Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 1 Dec 1927, p. 3

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BE LOYAL TO YOUR HOME TOWN AND PATRONIZE YOUR HOME PRINTER. OUR PRICES VVILL COMPARE WITH THOSE OF ANY OUTSIDE Northern Advance desire to give expression to their appreciation of the generous patronage which the public have extended the sixth Royal"-a tting tribute to Canadian Agriculture in this Iubi lee Year, and for the Fair an unparalleied success. When in Need of Printing .. The President and Directors of the WE `CAN .a1most imagine the merry uproar in the various homes on Chri:t'i'nas `morning, when Toys such as iours `make their rst appearance. Such a commonpla aing as eat- ing breakfast will be completely forgotten, with the .Trumpet blowing, 2. reports; of Pop Guns, fthe zrattle of Locomotives, Autos, Steam Engines; the racke; f ,Roost:ers, Ducks, Cats, Dogs and Bunnies; {the entreaties of pretty Mama Dolls, the excitement of-' Kiddie Kar and Tricycle Races. `My! What a Happy Throng ! W3 4. - .4. - .,a,- .. um . .4; r .9; : -..7.ur -.a.ur mag -42! :44: --'rHE- 5-Jr} ~v.*Iu`.x`o'{\su.k'al<\eu.-4qvk.u'o:'iu PHONE 53 A Small Deposit Will Hold Anything Until Christmas_ Take pure, wholesome, easantly avored, jc0's Efviillsi LESS_CI~J No. 20 Question: V\/by is emul- sified cod- liver oil so very helpful as a vitamin-_ food for expectant and nursing mothers ? A I`! -_.-.-5 ---v---v-v - .Answer: Because it provides an easily assimi- lated food rich in the ntial vitamin that aids building strong bones and good teeth. '7` I I .----.. avv-. .v'-_-. Take wholesome, pleasantly E. J; BYRNE BARRIE BRANCH FUNERAL DIRECTOR SPECIALIST IN E-MBALMWNG Owen St. Barrie, Ont. Phone 268 0027 800 Branches inrlutlill OTTON HARDWARE co. 800 Branches includiu Vancouver Victoria Calgary Edmonton Regina \Vinnipeg Fort \;v:n:..m um London Hamilton Toronto Ottawa Montreal Quebec St. john, N.E Halifax Sydney Charlotto- tn-l r or: William \Vindsor, Ont. IN CANADA Ont. The Royal Bank of Canada The Northern Aclwxnce HAVE -YOU` \SEEN`;'1`.EE There is no limit .to the number of real working models you can build with the New Meccano. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1927 Get a Meccano Set this Christmas MECCANO ? IT'S IN COLORS NOW ! It is imost interesting BOYS vunA|b' A v\. Luuuu. I Mc-)ther--That's called a haoivpin, dear. If you take it to gr,-randma she will shxow you how it was used. The market on Sa-turdaay mornnig was larger than the past two Satur- dvays and produce in general was fairiy abund-.ant. Eggs are soaring still hig-her, 60 cents being asked` by the majojzrity and sixty-ve by a few. In one instance 70c was ask- .` n . n 1 ALIV: \lll\, ....,....... I1-I\4 ...... ...,.. ed for large fresh eggs. A few pul- [let egwgs sold for 40c a (Lozen. Otvher prices remained about the same. P1`0\'ailin:5.{` prices were : Potatoes Apples .............. .. Tomatoes ........ .. Celery Turnips Cabbage .......... .` Red Cabbage `Beets ................ .. Carrots Onions ............ .. Little Joan-Mumrm_v, what's this funny thing` I've found ? 1`/fn&Lnu 'L-l_ ....Il....`l .. `L...'____. Pay Our Toyland a Visit. The Market J. R. Dier, Manager . 10c head ............................ .. 50c pec-k .......................... .. 40c peck 60c bask. ................... .. 10-15c each . 15c each 13c fronts, 15c hindvs . 20c fnonts, 25c hinds I .. E3-2sc ii. ...................... .. 20-25c lb. ...................... H 28-30c Hm 35c peck, $1.50 bag ................ N 40-50c peck .... H 10c lb 3 for 25 .............. _ 5-25c bunch .... m _. 5c each nu 5c head .... U .1-n.. L...1. IUU Branches iucludimi, London New York Paris Barcelona St. John's, Nfld. nu n~ Havana San Juan Santa Tin.-in. Nassau Portof Spain BuenosAircs Rio de Innnh-n and in Colombia Peru Venezuela Jnneiro Montevideo Caracas ROYAL WENTER FEW. ABROAD mn 5 Nfld. `jDads Entertained ` By Young Men F'1~idz1_v evening` last was men's ni g..-`h-t at Collier St. United Clmxfch, when the young` men of the Buruc:I S-tmcl-.1y School Class and a few of the older boys of the SlU1(lJ3._V Schoo: entert1a.ine(1- their Dads at the annual Father and Son Banquet, served in the Sizndlay School hall. This an- nual affair of the Baracas was look- `ed forrwxard to by the men and boys alike, who were not drimppointecl as to its success. For still` another time diact salt bwide his boy enjoying` the -same bounteo-uas meal` and the same L spllenxtid pmgram cf toasts, addresses 1 ; -and musical nmmbem. vs -I "L -p 14.- S 1 Young` Men -s B-ioble O!-ass. Qccupied; ` the chair and asted as toast master. ` ` comed the athers on beh:alv.f of the ~ and sincerely thanked` the guests. for 1 A.-R.-c.-0., led in a short simg-smig. ; folilowed by a bcast to the Dads" ' by Jack MicK.inn-on. J. F. Cmi-g` x- ; tingy replied. IIPLI lllll-Ll\aal. lltlllllllllybo I . P .Stewant Bryson, Preus1den.t of they When the table W1aaS cleared of` its -splendidly prepared meal`, he we!- onganizwtion of which he is the head their presence. H-omce Wfson, A..n..... 1ur-'I ....... .......~..k.... .-.lM.+ an vv F. J. Smith, Secretary of the Cen- tra1' Y.M.C.-A., Toronto, the speaker of the evening, also expressed his pleasure at being present at the meeting, which reminded him of the simi:`ar g'et-togethers of his own Bitbie class in 'I\c1-ontto. He eon- gratulnted the Banacas on their woric and for the banquet, and also for the existing feliY`owshi.p between the boy and his dad. Mr. Smith told 0.1 the WlC1'k of other young` man's clubs t.hrouvg:.hout the Province, ox- ipluining some of the great benet: `derived from such events as F`-ather uuuguy I uyucu. Arthur McLean, mexnber-elect for the Provvimcial Hoyt? Parlfament, wtho ` was a guest for the evening`, in a few brief remarks congmtmltated the Bananas on their exceedingly ne work and expressed his appreoiatipn for the 1`nvi=baion to attend the ban- quet He also toumched on the bond 1 se=Llin-g cannpaigm which will be com ` d'ucted foliovnrimg the sivtin-g` of Far- ` lia.me.nt, making an earnest appeal to ijthe fathers for their n-ancdra:1~ sup~ ;, -.:v_v u. I C. J. Seitz, Secretary of the Au}- Land-ale Railway Y.M.iC.A., in a few words` exp1'essed~ his apprecriuation fo'.'i -the cppoi#tun.it_v of being` present mg the banquet to meet the young` boys and the old ``boys. ' He also of fere'd his services in any way to do good with the coirulb in conjunction with other clubs for th.e boy life of the town. in 1- n -.1 n . n .. A \..,....,...\. .... ..e.. .... .,..._,u...~,, son of A. J. Sarjeant. Harry Arm-l strong" the late C-alpit. F. N. Grand-y,' and of later years W. Carson, Fred ' Sarjeant. Harry Ball, H. GrzLton,*| Si(l'ne-_V Tooke, Fred BiLlh\.,-2,'s1ey,|` Chester Carson, Frank Craig, Herb. lJramies`on and Stewart Bryson. . 1 The Baraea:s_, he said, have f9! `the past nine or ten years made this} `_ Dad and Son banquet an vannuafi event, with the exception of last year, when it was not h.e.l(l cliue to many other social functions being held at the time. The c`1a.=*s~ was: once thirt_V-nine strong`, but so many ` young: men are now leaving" town that the number is hardly halrf what it was a few years a,e;o. He told of i the class being well known in Barrie on the rink, rugiby eld and base- ` `ball diamond. Mr. Heath considerel hiimself privileged to be teaching` the ` class, it also being` an inspinationli and help to h2i1Tl as well as for thei boys. I n Y G-4... Q.......;....... .t u.- AJ YOUR PRINTING vyvn. w. A quantetite composed of Stewart and Hanold Br-yson, Frank Cnaig and Dou-gila-s Smith receives hearty ap- p"ause and were forced` to responu with an encore. IV! 1`! .,, -1 A w u \. u 111:. u._~\ Mr. H. J. Heath, teacher of the and leader of their mid-week activities, rublined the work of the. class and told of the various men" who were his preedcessors since the founding: of the class about twenty. years ago. J. B. Rogers founded' `the class and was its rst Tcadeiyi followed by A. J. Sarjean-t, Mrs. An- drews, Mr. Lennox, W. J. WIaI!ker,' A. F. A. Malcomson and himself. The rst president was Charlie; Wiarren, who was succeeded by! Thos. A1n1s1trong~, a well known young man who paid the supremel sacrice in the Great War. Some of the other prominent men who had ocoupied the chair were Dr. Sarjeant,, ..p.__ .1.` A T C`.\...'.\......A- `LT... ...... A ..... Cheszter Cars-on, a past presidentl of the class, proposed a~toast to the ladies, which was humorously re-~ xsrpomletl to by Mr. Fred Marl`. Mr. Mervin Corbfcet favored with a pian~:`- selection. `I! `I1 P1 I A ('1 ,,,,,,f,,L ,, l,.,L[ on.u.vvAuu. Mr. W. Sarjeant, Supe1'inten(lent of the Sun(lAa_v School, in a brief al- ` (lrr.-. p1':1ise very high-`:_v the work of tlw Braracas under the leadership _r um 11 1' 11'._;.L I Jack J-cnes, `. (l(:l'i:_r]1tol the _2` of splendtid E and received . the aprplause. H lead ..... ......v. ...y .......... .. ,.. I. Heath. ;, Ba1'1'ie s Ha1'r_v Lau l gvathel-ing with a couple V 4 Scotch impe1'sona.tions; I 21 fL`. I181`0ll$ share DIN `V... ....-n. Au" Annnumltco vz -uuc gaunt. :from the start and in the rst ve {minutes of the game the Argos buck- ed up the `e1'd or yvards three time: and Armustrong went over for the - first touch. The Penebang team was very weak and were not as well scienced in the game as their op- ponents. Chester Carson of Barte and Harry Shanacy of Midland were the big factors on the Penemng team. but the outside? were weak . throughout, and the team was help- lessly outclassed. Very seldom did the pray hover in the Angus terriabo-ry. were tal11'edI_ up against the Geor- gian Bay torwn. Posen and Chm-nay starred for the 'Doronto gang, Chm ney doing most of the kicking.` Both teams used the American huddtle system of play severa times, but the stnange part of it was that the Angos scheme wlswsays gained yards. 1.. H..- 4:....4. ..........s.... u... A.....-._ ....4 The whole fracas was one sid-ed V while eight touches and one convent` L;! A very successful afternoon tea 9 and sale of homemade baking, canzd~'y n :and fancy work was held on Friday_ 9 afternoon in the Parish Hall of y'Trini.ty An-g'h'can Church, under the :]'awsrpices- of the Ladies Parish Aid -,!Soice`ty. A lrarge number of the - ladies of the church and their friends -,'abten(1c(l the afdzerncvon tea and prac- '. tioally eve1'ythimg' on the ta,-b`l'es was e;so1.(l. Mrs. R. J. Sanderson, pres!- yldent of the Society, was in charge ..'n4-' Han nunnl N-....:.+.-..l -4 -LL,` -....-:..... The Argonaut Rowmg; Club used the wl1it'e\\.~ash brush cu the Pene- tany: gang` at Ag:1~icul:bu1'a:l Park here` when they took the O.R..F.U. junior semti-nal from Penebang to the tune of 41-0?. `The eld? was soft and sogtgy and` the teams were Literally alf'l w. when the nal whistle blew. Lt wasn -t all water either, fox ater a few more games on the eld in its present muddy condition, we wouild have no more fair grounds. ~Um';forms, boots, sex, and even faces, fwere covered with the black mud in [the vst few minmstes of -the game. Tho up}-min 0\......... ....... ...... ..:.:_.v --Remember that oz-dens let with your home town -printer will serve to pay wages of workmen who in turn spemd this money with local business houses, thus serving to main- tain that round of business whidh sis necasmry in order that rural towns throughout Canada may ourish and DTCEHQ-1', `Argos Vs Hitewggg` Penetang O.R.F.U. and Son banquets. The speaker ou.t~ [lined some of the re'a oionshi~pvs which should existt-between the dad and his bay which such mee-.tin.g's great:l=y en- oourag`e. 7.. ..l..,..'._~. L- ..L_J._.! LI, ; u ...,..L...5.. I In closing` he stated that the great- est respon-sibility rests on the mother ]but that it was the fathers duty to ipromote th-at fee-'Iin.g: of g'oodrwiIl and feowshwip between haimselrf and his gwboyvs. `Pu. 111 A I -.._:_ 4.. 1_.1,-I1I -1! LL, v `uu; .w. I Dr. W. A. Lewis, on behalf of the iBaracas Cbass, expressed the sincere iapprecia-than of all] present for the [interesting and inspiring address and moved a heanty vote of thanks to Mr. Smith for honovinng the meeting with his presence. 11..-. T 1' 111.--`- L.__._._L:. .... _ .. I11 uuyuwx, Rev. J. J. Black brought up a question cf a men's and young` men's club in the church, which had re- ceived considerable comment in the past few weeks and` which drew eon- sideraable discussion from many of the men and boys present It was the unanimous cpinion that the club would be a great asset to the church and after eonsdemble dxiscuassionit was devcided to hold an organization meetin-g cr all men and young men in the Sunday School! hall this even ing (Thursday). ' FBI...-. vsnnn-I-:nrm nun: kw-nn.n-1\|I~ Inn 9 Ilfy, \ LlI.lllD\l`(I&y [- The meating was brought to a cfoso with the singring of the Nut- ional `.n`d1om. It is when we forget ourselves that lwe (I-0 thvimrs that are remembered. l I ognvhvo ovuuurllu: vv-ya 5u.un:u ycuuna. In the rst quarter the Argos gm 10 points, followed by 26 in the second. In the th1i.rd peziiod they piled up another ve tallies and in the last two more bc-uches were scored, making the final score 411-0. The line-amps were : )\..n.,........A. 0...... 13..--.. . t- .. .....~....,,., ...... A1'gona`uts--Srna\p, Posen; Nichol-ls, Palmer; middes, Thomas, Butt; ouutsdes, Neill, Dunn; quanter, Occkrburn; ying wing, Armstrong; haJ1`ves, Jackson, Hrayman, Charney; subs, Giamt, Gawey, Cr_vsdale, Wil- 'g`a1', Street, Wnalase. 1:)............. 0..- an-,n:\.1__,_ in-sides,` Wm, .,...,.., vv-cuuaac. I Penet:-1n'g-Sn`ap, McGibbon; in- sides, Terrapel, Warner; middles, Bowlefs, Durbe; outsides, Gigmac, {G-ains; halves, Shamxcy, Carson, Mur- iray; qua.1'te1', Simons; ying wing, `;Copc-land; subs, Thompson, H'a t/ocn, 'Fahey, Kerr, Dennure, Toole, Deve- flur, Boyer. Sizes of Sets Stocked--No. 00 No. 0 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 Prices - - $1.25 $2.00 $3.00 $6.00 $9.00 $15.00 . u u; mu. nu!-IvA\.I-_v, wan nu ulualsli 'of the event, assisted at the various ltabes by -the fo1";owing- ladies: l~Lcmemad4e baking, Mrs. D. H. Cole- man, Miss E. J. Gamble, Mrs. A. B. lWh'Lbby, Miss M. Swan; candy t'aa'ufe, Mrs. G. Webb and Miss M. Mica !Ca.ule_v; fancy work, Mrs. R. W. 'Payne, Mrs. J. R. Die1', Mrs, M. Jones, Mrs. A. Wolfenden, Mn's. J. iF. Jackson. Mrs. E. White poured tea, assistted in the kitchen by Mrs. !L. Vail`, Mrs. (Rev.) A. R. Bever- ley, Mns. J. Clarke, Mus. T. W. {Jew other ladies of the So_ie;rty_ iserved the many guesfhs with (I*ain~.ty %refrcs11monvts (l:u1`ing,' the afternoon. SUCCESSFUL SALE AND "wge `P :->W\n OUR OFFICE IS EQUIPPED TO DO YOUR PRINTING, NO MATTER H()\V LARGE THE J OB, OR I-IOVV SMALL.

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