To be entiitled to an old age pen sion the applicant must be 2. British subject who vhas attained the age of 70 years and has resided in Canada for 20 years immediately precedin_e' the date of the proposed comrmenc-e-` ment of the pension, and has resid- ed in the province for ve years. immediately preceding` that d*ate.f His income must be less than $365 a year. The maximum pension is LOCAL OFFICE c. HGWARD formed from cascara. The bowels are not weakened, but strengthened by its occasional use. The occasions when one needs this aid grow less and less. Its inuence is lon -felt. You don't nd fourself worse ound-up the day fol- owing. You do nd the bowels more inclined to move of their own volition. The candy oust-nret. that every drug- store u.lwn._\'s has 121 stock is the ideal form of (::1.s<.-ural. ' Mulcaster St. Spring-Tq0t_k CL-ltivato .\I:1 by J. Manager _ .,_._. `.1 (Peter Hamilton Pattern) THURSDAY, APRAIL 25, 1929. THE BEST ON THE MARKET A I`;oron oo Controller `suggesvts the] selling `of the Cify Hall. Now why (loessn t some live Barrie AI(leI1mar.. suggest rtzhat our Tovwn Hall be sold to relieve our tax burden ? FIeu1'_\"s Sons, Aurora SE13 . of last week almost at the foot of Mul- [ he ice d41*i:fimr in )~:1a_\' has caused tho -. s`.1'uctu1'e to vanish Barrie. The Board of Education, or the architect, must `have blundered some- where, or is it that the contractors are out or bigger pay? Oakland Six, Olympic Series, is a youthful car. A car for pcoplc young in years and spirits! IxwcsIi5;;1:c it closcly. Its Fislicr Bodies of new and dixrinctivc style. Its` cnuntlcss touches of iI1(ii\'ikiU.lii[}'. its` big, powerful six-cylinder cnginc. Ifu-1') ruL_1tingp.1rL .1ccur:1tcly b:1l;1m:cLi, for sI`imn{i1I.L'x-. Nc\`.'i}` aicsigiicci carburetor with {ucl pump. Nnisciv-s's'. dirt-;1nd-wc;1Lhci'- prnuf frmr-\`.'hccl br.1Iu`s. Lnvcjuy Shock Abs'orb- crs. I:.`.'L'I'_\'LiIiI]g ti1:1l ]n;li\`c's` for comfort, Sn'l.1l`[HC\.':' n\i PUI'i ()rH1.'lrICC ig tiicrc. It's cn tn scc whcrc ().1k-land gets its youthful charm and \'i\'nciIy. IL`s easy to see why it stands alcmc in its price ci.1ss--why more and more people are finding new motoring enjoy- ment in Oakland Six. OA-27-4-29C Yc)uYkfu' in its Lines and in its Action Iommehts were killed and eight in- : a resulvt of motor accidentgl 2 week end, and what will i1 ' 1 the mother trafc has reay { : the Bible .- what good .l.n..~ H An 'B\,lJ\4LItL4' uuuw vu-. vu`u'1JCLwuVC LkLCl4U*1'- `iies in Denmark :s.1`aug'hitered 4,883,- 9. 000 hogts in 1928, while private fac- _-gtories handled but 869,000 hog-5. "The total production was 5,373,440, 5 compared with 5,098,206 in 1927. 4- u .u,n _w.;u.;u Lu 1\ulg.bUU'n. Dr. E(lWa|l`(lB -urpheld the tmditi-one of the United Emrpire Loyalist stock from which he came, and never lost an oppo1't.unit._\' to urther the in- lterests `of the British Empire. He {took a keen interest in immi.g'rzntiion and especially in the brin-`g'in:g' 110 Canada those of British ~birt`h.. This -has been a particularly hard spring on roads, and colnsiderable _money will have to be spent to get them back in shape for the tourist trafc. The highway from Barrie to Orillia. simply went to pieces, but is being speedily repaired. It is be- coming: a.pparenwt. that the only roads to stand` the _\'e`ar-rountl strain is the a;~pl1aLt road. ll W. A. Wilson, agricultural pro- jrlucts for Canada in Great rBrita.~in, Ireports that the co~o-perative factor- iina in T\.r..~-.u.....1- ,,.l`.`.....L'.L..__.1 A non v` vnAvns~L'Av LIJCIAFV .|.L'U\ul. Lilhl UV LUEO. orn in Fnontenac County in 1865 he was educated at Sydenhaxm High School," Otbaxwa Norrmal School and Queen's University. He taught school for ten yeans in Ontario and Manimoba and -practiced rmedicine for a few yeana in Kingston. Th. I7,1..mwh.-. ......l...1.1 u.,. L....J.'L_`..,,_. The late Dr. Edwards was elected as Gnand Mazsfter of the Gmmd Ora.'mg'e Lodge Cnf British North, America in 1923, holding that oxfcei for three years. He was also Grand Master loaf the Grand` Omnge Lodge of O-nutari-o East fmm 1921 to 192`3.l Du-.. :.. 1:\......4....__- n-._., , annv !$240 a year, subject to reduction by` {the ramaunrt, of the pe4nsi\oner s in-' jcome that `exceeds $125 a year." "Dhus, if his imcolme is $180 a. year, " his pension will `be $185 a year. The` > act was pamed in Ontario on Ma1'ch| . 09 VIVI...-mu. ..4-L..........`...` .~-..I:c,u u vvA\\. uu. mu Luuouay. Dr. Edwards was elesdted as mem ber ocf the House of Golmnnons rfm Frontenasc-Addingvtion in 1908, and re-e`lec ced in 1911 and 1917. He was called mo the Cabinet by Hon An't;h~uq- Meigglhen as Minister otf Im- migration and Colonization in 1921` but met with derfeart in the e1_ec:ti-om 011-owing. He was again -elected fm '. Frontenac in 11925 and 1926. rnL_ 1-1.- 1\,, run , Hvon. Dr. J. W. Edwards, Conlser-I vative member in the House of Com | mons ofosr Fronstenac, and Past Grand |Ma`.s`te1' of the `Graml Orange Omdey `of British Nosrvth America, (lied sud- (lenly on his way to the hospital ir Otltawva on Thunsday last. He lmacl been absent from the Houuse fay] some r(l`zLys owing to illness, Ibut par tici-paated in the ldelbzut-`e on the Di- vorce Bill on Tuesday. 11.. 1:u........,1_ ....... .\1--u.-.x -- ....,., . yunnauu ... \JuvuLAv -vu uuucu` 28. Those `otherwise qa.-ulied who attain the age of 70 years SiI`l\C'0 tlmartl (late will `be entitled` to a. pension! dating cfmm their 7`0 birthday. DR.-J. W. EDWARDS, M.P. FOR i FRONTENAC, DIED SUDDENLY1 4lI,~t_\' I principlv lutim1.~' Unitvrl 5 puku th 1' n :4` A-us. uuvuov vn uox. no man. a.;mJ.A\. maratlhron, but we wonder in the name of religion does it do to read: the Bble th1-vouagvh in 72 hours. The Bible is the Word` of God, and as such should she read rerve-renltly. ....... v|I u_\Au_. to him, and be hc-211'] on And thr0u_-.-`h HI and 1:11:21` .......~ u. Juxu uu. uu11uHg U111: UL`I11:I lcheek to Uncle Sam. Then thr `stormy nish was broug'ht about b_\ Hon. Dr. Manion in a ery speecl that ro-used the enthusiussni voxf the mcn1lbcr.`~: of his own party, and erg cited the zuigcr oi` the Govermnenn side. The ery _voun{._," Irishman from Fort William had his fi;_.-'I1tinq.- clothes on and he set sail a.fte1' tha Government, its lczldor, and its 111 leg.-'c policies in a way that set thc Tories cl1ec1'in:g,' and the -G.1'it. ~: vain- ly amtc-mpting to stop his stin::in_'.j criticism with interruptions, jam`: and cat calls. Every Liberal f-1-om itovp to botmom of the list, front Prcmcr I{in,g' to Pouliot, of '1`(:mi:~:-l couatu, was touched to the quick. and the bmllam 1..hc_\ 1` was! eL1nplr.- proof that Dr. Munion W'Zl.~l 1`(-acliing,-' the \'ulnu.i'z1;blc S1)0l`LS iv)` th(.-ir armor of .~`L`lf-.~',21-tl.\'f:'.lCi.lOl]. He haul the l 1'cmivr jumpin._;' 11! ) and` down lihv :1 Ju,ck-in-th(2-Bo.\'. :11 tvim<>.~' lr-n_\'inr.}.' .<'t.ut<~1nm1t.< z1t.tribute<" at utlicr :lcunun(lin_:' t( he qu<-.~:1ion.< 01' p1'ivil<-_-:<- it. all Ihv l`oriL-.~: Cllm-1' l;11I:`liwl uml (.'ll"1`l'(,`(l :1_2':1i11 1. _A_ AI r u Hon. Ernest Lwpointe made a good, average speech tha-t excited at.- `tention because his remarks were lnot quite in harmony with those oi "the Finance Minister. Mr. Rocbb hzu mildly itimated that if the Unite< States raised the tariff against Cun- ada, this colunry would have to con. sider what steps should be taken fo) the protection of our own trade Mr. Lapointe, however, advvocatct freer trade on the basis of the 1'c~.s0lutions of the League of Nat- ions-a sort of turning` the other nl1nr.1.- ?n IT....1,. 0-..` mu. m - Premier King made what was per- haps the best speech of his Parlia- mentary career. Irt shiotwead rbhve most oarerful prespaa`aativo.n, and was delivered in ne spirit. It was real- ly a reply to the speech I0|,'f Mr. Guthrie, aIzthoug'h coming a movntl`. after. about even. Both {speeches are in- tended for czunnpaign purposes, and it will all be good stu` for the electors. The Conservatives were use liiglily pleased with Mr. Guth.rie s speech that they have `printed 175,~ 000 copies of it for distribution. And it is unde-rstood tlmt the Lib erals will go them better and give Premier King s reply even wider circulation. Between the two huoynors are 3! The debate on the \b>udg'et, which 3 ` has -been pnoceeding for our weeks, 1 ended on Tlh-ursday of last week in )la rumpus that has had few paral'leL< t in the House of Commons. The dis~ llc-ussion had spread over five weeks, {but actually "there were only form'- teen (lays taken up with -the bud;g`e1 speeches. rFirs.t, the farnlens got in three dlays talking grain. Then there was a long Easter vaaoaition od ten days. The length of the vdeuba.-to lwwas about as usual, and the speeuchee evenly -divided sbeltween the parties. ' F-onty-seven C-onservatives, iiortywve Liberals and seventeen Proogresszives ' aired their views on all ed questions. When the vote came the lGove1'ment secured a majority of 24 votes for the adoption Olf the res:o>l:u- 2 tion presente-d by Mr. Roabub. The : Pmgtressive amendment seaurecl only 19 votes, and the Canservvaitive ` amendment but 65. The Pnogresr ` sives woxuld nut vote oor the Con-.` lservativ-e amendcmenrt, and` the 'Con- ' sewative would` mort vrorte for the '5 Progressive annemdment, `but both panties voted against the Govern- ment resoluution. `T-here twere a few outstanding speeches. The mst was by Hon. H-uvgwh Guthrie, who ilollrorwed the Finance Minister and gave the key- snote for the rank and le of the loonserv-altives. It was the moat ef- `fective criticism of the ,b`l1I(llg'8t thaf has been heard in Parliament for ajl !1ea:st t`-teen years. 'I`h(-, ;GOVERNMENT S MAJORITY WAS 24 ON /BUDGET ,VOTE of \\'hil(.- v.1 zzml tuuk .~()lH_ p:xT1;. hiI- likin,u' the Rwpul) he- Imminirm. Hr H'- 1 2`-n1i<`2".- .~1tz1trm1(-;11 mllwl for is not Au-(. h<'.' and p1'occ-('l0('. Lhu G1)-\'(`l`niTH'nT.' \\ '.vl.~; cold feet. H0 dc` ,,. ..~LL!..,I, ;-,_, .- This is a day of speed. The `Do- nonto Telegram has just installed presses that print 200,000 forty- eighrt page upapers per hour Th-a:t .s giving the news while it is news. _._,.,. W . `:xn:ul:1 :11 ml .~0lN;3 u likinar the J I '2'-n1i<:"s stat at tlzxys L` vu... L\11 and tin: . ...... Y x .- uu Luut Lgut to the ru `I no. Northern Advance ort William`. lill for .~:m:. nothing .- .1`... ])iH"tj ct! th: '0. G. SMlTH& co. nun...--.... ..._.._.-___ , _ , .______ _---_.-. vuuu Motor Ambulance in Connection Opgn day and rlrrht Mrw;--xr- or Chapel In connection. Estsmliahed 1869 PL.-. no I-___:. IL- : 1 Ilhe Prince of Wales has been in- `vited to join the Socialists by A. J. Cook, the Communist le-.a.d`er 01 British mine-rs. It s a. great asset to have the condence` of all classes, an y W3-Y. I Phone 82. IJIVI I) 47 Elizabeth St. I'\o.,... I1..- 1?...:. LLOYP nanny-an-u-4-\.. . Reef grading in Canada will hr under ro:ul:i tions framed by the Dominion (lov- ernmont, R. S. Humor. chief uf ilv. cattle division or the Dnp.'n-im\nt ml Agriculture, annoimcml at the an- nual meeting of the Ontario 1':-rm Bro(\.(lm":< Assn<'i:iiion in 'l`:;i' the other day. 'l`he propns-`rl :<\'Lr fnm will he a voluntary mm :1`. will he (`0l1fiIl(3(1 in ll`.llni(?i[l:l!i1l" with facilities for` in.~'no(-liun nu.` grzniing ;ii. the Limo (ii lln "f;H` v` tor. The aim in view is ihn : izinz of tho mzirkoi. and the 1Jl'(:(-1} ing 01' better cattle. I`$etw(~n four and five thousand lmzs of Garnet wheat are helm: sliipperl from l"ort William to h tested by millers in Great Brituiv Reports of the reception ;.r;iv<-r those samples will be available iv fore this year's crop is ripe, gm ernment officials expect. If thrt: prove favourable the future of thiv early ripening variety should in :1s:ur:d. ` .... ....., ._.....,,,-..t, ........ ....,.,.. sistenoy in scal, iLmmi.g .mtt:Lon, ~Sen- ate reormn and other rponlicies. His mal jalb wa's't:hat they were playing a game of vhvokus-Ipolkus and` suffer- cimg fnosm pernicious anaeunia. All -`this is learned cfnocm mhe recotrd of 51.1 , .17," ,,_, ....., _.......,....._ ......., ........, .1... ....- mediately in tfrvont ocf In the galleries it was impossible to hear much of whaht was said be- cause of `the in`terru:p!t.i0ns on the one side and the a1p-prorving -volume of noise on the other. AJ`A, 1- 1 .. ... - |v.; V'L\.I\-A Dr. Mani-on went on ferociously mo _bera.te mhe G-osvernrment on a xscvore 0-1 oounrrs, chamging them with incon- |v4 uvmn, -un mu. uuuca , After a few remanl-cs ;fvozm T. L. Chrumh, rbhe vnorte was taken, with the result as given above` . ....... -. , Continuing, he questioned the genius of the G-overnment in nation- al leasdershiw , and asked if it was leadership -to bring; in an old age pension measure and then declare that it was a vicious pnin-eiple. It was at this point that the up rozur was ailmuit the worst, the `Prime Minislter denying that he had even said that as aipgplied to the old age penstioms contri`bu1;io.n. Dr. Manicu- quoted from Havnscard a 1-eyply by the Premier to an interjection of Mr Ladnre in an earlier deb-ate, shorwing clearly that he also regairdetl this principle of Federal eontribultion be the prorvincas as objectionable. I'I'|L.. `l`L............ ......'...4...l .L'_..A. I... -..... l PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS OF CANADA, LIMITED _j_j_ I Orders for (`anadian clwuso cabled from Great Britain. demon- strate its popularity overseas and the confidence placed in our grud- im: methods. according to Doctor J. A. Ruddick. Dominion 1);nir_\' Comnlissioner, who ::t:1tc-S that ihv British demand for Canadian ch(3(~:~'r is at the peak mu. tu.m-nun. -up V-...Jv..v..uu~uuu.. The Premier insisted tthat he Wm being; misrenpresented and sought to put 'himsehf right on a q~uesti.on -od prrivrilege, the Co howling Li... ,I.\...... .....l` `.1..- C...,...1.,. 1..-....'..... 1. . vuxkuby, mu. xxuu-n.. I am - -..u AAvwvv4AAu& him down and` the Speaker having tlifculaty in preserving` a. semblance of order. n In . . .- - . onup u:u\:iiua il sLil.ll(1ill`!] 0[ f1lll1')- ment and z1ccommo new-r hitherto reached and during \\'Ill('h more cabin ships than ever will .<:u`l to 5nd from Europe. The advent of reduced rates also hurnionizes with the policy of xnzmj world gov- ernments to abolish passport visa fees. Ocean tourist travel is qui(-1: ly getting back to pre-war comli tions but greatly eniuancmi by big- ger and better ships," says VVi1liu.m Baird, Stcamsliip Passenger l`rui tic Mztnztzer. Fanztdiztn Pucifiv Stezunsliips Limited. 9 The announcement by the At lantic str.`umshi1) lines of reduced rates on cabin ships coincides with the opening of an Atlantic travel season in which the cabin type of ship reaches :1 standard of equip- uccommodntinn nm~m- pronouncement of the Quebec `Leg-} isl`ature. IV . u .- . .. I The Canadian Pacific 11:15 in ex coss of 91,000 employees and its ,veur1_v pay-roll is approximately $125,000,000. '1`h.: Boy Scouts knowledge in W00dCl`lff. may be turne.1 to :1 new use in Nova Scotia where the pro- vincial government forestry depart- ment propose to enlist their ser- vices in the planting of 1.5U0,000 trees to reforest 1,000 acres or land. G39 .":`o:`1 \'.'(~!2s of the Ii:,\ .' I`.i'.':r and South Saskatchewan Valley to the south and west of Medicine Hat may provide helium gas. for the British Air Ministry. u\. n Anvil started '3 : ---_.-v-9-n.-uy -I-'U.`-AERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALM-ER l:I:___.L_.| L`. --- - l`.'~o Royal Yvrk, largest hotel .;:xd mllcst builr3 n:.; in the British -..2;'i:'e, will bv open shortly in 'l`om:no. It is u self-contained c_om..1unity ha\'in'=; its own bank. broke-1`; offices. stores, power sta- tion. printl11_-4 plant, recreation cen- tres. and so on. ,- mt-eandTac3c ` _________ 4__.. y FUNERAL DIRECTORS :a`beth_-ti ----- -H Phone 218 Ope3__Day nd7__Nig-ht nnrv Rnrrlg. 0`. `A THOUGHT TO PONDER , The big storm ( ---- wwreckedrhe dock 1` In his would it is not w.lmt xvulcastcr St., and take up, but What we give up that! from tho lake to-: makes us rich.--H. W. Beecher. I] nuizvr (`ml of the .- Brin_4' 1 practical ...- ., .... K IKAI I.\llIlJ\,A(|Llli\- (unu stronjx, 11eL11tI1_\' chicks. , . . 1 We have lxxcrc.-usexl our c21pac1 t.y_ this _\'0:11' and can ;_;'i\'e you lowe" rates. At Barrie's Oldest Hatchery . . 1 We hatch by electrlclt-_\' mu] our hatc.I101'_v is 1111dc1`g.z'1'ouml. \v}`.ich Jnoans an oven tc~1npemtu2'c and` ( 1.n..HL.~ L3 Three jured avs : over the ` be when u n [ ,,,__ ` 18 McDonald St. us we neat way W uuuamsnz them! The world : beet laxative is one th..t Mother Nature makes in her own Inbo- mto . It is the bark of a. tree, called OAS ARA. The Indians used to chew this be.)-k-e.nd reach old a e without a. sick day. It is the best in there is todn , for any system best `for the blood. X`he most beneoini in its action on the bowels, of anything yet dis- closed. For many reasons: First of all, there is no HABIT its violence. he alto that nah t o h the system not can pano- triite e lm of W matter tlllt has coated the colon. A lon list of d s will "loosen the bowe1a%ut what is 9 best way to CLEANBE them? : beat laxative in one th..t ;;:.,;: .:':~'.....r"' :: ;f[%|3:y`.W6tk;'-While CUSTOM I-IATCHINGN A Doctor {Q11}? About Cascara 12 -Owen St., Barrie. Phone 1440. H. A. Henry, Resident Manager. Toronto - St. Thomas - Windsor - London - Orillia Kitchener - Peterboro. 21:4` your oy":.< tv: us. Wu hzw. 0:11 l`.X[l(}l`i(`Il('1,` in incul-:1Li01`.. KELLY'S HATCHERY '3`.-asze Two THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA You can reverse charges now- As an added convenience you can now reverse charges on station-to-station calls where the rate is 23 cents or more. F. G. OKE 8; CO. Evening rates on station~to-station tele- phone calls now begin at 7.00 pm with about 25% off the day rate. Night rates on station-to-station calls now apply from 8.30 pm. to 4.30 an with about 50% off the day rate. ` Set your All:-;`m f0 70/PM MINING STOCK BROKERS (The minimum reduced evening rate is 35 cents and the minimum night rate 25 cents.) A1, A. SMITH Phone 1184.