.....w.. ....w. .......l,..`.. m.,_,.... _ Fifty yards race for girls umlr-rlf {trm--~-l)m`:1 Gr:-_\', il0rL-nce I.el1zu` zmcl. / Lillian Frawley. Fifty yzu'(l.< race for boys` umlr-1 t(:n--.-\u. Clute, l\'0nn-3tl1 SwzmW son and U. Lamb. (`V . 1' ,, "J _ I week I ask ve prrople 2: l(lL1L..\'1.i( 1] on 21 subject of topical in-v liter:-st and publish their replies. I`hi.< ,\\'(2<-k .< quc.~:1;ion is : l l u\xH... :.` ....... . h... I n\.- u . xlupnuuu In . ';g1'<-aLc. need as a growing 1~c,so1't ?" i \Vhat, in your opinion, is I l Richard Lowe, Director, Queen ]HoLel, says: "Our main and out- [standing feature here is shing. The ltou1'ist.~: all want that. A good bath- ling beach, easily accessible, would also be very (l(:Sl1'2lblC. I doubt if the zmthorities here have ever taken Izmy steps to re-: the lake witl: :sh. That would be a good move." ix '9'. S. Hambly, Proprietor, Patel iSimcoe, says: In my opinion, the `greatest need is to improve the wzxterfront, making it more :1(l'.Lpt- `able for pl<-zxsure resort pu1'pme.<. i\No are so . here than. we `could lizwe a second Sunnyside if ,the citizens would only wake up to jthe fact and develop our natural facilities. Lewis Merrick, clerk, 66 Dun- lop St., says: A good beach. An amusement park such as they have at Sunnyside Beach, Toronto, would be 21 grand idea." Vance Irish, Manager, Wellfngon Hotel, says: Get the railroad off the waterfront and we can make Barrie the greatest summer resort in America. So say the tourists them- selves. (By Robert Mulvcnna) C (6,. f`. ht 9 `gig 1 \\}\i H Jzvuu: uuu A.uu_\ u\.uu.. 100 kvaysd wet-, open to militizsi and ex-service men-(']:m: 'l`roH,. _ `: John Kissock and Robt. Peacock. ' T-3 y221`d.~` rzure. open to 1:ulie;<% .\IiId1'0d, the Lliret--_v<-211'-ohl d:1uy_rh-` 1)o2'i.< Scott, Edith .-\r5:u-A and .\I:u``tf21` of Ur. and 31114. .\Iounl.. garet Poole. `Uhthoff, w:1.< fatally burned on .\Ion-5 tin and eacoek, Scott and (":1-n;,vh~H. hr-d .\Ir.<. .\Iount. \\'I'I]-', out` Fifty yards race, Lil1`(`l.*-it`2'.'-5d"*~ to the }. ,`l1l'(i0H and had been therral Fretl Ritchie and Jack l\'i.<. A few minut(>.< when Silu \\':1.<. Walter` Scott and Harold ('.`;unpb-H. V . by . and ru. [oi Fifty yz11'd.s race, hor.~:eback--`;\Iu2= day morning lust. Leaving the childi 'l`h1'owin;: the rolling pin. I:-xdiu-.<---~jLhe house she met the little gzirl om ;VIi's. Gerrard, .\Ir;<. Cole and .\Ii`.<.` the . ullanie from head to t'oor..| Hooper. `D-spite her fmntic (-'ort.< the child: Fifty yards` .~'2u'k i'u<'e~--(`hm-nee;was U')`l`ii)],V hurned ln~t'm-a- `hr-`I I`rQ.*,t., Fred {itchie and (;;`()".g`.Vf1;l]1](`h. wei-v subdued. DI`. H:-pwulil Diotte. `of Orillin \\`:1.< iinm:-di:1te1y ezdlvd and Fif".}' _vm`d.< bout. )`:ll"- -H'u'oid us the one ch:uu-- 01' . her lit`.-,3 -BeH'ry and '|`omm_v .\Ioor(-. .~e('ured :1 our and set out for i]"n4 In the vete1'21n.<` tux:-ol'~\.-.'2n~ Hid-iSi(-k (.`hiidr<-n'.< Ho. in 'i'()1`0I11().i i2).I1(l (lvfeatvd B:n`i'i:- two In on-:'l`h<- vhiid, i10\`.`('\'(`)`, dim! :1: 1|1..3-i and the Midixind tr-znn 01!!-jihii d the n(~:m-d lichnmnd Hill. Iinw :h~ \ I--.<;i`u teum. re . has not been (-.\ pluined. gulch Luuxc. h0rs(3buck---.\I21!'- ('.'.1'n} )hv-H` Ll11`c-u:-l-;:_'.:-d--- l(i.<. (`.`;unpb-11 I ,_H:`.._ ..:.. l...l.,.. Llll unu uuumn, uuuu unu x u up ... l(i.<. I:-ulia-.<--- .\Ir.~'. C`:l`o-.- nu-Ac .-an-1: mu-n...-(`lzxrnnmx .|'1UUpl:l . l'zu',o~-(`I2m-ncu. I I`rq,*,t, Rita-hiv (}:-rn`_x:-I ' H-mi H, ..,1 Ln... ll...nI.l `.1)|flll_\ uuu IU||In|_v 4Vl'_l\Il\n mI.I;mH~r `.'~-. In thv hundrc y2u'd.< rum \`C:tL'l'2H1>' of fifty and ".\mr Jnh Murphy v:-mv in rszt. \ .11--1' second and Happy He-;~,-:.orth 1 In the 100 yard.` box-.1 1...` F` Wilt.-.< vms first and Rozwln Th young `adv Smndimr M [hn;ih(.)LlYlIl'()ll.~` . pl'(`[)E1l`(`(i by the` mm` of the mt for \.pinw In _h(_;lu All voted thv Qutim: as the z1(l\`zxn<'(:(l .~`2l1(' of tickets for the bigiliwt `Vet I G]-adiolus Show at tho .-\.l'1`ll )',ll'l('.~i`| j-*--*:'- 1 npxt VVL.-(lncs(lay and Thursrlay is to: F|VE.FOOT C;LADl0L| `have the distinction of being: (-,ru)wn-i ___j ed Queen of the Gi1adi01U>`y" 930 I `The Globe Southeast Corner" has sides being the recipient of :1 lmnrl-lreceivcd from J, H_ Porte, some gold watch. This ccrcnmny Ont., a gladioli stalk G0 inch:-s high. will take place at the ofcial ripen` Can any Barrie glad fan bcgti ing. that ? Picton, WHO'LL BE GLADIOLUS QL,'I-`LN?! IYLSI. IIIIIK 1.` vv\ 1- 44w . cult. zm-1 Jt-nuir- .\l<`1.; ;\Ir.<. l{n:~'ton wnn rm- @1133 Nmrritb mm Ahmmm At Midland the first item on the ._n.5nuu, x.:..u.u.u. Travelling by two buses of the Grey Coach Lines and several pri- vate cars, the veterans, their wives and families, relatives and friends, left the Market Sqaure about nine- thirty for Midland. When the first bus acquired a broken axle about ve miles from Midland, there was a delay of about one hour. Another bus carried the stranded picnic party to its destination without further. mishap. progrzunme was the military funeral of James Stirling, late of the Royal- Scots Fusiliers, attended by Legion- aires from all parts of the county; VVhen their late comrade had beenl laid to rest the Barrie boys joined the veterans of other posts in the county for an afternoon of amuse- ment at Little Lake Park. Deputy-Roi;-ve H. S. l-luby of Mid- land wvlcometl thu vetei':uis to .\lid land avail pi`:-.3eI`itetl them with the; key and freedom of the town. A. B. Thompson, .\lomhL:r oi Pm`-L liamc,-nt for l-last Simcoc. compli mented the boys on the \vi. of` 1 .uugh3u|. ` ` rrr:\n 4 rucv for` wr John 1" {.111-1' S001: .'m'th third. in: in the for big- .-`. 1`:`ur):4 )'i(`.~! rsday is to im: cru)wn- 1 x olus," be` -1` .. L.-..,I I - I `I The County of Simcoe softball uicliampionship was d(.ci(led before :1 'llurge uro\\'(l in the .-\,r.:ricultural }Park last Friday evening: when the -`Strourl tr,-um. clnunpions of the southern section, defeated the Bar- rie Drez1dnou9:hts in the third zmd .7deciding game by 15 runs to fl. iAlthr.-u<,rl1 rlr-t'e:Lte(l on their own `licliamond in the rst gszune of the i. the Stroml team ezunv back f l 1 v `i`.. am} in he two rv21mining' Llltnl :lef1. no doubt as to which wu.~' the _ 5 better team. The boys from the Q ` south played .sparklin;: bull 1):-himl - `_ l the clever pitching of Reid, who had the Barrie boys under complete `control during: the entire conte _`_il{0l)(`I`tSOI1 on the mound for the- ._:loez1l.~: W215 no puzzle to the Stroud ' lslugrgrers, every man on the team ,,-`poumlim: the bull hard. Home runs lg ' to simzles were poumled out \\'hen : hit.< meum runs, and the Barrie a` . _ A I. , ,.A I ,, , I ' . I I l .1'1`lSUIlJ.'5 WHU UUIU `trades and all those w ;security seems assured to the Ontario Re suelph 21>` heretofore. 1 Those who have b(.`( employed, all unslxillu all those whose outlo< dc-emeal more or le.<.~ 11 members of the Lribu z1. for similar 1)` ,to the work of lu_vi11; ; l10n1estea(l.<, under {in- lthe Pro\'inci:1l Gover ll.l(.'>`. ` A central l)Ull(lll'l.'.`, 'huilrlim:.<, (.`()l1l(l be est `the men could be ke; :2m(l key and wht`-re thc 1`m.-ce.<. lnetlical or `Their daily labors co`: ;out under the sanie : !now in vogue at the 1 A. prisoner elig'ibls: l(ll1- for release woulw l u v gsmoun wm ceumvg sormu. HONORS[ (.&vuL u.L.vAvun. The Parks Commissioners are do- ing everything possible to make this picnic park attractive for visitors and to cater to their comforts," said Bobby, adding that some of the local kids didn t seem to realize this when they defaced the walls of the beach dressing roms with lead pencils, etc. Tho ..m.m..+.-H. mm. ..........+n.J :. i Bobby approached a Northern` Ad-, ivance reporter who was in Mid-V (land with the Legion picnic last} ;Monday to enquire if he was a tour-' iist. When the reporter explained his- presence in Midland and asked Bobby why he inquired, the youthful enthusiast took the trouble to ex- :plain that Midland was THE spot for: tourists and pointed out some of its attractions. up-vu n 1 /V u.\,u.;...b ;-uuu nu... Auuu ycnnunna, cmnl The reporter was interested in `Bobby and will be glad to meet him again. Boys of his calibre are only too few and should be encouraged, as the men of to-morrow, in their enthusiasm. i 1 I I ` Bob Malia, eleven, Midland, should: `:have :1 place in Ontario tourist pro-! jmotion circles. n.1,1,, 1 1 '\V .1 . . u UHTHOFF CHILD j/% BURNED TO DEATH t takes more than a mere o21rt11g' quake to dampen the ardor of the` Boys of the Old Brigade when they` have set the day for fun and rc~' laxation and there was a large and merry crowd on hand early Monday morning for the annual picnic of Bzu'rir- Post .\'o. 147, Canadian, Legion, B.E.S.L. 7l".......,-.II2.4... L.. 4.__._ L..,_ 1` Al l;n'a'i- Rt-hr-k:1h.< zmd O(ldf't:11ow.~';']y :n_io_\'-(1 {hr-ir zmnuul picnic at Orilliu 3` P0 I :1rk on 3101111213 lust. .-\n unj0yz1l)l(-`' zxfu-1-noon was spent, the .~'p01`1s 21nd|md I':u-I-.< b-inf: kt-only conL(:. Tho; At =':.~uf'Ihul| ',::um'- bctw:-I-n Barrie untHb" ()riHi:1 .~'uhnrdinat(~ 1ody:(e.< was :1 Lif,I11fbu" U `b;-.u1~, liurrir: winning by a sxnaljyho W` ?!;m:n-grin. About 150 sat down to tln-`h`"_ haunt:-ou.~' . prepart-(I by the "' ` 7"`i]l(li('.\`. by C} `r})(-st yet. Chant ' . lnnkn` ODDFELLOWS AND REBEKAHS ` PICNIC AT ORILLIA PARK; IS A REAL BOOSTER nu nun. A|\rI- Lu (-xpluim-ti. msing the into the 4 in thu- of eight ' : able to c In!` .. ...........,., ,_...,,. 3' builriim:.<, v. `.1 1:`.- Pbthe kept Llmler Em .. 2 and they L`OH1d obta !'1`11(.-ce.<. timltnl ca)` .1"1`heir could be cz:1':'i( Mont system as `:1 Sgnow rcfor1'nzLLo1'y. ..i 1.1.. (`nu r\:.|-(.`r` n: \ uu.-~uu;.uu...u This system would proviulv L1 j_"!`(11 1 incentive to work and rl-xolutionize, the whole problem Lthoso who have been l';p1`ol)lcm cz1sc.<. In this 1`n:1!`llll".` many ,who are now uni,-mployerl and un< ieniployabls.-, the Ilotszmi zmd _ict.~:zun of the urban cc.-nt1*r:.- oi` Omario. ;mi;:hL lw c-onvortr-(1 into useful and jS(!lf-$U|)])Ol'lln}.!,' citi'/.(-n.< mill at thv of criino and ro;::1r(ir.-vl 11:: lnutionzil iniportzmcc `Lion lint-.<. I l, In the event of :1 (li; ._colony his place could bu filled by d another or by an iin1nigrzui`t. :2; Such 21 plan may sound .,,,to some people, but it is `.l1m-oug.v;hi;.' [5 V \\'oi'kublc. `a l 1 `. . l.~`zun(- time cm`i`y 0m :1 work of g1`;-2L1 along col,(mi'I.z1-I or i n , 1 paroled mun (l(}(.`u.ln])ln;. ,' from '.lir- ' 1 l l i I uuuu AAAuuAvuvAuIlu One such suggestion surplus man power be used as a part of the Provincial inhnigratior machinery in the task of laying out a colony of ten-acre homestcads in some part of Ontario s virgin terri tories. The author of this sugges tion submits a plan that (1iSpl:1y:' considerable study of the question. He would abolish the present system of things in the courts by doing away with the magistrates and set- ting up tribunals in their stead. These tribunalss would be composed of a phychiatrist, medical doctor, dentist, provincial government re presentatives and a welfare worker. He would have all cases likely Lo result in reforma-tory heard in camera. He would exclude that the the press from the hearingrs and 1'01`- bid the newspapers to publi.-zh any reports of such cases. L,.l,..\... . Jan 4,. >`( lll.CIlCCn` -` ,.l-.`ll.i,l. LLIIUALQ u; quuu \,unx;a. . Prisoners who belong to skilled, [trades \vho.a.': mronmnic: could be somf . . .. . 2 .1 t\ . r\ ;u...,.,,.. |l| . i been pcrio iemployed, l1n>'lZlll((l l2ll)O)`(31'S and- l ` I outlook on life is` 1 . . . u 1 . u SOLDli-.RS ENJi)Y : PICNIC AT MIDLAND; l T` l i Less than fifty per cent. of thvl present population of the Ont:u*i: `; 5Reform:1tory at Guelph could pox` ` {form all the essential labours con-i lnected with that institution, and lmany who are aware of this facfi have submitted suggestions to the} Provincial authorities for the utiliza-I tion of the surplus man power 01, ,that institution. . f\ y .. . .1 . .1 I .J........_. .L....., Wu... ,.,`_ `to Reformzltury ` rm... ...x.,. x.. uu Lxluax. vvuxznk. uuuuun |(,-.<.~' lmp<,-lc.<.< by 1.113 tribunal could be periods of ~.im0. to laying out ten-acre uu nu`. .. . oi ; the Govornmelx`. author` 1 1 i 1...," .\,,-,... ... .... ...\.......w._,. :( 1 for purol or C would, umlr-1' t.hi.<:'t lplzm, uutomzxti('al1_v fall heir to 3.10 itf-D-H(`)`n l10rn(n~'I(rzul and ('0tt:1L`- 0nl( the un(le1`stz1mliI1g' that hv will I'(`,- I imain there and continue his work,E, `under ;:ovc1'nmenL sup"rvi. butli :2 n free man, for a pcriodlf '01 time, to be (la-Lorn1in<,-(l by l.l\!_=_t . 1 V 3 ,`CHE.QUE SWINDLERS DIICV IKI ECHANGE IS NEEDED ; ; AT REFORMATORIES; I/l ....n.v authorities. nu - . K `\\')`it(e)`.~' on Szxturday, - Mich pt:-21115::-1's . - Bull `.~l;)p in _ 1 were vnc-| Tun Orilliu men-hunt.'< timi7.(.-(1 by 21 pair 01 (tlew.-1' ('}1e(;uI i nine for $20. for 3-10. Twu LIN-11\.sn-]\'u.< Grace C`. .\1.B:1ll, wvnt f'x'o.n shop making small pur- (~1m.'<>.< and tremlnn-d ch-quvs (lmwn on thv Dominion Bzmk at C0ld\\'at<-r in ("((.'h2lHf,.',`L`. Pluch timre the clwqtxo an and onn um] The family of the late Mrs. Mar- garet Givens wish to thank their `many friends and neighbors for their `kind expressions of sympathy in their recent sad bereavement. u. -.u..... ,.,\.. B rzu~obri .l.. I I` t.... ... u. gnu-ul.:_uu, .vu....u\.. \Il .u. l for compli-L the off : reunions. 3 Lieut.-Col. J. Keilur Mcl{z1_v, Dom-i ininn Command. (7:1nzulizni l.o<;ion.C extolled the glories of C0ll11`1(lf?.s`l1l[)' W` 1 . .< r>f_1>-gate as exuniplietl by` the Canadian Legion and outlined`' . of tlis: 2lCC0lTlpllsl1lnf:HtH to (l21iL',`,` An interesting and vu1'iml pro-; gramme of sports attracted 21 large; crowd of 0nlo0k01`.~' and l-(f:t`,I1 com-i petiton. The following wow the. -.`.'innm`.'< in the \'ariou.< L-oii1o. Twenty-ve yuiwls race for ;_zirl.~': uncle!` eight---'l\'y llrass, Lillian Pat- tenden and Doreen Saunders. rvw . r- I , , n,,, L-_, Barrie, 0nAteirio, TThursda.y,:lzXugust 15, 1929 CARD OF THANKS I lA\lJA4A..l\s.l , BUSY IN oR11.L1A`l ing, 01' ;_"rr-up 01'; - wllr.-1`u' ';-ocki 5 t,hc.-y obtain /~44 .).\..a..1 ... .- Lu: x, . L:2:1':'im`l Wm HAVE Fv:0DEL i ;i?1;iT: MADE or scnoom: I-...~, .v..,_.,\..;u Anny \IA. mu, ,,u...\.. v ' An unfortunate accident occurred in this game when Burton on a!sli(le} home fractured his left leg a't the ankle, so that will be the end of his playing for this year. I The second game with the campl team as the opposition was played on account of the Orillia team fail- ing to put in an appearance. Bus. Clarke did the pitching and by good lsupport was able to hold the Fliers lin check. Burns and lVIcCa.s'kin provided the elding features in this lgame. A benet game is being played trict will provide the opposition. Herb. Jennings, the ex-London sen- supply the battery for the all st21re. `ulollgx witli Herb. Boaucamp, Dick Lamb, K.-\ sc-cond gzune `while 21 girls softball game is try ,in;2; to be :xrr2u1gc(l. Pzxrrie ball -for the all .~:t21r.<, with I-lap. l'*}zmn.<. :Scm.t_\' 'l`ribbl-'2 and Junnott as their jliurlers, with the snappy .-\rchi(~ i l'l1o1m>. doing: the rec(-i\'in;:. lline-up : Dobson <.~:, L. Junnott Ilb, leld, Bus. Clarke, Lynch, Plunt and .\lcCa. out- next Wenesday, Aug. 21st, when an. iall-star team from Midland and dis-r 'ior hurler, and Fish" Sturgeon will. Fowler, Arbour and Blevin.~:. is also promi. {team will supply plenty of oppo. 'l`l1(-? .-\rn1ita5:e lb. D. l~lmm.<. 2}), Smith. f6-2. Tribble did the hurling` in the `rst. ganlc and outside of the f'11`.'~'t inning.~; was never in troublo um!` `held the opposition 1'un1es.~: for the lfest of the _2`am(,-, while his team rnates pounded out sixteen hits fori ; 1 1 . \....L1- 1')....A ..`.` An: ,. ... ..c.....;.. ulnu JJ\IL\.\.ll. u......u-.... '[`w<.-nty-\'r> ya1`d.< mcv for boys` under cight-Nonnun Smith, Ch:i.1`1(_`' Walton and Laxvrence Lagrue. YT\!1`L,, -,_ _, ,1 , .. .`,,....,,. l) The Hon. Chas. Stew:11't, Minist.-r` 1'0!` tho Tntorimz Ottz1\\':1, \\`hos(2 (Iv-` ' -partmcnt granted $3,000 towards the gpn.-. of `Cue .\".u'..'_v. iI`n`.i:`.`.a1-sd )`[that a model of the schooner be ]'?|made, rather than rubiuld the N:uug\'. _`This the committee also favorcd.I {and it was decided to haw! :1 five 01": ` six foot model made at a cost of not `V II1}Ol'(.' than $500. I ;BENEFIT BALL GAME . HERE NEXT ,WEDNESDAYi ,." 'I`hosn at the meeting: '.v<-n: lix.-c-ve ."l`om, 1). Williztms, C. C. Bcgg, 31.? ~,1B_V1'nc, J. E. Jamir:.~'.on, of Colling-1 ' 'wood; J. M. Witclu-ll, M.P.P., AHi.s'-: `.1ton; {now Spichor, Sunnidule; J.i_ u 1 I1I - 1 At a meeting of the Nancy :Committee held in the Court House} -s . . . . * ,on Pr1 Illfht last, It was tlvcldcd`, LA 1`.... \. . ... .. ... .`. .. ,u.. . .=.,,... XL ...,\.\.,.., `to hU.\'\: the b.i.:w1`ig .<'.i1uum:2' . `ic}n:u1ed and oiled at a cost of . Owing to the high \\'211m' at `u`.":1. }Bn:-1(-l1 the building: which houses thef `V .n v . . . 1 1 \llA\\I .. w.. .,... C the `-V:i. .e;u1ty" won the (.'em:ul?z:n l-Imp l1; `Emu-li tlwjnel Club tropliy for the best (`an-l] gT\.'uncy will _ha"n #0 be 1'z1i. zLbout`zidiun bred (log: or bitch in the show. l 1 ;t\vn feet and the ship will also l1Zl\'<::Z1I1(l gained two points on the Gl1'(lf`!"( lto be rz1isr=(I. It is proposed to hz1\'t- City } 1'ess Trophy and two point: '1 :the sand and g1'z1\'el for lling: and on the Glem-0. Fla.~'ha\va_v lllenioriull `cement work hauled (luring the \\'inTrophy. l( lter months, nnd the work done next; The two cups won by Bcz1uty"! ' spring. TFL,` a M The Old .-\;.;e Pension Act is re-1. .;.s`pon.~'ible for an amusing situation ` (,1 1[in which one local woman nds h(-r- ` B l ~`. in :1 quundury. 1! It lll])[)(`Yl('(i like this : ", fl 'l`h<- lady in question conducts :1 rooming l'.~`tZll)ll>`l1l11('l`ll and :1 lady H ; friend of liers 1`(:commen(le(l an out- =l0l'-to'.\'n pension l})])ll(?:ll1t to her as H 21 })l`().~`[)t'(`l.l\'C roomer. I In renting the old-timer a room \p she apparently let herself in fo1"o something she hadn t seckoned onus ']`he old gent made no a1'range1n(-nt.-`V meals and the lady ini4 . question doesn't serve meals to her ii` 11 roomers. Somehow or other :1 pro-iy cedent was estublishecl with the l`(..`-!f 1- suit that she now nds 21 regularig `'1 boarder on her hands, sans geld, andie Y out of the kindness of her heartlt 13 simply doesn't know what; to do 1 about it. V r 1. ;..._,...V, 9. u.......,...,.., .,. V.,.....,., _ iton; `I32-;.'.~`:!'.:`.<=. Flos; J. 'l`. Simpson, J. A. [Mm-I.a1'r,-n and .\`I. D. Monison, Bar- x The next meeting` will be held at: `VVasz1:a Beach at the call of thea chair. m. 1,x`\ii17 24.. AMUSING SITUATION [J\4\Ib\. |.A|\. -1J|\.IIV- ` The Canadian Gladiolus Society is? a Dominion-wide organization, and` visitors from far off points will be` here in force. Barrie is to be how ored with a visit from His Honour `the Lieutenant-Governor of Ontario, who has consented to officially open` 1 the show at eight o clock on Wed- nesday evening. TL ..,..... 1'\f\ ~..-.-._ .~-~Z 31` /A I ......._. It may be years again, if ever, lbefore the opportunity will be pro-1 isented to the citizens to enjoy thE.< oral feast, which all floral lovers i and citizens generally should take i advantage of. I {LIEUTENANT-GOVERNOR TO , I" OPEN GLADIOLUS SHOW E T I i In :1 latter to hand to-da)' from` 3A1't`hur Fairbanks, sec1'utm`y-L1'(:z1s- iurcr of tho I-Izunilton Kennel C1ub.i 111. H. Heppleston, 12:! Dunlop SL.,: iis ofcially notied of the L'1( al1% fn`\VL'L`]) mad(.- at 21 1`(`CQI1t exhibition I01` dogs by his hitch Bcixuty. HD,\......'` 4...}. H. Lima .~..:...` ll). uvb 111.1 um/\,u BcuL1ty" the best bitch of her breed, .<}`)(`L'id1 prizes, first place in Group One of the variety clzxss and Wd..~ :1(lju(lgt,- one of the ve best, (logs. 211. the . \vu.< '.ulmir<,-d AJ\,Al-AV! U11'(.'6: ohe 1 .1 1 . ~ .1 v 1 took the rst prize 21:` I I i i 1 2 The committee in clizirgze of tliu` .:Simc0e County exhibit at the Can {adizm Natiomxl 1Cxhibit.ion and the rlcounty 1'epre.x'ent,z1tivr,-.< of the Do t_])zu'tm<.-nt of Agriculture are 1nzLki11_; ltho arrzmgenients for this ye-ur';< ex- hibit. This year the exhibit will bx- dill'erent from thu of former _vezu'.~ and all visitor.< from this count_\l `_lare cordially invited to inspect it` y v_iwhc-n visiting the big fair. \.IA vu.u,u_v \.-u.:.- uuu nu. . as the best in the show and w2\..< beaten by 21 very narrow mar- gin as the best dog in the entire .l. nu. _h... u. i show. 14:17 Wuttcau Review, a wire hairedl; `fox terrier, owned by Mrs. Kennedy: ,of Toronto, took rst place as th< bc,-st dog of the show. This dog: i.~: lnot Canadian bred. 111`; . n .1 rv v~ :- ~ I I 1 . . uu Lulu U. Luuuu. Se;-vnty-ve yards race for ;2'i1'1.~` under t\\'(-lvt.---.\Iildre(l .\I:u`tin, Leona .`~Iurp`ny and l:`.li7.ab(.-th Smith. Q ..-.n. `:\v(\ x-nvvlu 1--um (`nu hnu; -..,,..._.. 1 two Bczxuty lwill be exhibitf,-d in Mi`. Hopplt-,st0n'.~` `window during the week. x Mrs. J. H. Tyler of Orilliu was tsc-riousl_v injured and Mrs. A. F `:Bas. of Bradford sufl`urr,-(l hozull injuric.-s on Wedncstlay m01`nin2| ,\\"l1t-n Mr. l3u.~'.~'0n s C211` colli(l(~d with! motor driven by .\I1'. 'l`_\*ler, <-:1u.~:-I in}: the lattm"s car to go 0\'v1' 9.2;! "`(-mljzmknlt,-nt' four miles north of '_Bm(lfor(l. A third car driven by z: ! l`oromo man narrowly (:.<('Hp(!(l bz--- 1 `, in}: \vr<.-ckod wlmn he . l :1 1 ! i The f2l1`l1l('l'.~' in this (listrici liznw `ipractically completed the i12ll`V'\".~`llll_IZ ",of fall \\'heat. and al.~ik- clo\'(-1'. and "some tliiwmliimz has been (low Wheat is yielding: as high a.~ 35 and ~10 l.~'liel.< to the acre, and the qual- ity is good. Alsike clover iyielrling well. .-\n EH82! farmer thrashed 17:3 i)uSi1ri.\` 25 acres, and other farmr,-rs equally as good a yield. this year is somewhat lower tlmn last, the opening mnrkei being around $6.00 to $6.50 :4 L:u.~'.hel. But even at this price the returns will be equal to a good grain crop. Spring grain is ripening fast and barley harvesting will be in next week, also early oats. Roots and corn are looking well and with oc- casional showers will be an average (THY? I 1. from. h:1\'r: 'l`l1r.- pl`iC\ l`l is also ~` 'l`0\\`nshi;` ` ` 4 l 1 `ORILLIA WOMAN HURT ` IN HIGHWAY COLLlSiON|. PREPARING COUNTY EXHIBIT v :WHEAT AND ALSIKE ARE 2 1 YIELDING HIGH IN SIMCOE BEAUTY WINS . Ia ay mo1`n1n,Q| ` . . f (':1u.~:- I vs of; ` Q `PENSION BOARD HAD BUSY SESSIGN >~t|.All.`;)\IAl, _,.....e..m,. ` Several applications were held over for further information and a number of pensions were granted, ion a graduating scale ranging from ihelf pension to total pension. ? Tn nnymnm~..+:m. ...:n. .. \'-...L__... .ll1)(|_\ KIIUI l.4lIl4clU\;I4ll L)AllAvAA- Sr~\`n:nty-ve _\'2u*rl.< race for boynw undnr twelvu-~\Vi1lit~ Scott, 1.1:-. Ge1'1'a1`(l and Donald Thompson. | 100 yards race for gi1`l.< undr-1" -ix.-L-<:n-v-Alic<: ('mw1.-y. .\I:u'g:u`ot3 Fexskill and G]z1 F1'z1\\`l<:y. 1 An .... '..\..; rlplnoxull uu l4Ulr(Ll ycublun. In conversation with a Northern Advance representative, -.1 member of the Board gave it as his opinion that applicants who may be eligible and who have been earning a part maintainance should be advised to continue earning as their strength permits. Iu such cases the Board is willing to grant part pension and as the earning power of such applica'1t.= decreased the pension could be in- creased. l That is the opinion of the Board land after discussing it with the ap- lplicants many of them are found to be satised with that. arrangenicnt. Sonu: applicants who are living with :1 son or daughter who is not able wholly to support them are satised with 21 pc1*conta_:c ofthe pension. It 'will take many more sittings of the `Board to overtake the volume of ap- plications which are constantly coming in. - .. vanil- ',[`ht.- following members of Lhe iBo:xr(I were present: J. J. Mc- .jl{1:1'ght, chairman; M. .-\s.selin, J. ESpi:her, Chas. Denney and J. T. `Si-.npson, secretary. Qn\vr\IAn1 nnul: At the County Executive Commit- ;tee banquet of the Czinadizm Legion, 'held at the picnic park, Midlaml, on iI\`Iondzx_v evening, ther(.- was :1 great battle of words as to who should ,get the next annual picnic. Due to the efforts of Ed. Shuter, Barrie was chosen as the logical spot for inext year s picnic. Collingwoocl offered the strongest `competition and there was consider- able discus. before a Penetang u ..u Thirty applications were consider- :ed at the last meeting of the Old ;Age Pensions Board, which salt from `10 21.111. to 6 p.m., Monday, August 12thh. rnl II 1| BARRIE TO HAVE 1930 ` VETERANS` PICNIC I .... .. 4...... u `uyu-c. 1'ep1'esc-ntat,i\'e movcd that the nexi `county v(.~tc-runs` picnic and conven- .1.ion bu hcld at Beanie." Qltccns `Park h;1.< '.1!1':-.ul;' been spoken of for `this mm-nt` and the Barrie veterans iexpcct at least lilfut: thousand visi- ltors to town 1'01` [110 day. ` l`1-V. I L. ".311 I... A K` rr_I; I \U1-7 LU LU I! ll LUI. |.ll'\.' \IKI~Vo The picnic will be on Civic Hoii-- 1, (lay. Cli`. J<.-mmot. Bookkeeper, 110 f';Dunlop Stu, says: '`In a nutshell, ` we nee(l to spend some money in `;tl1e improvement of ou1'nv.ta1'al libeaches. In my opinion an zunusr:- Iment park of some sort would he a `distinct ass:et. 9:02:10 Qllelioii 0f the Week .;. ........._..............v 0: nun uuu 1 (L5 \.lluI|_\n 100 yards met: for bo_v.< .' S\\'r.~emw_v, Irvine and Billy Scott. 1f\f\ .. ; nun .3 . lr`VI] ......r. r\r\(.I\ on 111141:-1" Hill; .,.:1:s;..*