Phone 1 84. vu uuunuwy new man. guuwvv-AA new, from Mwlucasrbe `.0 B.11a;d:f~omd St. nL_, -_,,,I- 4-, Accorddnug to the 1928 re.po1*t `of the Womkmen s Comrpesnsation Board, the number of indnushal ac-cidIen`Js are sms(l1y inacr-easing. Last year: there were 79,398 acci- lenrts, as ccmpaured with 60,012 in 1925. Benets awa.rded in 1928 co1t!a.1e:d $7,067,946 93, an increase out` nearly $1,000,000 over the prev- ious year. It would seem that bot}. empl-oyers and en1.7_J1Io;vees wi-ll have t: pull fontnh g'ue:aster care in avoid- ing: accidernms, or the payment of compcnsa't1'o.n is _gvoim: to be a `heavy drain on imlustry. Lt.-Col. Ralph Webb, firmer )'Iayo1' of VVi1111)3.pc-g, a(1da`e:\=in:g' 1'-h. an`m1.a1 n10ee'tin,g` of the .\'Ia.nit0`ba Provinci:a.'1 Command of the Can-` adian Lc~1:i n, 1naH.~c- an a.ppc-,a] to :11} --A - ~------ ----~-- `A ~L-~-4 n us:-uvru-nnyui uuuzu L4\.`A llv lllpmnlx, .... ....,.1.\.`.... .- .... ex-service men to st.a1't a movemenlt that will staimp communism out Off Caynsadia. Col. Webb looks with a*lz1rm at the stc-adv 2'r0wt.l1 of com- munsiszm in Manito`l)a and tlm-ougvlmcut the 'I`.lxere is no doubt but this evil is sp1'c-ailing, workin__* . pe.rhaip.s in our midst, and cur Dominion Go\'r_-rnm should take some action that will teach communists in this counfnyv that the fi'ee and 1ibr_~1*t.,\` they am: jxivcn does not permit the sp1'<.~a of rem-cl1u.tiona-ry ideals. P.1'emie1` Fe11g'u.~:on, as .\lini.".-er of that Exlucamion for Ontario. n'Zl._\'.s` there is need of a. dnastic Cl1El.1l:_L','0 in our edlucazi-Cnarl .'~'_v-stein, aml 111053 pcciple will a:p:ree with this. Condi- Ul-011:3 have ch-ansgell vastly in the 12351 fieen years. Time was when nod more thnan five per cent. of these Wll10 went, through the public school entemed the high so-houoxl. T~c-(lay nine'.ly~ve per cent. go from the public school to the high school. 11 indicates the enormous task trus- tees are facing in provhlrinrg second ary e hhese (lays. Boys and girls are sent to high school to study lane'u22ip;es, ancient history, etc.` whethelr `.'he'_v are capable of pnot- mg: by it or nr.`t. There are many who are neither vlull nor :<`t`upi(l, but who lack the power to profit from bcol tr21.inin,L`. They are,-`te minded anwl can he enlucntexl only by l.'0in.j_-`. Our pm-.-<-nit school .<,\`.~tr:.n1 (lo<~.< thc-m an ixijustliee. It co-mpels tl`lf'll` zutto:-mlance at school, but th in :1 . curriculum suited `J0 their nos-tl.~'. Wlmt we nm-rl to-l:1_\` is :1 (-ur2'i(-uium. m:1ulr- Lu. l21l'_L`('.l_\ of prr~-vocz-.tion;Ll anal vacu- tional lmnzl work. unrl rt`:n-1' .~ul) ` iol0.' on April 1st and the books` ltszikeii over by Lib: Barrie oflice. Hon l VV. D. Euler, .VIini.~1tc.-1` 0!` llll2lll(l Revenue, has (l(.-ci I` close all (outpost; of vhe 0u`st0n1.~: service (`where there is no revenue to the (lepantment. Me-afoul was closed a zfew wec~.k.~: ago, aL9o Bua*lu'ng't;om.l Poslmzaster Jos. Whiteside of Allisrl/Lnl has been noticntl that his aippoinrt memt as cusbmns coillectour had been glazetie-(l, but, he (leclines no act as such. PRICES TAKE DROP AT LOCAL EASTER MARKET Several of the pnotlrwcts of thc farm sul fere a sl'ash'i.n.;: dmop in 'price at the miarkett on Scwtxumluuyl nionnvin-kg`, especially in (, zLml pi- l`u2L`n0e..'~:, eg`e`.: Fll'enini:_-' at 24c to 28c i while .<(.-veival lo:1 of poita `tat-.< were lookinxp: for l)u_Velr.< at 50c. ito 60 per l)a,:. L xvns l:11':<- su,pr' pliz-.4 all m'( 1` the (:O1l.l1.`.l'_\' Ilit `n1 v:.':\-`.4 tuvm|>lin_-_-', ovt.-r-pro urn`. large impm'L-, use W('.ll zL.< the fuel U141`-` it is W t-:u`ly fen` the .~1t;o1*:L_:c l)1L\' to bl-gin tlheir 01)<:n1ti0m'. I uultx~_\' pric(~s rc-mziinerl \'->1'\' mm`- .l.. 4.1., u\ruu_- .. .. ......-...`.... la-2'.rc-.1_\' of jects such as 1*(:ading', \vritin:.".. mut.hemu`.ic-s, hi;~: t.o1-y, c-tvc., should. ari.~'(,- ourt off the h`un(1rwo1'k p1'oblc.m.< A pupil int(*2`!L in :1 p1~z1c`..ic:1J pr blem of (`1(,'Ct1 iCii'_V' will be r-:L;2'c~r {to read from :1 hrmk on his par ticruhzw p1\("`.mn or 21 how xvhv.) is mak- ... nl` {'nwn|.hn-x. .~r..;-,,., uu IL"U.\l uu... .. ,.... 1,... ` or :1 mak-, inn -' :1 piece of t'u.vnitLm- 1`('qLli)`(-5 mo t1r;:in.g; to um-u. his il1.t(:I`1L'.SL in TCu.`.(:iIIj barks on we-ods . <`uivt`asb\e for furniiuro. "It is `Jw ~'z1mc all along hc Lino. Human l)(ix1g`s are so con- stit1u.t<~ that '.`ht-y exert a nmximum; of effort. whrn pur.~'uinv;: an im- media.t: end closely rc.-I`a.terl `.10 their; ' A ---4, n. . ,..x_...n+:n.mI mcunm, (,-nu clum,-1_\ 1\:l`u.uL'u .u ...\..| (wn interests. Our c system should recognize this law. -unlwv urv Auvuv yup.-..uu wv aowur for the instahlmztion of gas pumps Dundop St. and Ewbelh S1:., ........ `Il...1-- _.L._. 1 . `Fl..- .1 11...: ru H Durinug the pas`. week Canada lost? two of her moust (lisI.in4g'uishe(l sons, IvSi.1' Hu_L:'h John Macdrimxld and Sir 1Lomcr Go-u.i'n. Both, thoug__>;11 differ-l mg in mzmny resJpecs, played an im- po1~ta.m`.-' role in Canadian histyory, and will be remembered as true cf Canxada. n 1-7 1 -r,.~. 1r 1, 1: Page Two jcr_-..n-_._. .,......\..e,., -l m......\..,. Sir Hugh J orhn M-acdonalcl was the son of Canada s g're4atc~st Sta`-esmen, and imhemited many of his f2Lthc.r .< cl1mwac.terist,ics, but he had a way all his own `lllalt won for him the good- will and affeatiion of all classes. Some fty yc-.a1`s cf his eventful life was spent in the West, and it was in Winnirpelg where he was more in- rtimateey kmiown the?` his true woatth was 3lpvpI5Ci`3`t(l. As Wirm~iipeg s Police Magisbnarte he zermperecl justice with mercy, and while he admin- isered` the law with finmlness, he was ever kimllly amd a friend to tlhe err- 13ng'- Sir Hugh. Jnochn rnivgfhrt harve gowns far in` the political arena had he dielslrled, butt: he did` not wish it All 11 IlIAIIJl"lC{`;4 Wl|`l31U IR.` WW3 ll|'U.1`L' ill` "im3:`C& the. Wirmiipeig"s and while friend` mivgflvt polirtica 80. i - ' Sir Lomer Gouin. was one Otf Can- ad:a s oremosat. oihizems. IForr iiteem years he was Premier Olf Quebec and oon'tu-ilbwtad` gIrea.t1 y to the industrial or: his native pmvinee. When the King` Gorvenmerifr was fomiec hie: enrbered he Cabinet `axs Minrisbar osf Juustice, bun: though he was axhways 3J Lilbi-e*`~f1, Sir Lormer was Ia Pnotbeldtivonist and did n-o alrwaxys agree with his eollexaigvuee, and atecr two years revs'Lgmxed~. Only a few monfdhs ago he was madle Lieuitenanra Governor of Quebec, and had `he been sspvamesd wworuld undmubtedfly have lb1`0l.I!g`hIt divgiuihy tho the office. w ll\.'|o\Al\. u -.. uwnunniv u ..... N If we were go speculate as to why people diezsire publicity we migzhrt saw it is selshness wi lh some and vam- imy with oethems, but we are sure that in the muajIo.ri`.'y of cases` where a man or women is a real peromne-.1 in the moinhli it is desired more be- cause of the evidence Olf apprecia- tion on the paws` -Off the recipient han for any ortiher reason, and we have often moaticed` that even with A\4\|b\- .v \lA `those who mncst sha-imik fnorm pu licity there is a cerrtaiin pride in |hanve$s!`.' puibdiciitzy that `brings heun m Brut so far as the miodt est main or woman is ooncesrmiedv, -the desire seems to be tihiai. a pmopex spread orf ideas are more to be die`- sireadv thsam petrso-ml aggmarndizeanem. We have been told by a mam who makes id: 2. bussin-eiss o give -pulbaliciiiy mo people that sqovrne orf the wealthiest and rmorsttl fsamorus people, in. many cases those who do molt need pinb- Icicirhy, are the gireatezat seekers or it T0 7316 Omd'iY1n2'3.ry man this is di'1ou.1't vi-A \1:mrIIn=r|1uhnn- 'T'1-us ant wpmmainas. [TARIFF TINKERING HITS mu-: ;wOoL1.EN INDUSTRY ` --ur 1.xvruc\. vz. \J-uuu.-uvuu, .x. `wardxs, M.P. for said that a year ago he warned the Fll1iLI'llC|0 Minisitem `Jhalt any tinlkerimg with the tari would be inju-riious `to the woxcllen and wo1`.ste.(l inclustries in S-ouf.`h Wactenltoso. In spite Olf this the (llu'tJy of 121/. per cent. was re moved, with the resiuillt that sevemal in-clusnzlries in that part of the corun try have closed up and the work- ers, most of tahem heads of families are 011,1; of emlplicyment. Prior to the retmorval oat` `.'he tamiff on yxamns in the 1928 budget, one mill impoivtexl aimuiallry fiwoim 1.200 to 1,500 bales of Wool fnom Austmalia. Each bale corutnained 300 pounds of wool. To spin than! wolol imto yarn in this co-unrtry provi(le(l wvovk Can,a(lian~ .=pinn4e.1's. Now that mill does not impoirt anry wool. It im- prts Llhc nisahml Va-rn from abnoad, and con.=equei1rt:l'y The spin.n`e1`s hem are out 01' a job, and not only chia.t, but large (jLlJa.l1`1 ltleS ocf Cana.(lia.n `\\'0Tl thvaat used to be mixed with the imported wool was not used, so that the Caruzulian wool p1`0(lu11ce'i`s also `suffeiwerl. 'I`o- theme is t,`ho-u. `of (lnollars VVl7l"tll of spinnin._2' mn- chint-.r_\' smn(li1i:g idle lmcauso of the '.lai'ifl' tinwke1'inr:. AVA: ..--u I So-ufch Wa cer1~o10_ for nmn1.- ` Spaakiwg on the brudigez Llebate in nu Hoau-so of Commons, A. M. Ed- ,-._,I.,_ IA` 1`: .0-.. (V.....J.4L VII...`-,...1...n - -4",... vv ..D..- .... -.q.....u..un L Puultmy \'m'_\' ,[lw_v Uhc-. .u:1mm, the (`.L~.mzLn:I equznllinvg l;thr,.~ ;~:uppl_\', b1*oi1:-r.`~x 2(3c-28c and \I'0'11.\'.|l`l'S 30c to 33 lb. 1' -Li `tI(- frvsh Int-at wzns in c-`vidt-nc<.-. H Vugr_-Ma.1)](-s worn fzvi1*]_v abnlnmunt ;Lur11If])s at 5c M 10c; czubhz1`g'e 10c, _, p21r:~'71i1)s, ca1'1wo`J.~., e tc., 25c to 40 5 bzwket. The Cu.<.uim.~.' oice at A11i:s t0n xvasi ohm- o booksl no bhci 21' W}1ite.'sidc I IALLISTON CUSTOMS OFFICE WORK TRANSFERRED HERE! suffered `price `aa.t00.:~:, ;:otu Lt 1--I. . I ..L :n, .,...--.\.,.. _.\ppl-_< wL~1'c .5-h`o1't in quzxmrity. !th;oug'h mood in qu=m ta"t_v, 30c 1'1 60c ` bask 013. .1 1,1, ._.....a.:L-. PK! .___,,1, ...-run nun. uuaauyx: auru 1.luL1`I:IliIAa'Uu` H1 `him: U'ni`.vesd< Srtaatzes. T`hxa.t 1s why so many Ganalclians go acmss the line tor a ." b- 7' 3.2.: .:a..; IJlh`"\'( s`a A c0n`sidm*ab10 quamtity cf Immlo :.<;\'.ru-p \v2n;~' ob. at SOC per qtumt. i Humor remained unc.ha.n_e,ml, 45c I l tzo 47c pouml, Gr\'III\\-J\I 1.....I.. -4` ...nmI ..m1.l 1|`! $5. `X l\. }Iv\uuI`u. Seveml loads of wood sold at r Prorbabdy one of the most power- ful influences of modern vimes is that of pu`b1icit._\'. It was the rn:st powerful wuznpon d`u1'i11;.1_' the recent g`1'-ea; war, tlwugh they then c-av1`ledi't p1"o`1)szLgwa:n(lu, but the two terms mean about the same", and they come 1 1'..m about `Jhe same sorurce. 1 ,,,, ._ I 9 i r`: . u L1. .1. .. __; 1.1.. cbuuuwa .... ocwnng ...........-. Great bu_<:in` houses throvu:gjh~ovut the womltl have their own publiclityl (l`e'p2u~tnn~en`!s, big cities have them I I I aml of colurtse hunmn beixntgs have their own privat-e pwblicity issues, and we all gert a thrill frcrm it wheither we racknxow~1ed`ge it or non. 1'1: ,,_. __- ._- ..._ ....._..l...L. .. J... ....'L-. nucru wuuvn: ypuuv;...n w5,bu.-.~.uu.......uv..u tio need to 1m(I'e11st1and'. The fact remains, Ihorwever, that were it rnott for `Jhe hrutman smomies of men and women, the th'.1`i1l1'n'.g`, fascirnatting expevrrienzce that people and businesses .530 thmough, and which are told in the public p1~e'ss, , ahe newspapers would ' `have litble salve. l wny 1-1 . 1 _ L-,,; ,.n,.,,, Steel )`021CllC`(l Churchill Friday `was tlllc mc-same received in Winnd- ' !})(.-5;` over the tlolofxnaqyh line. T`l1is`_ 1 links M,z1nilb0ba s seaport, F01`-t `, lCh1urc.hill, temxinus of the Hru\(lL<"nl 'Bay Railwary, to the ou.`ts1' world! The tmack lawinzg crerws have batitlml A a;p:a.inr~"; atlverse weather c.oml;itions (luring-; the long: winrter months, bui rcaahlcd the c-.n`(I- In Fridiay last. V I `HON. H. .G. CARROLL WILL I i SUCCEED LOMER coum! ` The smlden death of Hon. Lomcr :G0uin, Lieu:c`nant-G;overno1' of Que bcc, a,s he was about to p'1'o1'f`;."u(; `ch second sc-s=in of the sevonuteenlth` Le.g'is]zut.u1`e of Quebec, necyessiiatmi the immedizntc zlppoinfumendz of a .suvc- l l,.,. u :,. 1........,.,1 I... tr-.. 1.1 . uuu nun.-..uau~\, up-yu.........\,..... v.. .4. U..- l (:(:.~:.< 1`. It is 1L-zlrnod th1n.. Hon. H.` G. Carroll, vice~chai1'man of tho` Qut-'b<-c Liquor Commission, ex-.` jU(|_L`(.' of the Court of the I{in.g .= (>nch, and a. f)'1nc~1- Dominion Omb- [imrt .VIinir~:".c1', has 1`CCC!'iVC(I the mp- : pointmont. Orvwl Shaw, th: m,\';~:`t(-1~_v man, car`. c-:15.-'1in.`.y tua`s._- L110 pulicc, but lwck seonuvs to be wi.Ih him when it comes to 3. get, z1w'.;_\. I When picking yrur f)`i`0'I1r(lL< be ycarofvul nsort to pick them too much. -`I RAILWAY TO FORT CHURCHILL PUBLICITY PAYS 1:: &T1VJ-I-V-A-JITL Ky with urhfc/I is fvrtnlyrnvnllcd IITHE STANDARD BANK OF CANADA THE cANA1::1AN BANK OF ,9MYRCE The Northern Advance Lhe Canadian Bank of Conunercee :\. make your ccllecfionn by draft, i2 the efficient promptness with which you may ciu.-se Lrmnsnctions by plan mg the 'deL"il in nu : !1'mr,`.s. Owing to exceptio-':17'.y `.'nv0rabIn nr:nng:-- ments with our various agents, we are able to handle collections at minimum rates through our ex- `cluaive connections rom pt MONC the 3nnI.lmc:'a{>r.~ n'Yv:x~ unv.-u .11 ...-u-..u.. (ages of using the In a recent grial in Germany a rocketn (l'ri~ven sled 1`.ca:che(l a speed of 236 nxiles per houx, cw:n.h3.ining a full load of rockets, ,bwt mo passenr gers. The rockets were exp-l`od\e:d in the back cf the cmkpit. ue solution. 11; is auwaya sale. in 3.1- ;M ` S aya does the work. And although it; cast" t ' hate as swiftly as an opiate or a. na:-`_ .___ _..__-_.,_ _... antic, it contains neither. Oastoria is` . elo; vegetable. Give it whenever` . , ',Ee s constipation, colic, diarrhea. G. I- go 0 less than ve million modern; ' mc"2ers have come to depend on Ca.B-- FUNERAL DU?! i'[jw,, fa: twenty-ve million bottles` Motor Amh _ s were bought last ynrl Get yours to: ' "" '" _|d.n.y; Jon t wait for some night when it \' open day and r [gm imaged. and the drugstore in closed] .3 Chapel In com Collectic ns . ` ' : Thero s peace in the household guarded Castoriu. Peaceful sleep for Baby. ` tcrrupted rest for Mother. For 1:. drops of pure Castoria will quie1'_ fretful infant. Or put the little one i to sleep when therdh an upset dm-- 1 tin nixrht. . ` Children Cry For 1 it makes tnmgs nara 101' you. 1011 ` L t give Baby medicine meant for wvn-ups-or shouldn't! Castoria is 1 solution. It is always safe. It 111-; Va dnon the work. Does the Stock Market Shut Anyone Out? THE BELL TELEPHONE w~e~- c. Q. sM.mg1& C04 Bell Telephone stock -4- old and new - has always been available to anyone who wants it. And it is available to the public now on the open market. Anyone thus can become a shareholder and exercise whatever rights share- holders may have in purchasing new issues of stock. Tonm:my Church, M.P. fur N:om11h- East '1`omommo, has just r1liE1corverve*d ha`: even` the lead pem-cits, pen h-oldems, st.a;ti-onecry, emc.,., supp-lsivezd '00 the metmlbetrs in the House of Com- moms ame made and purchased in the YT-niml. '1"L...L!... .._1__. __ ___.,___ Anyone can buy shares of the Bell Telephone Company because they are` listed on the stock exchange. Tho Boll Tohphonc Company is owned by 13,500 shareholder: and no Individual has as much an out quarter of on: per cent of the total aharu. Spring-Tooth Cuitivatorl % (Pater '.-I.~.mi!'.on Putt:-.-.~.) ` Eb . D. C. &iwJAR:n%l%[%: Mulcaster St. Phone 82. Made by J. F16-u1'_\"'s 150115, .-\.u1`o1`.'1 It is unfortunate that many pooh udge the thorax: hneu of 3 its violence. he salts that rulh t on hthe utexnms. uotevonpeno trzite a lrayof poisonaua matter thut has coated the colon. A Ion list of ; Anna. mill "Ira-nan lnn hnurnln nf. what has coated me colon. A long) mm on dm 3 will "loosen the bowels nt what is e best way to OLEANSE them? The world's best laxative is one that Mother Nature makes in her own labo- reto . It In the bark of 9. tree, called OAS ARA. Thelndlaneneedtoohew this bark-and reach old e e without a. sick day. It ls the heat ing there in today for any system best or the blood. he most beneficial In its action on the bowels, of anything yet die- closed. For m reasons: no HABIT First of all. there is 'Dhe borwn ooxuncil by a vote of mine -to six refused to rescind the resodnlstiom passed by last yeaAr"s comm- ._ 41,- :_4.,_1.1__.L_'-__ .1 ..A._ ...._.._.-. nil ".ah:aIt mo mone pemm"us be gnwmt-I` Motor Ambulance Conn.-.rm~ 108811. D01` 111511` First of all, T01-onto - St. Thomas - Windsor - London - Orillia Kitchener - Peterboro. About Cascara 12 Owen St., Barrie. Phone 1440. H. A. Henry, Resident Manager. DYRECTORS THE BEST ON THE MARKET ln_a.. , F. G. OKE 8; CO. In c.onnoct.(.n '-llshc-H. !>-I . AA`/Ill AVLu]ILOClUCL vU lJ'l|(IIll|l.'U|.l`\IJ L)ln Two applications were in for pemnita and if the resolution had been re- '-i!`1~e`d_- - 9h<?!`.`- W0'u1 be sevenal more .. .. ,.,_ .l Doctor Tglks MINING STOCK BROKERS LOCAL OFFICE COMPANY OF CANADA %1s McDonald St. >5. . . formed from cascnra. The bowe s are not weakened, but strengthened by its occasional use. The occasions when one needs this aid grow less and less. Its inuence is lon -felt. You don't nd ourself worse ound-up the day fol- owing. You do nd the bowels more inclined to move of their own volition. The candy cascnret that every drug- store always has in stock is the ideal form of caacuru. `. CUSTOM I-IATCHING L7 Elizabeth St. Iupp-ctioms for pe11rni`.s. Council actedl wisely in rdfusing` to rescind -the rem1mj~ca_im tli imolss, the xenqighciy shnoful-fl be to nessen the number bf gas pumps on these streets aml` no-t to invcrezrse them. Bring` your ogrfrs to us. We have mctical experience in incubation. We have increased our capacity year and can give you lower hatch by electricity and our z'r:ho1-y is under ground, which ans an even temperature and ongr, hea1t.h_\' chicks. P. C. LLOYD THURSDAY, APRIL 4, 1929. At Barrie s Oldest Hatchery rUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALM-ER KELLY S HATCHERY |alvlAJr1n.|vrn.4|\ :a~beth Phone 218 Open Day and Night '|'-i:_-_--j-- I] L =..n1.;n(:`I`1tS