W12! IT] 0 (1. The work at the :ro\'er1m~.ent fore.-\!`] .'~:tation is in full swing`. 'l`hr~re zin- about 90 men (-mployetl in the spr1n_r._>; work. Each year we see this <'l21~:. of work increasing`. This year t1:e1'-.2 will be sixteen transplant tents: in: operation, and they will need all thel `ne weather that is possible to get` all the transplants in by the end of May. Each tent will plant an aver- uqe of 20,000 trees per (lay. Then there is all the permanent trees tu lift that will be used for shipping.` About ten men are constantly lling orders for trees that have been re-: ceived from the people of Ontario. Mr. Frank Garvin has reLuI`n('d to` /his home in Detroit after visiting his parents, Mr. and Nlrs. A. Garvin. NT)-2 .T .T Kiecnr-1: and children 1 l.IlL`|l' IJYUU which appca nn1n1- fn H \ lf CU IV.` sold from y being Af\(Vx-r.rs1'\ HUKI ll. gL"cl\lU 1 for their their produc` hit-11 nnnnnlrrr mzuo ;.-'1'u`.-.ux'.~ m linking up with 1`. Branr*h(n<, arr- Omario Cmlnty. 150 in \`\/'c-llingrtnnli 0 County, while`! ....:...l......_-+ -1111] .\i. The Northern Advance mun \'.'ZL_\. shipmum< re sold to . . l .-.(3'I`D`\ radc 1-".1" ' 7 ~ ` ' -1 ' Finest Back Bacon { Alltlllzggm, gm Half Pound 30 . Selected Side Bapon Snap TIN 146: a Half Pound Z.j`;-ic Members of 'I`oronto council ovi- \`dontIy 9:01 . hr-mi.-: wht-n [hm . \\1-re elector! in I'M-ct-mbu-1', and um`. Zuuvn such :1 hi<:':1 opinion of Lhv-~1 .4(a]\'us` that they are rz1i.~'in_Lr th:-i` I .,,.. 1` .AI. ON Special - EXTRAORDINARY COMBINATION OFFER -- 3 jun. lac -tau: (IO? 4. COT]: "I"-I11 pat 5JlJ\.avJ.vu .-.-_..__ _._'-v- -- - - v - OLD ENGLISH wAx:;:,a:ui:e 69 'r\T:1/HTT1 A r\ A.-I nu Toi1'E'Tiue S13Zecia1- 0 & B s TOMATO - --n`-n at-1-1-I; CATSUP 22 LARGE BOTTLE EI{fSTIE S SCOTCH {wipe and P1'mu'111n1 Book For 11sm'.< of K2Lrava11 Stoneless Dates \\'i1Tl1 van-11 ])111'('hi`1S(` of 2 1 1 ]\'211';1)'z111 Dz11`0.s MAIN STREET '7 WI Mr. zmd .Ir.<. Hubert S`n0l.<\\'<-11, la.-t. F1'id:1_v c-vvni .-Xrthur F:\;:<=n of Giad to see zxmuml :1_9;ain aft 4I\I'\Il'\ Hun. 2 PKGSQ rsiaeciaa. - AYLMER gic and Beans 2 Rolls No. 2 Size Tigs mn-u:unuwmmn:x-:: 94. GROCETERIAS IN ONTARIO Where VJE SELL FUR LESS FREE ! "FREE ! gagian _x@;i`~9?i`;@3 \The National leaves \Toronto daily at 9.00| p.m. Arrives at Winnipeg 8.45 a.m. second morn- ing. Good connections at Winnipeg for all points in Western Canada. EQUIPMENT Compart:ment-obscrva- tion-Library Buffet Cars (Radio). Standard Sicep- ers "Tourist Sleepel-5- Diners and Coaches. . [`.".W'. Haze] She1. after visiting: fri( FzLth and Sor held April 27th, iov. A. Finlay .......i-.1 .-nu-vi:-n 1 Information and reservation {rum any Agent of Canadian , National Railways. White Swan `3IJIh}dli. To Everywhere in C (mad u. Sleeping Car Service I Tn GITIIIIIYIIY I ll Ill!!! -5 _ Enjoy a comfortable ride in all-steel stand- ard drawing room sleepers. Car remains at Sudbury until con- vcnient hour forrising bleepmg par aervncc To SUIIIIUIIY 1:*_:..__. .. ........t'....o-.kl.. ~ OF LINDSAY and is lom:m:_: goon. ?Ii.<.< Mu Link spent over Sunday witth her sister, .\Ir.<. John Dick. I 0tu10t:s are looking up in price at (.'1'21i;:]hu1`.~'t, .>'1.(i.3 being` o'er;: 1.. - 7.4. - EEEIHM PIMENTO LUX, 2PkgS.19 Non-Such, mi For Fine Laudering Liquid Sic;vePo1ish Specia1-Watch our Windows this week. -{76 aye featuring the popular Ingersoll CHEESE 11 .-\lli:~:t0n people will be ; to : the four t1`zJ.in daily schedule of 1 C.N.R. changed. Way back in ` G.T. days this town formed habit of referring to tliese ti`z1in.< the morning Trunk train up," morning Trunk train (1o\vn, and these tlesignatioiis lizwe six to tliem to this (lay. Before ll1(` cl. Makes Hard Water Soft -25 PIZE7 REGULA,I`{ $1.03 Easter Offerings For Wek of I_\_pril 19th to 2%4t}i u_Ls;x t n.'n'w.< nzlrw.-_\. .'<~.-lf throuyrh the uie on :\p1'1l Jth been punch_- l;;.' -q`ran1 Smith, u M Falls. \/nnrur H|\'4\' \ GROCETERIAS CO. LIMITED Q-ran 23-v--v-j--- -7-? K with which is amalgamated HE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA THE CANADIAN BANK OF QQMMEBCE -- that great business highway which takes in cities, towns, vil- lages and even many new outpost communities from coast to coast. On this thoroughfare We are in the company of all classes who Work hard and contribute much to Canada s prosperity. We count it a privilege to serve them daily and to assist in the attainment of their goal. We know of no higher ambition than to con- tinue to serve the people on Canada s Great Main Street. Pu1:e Hard 40 02. We are on Canada s Main Street rulls. , Young HHV(`_V, who.<(: home is at. Burk s Falls, xvas employed by Smith some four months ago to (lo chol-e.<: around the place, while he was work-1 Eng in the bush. Lust tvergk Smitlll learned that young H:u've_v \\'as tool friendly wi'.:1 Mrs. Smith. and mull `nn..n .-non kicsinq -her. On TU(`.~fd2lV" _Spec{a1- SURPRISE Tin Paste '.`x!lIU?' cu-.. : - dzlys LI IL` the the SYREW, ih tin 24c 1 IBft'r'1N' KISSED E-tV-lPLOYER'S WIFE, BOY SHOOTS HIMSEL}-" CUSTARQ . -u- -u rn-r-n~r of the automobile and up to about the time of the grrcat war, tllew x'.':1.: no quosion about the pz1yi11g' }m.<.~011- _9;er traic on the Beeton branch 0: the C..\'.R. Of late years, l1o\\`uv::_`. the car has robbed the 1`z1il\va}.'.< of all local t1'afl'1c and there is little or no 3.-`rouml 101' complam if local Hornes Double Cream C11oco1sLte 45c `I07 Page Five Bottle iS,,17c irxenaly wn:1 M1'<. Dn1lLl`l. zlnu nzuuw been seen k"ssing '[`uo.~'(lz1y Smith paivl the boy $17 will t-".xl him to lez1v- he talkr-(l 3 ism about his wife .1..d punched him in the right eye. Vext morning the boy was up early and without eating his breakfast, went away, taking his rie. Some time later 9. neiprhbor found Harvey on the ron-l about a quarter of a. mile from the Smith` farm, apparently dead. Neighbors and Magistrate J. J. Wilson and Dr. Wittick were notied. The boy was still breathing and was ruslictl to Orillia hospital, but died before reaching there. pt-nnln in the Vl('lIlltV my [hat '1 J3'\]`!' Yonald ; .\Ir.<. .-..n. An Miss '1r.u~/.1 -Communion will be celebrated by J L.L...'.r'.2..L\l.L|lI.}.L , The .`-\ng,'liean Church, St. Paul's,` will be re-opened for divine servicel on Easter Sunday at 2.30 p.m. Holy Rea . A; ll. Holden, and St. Georg`e s (lhurch choir of Allzmdale will sina the special I'Ja.`~:te1,' music. The ehureh haw been newly decorated and all old members will be c()rdiall_v we: eomed. E Vlim. 1.`:..l.n. 1~nr~nl\'nI` `In ininrv in rmcmng mere. People in the vicinity say that young Harvey was -.1 quiet, inoffen- sive boy, never mixing: with girl:-i or young people. He had rzm.-1_v been off the farm all winter. His fiithur died six months zuzo. and his \-.'i ed mother with :1 daughter and baby unn w-nuuin like thiat. VI 1`. (3 Ll L and i: `H C h:n`10;< .14` +1`...-.nnl-1 -scial 1 MIDHURSTW uLIJ.&-I-I .1-x _ Hattie Mar: [`.".W-. , 0] has 1'eturn0(l home` friemls at Moonstoiio. h(_-1' Son Sunday will be April in the evening. Finlayson will m'e2u-l1 :1 l . to the fathers and Bo . and come. s are moving: Z1l'0l.1l1(l ilfdflllll. It 2 to sot: thn snow .20. The full -`ml vvn cfnml flu. winirnr \\ nll Lo Inn .~.'now go. 1m: 11111 and rye stood tht;wintc1' well : looking: good. < Tnhn DH-L ..,_.. .-ind-nu \Ts comeu. Miss Finlay 1`e(-,ei\'ed an injury to her hip some weeks ago. The in- jury would not heal. It was neces- sary for her to enter the hospital for treatment. We wish her :1 speedy recovery. 1?:-0' l.vH'nn c-ntm'f.:iin(\(l :1 larsze I l (1. V1 311'; n '-I\(n\ Hll.UL"XlUfl' \ afternoon. "`\uuv\..l I,- LIX`. ent Ol \,()llI>'0l1. >0 Gordon after helm.- HSL HISI \\'l,`(.`K. tnmlml to M1`. mm` whose infant son cemetery here on 1. and also t.o Mr. olce, whose nine- -.n 11vn:~ 1mn.,~..l nu .\'()ll ,\HlLU at Murra \.\'1`.Xl 1 after in. .~...l.n..... I S`ml.<\\'v-11' 1;: sick for mm 1 v x.-rday 1 1 Rog . Lytton e11t01'taincd :1 12113:: number of friends _at his new home l21.'\'t week. Mr. Lytton was recently married. 'l`L.._ 1I~I\\!1r nI- Han rrnvnv-I1\'\`v(snf` Fn1`r~.\`v' ulltl ) x - 1 i UM` `.'lSll,0l'n' lll LU\\ I1. Morley L'i\'ing`sL0n. s.ecre{a`r_v oi` "the local association, _`Il\'(: 21 briei l*'.~'t. of Barrie AuLo:noti\'c .-\:'. iution. The ztssociution \vas 0Lg'.ll1 :ized three years ago. In 1928 and l_1.`)2) :1 show was held in the Arm- 'ourics. but bad weather interfered with the success of these shows. This year it was decided to hold :1 !. room week, as was done in `Toronto. It was felt that at least} `part of the week could be counted 'on for decent weather. The Barrie .(leale1`s had their problems, just as `other places, pztrticularly in the `used car business, and would be in-~ terested in what Mr. Howard Moore; ;had_to say. } Rm (Iowan. nast nresidevnt of the not n (onsur ;c:il";l(- l`-trm: . able :1 duce. 'l`hz1 of as other ' Czmad doubt, price on th( ner. In < Depar some cation in the mm BEALERS 3 4 my BANQUET; The automobile dealers of Barrie. as well a number from the 51.11`- croumlinn; `gowns and Villages, enjoy- ed `.1 get-Log;etner aunt banquet on` Thursday evening last. The spezikei ` `of the evening was Ho\vzLrd Moore, i.~:ec1`et2l1'y of the Toronto Automobile` Association, and his address `\\'a.:" most interesting and gave the deal`.- ers much food for thought. Frank Livingston, president of tlh. Barrie Automotive Association, pre-` lsi(led and welcomed the guests. Reeve Creswicke, on behalf of the ;town council, extended greetings tel 'iLhe visito1'.< in town. - `\[nu-inn ['i\'in(7` snr'l``-i:l':`V 5 H1 LII iooo, _ ' are taken H] U: U `i:LK1I1::,' (52113. Z1ll(l ll`. lL`l`. `.75 p01` cent. of [lime liuvc to be ru- conclitioncd. The (lealc.-1' h:1.< lltlia control ow,-1` his bu. as thu 1nanul'zLcun'u sl-Ls the price at \\'l1l('lv icz11`;~: must l )l.' . also the price of pu1't.<. lt then lg-vol\`(-.~' that thr `(loath-1' inL1.~:t look to his u.~'e(l cam. ;for 21 l)i;.: pan. of his bu.~'ine.<.<. ` In tho p21.~:1 many dc-alcr.<, have been paying: little attention to this pliase of their business. Used cur.-' in and left in the back y.'Lrd just as they came in. They were sold for whatever they broug'h`L, 1'og'a1'(1lcss of their condition. Th-3 1`(,`S11lt is that the condence of the public as regz1r(l.~' used cz11'.~: is lost. `Hm li('.'1ir`l`< must win imr-l< this '0nA ; ::ml the (h-m'r~ci:\ti0I1 .:\-.`.1 year. - While `all the rlr~z1ler.< do not . 1 to the scale. yet on the whole the Eco-opemtion : has h(*1|w(l much "!Lo put the used my bu.~'im~.4.< on ;1 thigxher bznsis. The clc.-ule1'.s have :1 -'-_ to pc.-1-form. that of giving ser- 1 vice, but they must make prots, to K` Aienable them to render that .~;e1'viee. -I punnc rogzlrus uscu czL1'>; IS xusn. `Hw (lc~;xlvr< must win buck -on dcnce. Every car brought in that is for should he 1-cc0m1itionr:(i and om-1'e(l at its true value. The ..n.-4 rd" unr-n'h(lH1'nn1'nr v.-hnnl in I5 I01` "INC SDOUIU UK, 1'(,`C(H1(llLlUll '1` cost of rr.-co'ndiLioning: ; (-hem.-,' up where it belongs, to t ]>(_-1'.-'0n who used tht: cur. Mr. Moore told something` abc the way thn l`oron'm deal:-rs ha ~.':..,... mot: -. ..-uhlr. !ur_L'mn ])ubli.~'} `price um] ...,.,... .... ...e \....,.t....... .......,_, _~ _ ` g _ , i'e-`l'L_ 31l91> _'9h_ _P. ?b1}9]ln :lu"t Oiit:.1i'io.,l h1' p`"u `my m `I toiused Car.buSines5 would /his visiting l]`i.~'l;eI;f5::(ls;n M1" M00 parents my IR Gan-Vin i aBill coiikn Dast p1'esident . .- .. C ) M15-',.-J5 J`. ]\1`5C.k zlnd children Toronto Automotive Association, was are visiting M1 . and Mis. H. Barn- hart of 01,o_ introduced and said that but few - . - 2 lers were making Mr. Phil. Jones 1" bu`y decorating mtorlnoblle dea . St. Paul s C`-hurch.b The church islmonty because they did not know to be opened Sunday aternoon, xvithligglgng gagglle :':i:dO":`f,'eryT1ljeSa1ie.i:},( EeC}13f:gmA' R Holden of Anandaleibusiness andg pone that must be _studied carefully. (_"hr,E}1jh nggggbegsplzg, ?nurt,f}?: Howard Moore, who.is well known ` ` to most of the dealers present, \V2l.: I(:;;'(l{`3;1 e`v}$n.l_ng )aid1_f Ulllted 'y;i\`en a rousin=g ovation when intro- " ` ` ``- C P-`-V <`-` 0JY"`|(luced by Morley Livingston. I by I`7'* ga`the"ing- He said on the start that he did M13 Reid hi "t'u""l llom aftwiiiot have a cure-all for all the deal Spending` S0V'0Y1t0n Weeks in the h05`,(3l`.s', but he wished to review with 'ltl- W0 h0P0 ~"h0 Will CIU03 h"31';Ll1Cn1 the situation in which they limlih mt hi i""' l"`~"l"3"l -0 `NW-Ifiii tlieiii. at the present time. R021 113111011 ll?!-` 0mm"m f' <'l1`i~i l`liu dc.-2ilei's were not iiiakiiie; nioiiey; `*-1H`l' UV` l0.'~"H lH'0ULi11 10 his mill. `.~oini,- may be making ii fair profit, _ `VF 3` l)i1-`("1 T0 Iti1t0 tlliit but on tlie whole few were _i_ri.-t.iiii; .\l:ii'imi Speiive and Bill Czirsoii lia\'e_iiiu-i'c. on the money iiivested. .xll, [)l`1l(`llC:1ll_\' i'eco\'..~i`e(l from diphuii i)(-(`7l1l.\`:j- 111.-y 11113 lnL`()n]I)L'{lj]][ '3 ll`-1`l'd. l'l`lll_`}' lll`(' lllcll of :i\'ei'iii_-1- ;iliiity oi -.----~- ;tlie_v would not be in bLi.~'iiic.~'.~'. 'l`lu:' " :`-"`"' ' ' l'i' tii'i1 ('\'\'l` T H3. ,7 E ..... l"t0lillll(')Ll 3 _ ( . _3 . \~jli:i l,llI' \'2`..l!1` ul t`11l'.< .~Ul(l `nu: Ii..m.. \l'i-i"ii\'1- illll `\H.-; I ' .. If.-)i W... lrl gner. the spring` of 1929 the Ontario ~Departnient of Agriculture offered ;some assistance in the way of edu- `cation to some of our better growers 'in the good potato growing districts `in the Counties of Simcoe, Duffei-in land Peel, and organized what `known as the Central Ontario Potato 'Growers Association, and local `branches were formed at Alliston, lC1`ai;2.'hu1`st and New Lowell in Sllll.-I `coe County; Orangeville and She}- iburiie inl Du erin County, and Cale~ ldon in Peel County. Fieldman were `appointed to supervise the work and `instruct the ;>;rowers in the matter {of preparing their seed and taking; `care of their crop, and with the liearty co-operation of the growers in the zissoeiatioii, succeeded llll :[)i'o zi crop of potatoes that; -ior quality wzis the equal to, if not. liettei', than that _9;rowii :iiiy\\`liL-re iiig CL1ll2l(l.'1. ' For potiitoz,-:< ti':idi-" or of that quality :2 l)i'zind" ` iizime w:i< re -.*'~` l.~ L(`]'Lu'l ;i.iid they \\ L`l'(* ll`.1ll`l\'L, l(-ii U!l(l(l' the br:iiid" 'l`.P.. in llL'\.- `_.~ii-ii:-illnd l>:i}:.< with :i stziiiip of thi-i_ liidiriii T90 l'(i' on '. 1(`ll l)(1j_ ,`. i 'l`lii-_\' :il.~'o <~.~":ilili.~'l.iL.-ml zi. }..'.'l'11li` l)eI-i i Hr. E. Spence of Hamilton visit;-1 `ml his mother, Mrs. '1`. Spence, last `iweek end. mop aruggmgl Not one case in fty requires internal treatment. Rub soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil" directly upon the tender spot" and relief comes instantly. `St. Jacobs Oil" is a harmless rheumatism and sciatica ` liniment. which never disappoints and cannot burn the skin. T Cmlmr nnl n..:o N-..... ...l ("us cannot Durn me SKIN. Limbcr upl Quit complaining! Get a small trial bottle from your drug- ; grist. and in just a moment you'll be `, frce from rheumatic zuul sci;1t:'c pain. - son-ncss. stxffness and swollinu Dnn't suffer! Relief zlwtxits you. Old. lmnest "FL ];1cnl.< Oil" has r<:li<:n'(~:l xmllinns of rlmmn:m'_~'m . in !l'u- 1241 half m-n9-w--~ -.y~..l ..- .'.~.A we .\.I '.A>" m. LCII What's Rheumatism? Pain only. Stop druggingl Not in iftv rennin-e imnrnnl frnnhnonf Rnh .\llL'll |.'\ of tin Man .1 H0 IULUJU At the I\ 0'! rs while 1' produc I `|'Y'(1H1 4" (In. H we1|In bkllllL.ll,'llb AHUAILJ present tune 1! nnhnl Fm` H10 1 ;- -z,-u uy a large gzmcnerlng. I has home afterl 1105-; hital. enjoy her; that hm he-urn rt-. `-.0 heir; connm-ncml his ` are Spent-e ha\'e_ from (liphu `l`.:-I-in L nu as gm lumhaqo, Hnrvu ', 5110`. makes. N11 rn. .v 1.. .-. pmcc. hr-r-ml. |L`L'2|Ll: the J'Z]'H1 duce 7lV1. 28 2 urfercri 31 Othel lone jn1Cz1nz Lt least 500.1111 :ountud `I31'lCl' Bz1rrie`0n t a:1iT101'- the; in- ~Depz Moore son_1< .>\.\.Au \.\J turningx, .053 they mum in, the abo L11 5 hil\'L' 'I`T'TL'1'1S `.Y, APRIL 17, 1930. Hi. 3a1e1' I "an unorganized condition, as com- pared with New Bru-nswick and vPrincc Edward Island. The majority of our potato grow- -rs are still following` their old cul` ,turu1 practices, while our stro11go.-L competitors on our potato market: lifroin the eastern provinces, .\'0\\.' ` run.<`.\`i c and P.E.1., are fo`.lo\\'1n;; the mo. modern and scientific jmcthod kno\vn in potato production, the rt,-.~:ults of which have been thzu eastern potatoes hzrvo been displac- ing the Ontario g'ro\vers" product in ` the cities and towns in the Province _" `of Ontario :1nd coinnizmding 2: much ` lll_`.;`l`101' price. . In :1 year of Y E g l1ea\'y not nd :1 m:u'l~:et as food for human consumption zrntl is used as feed for cattle and hogs on our Ontario \\'hic'~. makes it an unprot- and unsatisfactory c1'op_to pro Thur n+a1-in mun nvnrlnnn nnf.2.1'.nn.~ I ,. a .. The Ontario potato industry is in- production I much of Ontario's potato crop cz113~. Lluce. Tlmt Ontario can produce _pot.2Lt.oe.~ good cooking qualities as any ]n'o\'ince in the Dominion 01": 1Czma(la has been proven beyond anyl {doubt., and will sell at as high |....:,~.n u-11,. ~.~n~n-nn1~lv n'\~nu.'V1 nnrl nnv iuouot, zmu wlu sen 21L 21.5 mgu "price when properly grown and put the market- in an uttr-.1ctive man- r\\I \V H of the v.n+ H211Hll'lH1. BL. \ZlIHZH'lU(`>' ilH(l .\l'`.- g'zu`;1 Falls, and in ove1'_v case Inc". with 11 very .fzu'orz1b1e reception an`. :1 rlmnaml for more . of .' .~'imi!:u' qu:1lit_\', which the {1.<.~`OCiZl1i0'\. \\':\: nut .'~]n tn ll \\`u- not :u~1r: 1.0 ml. With the splendid :~'ho\vin;r mad? during: thv p:1. . both in pro- (luction and m:1rketing', p1`o.~'n0c`.~' look w-rjv bright for 'I`.P. Brand pv- l:1`L()L-.< in 1.`l'.`)0. Potato grown-r:< of -4-Iv... ,.....n4: .. 1-inm nu u-EH: `Miller. I -, The Ivy Dramatic Club is givin:.;. ;a play entitled Betty, the Girl of My Heart, in St. Paul s Church gbasenienxt on April 25th, at 8 p.m. `Come and enjoy a good time. Nlr, and Mrq, Mnvrrnn nf 'I`m-nntn l2lL()l_`.\' ll| L27-)U. 1` other counties are tho work this yea br-im-.' fm`mr,-(1 in North York. and :1 County. In Simon 4-In. `\nn\1nx-1:.` no f` 2l."|.UH d pectod nninh .Hl.".`~' hm1'h.n \",./1. coming` .<<.-u. I.:1!0ntui1w. .\'r=\x Lowell. Grvnfol and Om Station arr- very much interestml in th(- rl"'.`vn_'> ment and in ear-,11 community :1 num- ber of good potato growers are fol- lm\'in_;` up im1)ro\'ecl potato 1n-:1rtim\~ wifh n \'1'n\\' in HnL'in<-- IH'I \\`iH1 1'00 with :1 Contra A .4.-r\n:4 ."\.">'O('lZl'Ll()lI. In mldition to t ma-1`ci:11 ])0tut0n<, krzon (lomzmd for tatoes this .~`.p1'iI1_Q` bright once more potato industry. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Sproule zmu little (luug'ht e1' spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Orr, Utopia. NTv \'HHLn< nf F-HH:r'Inh1 Qnonf H11`. iul L\LI'.3'. 11. UPI", UlaU[Jl2.l. . Mr. Miller of Hillsdale spent 2: `few days with his son, Mr. Clifford `Miller. 'l"L.n Tun wamntin (`Ink is rrivinur. I `home HJIU BHJUY a. goon CUTIE. : Mr. and Mrs. Morgan of Toronto! `visited Mrs. Woods on Sunday. [ | On Thursdzw afternoon. Anvil 10. `VISIICU LVLFS. VVOOUS on ounuay. On Thursday afternoon, April 10, the Women s Institute met at the Community Hall. The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. W. J. Leonard. and the programme was given to the Grandmothers. Roll call, What Grandmother Missed. their grandmother. Mrs. John Pratt gave a good address on the early (lays. I\'Ir.<. Johnston Black \\'{l..\' un- able to he pre. but sent :1 lengthy paper on tlir: early (lays of Toronto, on the l{l!1;:'S1l')ll road. A clmru.< by thv ernmlinotlio-r.< was much enjoy- (-(l '.1ml 2! com:-51 on '1'h:- Ll1in:_".~' \'\\~ rum` vnjo): j.1'l.lll(lll1<)Llll`l' had not." *.-.':1.- ll('l(l. .\Ir.~. T. ll:-\\`. ;r:1\'e an {Each member brought a picture of I ':u'(:ounl of the tho-3.` \\'ur:- in z4:`.rl_\' :l:1_\'.~. ln. ' wr- ..\ I... \l: . I... `\'|*\ `ii \,` U`_`i|l nt that I 4!. :11 POTATO SITUATION 1.1". l)l'd!i(l ])UlHLOE'5 \\'('1'U 50111 [J Toronto trade, czxrlozuls of T.P.; Mot-;< were : z1.< far north 2:` H Ila}: rnd l`immin.<; to the 0:15: . `:i7.l,\_`.`, ilrellrwillzz and I{in2`ston; Hap vrx-.-t to London, Wood. \\'1n(l. and t6 the south, niltnn. St. ("z1thzu'ine.`< and Nia- 4. Tnll- nu]! in r\1vr\II1V nntvn nanr (HUI J] l'.". J` `month-old (- \\'ndnc-.'~'(1a_V \ 1 u.. T I (l':l_\'.\'. lI1.~1Il'LHH(`HL4'HS \\'t3l_' by .`Ii.~.< In.-no Sniytho and `.\li.+.-' !lin:~ H<)_Vl1nhl<. Lunch hroup:h`. close 21 very pleasant after- 'illlL'll(.`." UL \, are well est that othr,-1' ".111 RA fl(\\| Z.lH| 1Hl.\Jl 30 crop. <\m-Em in y'l(`\\' U) I)` Ontario '0 ;11i})13;1\{l"i11 bulk of Uxesn -nn .1 run!-nl A;-,~ - IIIIULIIUI-` \\(I.` IIILILII contt.-. on thi L ;r1`:\mln10Ll1u1' ha ;\Ir.<. T. IIe\\'. ; If (In thug. \ _\`.<. 111. .`l .~.< :1 lu_vnn1ul<. ..-. n urn." In...-.nu4 iif (51 U >'U upply 1! })(>Y ILO :.','l'0VV(.`l'>' Vt.- potato linkin<,-: up Potato the trzulo in (`om there has been -.1 1' CC1`[i(.`(1 ; po- r and p1'o. are n +`m- Hm Ontnrln l_Il`lIl'lI'!' I' TH` *| 1'71` 3'. `vV'er.-k .'1fte1' : 1 -..'.1' sister in Aylnwr. . John Ron . 1 night by having one ( tho 12th lino rlo. Ilnuinn n-6-` Lian 53.... '