'5--~ ` ` Wild Animals Friendly on Banff-Windermere Highway DR. E. TURNB-ULL 1- up may 1 GCRDON LONGMAN H. H. CRESWICKE DR. W. A. LEWIS nnxr A \n-\ nran A (3121 MUSIC LESSONS v . . . . u-.. MEDIQAL . McCUAlG, B.A. , rI,-,_._:_I__ 1. I Page Seven 1:-... ; Barrio. The picture map above gives a comprehensive idea. of the most_extens_ive tie-in of radio stations ever attempted in Canada and possibly in the world. The tie-in links 1:) radio stations, with CNRO at Ottawa as the key station and Mu1'coni beam station C13` zit I)rummon(l\'ille which will 1'0-hrozulcast on 3. slwrt wave-lenp,'th to the British Broa Conipztny in l'In;:lz1nl, whicli in turn will broadcast to liuropean veceix-'in;: stations. By means of this tie-in of Canzidizm rmlio stations the world will hear not only the Special Jubilee radio pro- gramme on the evening of July 1st, but also will listen be the init.i.:1l pen] of` the carillon in the tower of the Parliament Buildings and 8.i:~',u to the .`4[Jf'5Ci ll`.8 by the Governor-Gent-i'ul,' Prime Minister and others. `The Li..~-jn in'}()}Vs)_-t; app1'()xinm,t(3l}\_I $3,000,000 of oquinnien.t':1nd it` lll1(ieY'l3.'li((?n on a commercial basis would have ~ `; approxiiiiatcly $1,000,000 more to cst,u.blish. _ ` _ Broadcasting Canada s Confeiizration Jubiiee pine meadows, rivers crossed and re- crossed. and glimpses of cascades tumbling down slauws from clizzy h=,ig.h.r.s are intriguing and beauti- F111 ' ..u. To this natural beauty is added thztt of seeing the a.ni.;x.L1s in their natural haunts. Rocky Mountain ..12ee;: are seen on thnrozzd alonsr Vermilion Lakes not far from Banff. They :-we so T.(`.'.!1O that oiten motors have to slow -down as they will pm`- sist, almost to the point of danger. in standing in the middle of the I;-lghway. . .. . . . ,,..A___14_,` I` 1".c.:/.0. :1 black bear. is :1 friend to nnzny motorists on the Bunft'-Win- ,r`r-2 2:0:-9 1`1".\'.".'.`. Ho cnmwz out on the |h1,=-.uwu:y' us if he had sole right to it. He dam not resent these invad- -..~ in i`\:; lnnl` .-ma rnnllv wishes to Hz" mm 1101 TCSQHL Luursu 1uvu.u- ; in the lens: and really wishes to 6020, SEAR TRAFFIC Cop BU IH ('i7IIl]_) ll3Ll.`llllL_}5' LU IKLUIU IUUULILIUIL, |JlflU'y (Canadiztn National Railways photographs.) show his friendliness. Sometimes he has lunches handed to him and the 2'ema.rks of nice old chap, fine old fellow, please xim tremendously. and he will try to come even nearer. 13020 no doubt had numy dreams during the Winter 0!` summer tour- i.~`TS. and p0ssil)I)' 11:1: f`m.1x-all out in true bear fashion just hm-r to get the mos-L ou,t of the tourist season. THURSDAY, JULY '7, 1927. Deer are seen. a1 this faimrms highways though I.<:.t av often as other animals. They are rr>;;u1:u` vis- itors to Banff, and are fi'c'q1'.-.3xt`!'.` seen on the streets of the vii`; .- There are hundreds of mns smooth motor roads t1`.I`O`.if.'.'h the r~......,w:,... x-a,,.-.. ,_ _`,_>`,`V __ '.`:~.::~.;::r.::. ;.:z.~ .. . ..1.. . the open road are v1.~:iti'.~':: 1;`: $1011 in increasing numbex-.~. ally. -:;..:.. 2 $552: c 3 Ekunsusniiniiislnssnnnunan The Northern Advance BRACKEN IN MANITOBA ` HAS .NO `MAJORITY NOW Winnipeg , Man., July 5.-Fu1'11l1-er uncertainitwles as to the ultimate out- come of the voting in the Manitob~a p1\0\'incial election last Tue:~ was Iuj-ccte into the election yestc-rl'ay with the zmnouncemelnt of the election of D1`. E. J. Rutlo(lg:c, Con.=,o1'\ at`iv<?, in L\Iin11e(l`0sa. xv.-_ ,, 1- ,, L-) L-.. . . w n ,\.l.\.I 4-A restullts - I I \4Uu.`.k'l \uLA\l:, All uLuun,uu.vu. E .\Iim1odos`a hall been conceded to the Bracken Government forces some d~zL_vs :.Lg'o, but the cfcial dc- claration 1-c-versed the stzxnclving`. A recount may be tlemamled. F~inaI 1'0-t.L11'n.< from St. Bowifzxc-;= shows L. P. Gztfxnon, Liberal, as vic- tor over Joscpxh Ba-rniur, Oon.s01'\~'a- tivc, by 21 ma1'g`in of 'onl_\' one vo e. A recount also is in prospect in this riding. ' n. /V -n ,u,_ 1 __._I .....l 11111115. St. Geo1';:c, Rupc-1't s Land and Emerson still remain in the doubt- ful cohumn, wihh the Liberal candi- date reported to be leading` in St. George and the Gwovernmonwt srt:-md- ardubearers in the other two. run 1 (V1 ' I ,,,.L__..._.. -1. ..... (|L\l"|lL' Ill UIIC LIL-AIL; UVV'V| The latest official returns show the folnlowing; party stzmdi11_2`: Gov- ernment, 27; Conseraxtive, 14; Lib- ovals, 7; Labor. 3; Independent, 1; dvoubtful, 3. AVIATOR XS KILLED WHENV PLANES CRASH IN THE AIR The Friendly Road. `by David Grayson, which is well-known to many lovers of nurture, depicts in- cidents and friendliness of people along country roads and in the rural districts. There is, however, 1, road -in the Canzulian Rockies the friend- liness of which is not due to mortals as in Grayson's book, but to the friendliness of animals. Animals termed wild, but in this instance :1 word that cannot be applied to those on the BzLnff-Windermere Higliwuy. T`11r\v ie .nnI:=ih`v -nn mm-e beau- Rejoicinng: was niingleul with sor- row at Ottawa on Satiurdiay when F`lig1h1; Lieutenant J. T. Johnson, who acconmpanied Colonel Chazs. A. Lind- bergvh, was lailvietl. Jo'hn1son s plane, 500 feet in the air, struck the pro- pelller of amother plane in the squari- ron and 1`:'1ile(l over, taking a nose drive to earth. When 150 feet fnom land Johnson s c1~ug'gv1ed oui of his cockpit and jumped. He pulled thel rip cord of his pamaohute, but it only` party opened when he stvuck the, gnound. - ` C. W. Pitt, who had been erngag`ed in thc-1Iumbe~ring* business at Coilliins Inlet for our twenrty-ve years, cl`ied at Collinigwood on Satu1'd!a_v. De- ceased was born at Belle Ewart G8 _vua1-s ago and was connected w .1'-. the lumbering businv0cx= there in the em-vly (lays. Eight years ago he re- 'tirc and had i|iV(1 in Co'L1in;1'wood. He is survived by his whhow, fo1`me1'- 1)` Ella Bentrani, fo1'mc~1 of To- ronto, and one (iIZ11J_Q`h-`t(`1`. Into1'n1c-nit took place at O1-illvia on Monday. FORMER BELLE `EWART MAN DIES IN COLLINGWOOD M_:1'. Romthier, in Ottzuva in his will which m-i.2`h ` :1 pattern for othr iul-]_\' th').=c who :11`< m'c\]:1t<`-, whm, \\'v 21 1 u u Ii. D<'~nn:m aml Irwin B;Lt.0man \V(-1'(: z11'1'(-stt,-tl on the road hutwocn King` and M-aplc with t.hi1*t._\'-one c11`ick(*n.~: that haul been strilcn. Mag`- i.~11'ato Bnuntlon .<(~nt(-ncml the form- r-r to l{in:..*sto11c- P(-1m -nt:izu'_\' and the lattc-1` to Burwash. Donnan had v.-zu`ne only $60 since thn first of the yam" and yet he had paid $160 for :1 cm". S11I('.< bills \\'('1`(` p1`m1uce(I from St. L;1wr<'\nc(: .\Im`kvt, '1`or0nto, , . tlmt on ve oc- c21;~'i0n.`< ho had .'~10](l ChiCk(,`X1`.`~` .~;in`co April 16, t.ot.:11\1in1.:' n0m`l_v 3200. Five _\'(~:11'.' 21:`-'0 both the prisoners had been inmlicutmi in 21 theft of oLovear st-ml uml S(`11('I1'CL'(l to six m:`n.th.~J in jznil.-~lrudfo1' Vwitnt-..=.<. "9""-*"..'~ ~".uz":1;AL'it1.Hmv:vu :.>.:...u N Mother knows from ex- perien_ce the health-buiId- ing value of vitamin-rich Hcqt'_t s _ElIjlAl|:Si0[_l" Scott & Downe. TOll'\m!o, Out. 27-7 Bzu1rt-wmdermere .r11gu\\:I._\'. There is :possibly no more ctiful road than this which runs from Banff to Lake Wiudermere, in the Columbia River Va-.l1e_v. 'l`he(iista.r.ce of.104 miles is S])9ctZL(`.11]{lI` and the scenes are constgmtly changing. Tho, views from the high passes 1or)}~:in;z| dmvntntovallerys, thous:m'1s of fret below, tiny 12L1u>.=t Sllrrr\uz`.d..*d by 21.1- A MODEL VVILL by 11 um: 'X1_)_v1i5:' . _.U.., 1'i_Q`hYt ve1'_\' well 5 1` other tost1t0r:' n. u nor tost;u`cor:<, espec- u`o' wt.-1]-to-(Lo. TvhE.~, are told. W215 chm`-N I v -n_, W11 0 0 1 st (lied 1'ecentl_v left a <'I`l1c Toronto and Muskoka `Dis- t1'ict~a.re unitinge; Ii-n .h.ol(l=in`g their annual camp meeting: in Mr. Cdws. Rob0rt:l3n s grove, liefmpenlfoldlt Hill, B`ar1*ie, July Shh to 1 7~t1h.. Rev. L. S. Hoover -of 'Ilioncsta, Penns_wlvania, is the special ewangzellist. `Eva11lg'elist Hoover is :1 `comve1't0 railvoatl tolle- p.'1`ap\hc.r, `lnavivng' 19 years experience in "the minsist1'v_v and `has etravelled and hold meetings tall ovc.r rbhe east- e1'n'|lm`lf of the U.S.A., -and from Czmzulla `H3 th-(2 Gulf of :Mex'ico, hav- ing Ilmd _<:oorl success in the work. He will also :be assisted by a num- ber of preachers and` evkanlgellsts of the rlizstniots. ;Boaml and `lodging may be xsecured on the girouncls at reasonable rates. Everybody wel- I On two occa.sions engineers of the Canadian National Raihvays were required to send out locatioiioparties in the Peace River country and in Northern Manitoba, the latter party rnaking towards Churchill. 011 each occasion it was found desirable to include amongst the supplies and equipment. a. radio receiving set and on the return of the parties it was stated that no addition to camp equipment had ever done so much to add to the morale of the men. The illustrations snow: Upper ion. a :~'.0CLion of :1 camp in the Owl River district on the way to Churchill; upper right, 8. group of men in c-nrnp Ii_sLr:ning to radio reception; in-M): 4... any-vnv um-m In winter zarb. | Canadian boys and _9,`i1'-ls now `at lschlool have $907,862 on deposit in the Penny Bank. One year ago they had Ion-1_v $795,154. In one year they `have hus -increased t.l1ei1' savimrs by $112,708. Th-e -_Q'urres are signi- cant in that the_v have increased apprecaiation of -the value -of thrift by young` -people. The lmaxbit of saving` incu-lc-ated early in life is one of the most potent factors :nwkiJn:.g` for happiness in old asre. lvlisses May and Grace Clzvrkc are home from Toronto for the summer m 0 1112115. ~ ' -- vvv A 1 , I,_., `Ufa...- HIUIMIHD. ` Mrs. W. Cudmoro (nee Mzu'_v Demelinc and fo=1'merl_v of this place, called at the home of Mrs. Henry 1-I`o(l=_4'es on her way to the city from ll/Iuskoka. ,,,,,,,;_ LL ..4. 1`..Z.....,]~. lV1 U'SK UI\'cl. It was with (loop l`,Q'1`Ct that frienrls and acqua.int:ances lweztrd that Mr. James Home had p_a:s'.s'o(l away on July 1.<.. He was highly respected in the communit.\' and will be r:1'(~a.tl_\' n1isr~'(~l. Tshrr 'funora.l wa;< helxl from the hou:<(- on Sunl'a,\', July 3rd. in- t("]ll(.'ll`t t:l.l-\ lll_L' place at Knox Cmnr-- tr-1'_\'. Much :~}'111p:1tl1_\' is l'Xt('ll(ll-ll to thv l)s1'0;1\'ml ) <`l:1l.l\':-.~'. I\`Ir.<. .]21m0.< Wall of 'l`nr0ntm .<]>(-m :1 f(e\\' rl:1_\':< with frl:-nzl.< lawn . .\li. Nvlliv unrl I)()1't)tl1y l m`r_\`- man :u'(- \`i.~'.ltin1.:' 1':-lutiw-< in th(- city, Mr. .-\lI`-X. `.\I:1uul; of 'l`m'nnto .\'ormul School is lmmv rn his V21- ]Cul.1uu. ' Keep in mind the 2mnu:11 ; hm'r_\' social of St. I`.Im'k`;< Church to . ,. _4 , - ` I1 ` .... 1..'|. 1`. VlH'l'|'_\ >UL'1u1 U1 LJL. .uu:u.~ K-`..u.-.. !h0 hold on thv :r0uml.< on July 15 !at S p.m. IC\'c~1'yl)o wt.-lcome. I I `Miss Beatrice Fm.=m' loft on Wml-I nes to speml the h01i at hm` home in E_grbe1*t. vr x L ,.,.L....... (`F ..+.'.-..l `xv-1:< n !llUlI|\.' III 14_`q`IJ\.A vs `Knock .=.t.1`21\\'l)01`1`_\' fc-sti\'ul \v:1:< :1 10.cidc-ml swuccess. The weather man _n1`ovi(lo(l ideal \\'0d.thC1` for the cc- lcaslon. l Master P;alpIh Hurst and Rex! Royal of Toronto are ho1i(lz1_\'in_:: with thv f0nnL~r .<, uncle, Mr. S. H. Ilu_\ n- ',o1 "' '~ I r: ...._1I. .....! R`Tn,~+..u ;u1u.~:. u 1 Mi.~:s I\'(-lyn Ro_\'no]d.~' and Mastur Ex-`r-rett R(\.\'nohL< r.f Toronto spent lrzxst week with their cousins, Jack and N-anc_\' R.e_\'nol(ls. Y1. my I 143. district the way to unuruum in-e survey party in winter garb. HHH .V'uHl.'_\ l\.L.'_\nunu:. I Master Jacuk Hzunilnon of Toronto is S(I)L`n(liYl_!. ,' his h-o1ti(l`a_\'.~` at Mr. Th-os. B ow1m1n`.<. 1: n- 1, 1|/r-......_.. -1` `\l C.l'|/nun] unnnf I)0\'VlIUil.ll 3. Mr. Dick Marroxv of ;\Ii(l.Yan~d :~'p(>nt the hiclid-a_\' with his pzn'cnt.` here. 11.... -n...) D,,......1.l.u. nnr] Nce Ruhh I-ML` ll`C'l.1(l-1)` Wrlbll lllb pzuuxun Hulk. Mrs. Rzod R0_\'no1dL9 and Miss Ruhh Banks of Toronto spent the week end at S_vI.vesbm' Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. I\}a.os. B`c-wmzm and zmmihy .po11wt Sumlay with Mr. and Mrs. ,E. B. Reynoltlns at M-'inot .s Point. ' n1 1"! 1uI .... I... ,..-.....4- Quunlynu with friend: in the city. Mr. and l\/Irs. J. W. Latimc-1` and Little spent Su.nd-a_v with Mr. and Mrs. Jqhn Reynoldus. :1\/Lns. J. L. Marrow, Tod and Dick Marrow, aml _M1*s. Sylve Reyniolds and Jack were in Midland on Swn- aun. an-u .- :NLus. dny. 1UI ..~~ LII. `L/UllHL | 5. Mrs. A. Cougwhiin and little son Bemurd are Ilpendnog a couple of weciks with her pammts, Mr. and Mrs. T. Oonnel I uuy. Miss Higgim and b11oth01~.s, Mr. S. A-ikens, Mr. Jas. ~G.ri`m and Miss Eva Hlarkins spent the h.`o1'iday at T. Oonne1 s. ' A ru,__._.\_.1L:._ ..._.l 1:u..1.. .0... CAMP MEETING EAST ORO `KNOCK 0 Radio Plays Important Part in Northern Survey av Mm-`sin spent Sumlmy [)`s. -r T..1... 1'),.u.\,.1,l..~ a i?RlTJ:`_I::SS.lUNA -ARns RADENHURST & HAMMOND. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Oice, 1st oor Masonic Temple Build- ing. Money to loan at lowest rates. `ESTEN & ESTEN, B}-RRISTERS Soticitors in High Court of Jus tice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Office, 1st oor Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. Money. to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten and M. H. Esten. JONALD Ross, LL.B., B_ARRIS- var Qnnnifnr oft` MHSOHIC T8111` ITEWART & STEWART, BAR.- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at lowest current rates. Oice, 13 Owen street. Bzlrrie. D. M. Stewart. ALEXANDER COWAN, SUCCES- mm on Innnnv (`.nmnn Ky R1-nwn, :1. us. \a|\|.4hJ -v nu..--.- Bu-ristor, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Ron Block, Barrio, Ont. ixitlusnnsvuiiii iiilfsiussiit AJ.AJ.K)L\J1AxA.V ;;nu LJ\.IAv\aJ.J\Ja.1 Office and Residence, 97 Elizabeth St. (Forrnerrly Dr. Arna1l s Ofce) Phone 557. ' L L ;;.x >..uVL.na.w 4;-w.u uu4vu;4u-w Special attention to Obstetrics Associate Coroner for County of Simcoe Omce and Residence, 50 Mary St. Phone 101 Office Hours: 8-9.30, 1~2.0, 6-8.30 nJn\u 1.4 u --.a.\....u.... Graduate of MCGIII University, Montreal. Ofcu and -Residence---Corm=r E$iza- beth and Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105. Oice Hours-.`)-10 z..m.. l~3 `pm, 7.9 nm f'I'1IDlLrl.`\`.VD {XXVI} DLIVUJDULVD Phone 213 47 Maple Ave. Ofce Hours : 1-3 p.m., 7-9 p.m., or by appointment A. T. Little, M.D. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Coroner County of Simcbe. )0NALD RUSS, L.b.b., Dtuuuo- ter, Solicitor, etc. Masonic Tem~ ple Building, Barrie. Money to loan. HR. MOR'Y`UVIFR LYON, 122 BLOOR St. West, Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrio, 1st Saturday of each month. Diseases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by appointment. - _2--._____ ` DR. VICTOR A. HART, GR.~\DUA'i`F} of Trinity University and also graduate of Edinburgh and Glas- gow. Specialty, stomach diseases. Oice. corner Bayeld and Wor- sley Sts. Entrance o Worsley. ` Omen open until 8 p.m. ROBERT H. SMITH. EYESTGHT Spocinat, ioocewor to O. R. Rusk. | N Dunlaog Street, Barrie. Hours A AA 4 A 1 - Uluuc lluulrl 8-9 s..m., 12.30-2 p.m., .6.30-8 p.m. lL1`J.2A.NU19l$ UUWALV, DUl.A.;I:aD sor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown. Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of will, guardianship and administration, and General So1ici~ tor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Money to loan. Oices: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlop street. _ 'CINNAMON BEAR NEAR BANFF Associate Coroner, County of Simcoe Phone 61. 0fce--58 Cgllier St. Olce Hours: _. .nnn-_.__ mono-.. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES. Barrie Branch. Miss Irene Mun-ro, 86 Worsley St. Telephone 751w. EDMUND HARDY, MUS. BAC., F.T.C.M. Teachnr of Plano, Or- gan, Vocal and Musical Theory. Organist and Choirmnster of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Gold Medalist of Toronto Conser- vatory of Music and of the Uni- versity of Toronto. 113 Woraiea street. Phone 663. l.U\' 13 PROF. D. E. WEIR. TEAGEIER OF Piano and Violin. Piano Tun-. DRS. LITTLE STLITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS DL..... `)1 ! A7 Mnnln Ava IJIX. VV (`I l4L4vvlu SURGERY Ar'm'msEAsEs or WOMEN H 4;. -1 n:.......- Succeuor tp Creawicko & Bell Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Money to Loan Olce, Ron Block, Barrio. DR. C. A. ARNOTT ' ` (McGill) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON A. an .1 an DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON