REEVE EOM ELECTED"? WARDEN OF COUNTY arranging, for a limited period, special prices on their Velveeu. unease -337.` ' ` Zlu..- ...-,~; :;..;;_` Dresslnbn LOBLAW S as usual, desire to pass along to their customers the saving oered. It will pay you to take advantage. an. 4 A `Qua q- __ jnnL..x.m:.- A $?!:G-f= 5.. LL- I?- " -IJIAJ-In \I-LU? Mr. and IVI1'.<. l\`lm'1uy Lillimrmxp and chil 01' (`uu1.~=o:1 \'i.~11r.-J \1.. nut} ".1 1.- .ku-..`:`. rr '.n\:u uuauuulcla vu-.5 vuu..\.u- . ... r--.v J` Velygeixchees Pix; KRAFT sALnAE31lG 13 Jaz- Iilu V Tin (Continued from page one) ,` "111 Mr. In`,- c f B 1 M cKa ' . St P 14c '`;?ks?..3nif".;te.,i.....pi;. 28c 312:; n ~11 ,___ 121.- I x_I_;_:..... _ - cs-..` Dh Committee to Prepare M emorial County Treasurer Coleman sug- gested that a committee be appoim-. ed at this session to prepare 21 suit- able memorial for the council, and` also to the late Wzu'den s mother. It was, said the treasurer, with :1 heavy heart that he suggestmi this. No one could be more faithful in the (lisehm'f_re of his duties than wzirl \Va1'(len Crc-.<\'.`icke, Lind it was tting that his memory be kept fresh by some suitable memoriam. 16c WEST 039 K GB|-lF....o-nous-ooooooouoooooooooooc ..... . n on. books m .5 wunutes ........rKg. -v- Brillo, Cleans like Izightning Stove Pipe Enamel, Japanese ........................................ ..2 Pkgs. C .,.... Bottle .................. .uo-noun...- -unjunli Introducing **'r-mmpmvv TEA up nag nag .l\t\lA1 nl-db ff! KCCCQ KjTQQQ j Ti T :.__i , On account of the removal of the duty we are now able to offer a good ordinary tea at the remarkably low price of 37c lb. This is as good a tea as some brands selling as high as 50 1b., and will suit the requirements of many fa..':1il.iesc Per lb. Specially Priced this 3 1 week to introduce it at 34 or lbs $ So Good You'll Want I/tore" 17 of Barley, MacKay s -us :- Q M'III+QQ esw anu Leiine1`e;~:-t ICCl]I1;Z' or condon- -ence in the sore affliction that has fallen on you in the untimely death of _\,'cu1' son and' Hal. '\\ .`l.'~` the fourth year that he l`I"]`I1'("- sentori his town in the County Coun- cil and by his genial and l manner he mu(le a close friend of each memlwr. By his n'1`u1'al an" it_\' and attention to m:1t.1ci'.~' p."1`tal!7- ing to the county he so familiarizecz himself with its pi'ohlem.< and neon.-* that after .~r-1'\'in_9; only tlirc-0 ).'e:ir.~ his associatc-.= this year electc-(1 hrs.- ~Wa1'den, the highe;-`t. office in {hr--w gift. An attainment that t'r-`vi mt-n: V hers reach in `_`:_liI.' pi-rion oz` time. in tho `.`az1i`(lr,~i1'.< cliziir m - `:.`:-.= an efficient presiding oflicr-i`, being very fair with his decisions and at the same time having` the bLI`ii`.(:s.~' of the council condugtctl with dir- nity and (lispatch. As a young lawyer he was making a name for himself and`the1'e appeared a bright future before him, and his name was mentioned in political conven- tions where, there is no (loubt, '1'- would shortly have been r.-l*_o:<;-n 53 his party as its ranrc. While: '0 nxftnl his mnnv vi l`i .l`ln= This ` L :1;_rz11n _ I W _` Justice moves swiftly in Orill-ia. .[Chm'1es Laws. 23, Robort Cobornc. `J17, Robert Shepherd, 22, and John I, Uagran, 21, were found guilty in : :1 quantity of gasoline and icourt East 'l`hu1'sduy mornin,r.,r of` isnnw tools the p1'oviou:< Sunday night I `from the premises of Benjamin _ H()i'T`n'.`. Ora to\\'n. farmer. Tlir-2* _`l\\'e1-u each sentenced to six months" l:3i111])!`i. dgtvrminate Di'.`.'~` six ;ln0u`.i`..<' in:ie>tc.~1'm1na*o. Two young: Wm (-nmnnnv n?` I 1 I 1 ~.~.-- It-i'\n u-nu-n in it has to be, beqause it is the re- " ".u1~_v oi =:.~.1u:;blu uocum-.-:x:..~ 2'3: .1. 4- . `A `,,l . n4 xy 1 . I'- nun l \\ lllI'!1 tux `m`.". _ 1: H }x'm. I312`. !it:l' LL`.iill`a'L.l`. :m- also \'.".lllZ!.`)n3 human docunic-nt.: and Lhcii` can-: aml comfort is also the counL_\"~: i'e.~:p0n- : in this (raise, \\'l1u1'r,- the little unfoivtunatt-:< have come under thr. county s (',zu`c. lf lll(_ (toutity hz1.~ un(1o1*1.z1km1 to supply 21 slmltt-1' f6!` such Cl\il(l1'0H as noc-(1 its 1)i'o1L-L-tiov. it should not " _ be cold and chilly.` Neither should the old 1;('0])l(' in the House of Refuge be szubjectetl to (it.- comfort because the county hm been lax in atvtending to the fu1'naco.~ in this institution. Some timc-.< tl1:.-:1. things go to far. rv-L ,,_ >J-\AA T'ne11 yclancingr at g'1'uph of the report, J(*flrv_\' said, 1. too, 1`c-5V:1'c~t the puss-` ivlg of Mr. Crt;-swicke. I did llozl . l l I l the last pL1ra- M1`. Jusulcc know him well, but what I did kilo was greatly to his credit. He lmn gone far in public life and it .-.3 mos`. l2mwnt:1blr,- that :1 young man in the prlme of life should have been cu` o` in this untimely mun- nnu :nnpr1. (xgtvrxmnau: 1)l'.'.~ .~..x| 1nde L'01'1`n111a*o. , who were Tn `he compz1n_v of (`:10 qL1zu'1<-rte at the time of tnel L114 -ft. were dealt with in juvenile} court. SPECIAL-lNVINCIl3:LE Powders PEARL WHITE NAPTHA SOAP] JELLY " to pay the lv:1lance of the 1:1.\:e.~` luv. HIS pZl`l`L_V 21>` ILS l`L'[)l lll.Z`.[l\'(.`. While we extol his many virtues and noble acts, we realize that -.-ti is in his own hou: and in theji bosom of his family that he will be`f most sadly missed. There the vacantl chair never can be lled and the"l aching heart refuses to be comfort- ed, for the loss is irreparable. Inlg this your hour of sadness we tender` you our sincere and heartfelt sym-lg path)` in the bitter grief that haslx hefallen you, and earnestly hope thzft `r the mysterious (lealinyrs of prov!- dence, which for the moment we car i} not understand, may become beacons i to guide you to a blessed reunion. where there are no sad .=eparation-., 'l`o\vn.=hips Lose on Tax Sales ' Mr. Coleman drew attention to tin- lack of int:-re;~'t taken by town:-hip C 1 I 1 oflicials in the yearly tax . .\l:m\- w 1 I l l l 1 . I I land owners think they can redeem: their property by paying only What the property brin2`.< at an adjourn:-41 tax .~':1l('. Some times a piece 01 property with $1,000 taxes :1;_":1iv:-'f :1 is` old for $200. but the to\\'n: has 3` l l The trr~a: advisml all munfml palities to lmve a rem'(-. all the sale and not let zmy prop:-rtyl: 2'0 at le.<:< than the amount of tlu,-I` t%l.\'('.~ in arrears. in this way they :1 will protect their own inti-rv.<~r.-. BARS that "nan.-la Stove Polish, _ Black Knight D- .5- Tin 15c Best For All n..1.:... vest ror ` All Baking Purposes ' 10 Cube Tin 24` A Cube to a Cup N FRY S Chocolate Friend.` and neigzhbors of .\'l r. ::-.n Mrs. William Ritchie, Saurin. won- SI10(`kt'(I to learn of the sudden pas of tlieir third daughter, Elsie, whose death occurred last Sun- day morning from infantile 1)aral_\'.<!.<. Miss Ritchie. who was in her 27th year, haul been i."1l('I1Il1',` .<('hool at Cambridge, near Orillia. and while there had been no p:1raly.~'i.~' in her school. there hml ht-on . (-:1. reported a few miles nwn_v. The young teacher. who In-r. I)t*('lLm(` a victim. had taken l`\'l'!'_\' ym.~('a1"inv `; to protect the children in her charge. ` I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I and even `asked them not to attend the fairs because of tlv. pm-.~I*nre m` the disease in the district. .\ll.<~ s illne.~'.< w:1.< (Il:l1.!'l1().~'('(I Tues- day as infantile p.'1-.':xl_v.=i;s'. bvt .\'l`l'Ulll was not administered until 'I`hur.~'d:iy. after it was too late to holn the patient. Services were held private- ,'iy Sunday afternoon and int<.-rn1ent' ' took place at Elmvale. ! I 3 PUPJTY OX0 Re:dy The observation tower built by the Canadian National Railways at St. Hubert airport, Montreal, for the purpnse of broadcasting the arrival of the British < iil'3hip R-100 aft'er its trip across the Atlantic. Hooking up bwenty stations, the Czuuulian National broadcast this stirring epi- sode of history in the making across Canada from Halifax to Vancouver. The tower is sixty feet high. Family Carton fLOUR BROADCASTING R-100 =98? Coming: I I\1w:~.m< .\nn2 m mv-g Collegiate Auditorium, on Oct. 27-: 28-29. 'pt3Z Zlc 24 Tin` CUBES We Sell For 24 lb. ~ Bag. 246' Page Five 12 Cominp: ! l\'iw:n`.i< .\Iinstn~l.< in Ult- v..11no-:n+n Auditorium. on 27- MISS ELSIE RITCHIE piece .;:z1iv'.-`f :1` 1 xship 1 1 Lxr-.< rluv. ; ( m_unfru~ I 1 L".`,;\'e at 4 prom-rt_v I nf H1r- `W Mrs. Harry Houghton is visi=tingl .with friends in Angus. | NT \Unn1vc-nfnn n1! Bowmanville THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1930. friends in Angus. Mr. Woolventon of Bowmanville `spenrt a few days with his sister, {M1-5. McNicholl. _ . . .. and NI: Hm-h. Purvis and McNicholl. Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Purvis .chivldren of Toronto spent the week `end with the former s paren- :s. & Mrs. R. J. Simpson of Toronto Eanav-hf -2 four (lav: \Vi{31'l her sister. 'en`C1 WICI1 hill: 8 {spent a few t `Mrs. Wallace. f`nnn~1--::+n1nH `Mrs. Wallace. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. {Earl Purvis on the arrival of a :'young son. , I `:\/Tr, Rm:-.e Wallace of Toronto I Mr. Bruce lspent the week end at his home ihere. I 7\rT:=o `M A T.nn*r1m~d 1': vi;-itin MISS M. A. Lleurlaru wimth friends in Toronto. | HI`. nn.-I ;\/Tu: Arlnvn W l\Vi1th friends 1n '1'oron~to. I Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wicklum and !Mi.=s Fanny attended Elmvale Fair. : 7\T1- nn `\`h-.=. Doelev of Oshawa tCnd. Inn-isl Council will meet at :Stroud on Tuesday next, Oct. 7th, iinstead of the (M1, as was an-l mounced last week. I :_tcresting program was provided. . I -I-lJ-J I There was a large `a'tvtend'anc0 ml the L'ni'tml Church 0- `Sunday, Sep{.;` `ZS-1.11. whon'tl1o Sabbath Schools 011 Stroud and Lefroy United Cl1u1`cl1e'sl met in a joint rally day celebration. The service.=_ had been cz1reful`.'yI plzmned and p1'epm`i~-I for and an ;'n- I Qn pa.=~to1' Werr: I the supe1~initnmlent.< of both schools,` who took part in the .=o1'vice. AI `t'Il0)`u.< by tho Lefroy school open:-(II I I I I I I I I I I J. -I-U\J& the platform with the the session. The prima1`_V class of Stroud also sang, wliile other : .featLm_~.< on the program were .. _ 'sto1`_v talk by Miiss Gladys Sheldon. , :1 Biblical drama entitled The Chilr _ by tho Stroud 71:- Il\`l`lilL'(Il'd.I.`,.~'. and an iilustrati-(I tall: :b_v the pastor, lev. Louis Pickering. The service was heartily r-njoyed by all hood of l\Io: present. \'n\'f Sunrlnv, 001: Shh. Hm =01-vlrw~i !;\l1.=s Fanny actenaeu mlnwale rm:-. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Dceley visited with friends over the week 1 Cnd. Tnn..-G1 (`nnru-H xv? mpnf, Ht uuuux. vu ovu.u.u. I Deputy-Reeve Mc-Leod suul Lhati he thought `the Wardenship belonged; to Barrie fqr this year, and if ail? others withdrew in favor of Council-' 101' Rogers, he would also. T1.-......4... Una..- T).\...,\... ...:,I 6`An` v". I - ____-_ : Mr. Ross Campbell, of '. `spa-n1 the week end at his ' % Mis-.< Ada Walker visited ter, Miss Mary Walker, Du I .\Iiss .\'Izu~y Gilchrist an` .`I\1an.-`on of Om motored to ` on Saturday. Viv _Tnhn Avvnmtrnnvg` of satumay. N11`. John AL1'mst1`on'g` of Toronto _ the wee-K end in this commun- ity. 'l`hn VPS. of the Fnited Church 1ty. The Y.P.S. of the United held its annual meeting Monday night. `The following ofcr:1's were elected: President, Jas. Pearsall; vice-pre~si- (lent, Flossie Cam]:_bel~1; secre- cary, Laura Hall. Conveners of commit- tees are :,Devotional, Ada Walker; Missionary, Jack Mackay; Citizen- I ~ship. Harold Walker; Literary and Recreation, Elizabeth Jolmston. Dnxv I`:-nicn n1-r-In-xiorl flnn nnlmi* i 1.111 [Jl'U5lll'L. 1 t i Next Sunday, Oct. 5th, the .=m-vice, in Lefroy Church 15 wxthdrawn for ` L SL1-ourl :1nniversa1'y. Kecrezmon, Luzaoeun d0I11'1`Sl30I1. Rev. Cruise occupied the pulpit. in the United Church on Sunday. Rev. McRobe1*t5 conducted the anni- \'e1'sary services at Hobart. Anni\'e1`sary se1'\`ico:< in Shanty Bay Church next Sunday. Guthrie choir will supply the music. ! . '*\"|"1'=c "|"|1m-r:H':1 Cn]ri\\'r`-H, WTinr>f.f.. i ?(3I'l`O]1` VV1l1 supply MIC l'11l1Sl(.'. Miss Theretta Caldwell, Minett, is visiting` with her _<;1'and1not.11c1', Mrs. G. A. Cz1}(1\w.~ll. , ' `1I.: _\r\'r.:r. 7\fnfn-?n~ n4` Tn:-nnfn ` 'lI1IZ1HE 5.011 11085. ..Sunrl:=._\' after 21 ) v ' ; \`. 11*` - Mr. Fred Priest passed away on few weeks illness from u, followed by a stroke, at the am: of 76 years. He had been in ailing health for some time, nu: to 131- about until :1 1'(--.-.' ;weeks ago. He came to this (`0l1Iv- try from England when 21 young ;mz1n and had h'\'e the rt-wt of he life on the Shh concession. where he ,f0|`1n\'\':-(I the ()L'CuD;lli0n of fzn'n1ing'. He was :1 member of thrl Angrliczxn ties. The funeral 1`ur_-sday zxernoon with . In '.hr- lnitml Church conducted by Ct,-v. Mr. Herman of Bolton, :1 form- er p:1.:`.or, and Rex`. Mr. Stotesburv :1.<;.r. Inrtt-rment \\'.'1.< made In lbw I.'nion (`mrnr-tr,~1'_\'. The p:1`.1-berm vrs were John Gt em'(-.<. Grant Knupp, Wm. .-\dz1m.=, Jas. Muir, Geo. John.<.1on and A. I"o_vnt.on. 'I".1c ;lYh1[)3.t`-T13 of the community is ex- tended to the berezwed widow and one son Howzxrd, on the homestead. nzmd one sister, Mm. F. Jacobs, of .-\dun:1c, Sm-k., who was present at the funeral. A u n :\v[\\I_vl1 \nv ...:h 1.... 1r-\n`1] L~n1vI':nn.~ Church and :1 Co11.=er\':1ti\'e in poh-, took place on- | |u. A. biU(1\V'n'.Jl. ` g f .VIi.<.c Annie 1\IcCuzug, of Toronto,` `spent the week end at; her horne` ; here. \ ,(L2l1l;l'nAE(.`l'S lI1 LOFOIHO. ' ` Mr. and Mrs. R. Beilby of Nvw =York spent a few days with the `;fo1'me1-`.< brother while on their `honeymoon. 7 `-\`T1~: Cnn `Rir-h.'.n~d:nn i< <(~v?nn IIIOIISYTTIUOIL , 1` Mrs. Geo. R1cha1`d.=on is .<<-r?nu. `ill and her cond-1t1on 1s causmg hm `Ifriends much anxiety. T-Ynow .Tn1111<.fnn Inf? nn \Tn*nr]nv fnrl (Continued from gage one) Reeve Glover said that under no; circumstances would he allow hisi `nnrvun 4-A :4-nvu-I Inenus mucn anxlcty. : Hugh Johnston left on Monday for 3Toronto to enter uni\'e1'svity. 1 Nike urmn. n'f' Hm \1 r` 9 \-+-..4r `LOTOTLCO C0 CHIEF uTll\'(il'S'lL)'. ! Miss vvhixe of the .\I.c.s. .-mtr jspent the week end in Toronto. Thu: Sr-'hnnl Fair nf tho MirLh11r.:*,, `SIJQUC CHE \\'CCK CHO In lOI'OTILO. I I The School Fair at the .VIi(Lhur.=t 1Forestry Station on Friday 19.51: was `well att`c-ndcd and a good many! Iprizm c:n'1'ied o` by S.S. No. 9. 5 WT)`: \T1n'rnv T?nn:11:] rrzflnmr-rl I ` , , l A lzirge cong1`e;2`ution attcmlod the` } llarvr-;~`t l"os~ti\'ul at Paul's Church 9 luwt Sundziy. The pretty little churcfn :'w:1< lastc.-l'ull:.' dr~c01'a,te(l _nml Sr. [, Gvorgrr-`.4 (`liurch choir, Allantlalo, l(`(l |the .=in1:ing and also renrlerod t\-.-u 1.an1tl1em.<. The Rev. A. R. Holden proaclic-(l on the text, Thou Cl`0\\'n- -lost tho Year with Thy Goodness. -"l`ho l1:u'\'-.-`I . will be contin- ued nrxxt Sunday at 3 pm. I v \ 3 .\h'.<. J. Mcl\1nJ.-_v 1.< \ 1s1t1ng` he) .`(l211x, in Torotno. \r.- am: 7\T1~c 12 12m;nw n+' Nt|w| lpl`I7.(`.\' C2l1'l'1C(l OI] U_V D.D. . I Mrs. Murray Ronald home Tuezeday from Barrne infant son Ross. an. w....,1 D1|;nc` mmma . me Iuncrzu. V .-lnmiw-r.<:n'y :<(:-1'vico.< will be held on Sunday, Oct. 5th, in United Clllll`C:l1. Tlur pastor, Rev. F. Stote.<- bury, will prr.-ach in the morning ml 11 o'clock and Rev. E. R. Young ('1 , Barriv at the evening. A` fowl supper and good musical co-1;-I lcort will be held on Tue.<(luy, Oct.` l7th. l ere. Miss M. A. Leonard is visiting .:.Hn +`.`.:nn,l= In 'I`m-nn+.n, GUTHRIE MINESING ..,. `.,.,,._,-.., .... .......\. ....,\,. , Deputy-Reeve Rogers said that the`; thought of as-1)irin`g to the vacancy never en` his head till the mat- ter had been mem.ioned to him ju-.< t| before the session` opened. Therei were older members who were en- titled to the honor, and out of re spect to thelate Warden, he would} wi H1 rl 1-:1 vv, I wS:I'ROUD MIDHURST LEFRd7 ` blmpson 01 Luruxmu days w1th her saster, . :\. IX. HUIUBU Lt, Thou Goodness. r Toronvto,| home. ted her sis- Durham. and Miss Toronto .\U- I}. 1'etu1'nL-d | with hm ' Qvnunnut -- w -uvuu - Ves{n'zL school . held um- school fair at the Fo1'e.s11`_v. 3 u- cord z1LL<'ndz1m-L- and :1 1':co1'(l f er-'hibi`t. were made. A new huiluu_ `recently erected \\'a.~: Jul` pubz: speaking. ] R1 Paul : Arurlir-:n1 (`hrn-I-h h-74 spciuung. ! St. Paul's Anglican Church 11.-m iits hax-ve.`~2t anni\'01x<:u'_\' lust SumIu_v.1 -lev. A. R. Holden of .-\l1z1n(.L1}e v.'z::-' the preach:-1'. A very Ia1';:c turnout `was appreciated by the \v:u'dens. St. George's choir, with Nss )1cAu1c-y at the organ, rend two unt.hom.<. \h- \V .T, ]\ I.'n-n, KT)-2 T<`vnnL' EC CH8 organ, X'BIl(l(,`l'L.'(l I\\`O {ll1Ll'lC`1H.~'. Mr. W. J. Martin, .\I1':~:. Frank Mm~tin and Mr. and M1`.~'. W. .\'a_v'Lor \'i.=ited M1`. and I\I1'.<. J. H. .\Izu`tin llast Sunday. I f`ny.n-....4u!nL.'.~-. 4-.` TM .. nu! `Mr..- were 0108] t t withdraw. 11 n \.Jll`\>`a .,u......,. .-. W... Mr. J. H. Martin is visiting the principal county fairs with am ex- hibit of young trees from the govermm~nt mu-. I1 is vary on- lcouraging to tzlw gzovernment to set.- 'so many people taking` a(l\`z1im:1gL- of -the applcation iiorms that will sup- ply Lliem with trees to 1'efore.~'t. | I`h:- \V,.-\. nf St` P:1ul .< mt-1` :ir Auuv uuuuu_v . i Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. [Chas Bowdrey. A son. I NT`. `I `L! 'I\/Tn.-{in -:0 nl.-u'Iun Ilu. Ipxy Lnem wnnn trees LO 1'e~1o1'0.~'I. The W..-\. of St. Paul's met :1: the home of Mrs. Martin on V\'ml nesday to arrange a date for the annual baz-u:11'. I .... .....,-.. .... . uuu uu-A u(.Al4uL|A . The United Church hold u rzmy last &Jndu_v afternoon. ('0mmem-- in`: next Sunday, Oct. 5th, . `will be L-onduc:e(l Sumluy evening: for the next three momhs. ac nun n -.n. `JUL mu. A|\.\|._vAI1\.\.. u-um.--u. Mr. Bob Peacock ahus ixwtzlllotl oiectric ligxhts 0\ ul' two hor. courts. This will give the bo_\'~' plenty of fun during the full oven- ings. Mr nnrl \Ir<, .\TM\'HII- \\":1f.1in 1: mgs. Mr. and .\Ir.<. llolvillo Wzttiio 1.= spending a few days with his mother. For evidence of this just visit our local LOBLAW GROCETERIA where customers are at all times receiv- ing the utmost in quality and value that money can buy. These Specials on Sale for Week of Oct. 3:d to n.vuu;.un. , Reeve Tom said that many mem-i bers had asked him to allow his` name to stand. He did not wi;~;h :0.` cause an election, but decided to re- main in the eld. Councillors Nolan and Drcnnnzil .'f?l`(} appointed scrutineers, and the; voting resulted as follows: 1 - I TV._, 1:! 1 m,, A v n A MIDI-IURST .. .._.:_.:.._____._ V SP .-`ZCL*.L--T-!:ITS WEEK WE ARE FEATURING Snap, The Anseptic Hand (`Ingmar Dllup, .1115 rLIlLIacPL:w naunnu Cleaner .............................. .. Peanut Butter, Arrow Brand The World s Best....6 oz. Jar Finest ` Sockeye I I Groceterias in Ontario };L-COMFORT BEST FOR ALL LAUNDRY PURPOSES SPECIAL- BE A N 33:5; z 4%: 25' For All Fine Laundering .--...,, -`.,. ,,_ `,g:) -.,...,..... X For W. A. Tom-.-\sseIin, Bat(>.<,| Beath, Bradlley, Buchanzm, C'_u'1ton,s Coxwortih. Crawfo1'd, Cunning:ham,`, Denney, Downey, Drennan. Fen-ton.1 Ford, Glover, Hawkins, Lz1croI:~:,` Lovering. McKnight, Nolan, Pom cock, Pot.t<.r, Robins, Ronzm, Rubyf! Scott. Smith, Stephens, '[`es. [`om,i Toner Vzmcise, Webb, W`i1cox--34. | For P, NTr-T.nnr]?nnvnn hnvm \ QUEJENLALP SWEET Package 1 Oc Makes Hard Water Soft EQLLEX GrEP(1{1;ms "s'A'i 16 oz. 2.31 EUIS 111.414 The .\Im-them Advance 31 Lulu?!` vzmcxse, vveon, wucox--.s4. For P. ;\`IcLoorl-Doran, Doyn.-_. Drinkwatcr, Dutton, Evzxm, Hanley, Larose. Lowe, McLeod, Spicher, Johnston, I\'iernan--12. ("nnnn1Inu Dnmnua A4` `Du...-3.. A34 TIE! Al!` . Sumlu3'. 1 M... ` .3unua`_\`. { .`.h'.=. Wm. Link 11215 1'c-ttlrm-(1 110910 'afte1' . a wvck wixh 1:01` d11Llf.1":1E`vl', .\h':,-. C. ljllicrap, Orilliu. I SL`)`\`iL'(.' next Sumluy :11 7.30 13.11:. `It i.~ 1,-.\:p(.-ctc-(I th:;`. the u'mi\`o)'s2u';~' . will be held Oct. 12th. Special 5]):-:1ke1`s are expected from '[`oron=Lo. `\Yu \'nu-nan Fnnb 1': nu-nnnri nrrnln '1oromo. Mr. \'o1'man Cook 1.; around : \v1Lh his t.h1'esahing outt. GRAND JURY SAYS ! SHELTER IS CI-IILLYI ho.-`piul for incumbles in Torontw. 'l`hi.< mun forty ,veur;< of agr.-. We looked ow.-1' the Cour: Hnlmu and ;:rounds and found tfnem well` (::u-ed for. I nun. . | Ann g-:nnra|'n (fill'L`(l I01`. ` We wish to extend our sincere' .~;ymp:1t.l1y to the family of our latei Wm-den, H. H. Croswicke. Simeoe; County has lost an able and \'alu:x.blc | ciLizon.` \ ` f`n.un-.nnHnu- nu 41%; IvnI\nI9I hm ClLlZ(.`ll. Commenting on this report. 112:` l.ord.~'hip said that it should be tlxel duty of the county officials fo ;~.;<-I cmvmin the proper equipment forl jail beds and see that such equip-i mcnt is installed. He did not mince` matters in referring to the stz\1.;=mc-nt ; 1`.;1';u'Llim: the cold and cliilly` con-l uitirm of the Chilvlrcn .< Sin-lie)` as: conlparcd witli the R(3g'iS\L1'.\' Olca-.2 where c\'c1`_\'tl1ing` was found to bc` in good order. l \'nhn-'1l|v pvr-vvf.l1inrr is` in worn` m ggou Uruor. _ _ O ~ I\z1tu2':1ll_v everytlm1;r Is in corn: ' order at the Registry Ofhco, he said, A332; SAVENG-'i1`. ouL`2a'.23L.'$?. acuaipted with their well-known products, the Kraft Organization II an-anglng, lirnited period, special prices their Velveeta Cheese n.-,. ._: .2 D.-e:;sL.n_-. usual, oJUIH'.:.LUIl, l\lL l`I12l.I1--J.. 1 Counmllor Rogers of Barme d1d- not vote. 1