in-)u e.\ecuL1\'e Z Miss Elgood, Mrs. D. M. Stewart,| Miss Justice, Miss King, Mrs. Graham, Mrs-. Webb, Mrs. Singer, Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Ryan, Miss Miller, Mrs. A. T. Little, Mrs. Mci\I:iven., Mrs. Turnbull, Mrs. Sparrow, M1-s.| .`}.night, Mrs. Patton, Pres. of Minis-j _7:ia41 Association, F. Hammond iiwlayor MoCuaig, Dr. A. T. LitJt1e,: Major Knowles, J. R. Dier, E. A. Ryan, A. Cowan, A. Malcomson, M. D. Morrison, G. C. Brown. I Mien 'F`LH1n] (.4-vrinv~rnz\n ' (`.2-.11vfwa1l uub 77 um Magic WI:ile.. Dntunln tut! I E IlI -3 v.`?."x"1(~ a.`?TT'T`T`.`{'T`. Z" .".'." . Lluvl I./I-KZI/II I (jut O AYLNTER Brx|nIl-4Chuit:c QvnHly- No. 2 Size Tin , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Brand- It Sices wrwi .areweis 2 Pkgs. 35c DELIVERY Delivery charges 10c 10.30 a.m. and 4 p.m. Saturday 10 a.m., 2 and 6 p.m. Flaked W Jar 110 Fmh Milled. T),..__I 1).... '"}`z}I1;L.i'%E/hec ' `F-`u-oak $1211.41 THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 1930 Fresh Nned . . . . . . . .` Pearl Barlow` 11-1: A vw.'__x.~: ..' n.. Soap P. & G~.--Pearl White. . Soap Flakes Real Good Quality. . . . Write for Rates or Phone 445 `W. _~\. TURNE .2, - P ".l`.h'e -only school 1101111 of Toronto that is a member of the Business Ed11.(-.ato1's Association of Canada. Shorthand, '.I`ypewriting, Bookkeeping, Banking` anda11.a1.1iec1 subj eets taught by experienced teachers. I (f'l,l'I r.- 1,(ll ti: V MCKA1"S-`*"["iI|c-Al`, Quality . ` Jlltalt L otl-Inca) . __Lge. bottle : __ Lgc. Bottle U. l"`:."IUll2ll ('UHJ|. .`H('I.' ?1`.`1U :11; Cobalt, v.'}1m*o. ,r.1'1'r'at em: for V.O.N. wm-k hurl been The . .`\'t:I.`u':d that the inworizmt 1;-:u't of the work was 'that% (1L\ OlC(l1.01111l.U`1`I1:l1 \vc1fm`e. Outs of the total numb:--r of births in} Canada. for 1929, 1,400 had come: under the care of the `'.O..\'. It \\':1.=. i11te1`o.~.tin_;' to note that one- qunrter as many (1(:z1.tTv:.< OL'(`,u1`2'C\ 1 among; mothers cared for by the V.O.N. as the total number ;';-I:r~i\'- Tin: other care. __ L `Uh: (H-vrlnmnnn I-1n:nrl hp? $1lI(11`F\QQ _Lge. Pkge. 260 A Deiir.-inus Dessert __2 Cakes 90 __4- Cakes 250 __3 Rolls -. _ 2 Tins `J A51 gmduatres assisted to positions Jar - Jar, Jar I {fl '1. During the evening President Brown paid a feeling tribute to Mrs. Devlin, late vice-president of the Order, whose sudden death had been a serious loss to the organization. 9 Jar 29c Tin : - lc (C 2 190 1 210 3199 2 330 WINTER `TERM AT 5c F411;: onnor care. [f . I\Ii;<.: Cryderman closed her zuluress C '`-'.)`y urging the closest 1'e1zL`r,ion.~:'a~.i `; between the local branch and con-;* tral ofce and expressed the hopefr that Barrie would send a delegatejg to the forthcoming meeting at Ot-H 9c {Blade From Ontario Wheatll _-L Bars 150 FE RIB! 'peeial- Quaker 2 Lbs. 170 iI:A1s1Ns, 2 Lbs. 250 Special- PUFFED SEEDEII Many Barrieites got up an hour r or two earlier than usual Tuesdayl morning to hear I{i.1g' George ope -.2 rthe disaxmzunent conference in Lon-( don. There was 21 world-wide broad-1 cast of the speeches on one of the` most extensive hook-ups ever at-f ternnt-;-(I. The .<(,-.<. of the con-hf fr-rence were opened at 11 a.m.l'l G1'(-emvieh time, \\'hiL'.h meant G a.m.:C in Puzrrie. 'l`hr- : ~`0un(l of the Kin,r_,r` voice in his rst public speech : ha : iHne.~'.< _::z1Ve many a t.h1'i1l'h us it v2L1`m- e!e:u`1_\' over the air 6 l 5 -oz. Package Lb. Package SUNMAID CAKE 551?? ;0valtine| }c0COA| Tan 1' c Food Beverage ROSE WITH THE BIRDIES Mason Jar 1/2-lb. Tin L l.'.\'CII Q UEEN /\TTT71`lf Mm). 811", 750 ."1.\' Fry s 2 r\4 ,` . I4" WE SELL FOR LESS Pr0p1'j(:.tor. RR. No. 5. Barton t. Ban. Hamilton. 0111. HT 1...... .. ....._I. :._ ..L.. ........- Pa e Five RLB. P40. 3. Danun or. Ian, nnmuxun. I have to work in the store and do my own housework too and I got nervous and runv down and was in bed nearly all summer. The least noise would make me nervous. I was told to take Lydia E. Pinkham s Vege- table Compound and I hd_ve taken seven bottles. It has made me stronger and put more color into my face. I~ge`t along nicely now with my work and with my four chil- dren. I would like to answer lettcrs.--M-rs. 1. Malin. ;` her report, Miss Rail- -rl her thanks to the air ever-ready support tion at all times, and 2:; for the-ir kindness and and H10 Hn f'n1*' . MRS. Lukas R. No. 1, Box 58, Lankln, N. Dakota I had two babies which I lost at seven months. Before my third baby was born my husband advised me to take your medicine and he bought me three bottles of it. When I had taken the first one I be an to feel better so I kept on ur- ln the whole period. We have a ealthy baby boy and we are so proud of him and praise Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound for the help it gave me. Ifeel well and srrong."- M-rs. Frank Lukas. _ .;m.-. "< i . in menu .` '. u::0."."~ `,1l-{v'.\'.=on, \\:*.o 1'01` t'~-e- DJ.~l, six _\'(*`1r~' r3l`u:1:: l)"l'll thlir mail ,'io1'. l\lz'.. -.u.\.11j;".x.< `.'\"2n`I1ica z1<`te us cliz1irm:1n.3 ,l}.l1's`. Fiwl .\.'l'.<.< rearl an :L(l'lr.-.~< .1 U: `l.\Ir. Wm. Neely prr,-: 112'. Hi, `- son with :1 \\'ickvr arm ('l1'.1ir. :\Il'.; ll*l(~\\'.-`on ll1anl his l'rien for ill ..- lhonor (lone liim. Those pi'c. :1l ~ `.\'l)Ol((,` in \'or_\' fil.lin{.1' tL}l'm.< and :1 ;i';czL cw-nin_L' \\':is .s'])L'2l'L. l.1lI1('l] / i.'=:< <<-r\'utl by the lz1(li<:.:. On Jun. 1:3`..h, the `\`.'omr>:1'.< Aux- iliary of St. Paul`;< Church met at, tlm home of Mrs. Fred Johbit: zit. S-troud, with a good al;temlance.' The election of 0liir`o1`.<. resulted 2151 5 follows: Hon. members, Hrs. `Lot .Smitli, Mrs. Roberts, Mrs. Wm. _`Nigihting`ale, Mrs. Geo. Quzmtz; Hon. 0}P1'es., Mrs. A. D. Cousins; President, etMrs. W. J. Leonard; 1st Vice-Pres., I 5 Hrs. Frank Rich; 2nd Vice-Pres..l ' `Mrs. Herb. New; Cor. Sec. and Pray-l t or Partner, Miss Florence Nightin-' '; ggale; Rec. Sec., Mrs.. Frank Green;l e' Treasurer, Mrs. Fred Jobbitrt; Dor- n was Sec., Mrs. Robt. Vaughan; Asst. |Dorca.s, Mrs. Fred Smith; Exitra-cen. - in-Day Fund, Miss Mabel;; : little Helpers, Mrs. Spragge; |U.T.O., Mrs. Wm. Booth. Splendid- . reports were given by the different y officers. l . Last Friday evening the friends !of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gardiner. of |'tihe Presbyterian Church, met at -their home and gave them a. mis- !ceL1a.neous shower. They were also `presented with a half dozen stain- less knives and forks. A very pleas- anrt evening was spent in contests and games, after which a. dainty ,[Iu.nch was served by the ladies. I Mvq, Ailhn-nf. `Pin-viz, nf Tor-and-.n_ IBARRIE YOUTHS ; CAPTURE TI-IIEVES NI21'd.l'J. I'LlI'VlS. Mrrs. Geo. Hunter, of Toronto, called on friends on Monday. Mr, Allan 7R.nhin.:nn. nf 'T'n'rnn`+.n, O O'ClOCK. I The Presby cerIa.n young people on , I`uesday evening gave a. debate, 1Reso1ved that travel is more edu-i lcational than books. Afrmative by; !;\Ir:<.. Fred Ness and Frank Cowami `,ne;1`21?.i\'(* by ;\I1~.<. W. Cznnpba-11 andf ET! in S`n_\".`vr- The dur:i.=in'.'. was .n":". -n.-4. 2... caueu on II'ulEI1{1`S 011 lV10l'1(l3.y. Mr. Allan Robinson, of Toronto, visited Earl J obbidzt on Sunday. I 'l"}1n 2mn1m.] vpgrltrv map-tina n`F Rf IIUJICII was SETVBO. Dy U112 13.0185. ' Mrs. Albert Purvis, of Toronto, |is visiting at the home of her son, l Earl Purvis. Mmn [Inn `L1 un6-nu A-I-` 'T`!\1r IVLSLEEQ I`JZlI'l JODDIW.-E UH bunuay. I The annual Vestry meeting of St. Paul s Ohurch, Innisl, will be held on Wednesday evening, Jan. 29, at 8 o clock. I rm". n..,..1..r+m..`.. ..,.....,.. ..,.....1.. ....| the .Co1`n`v-\ 1..-H-.-du. .. ------ I `.CHEAP NEW FUEL SOLD E ~ ON TORONTO MARKET f What is termed a revolutionary fuel has recently been put on 1." Toronto market in the shape of oil Ecoke. Those sponsoring the new .`fun] : that it is an actual petrol- feum by-pro(Iuot and that its com- 'bustion is complete, leaving no asihcs or (`HI1k(:l`.~` in the furnace. STROUD Last 1~'1'iday evc-nmg, St. \ im:~.-nt.~: hockey team of Barrie paid :1 visiL to :V[id}1L11`>T. to play the 1'oresLe1'.' boys an exlzibition ;;'z1me. 'l`n:.- teams were very evenly nuntehed, and the game ended in a tie, 1-1. Inc} Rn`+I11-rhvv nffnvnnnn Han ELHLI Llll,` g'd.Hl.U cuueu H1 ll. LIB, 1'1. Last Saturday afternoon the stove pipes in Mr. R. W:Lttie s house book `re. Flames began to nhoo; out over the kitchen walls. Ha;l`iL not been for the promptness of Jan. McGd1mis in extinguishing the ames considerable damage would have beem done. in '17orom;o Last weex. -Monday evening the rink was the scene of a strenuous broom ball match between East and West. Line` up was as follows: West>--oGa.1, J. Torpey; defence, R. Poole and H. A~l;ford; forwards, S. M.eLea.n, W.f McLean, H. McLean and H. Spencegi Easb-Goal, W. Kennedy; defence, R. -Brown and A. Torpey; forwards. W. Davis, C. Bowdery, J. Kissock, M. I Sehandlen. The west were the win- ners 3-0. The score did not ir.;ii- cate the supremacy of the west end. Chas. Bowdery \vas the shining star of the evening`, holding: Stan. .\I.:-I Lean in check tlirougthouvt the g;.'.um_-. ,-Charlie should have been credited v.'it.h 21 f(`:\'.' grouls, had it not been for Jimmie T0!'pe_\ doing: . in WW3 '|`h<- most conspicuous \ I | Jul`. 1V1. 1'1. the forestry Toronto. nu 'r\I. .. Mrs. Robt. Peacock * in Toronto last week. `l`A'nAn\y nnynvI;r\rv Hun --a-up-c-nxzrwwmxx-1a:-v Jun-.-<.ra.lIe\:l!u:sI 1`/IIDHURST JJ. iVLUl.'1'lSUIl, U. D. `DFOVVII. I Miss Ethel Cvryderman, 'CenItra.l Supervisor, as the speaker of the evening, congratulated the Barrie branch on the excellent showing} made during 1929 as brought owt in the reports of the treasurer and the nurse-in-charge. While vnur onnrfrihni-1'nn: frnml 94 Groceterias in Ontario THESE SPECIALS 0N SALE Eon WEEK 0EJAN. 24th to 30th . Adamson is atztending annual convention in I` Be Wise- Drink Fry s | Maoonochic s Imported I 77 T13 Ti 77 11 visited friends "5 uunnlz |:110N?Eil FR Y S Unswectcwcd Baking Chocolate Extract Special- Fry s 3 Breakfast '2 V.0.N. REPORT IS VERY GRATIFYINGrl COCOA IA-11. Tin 21 Special- 7-oz. Ti" 136 V - - . V . - ~ - . . . . . . . V I . . . . -. KIPPER H ERRIN GS Shirri s Imperial TRUE FLA VOR BOTTLE 23 If you want the good things of life you usually have to go after them. How true you find this to be when you wait on yourself at Loblaw s and the savings are worth while. Pure Light 1,, Tin 140 :1.-1 -.:u-ug.-. .x0r1 at all times, anti 1; `.510 -.lm-,`. the-irl-zindneisss I~.`:`--l(l'..`):.1l,l( .. and the hospitztl for! `.12: supplies. Apprecia- lion was also expressed to the many people who have donated baby cloth- hip,` and old linen for dressings, and especially the Women s Institute for, their kind help so freely and will- ingly given. In adopting the report of the nominating committee, the follow- ing were chosen to serve on the 1930 executive : \/I :m- 1J`1nm...l `M..- `r\ Mr c4.........a. Eat More Honey Enjoy Better Health 5-lb. Pail Lfhe Northern Advance 49 Peanut Butter A R R0! H.-n...l__7..-I.l'. 1. `( /1A'lI/DOC; Js`.ll/I/`J. ARROW Brand--Worll'a Beat. Stoneless Dates KARAVAN Brand . . . . . . . . . . . . Rice Ginnl-Cnrolinz:-Fancy Quality. 2 Lbs` 250 Cocoanut . BAKER'S-Soulhern Style .... .. 2 T135 250 The council visited the temporary foot; bridge that crosses the creekl last Monday. Let. us hope that! something will be g`a.inL-Ll by it. I I All Hm hang: at the forest star: player on the west side was Bob Nnule, yet there were times when howtlery stood this ouLsLamlinz:,ri 1l;1'_we-1' on his ear. W. McLean. J'I.l= .`\'1cLezu1 and Bob Poole were the; I nurse-1wn-cnarge. | While your contributions from various sources have been gener- ous, said the speaker, one feels that in a town of this size the `people would be interested to come here! to-night and hear these reports. Health teaching effects the whole community. If it is to develop to its fullest extent, do the most goon to all those requiring: such help, it| must have the who1e-hearted1 sup-`E port of everybody. g 'I`1rm ,:nr>nL'n1- (rnvn n 1'H'i('\F nninnyi me Day. How time changes things. A few yezlrs ago Midhurst Stantion was known as Stump City. The govern-, ment commenced operations and` turned it into a paradise. Now we are to have a store right by the] station. Bob Peacock opens hisi emporium on 'I`hursday. Lt will bei :1 great asset to the people rthat are} living in that neighbonhood, also to the motorist who sometimes run shout of gas. Wu urn mlpagnd fn gav that M72, we Day. : : ( i nun 6-A cuaucxo Au. :.:auAu.. ` 1 Reg. Lyrtzton and A. A. Sminhi motored to Toronto lasrt Tuesday. `I II 1\/Ian-Hn fnnn w r-nr r-hnin tmotoreu I0 Toronvo 12.511. xuusuuy. I ` J. H. Martin found :1 car chain on he Minesirng road last Monday. ;Owner can have same by applying !for it. |.I .`I(.Ul'L'I'S. 1 llobt. Wuttie and Wzzltcr (hrblzixti zm: enjoying the shing season oni the bay. Hnw Hmn r-hnnrrnz thintrg, A fruvx snout 01 gas. We are pleased to say that Mrs. 116'!` umess. 5` J. J. Kjssock has returned home Lafter spending a few days with his sisters in Baa-rie. A n .. v A A n,_!_L sometmng wm De gauncu uy 12. I ] All the houses at the forest s ca-[ tion are now lighted by hydro. it} is cerbztinly zm impx`oven1<:u:. N. -,n~;nn Qnrmm has been sick since` ls ceruunly lmprovenmnz. Marion Spence has been since Christmas. We are pleased to re-; port she is imp1'ovin;:. ` pe2':i-.115-EVideau--3a:ms:waa--Vaveemaa porn OI evcryuuuy." I The speaker gave a brief outline-I, of the progress the Order was m:2.k--' ing in the Province, as a vountary heath agency. She said it was a vital question how to meet the nurs- i`.s-_' n:~.:-:I< of p<-o1>`w in :`.1r> r 1'~ c-um.~tanc(-s, and one w`~.ic]1 the` O1'Iervvz1.= helping: L0 . She g`z1\'(- 1`. most interc-; :v.('~-n':n`; '1 n 1'. -'v'3nn:11 r-nnf'.~!':-Hm` 1-mhi 7:1? 311.` J` A `Cream. or Pizszersziv) 1/2-53!. itigo ` g Special-w Fzalaarnaza `Jill/llllllzll/CI Style. 4 IIALVES - SLHCEEL Jam HARVI HARVEST Bnnd-Raop|>erry I 40-02. Class 1:: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . [War ma lade ROBF.[(TSON S-Imported-- Cold and Silver Shred. . . . . . ... Red Plutn Jam Slnnnlmm-50-n:. Clan Inn `ICED I UAIIOIIII Jul.` Sloncleun-40-ox. Glass 113. ` Catsup I`Il` [PD D..-...I_r~-...I v-1..- ROBERTSON"S-Im Rolled Oats GRIN I`U'\(lI'\ II--- Rapid Cooking . . . Ivory Soap Gucal. Size--As pa` (Continued from page one) connements; 40 patients paid part of the cost of the visit, according to their circui-nstances. Total fees 1'cc(-i\'ed were $587 from patienrts, from the Metropolitan Insurance Co.. $315, making a grand total of 3002.00. In ..1n..3..... L-.. _....___.1_ mr:_., `n--1 pure as S F airy Soap It Floats. . . . . ....... Lunch Rdils {MI- ERIAL-l5 Sbec!s.. 1.......I If/...n..... lI`. Il"l`.'l(lAl.--l5 Shel Javel Water Mnnir Wluinn __. Magic Wlxile....-.................."`5c` `"0 Peach:-s . DELl\lONTE-Yeow C1in[-Fancy Pl. . . . . . Pears 1lAlIllI\D 'n_.....l_l':_I.. r:.._.._ _ ._ `Jill/OIC4 TIGER Bnnd-Good Valuo.` Tomato Sauce A'l,Vh.lITYl R.-.n4l_._.. :.I. Q. No. I Tin . . . . . . . . . . . .. Bartlett Pears A\'I KIWI? I"!......l, (`L..:~ iWIV1iil'c-{Vb-1'amble Jelly ROBEII'I`SON S-I|npcrIcd-l6-oz. Jar. . Dnllnd IL. +0 Dlvllla and Pineapple-~ . . . . . . . . ....-.. A `.1 ll I/[GU11] LJIDLULC ALYMER Brand--Spanish Style. . ___ I7 I/LII J LJCIII Soap an be. . "WI".-"AP QIIIYTI ROBIN HOOD J Rapid Cooking ` l'...n.... Ql\lI'D' UZ.UU. In closing um CX})1'OS. hoard for `.5; -I 1. n,n-vuv W-.4