Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 30 Jan 1930, p. 7

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,.. Coincident with the visit of the nursery agent, or the arrival of the seed and shrubbery catalogue, is the ' 1`ollo\'.'ing interesting account from London of what women are doing in the way of memorial tree plant- mg, In every little town or hamlet all over Canada there should be a, memorial park or garden wherel lovely living things and lasting trees` could express to future generations! our reverence, gratitmle and pride, felt for those who made Canadaul name glorious in the late great war.` The following; ac(~.oun.t should stimu-4 late some such local effort. This is` pzlrticularly suitable e'oi't for Can- Zullllll Clubs and Women s Instit;utes.~ "'l1n Twn-xnwinl ('\w-lnu AP Hun 1 L'\v\.v. sucr \ "H 4! DON'T suffer headachea, or my 0! those pains a tablet of Aspirin can end in a hurry! Physicians prcscribc it, and approve its free use, F0: it does not affect the heart. Every drum gist has it, but don`t fail to uk thn drtxxxist for Buyer. And don't take any but the box that lays Bayer, with tablets that are stamped with the "Bayer Cross." ..-. l`laULL LU 21 Vitflflby Ul food cooked in it of its food value and Conducted b_.' Byrtha L.Stavert This i.s'1owing delicious reclpez Stuffed Sweet Potatoes Bake the I1StitL1ltCS.`pO'f,atOCS, then cut. them in half of the tlengthwise. Scoop the potato out of H1 kn in.`H1n int-1(r-f: zmd combine with bu`.- i ! I I Here is one that never fails to be appreciated by the male members 01 the household : r*L......l..o- (`...:.~rl_.(`.nn'|{ 4 tea-. the household Chocolate Custard-C00k 4 tea-I spoons cocoa in `A: cup hot water until thick, then add 4 cups hot milk and 1 cup sugar. Pour over ,2 well-beaten eggs and stir well. .Strain into a pudding dish and steam `20 minutes. Serve with whipped scream piled on top, sweetened and ,avored. a 1..(.+ uunnir in 1~n1Inn1n1Y1n(iin(" swee-1 avored. [ Last week in recomemnding sweet `potatoes for one of the menues it Hvas our intention to offer the fol- 'lowing delicious recipe: Smrc.-.-I Sweet the: 2 I When setting `d. mouse trap cover it with tissue paper. Mice attempt-_ }ing to discover what is under thel paper will readily be caught. l This `time of year it is good to know that coarse salt, such as is used in making ice cream, if scat- tered over the bottom of 21 garbage can when it is empty will prevent garbage freezing to the can. Zlulilll KJIUUS 21Il(l VVUIIIUIIS 1I1SLllalJ.LU5.`]_)UL' uuzu '.l`he Imperial Order thetlengthwise. Scoo Dziuzliiters of the Empire will be in-lthe jackets and 1 viitcd at the instance of the Highiter, salt, cream Commissioner to co-operaite with the ;apple. Fill the Ram]: Rnm1+.H`vino- Aqcnr-inn11 n.n(lI1nix't.1n'(*. Slit ! kitchen shears have at last been added to the stainless metal family. With one blade possessing a serrat- ed edge and the other a good straight edge, the shears do their `work with despatch and precision. The fruit for cocktails, salads or desserts,` the vegetables for soups or sauces and even meats and sh are ready for serving in a few min- utes. . January is the month when fresh dimity curtains with bright oilcloth valances and tie-backs at the dinette and kitchen windows are most ap- preciated. Shelves newly covered with the same oilcloth and one or two interesting additions to the cul- inary equipment are other accept- able refurnishings. There IS a. we of onrooming the tendency to conei etion. And here is how you can PRO E it. The next time vour bowels need any The next our any assistance, don`t e the tint lamtive that comes to mind. Take one the , 131: can assure you is made wi l EABCARA. Just as eective as using l force, and it s good for the system. In- ` deed, it helps make good blood. For ; cascarn. is nothing but the bark of a. l tree. The Indians chew this bark, and live to an old age without a. duy s L sickness. Hunt Imnnnnn wl-nan vmv nnnr-ur37A ` now rnuvna 15. i n l L SICKNESS. What. hap ens when you cascarize tho bowels? ghey will usually function well for SEVERAL DAYS. One more i dosL~-no larger, and perhaps smaller than the rst--and the bowels func- tion of their own accord for a still longer time. Until you don t feel the WHAT A DOCTOR KNOWS Have you received benet from taking Lydia E. Pin7 s Vegetable Compound? 7 A questionnaire enclosed with every bottle of medicine. has I 1 1 .~,\,\;-\.-\ -.--, m,-_.- ...-...-..._. ....., brought, to date, over 400,000 replies. The overwhelming ma- jority-in fact, ninety-eight: out of a hundred-says, Yes. If this dependable medicine has helped so many women, isn t it reasonable to suppose that it will help you too? Get a bottle from your druggist today. Lydia E. Pinkhanfs V_e getable Compound Imperial thcllengthwise. Scoop the potato 01.11.04 D2lU;1,ll`l2e.1-shOf in-lithe comll)ine lwitlh but-1 vitct t e High ter, am crus1e( ] )lTl(.-A, lapple. jackets with thi- Roads Beautifying Association a.n marslnnallows and the Roads Remembrance Committee stu' with crushed pineapple. Place in zrdorning the principal hig`hwzLy.:one on top of each half potato. of t. `British Isles and in the crea1Baste with" pineapple juice which tinny avenues siinilznr to thoselhas been boiled one minute Place fnmil, C1` -to the lL1'g`(.`1` Canadianiin the oven until heated thoroughly cities by planting suitable trees from land browned. the Dominion Director Kew Gztrdcns,` If you are having company for the famous upriver beauty spot not-is-upper try these potatoes zserve-rl able for his a.rboricul~turzLl resea1'L'l.1i\vith sliced cold ham, hearts of cel- who is 21 member of the council oflery and a jelled fruit salad with hot the R3~dS Beautifyinfl ASS0Cl8ti011,ltea biscuits or toasted wafers. Your reports there are twelve to fourteen lguests will be delighted and so will Canadian trees, or twenty if V111`-!you, inf-inc nf nnn ltinri hp 'lY`|(`ll1(`lD(`l, whiz-hi 400,000 Wgmen CoNS7ri15AnoN LYDIA EPINKHALK MEDICINE OO..Lynn. MnIu..U.8.Aa and Cohen:-1. Ontario, Canxdl -.-./`/- by actual record Report Benet /1 pr. 1/11 I\,f`l/`f\~`/J BUTTER AND EGGS DOWN 1 AT SATURDAY S MARKET Things were more lively around the market Saturday than they have been for several weeks. I"armers were out in good numbers and cus-.4 tomers were numerous. The out- standing feature of the market was the slight reduction in price of but ter and eggs. Both of these farm products seemed plentiful and easily disposed of at the prices quoted. Butter sold from 42c to 45c a pound, while eggs ranged from 45c to 55c a dozen, according to grade. Some nice looking chickens were offered V at 28c to 30c 21 pound, and fowl K were still selling at 25 a pound. i All of the birds seemed to be well I conditioned and good size. Pork and II beef, of which there was a large showing, were down a cent a pound pork selling at 19c hind quarters and 17c f1`onts; baby beef was 18c hind quarters and 16c fronts. Sonic ,}choice lamb went at 25c hind quar- E~|ters and 20c front. ..I \x7:n+m~ vnn`ni:\l \lr:< 1-r-mninnrl the |ters and zuc Iront. | Winter ve_9;etab1es remained the same in price as the preceeding [week One shall had 2!. nice selection `of apples, the Wolf River and Snow v:u'ieties going at 20c and 25c 21 lbusket, respectively. I |FEDERAL LIBERALS GET TWO ACCLAMATIONS Denis J. O'Connor, Mziyor 01' Huntingdon, was elected by acclaim- ation in Chantanquay-Hun-tim:(lon Lo replace Hon. James Robb, lute Min- istcr of Finance; and Cyrille Du- Maine, no-tary, was elected in Bagot, replacing Georges D. Morin. he Conscmiatives decided not to oppose the Liberals in either place. This will leave the standing of the parties the same as before. . rmm mu-+v afnninrr in the House UL \,' LJLILIDII LDIUD (LLHI Ill |/Ill; \.L\.L| `J U011 thosel familcr Canadianii 2 Gar not-1; resea1'cl1i` member oflr Association,.|1 fourteen lg var-E`; ieties of one kind be included, which: would grow almost anywhere in; Great Britain under suitable condi- tions. The association includes the` names of many distinguished public men and women. A similar proposi- tion to Australia has already been welcomed, backed by the promise of the gift of trees. The Hiigh Cem- m.issioner"s suggestion concerning the Daughters of the Empire also makes enquiry of any suitable body in the Dominion who might co- operate. The scheme is generally popular here owing to the present bareness of the new great artevial roads which are the result of the amazing growth of motoring. The proposal includes also avenues and groups of trees planted in honor of any public person and this had al- ready been done to a small extent in the outskirts of London. [the Delore. The party standing in the House` lof Commons at present is as fol- lows: Liberals 117, Conservatives` 8!); United Farmers of Alberta 11,1 Progressives 12, Liberal-Prog're-ssives 9, Labor 3, Independent 2. This does not include the speaker. Alsol there is a vacancy in the con- stituency of Brandon, where Hon. T. A. Creran`, newly appointed Minister of Railways, is seeking election. EDITOR OF STAYNER SUN NAMED RETURNING OFFICER In accordance with an amend- ment made to the Election Act by the Dominion Parliament, returning officers will hereafter be permanent officials, removed only for cause. Announcement was made last week that Mr. D. G. Bell, editor of the Stayner Sun, had been named as returning officer for North Simcoe. For East Simcoe, Joseph McNamara, of Penetang, is named, and W. H. Hunter, of Oramgeville, for Simcoe- Druffering riding`. These appoint- ments do not necessarily mean that an election is in sight, but the Government is preparing the ma- chinery. need of any aid of any sort for weeks- on-cnd. - n .1 1 u .-. .- vu yuu. So, the only habit you get from ens- carzt is that of natural and normal regularity. Hmv different from things one must usually repeat on the mor- row! Cascara. is the ideal laxative; and the familiar little candy cascuret is doubtless its ideal form. Children ` lzeg for these tasty tablets, and many men and women wouldn't think of tak- ing ANYTHING else for the purpose. And EVERY drugstore has them. Th e Northern Advance Would Abolish First Year Pass Following on Premier Ferg'uson s proposal for the abolition of rst- year pass, courses at the University, proval of the idea. hand when we must affirm that the standard of entrance to arts and other faculties should be honor ma- triculation, he said. of great educational value to the province to have the work of the standard of the pass first year done in high school. The result would be It would be that a more mature student would Sir Robert Falconer indicated his ap- f enter university, and there would be The time is at: fewer disappointments to students, as well as the elimination of :1 large element below university rank Jll the present pass classes. EVERY BELL TELEPHONE IS A `Why, then the world's mine oyster which I with sword will open," said a famous character of Shakespeare, but the modem vers- ion relates to going around the nakespeare, out t_ne modem lon relates to_ gomg world 1n 9. big and comfortable seamship with no sword to open tr... nv_:tnr_ I`}m::e are duv.~4 of THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1930 _ s*eamsmp with sworu to the oyster. These are days of peace and world travelers now planning their tours will be in- terested to know that one globe- Eirdling liner will call at ports itlierto omitted from her itin- erary--ports rarely touched by cruising steamers. The Empress of Australia, a 21,850 gross ton vessel, long a favorite with globe trotters, will sail from New York `ecember 1, 1929, on the seventh `anal Cnnmlian Panin \Vm-ld '3/44/ANESE $9N<`/No C/let. 'ecember 1, 1321', we Leventn `ma! Canadian Pamn VVo1-Id The Woi'ld s Mine Oyster, Said Falstaff A. A. SMITH, M cmagers. Ill 4% CUUHLFICS. Athens is really three towns in one--the twisted lanes of the Athens that little more than a Turkish village before the Greek War of Independence, the broad straight streets of the modern capital and the interesting ruins clustering round the Acropolis representing the Glory that was Greece." The Parthenon, one of the most interesting ruins here, was chief among the buildings with which Pericles adorned the Acro-I polis about 500 B.C. 'Rnnnl:nl:_ the manitnl of Siam. IN PRAISE OF THE ELECTRIC STEAM COOKER Since we have been giving so much thought recently to the plan- l ning and preparation of meals, we might devote our space this week to methods of cooking. Since prac- tically all homes are now wired for electricity, the many electrical cook- ing devices can be used by rural as well _2_xs urban housewives. For an und labor and food saver therc i - othing that can compare with t ,A,)_our-teered electric steam cook- `i~.~`~" It lends itself to a variety of 11:0: and H111 fnnrl nnnlznrl in ii DUHS 'd.UUUL OUU D.\4. Bangkqk, the capital of Siam, vvnc nrir'1n'1l' `mm on oating: Long Distance telephone facilities were never so complete - so effective, speedy and far-reaching as they are today. Our 1929 building pro- gramme added about 14,000 miles oi talking channels to our lines. The standard of service was improved - is steadily improving. -'2 : Ti And it costs less than ever before, be- cause on January 1st reduced rates on calls to points 75 to 800 miles distant became effective-the second reduction within a year. Why not lay your plans now to take advantage of this speedy, dependable, time-saving service? LONG DISTANCE STATION Barrie Real Estate Ofce ANTIQUE SHOP Dunlop St. however, has an out wipeu out, these barbarous people. The seat of government at Formosa is Taihoku. Here eets of jinrikishas, manned by coolies, transport the visitors around the town, one of the chief attractions of which is the Governor-Generul`s garden, - where the world's most beautiful tropical plant`: bloom in exotic `profusion ` uugnun. Keelung, the chief port: of the Island of Formosa, is a hive of in- dustry. Formosa is half the size of Ireland and is governed by the Japanese. In its northern fast- nesses, still largely unexplored, lived the headhunters. The Japanese ampai n of subjugation, however, has all but wiped out thnnn hm-hm-nun nermle. The seat pontoons or piles on the river's edge, but nowadays well-planned roads and streets radiate from the city in all directions, beautiful Buddist temples are scattered all over the to\vn, and the Royal Palace is one of the show places of Bangkok. T. nn'|nn.. lwlnn nlninf nns-~ nf 4-la.-. WARD-PRICE-CRESWICKE CO. Junlop Market Hill Corner. USES 3.110 EH6 loses nothing avor. Tn 6-Ln `IVA! Homes to Buy or Rent Business Propositions Page Seven To the woman who has 21 large family to fee(l and does all her own housework, this type of cooker is a ve'rit.able Godsend. By the steam ing method the toughest meat and most ancient fowl are made tender a.nd tasty, \-rhile vegetables retain :1}. their salts. Delicious stews, DOL roasts, creamed vegetables am. steamed puddings can be prepared at the same time with the szune amount of fuel, and food can be` kept warm for hours without losing its original avor. The cost of th equipment is between $8.00 anri $22.00, and with proper care s!1oL1l lust indefinit<>l_\'. No investment made for the home will bear ;:ren`ei' interest in time saved and `m.~:1l'.h promotr.-d. Orin nf nnv rnm-r-:nnnrlnn1.~ \I'vi!n;-- [)l'UlHUU.`U. One of our coiwespomlcnts wriL0=: I notice you "`"')c21te milk pud- dings instea(l 01' pastry for dessert My family seems to be pie Cruz;-,v and I must admit I (10 not know how to propurv many milk pL1(l so that we tire quickly of them. Can you suggest a recipe Lliut, men would like ? Women s Page

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