Page Two The BANK for SAVINGS E. G. SMITH & C0 lOpen Jay and night. Morgue and Chapel in connectwn. Established 1869 I Phone 82 4 7 Elizabeth St. THURSDAY, APRIL 1'7, 1930 _ >G;rease spots on wooden noors are very sightly and sometimes very hard to remove. Put a. little chloride of lime in water, cover the stains with it and let remain for an hour. Then scrub and rinse as usual. 1 JAMES E. 1`1:1U1vu*5um lsun Life Assurance Co. of Canada I Assurance Policies, Pension Bonds, I Annuities Moderate Rates--Maximum Returns $ Collier and C1:L1)pc1'ton Sts. { Phone 167. BLOT ON BARRlE'. S BEAUTY ' 3 DR. N. W. ROGERS | PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON l Special attention to Obstetrics Associate Coroner for County of ] Simcoe. `Office and Residence, 50 Mary St. Phone 101 Oice Hours: 8-9.30. 1-2.30, G-8.30 FHUIIU LU: Ofce H ours--9-1 0 a.: 7.2 mm. P.. C. LLOY D I DR. E. G. -TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University, lIontreaL Omc- and Resitlence--Co1'r-101' Eliza- I I I Phone 105 nm..- 11,... n_1n nrn 1-2 n_m_ ] Rhone Z1.) `El lvlaple nvc. | Ofce Hours : 2-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A. T. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B.. Associate Coroner County of Simcoe. DR. W. A. LEWIS SURGERY AND DISEASES 01*` WOMEN Associate Coroner, County of Simcoe Phone 61. Ofce--58 Collier St. . Office Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m. Motor Ambulance in Connection 1Jl14J. 24 Dunlop. 1 [ROBERT H. SMITH, EYESIG;H'l` Qnmdnlief cmm-nc.-,<:n1'f.n O. R. RUSK. - VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES Rnrv:A Rrnnch 50215011 1)I'0gl'CSS(.'S. 1,.` ... nab kn Barrie lsrnnch NURSE RIALTON 40% Clapperton St. Phon Ivluulu EDMUND HARDY, MUS. BAC., | F.T.G.M., Teacher of Piano, Or- | gan, Vooa.1rmd Musical Theory. ` Organist and Choirmaster of St. ` Andrew s Presbyterian Church. Gold Medalist of Toronto Conser- vatory of Music and of the Uni- versit_v of Toronto. 113 Womley St.. Barrie. DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS Dam..- 91': 47 Nlanle Ave. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Open Day and Night .0BEI{.'1` H. SMITH, Luxluouunru Specialist, successor to O. R. Rusk. 53 Dunlop Street, Barrie. Hours 9-12, 1-6. Phone 80. FUNERAL DIRECTORS fl 1 D1 k;1:\.\A) Phone 213 ml;- LIFE INSURANCE E. THOMPSON Ill-'n Acgnrance Ca DR. R. W. HUGHES DENTAL SURGEON ..I..._ Aknun Au-nnlr"g N aucxauxn 1ILLI5L\.n7nJ\.uo ` Let us not be in the position om; the farmer who locked his burn after his lior.-.3 was stolen. ii MUSIC LESSONS 1. . nvxxr 7.11-ya ENTAL suuuwum 1. Above Arnold's Market. Telenhone 378. UKIJLK Ur Barrie Branch nrnqm 121 AT.'T`n1* .*\.\1J DUIVKIILIULV 47 Maple Ave. Y-Inn 1`: - 948 Barrie, Ont. .1 UN Phone 467w. Phone 218. There IS 8 way of overcoming the tendency to oonsti ation. And here is how you can PRp E it. The next time your bowels need uny how rnpvm 1:. your Issiatnnce. don t take the first 1n.\'uti\':: that comes to Take one the drug- ist can assure you is made v.'i`.)x ASCARA. Just as offer-tive as uz;in_r_v force, and We good for the systcm. In- leed, it hulpe make good blood. For tascaru. is nothing but the burk of a tree. The Indiana chew thig bark, cuul live to an old age without. a. d-.L_y ~x Iickncss. u \\'Imf hnnnnnn when \ ()lt -n.~-.1ri7.v \ nclmcss. l \\'lu1t happens when you v;1.~,mrizo. l the bowels ! They will usuully func. lull l well for SEVERAL DAYS. Om: more ; dosc-no larger, and perlnups Blllilulvi than the lirst--aml thu bowels fu",- tion of their own u.cu0r(l for (1 still longer time. Until you duu't. feel the Published atl 23 Dunlop St., Barrie, every, Thursda; __, WHAT A DOCTOR KNOWS ABOUT CONSTIPATION Tin} Nnrthgrt} Ahuanre A TRUCK FOR BOARD OF WORKSI EDITORIAL - QCUOII. 1|. wuuiu wcngu auuuu ou,vuv I ' tons, of which 28,000 tons would be 1 - `shot from the guns to give propul- ` IS OUR EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM sion. The crew would number: about WRONG -_; 60 and a. dozen passengers might be : carried on a two months cruise. A u D13 W- E B13! Prfe55r '{idesert would be the starting place, Phychology in the University of To- to prevent damage underneath by ronto, believes that every school the guns. should be a technical school and that Once at the moon, Dr. Stewan there Sh0l11d be 110 Public SCh001S- thinks that communication by tele- Further, he emphatically states that phone with the earth might be car-~ _- .A..,.L.,... . Amzirio n vm-ntinn vim! nn nvev :1 beam of li2'ht. as the .I;`u1.'uu<:1, nu ulllynluv nnnn .4 .~........ -..-.. no teacher should decide a vocation for the child. The teacher has the responsibility of teaching the child a. vocation, but not that of leading him to the one that he will follow. : Doubtless,` the teacher has a strong. inuence over his pupil, for learn- ` ing does not take place only in the c class room. The child is learning the ' philosophy of life of his teacher as : well as what `he is taught. In this l connection Dr. Blatz strongly urges that every teacher have a hobby,"` I and lead his pupils to do the same. I'|'1L-..- ... ....\ .-l.u.l\+ kn? +1-anvo urn anu man 111: pupua Lu uv mu, .m....... There is no doubt but there arei`: many mists in the world _to-day ' because of their early education, or the lack of it.` Parents frequently~ decide what they are going to make of their child, whether the child has any inclination that way or not. He` is forced to spend year s at school learning subjects in which he is not a little bit interested. The result is that many years are wasted, perhalps 1_:_ 1:1- , 3 usnv auuu his life. ms me. _ J, 1 L The main thing is to let the child [know that there are a number of {kinds of work waiting to be done Iin the world, and get; him interested ,.__ -1: LL--- , I MERIT IS CHIEF FACTOR IN GRANTING PENSIONS A complete survey of the admin- istration of old age pensions in On- tario made my members of the Pro- vincial Old Age Pensions Commission. is now in progress in order that a ; full report may be submitted to` ml... -1: .1-.. n........:...:..... rrn!YavV1_1 Ottawa. \J|r|{1\\6ln Auditors of the Dominion govern-l1 'ment are coming to rely more andz. more on the judgment of the local ' old age pensions boards than on the . strictest interpretations of the words ` cording to Dr. David Jamieson, chair- man of the provincial board. The ` auditors, he says, are coming round .. , to mterpret cases on their merits `rather than on their widest qualica- tions of claim. um 1 ,,._ ...... ...L..... ..... -L`.`..... .of the Old Age Pensions Act, ad` I [(10115 UL Clilllllo - Some time ago, when we furn-`C ished the Dominion authorities \vit'n` lithe synopsis of the various cases inl ' .which we have granted the pensions, ; c `.the auditors, on going through the 2 - records, found many cases where the 1 ' applicants, according to the strict word 01' the law, might be entitled to i ' the full pt-.nsion, but where only half ] a pension allowance had been ac- 1 corded them, said Dr. Jamieson. : - A .3 ..m.._, ...... .. .4.-..-.. .,. H... miles an hour will be posslblc. I The speed of :1. l'0Cl`C(}l']_Jl.'O1)\;llL'U .~''ig21ti11g cruiser will pru.~..u:n~ 3'.'.u1.y be of the ()l`Lll,'l' of 25,000 2~1i1=,-.< per hour. This was the p1'c(licLion El;..u(lu rcccmly by 13')`. Ju.:u :. .;..-.: r fart, associate professor of ;x.aLro:1u..l- llcal physics at l 1'i11cu`.un '...`......l. 1 a! w I , At a recent meeting of council the recommendation of the Board of Works to purchase a truck was turn- ed down. At the last meeting the recommendation was again brought in and council will either {urn it down again or sanction it at the meeting pfmouncil on Tuesday nigh : next. In: ,,,__1,-._:,.. ...L' LL,` _;..,.,.&-.~ In I iwiu. SOMEBODY PLEASE | PAGE THE SPEED FANS'."f _ By the year 2050, eurtll d\\'elle1's_ iwill probably be able to travel to `the moon, and to communicate wiih itlieir terrestrial home by telephoning `over it beam of light. They will get` ] ..i~.1`e by L1`u\'elli11g; in a rocket ship in :1 speed 01' some 50,000 miles an iiiuur, um. fur sooner, probably l$l50, I ` :3`. 1. .v ..i .. . . 1 l Ib~"4`t&ITID-a`1`k~4\l"' -`-I-2133-J" -Rs! -(22:30 V m-Od of any and of any sort for Weeks- on-cnd. - Sn, thv only hahit you get from cas- onw is that of mturul and normal ms:1:1::rit_\'. How diifo-rent from things one nmst u.=uu1l_v rm-[wait on the wor- ronj! (`u.~ -urn. is the idvul lnxutive; and tho iulniliur little candy cnscureb is doubt]:-as its ideal form. Children beg for these tasty tablets, and many men and women wouldn't think of tak- ing ANYTHING else for the purpose And EVERY drugstore has them. TT Dr. Stewar will be sphc ' diameter. directions z |non. Whe: ship is pro ection. It w} --/ ` shot -pm lsion. Stewart thinks the space ship DR. GALLIE URGES THE spherical, perhaps 110 feet in PASTEURIZA-ON OF M"-K "diameter. Projecting from it in all DR W_ E_ Game chief surgeon Of- are a dozen or more can- Toronto General Hospital, and 21 non. When one of these is red the former Barrie boy. addressing the l . . . . . International Society for Crippled is propelled in the opposite dir- . _ ` _ 1 _ uld Wei h about 70 000 _Children iecently, u_rged the pa.stei.n-` ; Ctl01 1- W0 3 v ization of all milk, foi childien ,p _..l.2,.L no nnn 4.9.. umnh-I kn nu-v\nn:n11Ir L115 ried on over a beam light, Kennel1y-Heaviside layer might make radio impossible. To return, the guns. .'ship would take o` in the same way v that she left the earth, coasting most ,of the way, because of the earth's - greater gravitational attractional. But care would have to be taken in landing, for if the ship came down too fast over a city, and the rockets were red to check the fall, it would be disastrous to the people below. ~-44- - - nu ;+9 H, ...L.......,.4........ Anna IUB ulaaauuua nu mu. liuvrux. .......... Wonder if they will have speed cops policing the milky way in 2050 A.D. They would have to go some to get the license number on a space- I I I Sounds interesting, doesn't it?` `navigating cruiser travelling at 25,- '000 miles on hour. , , , ' CANADIAN PRISONS ` nnAlcEI\ I: ' LAIVHUIAAV rl\l.J\.IA\u . PRAISED BY WRITER book Canadian Penal Institutions. 1 which by a. singuar coincidence, was printed in Chicago by the University I: Press. The author is a `Canadian ; formerly keeper of the common jail in Kingston from 1917-1924, since which time he has made special study of all the penal institutions in Can- ada for the purpose of this book. He crossed the continent eight time: gathering material and saw at first - hand every typical place of conne ment. He searched all available re- eords. His ndings may be taker- as accurate. rv n v .1, -1 17:.......L..._ .......:....4.:..\... C. W. Topping has just issued his I ""van Ll. cell \\'as that there was no` ou.\ He nds that Kingston penientiary, in; where he spent seven days as an in- 91' vestigator, has become one of the Pr most advanced penitentiaries "in Sa iAmeri<:a, only excelled by that at `Prince Albert, which is more modern St` in design. He pays particular com .plime-nt to Superintendent of Peniqsa` tentaries Gen. Hughes, brother oflci` the late Sir Sam, who has made i' I : his business to modernize peniten- Sn l tiary regimens, notably in the matter ti. 3 of indutry, whereby he claims thatlnf - prisons can be made self-supportingud` He found libraries in all the six! -lCanadian penitentiaries; in Kingstor,vL_ La magazine list of 40 periodicals` 1|that would do credit to any library, -`or club, a catalogue of 157 pages; , . c a total of 13,000 volumes, about e many as in the library at Sing Sing. S t The lash he nds is only admin-`E 0 istered part of a sentence, or byib f particular permission of the Minis-1 :- ter of Justice for discipline--never as part of the penitentia1'y s oavniu regimen. Cells have been much imW.: `proved since the days when a sonil of Warden Lavell said to the write) `,1 that the difl'erence between 21 room?I' -1 in nu. ALI ...JI. lU.\L. The condition of the streets in fBarrie this spring make it impera- tive that considerable gravel will have to be used this year if the streets are to be made passable. The Works Committee estimate that some 3,500 loads will be required. To hire teams or trucks to deliver this would cost more than the price of two trucks, and the town would be no further ahead in the fall. ,1: ._:._L; o. Ants`-\I\'rV'|:'7t) in Au u. \.L;u nu.) mun. vA|\.A\. Iivou nu room in a cell. The old cells in; liingston used to be only 30 inchc:i wide. The aim of these lI1StltUl,l0ll'::: `he says is to reform the criminal! througli (li.~:cipl1:1!:, (.".ll.1Ca.llO!1 and in-| |(lu.~:t1-y. nu I ... ...ul\.-H. \~.4\\',< 1| z-vs`:-i-ml r-nrnnli. i Some months ago it \'as zmnounc-i ed Lhut l;`.. C. Drury had joined 1.110; executive of the On.t:u`io B2Lkeriu.;," as I)1'CSl(l(.`Y1i.. Naturally we expected that with the drop in the price of. wheat, and with Mr. Drury, who: `li2lll(.s' so `much about monopolies and' 1 the down-trodden workers, as head` of such a large conqern, the price of brezul would immediately come { down. Ontario BZl.l((.`l`i(:S, however. ' n ,, I ,,, ,, I A.` u., ..._ jr -11: A uuauy. ! 'l`hr.e author pays 21 spbcial compll-l lmcm to the n,-1'u1'1m1Lo1`y at Guclph,l lwhich is really 21 school of clraluctelil 5wiLh accent on open air work, amll 1 `. .4. h,..._x rl\.. .. C`..'.,.nl ..) l :\\'1Ln :.1L'Cl:11L 011 Open 2:11` wuns, umu '10 the Boys l`ruining School at! `Bo\\'m:m\'i1h,- conducted by Dr. Roa- IXILIALKLLUN 1J(l-SD IAIJV L\,Ll\lAIlf3 Ill ynnu ;S(-natu. 'l`huL s g1'in them out; ;1"z1. enough. Court in Ontario could; i not do any better. ' l Premier l\'i11;: has stated that the: Government has under consi(lemtion_ the introtluction of :1 n1e:1su1`e for. proportionzxl 1'epresent:LtioI\. The ' Prime l\`lini.~:*.e1' says this has been a. many years. l`his looks lil:e a.notl\er" plank in the l.ibv1':Ll `plzttform for` 'scheme to confuse the electorate. Only about one man in every hung dred can tell you what proportional representation means, and it takes experts to count the vote. It would lself on this question before such :1 measure is put into practice. be well for the public to inform it- . uunu. \/Ilvctnnv ;;...u.. are selling bread at. price. Perhaps Mr. DUNN.` extra cash this ii1`.Ll1.\:.\` p:1s.s rs Fifty-t111'ee divorce bills in vtwol rczuling in thu 4.1. . ._- .. .. a nu . y The Nortnenn Advance |A\\.A|\,n, AAuvv\.vL.A- 4 the same 01:]; uh`. Drury needs. lis year. K It is all right. to economize in public expenditures, but there is such a thing as false economy, and it would seem to us that those who op- pose the purchase of a truck are not looking very far ahead. library; -`j , - , Early Saturday morning` the las-ti Pagesqknown illicit still in the Holland s, aboust a.5'IS_.anditng; istiiilct wa.1s_`seiiegl. Or\_i1lc-i` , ing. man an oss *oun am, ac mg mly admin_ under Sergeant Kirk, found theil _ . b vlboiler, lead pipe, worms and cr-okinsr ena" 01 barrels in a clover field, covc-red MiniS' with hay, near the Bradford road. 5 .1:nn 'r1nxvn\' T11 Hvnir Qt`-n)`("l1 H1n nm.-m-: mu-.-up. ` Gallie, of! Children urged the pasteur- ization for especially. If the nhserv:1l:ion.= made in the especially. -If the observations made in the recent epidemic in Winnipeg are borne out by further similiar ex- periences, I would say that the chief cause of physical crippling is aboui to be wiped out and that infantile paralysis will cease to be the dread-3 ful scourge it has hitherto been. I Riokefs. another great cause mi Iul scourge IE 113.5 I111 /X1EI'LO D0011." | Rickets, another great cause 01 crippled children, Dr. Gallie em- phasized, is a disease which does not need to exist at all if mothers would only feed their babies pro- perly. If the women of this coun- ` try could be educated to such a de- gree as to qualify them for mother- , hood, rickets would cease to add to , our cripples. Rncrn.rrlin9' crinnlimz from tuber- cripples." Regarding crippling from tuber- culosis of the joints and bones, Dr. Galilie pointed out that there are two ways for children to acquire the disease, first by direct contagion from adult humans suffering from pulmonary disease, and second, from milk from tuberculosis cattle. T4-` Han nl'uilrlrc`n art: 91' nnnn eaow-n. YTIIIVK Iron} LUUBFCUIUSIS Cdrhl/18. If the children are at once segre- grated from an adult who has been found to have tuberculosis of the lungs and given a spell of treatment` with fresh air and sunshine as a precautionary measure, the incidence ' of tuberculosis among them is much decreased. `VIVI-an ecu-in11u11nac nf I Y'|':1`I an `A . decreased. The seriousness of milk as a -source of tuberculosis was impress- ed pn me a short time ago in the out-patient department of the Chil- dren's Hospital, said Dr. Gallie. One day a child appeared in the clinic with glandular swelling in the neck. which are easily recognized as tuberculosis. -x T?nnH~nn innlrxr nlir-ifnrl 1-`no in. t1.1'DeI`CL`ll0S1S. Routine inquiry elicited the in- formation that the child lived in the !outskirts of the city, that there was nobody in the house"su'eri`ng from chronic cough and that the milk supply came from a mall dairy it- uated just outside the city limits. A week later another child from the same neighborhood came to the clinic with symptoms of tuberculosis` of the spine, and enquiry showed that the milk supply was the same as for the first child. `1`l'1nen nl-mavxmnnc ai- nnr-'o :nI> ' 5'i:llll])l8 UULL-H. OI THIJK. Let us consider what such a , state of tliings means when our chil- dren are being: fed on milk contain- ing living tubercle bacilli. And yet. 'gsaid Dr. Gallie, there are towns and F 31505 on tliis ecldity my load to gun- trltin "or be the cause `of dangerous stom- andln and quic . . . . . ins cities which still Dermit the sale of , eating or when pain i3_'fel_t. unpasteurized milk and in which! P;pe s Diape sin lnhtantly neutral- ionbhould never be neileoted. relief can bu obtained y tak- 7 ' suadc the majority that pasteuriza- tion of milk is one of the exnensive acl1'lining, thus promoting normal, pain- nnew-fangled ideas of unbusinesslike less digestion and helping to prevent . [doctors which may well be dispensed future trouble. 9 jjwith. 1 For 1nni_iy years millions have u_5ed hi Inn}! v-am.mmnnAn.rl 'Pnnn n 'nin.nens1n" heals and strengthens the inflamed stom- ., mas `9PaPe s Diapepain atterl P901319 in 1l1th01`itY 211? able $0 D01 l izes the excess 9 omech acid and soothes, 1 ll sch troubles. Theee'rst.aigne of pain I as Ior me nrst cnuo. These observations at once set the machinery of the department 01 health in motion, and it was prompt- ly discovered that the dairy had abandoned the use of its pasteuriz- ing plant. In this particular case the seriousness of this neglect was proved to the hilt by the actual isolation of tubercle bacilli from a sample bottle of milk. Inn n,....,..',JAu UT n4- u.`l.nL ,...,.L. ..i Civic Pride and Beautiful Bar- rie have become anomallies since the practice of dumping refuse, tin cans, e tc., along the edge of the highway approaching Barrie contin- ues apparently without objection from any organized -body directly interested i : in promoting the interests ofthe town. In plain words, the condition of the roadside along the highway as one tunes into town from the south, is disgraceful. What must be thought of a community making a strong bid for the attention of the tourist, that countenances unsightly rubbish heaps \'germ hatcheries) along its main thoroughfare `? What kind of an impression can Barrie hope to make on those who pass this way, so long : ..,c:1 blots on her beauty revolt the visitor ? If we must dump ac- cumulated wastage somewhere, let it u .5 be back of the town, not at the en- 2 trance, where the welcome sign only the junk heaps. There is nothing that should be more zealously guard- ed by the citizenry than civic pride, if a town is to hold its head up and be worthy the adjectives that same` ' pride attaches to the town s name. .~,u_-rves to draw greater attention to i i i i I l l j ' :LAST OF HOLLAND LANDING I l STlLLS`IS ROUNDED up} [I115 0\\"n. J Mv c21ctu:~: itouched his face. "1 - _.. - , ... wlm nay, near me 15ra(1Ior(1 1`0:1t1. In their Search the of ce1's came `upon :1 summer residence which bore. -marks of recent use. They <:0u| lsmell the mash Lh1'ou;2;h the key-` Lnln Tnniyln 41:1." `,....,..l .. .L...,. My 1`0~=o he whispered temlcrijv he prcssetl her velvet check to`. nurn ' HILLIPS -g _L* Miik . .-./11'.` 4--51-tn DANGEROUS CONDITION Witii the melting of the ice in` the lake, the condition of Govern-[ ment wharf, which has been a men-[ ace `to public safety for some timc,i L,....\y.-.,.. ...,\..n and vnnvn 1luno'::-1-nu: I .I.VI.I..I..l\. of Magnesia $111331 m;`1;lugseomhanthogunu!n-.nIl-I E" ` H. H. uu-.awu.nr_ my 5 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. mm. Hg. ma, J3 Money to Loan at Lowest Rates maa; Do an of interest. g, 3% ~ Ofce, King Block. Barrie. `shun. n. n Ha ; she said, lD_L)CHbCll | 1] `INC: i )ED UPI last " Orville` . acting} 1nd the cr-okinarl lrourl. 3 1-: mnnn u ` Sudden pains in your ctomach are null signs of ogmesa trio acid. A: \ u-oeaonhhisacl tv may loadtoguv B um: ammty may 168.0. to gun-I `or the'cs.use `dangerous F troubles. and In neverbene leoted. bc after ` isrfelt. ` Pm)e s Dia.nenai.n" 'in's'f;ant!v neutral-\ uu: LU puuus. ou..|.\.u_y H ...,...y .,......,. becomes more and more dangerous. No repair work has been done on it, no speak of, for years, and the` sup-I porL.~; and planks have given away to: such an extent that a large placardi ,4: 1., _..L ..... .........:...,.. v\t\r\v\1r\ 4-.-L For muuons nave uaeu I and recommended Papa's Diape sin I for the speedy and sure relief of in igu- I Lion and ullied stongch troubles. Follow their example! Get .00~cent pa.cka.go.of l ape s-\ Dinpepsin" from any druggisb nu macter lx`ow severe your pains an ---mach troubles have been you will get 1 '71.` and safe relief. 00 lRADEI\'HURST & HAI\IMOI\'D--l ! Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Oflice,l 5 1st floor Masonic Temple Building.` l Money to loan at lowest rates. H S'[`EW.-\R'l` & STEWART, BAR-l ris.-rs, Solicitors, Notaries Public [ and Conveyancers. Money to loan 1n any sums at lowest current rates. Olce, 13 Owen street, Bz11`ric~. D. M. Stewart. l| & ESTEN, B.-\RRTS'I`E'RS, Solicitors in "High Court of Jus- tice. Notaries Public, Convey-. ancmxs. Ofcc, 1st oor Masonic! I Temple Building`, Barrie. Money| to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten and M. H. Estcn. I EALEXANDER COWAN, SUCCES- . +n T.nnnn\' (`numn Xv Rvnwn I IBOYS & BOYS, BARRISTERS, E Q.-sliz-{+1-n-1: Nnfa v-in: Pnhr nnn- UUKUUN LUNL-MAN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. ! Money to Loan ` Ross Black, Barrie, Ont. IN stoma! .-.. . ,.`-_..._ 9`, Immediate and Safe Reliel \L;l1.'..\A1\UI1)1 bUVVAl\.', bUbLzlhD- 501' to Lezmox, Cowan & Brown, Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining: probate of will, guardianship and administration, and General Solici- tor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Money to loan. Oicesz Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlop St. aucu an \:.xn.r:uu Lllah u Auulsb ynuuunu should be put up warning people to! keep 011' the wharf if a tragedy is Lu be zwerted. I 1 ',,L, -4` 41., ._.._.,l.'a.',. f\"` 4-1-U1 FUXD Q . DUID, I):llVlVlDl.l14l\/D, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Con- veyancers, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices 13 Owen Street, in the ennises, formerly occupied by the ank of Toronto. Branch Oice, Elmvale, Ontario. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P., J. R. Boys. barnsxer, D`0`ll'20l', mnc. Successor to Creswicke & Bell Money to Loan Ofce, Ross Block, Barrie. D. F. McCUAlG, B.A. Barrister, Soiai.tor, Etc. Inrnnanr In ('1-n R! B GORDON LONGMAN A..- Cali.-Stan Nntnrv, I {B'RANCHES: BARRIE, ;-;H. A. Sims, Mgr I ALLANDALE . I-:1.M\7.1'|'.'E` H. H. CRESWICKE ... Enlinibnu Nnfnvv \.a A Savings Account is an excellent habit. It strengthens self-reliance and eliminates future money worries. Save with this Bank. ``BAl{lQ FT0R0NT0 vi*qg s Sake .1) UV Complaints of the condition of the wharf were made visitors to Barrie, one of whom al- most slipped through a hole in the LV\.'Lu.'uo ,.l:u;:~;in-,: while walking along thoit `......;'1' .:i the evening. If the \vhzLr1' it should It * is Bu.i~i'ie-`s responsibility, be gm.-n immediate attention. not, the matter should be brought; to; the atzention of he proper author ities at once. have been seen shing off the wharf and it is only reasonable to suppose last summer by` Already young boys, that it will be used more as the