Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 10 Nov 1927, p. 4

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....uumu, uuu pu.u;U lUI' um Luz`! COT!- vention of the Czlllibdiltn. Weekly Newspapers A. which br:in*K`S together the publistliem of weekly nowspzmers in every section of Canada, the executive of the asso- ciattzian considered all unglms of the matter before :locidi.n: that this year's c0.1vontiou would be held at ' Bigwin. Inn, in the Lake of Buys dis- trict of the I~l1'g.hl:Lmis of Ontario. ` Here, not only would the delegates be provixiodv witih splendid hotel ac- commodation for themselves and their wives, but they would also find splendid tacumes in the way of con- ` union nail and committee rooms for A but is (`()l1si(l4'l'('(l L0 Ina l,|1(-lixlnst, and nmst \'2l]ll:lI)|(' .~:l1i])mt-nl. ul` h)r.~'.<-:4 over to rouvh (7:u1:ul:1 zlrrivwl in Mnntn-ul rm-(imly [mm Hnyluml and l'lur0p.- on lmzml tho (':m:uIi:m l':u-ilin froiglltrrs, Imu\'ort!\ and H()linghrnl l`|Iv unimnls uro o\\'no by W. J. M:-Cnllum of lrumpl.nn, ()nt., and l(v;:inu, Szmln, and ru- )l'l!H(`lll. tho pivk of tho -h:1m;)i(m In-uvy hor.-44-.~x of lmzluml. .8`:-u,ut|:1ml. Frzxnt-0 and Belgium, having Iwvn pun-|m:4ml by M2`. l\l:-(Tullunx luring u 2(),()(H)-mile nmtnr (`Mr of the rural arena of tho llritis-all l .~4|u.~x uml tlw two cmxutric-H of lurupv. The lmr.'t.-5 wuru shim):-tl Ln lhuunptun prior to Inning (`xlnihitucl :-.1: thv \\ intm' I-`airs to In-. lush! within Llw nnxl, fvw \vm~k.~z at. l`urnnto, (Yllin-ugn, (Eu--lph and Utm- Wil. Smnu iulvu of tlw vulm! of Mn- lurgo slxipnwnt, run he (`L1, 1-1! by the fuel, that, one-` of Hm |mr.~:o.~'. in- cludml in Hm :-xhlmm-nl. l.m~d Wil- lingdml" was purvh;1~<-.2 '-_'.' .\Ir. Mc- "ullum for :1 pt":~-' u - -\ -.~,"~),.)):l. ,g\.,,'. '4... 4.... ,.o` ., , :|I. ,,. I. Lord Wllllnn I0 lmznnl planw I uu_v holix uhlnn," $Ill,0l)l) ( Ilycln-.~ululc-, mo uf the! for l'm'l.-4 an Imus.--luu'|np_ luur. 3. Cllilll Champion Stallions of Four Countries rrovunclax w.u.'1'.u. uonvenuorgl lhelkl at Ottawa. Mrs. A. s. nmfgr-` -: and Mrs. Mamraret 'I`urm:r a.tten ...,..-. >JIl\(A\. ....-. ..W.., .LA\lllI home. The street is packed with icurs. She visitr,-rl the store and ask- iczl the inspectzr if she could Eat sonic hints on tempe1'anc(- as this a temperance measure. He .~`airI it is a ridd-lei and can you (rut-as it. for It, controls the minority. Mrs. Per- kins, a delegate from the L'nit.e States. .=tate that local optiin was in force in 2.238 counties and 7.900 salons were clo;ed. A resolution of 1'og`1'et \va.< placed on 1':-c`rd in set- ting` aside the Ontario Temperance Act and accepting." Government Con- trol. I The regular mcctim: of the W.Cf1`.U. was hfrld at the home of` Oh Mrs. Thos. Aikincs, Worslny St., Monday, Oct. 3191:. In the a.b.+t.-nu: of Mrs. W. J. Ba.1`l!a.nync, Miss E.` _King' pres.id.(:d. Mrs. M. Turm.-r read} an excellent report of the recent: ]Prov!in'cial W.C.T.U. Convcrntiomi n ......n.: Varied Sports at Bigwin Inn |Lt.n\| um uuvwvva. AVLLH. n. u. A-urvvyr iaml Mamaret a.ttendI:d `as Banric tlclcgates. At the cIo.=;<.- of; the meeting Mrs. Aikin;~: servczl after-' noon tea and all present c/njoywl a 3 pleasant half-hou r. , | I 'T`L.. .`.1..._..:_.._ _... ... _.. _1' LL_l. . ,............u .......-...,.... i The following are some of thai` convention notes. 210 rlr.-k:::a.1.cs at-i tenided the convemtion. The Mayor `of Ottawa presr.-ntc.-d :1 iJ.I`,`.{(.' threg-i storey birthd=a_v cake. .-Xcror-;.'~i one; side of the lower .'~.'tory Goldenjv J1LbiT?ec in _'.*'old letters, and on the otherr side was 1877-192T. Mrs. McKr.-0 f0i'mm'I_v of Banir,-, and )1 )-.=.. Thorniey of London each puta I-cnffrz ,into the cake and than it was pa:~;:~:- ed around. .\I1~:<. Gcrrlon VV'1~f<.rht wtatml that in London the-1'c wa:~' a liquor store thrcc: doors from E1-i-1' I'IM;\IS--H:ILL-.-\t .\Iont1'e:11. Que I on W0(1no. Nov. 9th. Ix-`I3.-"::to A Emms and )Ii. .\I:1bu1 Hiil. brt -1` n-.,,,. , Hm `r`.'.rm' nmi into C \' :1_. to .'m' 01' I 1411-.` nu ]' mu: 0'. ms nor: . Qmwztimwcl us to the (low: to tho lmrso imlu.~str,\,' throuzrh thr- intrmliit-{,i0n of L:`:1'h).'s 1 ut|"r inm-h:.ni<-:.l farm impi.-nmnts to tukr tho pizu-n of l1nr.~'o:`:. Mr. IV[<'(`.1li'.1n. stated that gasoline had done all tho damage to the horse industry pos- sihlo. l'Fll:`l'(` \'.':.:~' 2. .~;(-:1.'ci`.y of mm 1 l1oi'.~u.u in (`M 4 ha uni-i. due to thn. fret that the 1 n'.ii:::.n-L" oi" y_`m)l horsus hrod had 2 ( 1 w `:1 and (`.re::t T3rit...2. y:i'.~::'.!_v (i"(`l`\'.l>,l`(i. [E0 believe-5 that 1" ir`.'.rrv'-w-ti n -'-1' !;iL:h-(`lass uni- Cxiv :~.vm1tr_',' will go a long: \ 1l_.' xamls `Liumlnting the raising I nil:-H1-' `u i. is has lmon ix1\'<-sh-(1 by .\`u`. f.1.~: in l vn-lw|'m).~'., (`l_-,'(la-~::!:1 -.~:, S . and Hvl;:i:|ns. His lirst s'.u'1mu-nt tn Czmmlut,l1i.~: your im~lu:l1-(1 H :xnin::;ls wlzioh n-zu-lnml 1\Iontrv:1l in -`xu;:u.~:L. 'l`ho mvn:-r who -rns:svd from "mm! this trip uht-:n'(l tho 1\lv!:1gn porsonnlly looks after the i:n;:ort:mt. tlotuils in 1-unm-vtion \'.'iLh tho l`.und lim: 0!" his |mr::=-s. lJm-ulinnml 1 in Hm tlnvnvtvvn rlrrm .- uuu of Barrie. '|'H|`I .'\H)H'|` A\| l l:l'L(`l.\'l'I`l|), Till`) .\`l.()S'l` PHR- .`~`,(),`\'.\.!. .`.\'I) 'l`l||'l .\H),`s"l' |`I(I().\'().\ll('.\L We are not as busy now as weiwill be in December I. 'l'Hl'I ().\'l.Y (il|'"l' Y()l'H Tl"HIl'l.\'l)S (.'.\ .\ .\'()'l` BUY l<`()l. '|`|ll`l.\l.\'l'}l.\'l`IS IF YOU `WANT PURE, SAFE MILK, CALL . (I. I`. L`|I:lnl|)in|I YOUR PHOTOGRAPH W. C. T. U. MEETING Christmas Gift ms! .\'lnlliun.~: rn-r R. l<`rrip,:hu-r ` nun IIH`(lH|('4I in II` '. J ackson;=Photographer "nut number of purposes. Mr. McCallum`s up-to-dat~'.\ method of engaging in the horqe-?11yin;,' in- dustry is borne out by the fact that he does r-onside:'a`..le tx'a'.'L-lli:1g by`9. and he r:=,c0'.1nt:? many '`::'-'.t7` 1* ix. dents when for-red lz1nr'in,-'< we `n made on account of 50 `~-' and stormy vvmther. {is syste Ec 1.u;:`.< J rural districts in Emt!;1`u,l, Sc ~. :1". '-. and Europe are done, lmv o`.`w 'y motor clurinzx Hm stnnr .-.w * 'l'HUIlSl`L-'-.Y. I`JOVltlI 4 13:1, l'I`iln(`(.` and UN Lord . \'- illin-zrlon," the sr.:_... ' for whiz-h I he p:u':;i over $10,()0f), 15 th-: mos , xzxhuliale horse with the we-sent lot am`. one of the nest 1101.: `J _-'.x.r hrvrl ovomeus. He was the only tim- your~olrj winning doul.1e cha7.pion- si _)s in S:-otlund this your, heim: tthnmpion at the R0_',':;l Show, New- jort, Scotland, and cham;:E<\'1 at the Kilniurnock Show. This stallion '.":".1 go l>zu'k to Scotland for breeding: Afr ,\/Tn(`,nH1nn'a III'\_fr\_r`rx".~\ .~...4.l. -4 License Fee $1.00 per annum I.-.u.. .r.ur;I.anu,, Uub U1 /A I Gr:or<,:,- `.oz:c:n=., also of Penetang, `was ned $5 and costs under an act which atatcgcz that .=.'h:In:.{ must. be done by trol}in<,r or angiing. Rogers i-_v_r1_g-_-3:-g_z;ght trapping in 2. bag }in Hart's: Creek near Lafonmine. ` Two cases vw.-re heard before 4Mgl:i.=;t.rzLtg Haw:-zon in Pnnctang yes- Vu: ,'{Z._lgrjl.-r the :~7p<.-cia.1 Fiah.erie3 lR<.-;,rulation.'-4 of Ontario, both charge-3 gbcing laid by Jas. .VIc(}regor, Cami: gaml I"i.4.h<.-ric.-:2. O'vr:r.v.t:c:r. ' ` Silva Mahx,-n. aw: 16, of P'.~nr:ta.ng, iv/xv :'l 31 and 00$-IL? for shing ' I: trout in Copeland's Creek I near Pr.-nt.-tang, out. of season. , . , ,. . I ,.,..... n.._.,, I~ '- The case against Jchn and James Travr;r.=: and John Travers, Sr., of `unlawfully having 2. supply of liquor on thfx-r property, were all three rl='.~:- infsasc-rl by .\Ia.g.<'-`.1at& .I.-'.=. in Barrie Polfca Court on Frirlay on t. _ 2'!`-Cunds that possn.~1Ior.- was 7: ' prove-1:. The evidence against John Travers, T ...n.. V4-4. L. -__1_, L, 1 7 . . . - _C.....-. ..-..... Lxavcxz, Jr., was that he only boarder! at the home where the booze was found. James Travers only leased the arable land and was not the cwner of the swamp Evidence did not show that Tn`.-.n '1`...-\... ..- C` . ____ _ l:.?s hurses ` xmshzps ' d ' fgtuao FOR FISHING READ THE 1-YDVERTI SEMENTS. Mr. Andrew Inrzles, 2nd co .n of North O1-illia, brought ne Sp-;cim:-n of {golden ca,-,-'1 .- .:_ __._ 11!.-;_1, - ....~ .:...,... \. & _uL-urn ax-.:,'A': Uu ` farm. With wings ext nded the I measured seven feet from tip tip. It is 'oe!fe~\'ed that 'ti1i.~ e`g:' s responsible for the disappear- of 5:-ve-2'r.I _vouz*.$: Iambs and .1 .1 CHARGE DISMISSED up x.:1r~.'x-u_Jx-x BARRIE BRANCH-~-R. R. White, .1Ir1nzgcr ranches at Bradford. Bondhcud. Craigluurst. H.-nwkcstone. Lcfroy. Kcswick, Skrnud, Hillsdnlc and F.In1va'Ie 2. \V. J. Mc(I'.|llum.:IIl1-f!. nhnut nnumlcr nf l\lursmn." un I'ZnL\,ll~'.h :; carry the record of cham- . won. at practu-ally uli the <>"1`. `s *-.(`.- ' ;.x 1.;.';:`i 1;`: U: and lselgium. the .ct-- 01 D, 5: H-1.: rv-\/\uI- 13127` Cleanliness and Service" in Our Motto All Radio Receiving Sets MUST be "Licensed T "DOES not always pay to sell grain as soon as the threshing i: nished. If you have a good crop and the :market is depressed see the local manager pf the Standard Bank and arrange a loan untll a more favorable situation presents it- self. V... gun.-u.5... ... u.u..,.. 5... l\l u cuss such problems in condence. Never Sell Grain On a Dull Market ..a. `a4... .-.4 OF CANADA DDAMPIJ D D \lIL:n__ n the tzhrnic-4: of :1 t:r7nvt,-ntion ormtre thwart: are mzuny qm-stions to be consldemd. 'l'hn zm;mmnt)d:Lti0n.s for tho Vlodxzlnrpq of do-lvq:a.Lus are of great irrvportanm, tmt ulna them are the motors of mnuntutrmmnt to be con- sidered 11 mm convnmion is to he ` successful from every angle. In choosing the place for the 1927 con- vantinn n!` Hun (`-.n..,.u...n ur.\,.u.u.. ' Our manager is always glad to dis- ,, ,, I ,, ll,,,, 3 r: WI`? H.-\ \ l`I INST.-\LLl?ID the latest up-to- t.lm-minuu.- equipment in our Dairy, con- .\'l.~.`l.lnj.`,' of Pastourizer, Povwer Bottle \N.'1.~1l1m` and Sterilizer, and Automatic Pillor mad Cappcr, insuring clean and safe iulmlling of milk. You are invited to call and inspect our plant and see the sani- tary \V'._\' in which the milk is scientically pu.~:h-1n'izml and all utensils sterilized. Bigwin Inn is one of the ohamrlng :~',u:x`.:n0r lmu-ls or Eastern Canada. ' zrnd is convonimltly located near Huntsville on the 1`0rorLLo-Nor1 Bay line of the National Symun. From Huntsville 'the visitor is taken by well-appointed steamboat to the Irm, and special sleeping ears open ute to and from '1-`hmtsvville for the convenience of 'v1sibm'su--OmadltlI l\'ut.iona.l Railways photograph. ! trzulszu-,tfn;: hnir 1)lL :[I1lEI~. S. Fnovm the untm-minxm:-nt side 01' the question, Bizrwin Inn, located. on re shore of I.:Ll of Bays, offers to visitors every variety of law} and water sports Imsutml in :9. {beautiful regkm of him and forest, it is an ideal holiday cmltre and cm: which is growux in pupuelarity with each season. Every form 01 aqtmuc sport such as host- ing, vbathing and fishing may be en- joyed. zund in :u1di1:io'n (there in salt. wn-nix, bow lln;; and other pumdtn for those who seek these forms of diversion. `and Fisheries. I !\`lis' Vivi:-mun J:-{T5, who is M2- tundinu' Victoria Collmxu, ]`m-onttog Mi.~zs M. McIntosh of Moowo Jaw. S:1.~2k.. and Misq Halon Baycroft M Aururu .-xpenut thu weak om] with. the fo1'rn_-r':s paronm, Mr. um! Mm. C. J.~'s, Bztyolzd St. ; unmuuu 1 the Barrie } ph.,n~v (`,o., 5 his p1l!'tllL.'s' Mr. um! I Mr. zuul Mrs. Pm'c_v Cnrh:-Lt zunl son of B0w'mn.nviIle, :Ll.~m Mr. and Mrs. [u`r1n-at Owl):-.tt and f.-unihy of "l`01' spent tho wnvk om! with Mr. and Mm. Jams`. C01~b0'tt, Elizn.l.\o-th Q4- run. nun.-\.u lll.L uuuu. I Mr. A. E. Smith roturnotl home ` on 17`1'irla_\' with a hunr.Ired-pound stag laftc-1' a few days huntingr trip with a party of Orillia Men at Maple Isarncl, north of Pan'_\' Sound. ,,v Wu ..- AIL...|. T......-:.. -._.,`l .;u.u.v,r IJVn ` Mrs. G. Nichols and Mix; F`ln)~-rice .\'ichnl,.~: r`i])(!llt tho }mi'i(l:1_V in Bmct.-- |n`irlL`v, with Mrs. Wrm. Joimwlzon. HiI1lllj:'iltvl' Ht-rim oi 'l'm'unto .<.p(-n'L l.h-` ilOi`i4|:l_\ with Mrs. \N,uII.\~ nH)UI(`l`, ;.\lm. 1*`. l"urlmiu'. I:1yfi<~lI S1,. Mr. nml Mrs. |.. A. (7:m1ph<-H zumi f::mi|_\' til (7:imp hml:-H vi.-'.it(-1| MPH. `(`(.l"]V"l)('l1 S mntlu-r, Mrs`. I". 'iurImi-_u'. `uVt"' thn lmlitlny. Mr. I.r-.=:ili- Brown of 'l`m-unto .~:p-ht `,th- huii4l=:1_\' with his ]mrr~n't;4 in t.:;\vn. i .\ii. H:r/.-I (imip-' and :'\ ii.<.a' l"r:Lm:v.~i .`\|i'liill!"UJ!1 of 'l'0mnto visiL(~.tI Lin- l'm~in:-r .s p:u'<~nt1.s', Mr. znul Mrs. J. I". (7r.'1i'.; ()\`l'l' thv |mIil4:1_\'. l.+:Lhu-I nml Hr-rnm'd lhevlin, who :m~ :1ttr.~m|'in1: m|lr~;_-w- in Toronto, vi. their para,-nt.~' on Maple Ave. nvm` thv l1wl'il.'i_V. *':Linn1:u1 Ho1`l:Lml, (Ihiof (`.]m'k of bmnch of the Bell 'I`<-`lc- :~:pm1't, the wuvk om! with in Potrvrborti. Mm. Ii`. W. Otlon FJ])(`Hi' the wank (-`ml with M1`. nml Mrs. ,H. H. ()t;t0n in I`m'0nm. 1,, I I I II n r. . Mr. um! Mrs. l`. N. Walls and" The Lgkgview Dairy, 925w. nuxvn. un LcllA_\ Is.)v\A|uIa Mr. and Mrs. Ahbert Loomis an-cl dau-g1'h:te1` ETt1ne, Miss E. Eames and Mr. C. Norm~a:n Kelcey were Than_srs- _:ivin:2' vis1'to1':< at the lattc-1".= heme lon Wellington St 111 -n1-xarru -[ll IIAlA_-.uv|| | Mr. and Mrs. D. F`. M<:Cua?:.: v.':i-re thv _u'ue.~'t.< ovm` the h'1i:lu_\' of ;\ Irs.| .\`IcCuai_2".< 1)a1'm1t.~', `Mr. and Mrs:. W. F. Wilrmn. R)'un`..forr?. Mr.:1nr1.VIrs. A. A. Penny of Caym-0] spent the ho?`i in town,` `thv _L'L1(=:~'.t.< rf M1`. and 1\'I1's. W. J. uvux um; vvcun uuwu. Mr. and Mrs`. J. B. Fee Ipentt: the week end- with Mrs. Fe*e s parents in Canmingvton. . 1|! '4' f"....... -9 I"...u-.-n-.51. nun. l`nn \.Jlll'lllllb`|I\IAI- Mr. K. Cvaig of Toronto was the guest of his g'randm10ther, Mrs. F. J. Lower, Sophia St., over the ho`1dlay. IE2..- `I'_I ..I..~. `l')~..~ 1CIr\r\v\ I-`Ln -.nn'lu Mr. and Mrs. Stewart L. Page spent the ho1'id`a._v with their parents in Richsmond` HM and T'norrLh 1l. vv-n 1,1 , .u,u.r....m.....`. `.VIi.~':= Ermna Trott .`~`])('l1t the we-0~k and with her parents in Brentwood. Mr. Jack Tullock .'-1pc-nt the holi- tI~z1_\` with f1'i in Toronto. -r -rv -r\ -r n 1 'I\ III I|v( nu,-u ;x. Mrs. H. D. Jamieson and Donald spent the week end in Toronto, the 3.-'ues.t.< of M1 . and Mrs. F. S. Jamie- >011. Ru.<. Hill Road. it 11 , 1 1 ,,,,, tow n .u.- 1.4. .|.rxr_:.5a nu uunv. Mrs. W. H. Meyens, Owen Sft., visited he1*~d'aa1k:hater-in-Ilaw in Oshawa over the week and. In u ur -r n ,,,,4, L1,. uuwcl, uuynnsa Iain, vwun. mu. u.\lu.vuIcIv~v. Miss Helen Ross spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross, Durwop-St. 111:..- 11.-.... t!............n. ..:....`L...l 1... Use Lakeview Dairy Miik lJ'\IllalAl Luuaa, Juunuuy uv. Mi Mary Kavauagh visited her -parents at Minesing Station on Sun- day and Monday. `IKE..- 'I f_.Ix.._ `I .. -1- .._.....L LL- .........1 um; a.u\I uLuuu>u_y. Miss Helien Luck spent the week end in T01-omao, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Graham. u up n. . 1 n nu xv-\.nuuuuu ;;:u uuu .n.nvLu.uu. Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Hill spent the week and in` Collirngwocd, the guests _.c `I ... 1?` 1'1 Y`l'.'1 u._;o. .14. u. Aulflu Mr. C. T. Sarjeant of Oakville, who was 0rmp'1'o'0(l : years ago by Hunter Bros. Clothimrr Co. in Bar- rio. \m.= in town on Tu(~s(la_V visiting W1`. W. C. Hunter am] 1`0m:winp,` old ucqu:-xintzmc 11! .`~ I? <. --n. . nd- Han n.~.n.1_- Gowan. Mr. \ wood, Sumln 3' ... LOIS with I u; AVALI ' Du.nI0p | Thin" l Cllu Wlwl. IICI. yaxvzuvc mm Lvuvunvv. Howard Craig` spent the holiday with his parents in Toronto. 1Uf.. ..._.) `III ..- `X7 0 DA:-\AI\t\1h`r .-v.nn.-6 HUHH~Z\.\ Ill .\lIVVl||dll'\L'L. lss Wilda Culbert spent the week oml with her parents in Bond Head. Miss A. Norlen visited frieI:ds in `Toronto over Tl1a11ksgVivi11g: I I Miss Lean Granrt spent the week end wth her mother in Paisley. Miss Laura Teasdlale spent the week end in Toronrbo. -1- wwn 1 `yr 3,1,. ,1 rn..._._A__ -_:._ wvcn cnu nu Lvxvluvvu Miss Ethel Wrigm: of Toronto vis- ted her parents wet the ho11'd ay. n.r:.... tr..1....,... \xr....,L .....,..-.+ H... ..m.u1: Penalty on summary conviction is h ne not exceeding $50.00 ICU IDCL VULCIIDD DVCL I./All: uvuu'a_y- Mix Velma Wand spenrt the week end with her parents in Toronto. rr__._-.__I r<........ .........L H... 'l...1.'.l..-.u Wlhll IIJIO putcuua Ill Lvkulnvllu Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Peacock apenut tho? week enld` with Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Bri:g*g's in Galt. `MI ...~.. I II `MI nnnn Ian f\uumn Q} O])('I' N G. F. Do_\--'1`e and family spent the lholiday in Newmarkc~t. vxv-a 1 /awn, N4 ,_.-._L 1.1., ___..-1. ' .j:.gnuoc-pea...-.-poa-o:o;o upocnoczoj H EPERSONALS i-=----~-------------- ' 1'. p(-nml an up-t0-dz 1 Co1Iin,:nv0nd. I-lzu'vr`_\' and A1 -`au, Mu.~'wkok:1, sq) 'ith their sister, F rslrgv nu v Wm. M form:-rl .\I 1'. Licenses, valid to 31st.Ma`rch, 1928. may be obtained from: Staff Post Ofces, Ramo Dealers, _Rad1o Inspectors, or from Raadio Branch, Department of Marme and Fisheries, Ottawa. an (1 nu Ill wuunnlb E. B. Hill}. uu. Sl`(, lL\` 1' the Morrison up-to-rlatv t ..,. PK, ,hr: week Mrs. J. Morn-3. wrly ( Alvin sjwn; Pub` `x\/7.. nu nu Th!` T\'n.rH!P:'1 Tormxto k cm], the A. JOHNSTON, Deputy Minister of Marine .. ..-., n has 11-. tonsoriul Ba rri 1-, A risa the w , the 1.-;uu:st M 0n'km:1 n 53 of Ros- wocek cm] R. T o])pm', :1c:1u:x1n`.- rucontly 'iul purlor Collin rn A dvnnr-9 sTAN1gAif; ABANK Luurvu cqrcun. uuc vvccn cuu vvnvll u: and Mrs. J. F. Craig, Maple Ave. `Stewart Bryson, Claaud Craig and` Jack Mac:Kinn'on spent the week end in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. .lb(*1': P:1ttm'.~'on and Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Oliphant motored to Gu<-kph on `. V(;rlm-.=:lz1_\', where vthey attonclovl the .\IcC;mn- P;.tter. \v:-(l`(Iin_L*. Next Sunday m0rnin_L', November 13th, Trinity Church will be the scene of an interesting ceremony when His Lordiship, Bishop Sweeney`, will oiciute at (lC(llCa.tl0I] .<(*1'\'ices and the unveiling.-' of two beautiful memorial win. in the church. One of the windows, the gift of W. -A. Boys, K.C., M.P., is dedicated to the memory of his parents, the late Judqzc W. F`. A. Boys and Man` Frances Morgan The other window an is in 1]1(.*I110l" of the l`z1t AVLII IV: .4. u\.`. from his hunt.in5.: L successful in b:1_;'_L`i1 lotment of dam". it` 1-1 1-..u Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Jar1'e1:t and (Fa-ug:hte1' of Rochester, N.Y., visited M1`. and Mrs. J. Mc'Kn`ig`ht last week end. Mr. McI{nig'ht an-(E laugrhtc-1` Dorotthy reiturned with them for a few (lIzL_\'s visit. Inn nu AlIL.lIl\lI..V \IA. nu Junk. `Vane-0, p1'ose11tL-(1 by Mrs. Va Miss Eva Little of Alina (7oHt~_L,"Ir, St. Thxcmas, spent thu holiday with her pwrents in town. Frank Holdn of the C.N.R. stall spent the hoilday at his homv in Co1`]rimgvwoo 1|A'.. A I...I.. T .._'l. ..:r.:L...I ..-:IL L umnu-an . uuu-.1.-Au. AImvAvL(~|vvIL|, u-uusu Mrs. W. L. Gandmer left on Fri- day last for a few weeks visit With. her sister, Mrs. J. Forbes, at Blen- heim. uro 1: - 1: yr -,1. 1- rn,,,,,,;, unuu. Misss M-arie McKnighrt of I`~oronto spent Thanksgiving` under the par- ental roof. 1 pr i ,, L 70111 Clbal FUUL. I Thos. Nottingham of Toronfo spent ' the h-o1'id21y with friends in bown. Mr. and Mrs. C. Bartlett of Beams- vie spent a few days with the lam- ter s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Sin- clair, before leaving to spend the winter at Tampa, Florida. ! I | ' ` ' 1 Chas. M. Hunter, who represents the Ascot Clothing Company, spent 'I`rh-anllasgivinug; with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. I-Iuunter. TO UNVEIL MEMORIAL WINDOWS AT TRINITY Mi. we (-1; Juauou nu ;u; Alvv vv\.A mu, ...u..uu_v. Haxrry Shanacy of Miqlland spent` the week end in tour; the guest of Charile McMavtin, Sm1Ls.1`1 St. ! I JR ... 117 1 I` . u . ~ .... `l\ .... '5`-`.3 Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Cnai-g of Tc- ronlbo spent the week end with Mr. -...J IL ... `I E f`f....!.. `Al....1:.-. A-.-A I xuvu-uusvv vvu. Mr. Alvin Luck visited with Angus! Ross in Toronto over the h.o1d`ay. I 1"l'_..._.. (VL_._...... -1` `.|K:.l'l..M.l ._... at is])m'.-i `LI . WARNING T0 USERS OF RADIO

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