For Sale-Having disposed of con-l0: siderable of my property, I have for: sale 22 head of cattle, some eligible` for registration; 10 sheep and 4i horses, all in good condition. Geo. Leslie, Allandale. ~ HOCKEY MEETING `A. W. Smith, Town Clerk. `lg UH Ul H5 1,'H(`|'}.'_`Hf.`<. 11 thv p,I,Ibli(-uliun uml Om: book, until In-4 I (3250 l:Ln;:u:u:<-;-. nml in far in 1.-xm-ss of II` "In-J L-:.Il " l>.... B.C.I. NOTES ll llIl`ULlll_L1'- 'I.S. boys (7 \' < w i 7` hu:~`im-.<.~` ht'fO!'(` the. n f'1.x\n..-Ivn: `1n,| Revision for th:- ls mzzxinst thv :x.<.-r~.-.~ n` 1930 will hold its! l(,` Cmlmil Ch:1ml)m',' V:-lock in the forw- -".:1y. Ocfnhvl` '.Jt" v why :1 grant or. um-r I` VI-.'H` KIVIII IQ!` I15 1,'(`I'}.'_`iU.`\ : IH1-nlinn um! .-pececlu-;~'. r\r\n1--- `J \ To'r1ishe(1 room, central, all`: conveniences, at 73 Mulcaster St. ` ymu. mul (Hr :-l::_\' I In: LUl' and i Durnulg ucavca uu .uv....u...... ! Citizens are requested to refrain; ifrom burning leaves on the z1. |p:1\'0ment;.~,', as the heat is injurious r!to the asphalt and cement of the icurb. { ., r\.-r .u n -L ,,,, -r,___|__ 3 : .\c.=,. vu ......- .........., . .... .- T Children are \\'arnud against t1'c.~:- '1 passing on the Czmadizui National 5 Railway property. The 1'z1il\\'z1y `-`autlioritics um: zmxious to pre\'m'_ L accidents and have directed attention * to the danger that exists in children tlwalking; on he track or 1)l21_VlI1_`.:` 1 z,1`0un(l the can on the sidiiigs. I ,1 _t r)-I:,_ A n. . (`I I want to talk to I<`inl21mr.' Sounils 1lll1`(':l.s`0Tl:ll)l('. loes11't it? But it is only one of ninotm-n litur- opozm countries now available by Hvln-pliono. us well as most of 1710 America.<. Universal telephony Is: nearer than many think. | --_-_ L The 33rd annual meeting` of tiic-I` Corporation of the Royal Victoria` Hospital will be held at the hospitziil on Tuesday next, October :28, at 4, ip.1n., to receive reports and elect ;trustoos. This meeting" is open to. `the citizens of Barrie and (list.1'ict |zm(l a hearty invitation is extended to any inte1'(:ste(i. S. W. Mnnre. Presideni l Burning Leaves on Pavements IV. < _..,\ ....,...,..+mI 4,. ..n+`\-.. Lu Keep Off the Railway Tracks r*1.:1,1..,\.. ..v....n...l an-nenm` 1|`: J. 1!) an Public Worship--Thc Minisrter .-\nthem--In the Cross -Miller. Soloist, Miss Bessie DeHart i So1o--Se1ected, Bliss Sadie Bremner n We are now showing !he1931 models. They are the most beautiful ieces ol cabinet work we ave ever seen- McLagan selected a special walnut and exclusive nish for these cabinets. See them at CALLIDEC. ANYWHERE HOSPITAL MEETXNG `.4. r - Phone 1 081 mu. L(:|..` uu nu, -'A\|||Ab- A. Stewart, Chief of Police. THE WEATHER 1'(_-.~7Leu. S. W. Moore, President. H. A. Sims, Secretary. WARNING _'U 29 -n, ._.:__ . Low High Ruin Snuwl 36 53 ~- ~ I '3: Kl! n `) , _ ( - ru... Sunday School in a11(1epznwtn1entsi and Adult Bible Classes. -ll) 23) , .__. -\\ H. B u I/LL'l`)'.- (H ..n (35 (H 158 an `I 1 -l(i -1n .11) :39 Qt) 50 rm: ; This service will have interest for our youn pgeople. Special music by` the choir and bright congregational .-ining of familiar hymns. | Subject; : , The Dirge of a Wrecked Life ` .-\ntl1em--Jeru. --Pa1`ker _ Solo-Selected. ! I 1r 1 , does11't. < mnei nf 1.`).- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1930 Ori11ia s population i ow-r the 8,,000. This mark that has been :the war. An increase taxable ass0:~:.<:n1ent is 2 LVU. Hz) Allandalc 1 NO. ox Allandnlc I M... M glVeIl oy -scnooi nurse. ` Children in primary classes will be "immunized by the Medical Oicer of |Hea1th. Older children are advised [to go to their family physician for lsame. --Dll' -JOHII DUIIHUI` I Chorus-Br<:u.k Forth Into I Joy -Simpc1' SOI0-Ho\\` Lovely urn Thy Dwc1]in;:.~'," M1'.<. R. Urry Help CenLrzxl" iinish Lhv y-m` with. :1 hulzmccd budgm A cordial welcome to all 'l'ues(lz1_v. :':.I .0 p.m., Church 'l`e:1 and Entc-rtztinment, under 2lUSpiC(.`S of the Women's Association. , _j. Immunization of school children [against diplnzlleria will be administer- ed's month at the various town schools. Notice of same will be given by -`school nurse. Children in nrimnrv r-lnczpc will has DIPHTHERIA IMMUNIZATION BARRIE BUSINESS COLLEGE Nightgchooi- Monday and Thursday Nights 7.30 to 9.30 NQ Classes--Each Taught Individually. I)Ll('\l\I!_` AA: NEW C.N.R. TIME-TABLE A. T. Little, M.O.H., Barrie. 1.1.10. Meaford Line arrives in Barrie 9.05 a.m. m'1'ives in Barrie 5.08 p.m. `_ leaves Barrie 9.45 a.m.-, 11.25. I loaves Barrie 7.10 p.m.; 7.50. ' From Toronto arrives in Barrie at 12.20 arives in Barrie at 11.25 Notice is hereby given that the! list of lands now liable to be sold for arrears of taxes in the County of Simcoe has been prepared and is being published in an advertisement in the Ontario Gazette upon the 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th days of August, 1930. (`.nnr-g nf maid licf. nf lnnale nr ml. arrives in Barrie at 7.52 nun-vnuuuuyo PHONE 445 Barrie Barrie Barrie IS UIICG IIIOYE ; is the highest reached since 2 of $27,855 in also reported. 9.05 5.U8 7 p.m.--Rev. E. R. Young , B.A. Subject--`"I`ho Silent Ob.'e1'ver, llark xii, 41. | Amhr.-n1-Lea\'e L'.< Not, .\'eilh<.-1-| For.~'ake Us Q1 Tn}-nu Q9-.1... p.m.-Sunday School. ` 8.40 2.07 4.40 HER, LOU], ZOFU EJJIU OUDH ULIYS 01 T I \'oti<-r: is hereby given pursuant, Copes of said list of lands or :ul- to the l`2'u;<>t-r- Act that all persons` vertisement can be seen in my o{ee%l1.'wim: (:l.'lim;< n;.r:1in.-L the estate ofv or will be mailed upon making up-';\l:1til(l:x l*`erg'u.'on, late of the town- plication for same. In default of ship of l*`..~'.<:1, in the Counmy of Sim-l zyment of taxes as shown on . widow, deceased, who died on` t, on or before l`hursrla.y. the Gthior about the 13th day of .-Xugrusit. day of November, 1930, at the hour1l030. are requested to send particu-' of two o clock in the afternoon. Hlzn-.2 of their claims to the under- shall be at that time in the Council signed on or before the rst day ()l4 Chamber. Court House, Barrie, On-,Novembe1', 1930. after which (late: tnrio, proceed to sell by public auc- the E.\'ecutor.= will distribute the as-, tion the said lands to pay such zm sets of the estate. having re,e'zu'(l onlv rears. togetlier with the rtharges to the claims of which they slznll mereon. ,then have notice and will not be wr- D. H. Coleman. sponsible to any others. Trnnsur-an-, Cnnnfv nf Sly-n:-no.` nnfll nit `Raw-in thin RH1 rlsur hf` Monday ! Simcoe Presbytery Mi.~:sionary and .\Iai11t<:nanc<: banquet u.t Collier St. United Church, 6.15 p.m. Right Rev. Dr. Edmund Oliver, Ph.D., Mod- erator of the United Church of Can-i ada, will address the delegates. i 8 p.m.-Pub1ic Meeting 1 D1`. Oliver, recently elccted M0(1-i erator of United Church, will address the United Church constituency of Barrie and district in the church auditorium. ` 1 i onermg Special Se1'm0n.< 'I`}mnk` For Sa1e-Kit;chen range, burns coal; or wood, in good condition, cheap.| Apply 92 Owen St., Barrie. } - (Elizabeth Street) I Rev. E. R. Young, B.A., Pastor { J. Andrew Wigg1m, Choir Director Mrs. E. Richzwdson, Organist Sunday, October 26, 1930 ` Church Anniversary and Thank- ` offering Services Qnnn1'n1 Qnm-n1nn< (`hrn'r-n \Tn' UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA? IYICTCOII. | L 5 Treasurer, County of Simcoe Treasurer's Umce. Court House.`( darne. Untarzo. the 28th day ofj lily, I Rev. J. Johnntone Black, Minister Horace Wilson, A.R.C.O. Organist and Choirmasrter Sunday Oct. 26, 1930 11 ...... Sale of Lands For Arrears of Taxes .pec1a1 DC1'1Tl0H>' \.I'10I(.'(' .\luSIC Thankofferings 10 a.m.-C1ass Meetmg. 11 a.m.-I{cv. E. R. Young , B.A. Subject-W1LLI\'GLY 1 Chron. xix, 9, 14, 17. Anthe1n-The Lord is My .f.rpno+.h _._7\Tnnr-L .-\TlLn(:1Tl-- 1 ne pom 1.< .u y i Strength --Monck ! S01o---Sclccted, Miss Awln.-y Clif- Th I Page Eight CENTRAL CHURCH In the County of Simcoe T0 WIT: I For Sa1e-Quebec cook stove, quar-I ter cut oak davmmort, quarter cut: oak bureau, large n1ir1'o1'_. bed steads, good sp1'in;;s. and n1uttesse`s, antique: Jacques and Hay bed.<:tead, antique` walnut (zhuirs, chcstereld chair, small" tables, steel engravings, rug2<, hand-: painted c}n'a and wedgewood, oil` p21intin,:s. ~M'rs. Cllas. A. P(.-1'kin.<, 9-'1: Mary St., Barrie. > 1 J5 --S1r John Stzunur .1; T4`I\\v.-`1 Ink J Choice Music nrru 1 Clllzll, an`, ster 1 - }nt5" rciatives. 1110 oriue wore a De coming` gown of blue georgette triin- nied with lace, fox fur, gun metal lye-tockings and black satin shoes. The bridesmaid was Miss Dora Jay, who by ml with gun metal shoes and stockings. .Thc groomsinan was Mr. Geo. iTrask, brother of the bride. The gifts were, to the bride a handsome ,black leather purse, to the brides- iniaid a piece of silver, and to the _g`roomsman a brocaded satin scarf. After the ceremony a dainty lunch H rke r lowing which the happy couple left 10d- for a. brief honeymoon trip to Cree"- j,m_.nioi-e and Niagara Falls. Upon their return they will reside in Barrie. V,IOd_` MARRIED .1` i " `3 UL` I `.'PV._._T?. -\ VNW1?_nn Q51! I11'f``l\Y was served at the bride s home, fol-7 LU]. auuu '(|Il CVUIIU CLILLL xuuuu 5UU'_I may be accomplished with the sup- 'port of all Sunday School, ithe Ontario Boys Work Board, who `will be assistctl by other leaders of boys. gingr undertaken by a committee of men and older boys `the churches and Y.M.C..-\.. of Mid- gland. It is anticipated about 200 boys will be in attendance. The first day of the convention will be devoted to reg`i:~:teriiig' the (lelegates and an evening: sessioii in St. .\Iai'k .= Parish Hall. Saturday lthcrv will be four addresses and dis- `cussion by the boys, reports by mem- ;bers of the Older Boys Parliament on the year's work, followed by dis- nimcinh, Church . _ and Y.M.C..-\. workers in the county`. ~ , This conference is being` directed. The work of promotion is be-- wore a gown 01' navy blue georgette by M13 C- F- Plewmiilh =`0Cl`<$31`Y 0f|` 1 representing ' 1 I n 1 The annualthankoeng nwung iof the Presbyterian W.M.S. was he-Idi in the basmnent of the churdi on ,the evmng of Oct 15L A.spbn-i 1 did program_/ was given, which was ' n1uch apprecuued by the nnany nicnr ,bc1'.< and visitors p1'csem;. Mrs. Alex. 1;Singer of Barrie gave an interest-3 Ling and much apprecizuted address,` 5 `and Mrs. Chas. Cockburn 1'cn(lered uf _`chightfu1 solo. Iiefreshnients xyere .`scrved at the close of the lneeting, "iuhidi was condered one of the` niost successful in the lnstory of the local branch. The olfering amount- t`,c-(l to over $50. 1 -.~ \I.- on]! 1`/[vs \I7n\- \T\- T Lnruugu ha UCUUC. |' romo. 1 ' *' ' Mr. and Mrs. C. Thorington z1nd`g)t`82I`)8]t1l:' ;,duug`hte1` have left for Beeton, where V , 0` `they \\'ill reside tihis winter`. `:: ire1$g5 ,1 Mr. (aeo. Losllo has dxsposed 01 61,200 feet of his valuable lake front "property and two cottages at Big 1,Bay Point to Mr. Ross Sheppard, ':ba1'riste1', of Toronto, and Mr. T. 4 EIC. Coupe also of '1`o1-onto. lplease 19' , Rewzlrd. rm. 1.1,. .. l\..:.~..... Lost-Lad on Clappe McDonald l IA Ward Six Live News ! Mrs. Wm. Long of Niagara Falls,` `and Miss Grace Lemon of Toronto |attended the Lemon-Trask \vc-(ldingl `on Wednesday. 5 N11-, and M1'. W. Rusk hnvv re- on wecmesaay. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rusk have re-` |Lurned after a pleasant motor trip 3 through Quebec. 9 x 'I`hp nnmml f.hnnkn'm'in9` n1(-.1-~1imv' V.,..,..., ...W \IJ. M,.\....... , _ C0l]. progress is boinggl made on the new eighteen-hole golf 1 _ course which is being laid out on` ` lproperty recently purchased by as 1,.` golf syndicafe from Mr. Geo. Leslieg. `and Mr. J. R. Brown, west tow11;J_ limits and Essa road. It will be 1 vcompleted and in splendid condition,] for th(- opening of the 193.1 .~:nz1s0n.E 1 Phone 1056. ` I Boarders and Roomn.-rs Wanted--g Central location, 17 Sophia S`t., east. The marriage of two very popular 'young people of the community was Lsollemnized at 3 o clock Wednesday; afternoon, Oct. 22nd, when My1`t.1c[ Marie, second daughter of Mr. and` Mrs. Joseph T1'a.=k, Cumberland St.,! Allandalo, was united in n1a1`1`iage; `Ito `Hr, nnnu'In:< lnmnn Tho 1-mm- .c-u to over aau. Mr. and Mrs. Weir visited Mr. J. Hoover at C1'aig'v-ale last Sunday. I` My-<, (Tlnfp snpni. Klnndav in Tn- |l100V(1' ELL k;l'llgV"cll l'd.$E mummy. : Nhs. Clute spent llonday in To- } ron$o. NI`. 1111!` Nine I` T`lnm'v~.n~+nn unrl ".-\llandalc, united Inarriagcg . n _ . l !to M1". Douglas Lemon. The ce1'e- T1191? 15 bung` held }11 Mlfalldi lmony was performed in the Anglican `NOVK 14, 15 and 10, the flrst Snncoei $Church by Rev. A. R. Holden and` COUUW 01d91`B0.Vb C0f0_1`1`C? 51999 {was attended only by close f1'ien(l.sl1925. Many 1091 WU tlme 15- Del land relative.<. The bride wore a belf01` such all OVOII5 811d_ much 3005]` meta1'P01`t %5,ocki11gs county. 1M.:,:,m....:.x VfI.lVI` n,...,. 1.... "71... Tl-mic r-nn+'n1-nv1:-r- I-c lxnlnrr rlivnl-fnri. Notice is hereby given pursuant: to the Trustee Act that all person. having claims against the estate of Hu;:`n Ilunry Crv.<:\\'icke, late of the Town of Barrie, in the County of! Simcoe, Solicitor, deceased, who die-d~ on or about the 23rd day of Septcm-i ber, A.D., 1930, are requested to send particulars of their claims to the undersi,~:5ned on or before the 25th day of October, 1930, after: which date the executrix will distri-, bute the assets of the estate, having, regard only to the claims of whic.I14 .~he shall then have notice, and will` not be: responsible to any others. ` Dated at Barrie this: 2nd rlnv nf . DRURY--R.-\YNER-On . Oct. 18, 1930, at ', Church, Waterloo, 1 l?`in(lley Mzxthoson, Margaret Helen Eullalu. only dauprhter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank to Jae. Varley, ;<.e(.-ond son of Hon. li. C. and .\Ir.<. Drury, Crown j Hill, Ont. Saturday, the United 5SAl.F_ OF` mun pnpvnclr by the Rev.` {aynr-r, of Allandaleh [.110 years \V0l'K, I.OJl0\V('3(l Dy (llS'| cussxon. _ _ ! ` A Tuxis concl-ave banquet; In th'.:: evening will cap 21 busy day. I The Sunday sessions will includei {church services morning: and even 1 ing, and a mass meeting: for older ;boys in the afternoon. A closingl conference session after the L`\'CI`llI`l,`. _,i `church service will conclude thew l`tlirc-e-(lay conference. J I \v'II I ~ .- .1 |n0L us: responsmle to others. at Barrie this 2nd day or [October, 1930. I Boys & Boys, Barrie, Ont., I | Solicitors for the Executr-ix.l ESALE 01-` DUAL PURPOSE SHORTHORN CATTLE, ETC. Mr. Morley Beath, lot 26, conces- sion 1, Oro, one mile east of Dals-l` `ton, will hold a sale of all his farm] `stock and implements on Tuesday,` Nov. 11th. The stock includes 17' hnud of dual purpose Shorthornf cattle, as well as 10 head of well` lm-(l ;:r:ulc- cattle. Sale at l p.m. 3 ........ a. run. unu5., lUlUIllU SPECIALIST EYE, EAR, NOSE AND '1`HI .O.-\Ti _..:I1 1, I 5I)0llSlUlL` _ Dated ` October. 1 Rnva Home Laundry Done-.\Inthing but`, soap and water used. Called for. and delivered. Phone 1056, from 12 to 1 or 5 to 8, 17 Sophia St. east.':} .--.., ..... uu-.114 .n.\:1 llllN\J.'1l xyvill be at the WELLINGTON HOTEL, BARRIE Every Other Saturday 9 `In 11 :1 m DR. WALTER H. WOODROW r of the , , 1'.~'1 . EITHER SE)` $75 wEE"LY EASY I`.:1rr<-. at n .=cHin5_r Palco Products. Sonwtlxing 11001` cm nsible c1i'-rent. _Fa; _so!h'-r.< and mom! r:\-[ 1030. Mted at Barrie this 8th day of peatc-1'.-'. Exclusxve tm'1'}tuic_~'. Free` P:11'li._< ober. 1930. Isamples. P. A. Lefebvrc & Com-I ("curt nil . Boys & Boys. Barrie, Ontario, armny. Limitwi. Box 2. .-\l0xzn`nl1`I:1, ('01'(Y1,L`l_\'. Solicitors for the Executors. Ont ' Medical Art Bldg., Toronto QDWFT \ T TGTTV NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS LEMON-TRASK Chief Stewart has sta1`Led his full` drive for the poll Lax. ,. 3! Alex. Cowznl has moved his lnwl oicc to the Masonic block buildimr, [,`Ow(m St., this \\'n after occupyilnz "ythc szune oict-, in the I-limls hlock ; for over thirty years. Keep Saturday, Nov. ls-t, for Vic- torian Order Rtnmnagre Sale. .~\ny- lone having good used clothing 01" other articles to contribute please phone Nlrs. A. F. Lit.tle, 21$), Mrs.a ' McNiven, 231, or Mrs. T11rnbuu,] 1105. - i Wanted-Position as working: house- keeper at once. Apply Box B,"g Advance. l Miss Hillel`, who l`1u.- l)(!\:ll :1.<.+i. 'zmt at the Orange O1'pl1:1n:u.-:9, Rich- mond Hill, has been em.;`:u._-`ctl :15} matron at the Cl1ild1'cn .s' Shelter um!` llwill aasume her lutivs next momh.| V 1 Come to a meat supper at Centrzu `United Church by the W.A. Tuesday, Oct. 28th. Supper served from 5.30 L1-n 32 nm 11 vnn rmnrz, f'nHn\vA'-HI hv 'UC[. ZOU1. DlJ.ppEl' b'tll'VU. J.l`Ul1l 0.0U to 8 p.m., you come, followed by la. good prog`1'am. Adults 50, chi]-A "(iron 25c. L Lost-Lady s wrist watch, somewherugo Clapperton, Ross, Sophia, Perry, c Sts. to Ferndale. Finderm `please return to 34 Clapperton St.!i `Rewzml. Phone 666. !c : --- : ; A very ixrt.e1'esting' time was en- {joyed by those present at on open `meeting of the Central Young Peop1e s Society Monday evening,i `iwhen the members presented a mus~I -ical programme. Different countries} were represented in song and recita-Ir tion, some in native tongue. Those nx-L.;;.n1-mi mm-n l7.n:rInnd. Ireland. 1 P00P10'5 even1ng'l\\U']l`l1(11os(e)V('i11: 1 few of tho 1'e'1 !\\.hen presented m1_1s~ gwhy {he `B`)',it`N1 `and F0,.(,i}_,,n `B`ib],",| -Dlbrent Countl-qeS1Society' h'1< c<`)}nmitted itslf to th5 3" reclta-it'1=k of tr('1.ns'1)I'mtin0` Du};l{=I1in` anr: Om native Tho? d(i.`t1~il)utin(rAt'11i(s onrzybooki without Pwsented were England Irelan no-tc or co`mm:-nt at 21 price that the Scotland, Canada, France, Germany, I *:j - .11] ink. t} tzn .`]u' ! ihe ,:;::.~ gr; a ! MEETS IN MlDLANDlgope1 story. Last year alone the so- = 0` ' dist1'ibut0(l over 12,000,000 is 111 M1_dland~ ~` 5 f H S .- t . S_ , !.\'o\r, 1.1,_; arid 1(75,17theF1'st Sxmcoc Copm 0 1e cup me 3 `Unemployed Residents of |Town of Barrie kindly reg- iister at the Ofce of the i-Town Clerli as soon as pos- `sible. . arlu X.iVl.L/.:\. \VOl'KL`l'S lll bll(:` CULIIIL) . directed of be ` cussion. _\ 'l"nvL- nnnnl-nu. l`-n~.,.nno in H-in , .L':.Aua_v uLu.'Luuuu u_y \4Ull.\LclU1U L)dlLl'| .win and brought back to Barrie on ia charge of evading his bill at the Simcoe Hotel, J. H. Morrison plead - ed guilty before Magistiate Je'.< `up for heariiig. Morrison that his employer made `rangements at the hotel and he thought he would pay the bill. The fact that he and two 0tl1e1'.~' who were working as orders in the .plio-tograiphs, sereptitiously `hotel and some of their goods be- hind them wen-t against Morrison iwhom the magistrate claimed mus: claimed left. the was party to the get-away. =iVIonday morning` when his case came` all the ar-` a team securing` district for enlargingv have been party to t.lie fraud if he; `The accused, who was represented .lu- D.-.~ .9. Dt\1v:~ .....~ n..,.,l (-1 ..n.`l 3 .-\CCQ`(ll1];.{ to the lli;,v'hwuy l`1'atll~; j.-\ct, recently r<:\', ull hicyclc.--' lmusl ca1'r_V at light zmtl 2; red 1`c:- lactor on the rear. Thu clause is {found in section 1) and rezul.< as fol- ; lows: Whenever an 21 hip;l1way after `(lusk or bcforr: dawn l:V(:)`y bin-_\'cle or `tricycle . curry on the front; -thx.-rz,-of a white or amber llamp or 2:. rellector upprov<.-d by the `|(lL*.])ll`Lh1'_`l1L and on the buck there- ' of 21 red li<,:hL0(l lamp, or reoctor ap- 1n`ovv(l by the dc-p:u'tment, so placed as to be clearly visible to (lrivcrs of othr-r vehicles. `The annual meeting of the lnnisl Ho)-Licu1txu1'al Socinty will be held in `the Community Hall, Stroud, on' lllomlay, \'0v. 3rd, at S p.m. ` K Three Oices to Let-Over A1'cade,g in 'lnna.G- hncinnac :~cu-Hnn }u1iH'_5n \li'V .......... .. E Midlantl is counting: on the . port of every worker who has thxll inte1'e.~'t of boy life at heart, and of] leery boy ov/er 15 years of age who` ;fm-,1s the need of u denite alliance gwith ax body of men and bb'ys who! .are out to live life at its best and jfullest in terms of Jesus Christ. I \,l.-JH.'nn..I n{`,'r.n Hw. ,1u1Iesr H1 Lcrms 01 Jesus purist. l ` Additional information on the- ,confe1'en(`.e is to be fo1'warded with- `in 21 fs.-\\' dz1_\'.~: and if information isl `desired get in touch with your g1'oup| ,1ca(le1' or with any mcmbm` of the = Barrio Boys Work Broad. ` JBICYCLES MUST CARRY LIGHTS. ` T I INNISFIL HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY NOTICE LOCALS CENTRAL Y.P.5. The Nonnexsu ;\.1\`::r1(-ea iBlBLE IS NOW READ IN i oven eoo LANGUAGES n, is l'(`:l(l m mu l.`Lll},'lJ:lL','("~' and Mn :1 (fil'(.'lll1l`H()ll Lha- mosl, popular "|,)<-.t. H4-llttltx," ltuv. J. H. .`~\iknn|H-mi, 0l' 'I`m'nn1u, ;rn-a- nu int'or1m1!,i\'r.~ zuldn-.-Ls" on Sumlny km in Collier St. Units-rl ('vhur<.-h on th-- work of Hm B1'il,i.~'h um! l"nr-i;:n `il)lv- Sm-it-ty in (7:n1:ul:1 and l,}1mu;.-;h- out Lhv world. .\n.......- H... I `Lnree Umces to 1,et-uver :u'cauu,e in best business section, built-in vault. Will rent separately or `.;o-} gether. Also large hall in same| building, and store on Blulcaster St., welllig'l1ted and all conveniences. Phnnp 96:1, . Ullh Llll' \'VUl'IH. .-\mun;,:' Hw -r)1.zml-. book` whivu 'v.\'i.-1 !o-<|:1_v thv lihlv . out :1 `l)(:y0l)(I :1l| quc-.a'tion Lhv mo.vt in- u(2nt.i:1l. All .<-riou.+ly mimlr-I p4-()])h~ )'(:('l)g`lli7.(! and admit, it [N.)\Vul', <.-van though many (-on! l11(:n1.x'I.-l'.m.s un::hh- to .<:1li.-:f':x('lori|3,' .:1(-,count for this :|. fm-L. As.su1'e no other hook -xhihil such s1r:1n;;;c vitality, such n1ir:u'ulou.x ipoiolnry. The New 'l`v.~:t:unr:nl. is hw- ving 1'o:1d and studiwl :15 never ht.-(`on-. No othr.-1' book :u'uL1. sut-h ho. while no othvr hook <-nlists .~'u(-h legions of wzu'n1-ht.-:.1rLr.-tl fl'i( ll(i.\'. [1 is s1)r<-udirlg` alrt.-mly in nm)-tr than half of the lung.-;u:1_'.:v.= 01' the world. and last year alone 12 now l:1np;uz1,_{r-.- '.were captured for th(- I\'ingdo1`n of `God and the tribes given one of the- Gospels for tho rst time in their ,{own tongue. VV11e1'evr:r `the look carries its n1e;~:sa_a:r: it 21cc0mpIish9:~' :m1o1'z1l and . `rran.=.formation.< !in the lives of individuals and whole .commun1t1cs. 1 mm mm,. u...,.u- ?CUlI1lHLlr'.lE1CS. 1 The _Bi1_)I<.- itself is an incompar- iable 1m: It makes its \va_v (into closed lands where mi. 'are not allowed to enter, and brings new hope and vision to countless thousands of men and women the `world over. V]"1..,.,.,. nu. v\ 45.... Ac LL- `lllll. BL 2Ul(l C0515, iln10l.].T1ElH.'.' l0 v'.`vL .l).` Frank Hammond, who du,-fentlod ~ Lowe. objected to the amount ichzu-ge(l for the arrest, claiming H1111.` .,I1't . 21 litllu hip:h. The court: _; f nally decided that )n-oviding; restitu-l Lltion were made, the ne would be {$1 and the costs divided br.-tween the [two cases. I 5` Friday afternoon by Constable Bald-i win `El :S1'~l`I"I(`.n(-I T-Infra]. .T, H `Mam-1'i n1n:u1'.1 ` Arrested zit his home in Petorboro CAN'T GET AWAY WITH THAT I i SORT OF THING IN BARR[Ei At a meeting: of the Senior I.iter~ ary c`-xcI:utive 121.51; Monday, the fol- lowing: schedule \\'z1.< drzuvn up adopted : f\,.A- |) 1 133 I`; L 17 The Court of 1 hearing: of :1ppon1.< : Inwnt for Ulv _vezu` . m thv I-`mu-3.. .4 4...` .-\`..l i Earl Lowe, 11120 19, of Pete1'l)01'0.l ,`anoLl1e1' m(:ml)r:r of the team that, wz1.< soliciting` photogrzxpliy work here` last month and who also left Bztrricl {without pzlyingz his bill at the Sim-i coo Hotr-.1, was taken into custody at! Hamilton Monday and b1'oug'l1t up: .for hea1'in5:; boforc `Magristi-ate J0'.=l in police court Wetlncwlay mornin5.r.] Lowe pleaded guilty to the cliai-go of fraudulently se<:urin_<.r board zmrl lodging`, as did .VI0l`1`lSOI1, and \v'.1.< ne $1 and costs, amounting to $26.` F`r:)nl( T-Tnmmnn1l whn ll:-f'm1rlml |?l.I1(l OD. Feb. 27-3C, U.S. girls .~`pe0ch(e.<.` !IV[zn'. 20---Sl1ake. program, du- lbate, 5th vs -'1t.h. nu Ln'1:<.-(1 to zxtiond. '1.`hp zmuul 1m:(,-ting,` nf the Bzwrio Hockey Club will bu hold in tho Police Court Cl1mnl)(.-1'.~` on Friday, Oct. 24th. at 8 p.m. Beside the elm:-Lio11 of ofcnrs, tho n1att(-~r of (mgz1;z:ing' a coach and ontu1'in_2:' thv 0.H.;-\. will he (mam-4. All intvrest-I ud in this be-.~:t of \\'in1m' sports urn] Collier United Church! HISU uruereu. l`hers: is too much of thxs sort ()1 I ` H ' 4- i"ha1'p grzum: golng on, .~7a1d me I 1m'1gist1'ate, 21d(l1*e.=sing` the police. Yo_u lwarit to . on It and step ! -on It mrr. V.... 4!` --_. .I` ('1). ' and 3B. '|7..k 5`. I`hcs<- n1net1'n;:;.~7 will be hvltl from 2.50 to -1.00 p.m., on I*`1'id:1y.~' lhv lust `half-hour being taken for lhv litm`-. [dry and of the progrzun. .,...-, '1\/Al .~ -xuuu 1 I ..-.. l....... H, ...- P,............. I by Boys & Boys, was nnd $1 and tho (-osits of the court, amounting: to. "$22, including` the expense entailed in 5 making the arre. Restitution wasl also ordered. ' l`1-nn-n C. +nn rru11n1~ n4` `*1-\:.< :Vr\\I' :\V I i i n` Jan. 171.1. (', UL KI` \Vm COURT OF REVISION .31-1'11Ln rorm, .~:p0,('c11tn<. 21---IA, debate, RA. vs 313. 12---4Fi.,M.S. girls s1)e<:clw,<. 1f)--Opvn n1t-etin_2:'. 17*?-\ VT 9 hrnn \'I\{H-{']1!I~: 31-Fif'th Form, .'peoch~.< 9.l.-.I-1 (`nhnfn RA vg ` \Vll llgl1L(.`(l Phone 264.