Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 11 Sep 1930, p. 6

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Pt. 01 UN: Luru .uuL.` . ,N...\,.. ...... .--. unfe1'ti1i7,ud while z1n0thu1` part rc- c~i\'eLl an appliu ion 01` -100 pounus per acre. In e`~.`(-1'_\' cse the fertilizer `nzul checked the sow thistle. Sew.-mi other experiments which had bee wsxwl-.1c,-ta-(1 were discussed at Ion by J. A. Czxrroll, directo`: of the rror- anti 2~_*:n.".\'I.t.-- branch, who ex- ~..1 um Jrar, .+ m.-..ml- r-um-.-mi c{~or.- 2-msi 21 plained the (H1. Fruit Packing Plants Planned _-\n expm`imenLal fruit pacl~:ing' plzmt will be s:-. in the vic- inity of Na-\\'cz1.~'tle at an L-eirly (late. 2`.L'C0l"llll_2' to :1 recent mmouncoment by Mr. J. B. Fai1'bzi`.rn, Deputy .\IIi~.- i.-'tc=1-. '1`l'ie idea We have in mind, he : is to get uniformity and " of our ox`:-1-seas fruit ship~ If the `.\'z=.\vcastlle plan- successfiil we will establisl _._.; cl. ,-...n-lun~n+ f\n+n1-in Av- 1-row,-.~: successtui \\'lll(3SEaUl1:! 0`.he)' plant throughout Ontario. Ar- i-amzenients are being made so tha: :.:1'ow.e1'.= may have packing` facilitir,-= located in their districts by applying to the Govc-1'nment."' The .\'ewcastle di'~t1`ict was chosen chiey because the apple industry there has been declining and became the depart- ment has been able to take over, re- t and place under proper supervis- ion a warehouse owned by growem there. The growers: will be charged for the actual cost of packings, but not for supervision nor for commis- sion on overseas sales, which will be hamlllecl by Andrew Fulton, the Government s fruit marketing repxe~ s-:-ntative in Britain. New Plan Launched T-he re-establishment of the hog-`( raising` industry in Eastern Canada by the liberal utilization of coarse grains grown in Western Canada, thus rilso a...isting the West to solve the problem of marketing its crops, is the underlying idea of plans now in the course of development by the \\'e;~:tern whr.-at pools, the eastern live stock interests and the packers, with the aid of the Ontario and Dominion` Department:< of Agriculture, and the 0..-\.C. A represrentative of the _L`1`2'lil'1 gro`ver.< has already been visit- in<.* \'21l'lOl.1S pa-irts of Ontario with 3 \'im.\' `.0 or.qani'/.in;: for the di. tion to li\'r- <`.o(:k brre(ler.< of coa ` fr-L-tl.< of \\'hl(.`l1 there is now :1 - .~'urplu.~' tiwl up in terminal elv- \'2tmr:<. (.`zina(l:1 inay recapture her former r-- r:\:.pm`t l1l}tl`l>\'f;l for bacon, liznm cl othr,-1` ]>m'l-: ])i`0(lLl('t>'. .-\t the . me t';"n-: ex rirxnv-.<`iiL' innrkt.-`t will be D]`t,I\'i(i(-ti for lmrlo_\'. outs and lower ; Il`t(iI' wlu-zit )>l'0(i1,1('<.'(l in \\'r.-. Czimt thus easing the marketing: problt.-m of the \l\"r.s`. at tims-.~' when ;:r:1ii..< are . to move. .-\ccordin: to the plan, these grains will he mnda: zivziilahle at any point in Ontario at (~quali'/.r.~tl prices and an :1.=: given the stock rui.~`(-r that he will be able to obtain such gzrain (-\'e1'_\' month in the year at a comp'arative level with world prit-c,:.<. lt is hoped that new Stll]ll.]i1lS will be gciv-n the li\'(.- stock in(lu.stry by the ll1tlll!,`Ul`%ltl0ll of this program.` ln this way it is hoped thzLL,j ]:01I1l. In \JllLdllU `ua.....v.. 1,. such year prim s. program. cu. (I H... Current Crop Report The first report from representa ti\'e.< for the month of September . that crop conditi0n.< had im- prow~d considerably for later crops such as potatoes and ensilage corn_ but the sho\\'er.< arrived too late In the season to be of much help to is reported as he-l buckwheat, which ing more or less :1 failure through- out Wc.<.tern Ontario. Decrease in milk ow \\'as reported in pr:u:ti(-z1lI_\ all counties, especially in VVe.~'t(.-nu 0111;-io, due to shortage of _p:1 Northern Ontario was enjoying goo-. weather for harvesting and a kc,-ru demand for hay was noted. ing results are 0XpL'(.'I(.-(1. . Recently :1 fertilizer field meet-I ting xvus held on E. C. Wliitesitlek`. farm near .-\lli. where an exten-: sive test is being: carried out on .1` field of 42 acres of potz1toe.~:. 'pite of u bu.~:y time for f:mner.~', 17.3, growers from Simcoe and adjoinln:':, eoun*.i<.-.4 turned out in the middle Oll the afternoon to hear addre. .es de-`. livered by \';iriou.~' fertilizer expertell Later the party made :1 tour of the: Alli. potato district, stopping: at` 'l` .H. Wilson and Sons, where de- mon`:~'trz1tion.< in spraying and (lU.\"L- in}; were given. 'l`o add to the suc- cess of the [)I`0','l`Z1l11 the \Vll.`\'uII Bros. . zi displzly of modern potato mzieliim.-r_v which they have in use on their own farm. ' While potatoes are ,as 21 .~cpeei:1li'/4e crop around Allis- ton, the Collingwood (li.~:tri(-t can boast of its production of toinalot-.< and other cunning` crops. Fertilizer itests on the Smart Bros. farm near (`ollins2'\\'ood lmvv so for shown nmzw. i looked llpunl` In ` Overseas Export Resumed After 21 l:1p, of two _v(~zu`< rlurlnxz which timv price levels for I.-:1t,tln in` Czlnarln \\'r~rr- above an Iwzpnrt hz1si.<.l tho cattle trade with Gr:-at Hri|"' 1m.- hm-n re-.un1-(1. Hm`--!'.'.!_\' Y:1<' trade wxnn urt-,=u m-u~ has boon R-~r-`mly rm-' ].\Iz1nch(-. Commrgme sail:-I fro,-n m pun :- 8,000 c-hi . x-nr >41"-.iz1lly .11 rd pod Mn`? it! #0. Given Provincial Award Jos. B1'r:tho'~.11', Burford farm- er, was last week presented with the first provincial $1,000 award by Premier Ferguson in recognition of his contributions to z1g:1`icu1t.tm3, par- ticularly rt-spectitng the in1pro\'e1'nc.-`:1: in bacon hogs whici". misc-(1 the stand-, arc] in the whole bat-on industry hr the province. I rcxn7t-1' Ferguson, in making the pm-. cxplaixt-ed that it was just us :1 recognition, not` as an imluccmvmt, to indicate to the! fa1'mer.< 01 OnL;u'io that the pcoplf " '~ Iv xntt-rt-.~t0(1 in Ah nun-u m 1u1g'1n m ywld W111 ,. n1` H-.n DIAL. L v 1)u1'p0s: 'l`1`.n 4 h:1\';- bx:-en coxmtlctea on Lz1.~'t ;'e:-u' the eniire eld : crop {iv-lding about r- 5 to the acne and mum ;!1 . t,hl~ t1r:. On each p`.oL.< v. };o1'Liu11 was let. .p1)`.i(nt`:0!1 n l '7 .:,.1. km! h...r..-. ,,_.._ .. :m'um and ml, (1/_*.A1'. _ ad 10,000 It 3. nnli` `I1 L110 `.u:n:;t;5-; uuty over last how 21 decided long drought istrict for ovex uxnv.~', (listrict that the crop kiln mi 'y~n1\ hm. UU ncu-.~: xn u11hk(-1;: than -`n n\-. - I` `\ n moxo .h- any (~quaH /.r.~(1 hn nhln to obtain `CF10 pour- ihat are n \n,- hm. ' 3.0 Ll|'~.'V people ::ted Live News For '1 1 The Busy Farmer; mpr 2-: 111' \`(`.'l E \\ llU t5.\* <:a1'1'red my .____ .-\ccm'ding` to Mayor Jo-1m. 1 Orilliu is ve1'_v l1ap1r'i1y situated >0 `.f:-u` :1: u11e1npI0yment`..is concerned. `So fur only thirty-seven have de- u`.z11'e them; as looking; for `- work. not half of t.`m'-. - ;u'c.- bonudc p 1':-. of the to\\n. L. J. '1`. Paye1.tc s Bud G1`z\7:-`ux'.1" only won a $2,000 pu1': at 5. brooke, Que., recently, bu: made a new Canadian 1-L:.:ow 2.061,; for a half mile track. Orillia kiltie band was 1)1ac~nI`. sixta .in the I-'5 class at '1`o1'om0 E:-:hib1- `Lion. Bandm:1sto1' Brain thmks t`.`.a.. In.-.,.... is nnml nf n h(>ftL=.)` >'\'>`tL`h1 us ~L1on. t5anc11n:\s:L-1' 1:-nun muluxh um... `there is need of a better . `_']ucl_:ring` bands or tl`.C1`E- will be llitlt. lcompetition in a few _VCa1':. An ll1C1`('L1>-3 in the number 01' pupils atu:n(ling tlvz .\Ii(ll-and High School rm.-ported, 348 pupils, being new em'ol ied, as compared with 292. on 1`m> oiwning (lay last year. 01` 34:; at tllv oml of Su-pLumbe1'. The num- ber of pupil: on openiilg` (lay \vu.< 39.0, but t'ni.~ increased the followins, .1.... 1... IQ Aurora and .\'cwxna1'l 1'atepu_vcr.~: 'n_:m- Llvcl(l(:(l to have nothing` to nu 11 "no running of the recently ye- opvng.l .\l~-tronolitan railway from 'l`o\'on`.0 to Richmond Hill. T-he line is now owned by the municipalities south of Richmond Hill, but the twn nm`t.he1'n towns feel the price 0. 5150.000 for the 1'ailwa_v from Rich vnrxnrl um +n \'m\-market is too ~?lOU.U mom (1 much. 21.5 illl |11uu\.\_.xu....,, 0'1 On;;u`ic as a whole xvero vi their prog'1'e.<.~. ....< ._.u-... a:.&...:.- M. %I5itiiEt News Mr. Albert R. Burrow of 1\Iatch(~ dash lost two cattle on .-\ugust 14m, and 1'(`p01'tC`d his loss to Provincial Constables Wr .ght and Be-my. Those ofcers arrested a young man named Kenneth West. after he ha : de1i\'ered the cattlle to the Lovering stock yards for .1 buyer of Mr.` I.<;.:1c Cook, and charged him with the theft. The evidence xv-.1.=, heam by Mr. Ho\\`:1rd G0\'e1`, who sent the accus:d down for nine months, or two }'e:u'.~ 1(_ .` 21 day. .\[ayo1' Roebuck of Midlznld ud- `.'i.~e1 Thu Dominion Minister u; Labor that there are between 450 and 500 men out of employment -11 that town. He stlggesfed the cm- .-ru-um?r.n nf' twn nir-1': TO the (lock that He suggesteu L-uc cu ;~:t1'uc1ion of two piers to ` Midlaxid, proceeding` with the loci on the S-:\'e.-rn riv . and a1'runj.rir '.\~i1;h he Omario G.overnmem to pzr the hig~i1\\ a_v from Penetang to 0;` This 1:`-.-`tur step would do em": I. 1121. with thrc.-0 ciztngcmous lc-vc-1 cro ~.n;. Collin;:\':00(l h_\'dr0 1)o\\'I;.-2' mt:-' have been lightly reduced, the :2- duction to take effect with the me). bill, that i:< the cut will be made 1111 the August accounts. The rcrluctiovz is from 2.14 per k.\\'.h. to 1.45 pa: k.\v.h. for the 1`: fifty hou1':~:, wit: a reduction from 1.4 to 1 on tar.- ncxt fty. with .533 per k.w.h. 10:` all additional comumption. For la1~r:e u: the cut will mean a con siderable ag`g1'eg`ate and will be vcr; nnr-anfalmln slclerame 21; acceptable. Orillia .-,ummer .~:ea: is clo.~'r.-d.` Cottages on her two lakes, Couchi-` ching and Simcoe, at a premium (lur-l ing the summer, arr: now being ad- vertised for rent at reduced rates. Barnseld, the municipal motor camp, is reported to be ready to. close within the fortnight. Hot dog: st-ands along the No. 11 highway be tween Barrie and Orillia and Orilliu and Gravenhur.~'t are boarded up for the winter, and the highway it. north of Orillia is practically ed by all save district traic. I v . Suggestions that the theft of 2 (louble-bar1'-11:.-cl shotgun, eight ;~:m21'. calibre ries. :~2heH.< to t, and eral boxes; of Smith and Weston 1'4: ` the Montreal with 125 head for .\Ianche51L-1`. Some of the cattle wure pu1'cl1a. in Toronto and these- according to the buyer, were known as light :\l21I1Cl1l-SIC)` 1'-L-e(l1`c.~. 'l`?he}` z1v around 1,100 p0un(l.~:. 1 addition to tho: .\Izmcl1r_-ster line, Ln :\l 1(.`l10l'-l)0l l{llfl>0I1 line is also ollk.-2 ing aipllct and the 5.8. (fzxstzilizxxi ha all .~:puc<: take-n except for :30 m.-am. .-\nuLhs:r lM'g'(.` .~`l'|l])m(:llL from 21 w:.~.~-.-, <-1'1: proxinuc i. ul.~o 1m-pom,-(l as mm - in3.z_'. 'l"l1r-.<.- m,-\\' ilwciopmr-111 ;..~:- L"..` .~:ul'.ing in l`\:l1i:\\'4,-(lil cunlilcncL- In (~:\'po1`: ll1il1'l{(,'l 21.` an outlet for (`zmntliun products. Fertilizer Field Meetings Popular FL-1'\ili'/.m' u~. with };0L'.'.Lor.-.<. ',r1-ain L'l`()[).~', cznuiing` crop.~' and pew ?,u1`<.- arr ll!-ll1_L` tria-(1 out in Sou`.E Simcoc under thu 4lir<,-clxon of Lha- Chcmistry Depzuimc-nt, ()..-\.('. Gui.-lph, and in co-opuration \\'iLh l A. Lashlu-_v, ag:ricL1ltu1`ul 1`cp1*e:~:(:nt,a- Live. l'h(-c e.\'m.-rimc;-m.< have .~:l1own up t-.\:t1'om(-ly well and \'(.'1')' imc-i'c. ing results expectr.-(1. Ruvmwtlv :1 ffe1`llllZL`l` t`-ltl on Ordm meet- ~ 7.Ll1`<.- arr m~1x1g_' D in` 21 'l'h<-c ex nu nvfl-/nnn]\' 1 Bean Growers Hit Despite an incrc-11:0 of ma1c1_V 20 cum. in Lima ni` hu-I.~.n< in .13 COLU`.t)' C on their mrm. `.115 pro(lu('tion (`ollln_s2'woo(l inz rc-ults. volvc-r l)ullv-l.< from the (`L-11tml' l11:-..-awm-.-. Orillia, is the not of .-.; luumz of tlulxrs. lwnt on zmningr th<-m' istrlvns prr)pz1r:1to1-_v to violnncn in thv 'll.~".rict. l1u.~' nl:n'm(-rl the town .'mIl~ .<<-nt provin'-lnl uml local police ho`. llpuu 000 for the 1`au\\'a_v u-um n.xL;u Hill to .\'e\\'market -`nr. \HrH-J11." I cea, Inc; 1`:- xith I uzll The 11. 5' 92' I01`! nption. ! 1 u-{H ha vr-7" )f :` wmf! Pra(:u.-ally tho entire crop of L. A. Hurtmzln on the fth concession` and . of West Gwillimbury and two lar" , h.'n'n.< and >.:!l)h*.~: vm-1'0 (It,-.~`tl`0ye(Il (-urly I"rid:1_v c,-vmxing-I:1. Mr. Hart,- '4 . morning last. ` __.________F ifoo'-. on trhhc trail. The robbery wa- _`Comn`.1`.`.(:d at an early hour Fr1da_\` Mr. Wilbur M. Cramp and Mr. St(.-wart J. ;VIcEache1'n, two young Orillia men, have taken over tr1v~ West Durham Review, Bowmanville. 'aml \-sill . sta1't busilmss In Bowmanville as the Bowmanville Publishing Company. Mr. I\IcEach ` `(:1-n lc.-ft last wecl-: and will have charge of the composing room, wink ' Mr. Cramp will leave next week and `will man-agzr: the bu. For th- `1`.~:t few months they will do 011'.) job printing, but intend to start :1 ,\'.'e;-kly paper as soon as they can. Clomplc-to foi-givcness will be ex l `LL-mlr.-ti the young man who brokr:' into the home of Jas. G. Ha1'\ L:. prominrrn`. Orillia l)Z1l:l'lI$tCl' and rl(--- fcatcd Liberal cantlidatv in the pro- vincial <:lr.-ction.<. if he will return t. him the black club bag coiitainiiag valuable 3)01`.~:on21l papers, lzllxull : p:-u'1. of the 1001. on Fritlay l21.~L. M2` Hm-pi.` (-nn1m(-ml.~' flu, taste `f if: part or me mom on 1' H Hzuwic commend.~' the mzxraudcr who also suit. nicm? shirt. ;1ml 1 I..4. ('21..,. .. ,..'m.\ ..n1 (`1;2xutz1u:;L1a, .:1j.'> agam failed to (lrav .-unnrnr tn 0`i\'- it 1 01 D02111.~' at year, the drop becau which !2:~`Lr,:< \\*.-.11. ; *1 N(3\'Cl brzfore in t'm- hi.~'t01'y of .-\l } `liston high and public SCl100l`.~.` l1u.`< L21 Matt(:n(lance bean so grn.-at as it is t.lii< ! 2 ,\`\'L'(:l(. On re-opening last week 1 H.-m'olm(,-nt in botli :?Cl100lS \vz1.< nu` -`iin (:X(.'C.'<.~T of all t.h-..- Cill(:LllZ1tl0IlS oi} vlboth _m`in(:ipnl.<. Tho liigzli .<(-hon} ;'jtook in 186 . as comparetl, 1`wit.h 165 at the close of .~'cl100l in - ~th(,- . Tltc public scliool - \\':1s cullud on to !)l`0-\'l(lC for 19%| ~ pupils, \\'hm'<- somcthin-,2 lr-;<. nil?!) were handled before t.l~-- n (l:1y.s. l`he situzltioii is ; i: ll both . and the result will be Htlmt omc of the high school clztssusl .. will be Cl`0\\'(lO(l out of the huil(lim:. :.lA `pl`(.'lll('1.lOH of inspector Levzxri n winrn he lookt- over the liijzli school] is here lillt winter has lieen \'-erierl. 'l`l-.. in.~I\r.nfr\|' .4-.e...| ll-mt :i.< hiQ'l1. ,1 r 21:: a);ouu La.Ill-\I LU .~:uppo1t to nelnciully in M guarantor: am: contributc: $22.: $12.15 w ' |;?u:1l .`.L|.lIlllHlL-U1, .x.:u nu \1`J|I\J~ _. .oth(:r 1u\vn< `.'1n'uuj.;"nr)L1L '.'~*.:- :n`m.'n1c-- `lhzul similar r-.\:p<.-v'I:-m,-0.-=. if ".'-u h.'.-- troxy of fm-Int-r yezu'.< \\ z1;~: rz.-pcatczl. 'l`ht.-rt: is, room for imp1'ovem(:nt in `the (iOI`IL)`Zl('l otT<-rm] by (Q'h:1Ln:mqun. as far as the ;:L1amntor.= are con- luwm- In (,'o1lix::.:\\'n0rl t1u- _u'uzu'an- . n` \l*1` .A"..,. . . nnnn-ihntinn n1" ; hero lzlsut winter has neon \'0)`HlL`(l.' r '[`h.- in. static- that as high` r school attendance was increasinr,: 21]; nw:-r the province .-\1li. must 1001: for an incn:a.~=L- 21'. the opening :- 1`.~<-honl Ill Sc,-ptrnber. l -l'(')'H('<|. In \,UH "tors got off W); -55.50 each. * _ Advance .l r1m, 1'59. Lf`l\'(: H. (Ill L`\l'H uluuzx I f\!id`.z1n1l, and Ihfr local bein-.-: (rzlllod upon to $22.25 ;-uch. In O.v3!1i'\ ...< the conu'ihL1|.1rm from mtor, .md no doubt m;.n'_v "}\\'r|x|v|'.l1(\llY HM` `xl`n`.\'Il1(`u- UUII LIn- _L'.uu1un- contnbution 01" .:1.\ \`.L`L 1'ep1'e.~:cntativw will only be tewstocl in L`: commercial 1 TOOK HIS DOS . nu. pick of :11? ntte (:a:~te, 1i,Q`}1t- l(:.~`, though nn.H-1n\-hr-(I Penetang Road Lil.` Ll took elm. ni; 18 111,. u'_`. cvr-n bu-:11; .1 -`nr. In:--:1 '1'5zm'1c. E3K ...... 1... man had just conileted this hzir-l vesting and shortly after noon 32.-..-lg commenced threshing. At 5 o c1oci\` he, along with some of his help, lo.` for the farm house for supper. As they came out a short time after: they discovered that one of 1. ! large stacks had caught re. i ames spread with great rapidity ! and although the Bradford re bri ! gade put up a stubborn ght, t`: ? `completely razed the buildings and; `crop. Fire is believed to have ori ginated from a spark from the, `blosser oi` the threshing machine,l and the loss will be in the neighbor-I hood of $10,000. Tfhez buildings, 3 is understood, are covered by insuiv; _ancc-, but the crop was not, and will; be a total loss. The threshing ma-. {chine and most of the implementrl were saved, along with the farm} house. LYRIC RADIO IS MANUFACTURED BY MOHAWK RADIO LIMITED, TORONTO VIMY SUPPLY CO. LTD., TORONTO, DISTRIBUTORS bszms this year. ll 1.\ uuum-1_ uuu. the yiclrl per acre will be much ox-ur 12 bllslluls, \\`l1U1`L'Z1.< yields of 25 bu. to the acre have not been L111C0nllh0'.1 in that (li. in the _,__4. PRINTING When You Want It, and The Way You Want It. NU1`1hPf Ahnanrv BARRIE, ONT. BARRIE 97 Dunlop St. J . W. Scott Phone 53 Cartage - Ice - Coal Wood J. C. Scott Phone 1161 Sow Thistle Conference \\'i:l1 morn: Hum 1't_\' in attenu- ancv including fzu'n1e1"s from three cotlmius. ag'1'ic11ltL11`:1l 1`upres011tat1\'us and \ z`.1'i0us oicials of the depzu'1.- ma-n1. :1 meeting in the inte1'es`t u; .~'0\`.` 1'. le cmttrol \\'z1_< held on the farm of W. D. Hyslop. near Strat- ford. \\'h(-rs expq.-rinm-nts with 1'ef;`a1'd :0 `.\'--ed have been conducted on " - urn` Hm nnrirp eln "l`HUl{f$I)AY, SEPT. 11, 1930. C. R. Seott. Phone 86. .~'\)'\`. k.lA"LIL.` L \\'hC! c : ' plots L '71: :1 9'r.'1i11

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