._'.__.___j Are You Interested In Floor Coverings? ` Ilhu 1 luv --u- vv--cv-_--__- - w o P 74 the EATON Midsugnmer .Silau`E a1-alafuz is well-worth sbudymg. P3 3.} lniugnima Ph"Q .85 ._ ..-.---g-.n an ORDEI The report of Mi.<.~: Munro. V.O.N.. Jm, .-.:<::m1 21 iota`: of 252 V` a . sKI'.'M6N WIOG. rvr Inca:-pu +~'r. :K"r'6'i~a c.. EXTRA SPECIAL I Offer -1 :1... EATGH Alida-ummgv CHOICE QUALITY - SPECIAL \....u .-.. z1U_z~n NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the matter of thc estate of Richard Thomas Carter, late of the Township of Essa, in the County of Simcoe, farmer, (l<.-cea:~zed. 1' A, 7 .N L...,\... ,. r\I`\ rulvu.-IIUIG`! Ripe, full grown Tomatoes-canned with the freshness, the goodness of the vegetable picked fresh from the vine. Tomatoes are healthful, and gatonia Tomatoes are large size tins for % 'I`.HU`RSD'.-\Y, AUGUST 15, 1929;- . ' . _ . % , 'l`h(.- C.I\'..R. softball team and the Capitals of Barire are having: a hot `ght for the 'I`own I.eagu<- softhall (";:'.m2io11~'l1ip. 'l`11c ['1v(- to:1n1.< in tlw !(:zx;:r.1r- all finishc-(1 in :1 tie at 'thr~ <' of the . and `.~:<-riu.< of r-limination fzumc-.< was ar- .rzmgr:d, with tlw Capitals and the `(`..?\ .R. winnin.: u right, to bzittlc `for the championship. It was de- cided to play 2: .=<.-vies of tluoe games .....l .. 4-,... ......h 4.-mm lune nnn vir- $235 JUI` MIL` \:.'1 .. ...... `and so far each team has one vic- tory to its credit, the C.N.R. taking the first game and the Capitals re- versing the decision in the second. The third gzune will likely b;~'g1ayed ' notx week. Opportumty, sooner or later, comes to all those who work and wish.-Lord Stanley. TOWN LEAGUE PLAY-OFF #` Lomgnudo or Oranpondc Damon !-Per homo g -:-: OHl1\;Ul:, Lcuuncu, \Il.\.\.I.A-,'\\|- I Notice is hereby given pursuant of the Trustees Act that all credi- tors and others having claims against .1 . . .1 4.1.- ....:,l I)nl-\n.~;1 at.:`r.-.-5-f2"i".;| NONSUCH SILVER CREAM MAGIC BAKING POWDER L_-...-.....-__-....-----| Roast Bu! - Libby`: - A ready-cooked lunch. For an .. 9 in '10 e 9.11 .satm-day included. Pp!` Tln 5-rncur L-.01 Ins Ann rnnnnur 511a. 26C u.u l',Ol">.' auu ULHUID ncuuny, \,|uuua ubun the estate of the saitl Richard Thomas Carter, who died on or about the 18th day of March, 1929, at the Township of Essa, " are re- quired on or before the 15th day of August, 1929, to send by post pre- paid or deliver to the undersigned. solicitors for the executors of the last will and tcstzunent of the said dr.-ceased, their names, add1`esse;< and full particulars in writing of their claims and the nature of the secur- ity, if any, held by them. And take notice that after such last~mentioned date the said execu- tors will proceed to distribute the as- sets of the said deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. n..+,..J no I2-an-tn M: *)m>l1 (lnv nf 1 1 a.m. and ._ tney snau L.m:u uavc uuu ..v.,..,... Dated at Barrio this 26th day of July, .-\.1')., 13-29. D...l-.-Jun-air Ry Hammond. Valuable Property "I'_ll.._ n Under and by virtue of the power of sale containr-d in 21 c<.-rtuin mort- g;v:u,<:(-, which will be produced at the time of sale, there will he oil":-r(-ll for sale by public auction at ` Queen`; Hotel, Barrie. l by W. A. .\Ic(.`onk(-y. uuct,ion<-ur, onl ...........\.u AIIPIICT 11... l MISCELLANEOUS CENTRAL CHURCH l`.'29, ut 12 o'clock noon, the fol- lowing lan(l.< and preinises: ` Lot (3 and the South hull of Lot 3\ I l i on the west side of Colborm: Street in the Village of Tollendal, Plan 321, <:xtondiny,: from Colbornu Strm-t to Lover's Crook, with right-of-way for boats, etc., over Love.-,r`.< Creek ` to Kempcnfeldt Bay. 'l`hor(: is said to be upon the said lands two good summer cottage.<. ` gzirage and an artesian well. Said property will be o'c:re(l for sale subject to a reserved bid. Terms: Ten per cent. of the pur- chase money to be paid on the dayl of sale, and the balance within thirty days thereafter. tr..- 4-....n..... mu-Hmulars and con- Page Eight tmrty days Lnereuuux. For further particulars and con-! ditions of sale apply 0 Eaten & Eaten, ` Solicitors for the Mortgageo. Barrie, Ont. EVERYBODY WELCOME Mortgage Sale SATURDAY, AUGUST A. E. BAKER. 1\[IN S'I`ER Services . '7 p.m. `every Sunday | a.m., Sunday School Hear REV. G. R. TURK r -1- _ ,4_AA___A nu./., A.'.:..I. Radenhurat & Hammond, Barrie, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executor-s. lyunsi ... ... Tollendal in the Village of "'7'" ` ;11`0IIl U. Vlsll. LU .Vu1u1 uu_y. ml _new]y .\'lr. D. _-\.. Clark and family of 1Y_emenCeS' Cleveland, Ohio, have left for home 0 after spending the summer at Minet's l` '"---""``Point. 1. GO Maplel Mr. and Mrs. Luke Spearn arel us, parlonlspendingr a vacation at Havingdon combina-lFarm, Port Carling. Mrs. Cluson is visiting her sister in Cochrane. nu `rwj txr1_:L-L_......l VI1LII\ 1.... all modern 88, Barrie. 313! $350.00 will buy :1 property consi.st~l ing of dwelling house and small stable and 3 acres of land, just out- side the town limits on Elizabeth st} Occupled by Alex. Pyettc. Applyi Cm-ran & Henry. ' |'_""M_._w.M"_ I I Ward Six Live z`1'ews 1 I - } Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mo1'1`ison and [son Lloyd have just returned from lvisiting Mr. Morrison s brother at ! Slldbury. wv- 1: ,, u1:,_,1____ L..- ..,.L.....-.,.,l ! k\.U(H)ll1'_\'. lliss Maren Wisdom has returnedl tfrom a visit to North Bay. I 1: -n a /-u-__1. ,.._.I 4`... pl lll k;Ucu1cun:. Mr. Ed. Whitebread, who has been seriously ill, is feeling much better. Mr. and Mrs. W. Rusk and Miss Marjorie Johnson have returned from a six weeks tour through Western Canada. `I ,,1 at..- r 'm_.... 01. `l.....,. VV |`.'bLUllI Uclllauau Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Essa St., have returned from a tour of the Mari- Itimes. RAIN INTERFERES WITH LOCAL GOLF TOURNEYi l 1 Therheavy showers interfered ser- iously with the Simcoe County golf tournament, 36 holes medal play, at l`he Board of Works has agqaiatl sutfered from the effects of the heavy rains of the past few days. the Barrie Country Club Y5t1`d3Y*Roads have again been washed out, afternoon. Second gross score for 36 holes- P133 '35 Carried 0 with : ditches and culverts lled with .<:-`.11 the following results: First gross score for 36 h01eS`-`D.|necegSa)'y as 3 ]~(_.5u1L. u )1. Stewart, 147. A. A. Smith, 156. 30- Ct 3001? fol` 3 h1`5-H~i(loni..- to provide a suitable stadium} .-\.~'lin_9:, 128. Second net 5001"? for 36 h1e5-w-(log ght has been responsible for B. Friar, 137. )1. L` I .. .L ,....,. . . -,-.,\..n 4-`An .. n1 1 Q `nnln: | ._. and considerable work has been Allandale >51.-o1't;~7 enthusizxsts should` get together and see what can be or bull ring for their dog figlits. A lth` destruction of the beuutfiul and nI..... n,..;..\.. L.-..l. n.hnhn'nn- Hun` 1). L'll(ll, LUI First gross score for a.m., -W. Dyment, 75. First gross score for !holes-Ceci1 George, 78. not score for zx.m., --..H;.1-2-y Iillis, ' Fi1*. not score for p.m.. Fh Lied, ($9. mu n -, n___ E. Stewart and W. '1` ucu, u.r. , '`l`=e Barrio Count1'_v Club is unto!`- 't.:Lmin;: the O-.1k\\'ood curls.-z';~; of To- ironto to-day. Notice is hereby given pursuant tolg the 'l`ru.~:tee Act that all persons hav-1 lI1f.', claims against the estate of; Walter Thompson, late of the Town- ship of \/esp1`a, in the County of Szmeoe. farmer, (lecea. who died: on or about the 18th day of July, .~\.D., 1929, are requested to send p:Lrticular.< of their claims to the under.4i;:ned on or before the Zndl day of September, 1929, after which date the Executor will distribute the` assets of the estate, having regard! only to the claims of which he shall` then have notice, and will not be re-1 sponsible to any others. ` hi`/xll ..t n......:,. ma`. 1"; am, no`; $3,000 will purchase No. Maplelyr Ave, Barrie; ve bedrooms, parlor,l livihg room, dining room, combina-. tion hot water` furnace, all \:om'enienccs. P.O. Box 388, `Sale of Lands for: Arrears of Taxes .x,.u...m,.r LU u.u_y .,...-..,. Dated at Barrie this 1st day of August, A.D., 1929. 5 I\ ' 1 I I Notice is hereby given that thrfif list of lands now Iiablv, to be sold: {for arr0:u's of taxes in tho County: of Simcoo has bx.-(:11 prepared and isi, being published in an ud\'crtisen1cn`.i in thv Ontario Gazette upon Lhvl` 1011, 17th, 24th and 31st days of. .-\u,:u. l`J2`.9. ` ru. 2, _p ...:.) l:.l -4` I.....l.. .-... ml . 1 ( V V LHUXVCUII. D. H. Coleman, Treasurer, County of Simcoe. Treasurer's Office, Court House, ' Barrie, Ontario, the 15th day of lAugust, 1929. . \Up;lI.`L, n.r;..r. Copkm of sahllhd oflunds orzub; verumnnenteun be seen h11ny omcv`] or will be mulled upon making uni: pliealion for .<:m1e. In default ofl: payment of taxes as shown on said;', Hst ,on or before 'Phursdu3x the llthl day of Novenmben 1929,2nt the hourl of tux) okock in the afternoon, I` _ shall at that time in the Couucill Chanmny Court House, Bare, On-I tario, proceed to sell by public auc-l lon the and lands to pay such ar- rears, togethcr with the chargesl thereon. l\ Ll l`..l-_...... NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Duncan F. McCuaig, , I- C.._- c_I! County of Simcoef l`O WIT : e Choose and order your Roses now. Agent for English Roses. High class gardening in all its branches. Stock supplied. Geo. E. Mizen, Steel St. Phone 440j. -n.uu . . .u\,\......5, i Solicitor for Executor.` The Alliston Herald is taking Lwo weeks holidays and n) paper `wii'. bx`. published this week or next. I Boys School Caps, 75c : Simmons & Co. ` The chanaze of indecent assault `against Albert Theakston was dis- `missed by Magistrate Jeffs at Fri- gday s hearing. ' I 1 Rev. J. J. Black, who has been "touring in Europe, arrived in Nova Scotia this week and expects to 211'- rive in Barrie next week. The prize cups for the big G1ad* iolus Show at the Armouries riext Wednesday and Thursday are on view in the window of Robertson's Drug Store, Dunlop St. Archie Burton, popular veteran of the Barrie baseball team, suffered a `fracture of the left ankle while lsliding into the plate in the game Iwith Camp Borden on the h0]lL11l}". The aggaia`: lsutfered lheavy iRoads aditches land .. 4O` 1 Hi? I-I\'0rybody has comcthing to swap, (c.-xchangn). You may h:m~ a phono-` 1, gzrahp and rt.-L-or thw lady next 'door may ha\'- a portablu: :\vrit<-r. Your boy may have an air ;1'if1(- he would like to .~:\v;1p for sonm `OHIO? playthingz. Yonp: and old have -: ) t . `J _somoLh1n;: they no 1or1p;o1' use that ad- Cr nd ` . . 5` "l`hercforc-., we are going to glvo our 111.]: 1 . . . mm rv:1(lu1'.< the bonnht 01 a special d- gpartmcnt in our advertising suction ['Hi1}fo1' swaps. The approximate cost of I ' . 'a swap ad. 15 only twenty-ve cents. t.vr>v- is o . . isonu-l.)or1_v (-150 may be lookmgz for.` on-tand well wdrth it. auc-I ,.. , ,. 4,, 212,1 ...I__ Ulll..' LU p1U\tuL' (L nunuuun. gun `or ghts. dog has : lwx-ll-kept` Ho\'\'ux' beds ar1joi11inr_` !C.I\'.ll. depot there. CoerA-S-t. llnitedj C_l}u_rch`[ I 1 'l`11s~ .~'lig~ht'<-u1`t11quuI~;e that wzxsl ;felt in this rt.-g`on. early Monday `lmorning was noticeable in B-a1'1'ie. `lSc\'c1'z11 cit;i7.en.< felt :1 distinct v\Lrcmb1ing of their homes. The quake \\\'as fa-11 about (L30 21.111. and for `talmut t\venL_<.~' ,`.-`!` .Lcs I-I rumbling `sand 1"1'oqu(.-nt trcxnors were folk. !I\'o durnzxge of any kind was done. I Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Holdcn l1{l\'C very kindly invited the directors and mexnbeh: of the Canadian Gladiolus `Society to enjoy an afternoon at itheir beautiful suinmor homo, Pzu'k-- flumls, Shanty Bay, from 3.30 to 5.30, '1`hu1'sdz1y, August 22nd. Other lower lO\'01`.~` will also be mzule \\'(.-l- l `i 1 l u u u l 1 `I -`.:1inc0ut.~' for women, 1ni: and ichi1(h`(.-n. Simmons & Co. I l r: BARRIE AND MlDHURST 1' TO DECIDE `WINNER EBARRIE. LADY GOLFERS i WIN THE COUNTY cuP| 1 The sixth league match of the County of Simcoe Ladies Golf (fiub.~ was played at Orillia on Monday be-_` itween Orillia and Midland, result- iing in 71/; to 1`/. in favor of :Orii1iu. I`hi.< niutch conclude-1 tlwf series of six games between Bu2~ri.-.` Orillia and Midland for the County `Cup for 1929. Barrie won the cup with two wins and a draw. .\'Iid-i land with two wins was second 4"L ](1\ Orillin with one win and a drzzw ` third. I -i At the L(-,r:ion county picnic at `.V1i(l]zmd on Monday last the Barrie! 'ibasebz1ll team defeated Collingwood :by 16 to 9, Midhur.=t' 13 to R, plac- |ing Barrie and Midhurst in the nals. .iBZl.1'Y'i(` Post has arrunpred for home -land homo ;:zinm.<, the first of which -`is to bu plays- at Midhurst on tin- "-Zlst uml thv m-xt at Barrio on W'-d- i,no.<(l:iy, the 28th. The Barrio. tr`-am, {is composed of C. Lowe, Ed. J(nws,l i1\ I. Ht.-bncr, R. Green, H. Evans, WW iM:1y(:.<, L. Vilil`, E. Coins and A. ... _. , Simon. lblllll \\L'II VVUI LXI lh. i Turn to the classied advertising ,section of this issue for swap oppor- itunities. kI\1an .s Raccoon Coat. size 38. Wil! `take $30 cash or swap. What |offers. Box C, Advance. J Sunday, Aug. 1 8th. Services at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Rev. W. H. Smith of Durham in charge.` Morning--.-\nthem, How Long Wilt Thou Forget Me; solo, selected, Miss Strange. Evening:--.VIixed Quartette, selected. Sunday School at 10 am. LOCALS The Northern Acivanr-e SWAPS ! SWAP AD. 5 and $1200-` (lv nu; u ..':ly 1. The pm, .... u I Entries for the isnow to be in-Id i `next week are :10 last _vu:u' that 11:0 is concerned as to ltiun of zlll. 1: 1.` ;I<-vs ('r>`._`..-("tori by A. .. ll'I!'S4` r.lv.'.rin_.:.r' I 1 Such jll(lL'f'.'< :i< .`.`1v.~..r.~'. h _ ipllh-"'2' and (Ia-o`.'_'..'c Dix:-.).e of 1':'-.-iJ]3~' 51'-7`-U1 W'* W -T`U-U0- : Dominion l*}xp(,srimentz1l i*`:-nrni :\L= Miss Munro, who has been hum Vineland havr- b:--an srevim-d. ;i`.. y, lvaves to-day for To- Mr. John I". Murr of (jun-lph. who isironto. She is : past presitlent of the Society; I\'[r.'Editl1 Robt. Pamerson of Gufrlph and 1411- fully qualied nuxse. mm` Govc of Burlington. Vermont. It would appear thu`. the wo1:< 2'.- Mrs. Bonistell of Bellevillo and Mrs.3 Barrie is getintz almost too h(il\'f\` Waters of Toronto have fgagcd to judge the baslcnts other decorative entries. Our last word: don t miss the big 3S5i5tace- by 'Mi.<.~' and`long, and some provision wili h2i`.':-, ;to be made for whole or part tirnu. Railton of Port Daihou.~:i 2:, been an-ifor one nurse to carry on for very I I READY FOR THE GLAD SHOVV DUTIES OF V.O.N. HEAVY I DURING MONTH OF JULY uTiD CHURCH or CANADA; don't. mi ss nG1adio]us Show at the Armouries Jnext Wednesday and Thursday. p;clai;i1 8aIe-Aug. 1 cm to 22nd Inclusive MOIIBIOI 5DII--`VVIIIOHI apackagaator .......... ..25c P:- Moluuu Stupo-Weston : 9 nnnknrnn fnr ,,,,,, ,, Q50 SHIIIBIFI-"8 LINHIIS JELLY POWDER3 L..____-_-..-_----.__J Klpnered Herr-`Inga - Mar sha.1l's-4v1Lh the real a- .m-- 1.1!` n , Qn 3F RAY BENTOS CORNED BEEF KEEN`! ARD u4-...-_- - -- 1030 AM.--4 PM. Delivery charge 10c. Rev. J. Johnatone Black, Minister H-oraoe Wilson, A.R.-C.O. Or.g`a.~nist and Choirniaster Por Tln -1---"""*""`""' DELIVERV Ann nun Aux`) the ill \\1\Il (III 1 A.-nvn.~~ Fr-rxc `. 1;.,1.T1ul}.' zxxnnuntml to 0 1' --an nl. -of isfronto. `..- ' A 5 . mt.-ntul of n....._-._. : u .......1.I nruvxrxnu Hma Hm w.n-`..- 10 big Gladiolus: in the Amxnourir-.4. 1211' in o:-;(:c-.~'.< ofi ; - local _-u.::1:1iLLm`:|: Peachu - Calltzornla Rouh Limo halves. Per tin. @113 1.8-0.9. batik..- 81 .| ........-. . ~= `.(:n(l\-(1 and hold with . .. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. `WV! `.1: A\- l\lI\l\ I Ex-President of Toronto Conference! A powerful preacher I Male Chorus Choir in charge of! M1`. Dougrlas Smith. `i Tourists, visitors, strangers ' Most cordially welcomed.