Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 2 Jan 1930, p. 7

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Christmas holidays are over for another year, the New Year s cele- bration is a thing of the past, and` now there is nothing to do but be-', gin all over again. There is some-` thing about making a. new start that should have a wonderfully stimulat- ing effect. It means another chance to get a grip on ourselves and per-[ haps reach the goal of high endea- vor we have been struggling toward. 1.4- 1a 1: unvf rd-' hnngp cleaning time MAKING A NEW START Born on the Czmadiun Pacic Railway Express Train The Dominion near Kanaka, British Columbia, recently, the smiling infant shown with her mother above has been christened Christina. Patricia. .Rosalind, the names being arranged in the initials C.P.R.. in honor of her railway birth. Little Miss C.P.R. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . `Peterson, North Vancouver, B.C. KITCHEN KINKS Conducted by Byrtha L. Stavert Railway Baby Carrot Salad Grind together 3 carrots, 3 slice. of onion and a stalk or two of gel- ery. `Over this squeeze the juice of ;half a lemon-. Mix with boiled dress- ;ing, or better still, French dressing, and serve on shredded lettuce or nnkkomn anu 58 ].`VI cabbage. cabbage. Crumb Pudding [ Three Wolf River apples, 2 table- spoonfuls sugar, 1-4 teaspoonfuls nut- meg, 1 cupful brown sugar, 1 cup- ful our, 1-2 cupful butter. Dan] tfhn annlos and slice into a 1Iu1 nour, 1-Z cupxui Dunner. . Peel the apples and slice into baking dish. Sprinkle with a mix- lture of the sugar and nutmeg. Mix [brown sugar, our and butter to- }gether untill crumbly, then spread this mixture over the apples and bake `in a moderate oven until golden lkrnvun nn hm and H19 annlp.-: are That insole that you have lost from your bedroom slippers may be re- placed by cutting a new one from `an old felt hat. These insoles also I make for comfort when put inside the house shoes one wears when {working. vor' have been 2.truggiing_tuwam.l1~u1 1_z cupml Dumm It is a sort of house cleaning time_ for our inner selves, when we can tn1'W Put tn? rubbish 0f selshness: petty Jeal_ousies,. and a lot of otherlbrown dlsggreeable trams t.hat may be 1 n`}gether bering up the dwelling house Of 0? being. If we have greeted the in Christmas season with the spirit oribmwn on top and the apples are defep gratitilildti ford God s Elgeawsg cooked. :Serve hot or cold with git,wewi ereaytomean, Efep the good resolgmls that im cream or any prepared sauce. 9 essential Part 0 *3 is new 3' ou 10 tf m ginning. That is the only way the sgpers She e- New Year can really be a happy one, t . is the only way we can how an to h that happiness 011tt0 COVE`-`gmake ' tn 1e l7We1Ve mn@n5 that are ah d of us, and it is the only way we can accomplish anything worth while in life. Every year there is Frozen meat should be placed in an inC1`e83in8 need Of Women Oflthe kitchen for several days before strong purpose and spirituality to _ it is cooked_ M at tha d -` kl cope with social conditions that iSin.,a,.iab1y tougi we qmc `V threaten such civilization as we still *mi::..'=.*E;n... wnmpn nf the world ,JLVme msm;P::i .::`.`:,.I,*.S.`i I` working. I I i the -it Meat thawed quickly ` is invariably tough. l Women members of the House of Commons, London, England, have lasked the Speaker to alter the pres- lent rule under which women cannot be admitted to the Distinguished Strangers Gallery. They claim they `feel very keenly the position of in- yequality in which this places dis- Itinguished visitors who come to see ithe British House of Commons. ` T . | Bill Silkcn s barn is well equipped 1 ';with every known device, so he can ` {handle all his work in clever way ` gand nice, so he can feed his kine 3 land swine in just a little trice. The ` water s piped into the stalls where ` 1 l ,;thirsty cows may sip, -the little , 'Icalves have airy stalls where they _ can butt and skip, the little colts ilhave pleasant pews where they can 1 p`kick and trip. ' yl So much for that, but, ah-the j _ ghouse ! There is no comfort there. ~Bil1 s wife must rest her sagging eibones on crudest kind of chair. __ i_ must cook her meals as best she can riwith ancient kitchenware. Bill's , gwife must use an aged tub and wash- iilboard, too, alack, must scrub until `her muscles ache and all her tendons crack, must toil until a steady pain has centred in her back. 14- Ivvnvr kn -P-n'v H-nun 1-A or-nin n l:3_ S , I _ 3 prow and then nas CEHLFBU 111 1181' DECK. It may be fair thus to equip a stable for a cow, and t it out in modern way from weather-vane to neglect wife,--it may be fair, some how; but I was raised to think a wife much better than a horse, and even `better than a pig or choicest sheep, perforce, and it is hard to change my mind now that I m old. of ic-ourse.-J. E. Tufft in Ontario Farm- nu the gentle ` A man with a tip in his coat, but- tons of? his vast and holes in his sox `should get either married or divorced. IT ISN'T FAIR Hinrrie Pupils Have ;$5,7641n_I>_enny Bank; The report of the Ontario Penny Bank just received shows that pupils of Barrie public schools had $5,764,- 43 deposited at the end of October. The average weekly percentage of pupils depositing during September `and October was: King Edward, 32 per cent.; Prince of Wales, 21 per cent.; Victoria, 16 per cent.; King George, 14 per ce-nt. Tn the province there are 397' George, 14 cent. In the province 397 schools depoisting in the penny bank, and on October 3151; there was on deposit a total of $1,211,592.04. The Minister of Education desire: deposit total 01 1,z11,o:Jz.u4. The Minister to express his appreciation of the devotion shown by teachers in these schools. If the penny bank is to encourage thrift as it should it must be encouraged as steadily and per- sistently as good manners or any other desirable habit. School sav- ings is a constructive effort to solve the personal economic problems of the nation, by training boys and girls in the art of regular saving. If thrift habits are learned during youthful years, when incomes are small, they will persist in adult years, when incomes are larger and when wise money management is so essen- tial to personal comfort and happi- Yl have left. I What will the women of the world have to say about the new Soviet] rule which takes the new born ba-be` put of its mother's arms and hands .+ nxvnv 4-A Hm zfnfn tn he brought mess. I There are in Ontario twemy-ve lschools where over eighty per cent. of the pupils were regular depositors during September and October. In three schools every pupil was a de- positor. These were Governor Sim- coe School in London, Mount Brydges School and Maitland School. .<`.rh-a+.hrnv_ CANADA LEADS IN STUDY OF CHILD MENTAL HYGIENE bryuges m Strathroy. Inlat least one department of mental hygiene, Canada is admitted- ly leader on this continent. Vm-v nuietlv. during the nast week. ly leader this continent. Very quietly, during past week, leaders in child study in the United States gathered in Toronto -to in- vestigate the methods of Dr. W. E. Blatz, professor of psychology of the} University of Toronto, whose study: of the mental hygiene of children has, in the words of a well-known psy- chiatrist, taken him out of the la- boratory and into the home and school. Dnnv-Danni-nxmr: nf' nnvh nnt. school." `Representatives of such outstand- ing organizations as the `Laura Spel- `man Memorial Fund, the Julius Rosenwald and McCormack Funds of Chicago, and the University of Chi- cago conferred with Dr. Blatz, care fully examined his methods, express- ed unqualied approval and stated their intentions of encouraging the adoption of those methods in Amer- ican cities. l"lnn cnnnrnvifv hf Th-, 1212117. : ican cities. The superority of Dr. B1atz s methods lies in the fact that he works with living material, rather than with theories. For six years he has cata- logued and cross-indexed the seem- ingly insignicant vagaries of pupils at a certain `public school here, and plans to follow these pupils through ; high school and the University, into the workaday world, gathering mater- ; 9.1 as they go, which may be of , value to students of the mind. CRERAR RAILWAY MINISTER; FORKE GOES TO SENATE Following a Cabinet meeting on Monday, Premier King announced that Hon. Thos. A. Crerar, a form- er leader of the Progressives in the House of Commons, had been ap- pointed Minister of Railways and Canals, to succeed Hon. Chas. A. Dunning, now Minister of Finance. It was also announced that Hon. Robt. Forke, Minister of Immigra- tion, had been appointed to the _ Senate. Hon. Chas. Stewart will be acting Minister of Immigration. An- other appointment made was that of Hon. Jas. Prendergast, now Judge of the Appeal Court of Manitoba, as Chief Justice of Manitoba. mhn Lu nlnr-Hnn in D-ovulnn :14:-, bmel JUSUCC OI XVIZITIIEODLI. The by-election in Brandon dis- trict for the election of Mr. Crerar will be held on February 12, and nominations on Feb. 5th. Writs were also issued for two by-elections in Quebec, Chateaguay-Huntington and Bagot. In both cases nominations will be on Jan. 27th and polling day on Feb. 3rd. The Prime Minister indicated that there would shortly be some readjust- ment in the public service. The west now will have six portfolios and Quebec must be appeased in some way. out of its mothers arms and nauuu it over to the state to be broughtl up in an institution ? What do we think about the Russian abolition of n1...:..+........ 9 ! For Sa1e-Eight-romed house, cen- trally located, all modern conven- iences, furnace and hot water heat- ing, well decorated, vegetable cellars with cement oor, garden, small pay- ment of $400 and balance to suit purchaser. Apply Box 432, Barrie. Although indigestion may not be chronic with many people, it is surpriss ing how even Bllgllt pmins or feelings of fullness after eating steal much of life's sparkle and happiness. I :-rlmps ou scarcely notice it in the early stages, ut remember indigestion never cures itself and usually gets worse. Be on your guard then. The safest. surest and easiest way ta I 3 I guard. then. The safest, way end indi estion, heartburn or atulence is 'to t e a. little "Pa.pe s Diapepsin" after meals or whenever pain is felt. This nlckly stops your dxscomfort by neutruizing excess stomach ncid anrlu xn`M'(*xltillg fermentation, and at the same time soothes, heals and strengthens `our delicate stomach lining. Get a 60-cent nacknae of PaDe's your ueucube awmacn nnmg. 8 60~Qent package Papg:'s .Diu.pepsin" t,oda.y-every druggiat. ael;la ;nnd commend; it, as a. sure remeuy . for stomnnh troubles. Don t let indiszes- ;nna commend; 1:, as for stomach troubles. indiges- i'tion mull vour 11h---evou. can't Iuwo 3 for stomach troubles. Don't let. Indiges- "::z:n.:i:...*;:i.a:. :.: ``g2;:\': $22: pepntn tool `, e INDIGESTION `~ SPOILS YOUR LIFE How to End Stomach Troubles The Northern Advance way flyer The Dominion." near Kanaka, British Columbia, recent- ly, a child has been christened Christina Patricia Rosalind, the names being arranged to make the initials C.P.R.," in honor of her birth on the railway. Little Miss NPR is fha nnahlnr nf Mr and Born on Canadian Pacific Rail- `DlI'I. OD me FZl}1Wa)'. LJIUE MISS C.P.R. is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Peterson, of North Vancou- ver. Rf`. Christmas '-' visitors who ` A great woman leader_ once said I the .C0nnnnS_ to an. international gathering of wo- men, If all the women in the worldi Lady Anne Cavendish youngest Would Stand Shmlldel` '30 5hu1d91' 35 L daughter of the Duke of Devonshire. 0119 great mT31 army: the Prb1em5lfo1'mer GovernoraGenera1 of Canada; which beset the universe would be`who was mawied to Henry Hnnioke 51V9d-" `at St. Margaret s, Westminster, re- The New Yealds 9311 t0 V9137 `V' cently received almost 1 000 wed- man is to get her house_in order ding gis, incinding a diamond that. She may help her nelghbm` t,brooch with the Crown and Royal straighten her household. icinnei. from the King and Queen T l _ J_.j_. "The biggest and most brilliant season of winter sports in the his- tory of Quebec City, is the de- scription of the forthcoming fes- tivities at the Ancient Capital re- ceived at general tourist head- quarters of the Canadian Pacific recently. The season which is now open will include four high lights: the Fete de Nuit, January 20; the Ice Pageant. February 12-13; the International Dog Sled Derby of 120 miles, February 20-22; and the Masquerade Ball at the Chateau Frontenac, February 21. E. W. Beatty, chairman and pre- sident of the Canadian Pacific Railway. recently presented the Dominion Open Revolver Cham- pionship trophy and medals to C.P. R. police team No. 1 of Ontario, which defeated the Lethbridge team of the Royal Canadian Mount- ed Police in the finals with aecore of 1412 out 0! a possible 1500. Members of the winning team are Constables Prendergaat, Gyves,` 'l`1n2man nnrl ltlnnnnnnlrl and In- '11.D31n3-I1 nun MZCL vestigator 0 Brien. Canadian Pacific liner Empress of Japan, largest and tinest ship on the Pacific coast. was launched from the yards at Glasgow Decem- ber 17 and will be in service from Vancouver early in the New Year. Well on the way to launching is the 40.000-ton giant, the Empress of Britain, datined to revolution- ize Atlantic travel toand from Can- ada to Europe with a scheduled time of five days from continent to continent. Ski-ing over two hundred miles of snow-blanketed wilds and scal- ing five passes of which three have an altitude of over 8,000 feet. six intrepid skiers of the Jasper Park Ski Club, will in January make the trip from Jasper Park to Banff to attend the annual winter sports carnival that opens in Feb- ruary. New Brunswick's field crops for 1929 have an estimated value of $25,722,000 as compared with $18.- 275,000 for 1928 and $18,413,500 for 1927. according to reports from the Dominion Bureau of Statistics just issued. Over $1,500,000 was mailed re- cently as final payments to mem- bers of the coarse grain pools of Manitoh and Saskatchewan on the 1928 crops of oats. barley. flax and rye. This brings total payments to provincial pools by the Central Selling Agency to 611;c per bush- el on oats; 691,c per bushel on barley; $2.203/,, `per bushel on flax; and 981,c per bushel on rye. Manitoba's succesh at the Royal Winter Fair, Toronto, recently. is described by Premier Bracken as the must remarkable ever achiev- ed by the province. Both in m1r'.- ber and variety nf championships and other winninx the records of past years have been fax'ecli1;:;cd. Canada s Biggest AJl.4LI.\.l A 1. \.IL \/LLLJLA.Vl4J.\l Lyric Radio Cabinets are admired every- where for their excellence of material, begnuty of design and superiority of workmanship. I I I , . 1 .4 7"` _ , , _ ,_ THURSDAY, JANUARY. 2, 1930. .Q_`l\_jo_ BEAUTY OF CABINETS L, _-_ _-_ - .I_,2-__`l ____ 10 Tubes - 5-Gang Condenser Lyric is Canada's Biggest Radio Value because its ten tubes and ve-gang condenser with dual push-pu11,ultra-dynamic speaker and other improve- ments give vou the very best of reception-best in selectivity, distance, volume and tone. WOTKIDEDHDIPC J Manufactured at Toronto by Mohawk Radio `Limited buys this magnicent Lyric Model 96 complete with 10 tubes and ultra-dynamic speaker. Two other designs at $250 and $285 give you the same outstanding features of Lyrig: Radio. And at $375 you can have the greatest of combination sets- Lyric Radio and Phonograph. 8 Laxauve namt. 11 euros xonnea, II occasional cascaret will '7 break the habit. For cascara. stren am the muscular walls of the bowels, and their lneod of any aid at all ws eonstan less. What other cs. artio has th s characteristic? The writer knows of `none. cauea cascam. Iouay, we have the candy oascaret. Oaacariziinj the bowels never forml a laxative it. It already formed, umnllv hank by cascara will, nine uizimeas in ten, be followed by full functioning of the bowels on the morrow-and for days after. For there is no REACTION as with sickening salts, or a of the man- made purgativee that go ugh one : system like a. bullet. Phvsiaismn ht nu manna:-a in +hn.i.-Inn! soxvea." Year s every 1s house in that to m an mawry, no mamn ' known to have constipation. YOU. He chewed the bark : mdln nnnnnr-A1 Tnnv Ina ByBI6!!1 1lK8 01111813. Physicians tell us cascara is thtyideal ` laxative--and the tongue tells us candy 1 In all history, Indian to constinntion. CASCARETS They Work While You Sleep! A1; evacuation brou ht ntly about l W will. simgse in ten. he What_ `Doctors Iignk --svcorrs-- 97 Dunlop St. J. W. Scott of the ai`_ %b i Most families the day after New` Years do not care whether they ever see food again or not. A week of; feasting has the effect of making! one decidedly indifferent to the! dain-tiest' dish. sun meals must be` gotten, and usually there are a lot of left overs that should not be` wasted. "Fun n I-:1-v\v\1r\ r`:v\1-\nv n4 1-nna` at-Q1- Cartage - Ice - Coal Wood F. GKE CO. Mohawk Lyric Radio Shop 70 Elizabeth St. Barrie J. G. Scott cascarsta are its ideal form. At least a. .million people know this; what a. pity there are any who don t! Especially parents; because children love to take a. cascaret. After which, for days-on- end, the bowels will be seen to work of their own accord. The on! habit from cascara. is that of to r ty! Coscarets tone and train the wels. But at the first sign of returning slugglshnesn another cascaret is as effective as the rst. NIL--- .I-..u. _ J___._ 1 I -- I5 DH ELI`-`IUUIVU 55 hue ul'BD. There isn t a. druggist who hasn't cascarets, so WHY Pmriznent with laxatives! Radio Value C. R. Scott Phone 86. wasted. I Try a simple dinner of royal seal-, lop, baked potatoes, carrot saladl and crumb pudding. The scallop` will take care of scraps of turkey or chicken and make a tasty change. With the exception of the salad, the I ole dinner can be cooked in theil ov e same time. Put the po-`;' tato to bake about a =half hour!` before the scallop and puddingxjll While the dinner is nishing you`] will have time to make the salad` and set the table. One thing more 1 may be said of this dinner. It has all the necessary food value to make it a perfectly balanced meal. ' Royal Scallop ; Make two cupfuls of well season-' ed white sauce. Have 2 cupfuls of chicken cut in small pieces, 4 hard-. cooked eggs, and 2 cupfuls buttered crumbs. Put a layer of crumbs in the bottom of a greased baking pan or casserole, over this a layer of the; sauce, then one of chopped cooked egg and one of the chicken. Repeat, putting` a layer of the crumbs on" top. Bake in a moderate oven un- til well heated through and brown;- on top. an gp Gavan Women s Page

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