Vol. LXIX. N6. 42. C SOCIAL SERVICE 34 womc IN ONTARIOQ i 1 Kiwanis Club Hears Aboutil Phases of `V01.-k Being Undertaken. Some phases of social work being done in Ontario were discussed by Gilbert Agar of the Social Service Department at Kiwanis on Friday. In this connection Mr. Agar paid! high tribute to the work Kiwanis Clubs_ are doing. Next to Church, Kiwanis Clubs have the highest ideals. The work of the Social Service Association is in con- nectdon with community work, and its ideals are along the lines of K1. wanis undertakings, and should he linked up as far as possible. The community may be recognized as a hamlet ,a village, a town, a city- the world is a community, and com- munity work is necessary wherever the C urn 0'0 . We g0. L Mr. Agar told of surveys thar 1 have been made in various parts of ( the province. A year ago two qua1i~ 1 ed nurses and a dentist spent: several weeks in the township of: Nottavcasaga, where c0ndi?ions were 3 studied, the schol children examined` and cla.~'sied. Rrzports were given ,- to each child to be taken to their parents. The result of that surve, is now bearing: fruit. Collingwood doctors now report that a great many of those children examined, are presenting their cards and seek-7 inn` ml\'ir'e and trezrment. .1n ILIII Vllluananu - - 2 i Alleged to have fraudulently pro- ' cured goods and cash from three Barrie merchants, Wilson Knicely came up before Magistrate Jeffs {Thursday morning for trial. After ` hearing the first charge read, Knice- ly, who was without counsel, elected to be tried by judge and jury am. was committed for trial at the next court of competent jurisdiction. During` the preliminary hearing it ,_.1.L _..4. L1-`At .-.-n nv ohnuf er 100 Needy Families Will be Helped by ! Club. DO YOUR SHARE CHILDREN OF BARRIF 1 Sarnta Claus will be at the Town ; Hall at seven o clock on Monday next He will leave Burton Ave.,|` Allandale, ab_out six-thirty, so bet` sure to see h1m. Em mnziila mm Znmtmmz mu; nu-\.u \IA- ._.r 5 , nmunity, .ecessary n 'ear spent of re s, he` of Nori by the deavor the me courses out to ling: thc examine the .epo1'ts uli fruit. out childreri exzimined service: ily ucc years. Juui work ` . tlve 01 ear than in lbt that the the winter ; appeal the only for e means to d if neces- avorthy pour e tided over ahlv hnlisen I Probably in '`~ other county of Ontario were weather conditions so favorable to the production of good crops, and to getting farm work done as in the County of Simcoe the past season. Yields were good in practically every crop, with th e.x~ ception of buckwheat and rootircand harvesting conditions were alrrfust` irlnnl 'er 01 me! there are milies re- ,r 1: the appeal only xtfeans )rthy oly housed reparations vp in your to cons1o~ the very Jses heart-V then you (1 to make on to the L XMAS CHEER FUND KEEP_1>1uNx; U91; LOCAL YOUTH ARRAIGNED ON THREE FRAUD CHARGES . Nov. 25th the accused secured from COIIITE OI. cuulptswuu Juuoun.v..,... During the hearing it was brought out that on or about Harry Triss and Company goods for which he gave a cheque on the Ca..- adian Bank of Commerce for $6.75. When the cheque was presented for payment it was learned Knicely had no account at that bank. A rev.- days later, on Nov. 29th, the accused secured meat and cash from M. J. Brennan amounting to $3.00 by passing another worthless cheque, and on the same date bought $2.50 . worth of goods from Chas. Lower, ` paying for it with a $5 cheque and f pocketing the $2.50 change. In . each instance a Bank of Commerce j cheque was used, the accused even going so far as to give an account ` number. 1-. 1 ______ .....--:..l 1-nnan avian-i. an |SL11n1na1'_\f of Year's P1-udu(:-) 3` tion Contams Imorestlng 2- O01npa1-isons. ` n number. Unless some special reason arises 9 for holding court at an earlier date, ] Knice1y s case is not likely, to come ' up for trial until the spring as- sizes. Not having applied for bail, {,he is 21* present in custody. 1 \s1McoE coumv = Lamas PROVINCE :1, IN FIELD CROPS\ "iueai. ~ - lfor the amusement : Unfortunately, market COI1dl'CI0IlSig1_oWn up children as We- ` and prices were about as poor _l1i, - Siincoe County as elsewhere, with! . the result that while the barns anditd -igraiiaries may be full to overowwl toward nonsense, 1 ing, this is of little encouragemenH'f`dd19_d Vi"t1'iani5m 3 to the farmer who cannot sell his :` bountiful crops even at cost of pro -i , , wluction prices.. Because of thislheuwn _agam5't `gcoiiditioii, agriculture is in a rathei""`"`a1 5 _ _ 3 _ C . -V - . proves Id('p1esed mte tof11m:g;::h;H1yprgg1:f A little nonsense now and then imarkets seem Is relished by the best of men. ition. . . , i rp],,n If you will give me a nation's -1.: 3; :_ 1..\....-1~-.. the order prescribed and of things that J nna in-.+1p mv of hone thai] of kiddies and ` In an effort to define this literary Mr. Biigd.-T characterized it as an escape from I in which 2x2 - invariably and inevitably makes 4." j -`In other words it is a sort of re- J12Ll'\/Tit ` xdeal. TT111 ltion. | 1 The one little ray of hope thaxl has pierced through the clouds and' `proved a promising feature of agri-~l" cultural progress is that farmepslc everywhere are paying more and 1' more atiention to cutting down the` ` cost of production of all products. ,1 r Any advancement in this respect will 1 i, have a most favorable bearing on _ C'.u1ada s place in the markets of the laworld. _l A. 4-`cm 2|: Nm-th Simcoe is co) l"'benet of the club. buy a ncxet Lo ,y|see Joe E. Brown in Top Speed, , gushowing at The Dreamland Monday, :'l"np=dnv and Wednesday next. fI`he Barrie hockey boys are mak- ing a. drive to sell tickets for the H benet of the club. Buy ticket to Y|....,. 1,... 1.1 `R1-mam in Ton Sneed. Only Five More Days in VVhich to Make that Contribution. vincial average. tative. . The following table of gures will prove interesting in that it shows that in eld crop improvement 'Simcoe County is well over the pro- l(`,nn1-Innnd on nagemfour) 4' lit] \T \Y Bshowing at The ureamumu mo `Tuesday and Wednesday conditions! ..`l...-.n+ ae hnnv hl` ms jumsa A 4 3` Foam or ESCAPE; Authors W1-ite Ohiey for Children. -That the English writer is most ; retiring, inobtrusive, and least of all, ; likes to be found wearing his heart on his sleeve and so resorts to - sheer nonsense as a safety valve, tune wnnvnnsznd unon the members ox` Canadian Club Told English > ed greatly to".the eltect. . Pointing out that much of tile really good things English author: 1 have written have been ostensibryi directed toward children, the speaker 1 ,od cited Rudyard Kipling with his ` ,1-K Jungle Tales, J. M. Barrie and` ;_he Peter Pan, and so on. It is one 3 of the little idiosyncracies of the ` English writer that what he will no`: md express in public, the foolish littne mt human sentiments he refuses to iopenly indulge in, he \vrites about omlfor of kiddies and ,1`{g1'ou'n well. yithg . .|;..,....1 4,.mm.,l nnncoYI0:n Mr, Rv.::'. 1 sa1e1;y va.1v\:, . was impressed upon the _ the Women s Canadian Club Tues day evening by M1`. John Bird, :1 1 native of Natal, South Africa, who has been making an extensive ture tour of Canada and the United States, speaking to many branches of i , the Canadian Club on the literary value of Nonsense. 7\/Iv 12..-A `mgpd the manor Dart of Nonsense." _ Mr. Bird based the major part his address on the classic nonsense of Lewis Carroll as found in Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. It is just possible 9 tha.t the very evident admiration the '9 speaker had for Carroll s work,` Was` s ii S. c ' slight-ly tinged by the fact that Car "- roll was in reality the Rev. Charles ` L. Dodgson, lecturer in Mathematics at Oxford, and being an Oxford man 1 himself, there was naturally a fel E ' low feeling on the part of Mr. Biro. 1 his intimate dual personality 0 _ was quite illumiu-, - Be that. as it may, sketch of the Carroll-Dodgson ating and altogether delightful. One felt at once that one must revive . their childhood fondness for - T'weedledee and Tweedledum and _` renew acquaintance with , the Snark. I` T.`mm'l1v rln1io'l1H*'nl were the` Snark. , Equally delightful thfel snatches of A. A. Mi1ne s verse, ex-j cerpts from Hillaire Be1loc s W1`lI`.- ` ings, and other well known English ` authors read by the speaker, Whose humorous ru'Inning.,commentary add- ed greatly tofthe effect. Pnin.+.in<: out He In spite of old Mr. D. Pression, < Christmas is going to be Christmas this year in over 100 needy Barrie homes, if the plans that are being made by the Christmas Cheer C111!) nrn nnwipd nut. That if depenos Barrie, i I _ and 1. habit. of . , from mental boredom. rt [ tlividual, on his head guratively, and litera- I.l e ture 5,` thereby. then give nonsense, provided it is harmless good natured, I for one will cheerfully stand voucher for that nation, declared Mr. Bird, who in concluding his address offered the rather startling advice to his aud- ience to once a year stand on their heads for the good of their souls. By this he really meant, as he ex- plained, that everyone needs to oc- casionally do something diametrically : opposite from what they are in the doing` to save themselves When Lewis Carroll wrote Alice in Wonderland. it was to F-tand that inhibitive in- Rev. Charles L. Dodgsou, had gen greatly enriched Mia: l\'rmn:=dv moved the vote of lthereby. Miss Kennedy moved appreciation, seconded by Mrs. Black, which Mrs. Turnbull, acting chairman, graciously extended to the speaker. `CHRISTMAS TREE GIVEN BY I R.C. CORP OF SIGNAIS l An interesting event took place lat Camp Borden on the evening 01 about 100 children of all ages, who with great delight awaited the avg nnnvnnoo of Santa Claus. who arr: glwhicn were very mucn up[J1'ecl'd.\-t:u. '1 After tea had been served, in (`which a large Christmas cake, weigh [,`ing 45 pounds and beautifully decor hiated, was cut and served. The chi!- `+`,dren gathered round the Christmas e'tree and every child received a love- ; ly present and a bag of candy. n W must not forrzet to mention with great dellgnt a\va1te(1 me as; pearance of Santa Claus, ar`-*4 rived down the chimney. This par: was well played by Staff Sergeam Cuthbert. Also the Indian guide, [which was well played by Staff Ser- 'geant McGuire, gave the children lots of amusement amid laughs and Itears. Misses Betty and Peggy ;Wallis entertained the party by rendering two musical numbers, glwhich much appreciated. Ae+m- 1-on `mu! hpnn served. L ly present and a nag OI cunuy. We must not forget that the party also consisted 01 Joe, the beautiful nolice dog own~ ed by Sargeant and Mrs. Mills, who ; accepted his invitation to the party, , Walked up to Santa Claus when his name was called to receive his pres~ ; em. But it was a box of balloney. ; However, the party was a great. suc- . FDEQ Icess. In closing Miss Betty Wallis gave a recitation, in which she presented Mrs. Earnshaw with a lovely bouquet from the members of the party. Mrs. Eearnshaw acknowledged the gifrt wihh afew words of appreciation, thus ending a pleasant a.te1'noon, enjoyed by all. Include a year s subscription The Northern Advance in the Chris mas box` for the folks on the far: 14. mm 0:111: mam 5.9. wnplrn nf ms. made by the Uhnstmas uneer mun are carried out. That depenos on the support the club_ receives from the public during the few days that_ are ahead of us before Dec. 25th. A+ on mam-{nu n'F H-up club held In Jmas box Ior me IOIKB on me 1 It will give them 52 weeks of h(W)>r;ta.rio, Thursday, ggger 18, 1930 t1/1e DS- Min. (.120. 3. HENRY %` :; BECOMES Pkamnsag puon to Christ- ` us form ----- I On Monday Hon. George S. Henryi was called upon to lead `the Govern ment of Ontario, succeeding Hon. (x. H. Ferguson, who resigned as Prem-` i'r of the province. -Mr Ham-v mav tell vou he doesn't Attracted to Legislature 4&0! Years Ago by Night Session Signal. ` of the province. Mr. Henry may tell you know how he came to enter politics, but the fact is that a winking red 1 1a.mp-winking', 40 years ago, high up against the black stone back ground of the Parliament Building, ` as it still winks in this present day when a sitting of the Legislative Asembly is prolonged beyond the' = supper hour, ashing a Come on 1" instead of the Stop usually as~ sociated with signals of its particular oolor--perhaps more than anything else directed his feet into the _patn that has slowly but surely led him Ito the highest honors within the gift of his province and his arty. Back in Early 9"s ., Back in the early nineties, when 1 Meredith was tussling with the government of the day, and George 5 Henry was at Varsity, making a ne " nd-, m an ants course and debating at varsity, maxing a. 1111:: ` fist of an arts whether he would stick with his ` fa.ther s lumbering busines or follow j the prompting of his own mind and bake up farming, the night, session _ lamp at Queen s Park first ashed, down to him its call to public ser-I 11-Inn 5 vice. I From the room in which he useog to study, Freshman Henry could see` that lamp whenever it was working, and the ofiener he watched it the more he wondered what was behino ` it all. One night, tiring of his W 1 books, he put them aside and went! .1 over to the Legislative Chamber-.] ` After that, his visits were frequent.) ;A1ways he sat in the gallery be-' Ihind the Government benches, fox` L. the doctrine to which he unconscious- : ly suh.~:crib0(l in those day.~'-and`f ...\..:,.1. hr. tint-n ham 1-eliqiouslv D111`-:1 Dec. 25th. At a meeting of the club held police court chambers Tuesday even- ing, representatives from the W0 mr-m s Tnsrhitute. L.0.B.A., V.0.N., I8'!'IY| . good I UVEI LU th Always hind tht doct1 sub: j which 11 ` sued---w `H4-` unn v G"mm.em' benches . Io '_"_' Kerr Knocked 0111: mac uersun ' doctrine \V_hlCh`hel1I1COI1S.C10\1S: Barrie_paid 26 cents per capituia minute and a halfp of ghtinu in tnos_e _days-anu`for public health purposes during with a right to the jaw and a lei? he since has rehglously pur-.1_980, according to the report of Dr. to the e e The terric ri hr ,0 the sued---\\'z1.~:: Watch your oppositionvA. T. Lihtle, Medical Health Oieer, jaw wasy the damaging b1ogw' if you want to get anywhe1'e. which was submitted to Town Clerk In the 135 pounds claqs White 01 li1'a`t Elected 171 1913 IA. W. Smith this week. The total " `- k ' A \- `- `- o'";'-, < elescltrciiie 1tg13 t11eh.T;:;is111z:tu`1V'<:a fiVlI1'i{EEip`iiiiiltii1mti(i l55 5g`(3`-8131aicS1 iii4;; ,`?1V;,o`f,`{`,`;t3{,{,`E'e B:-tfnboys H_enry-~rst as 21 private member M_O.H., the salary of thegsanitr;;'f,m:__ ,,,m.,\ e in mi` _ g 3 and `I31-t0l`1Y HS 3 MiniSte1' Of U1'inspecto1' amounting to _$1,200 :\i"].7'L`-"t`1.`\`} bi \ . `et 1.51 E-:3 C1'0W11--has. with the OXCGPHOI1 01 year, and miscellaneous, expenditure.~;'>I-1." bro 1:1 :1; d: to; ".1831 am` the four years which marked the rise-`of $22734, " _ is 10:11] one `;:-or awzcnb lcounte md fan Of the D'y AdminiSt"'l In outlining the specic.1nea.sure:ai`v(\;(ig.1:( Lgok {he third 1-gun; Wit}; ii tion been Siwng on the Same GOV" taken by the Board 0f"H6aM1-f01`-'-7`1"i`6'rnbley going down for hnother v"e1'm.,nem' 5`de f the Chambel` the prevention of communicable dis~ nine count T1-0mb1(,. was ame : Next February, when the 1egl5iLt01`:5`eaSeS from which Banie has beeplb t W1} ; t t_ y f h.g Of the P1'Vice agm ""`` at mmipeculiarly free the administr'1tion oii u u e `.`as 00 S mg or 1m' ' head of University Avenue, he \viII,t0Xoid to Scool children ` in the` _ (CDHUHUC-(i on page five) 6 as successor to hm` Gemge H';primary classes, was noted, and the BARBIE TO HAVE I- . . ' . . H v. . _ _ . _ _ _ Vard ..F.L:1guSn Me more `m`h wquarantiiimg, cleansing and d1sinfec~ ' ` 777 "A - - : - -c rt!-I-III-I A l'I1T\'I'I I\__..-.:L:,. A An than 11!)! | l\I\I\ A ""1()EI. Camp Borden took the decision over. to. mm` "9012? "".p1'ima1`y classes, noted, anu um V"".d flleguson ,1-`ve F038 t1watc1h'~ quaranti11ing', cleansing disinfec~" E: 0e\,e1.Ld0IFoi;1e;:-(3:36 0 0 Ian Ntion of homes where one of thes(-1' . ' u " x 1 - 1 ' . The new Prem1er s first acqua1nt- dlseascs. 1ad,appea1ed emp.1aS1z?d H . ,` Menmon as made 01 Ba1r1e:; amce wxth Queens Park dates back, water supply which was of such T however, to a much earlier periocn, . - - _ . . . . 1 W =1 me when he was Pat HWY!{7il3m?3"``vi-`ert 33 bif ` ,Li ,3: lggpggt2-iadtin:1nddoiE,1:`;r(F$g`fection contributable to the town}! Simcoe street. At that time, the water` R'3prt S from he 24 Samples` V mm main m, M block of theft water talgen_ from the bay testedl H-~ ....-.....,....1 Inhnxmfnv-x1 \un`~n| - Becomes a Politic mm uowu uruuuu present main, or old block the` Parliament Building, was in thei course of erection and the pillars and beams there were a great av.- trac'.i0n- for youngsters with pain` knees to wear out and patent lea-, ther toe caps to scuff. It was while crawling along -.1 girder one late `lafternoon that young Pa Henry, ` so the story goes, announced his in- tention to be a big bug. Reports from he 24 samples of taken tested in the provincial laboratory, were unfavorable in 9 samples from the, contemplated ice eld. Careful and regular inspection 01 the local milk supply had been car- ried on, the doctor stated. Barrie is receiving its milk from 31 pro-` duct,-rs through 3 large distributor.-: y operating with licenses and 3 or silo small dairymen without licenses. E According to statistics, the total fdaily consumption is from 500 to c companion of the moment IS re- 550 gallons. Over 95 per cent. oft} ported to have remarked, if you rc the milk supply is pasteurized. T'he',k going to be a big bug. An l1lp1'0ll1lS(.`>'. and herds of the producersig 1 1 1 F0 let out 101` You gotta be a politic, his boy you re going to be a politic, you are inspected quarterly and distribu gotta know all them things.`tors bi-monthly. The M.O.H. recom-1 Swinging a grimy nger upward, he mended a pasteurization by-law for|' indicated a lot of gures and scroll- 1931 requiring all milk distributed work, representing the arts, music, in Barrie to be subjected to the etc., that were going in place over germ-killin process. One Of the building `3Y1l'1`am`-e5- NOW` Clinics as a preventative measure H0-_ _G`31'ge If1em'Y has b`~ Cme alwere stressed. Of these 49 well- P011t1C_" all right but he reached baby clinics have been conducted by the 0bJectWe regardless of how the V.O.N., 692 children have at- much he had it in view at that dis- .tr`.'.t day, without mastering music, tended the chart clinics at the Royal Victoria Hospital, conducted month- rate. he smiled. when we: ly by Dr. Kendal and associates oi Mndmka Hospital for Consumptives-;, `-...A. any rate. _ | Music ? he smiled, asked him regarding the incident. Three times in my life I have at, public meetings attempted to sound` the key note for `God Save the; King. Once I got it so high that`: only the sopranos could nish. The second time I started so low that even the basses petered out. And the other night at Tom Kennedy's : banquet at Brampton- Was that you ? we inquired. It was, said the Honorable. George. And how horrible, too!" Will Be 60 Next Birthday Mr. Henry will be 60 on his next birthday. He lives now at Agin~ court, but he knew all the nooks and corners of old Bathurst street were incorporated in the report: Dr. Kendal and associates 01' Muskoka Hospital 264 infant and child welfare visits) have been made by the V.O.N.; and 61 mothers have received pre-natal visits and instruction. lThe report closed with the recom- mendation that the town dump, the condition of which has aroused so much adverse criticism, be placec under _the supervision of either the town department of public works or the local Board of Health. following tabulated l Communicable Diseases Thc health records I l when his mother s home was there, and his bare feet lifted many a dust cloud from the sand trail that was Bloor-the city boundary--some 50 :~ years back. . Mr. Henry has been a busy man, - and still is. Years of Legislature activity; years of municipal council 'e endeavor before that; years in big a business connections that reputedly at have made him a millionaire, have y not dampened his desire for service. in 1930 Total Total Disease Cases Deaths Cerebro Spinal Meningitis ...................... .. 1 1 Measles 0 0 Chickenpo. . 10 0 Diphtheria ............. .. 5 0 German Measles 1 0 Flu ......................... .. .. 1 0 Mumps ..................................... .. 0 0 Pneumonia (all forms) 16 (1 death under 5 yrs.) Poliomyeletis 0 Scarlet Fever ................... .. 3 0 (under 5 years) FEELING "LOST !" When Mother went back home" ` for a few weeks every fall, Claire felt lost without her. Writing seem- ed so impersonal. and unsaxtisxfactory. She discovered the easiest` and nicest way was to telephone. The night rates made the cost. seem triing. ` . the 1 the i illars t pant ` lea- ; while BTIYY, IS 5 boy. Reports Irom ne '44 samples the is pro- (1lSl}1`lbl.1l .Ol`>i 4 `daily S n-nah... of H10 milk sunnlv pasteurized. The There have been rumors around town `for some time that Barrie was `to have a new theatre. This week John'Saso conrmed the news, stat- ing that John Wilson, the well known architect of Colllingwood, has the plans practically completed and the `tenders will be given the rst of the year. This will mean that buiding operations will start by the end of February. {The new playhouse will be erected on the lot adjoining the Barrie _Fruit. Market and will be 65 feet by 140 feet, with aseating capacity [CRAXGVALE MAN FREED ] ON CHARGE OF THEFT ing, representatives Irom me vvu men's Institute, L.O.B.A., Eastem Star and Loyal `True Blue Lodges were present to offer their co-operation both in contributions to the fund and assistance in the work of collecting and distributing. "|"1vm fnxxm was divided into Wards1 Charged with having removed and appropriated the generator from an IOver1~zmd car belonging to R. '1. Reid, Bertie Booth, of Craigvale, !appeared in police court Thursday Imorning. Although the evidence`. 'given by Wm. Brennan, Barrie garage proprietor, was more or less incriminating when he identied the `;generator which had been been taken from Boot.h s possession by the pro- vincial police as one he had repatr- ed for Reid, Magistraite Jeffs in pass- ing judgment said that on the evi- dence produced, he did not think any court would convict, and dismissed Hm mm Rnnth was defended by cuuru \\ Uunu Uvllv ; the case. Booth was J. R. Boys. ACCUSED OF FRAUD IS REMANDED TO DEC. 27 nu} mdefehnded Vby -George Joseph MacDonald, who came before Judge Wismer in the - Sessions of the Peace Monday, an- cused of obtaining $20.75 under false pretenses with intent to de- fraud, was remanded until Dec. 2'1. :'I`he offence was committed Dec. 28, 1929, when MacDonald succeeded in cashing a cheque at the local branch of the Royal Bank for the above sum. court on Nov. 21st, after the police had spent nearly a year in trying to locate him, he elected to be tried by judge and jury. MacDonald, who is pleading not guilty, is being When he appeared in police ` defended by Alex. Cowan. SWARRIE ENJOYED *1 g: coon HEALTH } an DURING 1930; f,;1 - l . . . n! M.O.11. Reports 1 1'eVent1011lA 1 ;\[c1'11ods Employed are 1 Showing Results. l s 4 v- x. |Y 'bl.`l't`U1'U opulcu ...... .. 1 Chickenpox _ Mcas es .. g 1 (1 Ronfh undo!" 5 V1`S.\ Scarlet rever ............. .` (under Smallpox ................... .. Whooping Cough .. Re2'ist1`a!"s Live Birth ........... .. Still Births Total Birth ......... .. Deaths, 0-1 year `ng uougn .......... .. ~. Registrar s Statistics ` Res. N natxsucs Non-Res. 132 55 A 9 4 136 of collecting and distributing. 5 The town was divided wards under the following workers : Wardi 1, Mrs. J. F. Nelles and Miss A. Shouldice; ward 2, Donald MacLaren . and A. Malcomson; ward 3, Mrs. Creswicke; ward 4, Mrs. J. H. Mere- dith and Mrs. H. Motfabt; ward 5, Mrs. Frank Sanders and Mrs. W. D.! Patterson; ward 6, Nixon Hurst anu Mrs. Wm. Reynolds. Miss Railton, Victorian Order Nurse, and Inspec- for John Bowman were given per- mission to work all through the .-..,.. | Barmeea} _ John Saso to Erect Fme 1-eaulrel -nu 1-r,.__- T17L.`,.L \XT.'11 Hnnizxluc BOUTS AT LOCAL TOURNEY .Draws Grood Crowd; Archie ` Thompson Unable to Hold Spruceton. One of the best` sporting events of the year took place last night in the Armouries, when a boxing tournament, promoted by Ed. Shuter, was staged by the Canadian Legion. An enthusiastic crowd attended and was well rewarded, as every bout was full of interest and good box- ing. The feature of the evening was the bout between the western Big Boy Bulmer, of Saskatchewan, and Woolley, champion of Ontario, which proved to be a real battle. ;The Legion was well pleased with the aittendiance and success of the ' enterprise, as all proceeds are for ' the relief of indigent ex-soldiers ' during the present winter. Who hnuts in detail were as fol- 1 lows : {The first bout on the card was at 120 pounds between Ferguson of Barrie and Ross of Orillia. Fergu- son took the first round on points, and in the second piled up a goocx lead with heavy body blows and several straight punches to the head. Ross tried hard in the third round, : but Fergy had the ght won easily and took no chance. In 4-Ian I.`-5 nnnnd class Fraser Of during the present wmter. fI`he bouts in lows I "mm n..=+ hnn.+ nn Hm card was 0I'_1<`ruit. lVla1'J{0t and win no 00 may by a seating` capacity 800. The best leather air cush- lbu (ioned seats are to be installed. The aomwbuildring, both inside and out, prom- forlises to be of the very latest design. uted|A-n entrance lobby 20 feet wide anu c'm*)20 feet long is planned, while the foyer of the same will be large and 5u1~c'1'oomy, with exits to upstairs wait- M311. ing and rest rooms for men and 1 women. The projection room will i be suitable for the latest types of mya] operating equipment and sound in- mm. stallation. The auditorium will have :5 01-.a floating ceiling, similar to that in jve,-;l|the new Hollywood in Toronto, Visitsiwhich is considered to be that city's finest talkie" theatre. Another natav, feature of the new show house is the indirect lighting, which is con- 'sidered the very latest. achievemeu in illumination. r'T"l.-.1; -nnur Hwnnfvrn xvlll he E1`ll'.l1'elV !C0l1l- , chance. In the 135 pound class Fraser Orillia won easily over_ Higgins of Camp Borden. Fraser led all the way in the first round. Higgins lseemed worried and lacked aggres- siveness. Fraser took the second round, but Higgins showed a little more ght. The last round started 1011' with Fraser ooring Higgins for lno count. Higgins was down twice `in this round. Fra:~:er was awarded lithe decison. ` ~ --- LL` A-....l 1.:-Assn-Ll E118 (llflllbuu. \The `third bout: on the card brought together Macpherson and Kerr, both of Camp Borden, at 125 pounds. Kerr knocked out. Macpherson after ` a half left eye. right to ijaw was the blow. I Tn the 135 nounds class, White [BAREIE HAVE 3. NEW THEATRE illumination. lThe new theatre will be entirely reproof in accordance with the new provincial cinemagraph act, and will be the only house north of To~ ronfo accoustically built for talking pictures. The large Neon canopy (and immense sign will greatly add to the already great white way on Barrie s main street. Altogether the new house will be one of the : most comfortable and attractive " theatres in the Dominion, and one that the lown will be proud of. A careful checking` over of the: at least a third more families _quiring` assistance this year 1929. There is little doubt number will increase as town. | I wears on, and the urgent the` lists revealed the fact that are\ club, is making is not Christmas cheer, but the feans purchase fuel, food, and sary, pay rent for the worthy of Barrie who have to be the hard Weather. 'V'nu urlnn ova r-nmfnrtnhlv hO11S(1l Ullu. LJGDU DU .LJJ.Lz\.1v .._~..u. lay House, VV/hich Will Seat 800. uThe exciwtemenut of the first day away at school had died away by nightfall and Peggy, young and home-loving, felt overwhelmingly homesick. But tears and hours of lonesomeness were averted by a. mother s thoughtfulness-she called Peggy by Long Distance and brought back the smiles. Now it's a weekly habit ! ' Uancer .............. .. 1'I`ota1 Deaths .... .. Maternal Deaths ` Cancer . `.n4-o'l Danika WANTED-A VOICE Twelve Pages the hard Weather. ` 1 You who are comfortably 1 and are making great preparations for a joyful yuletide, stop ; preparations long enough ; er those homes where v thought. of Christmas causes ache instead of joy, and will not need to be urged a substantial contribution Cheer Fund.