America's first sea-going Christ- mas Music Festival will take place aboard Canadian Pacific liner Du- chess of Bedford which sails from New York December 23 on a 16-day cruise or the West Indies. A special choir has been selected for carol singing and the ship's orches- tra will play Christmas music dating from the earliest Yuletide observances in England and Eur- ope. Elizabethan pageantry, old- time English and American dances. Yule Logs, Boars Heads, Barons of: Beef and Druidic mistletoe will all feature in the festival. where thm Bills Pa ble. . Llablli es not I Notudother Qnndlan Banks. ..... ..................... Cheqneoonothex-Bank: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . Bnhnoudue by othex-Banlmln Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . Buhngzadue by Banks and Banking Correspondents else- W than in Gnnada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dominion and Ptvvincial Government Securities (not acceding market vulu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (hnullnn Munlcl Seen the and British Foreign and Oolonhl Pub Securities other than Canadian (not exceeding market value) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and other Bonds. D clouding m-ix value). . (hllund Short not exceeding on Bonds. tutu am AUl)l'l`0RS' (2i:R'l'l T0 T3!) Suanmmmans, Tm: ROYAL BANK ox-' CANADA: We have examined the above statement of Linhiiiziv lA\\JL'l.J. ILLVJJ LKJOD [LU Balance of Prot and Loss Account. 30th November, 1918. . Prots for the ycar. after deducting charges of management. accrued interest on deposits. lull provision for all bad and doubtful debts and rebate of interest on un- manned bills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UL Reserve for Dominion Government Taxes. lr Bank Note Circulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Balance of Prot and Loss carried forward. ` clcoedln m-ix value) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . thlrty days) Loans In Canada Bomb, and Stocks and other Securities d 3 uumdent Inarketnblc value to cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Ill and Short (not exceedllag thirty days) Loans elsewhere (hill in Canadn on B0 . Debentures and Stocks and other Saculidu of a uumclent marketable value to cvva..................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. doubttul debts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .`. S3h4.D55.S Current Loans and Discounts ehewhere than in (ianmla (less rebate of Into-rest) after making full provision for all badand doubthd debts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . X-17,525.: Non-Current `Loans, estirnatcd 1093 provided for . . . . . . . . . . . 2.233.; Bank Prernloesnt nocrnore than cost. less amounts written o. . . . . . Real Estnte other than Bank Premises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mortfa anon Rea! Estnmsold by the Bank. . . . Llabl It es of Customers under Letters of Credit as per contra. . Shares of and Loans to Controlled Contpnnies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deosit with the Minister for the purposes 0! the Circulation 0t er Amets not included in the furegnlnst. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liahiiitiv-s and Assnts at : the books and accounts of The Royal Bank of Canada at Ii~-ud ofl':-e :'.,`.I] with tlw cr-rtied returns from the branches. \Ve have veried the cash and secu:-it` at Head Olfiuv :11 tho closv -\f the Bank's scal year. and during the year we counted the cash and examined the securities at several of tho im- portant branches. We have obtained all the information and L-xnlanntinns that we have rr-auir d. urn! in nur n la-.;nn 301.]; November, 1929, with . _ explanations thin, rt-qu1rd.:m.". in nur nginion the transactions of the Bank, which have came unrlnr nur nntu"-, have been wiLl:h tho powers he Bank. The above statement is in our opinion properly drawn up so as to diaclose the true cundixion of the Bank as at 30th November. 1929, and it is as shown by the books of the lltmk. JAG F`. DHQQ P. A atherings, but 11; 15 still for 1):: families to he (`he Royal Bankof. General Statement H. S. H0l.. l'. President. Inn! Dunn: and Dlumumu In Canada (leu rebate of lntetut) aha tnaklng full provislon for all bad and doubtful debts . . . . .. 1 FROM EAST TO WEST WITH THE CATTLEMEN 1%1{6i%i?f}iNn Lbs' ;;ea5{3ga5' nun A4-nnunn llltl-u 1\!.uy......I,..... In in nu 111 nu (I. E. .\ ElLl.. Vice-l reshent.and Managing Director. AUl)I'l`()RS' (Zi.R'l'l PM i,\ PF Montreal. 24th December. 1929. ' N 1671, the Acadians, Canada s earliest farmers, possessed only 866 cattle and 407 sheep. In 1925 there were 16,500,000 cattle, sheep and swine on Canadian farms and ranches. This industry to-day not only supplies Canada with meat and dairy products, but also exports a large surplus, competing success- fully with products of similar nature abroad. The Canadian Bank of Commerce was among the first to establish` branches in the Eastern stock- raising centres. Throughout the \Vest it has earned the title Pioneer. This Bank has 470 branches in agricultural districts. LIABIITIES RESERVE FUND 7. 1928 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ASSETS of P. S. Russ & Sons. I W. GARTH THOMSON, C...., ` of Phat. Mar` :, Mitchell Cu. 30th No.ve1`nbe_1-J 335.000.000.00 3.57-1,151.10 538.574. l5l.l0 16561.44 822.471.200.66 38.412.271.25 JANUARY 2. 1930. 891.719.984.66 3,832,753.23 28.368.236.33 785.06 530.000.000.00 5,000,000.00 0 000 00 3.574I151I1o 200,000.00 -100,000.00 ___.__.___ M. W. naLSO.\I. General Manager - $409.375.965.65 375.335.121.69 513.814.503.18 l5.401,055.6I l.8l2.76b.5l . . 298.93 53.648.778.68 3.813.l0`).47 l.650.000.00 665. 263.67 dtailod '; j Duchgaayq days 1 h when the but they` route to ufnrhu` ('1 170 tnq we York 'r_De familial they` storied C its tales days 01 : I .. . t eth ' . cnad3?,a detailod '1 lhnl! U181` t The Ontario Hospital Curling Club of Orillia has been re-organized and is now larger and lustier than ever. Members of the staff from all Idepartments have been enrolled and J16 rinks formed. A challenge cup is being provided and one depart- ment may challenge another any time for the cup. It is expected that there will be some exciting games |during the winter. fifteen times in me Last. nineteen years, has again returned to Can- ada, after being held far two years by the state of Montana. This year it was awarded by the unanimous decision of judges at the Interna- tional Grain and Hay Show at Chi- wage to Joseph H. B. Smith, of W Lgreek; Alberta, and formerly .elcester, England. His farm is miles north of the International dary and 130 miles west of Ed- on. He won with a sample of Yard wheat developed at the adian Government Exper'imuu- Warm at Ottawa and put on the bet in 1928. After a long illness borne with patience there passed away at his home. Highland View Farm, Cree- more, Angus Brown xsmith, third son of Annie -Gunn Smith and the late Reuben Smith. The deceased was highly thought of by all who knew him, and he leaves to mourn his loss his mother and three sisters in the home, and one brother, John A., of Acton. A`t two o clock Christmas morning` the `remen were called to a re at the `town dock, Collingwood, where a blaze had broken out in a small sh house belonging to Joseph Har- uri:-`on and John Malcolm. Before .the remen were summoned and be- fore they could make their way lead- ing to the wharf the building was practically destroyed. The heat ifrom the burning building started a iblaze on the large gasoline -sh boat :of .VIr. Carson Wright and before ithe aJr:es could be extinguished it [was damaged to the extent of $150. l.\Ies; Harrison and Malcolm lost a quzmtity of nets and other equip- ,mcnt. The origin of the re is un- known. ` District News] I Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McGar, Mid- `land, celebrated their 50th anniver- sary on Chirstmas Day at the home of their dauhgter, Mrs. Robt. Rodger. A. number of close friends and ineighbors called upon them to ex- ',tend congratulations and good. wish- les. Thev were the 1'pr'ininn+: nf' ,:.c:nu corlgratulatlons and good. \VlSl`1- They were the recipients of many reminders of the golden oc caslon. Mr. C. E. Knapp, who last August took possession of the Hour mills at Allisbon, which he purchased from Mr. W. J. Cunningham, has quit the milling business and is moving back to Elmvale, which was his `home be fore coming to Alliston. W. J. Cun- 1 uingham and Wesley Levezns will] operate the mill until such time as! a buyer can be found. After a number of years, Orillia again sent Christmas trees through to the big centres to the south. This year about two thousand trees were cut and sent from the district. A number of years ago this used to be a regular Christmas business, but the trees became more thinly placed, and the business moved further to the north. The great majority of the Christmas trees shipped are cut north of Orillia, and many car load .2135 through. The share played by lO1`il1ia is a mere drop in the ocean, but it means that trees have grown `up, replacing the old ones, and are thick enough to start a revival of the` old trade. VUIINQ . none of the hallow- connected with the are forgotten. once der way. Her puhliv ,, 1 ~ *1 mes, neavmg New 1' 28 1929. Thus 1: oniy be together tmas bells ring out nd themselves en armer clime--the an Sea--famed for tea and plunder in The wheat championship of the world, won by Canadian farmers fifteen times in the last nineteen your: hue await! Tnfllfed YO Can- ' tmas time, for the c Steamships has 20,000-ton S. S. ord to make a 16- New Year's cruise dies, leaving New 1' 28. 1929. 'I`hm: oz "reace on eartn--gooawm to men." Masquerade parties, big open replaces and Christmas trees complete the picture. Holi- day voyagers aboard the Duch~ ess will visit Havana, Culra, the Paris ofthe New World; King:ton; Jamaica, at one time headquarters of notorious buccaneers; Cristol 2!, Panama, formerly on the highv. zxy of Spanish treasure trains, now the site of the greatest canzxl in the world, and enchanting Nasrnu, in the Bahamas, returning to Picw I~r 1 decorated with greens; poinsettas and other appropriate plants are everywhere, and the ship s com- pany seems imbued with the spirit of Peace earth--goodwill to men." Masmierade mu-tins, hia a.u.4\\.o uu LUUII, Lupxuuulg I dog tax) ......................... .. 59577 17] Collected to date ..... .. 55800 00 Mr. Lloyd Pollock, of Keswick, after winning nine prizes at the Royal Winter Fair for his foxes, and also a silver cup, which was awartler` for the champion silver fox pup raised in Ontaro in 1929, was also `fortunate enough to make a sale of 59 for-tes last week. AS5 Credit balance ....... .. Taxes outstanding ` 1..1an1ut1e Unpaid County Levy . Vespra Telephone ..... .. Collector's salary Dr. Balance ....................... .. Total Assessment ............. ..$ Taxes on Roll, including dog taxi ............... H $9 U'i`S'l D 1 D Expenditures Roads and Bridges ............ ..$1692:1 65 Miscellaneous ............... .. 1048 49 Printing, Postage, etc ....... .. 802 55 Salaries ....................... .. .. 1865 00 Wire Fence . 3'64 50 Sheep Account 530 20 Board of Health 561 55 Charities .............. .. 4'78 68 Thornton P.V. 804 O0 Cookstown P.V. . 292 00 Anon: 'D\7 000 In Honolulu welcomed S.S. Empress of Canada, giant flagship of the Canadian Pacic "Empress" fleet. when the crack liner arrived De- cember 13, inaugurating Canadian service to the Hawaiian port, with a brilliant civic reception in which the Mayor, the Chamber of Com- merce and leading civic represen- tatives and organizations took pal. Honolulu gave a real old time Aloha" greeting proving its en- thusiasm at the decision of the Canadian Pacific Steamships ser- vices to include Honolulu as a fre- quent port of call. The nancial statement of Innisl Township up till December 16th, as presented by the treasurer, show assets of $28,059.77, made up of $8,637.59 cash in bank; $6,000 esti- mated grant on township roads; $800.00 worth of road machinery, and $12,622.18 due from tax col- lector. Vmm 4.4-1 ..... n..,. ....11....L....v.. ....11 uxpenaltures mclum County Levy .......... ..I ........... ..$: Roads and Bridges Board of Health Charity ..................... .. .. .. Thornton Police V11.age .... .. Cookstown Police Village... lCou~nty Grant, Schools .... .. I County Grant, accommoda- ! tion ,, , UUUKSDOWH 1 . V. .......... Angus P.V. . (`.m1n+.v Pav.-mnn+a Angus r.V. ............ .. County Payments .................. .. ` Bank =Loa.ns and Interest... ` Debentures ............................ .. Schools, Salary and Cer- tinntp Thornton Con. School ..... Schools, Accommodation and Equipment ............. .. IN_NlSFIL FINANCES ARE IN GOOD SHAPE The total on the co11ector s roll, in- cluding dog tax, is $82,580.92, of which $69,958.74 has been collected. Wxnpnditllrpc Tnnlndpd LCCLUI`. I uuuuby urauu, acc0m1n0ua- ! tion General School Grant . Trustee Levy . . Dog Tax Expenditure . General cash account, m- cluding salaries, loans, printing, etc. ESSA TOWNSHIP FINANCES AS OF DECEMBER 16th General ....... .` Bank loans . _With the objective of being one of the largest and most palatial buildings of its kind in the con- tinent, the new clubhouse of the Colwood Golf and Country Club at Victoria is rapidly nearing com- pletion and will be ready for for- mal opening in time for the second annual Empress mid-winter tourna- ment to be played over the famous course February 17-22. It is in replacement of the clubhouse des- troyed by fire about a year ago. ocuuoxs, oaiary ana UB1`- ticate Schools, General and Trus- _ tap Dec. 16, credit balance . Assets Pundit knlonnn -)U:l,Ui)O.'l4 nus Deen C01 Expenditures Included U T.=>vv ` S1290 Abstract Statement Liabilities M-xr T .n11uv I 0 Advance P1'int,_Ba1`r1e. $13063 ....... u$ 2130 m$199S143 D` ...4$77Or1.5 15 133-00 00 $83159 31 7155 84 m$ 7155 84 ?'7'7'7 1 '7 More than three hundred 13901318 from the west left Winnipeg 03` Canadian Pacific Railway special travelling to ship's side at Saint John to sail on Duchess of Rich- mond, December 14, to spend their Christmas and New Year holidays in Great Britain. The majority 01 the travellers represent workers on the land rather than city dwellers- $10933 O1 m$12749 00 94 an $9 031 5 uueu m$32979 M 21741 589 120 396 141 4008 z.`:1`z 2 9'8 2 0 1 79 1 3`6v2'=9 71K 18023 1598 347 11792 10305 1210 15497 1100 a4| 3777 17 4 758 04 230 W. :11-1.-lines championship in the Canadian Pacific Railway First Aid Competition has been W011 by the police team of the Windsor Station Montreai for the first time in the history of the champignshi-p. `Win- ners took 3151; points out of a pos- sible 425, the nearest to Which - the team from Nelson being 268%- Members of the winners were 0WeI1 Tomlinson. William Peterson, Er- nest G. Wykes, William H. Allison (Captain), and Andrew H. 510. O DZ`*}1 715 287 z..L.5,Un0. During the year the paid-up capi- Ital of the bank was increased by !$5.000,000 to $35,000,000. At the same time premium on new stock permitted of a similar addition to re- serve fund, and this now stands equal `to z-zzpital at $35,000,000. '."Hn vvinr-inn1 nmarnnafc mH-. nm-.-., LU . an :5o,uuU,uUU. J 'Y"he nrinoipal accounts with com- 'n:11-i=on= with the previous year show I as fo11o\-'5: I Carital. 192.`), 335,000,000; 1928, ,., I Dn: 17...! 1nr)n :1-or: nnn nnn. : more man 'u.,uuu,uuu. Deposits bearing interest have con- 3 tinued to show substantial gains and now stand at $591,380,470,` an m- ' crease of $67,728,562 during the . year, while non-interest bearing de- posits amount to $180,707,298, com- pared with $183,814,937 a year ago. V Profit and Loss Account Shareholders will be particularly : interested in the showing made in the profit and loss account, earnings for the year having amounted to ` $7,145,137, as compared with $5,- 881,253 in the previous year, a gain of $1,263,884. Increased prots are due to the larger amount of business handled during the year, as well as the greater supply of funds made available through the recent increase in capital. Profits for the year, when added to the amount carried ,forward from the previous year, made the total available for distribu- Ition $9,506,223. This was applied as follows: Dividends and bonus, $4,722,071; transferred to oicers pension fund, $200,000; appropria- tion for bank premises, $400,000, and reserve for Dominion taxes. $610,000, leaving a balance to be carried forward of $3,574,151, as against $2,361,085 at the end of the previous year, an increase of $1, 213,066. `H .n..~..~ LL... -....... LL- ___:,: .,_, ,,, - I-}`OU.UUU.UUU. Rer Fund, 1929, $35,000,000; 1928. $30,000,000. Total Assets, 1929, $1,001,442,- 741; 1928, $.`)09,3.`)5.884. Liquid A."-sets, 1929. $409,275,965 1928, $3.`)8.862,085. Cash T-Tnlrlinrra 1090 52157 R52`) _ I mzo, .>o.vzs.zsnz,ucsa. Cash Holdings, 1929. $157,632,- 114; 1928, $180,321,670. Commercial Loans, 1929, $511,- 580,762; 1928, $439,962,619. Don. I .r::n-imr Tnfnrr--<+ 1090 501 . oz5U,'1u;<; 1:12:35, :4;5:),:Jbz,b1:). Dep. Bearing Tnte1`est, 1929, . 591,- 3S0.470; 1928, $5`23.(i51,.`)O8. Dep. not hearing: interest, 1929, [S180,707.2$)R', 1928. 3183814337. 1 'Rn]:n1r-n nf `Du-nqfa 1000 (`Q E ?/1 ROYAL BANK REPORTS ASSETS OVER ONE BILLION DOLLARS Annual Statement Reports Assets of $l,001,442,741, a Gain for Year of $92,046,856--Prots of $7,145,- 137, Canadian Bank-Deposits Amount to $772,087,768, an Increase of More than $67,000,000. Largest Ever Reported by `Christmas play and make ood cheer, Christmas comes but once year." homas Tusser, 16th Century. ny and varie are the circum- es under which we modems spend the Joyous Yuletide , with its holly. mistletoe ilts. Time was when Christ- ve signied happy family -ings at some big country or line old city mansion, but change, and now most of us lter our custqms according- he modern city apartment all country cottage preclude tatherings, but It is still fm- limv families: fn hn tory of Canadian banking, the state- For the rst time in her history, Canada has a bank with total assets in excess of one billion dollars_. The annual statement which is now being forwarded to shareholders by The Royal Bank of Canada shows assets as of November 30th of $1,001,442,- 741, a gain of $92,046,856 over No- vember, 1928. In addition to re- porting prots of $7,145,137 that constitute a new record in the his- ment contains evidence of the ex- ceptional strength of the bank. Strong Liquid Position Liquid assets amount to $409,275,- 965, an amount equal to 46.91 per cent. of liabilities to the public. Cash on hand and in banks amounts to $157,632,114. This is equivalent to 18.07 per cent. of the bank s lia- bilities to the public. The principal items among the liquid assets are ' Dominion and Provincial Government securities of $96,543,143, `Canadian municipal and British, colonial and foreign public securities $17,400,156. railway and other bonds, debentures and stocks $15,468,621. Call loans in Canada are practically unchanged as compared with a year ago, while those abroad show an increase of over $22,000,000. It is understood `hh2.1: this int-rpngn iv: not-nnwhul for over -`pzz,UUU,UUU. 11'. IS understood that this increase 15 accounted for by certam special deposlts of a. more or less temporary nature. l Frnm the hlisinema viewmnint Hm 1' 1855 temporary nature. From the business viewpoint, the extent to which the bank has taken care of the increased commercial re- quirements of its customers is a matter of special interest. Commer- cialloans in -Canada. now total $364,- 055,352, as compared with $292,315,- 472, an increase for the year of more than $71,000,000. T)s='nnAifs }1p21-inc` intprpgt havp 1-nin- .busu,'(u/,'./.:M', ltitcrs. .\.'l?$3i.214.U:j'(. Balance of Pm'its, 1929, $3,574,- 151; 1028, .i2,3G1.0S5. \ \I / NURSES know, and doctor; have declared there's nothing quite like Aspirin to relieve all sorts of aches and pains, but be sure it is Aspirin the name Bayer should be on the package, and on every tablet. Bayer is genuine, and the word genuine-in red-is on every box. You ca.n't go wrong if you will just look at the box: 1:\ \ Aspu-In la 21 trade mark .rN:1stm-ed In (`anudn Reserve-Fund................... Balance of Prots can-led forwnrd.. Gold and Subsidiary Coin on !hand. . Qomlglqn Npteq on hand ._ . . . . . . . . . . U (ad State and other Foreign Currencies. . Contribution to Oicers` Pension F Appropriation for Bank Premises. Reserve . . . . .7.7.'.'.`._.V.:..". . . . . . . Reserve including Tax 0 ?I_gteClrcu_l13tlon n-1, A4 Capltnlstockhud up..............` l_legerve-Fund......................` Dividends Unclaimed...............;..................... Dlvigggl No. 169 (at 12 % per annum). Payable 2nd December, Bonus of5%}Bsiiviaiil-'iall'bbEl-H156:-'.'11ii'i.'.'I I I '.'.I' ' ' ' I ` ' ' ' Deposits not bearing interest . . Depoglca bearing interest. lm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 including interest accrued to dlteofstatcment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BIIIBPII ble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... included In the foregoing. . . . ` latmnofedltoummndlng............... APPROPRIATED AS FOLLOWS: Dividends Nos. [66, I67. 168 and 169 at 12% per nnnum.. Bonus of 2% to Shareholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fund. RES! Balance at credit, 30th November, 1928. Preznluuxon newcapltalstock....... . . . . . . . . ....o-.u.o Bahnce at audit. 30th November, 1929 . no-on-on-0-I Notes of the Bank in circulation. . . . . . . . . . Advances under the Finance Act . . . . . . . . . . . . Balances due to other Banks in Canada . . . . . . . Balances due to Banks and Banking Correspondents else- where thnn in Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Payable . Ahoy For a Merry Christmas on the Bounding Main!