Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 12 Jun 1930, p. 1

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V31. LXTX. No. 15. lll5l;'(1K,' Ulla. as a sec1'e- i.` (1 teachers` 1; ccording tr.` .'1me ago. n wrote in I 2 grant form 1927 1h)`(.`i" the board, 3 Ir_l\vzu` and 1. ~ wr,-re paid, 0 H nnr-1'(~AnrH`I1+ I :1 V . }_}U1'L-L` Expcnd`: null `H I I I SESSPMS (BF PEACE? T: V Lou..`.y tour: D,`-~-":on,~ 01 1.3-1 : Peacu con\'en~v1 '[`u,:.-nay at :-;rn0o::.l with u docket uf t-.,:1 j`.i1'}` 2111.! vou- ' -' to be; 11ez1rri.. AL:-ex 3:---V "nu nnn fnv reace COn\'en~:u L jury cases to 1 panelling a jury . 111211 case, the co hear `.119 case 01' E z`.'nn r.'\'.I'n n`F ('\1<?'n'I'n: \ `l\\'lE!1 (IOCKBY U1 E611 Jul)` Lulu :: '1': 1 After cm jury for the one L-rim court; proccv.-(led to` Ste-plien Dymon, u; i `the town of Oriliia, against his \vif.:,; `Dominica Dymon. T110 pluimirf put in a claim for 111-`: l'\.-CO\`(.`).`y 01" pro-' `perry in Orilliu and the po.~:.sc.~:.~:iou `_ of household fu1'nitu1`e which lie- statecl he had }'Ju1'Cl121.iC(l, and \\'a.~'.` now held by his wife, from whom he was .~.'<:p'.11'a`Lul. There was also` a claim for damage on account of the (leprc.-ciation of said property.` In the evidence of llrs. Dymon, which was :~:ome\\'hat hysto1'ical,a `story of (lomestic infelicity was re- ...,..i,.A .1 .i.'..L.,.+ ,1,.n;;,1 of `'nm. 11",-. istory OI uomesuc lIlL(;`llClLy nu: 1-Al veaied. A direct denial of her hus-2 band ;~: claim was made, the witness stating she had gone out to work by the day to pay for the p1'0p\:1'tvy,| u-hi:-h thn nInir1Ti' \\.`21. ~`. now tr1`V'iI1:Z [DC (lpl'(.` l'dLlUIl UL evidence hysterical, 21 story xvzts property, which the plaintiff was trying to get away from her. This wa.-: al so denied by the (laughter, who ap- peared as a witne:~:s for her fa.t.hr_-2-. No judgment has so far been given. `The session adjourned after hear- ing the applications for naturaliza- tion made by Peter Stris, Greek, of Or li zzuu 111 upci t_\ . 2 Gui sermi I < E1150 l'l:CU\ CLUU. The chief got in touch with the I.` :Toronto city and York county police and late Tue. afternoon Lloyd ` Dales `-.vu.s arrested on the l{ingston'g highway by Inspector Dickson 01'?` York County and held at .\'o. 11)] police _~t.ation on the Kingston high-1 way. cliaiggetl with breaking and en-L tering by night the Hubbard storm: Tue: night Chief Stewart went to. Toronto and brought Dales to Bar- '1`ie. Wednesday morning Dales ap- peared before llagistrate Jeff-5 in On the request of the Crown, t. . . . . . . he, 11113`; Sam Chm . Chmese oi 0m"accused wa= remanded for one week l police court to hear the charge. ` 1 ri. Italian. of F +,. .m..m:+ Iv? e.w.sh.~..~ in\'e.:tiQation. Orillia; Chin, Chinese, of Oril-l lia; Guisscppi Olivas-tri, Italian, of! Longford Mills; Leonty .\Iichaluk,| Russian, Port McNicoll, and Samuel `Way, Polish, lot 10', 3rd concession, l.Tl`ossorontio. ---- I k.Ount_V kIL`1"r\; .\I.L..-\., S0uth\\'u Johnston. .\Iinu.~` son, B:1rri<-; A. \-.-r..\- Q1`-::\'\Vrs|' A meeting of the Nancy Commit- tee was: held at Wasaga Beach on. Saturday afternoon 1a:~:t, when mat-i ters pretaining to improving the` island, the house sheltering the ve.<- i -A` uni` Hm \n 1 irzplf, wrwp dis-I sheltering the :~,e1 ,and the \c:~..~,cI itself, were dis- cussed. Irm. rm Xvm-1:: and Tmnroven1en: cussed. For the Works and Improvement Committee, Reeve Spicher reportenif that enough sand and loam to 1'ai: and level off the island around the building had been hauled before the ice broke up; also gravel for 'rai.=,ingl the walls and the floor. The contra.-t had been let for raising the ve.<. and the floor, a< well as the build-1 ing, about two feet, and work \\'a:' I to start about June 12th. The con- tract had also been let for .=crapin;z; land treating the Nancy. ` r` H .T, Sniclnr. of Toronto. xvlml treating the .\aney. - C. H. J. Snider, Toronto, who . taking an interest. in the .\'anc_V, `has been given instructions to have `a: .2-ix-foot model of the vessel made. and wrote that he had prices which 1 were too high, but hoped to be 'a.b1r.-- Tito keep within the estimate of .3500. ' )1. P. Byrne, for the coimnitteu, v appointed to wait on the Le,r;`is1at111~:.. `reported that Attorney-General Prim anti c`.`.`.r v-::'1.i..~* minister.< were in- "',terested in the proper preseiwatirm Vlnf the .\'ar.cy and would give a.=si<'.-. ,:1nc-e. \".'1u-ii Lhe u:o1mnitte<- .< 1': xL, h ...v.n,.n+ n1` T-`nv.-.'Y\-\' \\'H1 1111-; _. The Inattr-1` of l1ol :1 cc` ',uncu. '\` 1m11 Lhe cominittcv is r.-uug. `the D(.`}711l`llll'I1't of Fo1`~. will 11?!-g "l,(lc:1't.ake to beautify the island bvl ` lplrmtin_'j` .=`.n'uh.'-'. clc., \'i`u.l1oul cos . '~' The Dominion Government has im- pleemnted its promise and fo1~\\'u1':`wr: :1 cheque for $3,000, and Z1(."0l`(ll21g to the trc-a: stateme_nt, present- ed by D. H. Coleman, after paying: for sand and g`1'a\'el hauled, tliere is :1 balance of $2,280 now on hand. L'l)l`l`.- .:,... +1~`.;~ \-r'\I` in .\n0'n:i \vn,< rl Cu.~ - _ 111011 L-Ll: . , ml and |of tho ( '1 ` 19th. . i Thosv -. Sa,t.Lu`dz1; .. n `\ ( NANCY ISLAND WILL BE GREATLY IMPROVI-{Di Rm.-\'t*.~' W. _~\. Jnm unu ,. cums. (`nllinj-zwood; Reeve Spicher, Sunni- plzxicg; D. H. C0](~m21n. County T1'r*a.~- urc-1'; \V. .-\. Ho_L`f:, D. Wi11iam.<, C C. B::g4;;, Collingswood; M. P. I3y1'::- \\';1.<:1:z':1: J `. D11 1:111, F1o=, am `I 7x at, 2|1>H\(' u~:xu`,: uun nu u.uv.... - _ lute : .<;u~2nf: crop is ; bnhiml, but xvith t'm'o1'ab1o weathr-x. promi.=o.= :1 3.v'0o(l yic-kl. I One cannot help but be ixnp1`r2:~'.~:r..- with the absence of weeds, last year `being particularly good for the do izh-uminn of t.h(3_ })r3,:_t_:_ EREGISTERS ARE BUSY 1 } COMPILING THE LISTEJE` D: U: Lilli honor 10 be there xverc nun: u-i.-hm] I . A.= complete new }1st.s have to be prep;11'c-d for the Federal e1ection,_` ,1'eg:i. arr: now bu: compiling `the lists, which mut be completed by June 17th. M D. G. Bell, 01` Stayner, is the r:.-- I? turning` oicer for the riding`, anui . among those appointed to look af- ter Barrie are: ; Harley Brown, Harry Milne, Wm. _ I\'e:<.=, W. B. `.\`Iorren, O. G. Hart, . \Vm. Hickey, .\Ii.<.< Alberta P-ooth, J ; Lorne .\IcDou, F. G. Y\'ewman Wand Arthur Lowe. i v JIIHI dU>. D. .\Ior1'i.=on.` CROP CONDITIONS Harry Mime, Wm. 05*`: B .\Ir.< J. H. .\Iyc-r:<. of Dundas. \\'1l.~` 7m- not making 2. political . when`l ml men's Institute to buy (Ianadian-1 imade products't.l1c nt.he1' (lay. Shul HARKEY AND SCHMELING was appealing to women to e.\'p1`ess` WILL BATTLE TO-DAY their cit.i2en.~zhip in :1 pmctin-ul way.` -~--- by : Canadian industry in` Jack Slmrkey and Max Schmeling preference to that of other coun-. -:11 lnnflln fnr tho l1n:1v\r\\`nirv'l1t r'hzm1~ tries. This placing C -ar.a(1z1 first in, orne f\'mvn1zui`Shc urged the members of the W0. my nu Collm-.` \ ..~~ . z.. yr.zn~ m .-\U}_"LlI~'L \\ wxll be at commlttce m Barr an 1l1l[)l`U\Ux11r:ug] 2 1'eportexi L 3 nnv, The contract d: J. 1`. mmpson. Wor. VV'2n`dc-:1 T:m1ir*.~'on, .\I.I ..-\.g ....,1 T C. ' the me \ ..e'..\< 5.`. Lllk.` 11 weriml moi.< _-`hot }')1Z!d(: m- f_'](l.< :11 [T`(\.` and Q` .~]):!x` 11.4. H! was Mayor of and . the 1 _Geo. G. Joh nu .nv5nv`. I 1. UI'_ I(l.~' 2111` LU us and Sunni- 'ul\'z111ccd. the bloom. The ., ,vr\I`n nu-11 :1 r l('l 2 the n whom 5 -Huve \va.'< al.~::. 5 in 05] rount 01 jmovu )1'0perty..a1_;;o 1' Qy1\1o11,l crmal, a[To1.0m ,"`"5 land 12 ne1`_ hu.~:- 21321105 hidm. Ygrk p1'opc1.'ty, 'V' t'1'Y`g wav. 5 211- iteng |Tue_.\.d r `I-[<,\.,,,\,.` GOOD om. J nu som ewhat uvnn Har. : um... Simpson. \Vnw1(-:1 I ling, am: ` f` lne, n f\'ewn1an 5 Ir 2,- \.U|',. Jun mo , .. .1-. n y Eihomas Church ? Oldest In County [US 311'. I `MAN VVHO ROBBED HUBBARD`S I ARRESTED NEAR KlNGSTON_ I C-niei Alex. Ste\\'art, accompanied! ;by Co`.1.-.-table Case, went down to. ;O.~:l".21wz1 )lom.l:.y, June `.5211. \vhe1'c lwith 1n;-mbc1`.~* 01 the city and pro- ivincial police, he searched the home` Icf .\lrs .Jezm Dales and 1'eCU\'0)`ud a3 iquzmtity of .~.`ll\'cl`\\'1l).'C, later idemi~`_ ` eil as stolen 1"1`om the Hubbard ha1' l f\':a1'e store, Barrie, and a 1'esidenc4_-: `in Osl1z1`.\:a. The bag usecl to re- r\w/-\\'Ix Han :?nH: {'1-nm Hnhhard s W` E `in Oshzuva. Lne nag useu LU ut- move the stuff from Hubbard was ualso 1`eco\'e1`ed. --~ .~ u ...L 1 ......1. ...:o\~ {ha gtllev. Ed. Smith Tells Sec-1'cti R at` Long Life, Health , and H-appi11ess. I i Barrie Kiwanis Club was favored iwinh an inter-club visit from Pene- ,`;tang Kiwanians on Friday, which \\'a:~. much enjoyed by the large gather- ing. Penetang had the distinction of ._ being the baby club in the p1'O\'incf`i ;it1]1 that day, when a new club wa.~ 1 forganized at Niagara. The Penetang' _boy.<. p':ovir.=d the program, which, _.`need1e:~:s E0 . _, '~.\'as much zippix-ciat~ . i ed and enjoyed, and ; that our z;neighboring town to the north is no! Tlacking in v.'o1'th \\`]`.iie talent. 3 Rev. Ed. Smith, who though hi! 1...:.. :.- rwainrr :0m`('(`_ and streaked TPENETANG KIWANIS ; ; CLUB ms A vlsn; {accused remanueu 101` um: wcu ito permit of further mvesngatlon. liciub, was me sp<:um:r U1. Unc on... -` ' ing, and in his talk let out the secret of how to keep young. His subject] wa.'< I{i\\*ani.:, Secret. of Long" Life iv Health and Happiness." liiwanis in * not 1-1 secret society, but Ki\\'2mian.-` -llwavrz 3 SF.`C1`C't which they are not` `1 a1'1'aid to tell to the '.\'oi'1d; it is the` V I I 4 . L secret of long` life. Some people an ]old at twemy, while others 2u'e.- }'OL1i1;'. j `Eat ninety, bx.-cause they have found Vaxhe Se'_'1`L-I of long life.` 312'. SiTlit1.-:` :did not ag'i'ec with the .~'c1'iptu1'n- thny n- I --`H-... Ill\7~` m` our \'ezu'.~: are 1-h1`cG! \ i (nu IIUL 'dg1`o:c \\:Ln the dzLy.~: 01' our score and ten." M be 140 years. We f Hvn ull szrowtlm till `.20 3 .'~`( ll`c1CKll.'g 1n YIULHI nuux. -uu..... , hair is getting scarce with gray, referred to as the` zyoungc-st member of the Penetangl ;club, the speaker of t:he~e\'en` iing, h - " ` A- 1- . . A . ..-.m L! :nhiczn`l 1Iull _2'1`0WLn L111 .2 !we should live g.\Ic(lica1 science 1<.-11_2'then ihr: spm lconncd to disez 1We nd `mzxt 31'} | +n1i-1.- 1'. En:-1-051;! cLIFF. iALD"WIC`K OFF FOR ENGLAND {nu nnu Llllk. . 'tality is mere: iwhich we live `the business: mz `:1-uruvcn ..\-nminrr `more u.\:zu:L1n;_L U1 `_ result that many .r1~~1n l{iwzmi.~ .<;\_V.< stop mint 1`1`lXl(l;'! Egret t.oget.her, be friendly, be _iovial,'_ `,i'o1'get competition." There is noj `tonic like meeting your friends and lcompetitors, in social fellowship.` 2'I`here is no room for suspicion and` ,.~=:lri.~,l111,-.~.~ in. l\i\\':~?.-'. sand that 1-, "`.`hI1I leacls to i1~.. Health is` 1- \~\n"..'. nz" niml nun`. *2\.`ll`..`lUIl 1 \\ULuu '.uK\'. |.\/ .-.... \...-.. of l{i\\'ani;<, because it \\'a.~: csztal)-l. .li.=l1e(l to banish suspicion. Beforei] Na I\'iw:mi.< Club was .~:tarteIl at Pena-l : tang there was always a spirit oil t .-uspicion between the business men: .lo'f the town and those of .\li(lla.n(!.l lNo\\' t.ha`.. has cliszippeamil and Llioy lV1ncet tog:;tl1e1' in social fello\\'.=hip rland .su.~'picion is forgotten. l-Iappine:-.<.and health go togeihe) land the spirit of Kiwanis is to spread happina-:<.< and cheer among the 1111-`- I | |(le1'pri\'ile,g`e(l. In this way the}; g ibrinzr happin and health to thc-m " selves as well as to others. 1 ,0 District Trustee Clifi` Dior and L nounced that twemy-ve Coiling`:-I, lwood men had signed up to form at club in that town and an organizer gwould shortly visit Collingwoocl and `if satisecl a club would seen be `J `formed. fr :2 W l n l I l l `SHOULD BUY CANADIAN GOODS} ..u.... liiwzmi: he Lnn-n+1 preference to than 01 omer coun- .tries. placing` Carrada rst in our hearts and homes is not a ques- tion of p0Uti(',;s. It is a question 01_ ` I `conscience and 21 test. of n:-`..o.Lu. s1ncc1'1ty. ` H:ZH{{.`l nape] < f :2`. .- clence IE.` aomg ulucn LU` s)an of life but this is` I , to disease and to cnxklx-en.` that after middle life mor- 'T`h:. '.\(r:.- in cr, "1 2:1\`.u..~ LL; u. | of gladnn-.+s and ,`1`( "er 1 dropped my would mkr: to the H5, '21 : .~:tvu`ted : .. .....~. V\11|v'1`v:- 5, Gi\'cn Send (')1l.' l)_\' l\'i\\'zmi.~g (`h1h; ]. 1'<>sen`r0d \\'i1T11 ` ('..m1 Cnin.~`. favored! In x-i:u'+ +'1-run Prsnnw nenuua .\L1 1.: ; business was news ~ we:11'y111g', w1t.`n th nu? 1111.191` 131 1 me C1`l1)1urLt LHl|l`., r yezns three` .\Ian should live to 3 do not reach our: * years of age, and` seven times. that.` doing much to` -2 1:: L...+ Cd: is J.'.1Il;':',lGII\.|, $lACU AUX 1`u11(1'.\'h1ch yxeldm zxpproxlmately $400 . - .,.- ntunately 1t was mve l\0lI: .~L1(1.n on` . . ` - ._ ., ,. I01 L ))C)' Cvanzula zu me \\.1> ne\ (,1 V . . . ,. . 1.Vm,,. Hh,`t11aL lnsututmn 1:111` ` ` . 3; on the occasxon 01 out unde1 1.1: `corncr .--Lone were `n-.. up T21-nnwh ml chi1(l1'en. `iddle Thc 2\_g'e 1.1'_V I0 px'cz'.c:1' good '.\_'H1,` :1 present religion estab- picion. Before. L- ~n,l .11 D{`AI1A'J_` Hll 2111 about \-\\:v\ LJ cxuc ' 1 brou Lon chm pain _ong' Life` iiwanis 3. Kiwanian.-` ; the people we found: .\12'. Smith gx pturv t1m1`,; _" t.i11`cv3`Th0 .11(1 to! O I\II\` ..~:t-011 S, '2 5' ii :-jij w},, BARRlE ORCHESTRA ON THE AIR n \X7n, :Sl1:u1`r_\' Bay Parish 317011111 to Celcbmte i Bi1.'t11da)'. . ; iage. ll Had it not been for Co]. Edward `.G. O'Brien, who was sent to this ~1lOCatl0Ii on the shores of Lake Si1n- gicoe with a group of half-pay ;~:o1diers ,,\\'l1ich had received grants of land in ~!the district, the little settlement of 1` f Shanty Bay and its quaint old church would probably never have existed. L Th <.-`mnr of land amounted to 'grounus. The history of St. Thomas Church is replete with romance. Linked up with it are most of the important events of early settlement, and its records contain items of interest to `many beside the parishioners. There iis something of the old world atmo- ispliere about the simple yet dignied `church, with its white walls and tower standing out in pleasing` cor.- ltrast to the deep green foliage of the old trees that form its setting. Although set well back from the road it attracts the attention of all who v-\n:- . l`lnn `:1f1r; n-mnvnu-nu! uvlainh it atiracts the attention 01 an wno pass. The little graveyard which clusters about it is the resting place '01` many of the pioneers of this dis- ;trict who worshipped there when {the prosperous farms of North Sim- icoe were being carved out of the ,`forest and Barrie was hardly 3. vii- Llage. 1 Hm! it not hr-can for Co]. Edward 3`? :1 . x I fX]1` 1 1 gwoum pronamy nave (:`.\1]S[e`.l. The grant of land amounted ,400 acres, of which Col. O'Brien set a.~.iclc one-tenth for glebe purposes and thus provided the land on which 43. church and rectory, as well as :1 ' parochial school, might be built. All ibut the school has been built. `Of Irish Origin ` I The little church i.~ said to be an 'i`c.\:;1c1 rc-production 01' :1 small church in Ireland, 21 painting of which was r;brought to Slizmty Bay by Rwbert _"l.o\'c to . zI..~' {lie ..:;-.I.. 5-; the ichurch as it >'L21I`:(l:~` 10-(lay. The old lyaiminj: in :1 quaint cz1r`.'ed frame 'i;wz1.< i)rc.~:L-med 10 thus church by V. `i William Jlctculf, of Raw.-ml. and may 11?: sec-11 han<,g,'i11g on the \\':1lls of St. i-Tlnnnnc \ ,1`1'11o1nzLs'. _ )1 On Jun;-_2u, 1S3>5,~_Lhe cormgr [.`,.~:t-one of t.h1.'~: sacred e(l1t1cc'\\`z1;~: lzud 1 by the late Mrs. E. B. Walker, to \v.l1o;~:c husband gocs much of the )' credit 1'01` the crection of the church. \. He collectcd 101' it 1'1`o111 friends 321 |l*Z11,1`la11d, also for an en(1o\vmer1`; L: fund xvhich yielded 2111 income of H z1pp1`oxi111z_1tely $5100 21 3`o211'. U1`1fo1:-- nitu11a m\'c.>`tcd 111 the Banx i iof L11pc1' and \\`z1:~: lost when Pttlmt 1nstitutlo11 i'z1ile_d. The sL11'\'1ces 3 0ccz1.~'i0n of the laying of the lcorm.-1' conducted by the l_`,l'-it-\'. M1`. B1'ou_:,-`l1, who \\".1s then liv- ..-.n- :h\ (Wu.-. you seen nun 1 "I`homa.s". I June `.~CnI1n A4` Md Lilxikf [J11 ` | which c __ } ducted r1)Zll1if.'(l 1] i Thr- !C0l'H(:l' SLOHL` CUllULll.'L':U. |J_V ]Re\'. then Bing; in Oro. ; The building` of the chu1'ch `on .~:lo`.\`.1y and in the spring of J `,wh.-11 the \\`ulI.~ and roof had nished, it was opened for servit `-the Rev. Geo. Hallen, of Pene` 1ui.~:11em:. The con_<:-crat.ion 0: church and burying ground (lit 1;u'..-.- nl-um nmtl .ll`.. `I0. 185.` '1 .l. ;1.\`1` :1?.1;.(+.'.\1`.`.\- m ()c.-um 3` (.`l121ir.x' ; (-`r1'and .\IIust0`1: ) 3 \Vi11 be l 1'o.~'(`11I`. ll Friday night, June 20th, will be a ',,bi;: ni_r.r'nt in Masonic circles, when the _'[B2u`i'ie lodges will hold a Past Di;~:t1'ic: ;Deput_v night, and will have the [honor of having the Grand 31215101`, v"l.\I.\V. Bro. R. B. Dargavel, present. -1 'I`l1nv.'2 mm ninnhmn P_T7.D_G.\l. .: 1.-re)`. Each kn: V`r\ i`JNIQU c 1 NIGHT ON JUNE 20 -"i .\Ian_v Bzu'rie radio fans tuned-in .,e|W'<-(lnc.~'day night; and enjoyed the pro- _q*gr:un1ne given by Perkins orcliestya, yib:'oa(lcasting f_ron1 the I3-lue.Room niin the Georgian House, Midland. ;..'I`he orchestra was in exceptionally n good form and numy requests for 5-`special numbers `-were received from .1_outside points. The singing of ~._ _>\:-<~.i'.Tr- I}:-.1-LE1 \'."1S 9. :~;.. ' 2 ; the i v\s-nrvunvvu 1.\l.\\ . I51'O. 11.. D. 1J'clI`gZl\'(3l, [J1'US6I|`L. 1 There are nineteen P.D.D.G..\I. s {of the Georgian District living, and jail of these have been invited to at- `tend and take part. in the work of `.t.he evening. A banquet will follow the lodge work. Jtn im~imt.inn is extmulerl to mem- me wage worx. .-`in in\'itatio11 is extended to mem- lbers of all Masonic lodges in the idistrict: to a.ttvcn(l. .1... ll 1 profmn. HH'..`\1 The" (Continuvd on page four) C11 11 plan Eight Pages b(.-. stock fmuns, will be \'i.=1t- ! out 101' .\n';<. Lz0(1(lll`(l. ed, ] At t`1r. it was feared that .\Ir.<. At. the l{-iwanis niootving on Frida'ylGoddard`.< injuries and the shocx (`li1l"m'd\vas given a rousing S(`lHi - `would prove too much for her, but and incidentally pre: with zzilatest reports are that number of Emzlish _v.:old ])iL`l`t'.~', u.<;gres.=in;: favorably. .~:pru monov in the old lzuid. 1 In acknowledging the gift, Clifford -.... nu-n nu-nnflv in1ir~hf.Ni in Lilvi she is pro- .\Iarri:1ge is an ad\'onture--like go-I inn! fn u~n~__(`.ill-mu-r K (`hr-elm-fnn,j . Takes ].00I`h SL`1'\lC(3 U}! Pcnet;ang- on of the ..,1 .::,z ..,.. . \\!.'Ilb 1S3 !). l been rice by >1[VH(l1l1L' in nu: uiu mun. i In said he was gren.tl_v in{r~hto.(l to Lhuii, Kiwanis Club, as it \\'as t1irou,,".`. the! interest taken in him by the clubi ` that he had got st.-xrtml in thv judg:- `V ing competitions. Hm :'.ppr_'.Into(i!y thv kindly inu-rest taken in him and t -" `I!.-..|. ..:`6r [In I-\n.l "I, At Entlulsiustic St-.1_\'11e1' Convention ; Three Gm TL`) Bilnot. IBLL the .v.nv n ing compcuuons. nu. zgppgu. ..m-u this magnicent gift. He had :11- \\'dS Ult.` L'llUl\.`\.' UL LLXL, would get more out . if he himself \va.< the ca he 1'ol1o\\'ix`.9; were then mum ULI11\\':l um nu: m-x-u mu D1'ury or 311'. lung. (Continued on page three) I.z1mbL-rt. .\l21yo1' of .\Io1`1cy, C011ing'wood; . n......:,.. ,1 '1` 5 exp1'e.~'s. h Lzunbert A 1.. nnnxir IL` IlUI!1n1.u.v:u, 2 stronger n` d to retire. Sullivan felt to b010l1f. ,` to ` . .11 Inn-.~. .' OI suxyn.-r 101' mm: _\l:ux.~. shc: tomx develop. . Johnston said it was not` .021 10 stuml, but it was` , ` A ..-,1L1.....1...l r".m:~m-_. 0. 1'4. `st. Slmcoe; H J:SinA,1son, Nj EElHEAvY nacxar AT % Conservative Choice`h u"H.1_0N MUSIC` .1 (`mm--1.-+ [.4-1`: S<-hnull `5'>`~!--13' - stzum. DUE 1: \\ Ljed-blooded Consw 01'.:Lw:\. zmul .'x 1'- .,.1:..x- \Iu Kinn- 'C211`S m B110 1101158 still enjoyed the; 1-nn Fmn ` 1'1 `x Slulii; . llL`1". ` but nxnn Lilli L'Uu\L'u- of him ne candidate. 41. nzunh-._ u, zu M1`. DLZl)'llUl', ` 1; .\Iz1_]or? S1mp.~:on,-, .T:nni: Ium1e. Geo. G. Hobe1'L- . Ln. Pit-ht VICTORY IS EXPECTED] V. -. ~-..-_ Conservative Candidate in North Simcoe. I J. T. Simpson, who received the nomination at the Conservative Coir 5 wention on Monday, needs no intro- }duction to the people of .\'o1'th Sim- =coe, as he is well known throughout the county. Born on t.he farm which `Hie occupied till 21 few years ago, in ' Tiny Township, Mr. Simpson knows the need of the agriculturalist bet ~ +m- Hmn n1n:f. men. After attending "after which he returned to the Iarm Vvhuu a young man he interested liimsclf in municipal affairs, ano ' .'~:er\'ed his township, first as council- 'ilor, and then as re-eve for several- ` years, during which time he was in '_ the County Council. In 1913 he was t honored by being selected as Warden iof the County. Since then he has flkept in close touch with matters p1'e- ' Altainingr to the County, and in 1922` 5;was appointed Clerk of the County, ejstlcccm.-(ling the late R. J. Fletcher In 1928 he moved to Barrie, - 1\\'hcl'u he has siaicc l`c.~ i(lCtl. , ti `\T1- Gin-n:nn kn: inhavncfnll lailn. \\'hL`l'L` HI.` H215 >'ii\L`(,' l`L':'i(l(_`U. L` 1 Mr. Simpson has interested him- ' self in other 1na.1;ters., particularly the )Iothe1's Allowance and the Old !.~\;:e Pensions, and acted assecretary` of the local bozmls. In politics he has always taken an` 3_ active part in the Conse1'\'ativc As-'1 " . and has acted as p1`OSi(1CIlt` "gzmd secretary at various ti1m,n<. In` L- I In)! ..-l.r.. In. 1' 13` {\ 1|~n:~ 111 1+ 1 `the need 01 the agriculturaiisc oe: ter than most men. .-lfter attending `public school at Waverley, he took a course at the Barrie Collegiate, "after which he returned to the farm l \-\/'13.... -x wnIn1(r n1-.111 hn in.h'>1'n. _ v.~u.......u.., and secretary at w :i1E)`.Z1 when the ",pa1miest (lays, Mr. Wthe riding: of Cent iT nn~:_-l..na-n In.` --.- Amwva CAR RIGHT ; mm) mcmonvlz . (.l'ill}l'll|.ll'3L Zlllll \\'l`1`l" l'IUl'lllll}." llUlllL' |` lI"`,uhou: l p.m., w`;1(n the ucc-idcnt oc- icurr:-tl. Thv son \\'u.< (lriving :1 m.-xv Ford :~'c-(lzni mid his attention at the I` {moment had been drawn to some ';t1'oul)l(> in the car. Following an- bl1c'omcr car, which barely got over the in level track, the God car crasliecl inlimo the locomotive of a southbound` on-|C.P.l-t. stock train. Striking tho he lncoxnotivv on an angle, the car wz1.<: l(.`l' thrown C103!` around, with its from. `sit- part . and twistetl. The occu-1 on~.-ip-ants were all thrown out and in-I 1 "V. .-.1.m~n -_-+n+mI l Vl,.Bgl."l'dLLil'L`, I A reliable \[e1ector:< of B 2110 mi.~".akc ix` 'ito Ottzxxva. V".-`xir. zmd .\[1'.<. (:`rcn. `md(1;m'l 1 and Sun, .Ilill. .-1H _l}z1d1_\' _H11r1. ' o I . 4 .. l ` buml h.\.]r. J. .E]z11'1'is, _\[.P., Rcvitzms )Ia1-Ad1ni111. of (`m\'c1~11111C11t. ' i put 1. an - pants 1 jurod w" Fir: -wpz1nI.~' an Lnrown Out mm 111-1 Hjurod :1: above stated. ` 31` First aid was rendered by Ihu!` utmin men. and D1`. Randolph, or` .'iHilI.=duh`-. also Dr. Fred Ross. 01 1'Ba1'1'i(:, were sumomned. The In 5 `- jured were brought to the Burrioi il'ho. un ambulance being sent `out for Mrs. Goddard. I _\6 Pu-ct if '11: `Fn:11'n(' H111? \TY`<, `a `1i1i`=` train -landolph, of Hil1.=duh~, `Ban-i<~, M 'ho. `out 1,} 'tGoddard`s _j I . . . - -- z latest 1: a- : ;gressin;.r 1: a 3 go- ling to \var.-Gi1bm't K. Chesterton?-` 0 ____. _ ___,_ __, _ r. b' k .'- `way.= tried to do his best in the com- is ,l|...,.HHp.n: mnrl Bur` an nrhlnri ivur-nnhvu 1 h().~`pl[:ll. zunuuiance nemg huiu Booth, will (_-e19bmt(_. the g5t,h fwwnian` l 1 _ A unique event will take place at It "115 the hmng of and _\'I1-_:` GQ0_ Goddard`s 311`-15, 1`-y_ on Mondav, _]un,._. 1_;th_ would when they ' ilatest is anniversary of their wedding. Mr. and lDz1\`i.< will celc-brute his birthday, i land also their daughter Kathleen. SHARKEY To mark the occasion, Mr. and ling Chr_-_.~Lm~ton,L.\l1'.~t. .Davis will be at home to their ', _ __ `many relat.iv<~s and friends. Herc-`s I . lhoping that they may long be spareri \vays tried command liave the joy of celebrating{.pionh. title dicztrded hy `Gene Tun-< ,D01'i`~i0Y1S and had M1 ildded iI1('.0T1U\` gzolden \w.~d(ling`, as Mr. Davi:< !nr.-y, in New York to-day. The ari- to do his very best in the worhlll'at.lier and mother ulid -.1 short tiincgvanc-e. `sale. of tickets reached $625.- cliaznpionship competition. ago. 000 on Tuc:= night. will battle for the heavyweig'ht cham-i J. T. SIMPSON L` H1211! North ha ;~..n:l )1 bl but 'lll DHHCUI :._-nding' J. 3 L)-L`.\J. \\'Zl5 H1 IL.\. 1'. Simpson contc.~:te1 ntre Simcoe for thu '_m:~'v_1c(-r:.<. \-Iv mu xv o h.. - .` ...\~. In x_~\mry way, .QEmr`nn mm )1 `LL! I At one of the largest and most enthusiastic conventions ever held in I\'oi't.l1 Simcoe, on Monday at Stay~ ner, J. T. Simpson, Clerk of the County, was chosen by the Conser- \tati\'es to contest the riding` in the Federal ght. The convention ' was truly re-presentat,ive of every part of the riding, every municipal my having its full quota of delegates. The town hall was packed and many were unable to get in, over 600 be- ing present. Jos. Harris, )I.P. fox Scarboro, was the chief speaker, and he did not . ,thc King; Govern- ment. `Rim-`I-.+ namn: wm-cs nlnnpd before 1nl,`.'.`1l, ll.` \\'(_'H '41.` ml brui;~:e.<. ended church at` .'(` 1`eturnin;: home .1.,. :]r.\\~ r\;\ , concus.~:1unu \\'0un(l.< and .. .n`..'nn -1 {15 21 5131' (}.0d\`ur 1' \v1n:h ' |\l1:]]I.' '11) .'H l):ul]_V `.1r.\~ 1e b1 L-terestcd bx rs, 1.1` several I 11 3 11 hers 1922 ` 15 Fletcher Bz1r1*ie,- ted 'ticu1ar1y ~ secretary ` an xtive 1 p1`e. C ma-.<. In 1, n. :9! -Ll'lULl.* rd had I n pun- ` V ('lIi' ` Chairman Bryson, with 1ru.~'tee.-.- iSimpson and Tyrer, vi.-'ited the Oril- ilia schools last week to see what wax.- }being done there in the way of teach- iing music. A lady teacher em- Tploycd in Orillia, who gives all her itime to music. liach class from the `il-:indergarten to the senior third `given a half hour le.~:son every week, land the teachers follow up with fur- `ither instruction. The Barrie trus- tees were favorably impressed with ithe progress being made, particular ` . ily in the junior classes. Dr. Simp- zson, who gave a verbal report, ;t.houg'ht, however, that members of `the board should visit some Otlltsx [schools where music is taught, andi [it was arranged that as many 215' :_possible go to Oshawa next week, jafter which the Board will come to `some decision as to wlrat will be done in Barrie. '\I.... [C h.....:-a.....a.'.... "L 12 f` T :C0z1l Cu11h':1L-t Let; .\tte11da11<-0 for \Va.`< I-Iigll. 1 3 The Board of Education met in irerrular sesslon on Monda m `ht. 3, _ y ` wxth Trustees Rog`er.'<, l\eL1rn.< zmu| `Hammond absent. .-\pzm.' from some, `discussion on musxc m the :-`noo1.=,` ithe tlme was taken up In pa:<.~'ing 1`-:.-- ports. ' .` fV1, , `, W. .... Y`a....~..... u-H1~. '[`vn.-hon: III D?.|.1'1'1t'. D May Registration at B.C.I. . 529 The report of Principal Girdwooc gshowed that 529 were registered fol Nlay, with an average attendance of 504.97. Miss Helper was absent two; days and Miss Donnelly one-half day. Mr Ch-dwnnrl submitted 21 report ment. Eight names were placed before the convention, but only three went to ballot, W. J. Morley, Col1ing'wood', H. G. Robertson, Barrie, and J. T. Simpson, County Clerk. Mr. Simp- son had a majority on the first bal-` lot and on motion of his opponents the choice was made unanimous. W. .-\. Boys Deeply Touched When the chairman, John Forgie, president of the North Simcoe As-` sociation, called for nominations, J. T. Simpson in a few words referred to the splendid services rendered to this county by W. A. Boys, wno nan: rst represented South Simcoe and. later North Simcoe in the Fe(leral House. All agree that Mr. Boys re- presented these constituencies well, and if he would again consent to al-1"] low his name to go before the con-'. vention every one in the audience ` would be behind him. This brought deafening and prolonged cheer-:<,, which }_'a\'(- umnistakable e\`i of} Mr. Boys` popularity. 1 In reply .\Ir. Boys said that this; touched him very deeply, and if hel had not reached the age of 60 he} would agzlin. throw his hat in tire; ring. ll there was one thing` thatl he appreciated it was to realize that` aft--r .-`er\'in_: 18 years in the House nf` (`nmn1nn=. he enjoyed the, days and Miss uonneuy one-nan uuy. Mr. Girdwoocl submitted report of work needed to be done at the Collegiate this summer as follows : 1 Pnintimz the rooms of the old Collegiate this 10110 . 1. Painting the building that have not been painted before, ve rooms. -7 Dnlnflnm nnfclrln nf rlnn1`:, Al 2. Painting outside of doors, at the three entrances to old building. 3. Plumbing in the cl1emi: room should be overhauled. -1. Fixing up of grounds. 5. Ten more class room seats `needed. } 6. look case needed for study `, library. t 7" A \Vnfr=r ninr-.< inzt inside of out-. \be1o1*e, I1\' lzorary. I 7. Water pipes just inside of out- er door of Elizabeth St. entrance es=ho`u1d be chL1ng<.-(1 to in;~:ide of inner MI.-am~ an n?n.~.; u~Hl nm f'\-r-r>'/.r- in. ."HUU|ll ldoor, winter. 0 '1`! winter. 8. The ofce now used secre-` s ofce, library and room should be divided accorriing ttbi l `plan sent to b0'.x1'd some time , The Dept. of Education respon.'~'c to 21 letter re for: iczitict tminingr, Unat in 1hr(.-1"` ischools were reported by 1Prii`.cc of \Vz1Ic.<. King` iCr.l\vzu` \"ict.orE':. *,"m- whi:-11 _qram.= ` '$50<:z1ch. In 1928 and 1`.!:2E)o11r_-'epo1':| ionlv \\'z1.< rm,-oixwl. in-:1rlrw1 public} \ rou-:' Lon: ;.~`u1)p1yn1;;; 2! Icon], 100 `lzmtl 15 ton: inn n4` '1`:-n; `mgr 01 mo uuluume; uomx `held, and A.I'1. Eryson achai1'ma_n of the committo `lof F. I"o. n ~ `-1-. limit 41 \`l. \\'(`l'l 1.~'c!m01.= and 1.92-1 1 38 home vis-it.< v During: the month were made for c rt1~n;- nm. I-n.n l\ r 1 v. C` ||n1J"$`i`i;, nr-nn V hm OI UOIYIIHODS: I1.E3 SL111. t:11Juy::uFu.u-..-!__\gC rrenslon`; co11t1dence 01 Ins consmtuents. sou:-{Of ` years ago he had statccl that it wouhi B; the 1:'1.~*i imci hlc w(t)u1(}1 ;=1ee1Eit.1111i part onor, am Ac nu no cm go _._.OCiutiOn an mind, but he would say that \\'1w!and Seclfeml. c\-.1- \v:1.< tlw choice of 1m: c0:1\'L-11-113,21 1.1 mm-.. our nt` him! - ...A ____~_, _]____ l'mn.g' r.r1\\`nm ac-nom. ` There \\'a.<. no report from the '. .~ . 3 F ,.\I21nz1;:L-ment COIIIIIHIICL`, but I)`.'.\ i'|Simpson, chairman of the committee-,! _ ..~:.id that the matter of teacher;<` sal- _`|:1ri<.-.< would have to be gone into I 1thoroug`hl_v, and suggested that :1 I k,!. meeting: bv cnllml to dc:-al.t 1- with the question. :55 nome v1. \\'c1': zuso In;-nu.-. uuu u........ month r:i5.>:ht e.\'c]u. communicablv di.<-`being: pa1'ticu1a1'I} (21505. One case of chicken pox in struction 01' 1110.: king` I?rl\\`a1'd School. -- | 'l`lnna-n urn: nn \-nnn1-F `F1-nwa Han] .........-.-.--an A n ccepu The . Mu EMR. AND MRS. GEO. L. DAVIS : TO CELEBRATE ON JUNE 14 1 1, LUU tons 01 r)uc:n\'m~;.u cum 1 tons of .~'t0\'c (-0111. On m0t~ of T1'u. Sprott and K ndrick. mm}.-v nf' (`Jmwrnn [G Y- ne cnzlngc-(1 LO 1n.~:1ue U1 HIIIUK" so p'.})es wxll not freeze inl I Bgrrie, 'VI`i1urs 1930 '91 v? I .=ula)'ics, , $1.~10T.04. ..lu-nnJ .h Bry:on, with T1`u.~:tee` I 'T`vrm'. vi. Oril Ill UH F` . L'\ '31 tion ' than 3 Th. I'.'lli.~' as fun /-1 ')-').UU. l`4.\[)(.`Il(|2 I ,S5U.(iT, and -.1:~` A 1-nport fromg hn'.\'r-H 1'.-rs-in`.~ !"(H I pupi \\'f' Pl` Get C021 JXI r: lowes nittoo 1 rm I4 :`-(fvfu. LU... . - t \\'a.< paid. ihrougzh Pm`:- n.. 1| received for of bituminous \....1.-..-`.1,...t mm!` report; mad!- nil . h $0111 )1 >1 u. w. I{no2\`1v- PAIIBTK

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