Muh Business Up At County Cggl Session! ucx. I Coun. I. Scott. Coun. Lznnlmrt and County T1'oa.=L11'e:1' Coleman were an-`, pointed as a d0'1e,2`ation to intr~2`vir-W` ofcials of the Dopartmvnt and 111-3142 fztvm-able con`.=i of the mat- ter. H V... . Va..- (1 outs: al u!rai11ag'e. 'r\,,4 Report No. 11 Committee had given ...u_`-.. stated to the 1'n. pa.=sod at :1 1,, n Il`,,L ;L-; `.1. that the consideration form or _ T\..LIf.. \\J \-Ann ...`v-u-..uu ,;....-\u u. .. .v....-.. .~'v= to 1110 {fact that the Publicf H?_!~*`.1wa_\'.< Drmm'~tnmnt be askerl to 4-..=-9111110 `in `H011 of the County the - . ,.. I l I I Fullxeationzzll M:xttm'< I The E Committec report- ed that it hail srivc-n :1 :1'3a1"In to 21` rlepuhmtim from Was`'o Schor} askinp: for nancial assistance to thcf extr.-n-t of $500, but rocommondodi that no action be taken in the n~.ati :Cx:'.- uu\.n ;..; Lu|L`I|\.A \.I|u'A\|\,ALmI.'A\:II A further report on Friday aft. -n-V noon u.pIheId t`-he committ.ce .= prev- ious decision to make no grant. .r T-`L._._L,`_. I\-o11l r*<....... T)...L,\.. auur ux\.4.muu uu Ilnvunp nu 5AuIII.. nC-oun. Johnston and Coun. Putter- son introduced an amendment to the report that a ,2 `ant of $300 `or: made to the school. On :1 7-hc was lost by 24 to 17. 1111.1 vun . At the request of Coun. Johnston of Onillia Township, the report was Sent. back ffrr fu1"tFher cnnsi(Im`a`tvi0I1 . n I'.1!I,,, A. certain paved . t.: in Star, bum-...uu_._, \/\llll|rrl~`lAAV-\/ -...... alleging` inadequate water Page Six OLD 5*. -TV.,"..[ :. HAND PRESS 1 J a V E ' -sett in any way. can \.u. mu. \l`ll mmssau U]. mm b. ling-wood Board of lduesticn ae "dx-antic, mint and xmuneai afar," and the resulrt of Council's havizxg been inuenced by oultsuido parties. The conmnjttee repnorted that Mvs. Bassett s term on the Board of Edu- cati~on expired at the end of Decem- |be1', 1926. and hat she wzis, there- fore, neivbher removed ._or <.lis?`nissed1 :by the Coumoiil. The appointn1ent of 3Mrs. R. A. Stephens in Mrs, Ba.ssett s. .5 place had been made on the recom- meand-ation of the re:presentat:ives' f1'.om Golingwoocl. Nothing` was said !d"Ls.pa1~aging: the services of Mrs. Bas- Tlhe report de- clared fwvtaher that the insinuation [that the Council was inuenced m ;bhe appointment by inte1'e.sted outside `parties was a.1tog`eth~er without foun-, (lation and came with bad grace`! Ifvom `such an organizzxtion . I as the vxr/'Ivn'fT I acco~um;. Antother report recomniemled thv `aprpointn1~ex1~t of a Board of A1-bitra Ltors to (lecide whether to let part of School Section No. 1, Orilhia Txvp., (lcivitle from the presem; section and rbulild a sohool of its own, as re- questeyrl by a deputation which ap- peared before the cosmmifutee, :n' not. } Dhe fo1`1-owing were appointed to ohe Board of Arbitrators: His Hionouu Jmlige Wisrmer, Barrie; Isaac Day, I.P.S., Orillria; Reeve Jas. J. Mc- Kniigiht ' of. Tuottenlhmn, Reeve Geo. Giivover ozf Nwottawnasaga, and J. F Hambdy, Oh-ainrman of the Education `Gommitte-e. .. -_......_,:L-.. L n .lan'r: IBFIJB report. uaL`1.A::u. ! .Repo1't No. 2 of the Education C-crmrmi-ttee recomm'end~ed the pay ment of $2,307.61 to the rural pub- Lie sdhools and $57.99 to the r'u1~21] separate schools as equivalents of the Legislative g'1~ams, and also payment of the Lefroy Continuation S<:Ihvooy1 s account. ' -' ~-..-.4 ..-...........-.m..`,lm1 0-kn ! the report carried. DA-....L \'n 0 A4 ' KIOTIIIIILUCIIUC. Tlhe same oommimtee in a 1Lr nh~eI report dealt with -the commumica;ti~or from the W.C.T.U. of Gdbluinrgwood, oomqaining of the -sum:m7ary dis- miissai of Mars. Basaett of the C31- cs.,_-_;_v__ I Aveningx Station In connection with the requr-.~vt of `Coun. Gliover and C-oun. Humbiy that , Av<=nin_L' Stat-i. n in N0tta\\'zi he 1'0-i opener]. the R4:1i1wa,\'< and Czmzilsi Committee recommended that its ich'T.'man, Coun. H. H. C1'0Swicke,} ,writc the C.N.R. z1ut1h:orit1ic-~s to have The station opened accorclin_: to the: u;:'i'e(m1enm made in 1883. I Division Over Cleaning` Creek 1 The same report recwcmmemled that no action be taken on the re- `qucst of Coun. Johnston and Coun.; Patterson for the oleunnin_2' out of Pu'rbn'~ok Creek. Coun. Jo,hns*.Lon ~.n.ow~ an amendment, secovnded by Coun. Pattc-nson, that a gvran-1 of $500 be made for the work. On a d'ivisi~on the amendment was lost by 1\.'cAI.Au|| uuuuu.-uu\.\.. l The County Prope1'tv_v Committee! rportetl that extensive 1'e lhzul been clone in the Ch-il .si Sl`.(,'ll(`1` at :1 cost of $123.58, until `that 21 hzu'4_lwoo(l floor hail been laid Iin the laitohen costing` $25. lt was i 1'ec.0mm(,-nrlcil that the p'lva,cin.4' cf 22-; :m-aple floor and linoleum in tho iSlwlte1' be left to a special .~'.ul)-com- miittee. ' VV.\./-J.-\J- I The Reforestatiom Gcmmittee re- ported having inspected the County` P1ian't:atiron at Amen Milils, and that great improvement in growth was |n-oticeable everywhere. 'i`he develop- `ment of young trees had been very remark~asb'-1e so far this season, scme uhzwing grown rom 8 to 16 inches. 'I`=here had been pianrted this spring 23,500 White Pine, 12,000 Jack Pine, 22,000 Scotch Pdne and 127,000 Red Pine`. One hundrred acres of newi pdantartion had been forested, and gaps in the old planltation had been [lled in. The acres of blow sand lpianted last year were doing well. I 14- vain!` ...nnnnn-.nv.rIn.-1 4-1an+ 1'1-nnv~nmn_ yac-.uv\.u Aug _y'\.<~L nu... u.v...t, "V... K It was recommended that improve- :ments be made to the caretakevfs ,house', and that choice trees from itthe C oun1:_v plant be 1'c-morved to the ;G-ovormneant station at M`/idhurst. iI\IunsicipaIities havim: lands suitable ifor refm-eating for sale are asked to isend prices and pa1't.1'cu1`ars to J. J. :'McI{ni_.:`ht, Chairman of the Rr_:fo1'cs- jtation Committee. run we 1-; . A H; I Roads and B=nidg`es On 'l`hu-rsday afternoon the Roads and Bridges Com.miftte_e, in its Uhird report, stated that $96,527.14 had been received from the Highways Department as the Coun.y s stub- sidiary grant for 1926. The report reoommcnded no action on the re-. quest of OC'll`T1(!i.1 1)OI'S Buchanan and` Drenrran for agrant to repair cer-l tain roads in Medonte. , ` n , , L xv, A ..-._,................,`l,..l fmof I (Continvmd from page one) 1 l I ruzwsmpan PRESS OF 60 YEARS .r>%eo_ T smug TYPE,OLD/sm\45{ZL4\\%XI }n.:_'s*:. LJIKI LJl.'I`| ln c` llll(,'C1-lOll with the resolution lpzi.~'. at a }n'e\'ioLLs session a>?`l{in;_' the Province to relieve the Counties. ;f1'om ziiiy share of the cost or main- itenanee of Pro\'i~nciz1l PIi:.:1hV\'21_vs, ICoun. Cunnin_e'h~am, Reeve of Allis- trn, questioned the fairness of such a request when the County had ;ur_:'e the Department to make so many additions to those Hiipshwiays on the'tan(ling` that the Goun- ty would pay 20 per cent. of the cost of construction and maintenance. . L ,,, 1 L'AL-[l`H.`\III\. uu. 225 to 14. . `The County Clerk reported thazl licenses amounting to $830 had been taken out by 29 auvc o'Lo~nee1-.s and 3 pedlars within the County. l rrvL... ummco nf T?p-f'am`rA Committee pe(1>1'a.1's wvumu uuc uuu.m._,. The House of Refuge Committee re-ported that the Refuge had been inspected by a Pnqvinnnoisall Inspector and found quite sa:tlsact.o'ry. 'I`.lme1`e were 83 irunlzutes at present,' 56 men and 27 women. Twelve per- spns lmarl (lied `since Jan. 1st. Crops were being: gufo-wn and were all in good c~on A-HInn1~'lnv 'R\vl:lu-r: guuu UUlI`\I'I"~|l`Uu. A,the1`]e_v B\rid_g`e A by- was passed' the Warden and Clerk to execute an ag'1`eeanent with the Feudemal De- partment of Railways and Can-ale making` pxrovision for the'wpke.ep of Athemley B`ri(1g`~e -in future. In `hlist connrecticn Gonunty Treasurer Co`1e- mam addrrerssed Cvouncdal starting hhai the'Co~umty had mot been_ able to get a sati.sfac bory agreemenut wifah the Dominion G4overrnrm-ent to date. 'Dhe tottal most of `the b1`i(I\g'e to: date was $118,464. 'Dhe Federal Governmeni was umtleikey to assume more than $40,000. 'I`.heu'e was, however, a chance that before long` the br11i(Lg'-e woud be a.ssumed by the Pnoviunce. rru , r\_._._4... n1-..1.)- .......... Am um-, VV`UlJll`|.I v The County Clerk s report on Hos- pital Accounts showed that pzwniemi of 306 accounts, am1~oun~bing' to $14,- 419.65, had- been made since the amendment. to the Hos'pi1zLLs Act in Aipri-1, 1926. These had all been for lindigremt patients forr half of vvihmse UC amvuunuu -.r_y mu. -.-uvm... . cost the local munricipal-ities were liable. Tlhere had bee-n received from the miunicipalliities $4,867.53. $881 for indtig'en1; pa-tie-nrts not resi- dent of 1 pmt.icua1''cipa1ity. Bacon Hog Fai1' Im its 4th repacn-t the Finance Com- niuittee declined to join with the Counties of i\Y-01`tii1vulY1bu1`zIan<(i and :)Du`r~h:xn1 in seeking to have a change ;made by the Legislature in the H05- pitals Act. ` I .\ ,........L .-.4` ('1!\f\ Ilrngv `In ad.diti`on, the Czounxty had paid out 1~nnn`rY\I\'I(_\r1 IL UL mu, :uu;uu .;u\..:uo_v. 'I`he Equalization Committee re- ccmmended that in making; the 1928 levy the Council make its computa- tion upon the smne schedule of as- sess'1newnts as were wsed in 19.26. Commu mi cvwti o n 5 Engineer W. A. Spelhnan of Stay- gner seht his eertic21te that the pav- }'i115: of the centre 20 feet of the con- `neoting' link thmuyrh Main St, Stay- nvr, had been completed szLt.L~:act.r`n1'- ily, z1cc0r to specications, at 21 tom] cost of $22,525.71. .1 .. . . . . ,, lvvl.-unl \.u.~v u; -,v.....,u...u..-. " A cordial invit.ation for 21.11 mem~ })0r.~: of Council to attend Ba1'rie s Jubile<.- Ce1eb1'a.tion was received from H. A. Sims of the Ba.r1'ie Cele- bration Committee. 1` v-. u .1 nrru ,,, utuunuu \/\I|Iu|||Amv\.\.o R. A. Henry and others of Dho1'n- ;t0n w'):ote })1`0t(`. ag'ainst the itrin1n1i`n~;_~` of trcjes in the \'i11Zl_Q'C by the Bull Telcsplmonc Co. 1.. A . ...:u. 4.1.,` .m.-.\I..Hnn UL \ uvw mun A communicaztion was received from the Counties of Prescott and` laalll I'U21.Llb :11 Au.<;u`unu:. `Report No. 4 recommended t)hat' the request of Co-uncirlors Tom and Smihh for a grant of $500 to be ex- pended on 6th Street, Co1ILing,wouod, 1...-. .......-nu-nrl .'\n +4315 nnnrlnhinn` that pxvcua nun. I A grant of $100 was recommend- ed for the County Bacon Ho-g,` Faim `to be `heILd in Bamwie in the fall of 1927, in accord-ance wiftih txhe resolu- tion by Cqun. Reynolds and Coun. t`4.......-4P..,...1 . I`.he Legislation Committee intro- duced a by-law putting into effect the 1'ec0mmen~rIa;tion that "in 1928 and subsequent yeans the Council meet for its inaugmwal sesswiyon upon. the fourth Monday of Januzwy, instead of the fourth Tuesday. rnl `l'`,,...I3.`._L.'.._. r <-..-.-..'L,.n ..n \u.aw4.u1u. The request by Coun. Johnston and Coun. Templernan for a $1,000 graant towazr-ds the cons't1'ucFLion of a ` Jock~u=p in OTiJLia wuas acceded to up , to the amloum of $600, the town to` con cribue a grant of twcie thai mun u_v \J Crawford . nu The Northern Advance CONFEDERATION AND AFTER- I SIXTY YEARS OF PROGRESS | I i SIR JOHN A. MACDONALD With the growth of Canadian Gon- fexleraitiiion, the memory of its first Premier seems to be more ole-arly oultllined against its historical back- g'1'011I'l`(i. His wit, his broac1~mind'ed- ness and his remarkable statesnmn- shiip wii be famous for all time. He was a bold champion of Canadian Union, an uplholder of closer rela- tions with the Mother Country, and, notiwithstandin-g` imsistent d`ema.ndzs for wider pohitical liberties, was a rm up`ho1(ler of established institu- tiions. And his integrity was such thzat, at the end of a lengthy career, {he was a poor man. .\.. ..Ll.. .........4.:...-... .. -..1.-.41,` nu] llll`: vvua a. guru; un;|.A'- An able negiotiaJt4o1', a subtle a.n.l far-si.g'-h.ted chiief, Macdona1(I was 11119 man or such an unstable period. But he did more han score victories `in Pm-liamenit; he was the virtual ruler and leaider of the people. He reooiganuized the enormvcous Wealth of the vast North-West Terri1:o1'.ie-s, and his purchase of this stuipenvd-ouis area fmom the Hudssoon s Bay Company at the comparatively snmm cost of I 300,000 was a splendid piece ofl statesmansiiip. He spcmLs4o1-ed he; bu-ilding` of the Canadian Pacicl Raxiiliwvay, which opened the I)1"dl)`iC-S to eager and earne-.:t s<=tt1ers, an(I_ was large-iy 1`exsponsib`.e for the ad-`I ,___,, -1` n..:4.:..v- t".\1...w.l.:.-. 'n+n VVQQ JCILELAJ Lh`o1JULluAgv;\, 4,. .4.-u -av. mission of Bnitish Columbia Into C:onfederntion. To him also may b(. attributed the tamiff polic-y wvhieh suc- i ccssive Governments luv: :1-loptcdl ' or" \viwt.how1; morlnication. ! I -. . un ~31 ,1- .\.u| vn \VA`Lv|.vI.uu unu-....-...u-J... Mac ~s spirit of conciliati~oni helped him :1 grczlt deal in his rela- tions mih Frencli-C.1nzL ans He is. q'uotc as havn:g' said `uhat Canuadui cvulzi not be g'ov(-rne.I wit'ruout their] i:.el.p. 'Dhoug>,'h a_n Orangeman, he| was ever ready to give satisfaction! to his colleagues from Quebec, res'ul- | ing often in decisive majorities in this province. Similrarly, he won tihe friendrship of Joseph Howe and of the Nova-Scotian electors, by offering them econwomiic cond-irtions vhich sin`- passed all. their expectations. 1');...... 3.. f`w'I............ :`n 1 O 1 E T..i1..s~ . 111 I461 lltallllls HAIR: Uvllluaxpunv v.. Ohas. Levering of Cold-waater regard- `ing the diversion of surface water onto his farm, the Roads and Bridges Ocmmnzittee in repont No. 5 recom- mended that the County Engineer stake steps to have rlitcthes dug w1}'uic.'h wield effectively take care of excess water in future. at m nn .-.,, LV,. ..__:.. ,,w.... LUIH-I ........ w.,.--...c.e..... . Born in Glasgow, in 1815, John A. Macdonald came to Canada with` his family in 1820, and settled in Kin.g's`bon, where; he attended the Grammar School until he was 15 'years of age. He then entered a 'lawyer :s o"1ce, and -was adimitted to` the Bar when twenty-one. He prac- ticed for eight years, at the end of which he was elected to the Canadian I,e_21i:~:.1tnu1`e as a represen-t.ative of the King'ston coxisbituency. He was a member for this county up to 1891. . In the year 1847-48 he acted as Rece~iver-Genera-1 in the Draper ad- ministration. and in 1857 became Prime M:inii~.=ter in the Cartier-M-ac-I d'ona`.d Government. In 1864, wheni the Taehe-.VIacdonald _ Cabinet met: with defeat, he very ener_9:eticIa.1~1-_\'l advocated the` Great Cvca]itioni movement, which paved the way to Confederation. GCOl'gl") Brown hav- ing` resig'ned, in 1865, Macdonald was the accepted leaders in the pi-r.-`imin-i ar_\' moveinont..< which led to the pa.;.=~ ins: of the Bnitish Nonth Aineivica Act in 1867. 'I`his Act 2-`ave birth to 1:110 New Dominion whose Premir-r :-ll was Macdoniald. He remained inl power until he died. .=`21\'c during` th" ve years of the .-\1e.\:amle1- .\'IacKen- `nib :1(`:mfn`f. 1 Rusrsr2:].1 zxskingr Simcoc to join bhemi in mon1orizx1izin`g` the Legtislaturo to have the Department cf Hi;2,'hwz1_\'sl a~;~`su4me the full cosit of Provincial Higvhways, and also increase the sub- sidy to Townsh-ivps from 30 per cent. to 50 per cent. IH?. will be imlul::(3n~ L` to Slrl Jowlm A. s wez1knc.<.~';c-:4, by ackno\vlel_::'- ` in}: the c-mlnent pzwt wliicll `l1.e ] )la:_\'0 (l I in the n1/nkiny.-` of a new Czmzula. H0` 0n(lez1vou1`0 to buviltl for the fut.u1'c,| and to unite the (li e1'ent elements w'hic C='lTL]'JOF0(l the young` Camuliant na.t.ion wlxose life was only l)U(llllnQ'.| Prince E Island went dry. but water is available there. 'Dhe Toronto and Mruslcokua Dis- , tniots ame unitinng inr lhlovldling their ` annual camp meeting` in Mr. Chas. R:u.ben'raon s gtrorv-e, Kem(penfe.1.(Lt Hill, |B. Jsuily 8th to 17th. Rev. L, ` IS. Hoover of Tionesta, Pennsyvania, |is the special evange]-isrt. Evangedist lHsoover is a con-verteacl railroad tele- ;z'x'a.-yiher, having; 19 years experience in the ministry and has travelded {and held meertinxgs all over tfhe east- ern half of the U..S.A., and rcrm Canada to the Gulf of Mexico, hav- .ing had good success in the work. `He will also be assisted by a num- 1 `bar of preachers and evangelists of !the di.strict.s. Board and lod`;-;in_2 [may be secured on the g,'ro1.1ndLs at `reasonable rates. Even-`ybo(l-y lwel- At the ripe age of 75 years, three montihs and ten (lays, Hrs. Jane Galloway Bishop passed away at lot 21, concession 12, Vespra, on Satur- day last. Deceased was born in Scot- land, but came to Oanzula with her parents when hurt, a few weeks old, the family settling in Osprey Town- ship. She was ~1'st married to Alex- iander Gazlloway, who died about 29 I}-`ears ago, and of wilmose family ! four su-rviive, John J. GaLl2ow1ay' and Lawrence M. of T-o1`ont:o, W. A.i Gaillvoway of Colwexll, and Mrs. B.` Ross of Hamilton. Nineteen years :x_2'o deceased married Mr. W. J. Bishop of Vespra, who szurvives. 'I':he funeral tack pbae on Mlonday, ser- vice being` held in Grenfel United |Cl1u.1-oh, and interment at Minesing-' illnion Cemetery. MRS. JANE GALLOWAY BISHOP Flush your kidneys by drinking :1 quart of water each day, also take salts occa- sionally, says :1 noted authority, who tells us that too much rich food forms acids which almost pztrztlyze the kidneys in their ettorts to expel it from the blood. They become sluggish and wezikcnz than you may sulTcr with a dull misery in the kidney region, shzny pain: in the back or sick headache. (lizzf ness, your stomach sours, tongue 5 coated, and when the weather is h;. you have rhcnmrttic twinges. The l'iI`:" get: cloudy, full of sediment, the <:l'~.:n` ncls often get sore and irritated, oluli..- ing you to seek relief two or thrus- time= during the night. Tn hr-ln nmitrnlivo tlmce irrifntim l tune: rmrmg me mgnx. i To help neutralize these irritating acirls: to help cleanse the kitlneys and ush (ff the ho(l_v's urinous waste, get four ounces of _lad_S:1lts from any phar- macy here. Take :1 tzxhlespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days. and your kidneys may then act tire. This famous salts is marle from the acid of _;vr.1;)es and lemon juice. com- bined with lithia. and has been used for ' years to help flush and stimulate . I 2-ish kidneys; also to neutralize the acids ' in the systcini so they no longer irritate, thus nitcn relieving blarlder weakness. lad Szilfs is inexpensive: can not in- jure and makes a delightful efferves- cent lithiri-water drink. l3v all means have your pli_v.=ici.'m exznnine your kid- neys at least twice a vear. Take a Tablespoonful of Salts if` N Back Pains or Bladder is N Irritated ptulueu UH uuu ouxccv, \/'\lI1nAAL`5rv<\rv\.n, be granted, on the qondribion` that Colrldngwoocl and Nvottawasa.-ga Coun- cils make supplementtiary grants ocf $500 a.~nd $800 respectively. After heaving` hhe oomjpxaint of hit... Y ..-............ ...L` r`..`l-l....o.+n.- ....;`wL j Drink Water If . }. Kidneys Bother amp Meeting xx T;i7.;`2`~ 1! Z`}4'SP.l`PER Pil3-383 [Barrie Union Cemetery I Annual Assessments I -The a:t cent5on of `ct owners is `drawn to the annual a.3=s.=s'sments for care of lots which are payable to J. W. Ness, Sec.-T1-ea.s., Beocn->t s Bank, DunLop St., Barrie. _-....., _ ...,- Owners of lots are reminded `chat unpaid assessments :':`sn1 1:113 on- ward become a chzu'ge agzu tst the Lot and should not be all-owe-:1 to acrum- ulate as unde the Act THEY MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE LOTS CAN BE USED. ` ,,,._L_ 1..-... -nun L... \/A11` D13 L) 53 L'.l.lJo Unpaid assessments from 1913 to E926 inclusive are overdue and those for 1927 are payable on or before [July 1, 1927. A...-._..._...-.4. V3-1".-- on u... nnmlinn VV wvcx Au 4.uuu.L\:. Payment of $15.00 for the main-I tenance duming 1927 of the light on; fh Nlott-a\\'z1sa1g_`a Bridge was also` 1'cctommen`deLl as 2. result o-f a com-- mun-ieationv requesting such action! from Mrs. (Capt) E. `Walker of? .\'.ottzLwa, WAon1en s Institute Bra-nch Secretary. Al`/KIA .........'.l,._:...u &LA rd-nl>n-vuz\nl-al 'uuu_y ;, .;v.a-. Amessment RaI'"es-$2 per annum 1501- one lot and $1 tor each addi- tional 1`-on; owned by the same person; $1 for bald lot. Lot owners are also reminded tihnt wivhh the new Endowment System n-ow avaihblc they may elirninate, if they wti, furtu as- sessments by pen'nsam~enMy endowing ue lot to provide perpetual care at a VERY REASONABLE PRICE. ,.-_.__ l)__._.I | FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER 47 Elizabeth 5!. Phone 2] I Quartel-ly services will be held im the Crown Hill Free Mettlhodist Church on July 1-3. `Rev. E. Snyder ! D.E., of Uxbrid-g`e, will have ahaamgve. Order of services as follows: Fri- day, 8 pm., preaching`; Saturday, 8 p.m., preaching; Sabbath, Love Feast at 10 a.m., preaching 11 a.:m., and p1`-e-aclnlg at 7 p.m. Eve-ryIbod3* V welcome. P. C. LLOYD AVUIDED AN UPERATIDN Mrs. Dayman Gives Lydia.` E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound the Credit Uolbo1%n_3. Unmnu first marned I Wm (1 W01] 10 HEVCF child, but I did, and from the time my baby came I suered all the time and doctored and took medi- cine. Life became aburden, and doc- _,_,_~ tors said an ope:------~.4~ - - " ation could help me, but In husband was opposed to that. I ha seen Lydia E. Pinkham s medicine dvertised, so I told my hus- Y. band that thought I would try it, V that I might get some relief. I had not taken one bottle when I could feel it helping me. I took ve bottles and had better health. Now I have three girls and aboy and have done my work up to conne- . ment. I am now at the Change of , Life and owe my good health to Lydia E. I-`inkham s Vegetable Compound. I take a bottle when I think I need it. -Mrs. SUSAN DAYMAN, R. R. No. 5, Colborne, Ontario. HPBI. IJIBILIUVJ A v-u-.. . ______ -. weak. The doctor - said I was weak ind would never . be able to have n. '2. ' oper--- it V U151 .IUL.'Jl'I-VL IL`J"IAJA4A.4 A. .\.I-A\ac-4 Barrie Union Cemetery Board, Thomas Nash, Pres. s.n.\.; i After consideninug the statements` of Coun. Drysdaxle and Coun. Spicher E regarding repairs n-eedecl upon Van-I Wack B1'idg'e at W-asaga Beach, thel Roads and Brridg'es Commsittfze re} commended the appointment of a; committee composed of `the County! Road Commission, the County En-| grineer and Coun. Spicher to make} the n-ec essary repairs. n-__-.4 xv- o -1.` 441.- D-...l... .....1| E. J. BYRNE Specialist in Emba.lm- ing. Owen St. Barrie, Ont. Phone 268. THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1927. I Colbome. 0ntario.-When I was :...+ rnnl-rind I was verv thin and Sold by druggists everywhere. c Open Day and Night ' "CROWNEIILL FUNERAL DIRECTOR rio.--"Wnen 1 was me very flweak. ' Burl` an-nld never 2 I Q n.yuu.-uu. J .L\4`rI.~b`n Report N10. 8 of he Roads and Bridges Committee recommended the! payment to Stayner of $411.27, a.s the C-01l'l'1ItyJ'S portion of the construc- tion cost of the centre 20 feet .of 3! cuilvert built recemy on Main St., Stayner. At the instance of Coun. Chas. Denney, the above report was. referred back `to committee. In re- port No. 11 of the Committee the matter was laid over till the Novem- -4 . .\-u. A ninth report of the same com- mittee auhorized construction work up to a cost of $1,500 upon thei County Road connecting link in Bee-I I 0 ton. ` = -`i-3 A with report Vesited the County} R`Ci3(i Committee with authority to` act regian'nLingc comrpiaints from M! 1.,_L. -11...'__.