1 Guests of the -Crusaders Club On Tuesday evening of -this` week 1 the Young` Men s Crusaders Club of ] Central United Church were the hosts of over 150 men of the chu1'ch,|: their d'aup;hte~rs nd f1-iends, at a very. enjoyable Dad and Daunghter Ban-1 hcixl in the Sunday School HalI.z A . ......,.....~:u...- -1! ..I..1_ ...._...L..- . .. ~ ag`! . If . I ~~~ . 2-. `.- V7 t\ Speciai Christmas Saie of '5 Chesterfield SuiLe ~._\_-r_ . 951 l'\..'. 111'. M. L. Chantler, During the next two weeks we intend to clear the store of all Chestereld Suites in stock. Appropriate reductcions have been` made for this Extra Special Sale. VARIOUS DESIGNS IN MOHAIR AND TAPESTRY COVERS. To clear from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Up ONE EXTRA QUALITY TAPESTRY, ONE WALNUT MOHAIR SUITE, with reversible M-arsha.11 Spring Cushions, regular $175. Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ONE DADS AND DAUGHTERS ` ` BANQUETTED AT CENTRALI siz;;`;`ma 'Z:1c${ EJ1,c`}'s'inokin1,; Sets ticles suitable for Christmas Gifts. 129 Dunlop St. BARBIE Phone 535- I I . . . . - - -. -. -. '- - ` ' " ..'.,:.'-W- E TAUPE MOHAIR, with rversible Marshall Spring Cushions, regular $225. Sale Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Several other 'Sui.tes~ of ` rreatly r-':'.`_u>.ee:1 prices. . E. SMITH assistant 1` mu. y....., - E greetmgl .5339 1_g_31.3 of ~_..v,.`-;: _`;: 1-a'v.n*.js.'3 211121 Shades n1" vzwiolls `T119.-3, 3 also Smokin-g and other useful. and :a,pp1'opr1ax;e ar- 9 1--- n1..,.:..4..~... .. I13-P+n `luvs; 1I\_|u nu vlu. uuuuu._y >..u.n\run Luuu.. A c`omm`ittee of club members un- !'.f.` the 1-zadership of Mr. I-I=arry fhite yr;-1'vr=(Al the guests with a bcuntccu.- repastfgtreatly assi-sted by several Ladies of the chnutch. am . .,up<.-rin`.em1c11t of the Sunday School, during the course of his brief re- marks, stated that the Sunday School was exceedingly proud of its young 2 men s club and also of its young Ladies, several of whom were present `On behalf of the fathers, daug'hrte1`s < `and visitors, M1`. Chantler moved a "[hea1'.ty vote of thanks to the Cru- -lsaders Club for the evening s enter- itainment, which was seconded by -iMr Ed. James. This was unanimous- |ly carried. .. A. v. .. .-. -,,,__` ` day evenings. Mr. R. G. I-Ioug`.hJton, SuIperintend- ent of the Sunday School, was the final speaker of the eevning. briey told of the efciend: work car- ried on by the Crusaders Olub, which was formed as paastor of the church. `When Mr. Baker attended He` 1 I 4 n by Rev. A. E. ` Baker shovtlxy after his appointment " I Sund-ay School the * V ffrst Sunday after his arrival he was ` given change of a` class of three or four boys, which has now g -rorwn to : Itwen:ty-two on Sundays, with an ad- (Htiona.-1 ` churches attending the non-denomin- nine or ten from other ationas] m-id-Iweek meetings on 'Dues7 I 9 , ,, ,-- ._ 'l__._.-...1..|. \44-4_y .. . .......a... I The enjoyable evening was brought to a close with the Nartiomall Anthem. , l The death occurred at the Royal g . Victoria Hdspimal on Tuesday of Richard Montieth of M-idhurst, aged 70 years. Mr. Momtieth was born in" Midhmrst in 1856, where he had lived al his life. He was weld known ` and well liked in the entire commun- ity, his warm disrpcsition winning for- him a Wide circle of friends for iimxzmy miles around and the news of; his death is met with deepesrt regrets from his many friends and acquaint- *4 1 . uus.-.u. I Besides his wife, the loaves two sons, George and Eldon, at heme, and four rlaughters, 1\ I1's.l iJohn Cameron, Mimico; Mabel EH10` Winnie in Toronto and Gladys at` home. He is also survived by two: ib1~ot.he1's, James of Cleveland, Ohio, `land Archie of Painswick. 4 uuu -...,..... .,_ -_...._ g The funeral was held th-i:< after-` `noon (Thursday) from his late resi- Itlence in 1\Ii to Mi(Ih1'u1`st Unit- ged Church for the service and tol Midhurst Union Cemete1'_\' for inter: ` ment. RICHARD MONTIETH various designs and colors to be cleared at these Al\.V\4.A,Il muuu.a xu. mu. uAA`uL'\aA|n Afrter everyone had pantaken of the splendidly arnanged meal, the president, Wm. Ball-antyne, who oc- cuipied the chair, nose and proposed 9. toast to the King and Country, [ followed by the singing of the Na c- ` ional Anrbhem. Bi|l'l" also .pro-posed a toast to the church, which was rt- tingy responded to by Rev. A. E. Baker. A toast to the ladies was l proposed by Eanl Watenman. This. was respomled to by_ Miim Stella Codper. -The D9.`ds,'Iby Miss Audrey Partridge, was responded to by Mr. Vernon Beardsall-l. - 1 l o 1-1 1 ,_1,,, regular $145. After an illness of nearly three years, due to a stroke, Nancy Mor- den, aged 70 years, wife of John Faster, 62 Bayeld St., passed away at the Royzul Victoria Hospital on Saturday, where she had been taken only two days previous. Mrs. Foster was born at M:orden s Cree-k, near Owen Sound, in 1856, and has lived in Peterboro and Bar- rie, having come to Barrie widsh her . husbancl thirty years ago. The de- , ceased was a member of St. An- ,(lrew s Presbyterian Church, where . she attended several ladties orgtani- _lzation in her younger days, and was ~ the Datly Forreslters. Mrs. Foster _ wa swell known and weflll liked in \ Barrie and her kind- disposition had won for her many friends. who all received the news of her decathlwimh , deepest regretw. Besides her hus- band deceased leaves one brother`, in 1- Idaho, U.S.A. ` 1." ,:_1' .e..- ._ LI... also a memlber of the W.C.T.U. and -` The funeral was held from the fvune-1-all chapel -of GAG. Smith & 1 on Monday afternoon vt_o Barrie Un~ ` ion Cemetery. The service was alt 7 tended `by many riendts and a,cqwainIt- ances and the oral` tributes fwere. , __ .1 L ....-.L.'GuT A11 "A151! n-non BJICES 6110' Lin: uu.l.au vLAuuwvo~-wy\..\. .. numerous and bearutisul, al1'evde'nce. 1 of `the high esteem in which 3 `Foster was held by all with whom `she come in contact. To Mr. Eoste. a man well on in his seventies, who .is left alone by the death of his be- -L`l_.. .1......\..~O- nIvv\rrn+1v\.!7 3: .A:r Acuu uavux. loved wife, I extended. I BIRTHS PA;R.R-In the R.V. -Hosptal, on`: ' Tuesday, Nov. 29, to Mr. and Mrs.' ` W. Parr, 58 John St., a son. 1 WTHEvLLAN--A~t the R.V. Hospital, on Tuesday, Nov. 29, to Mr. and Michael Whelan, Crown Hi1, ag 3 d-aughter. 3 I GONJ I DEATHS ! FOS'I`ER--A-t the RV. Hospital, on; ; Saturday, Nov. 26, Nancy Fosterf; i wife of oJhn Foster, 62 Bayeldl g ISt., aged 70 years. ] WEDDINGS I-ONNEA.U--ARISS-B_V Rev. Father: E. M. Brennan, on Wednesday, Nov. 23, at St. Mary's Church,` Florence Adelaide Ariss and WiI- ' liam MiLburn Gonneau. Sale Price .v nu uvu ucuxxnn-aLx'A. Jcack Jones, Barrie's Harry La.udei*, delighted the gathering with two V much appreciated Scotch impersona- tions. Mrs. (Rev.) A. E. Baker favored with a solo, also Earl Water- MRS. JOHN FOSTER E uy lull.` ucamu \J'.L uuu nu the deepest sympathy is -"$110 e~$110 .\!`. _\' \\. `WL -N \\~\ "N \ Q \`. qhh \\ ?$135 "`-r-"':4r-.~..-. - .x .' . T . hie ;'; NOVEMBER sEs`sIo1~i i 2 or COUNTY COUNCIL 'ta<:- \=a - - - % "J; Rellable Furners At the Sign o,E_'l;`hr Bear Page Four n-_u._a-s---4;.`--5..-- , ,_._ (Continued from page one) :Ccunty. The Government, realizing `the conditions existing in these town- 'ShIips, gives a 50 per cent. grant, l while the other parts get a 30 per cent. grant for township roads. ;Counci-llor Crawford said that there were so many bridges to be built in _ the northern town-ships the Depart- yiment favored additional funds for :``that purpcse. Councillor Templeman `said that in Matchedash fulily 00 per oent. of the land was Crown lands `and for that reason the Government giassisted to a larger extent in bu.ild- ' ing roads and bridges. Want Hospital Act Cl1an_9;ed `I Councillors Luck and Spicker in-; itroduced a motion that the Le_:isla-i tion Committee ask the Government to ch-ange the Hospital Act with re- spect to indrig'ent pzttients so that each mzunicipality will have to pm; for their own indigent patients. Councillors Holmes and Brown; wanted a committee appointed to act} with representative:~' from Orillia ini interviewinsr the Government re tak- ing` over a portion of the Atherley` road; also that a committee be ap-'\ I pointed to act with represent.ative=. -from Ontario County in interviewing the Dominion Government to press for add:itiona.l suh.=irl~_v for the Ather- Icy hrid,,e;e. I I \IY.\.l..,\...l....!.. C`,\,....1-.. A\._y . 1 We(lnes s Session I Rev. Jas. Buchanan, a summer F E : :) resident at VVvasap:a Beach for thell` 3 last 20 years, appeared before Coun- cil urg'in`g' that steps be taken at " once to provide a foot path on the E bridge across the river at that place. 5 He spoke at length of the popularity 2 of Wasagva Beach as a summer resort Q and of the increase in numbers _e`o- `h B 5h E in is (lays last year, July 1st and Toronto civic l10ll(l11_\', it was estimated that l ingr there year by year. On two` there were 40,000 people at .the` ,1 Beach. It was important that n1ea.s- ures be taken to prevent acclclents,l . anrl a foot path .on the l)rid.g'e or elsewhere was an :1bselL1te essential.` Mr. Bucl1~ana11 also refe1'1'c(l to the moral `conditions at W-u.sa.g*a, which had not improvetl (luring; the pas1 year. There were too many wcubl)1~y cars and too many elnmty I bottles for the peace-loving` pi-ople to enjoy. ('V........:`I,... u....H :..l`.....,..l n/r.. Amlrcw Sickle appeared `b0f:1-cl I E Magstrate Hewson in Penetan`2' on S VV`e(lnc-511-ay ch-a1*g'erl by Game and iFishe1`ies Overseer Jas. McG1'e_:o1' with unvawfu11_\' catching` spec.kler1 N trout in Cope]-and s Creek out of season. He was ned $10 and costs, ;;ma11ing- $13.50 in .911. w\mw, Councflor Scou inf nnvd hfn Buchumm that .`~'tops wm'(- l)(`i1LL' taken to put a f0urJb0t wuH< m1 (thnr ship of the brhlge, at an est} nmtotl crslt of $3,500. Tc-day a depumaon fron1 Lefroy `is waiting` on the Council in 1'0p,!a`. (1 `to a rsputo over the pa3nnent of `County g'1`an.ts to the Continuatitn School. Hon. Wm. Finlzxyson, Min- -Z:-".m- cf Y.-"tuls and F`cro:~1ts, will ml- -Y.: : = the (,`r,1mci1. READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS. \ . . ii We specialize in the nest quality ,of final-a ' Ladies : Cloth Coats It Your roses have gone into w1nter%A conditions. How ? Have you doneim your best to have good live woodilj next spring:', or just simply left them! 0. to chance? Next June you will oi-5.. will not have beautiful roses, accord-2 IE ing to your treatment now, and there' C is no better covering` than ezirth. H To those who have not attended to! them, put your teas and hybrid teas: in a nail keg` and ll with earth; your climbers, h_vb1-id perpetuals and: rambilers will be better laid (10\\'l1,:-A coiled and covered with earth, takingjf particular care to cover the ben near the root, as any branch left ex- 5 F iposed will result in the loss of t-11011 whole lenigvth. Some growers 2ul\'ise"c straw, leaves, etc. While no doubt/lb they are better than nothin::, n1icej__. and insects harbor in such material` and may cause gcreat loss. If you; had Bvlack Spot, be sure and burn` `gall the leaves that fall and a hut- ; Hng` \V'ith suphur will help prevent. it: [Good roses are worth good fee(lin5.r.j : Follow these rules and when you ; ` -visit your roses next spring` you willi} - not oxclaim: My poor roses are; dead ; but do not uncover too earl_\".' Yours for success. \ Goats ' RICE LAKE HUDsO:I:5l(;.i:.AW"i:`-"`,p`[' ' BABY AND BROAD TAI E g ' NORTHERN RICE" LAKE CANADA COON W GHAPELLE DYED ELECTLIH `QEALS AND !GARACULSgmmm3~` Mr. W. C. Hunter was then caled ' upon for a few words of gree-`sin-g I from C4o1]3'er St. United Church. Mr. H-unter during` his brief remarks I praised very highly the work of the Crusaders Club, in which he is g'1'eat- ` ly interested. He also touched on i the ne work being done by the Canadian Girls in Training, referring to their convention held in Orilha last week end. In closing` M1-. Hun- ter said there he was glad to be a :l~ad and even a grandad. 1 ~\u- -n n 1Ir-._._..I ...-1.......,..l H... ` Tis the last rose of ; Lies fading alone. A FEW NOTES ON ROSES _REGULAR.$45.00 1-0 $65.00 ~On Sale for $29.75 REGULAR $28.50 To $42256`-r` % V FUR COATE . W: `On Sale $vil~9.%95 GEO. E. MIZEN. unu auu cvuu O 5LKhAAuIv\A- M1`. R. G. Manuel welccmetl the `visiting dads and rlaughters on be- half of the club. % THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1927 l About two` dozen members of the `Royal Black Preceptory, No. 601, 'iAllan(1ale, together with their wives, 5 met at the home of Ben. Thompson, li13th concession cf Inniisl Township, lion I\'Iond`a.\' e\'e.nin;2' to bid farewell "to Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, who "le-ave sl1c1`tl_\` to take up residence in 1CoY`1ing\voo(l. The evening` was spent `,in euchre, c1-okinole and dancing, am: `,9. short p1`o5.>'ram was given. Vocal {solos were given by Mr. A. Wice and ;;.`Ir. Robt. Taylor, a recitation'b_\- leiiliss Wico and violin selections by .M1`. VVilliam Logan. who also played {lfcr mixed dancing". During` part of I .5 the evc-ning"s entertainnlent Mr. ;F1'ed Ellis p1'esente Mr. and Mrs. }Thomp.=on with 21 beautiful mahog`an_v iclock. Brief a were _2=i\ en tgby .\Ios.<:'.=. Qlarc-nce M. Sriglely and 9 ; .-\l':x.n \Vz1tt, who also acted as chair- linan. Both 311'. \Vat.t and M1`. L1! S1`ig'lcy spoke \'o1`_\' l1i5:hl_\' of M1`. and .\Ii.<. 'l`h-mpson and oxpressml the '-:l`(`f_l'Ul..< of the l0lll'C` and friends at :'i_}):11`ti11: with them. r_I IINNISFIL CITIZENS ARE 1 HONORED ,ON DEPARTURE u.-.-mag.-u ; DEATHS "HUBBER'I`--A\t the R.V. Hospital, { on Tuesdz1_\'. Nov. 22, Lawson Hub- bc-rt, infant son cf M1`. and Mrs. Hubbert, .-X1-Isandale, aged 2 years and 11 months. 1es_"Fur Mr. Vernon Beardsall, the young- est dad present, and M1`. Rayner, S12, the oldest, were introduced by` 'W'm. Ba?*I-antyne. They both ex-R i pressed their appreciation for the invitation to attend the banquet. Howard Guest and Reg. Furlong`, the] ireasurer and secretary of the club, ` 1 7 _ 4-,"- -__-...I- ...c ,...,.r.+In.-.-! L1'c`dauu:x uuu .~.cu.u:ucu_y u. -a1-so spoke a few words of 4.- LL- .....-...J-..