"COUNTY COUNCIL 1 WINDS UP SESSION. :3i(:c(:pte was put to the council on whole thing right now ."' Councillor Denney said that there were two roads in Essa Township that would have to be closed this coming season because of their con- dition, but they were not asking for grants, and he could not see that it was any particular benet to the county to keep on making these grants. Councillor Evans said he did not see why villages had to have such ne streets when there were localities badly needing decent roads. A Question of Rebate This brought out the explanation from Councillor McKnight that in the case of small grants such as those under discussion there was no rebate, whereas police villages such as Elmvale, wihcre grants for pav-I [ing had been made rcbated 50 per] `cent. He was of the opinion thilll if the need of road building was .501 lmczit the townships :~:'nould look af-J tcr it. Councillor Johnson s motion 'that the report of the (-,0mmil,tee it) `lay this lll{l.ll,Ul' on-1' 1.0 June ` not I. L iliis. i'<-qmmt. :`.:.(l the division 1*c::;L1ll~l In `Lin: molion hcin_L: lost by n vow of 213 in Hi. The mloplion of tin- li(`()IIl`.)1lllk.-`,1 i`i,~}`.uo1'L l'ollow--(1. ` 1 An im-1`-.::.\~ in Llm i-oun1._\' ch-1'l;`.:i j.-2xl:u'_V 01' `;::l)(), l.|l`lll!1`ll11:' it up mi . ml ".110 -Inninn \\' r..z-n|*-\n\:w1:l- ed. Chairman Scott of the Roads Committee explained that there was j no objection to dealing with the re- quests individually, but that person- ally he was opposed to these little grants and that is why they had l been handled collectively. 'T`vnncI11r-nv nnlnvnnn fnnk `IITI th been handled C0l.`leCT.lVCJ.y. Treasurer Coleman took up the discussion here and said he did not think the council had any idea of making these grants even at the June session. `Whxr nn+ kn hnnpqt ahnnf. this son) \V'lEll Iull power to act. l The announcement of the sudden death of Thos. Beecroft came as a great shock to the council, Mr. Bee- croft, who was one of the county` auditors, having been present at the Wednesday afternoon session when the treasurer s report was under dis- cussion. A resolution of sympathy` to the family of the deceased was passed by the council, with the re-- quest that the action be conveyed to the same by the clerk. Friday Afternoon Session Things livened up a bit during the Friday afternoon session of the council, when Councillor Johnson de- cided that the recommendation of the Roads and Bridges Committee to lay over to the June session the ap- peals for road construction grants from Innisl, Orillia and Tiny did not suit his purpose as representa-` tive of Orillia s interests. He promptly brought in a motion that the report be not accepted, and the appeals be taken up in a committee of the whole. Warden C`-reswickei asked him to take the chair during. the discussion that followed hisl motion. l`lm'.~ lin rlizl 4:11.-3n(r H-in nr\nnv+I1n.y June sesslon. Why not be honest about this matter, he said, and settle the whole thing right `." -(`fnnnnillnr Dennev said (-Continued from page one) A grant of $50 to the Trustees and Ratepayers Association was ap- proved by the nance commixttee, and a substantial increase in the salary? of the county clerk advocated. The` sum of $3.00 was voted to each member of the council for postage and telephone expenses during 1930. I (`nn~;i:im~nnn nf f,rm.lm~.< for the `H.110 LUlC[}110H(.` BXPBIISUS uuuug l2}v.')U. Con;sidera~tion of tenders for the printing 01' minutes and by-laws of county council for 1930 was report-1 ed by the printing committee as fol- lows : ` l\u2H3n \Y,.u-nTn#O-nu K nr\v\:r\c< n{-. 1U\\' I Orillia News-Letter, 500 copies at! $1.70 a pzxgc; .`.J`.'.Ly11e1' Sun, 500. copies at $1.65 a_ page; Beeton! World, 500 copies at $3.C-- ..`- a. page.! The tender 0`-.' the Stayner Sun~ um 2 nnrnnfnrl, IJH LHL HIUL 26 to 1 <:oxmniLt(.-c s; An incru . of I 500 per -.~ ed by the 1 .\...,...I 1.`: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1930 VV()l'lU, OUU CUPXL` was accepted. Annnrulml in 1- \\'d,5 ZLCLUDLCU. I Appemled to this report was the` statement. that the question of neces-! sary supplies between sessions, such` as stationery and other printing, be left to the chairman (Coun. John- son) with full power to act. The nnnnlmr-.(=mnnt of the sudden: :,:H)U 10)` LIN: l)1!n(f0L' k,()unL_y <.`:\:11|;n' at the L2..\'*.l`I. 1::-7:1. full, and sLi_:g;;o.~:L- ('(1 the appointment of two ('uun('il- lors, L0}:cthc1' with the Provincial I)(.-partmont of Ag`1`iculturc 1'cpi'e~ scntzitives, Lz1.~:h11.>y and P:`.gc, to be 1.1 committee to handle this exhibit. A grant not to exceed $400 was re- commended for county hospitals, while $100 was designated for the Canadian Institute for the Blind, and $50 to the Simcoe County Trustees and Ratepayers Associaition. Rnnri-Q nnrl RV-illm-m: (".nmimif.hm rn- lJ,51,i)UU plfl` iuuxunx, rum IULLUHIU finance committee um proved by th(.- council. The mitten also -recommended :1 gru: $100 for the Simcoe CounLy (:2. :1 Hm. ('\I I9. nnvf 131]] uni] cur: unu 1u1au3pa.ycrs' .\SSOCl3.'ElOI1. Roads and Bridges Commit/tee re- commended that the requests of the town of Omillia. and Penetang-, vi1~ age of Port McNicoll and townships of Flos for the construction of pave- ments to cost Orillia $25,006, Pene~ tang $5,500, Port IVLcNicol1 $17,900, Flos $15,800 the government to pay 50 per cent. A wn1I-mnnnt 11rrn-raqi-inn Hwnf Hm DU per CEHL A well-meant suggestion that the honorarium to the warden be in- creased created an embarrassing` sit-- uation for the chief executive, who modestly asked that the matter be not discussed. 'I`1-in v-nnnna+ pvnvm H. 4...... ..I-_J. no]; (l1SC1lSSe(l. I The request from the town clerk of Barrie asking for the repeal of; by-law guarameeing certain debun- tures was granted and report on new b_v-law (`(`('l`It(!(l. I*'.IlI'r~nf inn ('nvnnuiHn:. n-n...-\w..,....l l'w uy-mw a(`.CPD[(:(l. |'I (fommittnr: re(:ommeml- -. ` . `vu. . ..x.- \ wcu. ounty c1erk .~: ing up to recommren(1- ittue and up- "`1`\/-u ...\.u !Gookstown, Creemore, Edgar, Elm- `. vale, Hawkestone, Hillsdale, Ivy, Lefroy Minesing Port McNicol1, Severn Bridge, tinghanmpton, Stay- ner, Tottenham, Waubaushene, Vic- ; toria Harbor, Goldwater, Lefontaine 1- and Thornton. It was also agreed dlto prepare a pzxmphlet: setting forth _v`the history of the county, its indus- e`tries, special comme1`ciL1.l attrzxctions: bland other facilities. A 1-nsnlnnn 4'unn-. Tnnnl n\InI1rv:\ To The Bare Walls--u Starting Friday 9 a.m. Prompt L ` \,Uu(.-glate. tl That account of Mrs. Ru 1 f`Shz1rpc for $74.25 for 1m1'.~,111,g* con- e Lugious case be paid only un zulviuc-, aiof county solicitor that no action be - ituken re accounts of Peter DuQ'.1obb1c 1 `and Jos. Hewis. -.| IN... 1)..n.1.. "ma o..:,2...,... r`Pu\ \ :u.\,, JVUKLU L;UIIlHllSElUI1. The County Property Coxmnittee recommended that Robt. Craig be appointed caretaker of the Registry Office in place of W. Meakim, who ~ has resigned. 'nh2.f. in H10 inrfnrnch: nf H-an r-nnn`.~u `emu OUICI` Iaciuues. A resolution from Loyal Orange Lodge, Country of Simcoe, passed at the New Lowell conference last .\l'.\.y, was read, advocating the placing` 0'17 `ag poles along the higliways at in- tersections for the purpose of flyinp; the Union Jack during; the summer 'months wwn there are such lurgre inumbers of tourists visiting; Czmndzz, lthe object being to foster :1 1~.1:m,- lpatriotic spirit and imgress vi.siLer.-" .with this spirit. i 'nnnlin.rr \~:if.l1 :1 vnnnr.` Frmn Hm -auiu dos. newis. I The Roads and Bridges Coimnitteo `recommended that the request from Nottawasaga re improvements on road 14 be left in the hands of. the Road Commission. 'I"I-n~. f`n~.n~.+u I)umnn..+n r"...-......:t.A.,.i as resigned. That in the interests of the county great care be taken in the removal of special lings from the old regis- try office to the new, and that the Property Committee take such action as they may deem advisable in the removal of books, etc; that the committee be empowered to make the best arrangements possible with the provincial police re the renting of the old registry ofce; that Coun- cillors McKnight, Tessier, Tom and the chairman be a special committee , to deal with matters between ses- 1nn, 51UIlS< Appointmenrts re Education The Education Committee recom mended that the following be ap- pointed on Boards of Education. Penetang, J. E. Deroche, for thre( years; Barrie, A. C. Kendrick, om year; Dr. R. Tyrer, three years Midland, J. W. Ball, three years Bradford, B. B. Collings, threr |lUC)U. Friday Night Session 1 The Finance Committee recom- Tmcndcd that the county gL1a1'untec Edebc-ntu1`0s for the town of Barrie ,to the amount of 5,355,000 .."or the Collegiate. ! 'l'h:If: nvnnnnf. rrf' Rh-4 Du;-.-.~.I I `VVILII CHIS S]')Jl'lE. Dealing with 2!. report from the iHouse of Refuge Committee in con- !nection with inmates who :11`-2 _L:e`.. `ting the old age pension, Ti`l}{LSL1l`O1` Coleman pointed out that there were 35 of these inmates, who should pay back to the county $17 a. month for their keep. He thought no one` should be admitted unless he or she` was willing to assign the pension while an inmate of that institution. He stated that there now 800 ap- plications averaging $16.00 a month and that it was going to cost the. `county $25,000 for old age pensions alone. A wand-Inn En son:-ninrl n 4'n...nn.. EJUIIU. A motlon to rescmd a former `motion limiting the County Road Commission to members of the county council brought forth the protest from Councillor Tom that he was opposed to some one not a mem- ber of the council serving on the commission. CUTIIHIISSJOIL I think, said the member from Collingwood, that if there are any plums going around we should give 'them to the members of the coun- civl. We come down here and have to work hard and assume 2. good deal of responsibility, and it is only fair we should get anything that is lgoing. T.5!.1',nr H10 nnpcfinn xvnc cnfflnrl luv Later the question was settled by .ballot, when Councillors Scott, Dut- lton and Carlton were elected to serve as the Road Commission for 1930. I `|7'u::l.~.~.v KT!"-11+ Q,-m..2.... Vgomg." Guaranteed by CANADTAN GI7.NW.'?I`l. FIFPTFTF Ff` q....n__-.__~A.- .-_ , ._._,_- __ __ . You can bafely hear if! Refrigemmr WHEN you see a General Electric Refrigerator your first com- ment is apt to be "Why it's so quiet-you can barely hear it." Its unique construction has established a new standard for quiet operation. The General Electric Refrigerator is so automatic it never needs to be oiled. Among its 250,000 users not one has spent 21 dollar for service or repairs. E Come to our showrooms and let us explain the advantages of the General Electric all-steel cabinets that will not warp, and the tem- gernture control which governs the speed of freezing ice cubes or rozen desserts. You may purchase any model on deferred payments, if you (l.`Sl.1'C. rn_l uamnr n-ozen desserts j--:v&u gs;-;-.:137x'F-1T3I.-n s'r., BARRH: URRY 3393. 6!) A`II.`II'.\Y Y\ urn Easy Term: Arranged years; Aliston, F. B. Elliott, `three years; Oollizngwood, Mrs. Dr. Mc- Kay, three years; Orillia, `B. J. Price, three years. That tho f'nHn\vinrr Tm nnnninfnrl cnree years. That the following be appointed on Uniform Promotion Examination Board : \l7 LT I:-\\~1lr\v\ D G T . T T F`...- W. H. Carlton, P.S.I.; J._ L. Gar- vin, P.S.I.; 1. Day, P.S.I.; Miss Mar- garet Dul-`Lt, Midland; Mr. G. At kinson, Bradford; Mr. W. J. ':.I;xc kay, Creemore; Mr. Wm. 1\Ic1{(u1g`h- an, Orillia; Mr. J. E. Morrison, Bz1r1'ic; Mr. A. Harvey, Collin-`mood. | "l`hn`f Pviwvninnl \ViIl1'.n1n: nf ('n!:L 'Dill`l'lC; D11`. .1. I1LLL'VL`_\ , \;UlllH';'\\ That Principal Williams of L water be appointed to the 0.-..! ing board for East Simcoe, an: M. Murdy of Stayner for Wes. i COP. CUB. . That a grant of $50 `no mrulc to each of the Teachers In~'stit1z 25 in North Simcoe, South Simcoc and East Simcoe. A n-u-nq- n4` 1n v\r\~u nnn4- Aw V\1t:v| IUJ. J'U_LH\\ll_).\ .`~'.llULll(l UU LUIU EHZH. Lnll 1-ou21L_\' cannot pay more than $75,- 000. The :~x;>:~n vrere i11v1'e:1:5- ing` at sucli :1 rate e\'e1'_\' year int. there must be :1 limit set. Co.xncil 101' Johnston was opp0;~'c=d to any re- striction. The expenditure hr-l;Ve the unemployment situation, as the more Work (lone on the roads the better for all. He would have the county issue debentures and get all `roads put in shape as soon as pos- s1b1e. I "Plan 17r\+n A11 4-`kn vnn+:r\'r\ Yivnn nknno ILEXSL DHUCUC. A grant of 10 per cent. on prin- cipal s saary was recommendzd for the following schools teachi11;;: fth class work : ` KY,` 10 Tnnn @100 E10. Fin In (512155 \V0l'K I No. 10, Essa, $122.50; No. 10, Innisl, $132.50; No. 3, Sunnidale, l$120.00; No. 6, F105, $133.50; No. .3, F105, $48.00; No. 14, Tiny, $120; mo. 6, Vespra, $44.00; Port Mc- |Nico11, $180.00; Victoria 1`1;1`.`b01`, $1S5.00;Hi1lsda1e, $100.00; Wash- tago, $135.00. 'I`hr> r-nmn1.Hnn n'n T.n(r1'e1n.Hnn vn. I.'1'0VlI1C1Zi.l uept. The committee on Agriculture re- commended that no action be taken re having all dog tax paid to the county and have county pay all sheep claims, but would recommend that each municipality pay a reward of $10 to any person capturiny; and killing a dog found killing or worry ing sheep. Would Limit Road Expenditure Considerable discussion arose over a motion introduced by Councillor: Beath and Coxworth that the re- presentatives to the Good Rozuls Convention recommend that Simcoe ;~: share of Provincial Highxvays for 1030 do not exceed $75,000. (".nnn(-illnv Tlnvln wan nnnn:-ml in 1:}OU uo HOE exceca .):a,uuu." Councillor Doyle was opposml to having the representatives to the convention held down; they s].oul go with an open mind. Councillor Co.\\\'01'th explained that the i)--1:1. of Ili_zl1\\':1y.< .~:lioul be told thzit Lhi: |t'nnnt\' rnnnni h1Y\ vnrwu Hwnn .4T.'\. Cmliaag Company L`\'Lll. Zllltl Ill) d.CLlUll LLIKCII. Councillors Ford and C1`a"uor:l then introduced a motion tlmt the county be liable for 10 per cent. in- stead of 20 per cent. of the co.;'L of Provincial Highways. This motion did not receive very hearty sup_;o:L either. Do-Fnx-A nrl 1'nnwnnn- 1X7-n-[Inn f` .- -.- Hon. Peter Larkin, High CW1- missioner for Canada in London. since 1922, died at his home in Lon- don, Eng., on Monday. He had but recently returned from The Hague Reparations Conference, and had been conned to his bed for two Weeks with heart trouble. He was in his 74th year. -j ago, ).lJD.UU. '1`he committee on Legislation re- lcommended that no action be taken on request that patients must live one year prior to acceptance to sanitarium before municipality be responsible for payment; that no ac - tion be taken re imposing gun li- cense according to regulation of Provincial Dept. a Tho nnmmittpn nn Au`:-innlhn~n ro- The vote on the motion was about even and no action taken. (`any-.r-Hlnvc L`/~.wl I111!` ("u.\--1`,-..-l Before adjourning Warden C.--;: wicke thanked the members for 11.)- port given him during the week 4l:`d urged that the same support be given him throughout the year. Adiniirnmnnf. was marlp 1m+.i1 `J.-m. E11 Ill L!1I'0LlgI10l.lI EH8 year. Adjournment was made unt11 3.10:1- day, June 16th. HON. PETER LARKlNG, H.c., DIES FROM HEART ATTACK F; , 1 , Po1't;\Ic- ); ' ` n n ('1n nn. ;\\ uuu. Cold- .-v. nun, Like a Bolt from the Blue Sky Comes 5 this Startling Announee- 5 meat igursting a Bombsheii of Bargains that will Scatter Big Savings throughout Barrie and the Entire District Read Every Line of that Big 2 - Page Circular mailed to you Yesterday: Read about those Advance Print, Barrie.