Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 17 Nov 1927, p. 3

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THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1927 t Post, soun by Hill, b1`()LLQ`ht' the av The Royal Bank of Canada .,...,...` \!I.CA I3z1km' cIo. `The c`r0.<.~' has criiico sincc the little \vhitu ` died for T-h-omaas La,vv.l.o'r a clean out, manly little chap from Cdlsdtwater, carried off the n-at prize in the contest, speaking on `C ana-u`a s Progtrass Since Conrfedveluton, comtpamd the Can- ad*a c-f 1867 with the C~ana(l~a of to- WINNING SPEECHES gAT ORATORICAL CONTEST uuu da _v. DLYUIII l`\ L.'l_\ pan -2; UIIC vvvL|.\u\I- ~ Tommy facial his auxlience and` de- 1`.vc1'ed his speech in a straightfor- ;\\'a1'(l n1zu1nm`, vxhibi-ting` `lots of per- }.~'onu1it_V. His delivery and expres- :sion would be tlifculwt to surpass by 'a public speaker of many years, and Ihis wh~cIc- talk showed 1'eu: of ex- 1pm't t1`:liI1iPfJ,' on t.h<:- part of his pal`- !ent.< and teacluers. nu L LL _. nay. In an interesting` talk, wel-1 d`e- I-ivered, the little lad told of the Canada of our forefathers with` its lfour provinces of 3,000,000 people, which has now increased to nine `provinces with 21 population of over ]10.000,000, CO`1nIp`OSO(1` of settlers ifrom (w'e1`_\' part of the W 0I`].d;(1. rrv,..-.`_.. L'.`...\,l LL. l\I1ml:I\V1fIr\ nu-ml :].n_ .(,`l1L>' unu taC'cl\Lll\_'l.`. The orator during the course of ghis inte1'e. talk touched on Can- !a s p1'o_u're.\s in faxvrning, expovtirng, nn1nufz1c-`cu-1'im;`, as well as Cana(l'a s {_l'L`11t wealth in mines, sheries and }other natural resources. He also ilnzulo mention of the many poets and I artists of our Dominion, the 1'a.iI1ways iand .\*tuz1n1. the h_\'(I1'o, motor car, t(-Iophrono and radio. ; Let us not 1'01`_;`ot our fore-fa che1-~ :-tho g'1`an(l old pioneers who en (lurml mzmy I1zm!.~hip.< that Canada "should bvcomv thv wonderful coun- t-1'_\' it is to-d:1.\'." I Afh-1' 0ut1inin:_-` `u~rv- n: ...1 .1.. . -Vera! of the that Hm p6I"SOna1, adj. One s own, individual,` private, as "to suit his personal conven- ience, " this is personal to myself; etc. _7`ha r}vI'nv-rl nfnlinnnru iLII|.' U|.ullLll\`.` un LH\' vvvnnu. ); Little Qrmn Wilcox. one of the two r~nti'i(~.~: from RR. No. 1, Bee- ton, was COI1Si(iL`1`L`(i by the jutlvges ljto he the l)(-st ox'ut.'r among: the I ` 5:!)-ls of the county. She vmgv tting- ]1l_\' cho: a novel and (-xcm-xliinyrly in- H,te1'ost.i11;;' subject, The Boiiets of ""Sch0oi Fz1ii'.~`." Tho littlv to.n-_\'0a lohl . frrm . to nish em- |'!ph:1.~`i'/.(=zI the fact that schol fairs 'iwt-i'(- mlccidr-:1 :1.<.< to (-vm'_V com- L)"i:111U1lit_\'. from which much valuable 5' info2'm:1ti0n is ti(*1`i\'L`(i by _\'ol1ng' and iohl alike. `I 'l`h- chihln>n," . .~`t:1tv(I, \\'0i`k 11124 stuuly rhxy and ni_g-`ht with plans- ' ,. ,1 4,. I.nI..L I I, L. . 1'- _l.-J'_\' IL l> Lu-uu_\. I . the diicu1t.io.< zxml that the `people of 1867 haul to ov0rcL:n10 in comp:-.ri. with the lives of comfont and 1-use which we know, and t0]iiI1|f. , thv rush and .~:p(.-ed of the present- day (`zu1:ul:1, ho Ci`0.<(31i with the re- mark that we must. hui'l up on the foundation laid h_\'our1'o1`cf:1thc.rs um! mukv our ck.-:n' Czumda even ibnttm` uml mom impo1't:m tumon:: itho ccunt1'io.< of the world. 1-... n ,,_ urn-.. -.., A4` +1-.n I I UFO, ` 1 _ She u':l\'l'- am iv1tn1'c-;<.1in_'.': picture of :1 typical farm house :1 few (lays `ln-i'0ro the .<(-hool fair. with its w'nol~e family prr~parng` to enter exl1ll)it.'s'. 'She also 1'( ~f0l`1'C`(l to the trainin_-4' in pulfic spez1l l'('CCl\'(`(l at the school fairs. Crelltin:.>,' all fo the fail` in her school section. she su:..>`- ;:'e.<.tl.-l that many zulults present at the convt.-nvtion ccuhl not :~:pc-ak all the age of ten _\'ezu's the way the cl~.i`.hlren are (loinp: at the present time, uml she even made the sl.raig;ht- fc.i`wz1r(l statement that the majority of people of he`: audience lfraskezl to speak ccuhl not or woul-l not :10 :L. ' rt. Great credit is due the little girl's parents and teacher and also the `school. fair in her district for the tr:Linin_-' she has received in the art of oratory, and much can be expect- yed of this little s=peuker on the plat- {form in tllv near future. rm \n mud .-\D\7EP.'1`ISE;\I??.NTS. ' l`.~`1 J. R. Dior, Mancgon ".4 lcokingx `Page Three service ciently. ni_2`ht pleas- .-` fox'\vm' to how- ,r LL. wu uram-ne: including London New York Paris Barcelona 5:. _Iohn's, Nfld. nu Havana San Juan Santo hnmin. rrlnce Nassau Portofspain BuenosAires Rio do In nah-n Janeiro Montevideo Caracas , . and in Colombia Pem Venezuela ABROAD mu 5, Nd. l L llcly `yum; n\.n;*' nu ;v.n.v-v order promptly and effi- SMITH, -The Oxford Dictionary Anus. uzuun umunu .u\. -..u,... L`! number I'm calling? Perhaps no question is so often asked of us as: Why is it, after I ve placed my call that an operator some~ times comes in on the line and asks me what IUWES While I speak, be kind and patient. I have to speak for my people who are numerous, and who rely on me to follow that course which in the Ierected. 6 Mrs. James F. Mat-leod, widow of the late Colonel Mar-lood. commissioner of the old Royal North West Mounted Police, unveiled the tablet. It was Colonel Ma<-Leod who was successful in securing the signing of the treaty 50 years ago. The cairn containing the tablet is in close roximity to the grave of Chief Crow- oot, who in signing the treaty flung open the great plains for settlement, peaceful settlement, by the whites. Mrs. Macleod and her son Norman placed wreaths on the nearby grave. Stonys, Crees, Blackfeet, Peigans and Sarcees were represented hy chiefs at the ceremony. Hon. R. B. Bennett, K.C.,M.P., spoke at the gathering, tracing the incidents that led up to the signing of the treaty. He also quoted from the speech delivered at the time by Chief Crowfoot as fol- lows: lzY'fY1_SI- T _......1. I... l.....1 .....1 Manager I Fifty years ago, or in the Intel summer of 1877. only a few days before the first locomotive engine entered Western Canada, the most important treaty between the Cuna- dian Government and the Indians of the plains was signed. It was troutvv No. '7. the nne that . The gross earnin_g:s of the Can-: 5-.ulian National Ra`i1wa_vs,_ inc1udin_e' itlm Central Vermont Railway, but in.-xclu(lin_Q' all lines in Canada east `of I.evis and Dia.mon Junction, for` gthu week ended November. 1927,? mr no 4 40,1 nn _.. ,....hnuml! .........~ 5\;u\;AuvAvu-:1. The advice given me and my people has been very good. If the police had not come into the country, where would we all be now? Bad men and xvliiskey were killing us so fast that few, indeed, of us would have been left today. The police have protected us as the feathers of the bird protect it from the frosts of win- tvr. I wish them all good, and trust that all our lu.-arts will increase in goodness from this time forward. I am sntislictl. I will siizn the treat ."- Lulu. \;u(uu.auu: LV unclu- They all expect me to speak now for them and I trust the Great Spirit will put into their breasts to be 9. good people --- into the minds of the men, women and children and their future generations. N'T`1-n. -nlxvinn nviunn mn nun! rvnv future will tend to their good. The plains are wide. We are <-hildren of the plains; it is our hon": and the bullalo has been our loud always. I hope you look upon the Blackfeet, Blood and Surcoes as your children now and that you will be indulgent and charitable to them. 111111.-.. -1! _..__.L _.__ L. .__,_,1_ _.__. Looking. Backward The Town Council on Monday .ng;ht ctecidked to submit a by-law '00 Ix-aise $6,000 to pay the overdra-ft on the electnic light plant and to in- stall metres. Some years ago the fash|ion`a;ble styles in Ladies drresses remiml'ed- `us of an umubrehla hooisted, now they remind us of an umbrella let dlovvm land buttoned. The death of David Hou'1ih.an, welll known around Barrie, took place on! Satunlay. ! An intc1'estin_Q' debate was,l1e1di [last week an Which the hottest! job. to pop corn or pop the ques-H I I tion." | David Bathie shot. a 400 pound, Ibear near Angus the orther (buy. ` the plains signed. It was tre-.it'y No. 7, the one that brought peace to the great plains and threw open a new empire {or settle- ment. The historic document was signed on the banks of the Bow River just east of Calgary and near the Canadian Pacic Railway station of Cluny. It is, possibly, a greater tribute to the red men than to his white brothers that the terms of the treaty has been lived up to in every detail. nn Qnnfnrnixor no 100'! um cu-+.-,.n. ! Ccnstable J. Rogers had an excirt-Q ing time bringing a demented wo- man by the name of Roe in from Oro, near Hawkestone, this week. | I ` Local dealers last week pufchasecll 6,500 bushels of w.hea- c at 68c, 1,600 bu`sh`e1s of barley at 40c, 4,800 ivbushevs of peas at 71c, and 7,600` lbushols cats at 51c. I `V I The Cu`1-bin}: Chub now has a mem-. bershi-p of 110, and the task of sel-1` ecting` the rinks will start at a meet ins: to-night. E ILIIL` \\'L'L'k\ L`HllU\l .\'Uv\:u|.u\,L. ;.-.-nu, jwt.-re S5.2G4,484.00, as compared) ]with $.5,72S),G49.04 for the same `week of 1926, 21 (|o.c1'ea.\:e of S465,-'` 165.04, 01' eigrht per cent. | o i One retrrrat is cut off; 21 i1~.oIon:_~`c1'l1ido behind a skirts. Vc1`_\'larg'e buttons a_'.:'c among` the ladies. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO .lI an I now Advance Fyle, Nov. lVVL4AV|n'-aura` ....-.-_, --_- Advance Fyle, 'Nov. 20, 1927 C.N. RAILWAY EARNINGS On September 22, 1927, the ftieth anniversary of the memorable occu- sion, hundreds of people from all walks of life, representatives of various tribes of Indians and oicers of the Royal Canzulian Mounted Police gathered at the historic spot for an in`.j-"-"ssi\'e memorial service where a calm and tablet had been FIFTY YEARS .~ .1 ,- `G17? (.3 f! P` a` . Lild-'\F.}lu`.\ -35, The N<).x'the1'n Advance AGO 15, 1877 are all thel \.uv vv uu.... 2 M1`. Baker 1'efez'1'ed to a List ofi (Barrie men who served oversees -whic.h he w:1;< unabfo to procure. `Do we fo1'_2'et what was (lone for us. by those mt.-n--Ki.p1in_L' (lid we-H Iin his well known l`tC(`S'.'\`i0]1l] hymm f|\'.'I1r:n hv incIud4(-I the wo2'd:< Lost 1 I | I l 1 W0 for_;'vt. 'I`h;irt0<~n .\'c;u':~' :13_~'o the; I call was soundml and 60,000 men] of Czmzula paid the suprt.-me .~'zxcrict- . . I H} the tour u\\'fuI ,\'-2n'.< that f`nlI<::w-= ml. is it truv that HIV tumult :1n(l~_ I ithc: . :!i(~.<. thr- c21pt:>.i11.< uml: auu uu: u1vv\.oan-Avu l.ILa_y\:1. LDLL vy Rev. A. E`. Baker. Following the singing of the hymn Nearer My Gwd to Thee and an ap4pr.opniaJte Azrmistzice Day -p1\a.ye1', the choir sang The Supreme Sacrice. There Is No Death, sung by Mrs. Baker, [and an amwang~en1envt by M-cCra.e of In I*Tland'ers Ftielnds, sung by Mr. F`. W. Dobson of Bunton Avenue `United Church, Allzmdale, completed rthe special music for the evening`. `DA-.. A [3 'D..`I..... ..L..~.. .... L3. Laud Eu. ...L-.-. I Some thi1`t.y-vc \'o`:c1'an;< under Majfr C. R. I\'en:.!z1l1 aml Thos. Bur- ton a.~:sc.mblo at the Soldzie-1's CLub and paladml in :1 body to the church, `where a large number of Barrie and Allandale people of evc1'_\' (lonomi=nu- tion had gutlmcrexl to pay tribute to 1'e'atives and f1 i'.m wizo paid the supreme sacrrice and in whose honor ithe service was held. .1 ,1,,,, .-;xv. I mu 1 u 9 uvu-uL xvm VJ. vlu. v..u\AA\4AAu In place of the regulsar d|oxo.1ogy, the .se1'vice orpened with the Natisonual Anthem, followed by silenrt prayer and the invocation prayer led- by T).-.... A E` D..`l.... E`n11n..-3~ LL.` mun. oyyvnun uuuuu. nu; mu. vvwtunxcn Rev. A. E. Baker chose as his text [a part of Paul's Epistle to the R0- mans than; there are two courses in} .life referring` to the men who `say' `and do, those who live in harmony `with their p1w0'fess'ion and those who `say and do not. . n. -. u - .. I _. ....\ I i After l1eartil_V welcoming` the} `veterans and those of other church-I les, Mr. Bakler mzule refe-rence to a !statement made by Rev. (zVIz1jo1') C.| 3R. Spencer in `his 2l.(l-`(ll.'0SS at the memorial service held on Fritluy. Major Spencer, he stated. hzul mzule reference to the fact that the re- turned men were ;~3pu1'ne(l, rejectetll gaml ; on the streets of Banal 'rie. Such :1 comment wz1.'< unnece:<-I :<.lur`\', statetl t.l1r-speaker. LVI::jo1` :Spencm'," he continur-tl. knmvs this locality bettex than I. but it is not} `1il that the men who (lid ;-3 mueh`, Ifor us should he zlespi: by theirl fellow men." l m -. -.-.. .. . . .-. . Memoriai Service [ A At Ceniral Churchi un: DCIVILC was u<:.u. The body of the church and the gall-ery were lled to capacity. The front, c-f the church and choir loft was draped in `black with a large Union Jack covering the pulpit, in front of which had been placed the honor mm of the church. 1., ,, _.I _ ._,_ `fought and (lied in '01" 1914-1918. 1 r. n ,`..--...\ Church |\..__..,. H. um .,u........ >.\ .IA` ......i i\\'5 nntl 'f1tl1(`l'l(`S.< chil(l`1*r-n,l otllr-r.~' rc-turnc-l mulmcxl for lifo,; ln:1:':x:_" woumlt< of . and lthesv Valiant souls urn now . Ito ml 21 place to li\'v and work. I`l1:,- sl1z1(lo\\'s of tlmsc terrible lays guru with us _\'(,-t. Onl_\' tl1o. who `. the inf:-rno of war knr-w . thing: of tho {_>'o0:ln(,-. of peace. Wclll .1 I . any Mr. Baker en1pl1u: the fact that if the citizens of B2u`1'le and the country in :."e11(`l.1l were not doing: the 1'ie'ht by the 1'e1,u1'nc-ml men, it is not yet too late to meml. If these people who seorn the veteran could just live 21 (In_\' in tl1:-utn1ospl1exe of tho.~`e men who fou::ht and lied they would l1z1nj:`tl1ei:' hezuls in shame. In c-/111;plu1.~:i7.ix15." the chance of fo1'g'et- ting: these men who sacriceul all for their country, the . read the {poem After Blenheim. by Robert 'Southey, frtnm the 'l`hil-I Reader, in which the old man knows `Txvas a fan1.',L1s Victory, but fo1':.-`n-ts why lthe but-t.le was f0u_9.'ht and what good .11 SA. The cost rd wu he continued, is must live that the lw11r-cr".<;<:11'_\'. It sary that war he law of thv LL,-11:11 .._., \lA may the 1' o1'_L'vt. ..- W.,. .. . is not ("hll('(l 1)_\' liamont am] pm ...... ...... .4. l.,. , *PEE@NAL service --a S pecial Operator l .f'rutemiti not yet still smou ...x .u - sn1othL-1'i1 ;u\.. War is not t-mlul witlmut until it is and:-ml within-umil we Iteurn the teachix1:_-`s of Chx`i.~'t--the _Lg'oo4hviIl to fellow man. our uttitu(lc- to our left our Iand---t .=1nou]:loring' am! the xx .=ti`] . thn dz\_\ V :herin{_-` re will llure 11 I it he cmlotl by m 0 M i n _L' ..-_-. ., :l.p:11't." (- for_2'r.~t--thr3 valiant 'z11'm and !'act0r_\', cn] nu: I .. win` the ;(,`1j_"ll(` of Nut it in other wn th(_-: t11in_u'.< nmy notl It need not ho neces- ()llt]l1\\'k`l{ by the o:1:.v'11o Nations, hut Fmos Indian Traty0pened New Empire fur wht-n those will up ay;:1in cullml to nwet. the! (M and. f 0n[1ict--s( I human .~'ouL-3, yrrr,-mt and wv Lhin_L:< . . . ( Y . `rusty ht-M .ntz'ul United the {gallant who 3 Great Wm` aittinj. t'0r<~. to -some loft child`)-r~n,| vilux, 1c- re is 11' (lemons hon .Ca:m[p Borden achieved their am-l `bixtion of several seasons when they dawned Balmy Beach, four-,t*'m1e | ,m,____ -4: `L- ('\T)'D`I T :.. +1.,` n`nI:_ IUUWHUU. Damlng u::a\.u, AURA , .... u. winners of the O.R.F.:U., in the clos- ing game of the schedule on Satur- day. The score was 15 to 11, the ,Ainmen overcoming :1 6-poim lead secured by Balmy Beach in the early part of the period, which had broken a 4-4 tie. Yip Foster, who played .21 stellar _2'ame tln=Cu:l1ou.t, and was ibest for Balm_\' Beach, was lll1`(_`0`tl;\` g1`e. for the Beach 1o;`\`~1. :1! .fumbled punt at centre p1-esenting.:l Allison with the chance to run 60' _\`:u'd.< for 21 try which decided the~ \\ Q\\ \ \ CAMP BORDEN WINS FROM O.R.F.U. CHAMPIONS I _Lunn_ 1 } Hz11'lin;2' was 0ut;~vtzm(l;in_2' for the; lvsinners th1'0uf_>th~:11t, 3.-'oin_4` both wa_\'s,} iwhilc Ault. his partner on the rear: _L'uanl, was also in rare form. Ran0_v' Gibb, Jumieson and .~\11ison wcrel }ot.l1e1's to play a h11'_2'c- part in hand-1 `1n_'. ,` the BCZIC-hC1`S their rst loss of: fthc seasron. ` ' W I I _._1 _..... LL 7I`A]V ZLIH. UdNUll. t E I%i1Ii115.r's p]un_4'(- and ran the ends `well for Balmy Beach, while Dcwitt,'i` `Crowhurst, Hen and Hamlin were `.~:t1`ong' on the front line. Pontong playc-(I 21 sltcl-1111' role while he xvas 011,} as did Metcalfe. I Cum p Bomlen 1inL--up-13`1._vi 11;: t }\\'inr_-_-`, J:`hn.=on; I1z1.1\'0.=. Gibb, Hzn` `inyx and C:z1m_.-ron; quzu'tc1'. Ault; 1 .1..- 17112-`; ....`.lu IIA|l`I-y u... . \IlI ing isnap. Jamic-son; insides, Elliott aml i;\`ICGLlil'L'; middlos, )Io. and: i_Ii:nw_\'; olitsidz,-.~'. Coomhs ziml St)`()11(i;` . Sanipson, Luko, \Vilson, ' VV]}(.`L'1('l'. Rt,-I Burns. Campbcl1,_ i.~\l1i. 11ml k'.<. A .....__, ...... o\_'u-`1'_\'-d:1_\' iif'(,-, Rm: 32li(l*1' :1 with tht_-.<(- 1'omz1rk.<. Thv cro.<.< bu-n thv ; of .<.z1c1'iIicn~ c1'uc.ixi and the \\'hi tu crosses which mark t1m.<<,~ _:ruv<-.4 in`b F.1:u1 < Ionotc . '1`hL-.\']t (11u1~_: the torch to us, he ours toi h0`.u| it high. Let. us ;.~'1`;1x1) thr-irit spirit and though we may not die iiyt \\'ur1'ur(,~ (T be nailed to :1 cross, still it we can sucrico for our G011 :1ml`i, live as those men who .<:1c~ 1'ice(l 1111;; for their I\'in_-L` uml c.ountr_v and forit us. No victoigv was won nntl ncthingig worth striving` for in this world has 2 i)('(`n _L:':1iiml other than by >;uc1`ice.i Followin_u` the lust hymn, :1 two-i minute sih-ncc was (_1)(`l'\'('(i, during` 1 V which the Dczul March in Saul wu played. ` rm... r .. .. D,...+ ...~...n.I..,i i\\v r`m._' | In z1ppl_\'in:_-: the .~::1cr':fic-.- _g`21lTm1t men who fouyxht and ` King` cc0un`w\' and I`Im)i1'r- . . . u 1-.- 11,__ n..!.... `nu; \\.uu The Last pom! B. J. F to 21 close. over 800 Branches including Vancouver Victoria Calgary Edmonton Regina VVinnipeg Fort u/:n:.m LII London Hamilton Toronto Ottawa M ontrcal Quebec Sc. John, N .E THE BELL TELEPHONE CO. OF CANADA l`0|'t VVilli:m \Vindsor, Ont. Halifax Sydney Charlata- nu-| IN CANADA LESSON No. 19 Question: Why is emul- sified cod-Iiveroil so won- derful a foocI- tonic for young girls and women? 11 ,,___ :`_ J v.....:., 3-- -- - Answer: Because it abounds in nourishing fac- tors that are particularly benecial to people prone to anemia and other con- ditions due to malnutrition. Keep your system vitamin- nourished-take W BARRIE BRANCH nu/1_\ unu 14151111.` 321kr* urn: ` 1} ! number 1'11} caning!" ` -1' This may seem like in- efficiency, or even [ carelessness or indif- ' ference. Yet the Special Operator, who does this, is there only to be of personal service to you. She is there to help you get the person you want when there has been a change of number or when through misunderstanding or tech- nical fault the call has gone wrong. She has at hand the sort of records which make this possib1e-records which to be effective mist be con- centrated before her. Again, she s there to be of personal service, to help in situations where you can t help yourse1f--to restore ,, ._..,J.... ...-.,..~.4-ln n11!` n+"F`i_

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