Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 6 Nov 1930, p. 8

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D 0 etc them 1..."... Ulilb situ: xll Quiet T0 ,ying all 1 U19 gamland. 00111 Do not 3 `~11 TL`l`J W(.`.~.1 r111}:;n- I Said LJJHL` Day, ,'......\.u..au, 1.`. U1 arrears. 33 Be it therefore enacted by the` ICounci] of the Municipal Corporation -101 the J."own of Barrie, and it _-ihereby enacted as follows 2 1} 1. That the a.sses.sme11t of Lhe ,:property of the First Co-opemtiw _!Packe1's of Ontario, Limited, .:`iLuu1.- _fcd in the Town of Barrie, and be- fiing` more particularly described as ,!i'o1low.s : All and singular those cer- ;tain p:.u'ce1.~: or tracts of lands and ?pren1ise.s situate, lying and being; in .`that part 01' the Town of Barrie Tcalled Allandale, in the Cgunj._v of} .'Simcoc, and being composed of Lou 1'I\'umbcred 1, 2, 3 and 4, ' | _!south Side of .lm-nwc O11 l .... .. uA\.l\. UJ -Jauuus ierrace, and `Lot Number 2 on the west side of ;Baldwin Street, in the said Town 01' i"Barrie, containing in all three acres. {more or less, be and the same is ihereby fixed at the sum of $30,000. except for school purposes for a period of ten _\'C21l'>,' from the first day of Jzmuary, 1931. 2. Provided, nowever, that should ,icl1ed`facLo1'y to go e).'e(.`1,(.'dI011ltl1C lsaid I an s in accor ance witi tie p2J.11.s `land .$[)CClCLL'll0l1b.' fail to be in oper- ation for a period of three n1onLh.~; in any year during the said ten year period the provisions of this by-law. shall be null and void and the as- sessment of the said lands for any year in which the said factory fails `to be in operatioii for a period of three months as aforesaid _sh'.1l1 in. xed at the actual value there-oi in ZL(ZCO1'(ill1(.'('Wltl1 the provision.~' of the Asscssinent Act and such 2). 3ment shall. in thm I-Vnhf mm _uLuL'e 0 (:XCpl' nuumuzuu 1, Z, 55 and {south of Ja.cob s Tcr we; th less. hp ilhrl +1`. 'z.L5.5L`.:?5!1lCnt roll, being the assessincm from for the year 1929, is $4,753,300. ' AND WHEREAS the amount of` ithu existing` debenture debt of tln.-` `said Municipality is $474,386.07, of `which no part, ei ci1ci' of principal or .`interest, is in arrears. ` nxucu MU _ Jlnterest, 1 P. M +1. 1931, upon the property of the First Co-operzLtive Packers of On tario, Limited, and being more par- |ticulz1rly described 21.5 i 0lluw.:': I All and singular those certain par- cels or tracts of land and p1'emisc.s situate and being in that part of Llu; Town of Barrie called Allundale, in County of Simcoe, and being._: lcompost,-d of Lots .\.'umbered 1, 2,| and 4 on the south side of J'.1eob`.< Terr:-J.ce, and Lot Number 2 on Lin- \\'C.5t- side of Baldwin Street, in tlu; `said Town of Barrie, containing in all Lhree acres, more or less. 1 ANN I-L1-L`DD\c< u _,e..i.; um we I11'.5L day 01' .January,| I An mo men or I asked to be present Evening Servie '1' u-.1 . - I .~u\1J W`1-i'19l{;EAS the umoun~1, oi" 'thc whole rateable property of the ;Muncipa1 Corporation of the low11 of IBarrie according to the last 1-evi.~:cd !ass(>.:'s111ent roll, being` the roll ` oJ" existing` d(:beuLu1`(* dam .-.+- ..u.. I ' ""' I [ w'HE1aEAs it is deemed expe-a-[ ient and in the intere.st.:' of thci Municipal Corporation of the Town of Barrie to provide for the xed a.ssessment of $30,00, except for school purposes, for a period 01' ten years from the rst day of January, On` 't;ario, Lin1iLed,qa11d 4+inn1....1.. .1. .- ll L11r_-;1c1v'<`2ks,U1`1`1L(:L1:eLy 0;? AND W the H: 1-;]_f;p-,;hI(; In-nnz. , , __.._.. .-V. ; By-law of the Municipal Corpora- tion of the Town of Barrie Lo x the assessment of the premises of the First Co-operative Packers of Ontario, Limited, in the Town of Barrie, at the sum of $30,000, ex- cept for school purposes, for the term of ten years. 1 nu szuu (lounczl mum lllv .|n(.`H i. 1930. BY-LAW NO. 1; null : Hm. 'I`enders will be undc-1`signe(1 for wiri` St. Vincent s Park. hu n}x+a5no;-I -F-onw- LUH SLLULCIII close of Id In: .`4..1 /v -.rn TOWN OF BARRIE ,,. ., . .u Jmpan m thi . yu-upcrauve racxers of of] xl thel years. ' wuen so ercctc three hundred vino` 111;; .~-uh! H Ullllf nplo M1`-m .,...\. id; of 1.1115 and the L nu, L.Ull'L ` said pl: To Let---Fu1'nished mun), central, all conveniences, at 73 Mulcaster St. -Jnnvu L0 empk sons in H . 6 {{.- F III! LHC and %f a`\f %`Ii!*? %,';:` I `V 9 is known the year roun..; as a. synoglym for superior meats and poultry. But now, at Tl1u.1.u1;sg'jvi11g` time, we ve outdone ourselves to present you a. wonderful choice at no more tlum usual prices. `)0 131' T'7A`D'l'.'"l'|'I'_'l' GIT! An oul:;lau1ding new e.\`perience i morlal lriangle staged in the cl swept mountain peak. lC|0I'S ch phoiogruphing scenes .eL-mingly famous aviator, diving thousands erous gorge of ice and snuw. lTl`l"r`r\T'r-rna '1-~r ... .-- -- ...` 5-ungc ul -cc and El,-IRILLS Y01{ ll ALWAYS REMEMBER! Sewing Done--.-\ll kinds. Mrs. But- tery. Phone 247j. --~.. The White Heii of PITZ PALU THE THRILLER OF EH12 AIR IS ZIERE ! Mon. ~ Tuc As. - Wed. HJm\\ .< :11 (5.3!) and Satu1'day continuous show p.111. to 11.45 13.111. Last S110 COMING~ LAST OF THE DUANES Z.aLne G1'ey .s' greatest story now on the .'.-:cree Now is _\'0LLJ` pre.s(:u1;11iu11. IT C U Held over on account of its huge success and populanty . . . . AH Quiet on the Western F ront cofci:sT -iv. Meaty Gobblers For Sale---H21ving d.':po.~;<-.-d of con- siderable of my property, l have for sale 22 head of cattle, some eligible for registration; 10 sheep and 4 horses, all in good condition. Geo. Leslie. Allandale. Phone 1010. Res. I/AL`)!/.\)oAn._- ma-4 - A 1) ml; - - - -9 -A V \.JaI.4 .\l.J. .l{Ju`hJ.\lLJu` (,`()MJ"\f\'.l]<}.\` MINES -~ BONDS STOCKS Visit the Board Room Agency C.P.R. ~ All Steamship Lines Gordon M. Stevenson 1010. km I-n. ,,__. __.__.r `as; ...a. Ernst Udet, famous I."/iator or the W stars in this picture. Sw Il1<~`>71n~-Izzvli--IJ HM` .\ir .-\ _l)r:1m.-1 Yuu'H _Nt'\'t`J' I"nI`;,",`l - van. Geese and Ducks in pm.I'u.sjun u\\'ui1 u1,lJ'jJLl1l`<) For Thanksgiving EHOICEST MEATS OF` AT.T. TITRTTW ----v:1 T If Not ~- You Should Be! FIRE -~ ACCIDENT - LIFE -- AUTOMOBILE - "'tIiv- - --~ CARL `'2EL'.IzABETH s'r. { For Sa1e--Kitchen range, burns coal or wood, in good condition, cheap. Apply 92 Owen S t., Barrie. .. v .. \J;u.\JJJJ...LI.EJ " INSURANCE new e.\'pel'lellL`8 In screen Dru clouds on (I f peak defying death... menes iunpossible. diving thousmuds of fun! II 111.51 (ahumze to sue LAEMMLI-3 p1~esent.s MEATE- OYFT- ALL KINDS -s - Tender Chickel 5) 11.111. TI` H U11 :11ow startnlg at 1.30 Show at night at 9.30 ..._,...5 ...-.u.. umu.-rzunen iuIpossH)le..` Ernst Udet, ` of feet through a treach- `JJLSJJAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1930 Home Laundry Dom.----.\'ot2hing` but soap and water used. Called for and delivered. Phone 1056, from 12 to 1 or 5 to 8, 17 Sophia St. east. % 1'J1i.~: faH14)11>` Chickens . :'C1'G11 ..lhe im- ..A.. VVanted--Position as keeper at once. App Advance. norses, an m goc Leslie, Allandale. water used. Callpri OCTOBER BUILDING PERMITS COVER SMALL REPAIR!) Rev. J. Johnstone Black, Nlinistor Thanksgiving Sunday, .11 ,-Lnml CENITFRAL gauxc Page Eight .4 . \..un,~. uu; v n.:: p.1u. Twelfth Armistice Anniversary Memorial Service 1?i1r.)\\ UYJ. .1 T\ -v -`- - V 1ncent's 1 8.l`K. obtained from D I . Love, Chairman Parks Commission. Grant U: -Position working` house- Apply Box B, ___.-_ v_-- (Elizabeth Street) Rev. E. R. Young, B.A., J. Andrew Wigglnz, Choir _\n,;,.,_.. `I r`::I._._ .`-`-I{ 013 TENDERS u.L .v-auons; Ior all; rar brought .su'er1ng.: ilence. placmg wreath, win` T.-.a=+ `D,.,+ ......:` Us Thy Y the congregatioxli : Sunday mo1'nmg.l n'nn_.'7 n rn V. v nun. PL-ace"--Culcott ` ,1 1.. received by the ring for lighting. Particulars may _the nu: l\ aace ' ` --I-La nrich ] E jHocKEY CLUB EXECUTIVE GETTING READY FOR SEASON` I-U \ Two run ` Mr. W. McDe1'm01.t, employed by} the lniperial Oil Co. at its Titn SI. `plant, had the misfortune to suffer} ;injury to one of his hands, caused {by 21 belt slipping while he was en-; -gage-(l in operating,` one of the pumpazi `He was Lakcn to the hospital, where, jseveral stitches were found neces- :sary. l -\ nnnah..:- nf n-(I 4'..:,...,1. -1` xx- .1 number 01 gm Florence Baler gath {on Cuznberland St. inur and vn-aannhu-I ` 11118.1 . day 'nv~4 . measure us (:0I1 tt:lltS, when in some? way he lost his balance and fell 21? dhstunce of about 25 feet. lixalnin-I union showed no bones broken: but he 11-as been conned to bed to re- cupe1'uLe from the severe shakingl TIYI Miss Alice Whitney returned to her home in Collingwood after spend- ing the past. month with her aunt, Mrs. Harry Tomlin, Burton Ave. = Rev. A. R. Holden visited >Caledon ljust over the week end. Mr. Bert Kendrick is in the city; for a couple of days. The unit selector on the new ` 3l`Llll.>`\\'1(.`k Radio is an exclusive teature. Inveaigate its merits at` ".\'1c1saac s radio shop. Mr. Geo. Tompkins of Toronto is visitiiig his parents for a few days. ` Mrs. Chas. Tompkins has returned` `home after undergoing an operation {in the Orillia hospital. ; Have All the News thaL s Fit to `Print delivered to you every Thurs-` `day. Subscribe for The Advance. Read the Ads. in The Advaiiee and buy from home l11C1`Cha!lLS. i\'o better values, dollar for dollar, any- .where. f Mr. Art lrugli, loculxageiit for the (13 ...:t. 1 l\1l\:)";ll] .,.4 ...i,.,4 ,,,,-,, ii C1 l\ .C. .LV`Ll'. :11 lmpcnal hnvu hum ua_\ unu Tiin St the top HHJQSYI I'll \.\.u app1 R1 Mrs. Bradley and dauhgter 01 Parry Sound are visiting with Mrs. Appleton, Burton Ave. Mr. Albert Kelcey was home over the week end. \,1.. and \/1.... Q LI,...,.4:.\1.: :1`. nu. co11{er;;;% .}a:tedChufci1[*: J. Black. l\/Iinisnu uu: ween end. Mr. and Mrs. S. Horseld of To- ronto spent the week end with Mrs. G. Firman, Burton Ave. The F'(HH\ `R1-urilou n-F l)4n..... . r1rI11an, .Du1'Lo11 Ave. ! Miss Edith Bradley of Parry! Sound is visiting at the home ofi Mrs`. A. Clark, Sanford St. WT)`: Gun Rrmarn and 4`-nnilu n.4- .u1`.<. :1. b1a.1`K, oanlora DI. Mrs. Geo. Spearn and family visit- <.-d friends in Collingwood on Sun- day. M <.\' AH:-:4 \.V1n'1m_u 1'uI'I1I~nurl t.-. \. Luu UL'1'1ullU DE. and presented FUN-nl},< I\.ll.'\.l L)` from r poin 'p.:}1h1 en y......- ' szLvR"KNN1vE'ARY` -w\.w.,u u ax. morni11g 11 S1. Mr. Ann A4` .....\ Ag. umuuage. I :' England held their an-j Nation of officers on 'l`ue=- ng. The meeting was well! >_\' local member.~:, and visi-i Collingwood. Orillia and 11.5 were present as wel1. 111:` and :1 _nnI..I xnau H JLLUI1 OI 1 week with her p re`. Chas. Gormg. Pugh, local agent I, met with what might` 1 .serious accident on Fri-I g last at his plant on! Mr. Pugh had climbed to me of the huge t.ank.'~: to, contullts, when in some his hnlnm-n gnu! fall -H UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA ldt, ..\0V'. 1.51, g\. Luck. 215 Bmdfo hp zilx-raw -.1 nh ua..;~n \.u, _suppc \ n in girl friends of L\/I155! Lhered at her home t. on Monday even-`i 1 her with a mis- ' in honor of he iacrp ` The members` of the Barrie W"o-l so1ne`mcn"s Institute will present Howi H00 zllthe Ladies harmed their Dollar in! feel . Exalilin-lthe B.C.I. Auditorium on Thursday,3 as butlDec. 4th, in aid of V.O.I\'. and com-1' I0-`munity work. 1`icket;~; may be ob-: shakingltained from Mrs. Jacobs or any 011 ltlw mnmhm-< Adnh. om. ..L.!1.I..A..l vxuuuwu L/U of Torontov parents.: yrino 3 mu 2:. u11S- ` [or her} Galne 0v [been on the ;u1- thL` past we-cl ; 1;ion of nets ;' wg-]!`pu1'tie.'~: guilt), , v1,;j-Or1t;u'io -G;am )1-illia and;Sun1mons ha` 6 I5 ! `Iif\ 7'|1.r.|1:~:rl ...:11 -`cow-1 our or `rm; KITCHL-LN" IS HILARIOUS COMEDY 3 O\'e1'.sccl' .`vIcGrcgor has (been go continually during `the \\'(:L`k and llla` a ne collec- ltion and guns seized from; ;lpu1'tie.'~: guilty of infractions of the; jOntario Game and Fisheries .'-Xc1..: Summons have been issued and the accu.5(-2d will be required to appear `in court at Barrie Nov. 7th and 17itl1, rand at Collingwood Nov. 10-th. Horace Wilson, A.R.C.O. /Jrzanist and Choirmaster Sunday, Nov. 9, 1930 'l`H.A1NKSGvI\7'IN`G AND AR;\1JST"ICE SERVICES 11 a.m.--Public Worship N Anthn-m--L'11Lo Thee, O God, We :Give Thanks --VVe_ .L.... " " \ ,, urw . [-\u\'. iuui, an 11 am. Rev. J. J.` llilack will preside and Rev. E. R. Young will give the address. The; l'.'url. Silver Salvation Army uml will be in uLLcn(lancc and Col. 3Sau11 will :1 ln~ir.f' .,..m..,.-. ltil Wt.-dnesday, Nov. 12th. g~ In police court Thuixsday 1)LOJ.'.'lll1g':` Blake Slllltll, of New Lowell, chzu'g-! ed with breach of the L.C.A., plead- led guilty and paid a ne of $15 and `costs, a1noumin:.: in all to $22. Geo.l ,lThompson, also of New Lowell, was lclizwgcd with driving with 1na1'ke1`.+-I `other than those isued to the can; and \\`2l.S remanded for hca1'ing un- iuuutiu 11-om Mrs. Jacobs ;the member". Adults 25c, children? 1 F ' _`lD(.`. Hot fowl supper and grand con i cert, Stroud United Church, Friday} Nov. 7th. Supper 5.30 to 8 p.m., Concert in Community Hall. Miss` ;Kathleen England, costume soprano; iand humorist, and Toronto artists,; ;pianist, accompanist, violinist and; ' i I For thrills you ll always 1'e111cm- ber, see The White Hell of Pitz `Paluf . staged in the "clouds of a frozen, storm-.s\vept mountain peak.,$ `Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday ah} the .\'e\\' Dreamland. ;1 \ E 2 See the show 01' shows, All on the Western Front, playing this week at the New Dreamland. lit 11-as never been equalled, not] :miss it. . Chief Steawrt has issued a w-arn- ting that unless poll tax defaultera ;come across within the nxrt few sdays, blue tickets will be issued to 5 them. I I I i Prof. .\'IcDonaId, of the University \of l`oroni;o, will address the members loi' the Women s Canadian Club] .`Tl1u1~.~;day evening, Nov. 13th, in: `Library Hall. I ! The Victorian Order of Nurses {held a very successful rummage sale E1151 Saturday, when the .substantial isum 01' $102 was realized. I lVlCIllUl'li Anthe1n--I-Iyn1n Quamc-tLe--Hc 1 1n\u:r1 Q] (\:.r\ E JXUUIJ V\ (:`U iplay, y.-\.n speare, b) -auspmes Ba: E Auditorium. Keep low Lu HUI DC 1 mders offering` -,;< a Hospital. Ill?-`Lu ` Mr. f'..`nI Wednesday, Nov. 12, for the An Evening with Shake- bv H1:-`I Kinrretnn 111-2171;.- .-u1 nvemng wmn Shake- by the Kingston players, Barrie Collegiate. Collegiate Lmn. LOCALS nunity 'l'hu.11k.sgiving held in Collier St. on Thanksgiving at 11 Rev. nrp.-iyh, unrl Dr... E \-u'c11"LC'I;T.---"1310 UXYGLD His Be~ . loved Slcep"---Mrs. Laidman,j Mrs. Page. Mr. Pickering, Mr.; Knox. Solo-The Ph_ant.om Legions" -Mrs.? Horace Wnlson. j Special prayer for Canada, the; Empire, League of Nations; for all` t.-0 `\\'h0D1 T.h\`- \\'m- 'h1`nno-Bv .-n`e..-:nn- All uuuullklalluc anu L01. g;n'c a brxcf a.ddrcs.<. `.;'()':S to the Royal Vic -..- --..-....., er the person: M115. Horace ;e Audi't,oriun ',.v Ia ..+ :u1:. CHI.` 15 Qua-un s and 1-1. 1..,::.... n "LuU1'L0 18th, l1,I..,.. The i\'o1me1;n Amuuce ___._____.______ HUI riday n-nv-,4 nazs` ard -u...... ..;n,u I pres< l'("D Iollis nu Womc )(`nn 4- 4~ -u;v\. .~1nthem--(

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