M.J. Brennan u u \\H"n In n..v,r-n..~....- ,., .. uncv of :1 few :1ul-iitinnull \ i. :0 :1, child com':1lm from any of tlw :*.fo1'(*.~`:1ixl li.<*~:x.<-;<. in<:1. 11.5 the mm-o.~1.=it._\' of tlmw \'i. c:1m1~'t :\`l~ wz\_\'.< he umlor.<>'.o`ol by tho p:m`ntL<. aml yet t.ho_\' are of the most vital im1pm~tn.'1nrco if we we _u'oin_-4` In (`I '11- tvol rho r.'w:L_::`os of l1(`-art (s\'(*Zlr>`(`. If _\'o`u an-es :ummoz1dl1inpu- midwllc Life do not ail to have an .'umura1 exlanninoaxtllon, or bovtter still. a semi- unrnuwul inve:nrto1~y of y-crux` vim] as- setts sulppliccd to you by your fzmmily physician. 1 doyoualvnyug-lvengunceuou Bnyer on the box-and the word genuine printed in red? 1: isn't an I genuine Aspirin without it! A drug- " store always has Bayer, with the proven directions for its many uses tucked in every box: `{{7{m elm .L A. . are not far toi tuhrm are the \\'0rll .' , the n:vr.-rc.-nt dramati- li` of Ch~ni:-t; ;<.upcrb ,4 ._ . ]\'i11z.- .~" .`. l". f\{\ ...,.ll ;(lNG OF KINGS hildron. Uil](*.= n`.ishin_-. (`0l11Ii"` ---3COTT S \.\u ;.. ~ )`\`1t`11. nv Lhut. ..__ ,...- \I .. :11] the acute and all fm*m.~` tooth. and -- .-.1 u u.-. ... vicit rounds upor :1 child hnu -1 of con- ccti-` n with 1:1 with the f M`.`s .nl posi- impon't- PROFESSIONAL CARDS ` [ LEGAL CAMERON & CAMERON 1l. .AI{.lIS 1`l$RS, SOLICITORS, ETC. (\`.,.,.` D...`..i W" V J. W. Scott .VL\.IAVL4.l `R. S. Cameron. l DONALD F. MACLAREN, B.A. )B.\Rl{.lS'l'lli, SULICITOR, ETC. I Masonic Temple Bldg., Barrie .\TI\\'1.`\7 'l`r\ I /\ A xv EISTEN & ESTEN. BARRISTEi25 Snnilinrn in `-Ii0"h {-`.nnrf nf Ina <.:\1)lI\ ll'.JRS'l` A ; H.-XMMOND. Burri.~_'L<:x`s, b'olicito1`.a', etc. Ofce,. 151. our Ma.~.'onic Temple Build- ing. Money to loan at lowest rates. a"1`l12 WA RT & STEWA It riqhxrc .Qnlinh-use . \Ynr....:,... H. H. CRESWICKE Burl-iotor, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates -1 7_A.-___L suuuvvu Ofco and Renidenco, 50 Mary St./ 1 P110110 101 |Ofoe Hours: 8-9.30, 1-2.30. 6-8 30 ALEXANDER COWAN, SUCCES sor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of will, guardianship and administration, and General S -llcl' `v tor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Money to loan. Oices: Hind: Block, No. 8 Dunlop street. BOYS & BOYS, BARRISTERS. Solicitors, Notaries Public, Con- veyancers, etc. Money to logm at lowest rates of interest. Oicea 18 Owen Street, in the premises fomnerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Office, Elmvale, Ontario. W. A. Boys, K.C.. M.P., J. R. Boys. DR. C. A. ARNOTT (Mci) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 05:0 and Ruidenco, 97 Elizabeth 5!. (Fomnerly Dr. Arna.ll s Office) Phone 557. 97 Dunlop St. .. .... ......uu.u, ...uuuL\.zLJ.U1.\.D, Div: Oiccs-Ba1`rie and Orillia Barrie--5 Owen St. Phone 406. .\l0;\'EY TO LOAN D Q f`__.u._._ 0` DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of Mcfziil University I Montreal. ;O"lc and Reside.'1ce---C-oru:e= r Elma ` beth and Bradford Sts.. Ran-1+ | Phone 105. I I Oice Hours--9-10 a.m.. 1-3 pm.. ` 'I_R nm `\ l"l'1YILr|.`\.VD }`\lVJJ DUIEKJIIIULVD 1 Phone 213 47 Maple Ave. Office Hours : 1-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A. T. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Coroner County of Simcoe. ) DR. VICTOR A. HART, GRADUATJ` of Trinity Universlty and also 1 graduate of Idinbury;h and Glas- gow. Specialty, stomach disuaaen ` Office, corner Bu.\'c-l and Wor- i sley Sts. Entnfmcc otf Worsle) i Ufhvu op--n mm} 8 p.m. ;A;.uLV4;x41 (`A5141 L.)\.1\\1;J\J-\ Special attention to Obstetri-., Associate Coroner for County 03 }__ _. - ROIEFIRT H. SMITH. VYESYGHT SpP(`i:11i. .=ucce.=so1' to O. R. Rusk. 58 Dunlop Street. Barrie. Hours 9-`.2. LG. P'hnne 80. EDMUND HARDY, MUS BAC., F.T.C.M., Teacher of Piano, 01*- gran, Vocal and Musical Theory. 01g`zmist an-d Choimmsvter of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Ghurch. Gold Medalist of T::'u1to Cornseas vatory of Music and of `ne Uni- versity of '1' ororfo. -18 Worsley SURGERY AND 1`)lSEASl-35 Ur WOMEN \ssuciute"L}oron-r. Llouncy 01 Slmcoc Phone 01. Of rice--~58 Collier St. Office Hours - 8-9 a.m.. 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m [VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES \ ` , n____-L /l`EWART S'1`EWAl{ I`, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Publlc, and Conveyaucc1's. Money to loan in any sums at lowest current rates. Office, 13 Owen street. Harrie. D. M. Stewart. YOUR PRINTING THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1929 IDLIDLV oz noL'n.LV. bA1uub"1'1S1ta Solicitors in High Court of Jus tice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Ofce, lst oor Masonic Ilempie Building, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten and M. H. Eaten. DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DI....._.. 019 A`) I/l....l- A-- Successor to Creswicka & Bel! Banister, Solicitor, Etc. Money to Loan Office, Ross Block, Bu-no. DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SI.'~RGEO.\ :0, Ron GCRDON LONGMAN inter. Solicitor. Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Ron Block, Barrio, Ont. . V . . . _ . u A uruc uIug., DH MONEY T0 LOAN Dnrrlu um u-u.u NURSE S'l`F.`VE\ S ON ~nL....,. r:no DR. \ V. A. l.Ii\"/1:. v-1'r|11 . \v1'\ run\_\ \ k`l.' --Remember that orders left with your home town printer will serve to pay wages of workmen who in turn spam] this money with local business houses, thus serving to main- tain that round of business which is necesszlry in order that rural towns throughout Canada may ourish and -uuuynau MUSIC LESSONS uvunn av uvw of Interest. u Block. 11: unxuuu V. Barrie Branch ...n.< rvrn1`1Y1.1\'{`4 MEDILAL McCUAlG, B.A. ._ H_,.,,,,: I `>31: >41. LA - .._..u Phom 0 5 G8 Barrio. yuan L um prosper. Hidden conditions undermining your health revealed Cartage - Ice - Coal Wood OUR OFFICE IS EQUIPPED T0"D'0 you}: PRINTING, NO MATTER HOW LARGE THE JOB, OR I-IOW S1\[.<\LL. BE LOYAL TO YOUR HOME TOVVN AND P.=\TRONTZE YOUR T-TO.\[.I:} PRINTER. Phones 50-51 Dunlop St. ULVH 1 II]C`ICS `.`']LL COMT. .\RE \V`I"l`I-I TIIOSE OF ANY OUTSIDE FIRV. G. R.Hand A. BURNS Northern Advance Licensed Chiropractors and Drugless Therapists HI I'rAnl5'rII cvr nunnvlr A When in Need of Printing (N-0 INCONVENIENCJEE 'i`O PATIENT) ---TI-IE-- J. C. Scott PHONE 53 On March 301111, fty _\'ca1'.~:. :15.-n, Lhcrc were 77 mztles and 36 fen1u1(:'.s', c.onne(l in Turonlto jail. _l_-Ege Six seu(1in`_r_-; is just amund the corneal ` and the man who has no . yet govt his grain properly cleaned or a stupplry of gmass seed on lmxucb is baxkvintgl chances. ' f o T. E. BISSELL Disk Harrow Being` popudm' (Doesn't leave much time for mu.kin`g real friends. WAS IT FOR BOOTLEGGING ? D. C. HOWARD 24 Mulcaster S|:., Barrie. THE CELEBRATED T29 Dunlap SE For Sale By G. R. Scott WHOLESALE and RETAIL BUTCHER `UALITY & SER\'1'CE Our Motto Phone 86. V If You are in Love Avvoid Those Who Ridicule Marriage The _\roun;.._-' couple ci1'g'z1:.3'e and l;i~::i1111ing;` to phan the li'.t.lc home l.rl1'L`_\' moan tr : have Sll|0Lll(l cultivate huppil_\' n1zu'ri'_-ml fi'iun whcxm thc_\' will be \'c1'_\' unlikely `:0 meet 31' u.ll-ni_g`l1t parties 01- in `tile bol0Llc_;- 1:;-rs. Tnhcy shouhl l0u1`n to Z1V0.lLl t'h- sc who ridicule nmr1`ia_:0 and (le- li_2`ht in (le-.'s":1'oyin:.,_-' uomancc. An observing e'nq.;'a`g`cl couple will read- ily see why on-0 pair has mimic a success of their mam'i`ag'c and an- other u.ni-tn has ll-orppecl. Visit those who have ma1*ric~(l for Move and nd lmalpprincss in t1l;~ei1' hoxmei. Lecamn vhe secret of a successful marriage from the` wife who `bakes `pridle in making a cotmi'o11ta.'blc and cozy home for the man she msaarried, ~crnI= who Slp6I'll(llS mloney wisely amd tlalkels ._ -1 ..l,..-....n.n .v1 I-m-.. 1-uru1co'l-\.r\l:l Children Should Be Guarded with Vigilance , For some women, itlhose who have had great physical freedom and many individual insterests, pnobably the :11m`.(lest lesson to learn with the _4- .. 1._L.. :.. .AL.. ......~.\-.1`+.41i..n cant: LCI.lLLl.LU\.|- Adore the -baby as hhey may, en~ clmanrbed was they may `be `by every move .he makes, and :by every fea- ture and expressiw.-~n, still there will be mxotmenfas when, appalletl, they realize uat this is `a life jolb `tihely have taken on, a Job that camuot be laid down and picked u4p at will, and they will realize that eternal vigihance mus: hereafter `become a part of rhheir lives. No more -will excuses as I fomgjot or I was -tired be Off amy use. n-u . ,__._:I..._._.. ......1.:-.. AA vwnuu vv-u-v qy\.u4u.; ...~.u.; .a real pleasure m duties. I `UIIU `llKIaL'l|L$L AL/|s\I`l| UV A\.-ulu ll vv nun: anus. care of a baby is 1`.he umremdati-mg care required. A.1....- LL.` .L...1n nn 4'l-uxu vwnn nan. 'LllwC\l UC VLI. 6MlLl'Y ub.7\.o The vigilance applies to many aspects of the care of `babies and childrenn, and scrmetimes zhingis occur which force even the most watchtful mother to lc-ave her chil- dren in the care of others. Some- times she is C3Jll(:`.(l fvcrm them when they are at their play, and must leave them alone for perhalps an ilhour or more, during: which time terrible things can happen `.0 little glones left to play together, and in lthis con:necti`on one cannloi too stvcmgly mvge the necessity of train- ing the snmllest child :0 report to their parents or the nearest person any accidven`; that might haprpen to amomlier child when at play. This action has saved manly lived. 77, , __._-_ .Iu.. ___.. ....... .1 ...k.n.. i LCh.| Ull IIGJJ ESGVULC ll.(24l|'J J.lV\.\.lu How mamy oases (Do we read who-ui where mothers leaves their uhildren playing in the baukyarrl while `they do their work, and looking for them rnd they have w1a.ndered out -of sight, of aaccidenms that have happen- ed and he playm-ates are a-fraid to tell the myth, feamul of the conse- queawes. 1\H~+1n.m-n:- urknn vnn huvn n Iaavn L1 LLCJ [NED- Mothens, when you have to leave your ahi1 do ycru know, or (L0 you just hope, that the person `.`hey are left with is 1'0sponsil)le? lc-mm buck ul't(-I` ; nmn~lnh.< . uncr rum! llml hm` all uh-rt :1ml \V21llll1lf_' ito .<<.-u him `I ] Slw was ri::l1t, U0, nml `lur )'()LlIl!j: lmvn who cling` to Llmt ol :l1i0m-ll 'itl(-:1 Llmt t.l1<:,v can park zlwlr low in tl1:- 'l(l `awn . :1ml.comv lhzu-l< m'n:t:l1.4 1Ll'lm~\\':nwtlu,4 uml claim ltlwuni \\'llll10lUL (]uL`.`~`l.l0-I1 01- 1l`_u'llJ!1N`11`t, lltzul lw`.`mx' \v'.'\k(,- up and zulupt ltuctics morv in l with :1 mm!- llvrn 5.-'i1'l .< (l0m1`lI1'(lS. I`. will mot help their c:u1.=4: to .~1\vo21r tlmt `hey lmvo l)(-M1 l"_\=al and true, nor to protest I A. E. SMITH r - i 1 l::irl tzictics (-rn i1'ZlV`(' to protest how much `hoy liovv tihum in .~`pi`ti<.- `0f thv impse Oif :W.(-ntion, for it is wtoio much 01' an in;~un1t `0 :1 ;:'irl .~' pl`hi(' to he pi;;'(,~0n-i10](i(l like some u.i1iin.prrt1:mL l<'rtt.m' UNI` will be an- .s~wo1'0 some da._v. 'l`he love plum is like any 0tho.i tc-mh.-1' spnou'; itu ;:1vowt.h m.w.'~1t be onicou1\m;:cl by tho nmny zi.t.ten.:ions commcnn to givowing thinv;1's. 113..- ___.1 LL.... A young man re-turninv: from 2 l].~n,2=t'h_\' lnusinoss trip .<:to~pp(:rl off at `the home of his .srwcct.h to .<])vnd :1 c0LLplt- Oxf houlws with 1101' he- twr;(-11tmi11.'~:, and inmtozul of that hzLpp_v a.te1-noon he had (.-xp<:c'.r.- jam! lwookml f'o1'\-.'m't| to, what hv 3." I5 ,\vu..< 1'M:rin1i1n21 tions zmtl bitty-r (li.~zu.p-: Silence May Ibe Golden, But it Doesll Iu_. |uI_l__ - r`:..I E`..__.l.. Wu -..-:u- \-lI|.I ;.....u....-\. w. :1 plr:z1. he tho cculrl km-p 21n_vo.nc in love with 11` lL~t;tm'.~a '0 cheer .~'m2xH zLt.t(~miom< by mail. or t.{:10}!h2l:})h-hI();\\' (lid he . ..I. . PL uunuhn. Hero and there we may nvl nr occasional female soul content t` live on f-cmnl hopes` and dreams, but `since the msajonity of womanhooc [are l)edng put th~no.ulg`h the sxchlo-ool on! reality in their everydlay tussle with living, day rh`c4am1'm has gone cu1 uu nun, vun. u uuuu .., ...... .,_ Not Make a Girl Fender girl z1.~:k(-I hi. m-~' that c.L1rt.z1f Women .3 Sectton The Northern Advance We are Barrie headquarters for these nationally known Radios, that for volume, tone and perfect reception have no equal. We take your used Radio or Furniture as part payment. Luilml Aox.u_y ouuu uvvlhwna her household t.h`O`l1_Qv (Edited by J.A.W.) no poinrted ho expect ()`ll_'.:`hL hr s with him her, no L011-ph'0l1(_' 1 uxpc,-c . tel L J ,_:I. ...... iof faas.hi0 Trhl.` girls 0 wanit evidence, they W. tc-.Iup`]'uunc calls, and Lhe.y 1*c1nuxnbo1't.- with little l devoticm. Girls, There is Danger in That Next Glass" ` One 01' tlhl.` 101$[, \\'i(ii(.`l_\" kn nvn of; \v.ritc1'.< in an urrticrle l`L\c(:I1`t`1)' .=-aid she haul come to the conclusion tihwz.` ` there was :10 use in her w1'iLir1;L' an}. more prcrtcsrtls z1i,:_:`ai11st in`0xication',` it seemed to have become too _L`L'l1-I evil :1 haibit to connibaz. In iheri story she c0vIAd' of a man of high social posiion being` at, :1 cotminvg=i out pmrty and` of seeimg` one ~c`2 his: frien.'(l s (I1awg'-h'.~or3, a Lovely girl of nineteen, =becoume so tipsy that the kinld-east t.h.in:g' the cowld do was to take her home in :1 Naxi, and on $111 : way she nwde viaienrt love to him, wanted to kiss him 8J1:`(l so On; he,` her fa:t;her s fniend, whom on 01'din-- ary ioecas'io~ns she treafcod wi`h in I (1wi'erc-ncc ! 1' ..... .. 1 nu. - .- u Ami it is bu; lgct all those. This is the (l!ln1g'Cr of inmoxiowtiroin 1 It lets loose passionls and removes: the i11`hibi`i~ons of caution and self- respcot. The girl was not in the least in love wriuth the man, who wa.` elderly and fatherly. It was mere]: hhlat `he was a male and the gin or wlhixsk-ey had excited her too: exuibenamlt desires, which, when saber, she had` sufficient will to keep in botun~d's, so she msaxle a (lis1g1ust- img exhiiibirtzim.-n of herself. He said [how very terrible for her it would halve been if one of the boys hsac been in his place, and who would have been urnlikeuly to resist her blianidishmenms. He has two dra.mg'h- tens, hem -and twelve, and he says he has had so many shocks such as this that he feelrs he shcruld take his grirls away ow: of reach. ` 1... ,........1...1:..... 1. n...+:..In (`Ian -_..,?.I l SJLID c|rVVKal`_V Ullv U.L Jbllvhlla In con.cl-11-(lint; lmn` anticle she said To all girls who read this I would szny, just tihiruk 21 minute before you` bake the next. glass. 1: is the nex` glvasxs that makes you drunk. I wili not go on saying` it is Vul_2'a1' am? wtncrly u4nlad_\']ike. as well dis-1 g1u. because vou alremly knaow. ltluat, and would answer `who ca1`ee! I will on1 $; say that you ce1vtrainl_\' get more fun when your wis are there than when nmudlin aectiolr. or sleep o.ve1*c:o(me.s you. I a.-ppeal tt Iynour sel.f-interest; what is all. F reed-Eisemann Electric Radio Decayed Teeth Often Cause Heart | Atta-Ju In omder to ivntullig`-enttly under- stand dhis., we must familiarize our- selves with hhe ca.-uses cf hear` tnotuble. Msamy iuvc-svt:i.g\at.iuns have been made in recenct: years, result-. img in practically 1h:e sarme ndimgs in` all cawmtries, and these are that infection, either direct or indirect, is pre-e:minc11I`;1ry the most impcvtlanft cause of heart disease, and that the` infective agenlt resqmnsible for, rheumzntism hezuls the list. } v n - 1 ,,L ,..__...: _... Ll|I.`\L|II'/uvnralll 1|\.~s~\la mu. nu... , r In fact. \v11orc 1`h:,-umzuism is ; much more p1'ovz11c.nft than here ` p1*21c`ticaL_.' 50 per c-nt. 01f the hearvt: oav. :u'<: 0111:.` we xL`ni'/.(-(I after aw 01' in Inidvdlu lifc. and? v u . u ., ,1 `L Luu ux, ..:.u.n.u uu mu u---nun... ..-..`. .... f'11`.<:t of kin, that is, t.on.~iIi Li.< zmdf chworowa or St. \ iLu;< (luncv. and the; l:v`.'tc1` is 1'zvt7ho1' Uho n-sult ("1' :1` r1mum2Lt.ic inft.-ciion of the n(-r\'o`L1. . than the c21.u. of h('11\1`L dis- Inuxsv, hut wh:\.. c~:u1. the c.h.m`o:x is 1V'1'1'_\' likely 1.0 c2u1. lwaxut tIi;<::1. `}l()r\\'n.m1~. Iu~:u'! 1u.<'i`0n.<, F1` ('omliLiom< of thc 1w'.11:t, are :11.<`0` trz1cn:1|;](,- `.0 thv rthvr communiczxvhlv u v 1 ,1,` u..\u.\.~, n|n\1u\ !'~\'-1' and lvipl1t.h:-.r1:1, t`m- h("<:L1't bucoanm t.yplmi:| fo\'m' uml |)1"2lL".iCilH`.:\` all fun pois: 1| ....- -:_\ u-u..uu._., .u:\ `u... \'\l-L u .. .~`il.< zuw in :1 ht-.'xlt'11_\' c.0nxli`.i(m :1-ml` tfnut our tn,-vth are ulswo in :1. . anal ht,-uM.h_\` condition, ft-1' one 0.! the mos`. fr(`quon`t .~:0u1'c(-s M` hv-:xm uIi.~'wu.<(- is (HSf`:1L<('(] tm1;~`iIu<, and also ah. from the ulilm-n2L21r_\' c:m:ul :ussociz1.t(*:l with c0n.~'p:1I`.i0n. Then comes aibsorptio-n I`:-om ub- scrrswes at the Not of the `.ee11. `"l\ ....._ ..__1.. l....... L.` .1 .- 61... x nv.\.~.vw..a u.L mu. n~uu u; mu. .\~.uu. We can only lmpe to (lee)-(52150 tho` 1.umln-r of (It-urtllls in llllllllld,` lift from ll(":tl`t li-.<(~:1. by :li.<(-<)~wri11g' the lmnmt l('.`Sl()ll.s' in (`.l1llxll10Hl. A child may huwe zx .~'c\'(,-.11` zrtltuck 0` r`l10.unmxti.~zn1, and in t:hi.~x rronnvctiolt we wowultl` like Do enml1.'u~:i7.(3 txlm f:1c1 -tlmt rlmumzntimn is f l`('(]L1(.`InH_\' own- lwokml in 11 cl1Iil It is o.ft<.-n 1`(_--1: fern:-I to as pmowim.-' pzLi.n~s, and tlll: is an axlJ(IlitionaJl rcuuson for 1)'lC(llC8.l supezrvisioln orf the pro-scol1wo~ml chillll !`L.Il.l|.....-. ....unl-n 1.....- L1... .,..,.......,...4.. \J'A. ..... Chtildlrcn rarely have the pro- nuotumcocl joiunrt sryvrnphamxt thart the zmlrult has anxl oonscquenrtly require all the greater care and precaruuticn so far as :he parenxts, guavrtlri-a'ms un. \'I|n v-. .\1u(-11' on n v,~.. :-11 can lw dune to protect. our_ by 1na.kin~._: .~`11r(- thm our 1`"n-' \ u `.1 u-.- v A.-Lcuucu \.anuuynau.u.ua an-u IJI uncua 1-scum`.--ago 60 ELIZABETH ST. PHONE 405j. WE ARE DOING A NEW TPYE OF DIAGNOSIS BY RADIO PROCESS-WONDERFUL IN ITS RESULTS 4 I comm! mouw p2u'ticL1l.'11'l_\' fair that, 1 v .\. 5.... n 1 1=l1ou1nut.i. 1, uml lam)` 01:` >.~' in\'o1\'ml in` pneumonizl and `ms ("F l.)L()ml of this day mrt letters, i .-. u auml \, un. `\J niczxvhlv .~`c2u'l(.-1 v. The czu1,.-'u.< of the ]m.gmI::1'I;_.' 01'! `Th(: KiI'1,;" 0-I Kills,-'>" `LU'x ] .\`(f(,"]\'. Am-ngu` arr . `gm-vutcs`. 1~It0l`)', :lmmuti- zu`ti`0 of the life -'acmim.: of cjg]1:tuc11 . 500 wc:11- `known plzlyers: and 5,000 cxlra Ipeonple; the 1'c~.~.rt`orinLg; cf 21 hj.5'tOl'iC'lL] 1 period in buildings, scene-5, 1)l`0-[)L'l'- {ties am] c0zsIt1mne':: cxceetlinnrg in ela- s = bo2`a.teness even Be>n-Hum; and fiabove all a vision fzhaz tnuly realizes r `the infinite te.nde1'.ness, humanity and 3:uIp1i-frt of the New Testament s` -I 1---: a.1......... ...,.,..... ....._ 1,. WIDELY IDISCUSSED IS THE KING Cecil B. De MilIe's Masterpiece Endorsed by Critics. One of the _L")`L'.1l1(.n:)L events of Lha- pioturc ;~"c`ZlS`0n In-re wiil be the |p1'un1i:2' . 11` (fr-~ciI 1%. D 1Mi]]c .< I\'in:: :1` l\in'_'.~'." 'l'hi.< pic- _ l H-um h:1.< I_';"J()_\'I'(i it .~m1.~`:1'.mnu.I suc- `,._ .. \' \'. .1. 1'1: ,, 1. Cut this advt. out and send it in, naming disease you would like information on and some will be sent free. P.hil`:1 ihas bc-on n 1 p1'c.~v 1 Jul. ,. . 'Bi1'.h of :1 uJElA'L'w .; L,||\4 A.V\..IV .-._mu.uu...u n,".vA_va Local theatre goers we looking forward with gre-a; interest `to H. B. `Wann:er s embo(1`i'menIt of the title -rcle. Among the other characzers po1*t1'aye are St. Peter plrayecl by Ernes`. Torrence; the M`ag(lrale`nt, Jacqueline Logan; Many Mother, `Domtlw Crurmmin-g; the Roman Cem- t111'rion, NI'C11'ta:12511 Love; Simon of Cyrene, William Bowl; Mary and Mlartlna of Bethany , Joseiphlnve Nor- man aml Julia Ian_V*~e. Oher ne characterizations are tzlwlse of the two Sc-h-i`l as Caiaphas and Jruds, Vicvtor Va.rco1*..i as Pi.la'e, Sam De Grasse as the Pharisee, and Theodlore Koslo as the servam Otf the High Priest. I NOW FIVE CENTS GALLON The Onrbaxrio Legislarhure endorsed Hon. Geo. S. I-I`en4ry s bill to in- cne-aase the gasoline tax from bhree to ve cemls per gallon. Under the terms of the bill ti~ increase is now `TAX ON GASOLINE `IS iin effect. "and fwnmily ph_'.=ic-i:1n<.= are concern- `e-(l. Take no chz1nvcc.< \\'i.h \\.1-at may 'po. be 1"nLmm:11i. in :2 ch-ihl. Not. on uccomnst of thc i1mm :e`ecL.<. but '1' the di.<:u.-'roL1s )`*>`ll1t`.% 'lat.o1- on by the invasion of the ` hozu't. n... v -151,1 #1` ,.,\.. {ht-sw hope to :_-'(-t. `..._l s,... of .unw. and ` `by 21('(.`1])UH_L H10 1'.o::n't us Uhv only \\'hirh to dutvrlnixt su'|ci-nt.l,\' cm1n\<:1l * 7 `I MOST pooplo know this aboolua antidote for ptin. bu! IN 70 -1'4"! onyBayervhenyoubuyitP And do you always give I glance to RI Rnvar nn fhe h0x-X Ch WOT` .XUl. I'nf0rh1n.:1tnl_\' Hw 1`:m1il,\'}w is ofon placed in an :m'k\v:1 tir'n when he mmm: the .1 `-7 ..,$ Every day 10,00U women buy a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkha.m s Vege- table Compound. They know that there is no better remedy for their troublesome ailments with their accompanying nervousness, back- ache, headache, bluo" spells, and rundown condition.