l` .~.ununun:;. ll'.'lIlI(' Ulll('('l' >1 win, who Inicl thv inl'm'm:1l,im that ho hzul 1-In-u-lmal up nu I) at whit-h (ioslivk w:1.: ;;'oin;{ l1OH('I'(l him jun! .m1!h of I! nml l'uun it In In- .70 Illilu.` (io.-:livk :ulmill.<-4| hv w:n.: mu n1i|-21:11, unv linw, hm that w h(- hurl shut. nil` Ihv :-np;im- m:1.~'l,i11;:dtm'z1 hi||. A linv 0 '77. 1-nuI- nr-.~ inn... ...l lixulll-_y [HUI] Smn. l`Ir\vin `tho (-h::r;:t:. .......-.. .\'u\'inL, drills :11 and mu lA(lIni.<.~:i V. Dl.I.'LlI1g'C. Evenin2'-.~\nthr.-m, Hymn of Peace, Calcott; :~7oIoi. Mrs. H. J. Heath; 3010, .~:cIect(.-d, Mr. Lewis Mer- rick. { I 'l'mvn l"t)r-nmn I-Id. b'hu1.r:)' hm] Um hni.'l.'orLum- to full OH l,hr- (-::rnr:nL ]Iuixt~r at the -:1.'L Mn] 01' thl: town $S:11,ur n|_0rnin1., whvn he .'-'ust:nin- ed :1 hzully bruisml left hip and leg. Later in the (lay Ward Cole, while at `work at the x:ru.<|1cr, xvus knot-kcd oult wlmn :1 bolt broke and .-:1.rur:ki him. I ' l'U&llI 5 Mn) I tm Hit- ..u\..,.u -- ---- I Larry Siluzm`, of 252 B:Lyfi(`M Sh,` had 32 pure brml baby chick.'~: stolr.-n from his pen (luring the curly hours; `of T|.l(f.i([1ly morning`. This i.~: thr.-3 5.=;t.-com! time the pun has hr-ran visited? by thit.-vt.-S and the police are invL-:~:ti- gati 11 pg. : ii i I Heavy fines were I 11f.'i.0':(1 out toi three Camp Bortlrm men as the rc. of 21 i'1'cr,--for-all ght following the! ,mi1iLa1'y dancu il(.'](1 in the .-\x`n1ou:`ir~.-" Ilast. Friday night. Found on the `strect by the police with their tunic; `off in the act of be-ati'n;5 r.-ach o*.}v:r: :up, W. J. Plunkett, P. A. Soucif `nd: JE. G. Hughes, of the Signailers; ;Corps, were taken into custody zmrii `a1`1'z1iLrm-(1 in-fnrn Nfzirristrnfra .Tr.f`r`.~ `I\.IU1'[J.\', \\'Ul'L I.'zlKL`Il MILO (.'US[0(ly `a1'raiy_:nc~d before .VIagi.'~:trate ':Saturday morning. Each w:=.< "$20 and costs, aw.-1'ag'ing $4.00. Last Sunday morning about 9.30,` when the re department was called) to extinguish a blaze in Allandal-2 Tubby, the little brown dog owned: by W. R. Keenan, the stationer, ran out to join the re laddies as the` truck rounded the Five Pointe, and} -was crushed to death under the? wheels of the machine. Tubby wasl la prominent feature of the main; ` thoroughfare and took an almost hu-in ` man interest in ever_vthing that. xvasll ` going on. He was the inseparable; ' companion of 3-11`. Keenan, who hard-5 ly knows how to keep shop withoutl `his little canine friend. 1 ;\'o1im- is l1m'vl)_v gzivvn 1)ur. ml thv 'l`rL1.~.L:-u Act that all p(\r.-)11.< huv-I ing` clzxinls z:g`:1ins the e. of, ltlmuml D:1llh' D:1\\ . lulu of (`:1m]) Rm~l(-u, in tlw County of Simvo--. Flying` Ollin-('1', dew.-:1se(l, who diml on .01` about the lflth (lay of .\l:1_\`, l`.)..(l,l iuro l`(.`([ll0Sl(`(l to send p:11'Licul:11'.< ofl gtheir c.l:1im.< to the un(1(-r::i;:m-(l ml or lbofore the (31.11 day of June, 1931,] lllfll` whivh (l(1l(! the :ulminisl1':1l01` Iwill (lish'ihut.o tho zlsscts of the estate l1avin.: re`,-;:\r(l only to the claims of which hv . 1.h:-n have noticn-, and will not be 1'<-.~']mn. to any otho1'.~'. | Dnlt,-(l at lS:u'riv this lflth (lay of l.\l:x_\', 1931. DA... 9. 0-..- D_.___:.. n,_. 1 ,`_ __ [is limited and Sonny Junu pLIb1i.~:in~s inn L-dition t.h:.`, n1(:c-ts with th(-ii` up- i])1`()Vli, for shu is l'(`11ii_V \'(.`1'y (`mid of` gone of tho iluvh-r.<. .-\ :.',`1'u;1t (ivili oi `!cr(.-(lit must bx` igivun the imunin-1'.' of, ;Lh- cast. which \\'.'1.' utlinirzihly `(-lm.~'m1. 'l`ht-ir work .'h0\\"cd the re- mit 01' n-:~i'm-st and con.<('i-ntious en- l<-uvor, numy of the (iiliicull p:1s.<:1;_n-..s' iunul r'('(`I]l`.\` bninp: humlic-(1 with the inziturni cl1:i1`:1ctm'isLic of vz~tm':1n' ik`i`l!i`l||'\' 'l`h.. 1.......n W. A. V/Veils, 1'0presentati\'0 of thei `S11prem0 Council, Knights of Colum- lbus, will be here to confer Wiih the| local council Friday, May :. .:2nd.g `This wevk he has been \`isitin_-4' Punc-1 Hang, the Laurie)` Council at Mi and to-dz1_v \\'a.< with the Si . Pzitrick':`3 `Council at P11clp.~;t0n. : NOTICE TO CREDITORS Los'o-In Barrie, Friday night, May} 16, a black collie dog, having white face and white breast, no collar, 71 months old. Substantial reward, given for recovery of same. Anyone; having any knowledge of the where-` abouts of this dog, notify Chief of` Police, Barrie. lino-0'1" 2iLl'i.i I Ruhl. Squirt-, 5ll))IIll()l).1 for 1'71]. 'I`l... , l:I~)l.. Boys & Boys, Barrie, Solicitors for the Admin '.'I.':_\', `.\ up; (.`u:1r(l.~<. ; and mu. .. nu. LOCAL NEWS Illl Ulla V "\ rmy :2\', : \'l 'lli1l'il('H`l'l.\'l,lL' OI \'(`1l`l'1lH The 1z\rp;o zludiuncc wn: ml with Um quzllity of UN- leo and (ll`(.'l1l it \\'0rth_v of -. .~\l`tvr tho linul curtain u:..-:1: zulrl Mi.~'.\' M. Ihmnu, fhv <-l:1.:.:, \VL`l'(? p1`usc11te(] `il'u1 lmuqu:-Ls 01' ll0\ve1's by ' I-r: us 1,0k<,-us of :xpp1'vci:1- L (n.`+li('k, ul' .1:'uil|y lo :1 <' -11 114- :Lppu-.'u-c-4| Hl)l`|IllH7` in nu-w u TIN- 11.2. I':1'x<- () \"HI I)` H:LH, 1..., UV r- : p.m.-Ou1' World. Empire : Ont, ` Adn1inir,tr.'\tor. l('Ell the `Hm LII, `;UllH`l' 2.`s'l|1, by I` l)i11]l)].fLl:-', I -ul Ilumbr-r" (iuurrl.-' nu ()H'H'-r iHl'm'|n:1l Il]J(p.4 |~n' w.I:. (`JUN-(1 mm'nin;, mm! L, by 'l'r:1!liz- Ulliw l.. u~...ll`....,l ml... u_v :r.'um' U ulfnrd, who llly \l.'I'y lUH(l UI 01" x of ~:hnu"uI Hun w-.1 I(`H[ Halli: . 1. morn.n;;'---.Smi,ncm, "O God Ou Help, Martin; solo, :'f:1(:(:ted, .\-1. : V. Strange. F.vrAnintr__AnHnr.m T-lvm-- - ' '|`m-onLo, x-h:n'L:: ml" l....l7'... .| 1.. IIH I,:1hl- um I' Lhr; Sn] L`! n.. burn-'1 7l]OYl;.','.| I ,,., .3.` Lruliw U) :l ,. y mm Jeffs Guru} Thursday- Friciay- Saturdaz The Barrie Planing Mill CAPITOL? Private sale of mahogany and wal- nut furniture, oil paintings, china,' willow plates and dishes, linen, small! rugs and other articles, all in good; condition, belonging to the estate.` of the late Miss Martha E. Ross. Apply Mrs. Chas. A. Perklns, 36%] Clapperton St., Barrie. Phone 1561.`: SATURDAY MATINEE, 2.30. receive one Amos n Andy Two-Reel Leather--Necking mm Qr11r 1| Ir: Comedy-- She Went for a Tramp PHONE 44 J I PHONE DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE .H'RUCE VVJLSON - PROP] Pickled Rolls Rolled Pot Roasts of Beef Weekly Eyg Opene Phone 50 1' Fresh Pork and Beef Sausage For Adoption-F1'n_e, healthy boy,l aged one year, wxth small pension;| fair with blue eyes. Apply at once! to Box 914, Barrie. i Rolled Roasts of Veal Phones: Mill 163. FOR REAL SNAPPY SERVICE TR Y The Silver Arrow Taxi navun. IN OUR YARDS YOU WILL FIND LUMBER IN ALL STANDARD SIZES, PRICED MODERATELY, READY TO BE DELIVERED WHEN YOU ORDER. GOOD SOLID TIMBER IS STILL THE CHEAPEST, STAUNCHEST MATERIAL OUT OF WHICH TO BUILD A HOME, OR TO EFFECT REPAIRS. L J. BRENNAN I I.JNlTED CHURCH or CANADA; III!-vi-nus 4 - _-.._.__ ___ ,__g 1 Specvial Matinee Monday at 2.30 HOLIDAY SPECIAL J OAN CRAWFORD in YVE DELIVER FEE /IATINEE, % Every child will Chocolate Bar. Added Attraction- Rambling Reporter For Prompt Service and Reasonable Rates. TRY WILSON S Res. 1071 and 1534. THURSDAY, MAY 5 J .1-.uu uh uvuu ct.'1.Vll.`t: Mon.ing--.5mi,hcm, Tnln. \ T;n'Hn- znln Mickey Mouse- ` `Pilc,-nic Trucking Service 44 PROPRIETOR, 21, 1931. J33 . 12c . 18c .18c LADIES ! TO-NIGHT IS SILVERWARE NIGHT You ll. be h2111gi11g on to your seat for (Ivar life one moment and laughmg your sulcs out the nexf. J ean A1'thu1f and Willialll Boyd also stalk "in l.`4 :1 _u_ _, CUIl(lJUDn5- The right; to demand from the suc- cessful tcnderer a deposit, not ex- ceeding 10 per cent. of the amount of the tender, to secure the proper fullment of the contract, is re- served. D" .._.1..._ " "7 ' "" Oakie s greatest, fniest andfmost thrillhtg picture is here ! -`V Q - - Theatre pat1'011s are in for 21 `treat. J_`ho_\' will .s'cr~ Jack 0:11:10 in the nesf role of his czwccr. Also a sid-splitting two-reel comedy", a, novelty and the news. ff TE1e Man7w;$;me Back b`pe<-1:11 cmntinuous show, sta1"ring :11" 2.30 and m:~.- ning co11ti11uous till 11.30 _p.1n. Cmnv czurly and Im- sure of a seat. Usual prices. Charlie Murray and George Sydney 01" Cohen and Kelly fame, in a 2-reel comedy-Krazy Cat Single Wegtnrn Whnnnnn anrl 1-`ha 1\Tnum Tc%11`urj;;:"Aj::J";:;m:`:`a 9 _ -_-___-- -- -... The Urn;-z1`r Stars of S111'1n_\`sido Up in their gram new 1)1'Od11CTi()11 117$-`II an an 4. _-_ -- -- __-...-J ..w.u.v 1 l.r:.uvJ. vuJ.J.J.UL|.`y:.I.LLaz:`y Ucbla 011131127 W,et`e1TJn Whoopee and the News. Attend The D1-2,EAMLAND-The 110 ESL of.` jII.I'.L`S NEW BREAMMND Wlonday Tuesdafy Wed. 1 , 1'7`, 91 ' TENDERS FOR COAL ., v.m.-., N. Deajardins, Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 13, 1931. Thursda>:%FLIr`xiday.,.s$ ,--1__-..|_ 1`____ `(The Gang Bustier. By order, R! I'i_. :. T 1' - 11: . . 3e:1(:.n(:r(331:;s, allegi sgggdl Tenrlers W111 he recelvecl by the estateunderslgned up t1l1 _fou1' oclock 1n R05S_1the afternoon _of.Fr1day, _May _29th, 35; 1931, for furmshmg and mstalhng a "St, 1561_ steam heating system in the Fire ' `Hall Building. Plans and specica- ;ion-Fine, boy,}Clerk s office. The lowest or any year, with pension;|tendc-r not necessarily accepted. blue Barrie, May 21, 1931. 4, ! A III E, ,:u -I--, run I ltions may be seen at the Town` O God 0111` :r-Inn!-ad VI? . LU LII" ent of 1 be re- o'clock: 2 V1onday, 1 of coal: ]_ `hrough-I 1 includ-{ I cations _.-.-.-....., nvnrll uv, Laval 'at twelve o clock in the forenoon, 1'; the following property: ; In the Town of Barrie, containing {fty acrr,-.<, more or less, and being Olmore pzuticularly described in 1egis- ltered instrument No. 21449, being :]the farm property formerly owned land occupied by Stephen N. Mc- I Sherry. On flu znial ny-nmign,-. 41..-..- :.. ....:.1 .1 om:1'ry. I On the said premises there is said to be a good barn on 21 stone founda-I ltion, c<.-mcnt sifb, six acres of fall wheat, ten acn.-s of barley, siv;Lecn `acres of outs, five nrrr-= of alsikrs andi at quantity of alfalfa and red clovexxi I Terms: 10 nor Hm I-nnf n 6' Harold` Hill DURANT DEALER I .55 Elizabeth St. Ba,rrie a 1 *2 1928 Durant Sed;m.s' .22.; Rugby 1929 Whip 3;-ton 'I'1'uek pet Coach ; 1926 Chev. Coach 1 1930 Plymouth Sedan , 1930 Rugby Six-Cy1inde1' I Truck with live steel: body. 1929 Erskine Sedan 1926 Star Six Sedan .The above ears are in good condttion and 1'eaS0n:1h|y 1927 Ford Roadster, with 1 Light Delivery Box `A priced. Your present our taken as part payment. Sat- isfactory terms on balance. coria an, Ioronto, Unt. ' Tenders will not be considered un- less made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance` with departmental specications and conditions. The Hake L- .l........._.I n..-,,, -I - l I DEATHS ` }CHAPPEL-In Minesing, Tuesday,_ 1 May 19, 1931, Joseph Chappel, in ' his 70th year. Funeral to-day (Thursday) at 2 p.m., to Mincsing Q Ynited Church and (je1nctc1'y. - Town of Barrie. Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in a. certain mort- gage, which will be produced at the `time of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at the (\,uvv. I Of Valuable Farm Prop_erty in the I | 15 BOY-S-At the R.V. Hospital, Barrie,` i Wednesday, May 20,1931, to the g wife of John R. Boys, 21 daug'hLe1'. George Harris, who has been mak- ?ing some repairs on his home at 85 `Sanford St.,, had a. quantity of lum- iber stolen from the rear of hu `premises some tune during Monday mglit. `TENDERS FOR STEAM HEATING OF FIRE HALL BUILDING, i BARRIE. u quunmy 01 aualta and red clovexni ] Terms: 10 pm` cent. of the pur- cha.~-;- momy Lo bu paid zu tfm: time; `r;1'.sulc, and L'n.(.- baluncr: within Lhimyl rIzx_V.~' thr:1'::x1't0I`. I Subjr.-ct to :1 rvsc-1'vn bid. For furthr,-r pzn'Licu}:u'.< and condi- tions of sale apply to _ Boys & Boys, Barrie, Ontario. Solicitors for the Morlgagee. ! USED QARE SATURDAY, MAY 30, 1931 A. l._.~..- .........vu u.u u Queen`s Hotei, Barrie MORTGAGE SALE r */ `:l Csliser St.Uniied*!1a1rch -.-.._, ...-, .uv.I.o A. W. Smith. Town Clerk. BIRTHS m T? \f Un- _-. .`~'.'m'v- I1 ` /\:IIHl.'III' M i(1lH`.\`I l7IH])ir:- A In :-4' Sunny .1; A. I u;{h :~: \Vmlm.ml-. vlsuur In L0\\'n IIISL v`r1uny. _ Bliss Jenn Slu-:u' lvl'l; Inst, week for '.l`emag:mn, where she has accept- ed a position. C[\1\)'1I'I\ .Q1-\'n\nIn` .........I,.a...1 |.:..| `I ` DVUIT` Uy II yl .J,llz1ml-alt: IJoIw.~m1 Clu ) L,'xnpin.~.4 Rt - fvnv I-Iurx-_v \Vz1l`kins of Toronto was 11 visllor in town lust Frltlny. Jenn SIN-:n' `Inn '51:! xiih cu ll. posxuon. I Gvorgre Seymour completed his term at Varsity on Saturday and is home for thu summu-r lloliduys. Mm. VV. Roll zmd smn Llnhn nl` Th-. urzuuoru on, Jz1sL WCUK. Wm. .`\1'll1h`L]`Oll_l," of Surniu spent .~'hm`l. time in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. |.:|II_1.,-`(loll and fnmi! and .\l1'.<. Anl1. of |`0mnlo .~.}u-I tl1v\\'m-1((-n([:|t tlwir ml.L:|',:c- : .\lim-L's Point. ln..I.- .\...l..H I. "I . 1.2.. ..2 numu 101` mu summvr nolmuys. W. Bell und son John of I`)(-~ troit \'isitu(l with Mrs. J. H. Bell, [Bradford St., last week. ( spent n |.~'hm'l. in 1n\\`n 1.hi.< um.-k, For Sa1e-Gas range, lawn mower,| 50 ft. lawn hose. hot] and :n1-1'no~: \\ UUl\. I ' f\1i.<.~; I.-}u.<. Way is home from Mr- Gill Uni\'e1'sity for tho : holi- (luy.<`,~ which she will . with hvr purc111.<, Mr. and 1\'Irs. W. 15. Way. Rh`, nml Mn .1 H M:-Rvhlr nI' L\|l!l(`l4S 1'UlHlr. Jack Ardull (,`ucI1':1m- this .-`\2'L J-}nnt<~1' : m....l,- no 1..- l.. .-\x`L 1-; .\'])(IlL :1 .n.:w uuys ms"! week at his lmmv in 1`rm1`um. Mr. and Mrs. R. .l)z1\\'snn 01' Mon- L1'c:1] were the pun-sl.~' of Mr. and Mrs. .~\. H. Walk:-1` lust wu-ck. Mr. N. D(}.\'OL1)'(liC has rvt.u1`m-d to Orilliu Inter spr,-1) :1 ft,-w (lays |:1..| week with his pzwents. (`.h.'1.<,I\'nin'hI. um an-1-us-:| u| in \\'L`L`l\ \VlLll I115 ])ill'(3I1lb'. I Clxus. 1\'ni;:l1L \v'.1s .suc(:(:ssl'LIl in p;1s. his (,`X1lll1i111lti0ll.`4 :11 Pl1:11'n1zu-y` with .~:e('on class |1m101's. TH. ..n.l NI`... \ 1).. I)..lv.. \`.'lLH .`U['Ull(l CIZISS l1()HUl'.`4. ` V M1`. and Mrs. :\. Pu),-;h and Butxy visited with Mr. I L1_<:h .s' mother :11 Port Colbornc over the week and. Lionel Blog':: of Drtmil is hmm.'\ for :1 Wm-k'.< holiday. f I\h'.<. Ed. Yorke is \'i.\iLin;,-: M)`. Y01'1 p2m:11t.< at (h':1\'(.-111)1n'.s`L `Li1i.~y[ week. `:l:. L`....I.\ \l7..<. .'. l....`... A`. .__ NI . I l)il1'L'Ill.*, D11". ZUIH lVll'5. VV. D. Wily. Mr. and .`11`.<. J. H. M(:BI'idn ol Toronto were thw 5.,-'uust.~: of M1`. and} Mr. 1. Dol;.~:on over the week cml. 1 up .....I M... n \v:..x..,u_ . mu`. 1`. uomiull 0\'L`l' (I10 \\'(:L'1{ cml. Mr. and I\`Ir.<. C. Nichols hzwu nu lLll'11U(l frmn :1 two \veuks lmliduy in Toronto. ` M1`. and Mrs. I`). P:1inL<-r of Nlimico` ..v....,\ :n 4-..... rm. .. 4...... ..,. .x.- I U11 1 LlS(l2Xy. I Alf. Tompkins visit his father at I Mr. Jas. Gill is ;ent.<, Mr. and Mrs. lrfxu. IT.-nun f`1....,. \\ L` FL` J week. TX \\/UUK. D1`. and I\`h'.<. W. E. Wallwin and Miss Bmsie Wullwin were in 'l`m'onLu on Tuesday. .-\If', 'l'nmnk1'n< luff 'l`nn.-A-uv in International Correspondence Schools] will teach you in your home. Get ourj of the rut. Climb up where youri services will be in demand. W. J. Hickey. Phone 351. | .-\u. 1u111pnu|.\ It'll 1.uu.~;uuy L0 Nzlkinzi. vi.-iting his par-E 'Cl1t.~`, A. Gill. M1`s.Ma1'yC1us011 attemled the funeral of .\I1.~:. Day, mother of Mr Jos. Day, at Bm'ku s Falls on Monday. Miss N0)-(wn Rnxn-lill'n is vinilinrr` uus. uuy, Lu JS111'K(."S 1* zllls Monday. Noreen Ro\\'cIi'c is v1.=;iting' f1'1end.< in Toronto. 11.. r~....:1 <:.....:-.... 1...- .--.... ... i.nunu.~ H1 iurollw. |` Mr. Cecil Szmders has gone to Sarma to accept 21 position with tnc (LN. u.lV.n. ' At the regulzw weekly meeting of` the Young People s. Society of Bur-= ton Ave. United Church, the Citizen-`, ship Department held a discussion,Ji led by Rev. A. A. Wall, on How to Spend Money." Much useful in-` formation on this all important topic" wz1.~: b1-ought'forward. I lncf`. `K/'nrlnn:rlnv nun-ninrr Hull 'U(.'Cab'lOTl nas Deon postponed 111- denitely. Allandale 15, Johnson Chub 0 In the rst South Simcoe Leaezue game of the season played at Allan- dale, the home team defeated the` Johnson Club of Barrie 15 to 0 in" a rather one-.'~:idcd a`air. Guilfoyle; and Rei(l served up an assortment of` benders and fast ones that had the Barrie team completely baffled and at no time did they appear danger-3 ous. Such was not the ease with the!` Allandale team, which looked danger- ous at all time.<, and \v01'n continual- ly sentlimr out a barragt: of hits. making` a total of nineteen safe hits. J. John. and A. Reid each got :1 homer with men on. Alhmdale was aid:- in the scorin;.v; by some large `Si /.4'(l errors. _\ll..n.l..1,. TLJ1 ..r I.` ].Y....J...I1 on. wz1.<, urougnc 101'V\'Z11'(1. l Last Wednesday evening the I\Ion'.< Conservative Club of Allan- dale held a very successful At Home in the Orange Hall. A delightfulp programme of cards and other enter- tainments was arranged by the com- mittee in charge. Owinrr tn H10 H1rpn1-:mi~no- clzlnc and rmutee In cnarge. 1 i Owing` to the threatening skies and the soft condition of the green, the opening of the Allandale bowling sea-!` son, which was to have taken the form of a tournament `Wednesday iafternoon, did not take place. The occasion has been postponed in- denitelv. >lYJ,`(l (:1'I'U1'S. AlIzm(lz1lr:-BcH cl , 1*}. VIzu'shu]1 3b.l M(:I{1`.i;;'}1L.s.s`, A. .\I:1r.<,ha]l lb, J0hn-" I.-on 1-,, Nr`.~'.x' 11'. St. (llzlir 2b, Stephen-:. son rt`, I-'.:i 1-1', 1;. Guildfoylc rf, p. I JuIm.~un (`lub- Hun .-I cf, Adzxms. ifil), p, I". .\I(:lm1i.< v, Powell 2}), p, 231),] HI. .\](']HHi. .~';~:, Cmig 1b, McMillin 11;. 2}), Bry.-on 11', It). Stmnslnan If. ` Q4-nm. }.\- :I|n;nu-.4 . Kll frog /. R1-v. J. Johnntome Black, Ministor : Sunday, May 24, 1931 The minister, Rev. J. J. Black, will` speak at both services. ] 11". - . - ' ` .~\t ;\Iitllmrs inn: .~\lI:1n ml the hemp 1 with many I`! nilvhr-r,< xv:-rn l'\"Hl Mirlln [nu ALLANDALE NEWS r, p, r. .u(:HHH.~ .\1clnni.~: CI Scorn by innimzs ` l....,l..l,. n |l' ZIIIH I.'IH1l'l :'. Mimibo HLU. I in town for :1 short Linw thi- .~\lI:ml:1l. n-n, \, by in 1.. /I III` IHHU1 J0|m.=:rm; (',r:x\"l'0Hl ;\|l:Iml:1]v rur o-.ue-uas lawn mower,1 hose, bed a11d springs. Phone 445 for appointment. 1` is vi. I week. .~'punL .l':.e\ l|4) .\I|| in .'A u'nI'u, .'1H(l \xlllllO/`I-`l r- ; in both llw 7H1` rm x-::1:< also soxm: h<-:x\'_v: r-::viw.-L of which was a! .11 lwn on by Jo|1n. IIl:llv- and (fmnpbtell 01" 1:0! Lripl(~.s'. x\|l:1n(lnln Huh! (.'nil. U U U U U U M and In;:rz\n1 l:1.~'. 'l I1ur. cw,-n-I . tvzun (lcfe:1t- mm 6 In -1 in :1 gzum-5 l[lH'(`5. 'l`h.- xvilnu.-r."} in (`um form, . of th- opposition! L'h1 in lhrn \'i\' inninw`-I Mitlh u rst LHU U10 .....I . 'l{.-i ( \lidlm1'.s'L I ..l r'....:... The N orthefn Advance I cw days last `vnntnn ` his sister `(Elizabeth Street) Rev. E. R. Young, B.A., Pastor l J. Andrew Wiggxms, Choir Director! Audrey L. Clifton, Organist Sunday May 24, 1931 = PENTECOST .-\.\'D EBLPIR.-E DAY} (Two-fold call to Praise, Prayer and Witness). : 11 a.m.--Go(l and the Worhl." g 2.45 p.m.-Sunday School and? Bible Classes. 1

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