12 Owen St., Barrie. L Pho H. A. Henry, Resident Manager. VVi`th the passing` of John R. R6133- son, editor of the Toronto 'I`elu;:r:Lm for no-.-n'1_v fo.r' _vea.rs, Canadian journalism has lost a grreat man. p('!'h"dpS no man was more asqailed than the mlvitor of the 'I`r.-]e9z1'zun,' but he fought on with :1 .~'in;:l(-nvss of purpose. He foul.-`ht h"r:'w'-z- Hr- could not remain neutral, v\'r.-zy-I thing: was 9'itho.1' ri_L-sh-t or xvronvrz} there was no middle course with John R. Robinson. In municipal,` - - v ... c-.1......I ..a-..:.... `L).' IJUIIH |\. ltklulunuu. In: .- provincial or fmlornl a'ai.rs, the`. Telepwarm, under the gruidancn of` Mr. Robinson, plraycd an im-pontant; part. He had :1 \va_v of zrettinpr to; the hem*t orf th'in_-_-`s and he did not} spare those who would stray from` the path of duty. 'I'ho;s'e wuho di`<,-.r-' ed with on matters of policy! were many, but the greatest tribute! to his ::terlin.;r character is that even ; his bitermt enemy never doubted! his sincerity. I u...-..,,...,! Comments Used Ca} Clearance Sle F. G. OKE 8; CO. Diaposite Capitol Theatre MINING STOCK BROKERS LOC_.XL OFFICE I u Over in the town of Simcoe there is much bitter feeling over the ap- 'pointment. of a Postmaster. The `Civil Service Commission after in- '\'e.=ti::ati11;: the qualications and fit- a: ness of the several zipplicants, re- hilcomineniled the appointment, of Mr. e`, G. E. Whitaker, a returned soldier, `who lost both legs while serving` his country. The Civil Service Com- Imission was satised that Whitaker 1-iwas capable in every way` to ll the .'-iposition and recommended to the 3. , Postmaster General tlllai he be given :1 the a~ppoint.ment. Evidently his [politics were not of the right stripe `and a party healer was put in t-lchargre by Hon. Mr. Veniot. We rt- VV0l l'.lC`1` what earthly use the Civil 31 Service Commission is when their id recommc-nlation.< are thrown into er. the cliscard by the head of a great` n-`(lepurtment of the Government. I The Globe 1'en1:1rk.'~: that C-anzula: lands the worlnl in her :.1';ul0 with` the United Stsatc-;`_. ; and n1i2"1t `rave! added that the United States is get-` ting the trade. ill Vzmcouvcm Sun.-The recordls o-1' _lthe California health (lepar ! will never again list the word il- `_ legritim-ate after the record of any 9`chilel s birtuh. l All births are legitimate, says a rulin-lg" from the board, and all `children are legritimatc-ly born. mI..:.. 4~..n....... - ....-:I-.. ..-...4.J. vrn .,.. `...... .\, .-.,,.u..... x.-. This follows a similar remark byl Superior Jutlgse Leon Yankw1'ch.i "who was l1c-aring: a suit in which om-I of the grures was a child born to` unmarried parents. Rezferelnces by the contendlingr law_ve.rs to the il- `-leg'itimac_v of the child irked -the jul,-:0 and at last he burst out: l ((7I'`L.`.., __ :u-_'.:___,,4,. ,1 3| uuu lav ..w -u, uuuu vuv . 'Ilhm*o are no illegitimate chil- dren--only illegritimatc parents. A run] 61. . LI\l\L I . A . . ..,l 2 .`.I Ll... ..u.,.,.u.u.un_ ya:-..rvu. \4Il ..., And the health bozml issued tholl following; s`o:I.t0mont emphaaiming its rulo : If there is any illegitimacy in- \'0l\'l:tl in the process it pertains to the parents and not to the children. `There may be illeg'i.tin1atie parents. `but it is to be deplored that m.an_v .. of our so-called civilized so- icivty still insist on stigsrnwtizing the ichildiren. This is a. relic of the iap;e.s and should be ub1'og'a m.(l- with- lout further delay from our mimls `guml actions. ` Will the Government sanction the 'nierg'cr of the Commerce and Stand-. gard Banks ? If the opinion ad` the` wprcss, which, as -a rule, voices pub- ?lic opinion, carries any weight Mr. iRobIb will seriously consider bezforv isamconcin-g the menger. _; ',A WISE DECISION Phone 1440. great I An 0112-anizerl temperam::r educa- tional campaign is about. to be car- ried out througzh the Sunziay Schools. This is a move in the right. direction by proahibition forces. 1 1 1 r o I titlz WINNERS i . AT BARRIE FAIR Horses HEAVY DRAUGHT -- Matched pair, A. Dyer. Two-yea.r-old. Nor- man Campbell. A. Dyer. Yearling, Tom Fletcher, \V.vB. Holden, R. F`. Sutherland. Foal of 1928, \V. B. Hol- den. Brood mare with foal by side, `W. B. Holden. .\'Im'e or gelding, VV. B. Holden, '1` 1~`letcher, N. Campbell Foal of 19:28. Apple Blossom", Jos. Fmlick, J. \\'. Orclxurd, -R. Robson. A(1PHClTL'I`U'RAL-3Iatche(l pull`, Ol`Ch(11`(l, In. KODSDH. AGRICUL'I`URAL-Matched Robt. )1. Bell. Mare or gelcling, R. M. Bell. 1 and 2. Two-year-old, E. 'I`hmm).~:on. Eldon \\`i(-e. Yearling. E. Thompson. PiCRC1~iDRO.\'--Matched pair, XV. D. (`n(:h1'an0. Maire or gelding, H. Smith. J. \V'. Orchard. VV. D. C0- chrane Foal in 1928, Stanley Fm.- lick, J. XV . Orchard. R. Robson. 'I`wo-year-old. Geo. I-Iubbert. \V. D. Cochmne. 2 and 3. Brood mare with 021), J. \\-' Orchard. \V. D. Coch- mine. 2 and '3. Sweepstakes. best ut- ility team of horses suitable for farni work. R. M. Bell. Cattle II'ERl1~`()RI)S--Bull, throw _\'o:u's nm \\7 .1 Smvth. "l`\\'u-,ve:1r-uh! lllblil`. old. \\ . bull. '1`. Sm_\'th.( ell. \\'. hoifm-, 'l nu` 'I` 1 lll-Ililcl-`UH1)s--rsuu, mu-u _\L'.un \V'. .1. Sm_\'tl1. "I`\\'U-_\'(`ll'-llltl H. De\\'ell. Bull cull`. \\ . .l. Snmytll. L`o\\' ::ivin:_" milk. '1`. H. l')o\\'- .l. >`m_\'Ll). 'l`w<)-_\'u:n'-ulll h(`ifl l`. 'I`. ll. l):-\\'oll. Ye:n'lin_-.2` lwil`- vx`. 'I`. ll. l)o\\'<-ll. l-l(~il'or Gulf, 'l`. Dewell. Ell. Curr, W . .1. Smylh. SHOR"I`l-I`Ol'{NS-'Bull, 3 years old or upwards. Goo. Crztwford & Son, C. \V. Henry. Yearling bull, Thos. B.\\'m:1n & Sons. Bull calf, A. \V. McArthu1', Thos. Bowman & Sons. Cow givin.-.3 milk or in calf. Geo. Cl`.'1\\'fOl'd & Son, Thos. Bowman & Sons. 'l`\\'0-_\'e:1r-old heifer, Thos. Bowman & Sons, Geo. Crawford & Son. Ye:1rliny.: l1oit`er, Geo. Crawford 8.: Son. C`. \V. Henry, Thos. Bow- man & Suns. Heifer calf. C. W . Henry 1 and 3. Geo. C1':1wford & Son 2. Best hull and three of his get. Gen. (`1`u\vfnrd& Son. Bc.-st Shm-thorn bull. (special by S. Dy- ment). (`.00. Cmwford & Son. pnhlll-`.13 AXGU`S-Tw0-ye:u'-old Cmwford & son. POLLEID bull. B. Blaclcburn. Yearling bull, B. Blackburn 1 9411-1 2. Bull calf, B. Blackburn. 1. 2 and 3. Cow giving milk or in calf, B. Blackburn 1 and `.1. Twn-_ve:n'-old heifer. B. Black burn. 1 and 2. Yearling heifer, B. Blarokburn 1 and 2. Heifer calf, B. Bl:1(-khurn. 1, 2 and 3. :\\'r`.I-`.PST.-U(I5S-Hex'd of any 2 and 3. S\VF ~2PS'I`A.KES-Hex'd beef breed. T. H. Dewell. Best Shorthnrn bull, Geo. Crawfwrd & Son. Best Polled Angus bull, B. Blackburn. Best Shorthorn, female. Geo. Craxvford & Son. Best Polled Angus. fonmle, B. Blackburn. Spe- cials. best fat steer. Edward Carr. Best baby beef, Edward Carr. B. Blackburn, 'I`hns. H. Dewell. Best senior Sillf, Edward Carr, 13 Black- burn, Thns. H. Dewell. Best junior calf. B. Blackburn, Edward Carr, C. V\ . Henry. Sheen V\'. Henry. Sheep C0'I`S\\'0LDS~-All prizes won by Thos. E. Smith. Phelpston. 1.tr`.r(`1<`S'I`~WRS-A:ed ram. R. F. Smith. Phelpston. LEICEST-IDRS--Aged Carscadden &. Sons 1 and 3, John Allan and Snns 2. Shearling ram. Allan & Sons, Cm-scadden & Sons, 2 and 3. Ram lamb. Allan &. Sons, R. F. Cn1'sca(l(len & Sons 2 and 3. Aged ewe, Allan & Sons, 1 and 2, Carscadden & Sons. Gimmer, Allan & Sons. 1 and 2, Carscadden & Sons 3. Best pen, Carscadden & Sons. 2. Ewe lumb. Allan & Sons, 1 and 2. Cnrsczldden & Sons 3 SOU'I`HDO\\'.\'S - J. H. Lockle. Dkrcy Armstrong 2 and 3. Shear- ling 1-amb. J. H. Lockie, D'Arcy Ar1ns'.run_;. Ram lamb, D. Armstrong 1 and 2, J. H. Lockie 2. Aged ewe. J. H. Lockie. D. Armstrong 2 and 3. Glmmer, D. Armstrong, J. H. Lockle, 2 and 3. Eve lamb, J. H. Lockie, D. Armstron`-.5 2 and 3. Best pen, J. H. Lokie. D. Armstrong. QHROPSH-IRE DO\V.\'S - Aged SHROPSH-IRE ram. Geo. Crmvford & Son (Mines- ing) 1 and 2. Shearling ram. Craw- ford & Son 1 and 2. H. McKenzie 3. Ram lamb, Crawford & Son, 1 and 3, H. MKon7.ie 2. Aged ewe, Craw- ford & Sun. 1. 2 and 3. Gimmor, H. M(-Kenzie. Crawford & Son, 2 and 3. Ewe lamb, Crawford & Son, 1 and 2. H. .\IcKenzie 3. Best pen, Cmwfnrd & Son. 1 and 2. n\'r`nRr) D`OVWNS - Aged ram, vvaluu .. 1...... ..\....--.. w. The Owen Sound Sun-Times rig'ht-lchargre l_\' calls the attention of the Dep:1vt- gwonder l I ,... ment of Hi2'hwa_vs to the need of Service keeping" the road from Owen Sound to )'Ieziford open during the winter. '[`1-.3`-e11e~1~.< have frequently co1n- department plained of this road in the winter. It is onlv nineteen miles and should The Women s not be very expen: to keep open. tario are and it certainly would be 21 con venience to the travellinfl` public. Institutes of On- doing 21 great work in creating` a better community spirit throug'hout the rural districts. They `are seeking" to make the home life M1 b,b.m.Vi(,u_.,. `,`.b,,3t crops iniand school life more attr2.a.ctiv.e and ~We`,_.tm.n Canada aw. being ex(.,l,}(],,(; more worth while. Music in the }.._. tb 192;; (.,.0b_ on Sept ntbihoine and in the school is something tilt. Domibon 1:;m.eau of Stagticsitllzlli has been neglected, and the eStima`te(l the wbwt crop of tb. {women connected with the Institutes tbmb p,_.ai,.i0 p1.m.incbS at 527332,. iare groingr to see that music has its 000 bushelx Thig Sbasonss cmb proper place in our schools. It is has also snmshml another 1.ec01.,l_-plaiixied that :1 delegation 50,000 that of wheat debvm.iC,S_ AS mud. .~Tt'l'0l1v_`.',` wait on Premier Fenguson as ten million bushels bavu been and demand from him as Minisater delivered to country eleva.~tors in one Of Ed`-13~ti0 that the t'aCl1iT1l' Of dab While (__b_,.M and lninp mimonlvocal music shall be a feature of bughelg a day are common occur. the Ontario school curriculum. In fences. on the whole common,-A this move the women will have the were new`. better in wegmrn Can- support of the best people in the am than they are this fan Province. Anything that will tend to brigrhten and render attractive The report cards di.stributed by School life to our boys and girls is H H_ h D pamment may Serve desirable, and unquestionably music ie 1.2- way 0. 4 '. is such. :1 iigefiil `our-nose. 01` they may be i i : & Son, 1 and Z. OXFORD DOVWNS Aged J. Brethet & Sons. Aged ram, J. Bretbet & Sons. J. H. Lockie. Shearling mm, J. H. Lockie. J. Brethel & Sons, 2 and 3. Ram lamb, J. Brethet K: Sons, J. H. Lockie 2 and 3. A,-god ewe, J. H. Lockie 1 and 2. Brethet & Sons, 3. Gimmer, J. H. Lockio, 1 and 3, Brethet & Sons. 2. Ewe lnmb. Brethot & Sons 1 and 3. J. H. Lockie 2. Best pen, Brethet & Sons, J. H. Lockie. Poultry Anconas, cock. E Reynolds; hen, E. Reynolds. Bantams. cock, .I`hom~a. Bowman; hen, Thos. Bowman. Ban- tams. Cochin. cock, Bobbie Henson; hon. Bobbie Henson 1 and 2. Ban- tams. African, cock. Bobbie Henson, W. Malcomson; hen, W. Maicomson 1 and 2. Cumpines. cock. J. Penton; hen. J. Penton. Houdans, hen, W. H. Wright 1 and 2. Leghorns. white hen. Mrs. Jas. Mzickie; brown, hen. I. J. Carruthers 1 and 2. Minorcas, hen. I. J. Curruthers. Orpingtons. any other color. hon. W. H. Wright. Plymouth Rocks, Barred, cock, J. Penion; hen, J. Penton. Vvyzlndottes, white. cock. 1'1. B. Guest, Irwin Mc- Mahon: hen, Irwin McMahon 1 and 2. V\ _\':1m1ottes, golden or silver, hen, F. Rnynm`. 1 and 2. Wyandottes. A.().K.. hon. F. Rayner 1 and 2. 'r*nnKI`.\'S -- Bronze turkeys. F. 1-{uyner 1 and `.4. TURKEYS turkeys. male, I. J. Cnrruthers; female, R. M. B011, 1. J Carruthers (:.l-`,I'`.i`l`.--'I`nn]nnse geese. male, J C:u'rutne1's G!-}I?JS`B-'Fnu10use geese, male, R M. Bell. Du(-.ks-Aylesbury, male. I. J. Czxrruthers; female, I. J. C:1rruth- ers. Rouon, mule, R. Rnhson, I. J. (`.m'ru1hm's; femulo. R. Robson. Pe- kin, nmle. R. M. Bell, 1. J. Car- ruthors; femnlo, R M. Bell, 1. J. C.'n'ruthers. r`H'l1(`k'R--`Rnntnms. Game. cock- CH'PCKS-'Bant:xms, Game, erel, '[`hm=.. Bowman; pullel, Thos. Bowman. Bzmtnms, African. cocker-` e), W. Mulcomsnn 1 and 2; pullet. XV. M:11(-onmon 1 and 2. Campines. (-kl.. J. Pentnn 1 and 2; pullet, J. Penum 1 and .2. Houdans. cnckerel and pullet. H. Vvright 1 and 2. I.o;.:hnrns, white cockerc-1, Mrs. Jas. Mm-kio, 1, 2 and 3: pullet, Mrs Jns. Mzmkie 1 and 2. Minorcus, ckl., I. J. Carruthers; puet, I J."Ca.r- ruthers. ()rpin-,:tons, A.O.K.. pullet. \V. H. \-Vright. Plymouth Rocks, Barred. c-k1., '1`. Won-0d: pullet, '1`. Vvorrod, W. S. Robb. Wyzmdottes. white, ckl.. E. B. Guest 1 and 2; pullet, E. B. Guest 1 and 2. Wynn- dottes, A.0.K., ck1.. F. Rayner 1 and 2; pullet. F. Rzxyner. 1 and 2. Tur- keys. bronze. mane, R. M. Bell, M13. Lewis F`. Wilson: female. R. M. Bell. Mrs. L. F. Wilson. Geese. Tou- 1ouse..mnle. I. J. Carrutheys; female, I. J. ~Curruthe.r.s '1 and 2. Ducks. Aylesbury, male. I. J. Currulhers; female. I. J. Cnrruthem. Pekin. mule, R. M. Be11.1. J. Cnrruthera; female, I J. Carrxnlhera, R. M Bell. prnmnng _.. Pnlr Tllmhlers. W. female, I J. Carrlitnera. 1%. in Men. PIG-EONS Palr Tumbiera. Malcomson .1 and '2. `Pair Fanning, The Northern Advance W. Malcomsom, L. Adams. Pair Mag- pies, W. Malcomson 1 and 2. Pair Pouters. XV. Malcomson 1 and 2. Any other variety, W. Malcomson. Rabbits, best pair, any other kind, VV. Leclzu-e. Lloyd Cook. Guinea Pigs, VV. Malcomson 1 and 2. Chin- chil] rabbits. Sr. buck. W. LeClaro. V! T. (`h.-Intlox`. NI. LiV'in'.ZSl1|\'1. SI . Sr. buck. w. ueularo. M. L. Chzmtler, M. Livingston. Sr. due, W. Livin},'Hton. Jr. buck, W. Le`CI:u'e 1 and :3. Jr. doe, \V. Le- Clare. \V. A. Pratt. .'\`.PI<`.(`l,\I. ('xl.A ---I .o.v.t. I3red - to- Pratt. SPI`3(,`l.\ L C I..~\S'S---I Bred-t0- Iny x'$.xrrL-.1 `Hm-k. pullet, .\1. L. Chnntler. [zest L-ullw-linn, l;=:u`red I{0(-ks, \\ . S. {Him I .'1,mI 21. 051 I`3l`(`l{-[0-Ill)` \\'hitu \\'y:u1(]u11vs, pul- lot. Irwin .\1<-.\l:lhrm. HUSK ln'ud-tt)- luy \\-`hilt; l4(\:.:`lmrn, pullt-L, .)I1':4. Jns. M ack iv. Dairv Prod ucts .\I\('l(il`. Dairy Products 6 lbs. lmtlvr. rolls or prints, A. D. (`nnmlu-l|..I1> H15. in crock. .\ Cnmpln-ll. A. I). (,`:nn1)l)ell. 10 ll).-4. in (`1'H('l(, Mrs .lul1n (,`..'nnpl)<-ll. A. D. Cznnplxoll. .\'ur1n:ln (`.:nnph(-ll. ll) lbs. in 2-lh. rolls. .\'. t`:unplwll, Mrs. .lnn. Cuxnplwll. A. l). (.`.:nnpl)-ll. Loaf h0n1t~n1:1tl(- l)ro:ul. Mrs .lul1n Camp- bell, .\'urm:1n t`:unplJoll. .\'1uplv..` su_'_-.:n'. .\'urmnn .C:1mpl)oll_ A. D. C:nnpl)(,-ll. .\1:I])l(' 1nnl:1ss<~.~:, quart A. D. Lfznnplwll, Nlrs. John \Vood. l~Inne_V, (`XLl`:l('l0(l cl0\'er, 10 lbs.. Mrs. M. l-llsnn. Honey, extracted, luwkwlteut, 10 1193., Mrs. M. Elson. .\ :unotl ('.ll]lC(5ti0n of honey, Mrs. M. Elson. Assurtmont of pickles, Miss M. E. Cnmpboll, Mrs. D. Mcwaters. Collection of canned fruits in pint Jars. Mrs. D McV\':1tcrs. Mrs. J. VV.-`nod. Dozen eggs. .\l. L. Chuntler, Mrs. N. Smith. As: of cakes, Mrs Lewis ll`. Wilson, A. D. Camp- bell. Nut br(-ml. .\liss Evelyn Jermey, A n, (.:unnhe1l. l-`ruit brezul. A. D. Continuing Our _ I Damperi the newspaper on which `you plan to empty the carpet sweep- !m` and it wil pyevcnt the mlu.'<.t fr0mV . E. J. EYRNE FUNERAL DIRECTOR SPECIALIST IN EMBALMTNG ll 33?:`;5v`* ll { kn own how easygt W Owen St. B_arrie, Ont. Barrie, Unt. CHEVROLET AUTHORIZED Phone E68 in i I l`j.' llthll the Statisticsl` l` V season .< 1'eco1' elev_a.~to1`s (lay, (.-i:l1t n`inP millionl bushels they ANOTHER` M E S S A G E TO THE MAN WHO DOES NOT OWN A CAR T HE man or woman who would not like to own a car is rarely met. Yet large numbers of people are going with- out cars simply because they do not realize how very easy car-ownership really is. There in no need to wait till you have the pride of 1 new car. A good used car oera you just u_nmch comfort, just :1: much convenience, just as quick and satisfying tnngportation and at in leu colt; s...-.....- the nritinll owner has stood the rnt depre- transportation and It :1: less cost; because the originel Bret cistion. Come in and look over our ne selection of: GOOD used cars, remembering that you can buy. here with everyfondence of satisfaction. The buyer of I used car reccsves the same eonslderstian here as the s...mu- out s new m.r. His zoodwill is jt 1| valuable Ear receives eonuaernuan nere u we buyer of I new car. goodwill to us. His satisfaction is of just as great interest. See the Cars . . check up their prices . . gure their x... ......_....-_mm-, of transoortation. Then you'll check then pnces log cost-per-mile of transportation. saw. with scores of delighted'_g1_seAd-car owners, of transportation. '1'nen yolru say, delighted used-car If I'd known how easy it was, I'd have owned a out long ago." ` Ilc-ll-I-IIC Th G.M.A.C. Plan dank {e mast convenient ml ocaaauiccl icy DI buying on! of dance. f . `R ? ` (_:oU_L'1jER '19;-.2-\'1:'rie, Ont. THURSDAY, O:CTOB`E`R 4, 1928 [ G. G. SMITH & CO. Making way for a new stock of Sedans, Coaches, Coupes,Etc. Prices away Dawn for a few days Only Motor Ambulance in Connection Open day and night. Morgue and Chapel in connection. E`.-stamshed 1869 - r\ . ohone R2 47 Elizabeth St. P.C. LLOYD FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALM-ER FUNERAL DIRECTORS Open Day and Night Phone 21 8 Vatighapg gtpr Co. Ltd the Highway Department nmy a useful purpose, they may abuised. If twenity motorists ll in c.ar(ls comrplaininigr of the driving: of` one motorist in a (lay, there must be something` radically wrong: with` the of said oar. and the De- It panbmen- t will be justiietl in tak-in._2 ` action. It is not intended, how-ll ever, that cards be filled in because I` of petty jealo-usy or because one` motorist has a 9;ru against an- ` other muotorist. Such cards will only.` waste time amd may get the one 'u'l';o sent in such cards into trouble. _l The earnest co of all who drive on the highways is needed and if this is given those cams should help :31-e-alt-ly in the prevention of motor accidents. 1 i: 5: (l Toronto - St. Thomas - IWindsor - London - Orillia Kitchener - Peterboro.