PROMOTION EXAMS. IN BARRIE SCHOOLS M31. , Second Class Homo Wi1~ son, Jean Vwulke-1'. I Pnss--Minnie Button. Recommendod-Lo1'no, Wice, Jack R Patton, Alvin S oore_\-'. Reta Srtunden, Marjron-ie Bamron. 3/T.` -~ Rfnflunnuu. Long` and G,e'o1-{re VVatson, equwwl), Jean Wilson. Earl Hunter, Lois Mc- Arbhur, (Lloyd Walker 2Hl(l Wvilliam Hunrter, equal), Gilbert Lee Mildred Ta.y1~or, Emerson Reyruolds, Cecil Henson. Ella McQunile, Manion New- , man, Greg'_Q' Coulson, VVzulte1' Fe.rr_v. Pass--Bessie Gibson. Recon1me~n Gibson, Irene Sinoliajr, (Kennertzli McC:1be, Eileen Kettle and Winnie Blogcg, equal), Eddie Re-id, Lola Pitchford, Olarenlce Dickey, Irene Storey, Hazel Stumloen, May Henson, Alice Bznrrand, Stepxhen Ogden, (Aivtihur Ferry. St?bTlllC_\' Lawr- ence and Lavina Wa.t.son, equal), Herbert 'I`l1'ompson, William Bairnarrl, Jim McBride. \,-....a.... . Second Class Honours--(Mar1oni _ 1 _ . _ _ . . . . ...A. -4! 11! L214" 1.1L. J.\J UAW: First Class Honou1`s-Ma1'_v Mc- C -auslmnd. ru 7? DIJUU-l ll. llllillI|l.' VV`l|ll*l;L', L`uL`_y AvAI.AALL- Second Class Hon'ours--Eric Ket- tle, Fanrmie I-Iurst, Bent Hagan, Bil-`I5 I .1;.att, H3acro1d- Lee, (Billy Mlardhall. and Gmoe Waaiker, zc-equal), Domcvbhl Wenbxb, ~~I4wold St. Clair, Lawrence` IV..-- dllll 1LJLJllL|C- `Rocovimne-n-dod on account of ill-I n`ess--Billy Scott. | 1r:_.. 17_._..,..!'... DIM L11. 1\l u.L\.. AV- First Ohass H-oruovu1'.s-~E]1a Mc~ Cau`slIamd, Ma1:g'a1-et White, Mm-ion Spc-z1.1'n. Elaine White, Maury Miller. u,_.......,4 r-1..-- u ,....,.....,. vain T(n+- L.uI1I| ` | a;'ee n. LL'L.I , .n. vuuu._y 4uv.4.Auu.u.~u. Recommendcd-Eve1yn How. If.` ._ u.u. LLL. 4.v u;I.. ;A:.. First Class Horvoux~s-Iso>'ne Coul- --gun` JR. III. TO SR. III. Page Four III. -Miss 1\IcG1'e:or 1n 1'11 117 -Miss Kennedy vtr ` III. Lun d-a Phyhli S i Lcrth In an 11-innin-gs game at Shanty 'I1!a_v on Monday mgwht Barrie soft-I I Inallcrs suffered their 1-st defeat, l`os~ ing to the home team by 10 to 9. It was a. hectic st1~ug'g11e. in which the 1ocaJ,sw'.-1'0 conside1=:nb1_\' o` form both [at bat and in the eld. ._,..4_ L_A..- i i I I v `the winners in the first frame, while land J. Byrne couinrting. um uuu uuu Shanty Bay put :1 sinart team in i : `he eld tihat was effective ofI"e'nsii\'e- !: ly and defensively. Pug's1e3', Tom-| linson and Lambie led the Shanmy ; Bay batters, scoring` two runs each. i` Pugsley zmul Ted Castle scored fori E. Coles ta11`ied for Barrie. Tho! 1003215 took the lead in the third ses-' sion wihe-n they baniked Shanty Bay and J. Simpson and C. Lynich cross- ed the phaite. 'I\he losers added two more in the fouLr.hh, Pete Donialdfsoin Shant_v` Baiy lreitire(l with but a sirugle run by Tom- ` tie the game at ve all. 1-inion. In the fifth frame Barriei went out in order. Pu{_>,'s1e_v and Raikes came througih wih runs to Shanty Bay went scoreless for two imnings and Barrie scored twice in the sevemlh, Simpson and Lynch agiaiwn being` thel I "Plan ianvnn fonrn u'nT\+ inf-.n `BARRIE LOSES TO SHANTY, BAY AT SOFTBALL, 10.9 I |Ollll1!.SU-ll auu 1.I_yu.\.u Lu_L_'.`uru. ..\......, ....- runmers. The home team went intol rtlhe lead again in the eighth session when Ken-ney, Lambie and Balclwin all made the circuit of the sacks. Barvie secxrecl two to the Ba`y .s one in the ninth to tie the count, 9-El. Lynch and J. Moore twllied for the, `locals. 'I`om1`in:son scored for the winners. Invninug number ten went by without a severe ,and Lambie made rtlhe round of the bases to win the gmne in the 11th. The tcazmm were: I. I -T Auuu -uva.-.....b.. `PRIMER TO `I. Fimst; Class Homoum-.9--Frank Rooke, (Mmvy Ortton, Gmce Marshall and rn1_,........... U411- ,\.m.u.]\ t na1\1 llnrlrltar `u.-..u.x vsu A ..u...... .. ' JR. IV. TO SR. IV. First Class Homouns-.-\gnes Reyn- olds, Kemreth Mann, Hazel Ric'ha1'd- son, . ~noaI1l N'rovtzh. ('41--.. `L1,... r\11v\w ,'l;,-, SUM, :11'HEl'll .LV'u.L`uu. Se:c`om'I Class Hon.oum---Bessie Matthews, Ethel McQ1w. Rosebud Ar Ray Loaker, (Edrwamd Hagian and Alex. Ferry, equal), (Hazel Hun- ter and Hazeal 'IYhomp.son, eqwal), Royce Litle, Winrmie Lookerr, G1`a.d4ys Leslie, Normnan Hooper, Hazen Edge, William Hagan, Edith Leslie Lyald Hurst. Pasa-Tmnmnn Andemson. , ,A J-..I I5..- (Eu-A-an an`. Pass--C1a.1~k Appleton. l.l 3~n l a.8a----'1?!'unIaam nuuuusuu. 'Reac`ommended---Ivun Gmcey. Gov- - ._ If .\,..L.L I 1u.uuLnuu. rvuuugu. -Ivun 'Qi'it`e e number atbtendedftlie S.S. oonvontixm it 'Mzi'd!hux~st om the 22nd, --Mi.=a Cmrwthews mm repolrt mod addmaam. ylznnuvu. --Miss Ca.1'ru che.1`s ..A uh Yvv i The fornler Co11g'1'egatzLoma1 Church [has been rented and will hencefoxrbh ;be knxown as the C-o`.11Iier St. Regular `Baptist Ohurch. The 1~.=rt services lof the new CO11gl`(}{.:`2L`Ui0I1 will be held next Sunday mo1min:g' and c-\`cming', when Rev. J. W. Millar, Dean of the'nst Se-min:m-_v, To1\o'nJt;o, will I ....A...1. A SECOND BAPTIST ,ayI:cu\. l The new ohurcxh was formed by a group of sevevmzcen person, who ad- !`hering' to the funwdrzLme11`ta1ist belief, [separated f1`-om the Barrie Baptist !O11u4roh om Olwappemhon St. '1\vo ._.... -1-.. .. In/\ l\rv\ T n p. 1 /1 ML 1 vuuw; uu u-u \/1.wyy\,.. vunn up. A. n u iweeks ago, om June 14~11h, a pre- liminary orgmuization meeting: was he1h'd, at which the follaowing four Deaco=11`s were elected: J. H. May, W. L. IQin1gd.~o=n-, Job Gun-stovne and W. L. Tower. Mr. W. L. Ki-n`g'(l:on was elected C.hvu1'c.h Clerk and T. E. I-Lamley, 'Dreasu1'e1' ff- .. .E....... An` nI\T\ I\v\lr\l\\l\ L.'n.....\1 f`1.L.. ....Fl. .rLn 1'uauu, uxywwu, nuwu L Seoovml C-Lass I-Lonlo-urrs-De'1bert I Kenmy, Eldon Marniott, Vic oo'r Benny, Dcwnoiihy Digrnarm, Chris. B*akoge Ovma Pnimgle. 11-..- 1')..J-A.-. 1|/l'..T...c....-.1. A1`r\v\ Tnvn. uu'vv nu; . Mr. and Mms. Irvin Jolrnsborn and ('11ter spam. Sumha.y in H1'l-Lsdtale. Mrs. J. W. Omhard has retwrned u]1ECm1(: from Bintbrook, where she was 'zussristing' numsimg her son Wi1Liam, who has been ill with pneumonia`. 1l.l".. ......l 1.1 ... `E`l....,1` 1).. .....1 41,.-1 The former Cong1'e-gation`a'l Olxurclz bwinldinng has been lC"US`(`l from the United Church Conference mnti] Novc-.m'bc~r, with the option of buy- ing The building has been et1ect:11ica.1- ly wilred amd 1`epa.iIre(l. Pulpit supply has been armnged "for each Sumlwy uvnitzil October 1st. Moe-timgws will also be he\ld on Tues- day and Friday nights for prayer and |Bib1o study. A covenant is to be drzuvn up at 3. Iate.1' meeting. Mr and Mrs. W. M. Young and children of Nexvgnte, B.C., are holi- dlaying at J. Young's. 1\:I'.. nv\:, Miro '|\/I'nVX7.L.,\..L-.. ._ .- ,1 nuuu Juutu u\.\.AA. mu. nwuu lrnuuunnuunuuaw Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bald and dhil- dren and Mr . Burdyge of Meaord wee recent visitorna at Mrs. A. Om- loha.nd -s. -I-,1 .. u A -- \w.,...5 (AU v. -v......, .,. M1` and Mrs. 1\IcW'h'O.nte): and d Maa'ga1'e`t of 'I`m'onJto and Mr. and Mrs. H. Roe of Ba.m'ie are ;;u 0-f W. E. Downey and Camman Downey. ' IN`. ...-.,I l"..,. T....:.. `1...1_._ ...;. -_. u vvu nu: u '0. George Johnston and family moved on M)0lIl`dBay to their new home in the -41`... ..... .~ THURSDAY, JUNE 30, 1927. MINESING CHURCH IN BARRIE ICJUII. Reconmmentled on account of ill- me-ss--Daal-ton Wu-igiht. T------------`.1-.1. 1:V..-..1 A............1..:n mix? L\J Luv. ;u.. Jean, Keeley, Donotthy Ma3=s, Wal- ter Poole, Ross Stephens, Edith Ag- new, Tom Pa1'trid;;_re, Helen Ma-Iloy, Gloria Blervins, Harvey Urry. -Nel11'e McRo-bie ...A -v`v\-r-Ir A -nxr J. 1. .u.u.u\, -------- .. V KDG. PR. TO PRIMARY Arthur Ashton, Eliza Anscombe, Harvey Astvidge, Rosie Brown, Prud- ence Blevins, M-argaret B05`.-witlierick, Starwse Bakogeorge, Jim Castle,: Scott Dunbar, Julia Knox; Mildredl Knowles, Gordon Lawrence, Bobbie, Lee, Jean Morrison, Gordon McLc~c(l. 3 Aurl-rev I\lc~Cutclieon, Effie .\IcLeo(l,i Robert McCvu2.ig', Joe Milne, Jack, 1VI_\'mi.<, Norma Mitchell, Ross Nixon Jrzan Pi52'_u'ot:t, Olive. Ro(li_2'm'.=, Billi :RlC`ll2ll`(lS`f"ll. Doujrlas Ran-k. Ray Smith, Paul Sims, Erliith Sliuter. G.c01`2'c '["l1~ompson, Chzxrlio Truml)lc~_\', C1if`r`onl U1-i'_\'. June VVlia'n, Grmlon. VVi1.'l1n:m. Glarlys Wiliams. l , , ru,_ ___ First Class Hcmours-Mau1-ice Kel- lamwd, Kennc-1:11 Ohanver, Tom Hare, (Marie Ba.ttc and Hester Bo- garrdlis), G01-rlwon Amnstvomg, Jean Bzsbl), BiL1 Hare, Stephen Hines. EV.._.....` f`\I...... UA-|ru N/fnH-Tawny] ;.n:.-1:1, um; 1AuL\., kzvulnxnunn ....uv Second Class H3onours-Maitland Babb, Richard Hepplleuston, Sidmey Phipps, (`G101`(b0Tl King and M'ossie 1WIcCutch`oon), Jack Carter, Ina Stonoham, Ray I.`iwin;g*ston~e, Pear] Cz1mp.bL~H, Gordon Rowe, Edwin Ine- ....... Y....L L]'.. ..._. ,... T\~u..1,I Tl/TAT ru1 xru---`mu\.u-, \AvL\|\JAA ;uu-u\,, ;_...u... son. Jack Hammer, Donald McLe land, J can Minnikin, Neil Mclunis, Vera Wiseman, George Pem1_v. 15...... T ......_ `I/I ..Yf ..-.._`. ]lI ....I..l `.[VCQI`I|l1Ilellutu` un cu.\.uuuv ... nesw--Ha.1~rie1t Black, Azlbent Buch- v utu vv ununuuu, u`uuA`5,u ; -.mu_v. Pass---Laura McKcve1', M uric] R0 chgers. I ),. I'\`l\Q`I\`\l\I'\tII .1 T _m..... f\ A .ln-.-u- ;vuu.bx.;.J. Rccommomlc-d--Lcvrne Adams, Clarke Ayers, Jack Garvin, George King, Violet. Bamkm', Man_2mr0t Mc- Fadden. -n 1: 1r Second Class Honn1our~:~r-Sz1n1. Mar- _L".m, Irene Wiley, Dounald Duff, Lylia Guc-st, Helen Parr, Wilma Parr. ,. T....l. f`......-8`n....,l A134,. L!/n Pa.a9-JzLck Cmwicml, Alice Hap- plcston, Delphine Robinson, Doris Wtinterb-crbt.o:m. _, ,,_ 1. 1 rwI._.A__... Y -___.__ 01.. L14. :.v u4v. LV- First Olaas Hon:ou.ns--Vanna Acor.~ lay, Luela Mmmikin, Alxlxan Ellsicott, Rea` Kelcey, Dotuglas Miller, Pearl '1\h.o-:_npsovn, Clarence Grifn, Glen Kell, (Eme Nye and Rosbert Wedds), Eva McFa.nland, Hilda Cole, Harold Grifn, Vevonsa Aprpldby. , _.._._m 111...... 'lJ mu.mnuu,,,`Ll nIn-n (Continued from page one) Recommended om account of i1I1- vv - . nu-_I. .L1L,..4 Dunln- Recommende(1-Cheste1` Lavery, Jim Moore, Chzmlie McNivc~n, Char- lmrte Scott. Cl II- 1Y!_1.I.'__,._ urnnn, vcvvnuu rny-1un.4u_,. Secumd Class Honours--Helen Swttmmland. A Pam--Ha.rry Went. Hilda 'l`oo&.h. ,1 II IJ':'mhInov act: ocaman. Recommemled on account of ill- -rr ,1, 'n1_.'I. I't.':!3*'JJnu.'uuA| V V `L L5uI.u. Reocrmmenwded` Ererdv An-scombie, `-1.1 /s . I SR. 1. TO 11. IF`-irrst: Class Hronlours---Bab Wxhime, Divina Ehhiot, H-erb~ie Carley, Haze1_ Richardson, Batty Shepherd, Kenc-ma Mccleila . ,. 1 n1.-__ 1r-....,.-..... .t`l nw.-u 'l.v:ur nuua J. 4uw5u: Pass--Bett}. Mclnrhosh, Allan Jam- U. .u. H, UAW: ... Pa:ss--Nz1nc_v Homewood. 'Recon1mendde-Hazcl Burns -1\'I1'. Pearson PRINCE OF WALES -.R. Mcliever. JR. IV. TO SR. IV. 1 ru 1:, KING GEORGE .11. III. TO JR. 1V -S. Mae Hickhix1g. '!\!'\ 'I"D T17 u u-u.u.;. . --Miss Cheesman AA-41!.-II Lg, n. xi.-.?i{;1g. --Miss McRobie -M\iss Stnamge nn 1' .I.I.0Ud.8'J.l1`d'll. Second Class Hotnlortms--1-Larry Lay, B-dbby Syllvester, Lilthy Rochgers, Mur- ie MacDonald. 1 ,,.:.__ 1'1_...._.. hAw\V1lll]x Ifr-Tu -Mniss Sltnamge rn ---Miss Burkitnt SR. III. T0 JR. IV. Fimt Class I-Ion-ouvs---Ed`5nt1he Zeilm-, Harry Goodswin, Ganbut: Smith, Mark Robinson. ca... .1 ('Im....... 1 .rm...-.-na_\KN]=nn DH!/lLn, .LV1|'dal'l\ muuuuavu. Second C-Bass H-ornom-s-W`iJson Jebb, Mxabe-1 Sugg, Dc,~Ett.a Hammer. (Ivan Ellicott and '~E1fao'n. Pa.rIkeu'), Muamgavet Ballsantywne, Bartlett Sim- mons, Ruth Scott, D0`: thy Btllacvk, Rurh Craig, nGeomge Ki{.,r.ht1ey, Edma Hawkins, Gnaoe Lswacs, Esmh-er Dorm- -nellly, Go.--zrgre Bowles. `l'|....... I`.`..nn `Dun!-Hr: 13n:~:n" `Rnh. ineny, \1o_*':1'y't: Du-wu:.s. P-aass-l`ie.en Besattia, Russell Rob- inson, C?.a1-!'e Rmwbson, Ernerst Wri1'd- mzm, Dorouhy Eostter, B`iL1Am'not:t. Ella Sanders, Inrene Et ?v'E::gtc-":1, Rn-y Gray, Donald Brock .`l),.L....n~..~.nn.ln;l `D-;:11.1r .Q:1f'.(-l1|i>, Lrray, uunaru D*1`U CI\ Recommended - Bitlly Surbclie, Stanley Rotbson, Domcrhhy Collett. --Ruth Ca.n'uptb.ell. JR. III. TO SR. III. -Finst C`]:as.s Homouns-D.0no-t:`h.ea Robson, Phylluis Tucker. Seeoml Clsaxss Honm-urs--Erne-st Os- boome, George Smith, Beatrice Fit- sel, Billy B\urk1hea.d, Clam Ste so-n, Ca`Hheri4n.e Fisher, Isoibecl Hsobbs, va,_,4._n. *r1.......:- A...-...-`1,..6-cw. SU11, U|21uwcLM1vc .L'Lmm,L, ;uv.u.... --.. 'Tedd`y Burtdh, Bessie Appleton. 11..-- AH!" Mm. A]-F-or! Tmm nmneu rLa.rr15, v:u.;'uu1 AV1JUL'5`a.u. Recotmrmemded--J=a.s. I-Iam-is, Teddsy Rdbinxson, David Pootle, Ne Hxilnl, Edith Hxorwcnot, Dono/dhy MoKrn.ig1h'c, Jacqueline Stone-ham, Dorothy B113}:- ta:in. `L1 Qvwhln. 1 euuy Durbull, Nye, Alfred Lasinmson, Ethel Harris, Vaictor Morgan. 1 ... a `Ll ... any 5 uvoaalc rmyy-u.uvu. n V , ...._.. _.. J -..1 11. LU um. u._;. Einst Class I-Loruours--Jesan Len- nnox, Enances M~cCI].e'Hsand-, Manian Farvmeld, Mary Jxo-Imson, Gmanoe Stiles, I-Ixazel Thompson, Claude P-hipps, Manguerite Hawkins, Bob. Parr, Andrew Mamson, Herbrie Camp- bell, Lo11a.n.e Coles, Dougalias Coch- vane, Agnes 'I\2*aver.s, Ilene Smifdh. . C4 .... .. J (`I tuna T-tr\.\\lI\I1'|`C_._'F`1`2T\|1( leu lVlH.CJJ!0I]Jadu. Pass--Lsouuise Brown, Doamalld Kelly, Jack Scarnlan. '-~ 7 1,1 -.. ..... .....+ mi` :11- I`-arne, Agxlea Lll12IVU11b, 1.U:uu: pu....u... `Second Class Ho1uours--Fran< Powehl, Er-nest Ki-n-torn-, Alberrt Kin- ton, Elsie Kel, W-ilslxie Jascoibs, Dor- oftthy Du`, Evmrt Johnwson, Hsarry Lee, Binly Poole, Ecl`n`a Rowe, Annie Dilworbh, Irene Bedcry, Louis McLe1- Jjan, M3iI`d1'ed M;cLe1dan~d, Aslrpine Tnibble, L10-yd Cooke, Henry Lemuox. n-~- r,...,1 1\/r....+:m v.:n+.m- I.omo+i.=_ LDIUUIU, um-_\ u uuvnc, H... ...,... Pass-Loyd Martin, Vvictor Lewi Mary Hardy. _T? `M rmmo`.`y J.'1aL'u_). . -R. M. oumg. 11. TO JR. III. First Class HoIn:ours-Char\1ie Sea- gmm, Haxry Smirth, Archie Fostezr, Jean Cam-pbe>l, Betty Burkhead, Jean I-I`add`en, Larry W='h.i1:by. ` Second C1-aw Honaours---GivenV ,Cook, David MoC~u:Llroch, B~i.m=ba Sim- `moms, Earl Leigh, Mae Bumxler, Edith T. - ._ .. P\J`L 1,1` ...T\.nm.n7I A 141,] qi [1 ;.u;u, lhuvers. Anuv Bird, nu, lmavers. i Pass--A1ma Bebb, Cathemin-e King, |B4orden McCutcheon, Audrey Arniott, ,Ear1 Smith, Douglas Jacobs, Hilda jlieileml, Kafchleen Couch, Haury Liv- iiugavston, Fred Webb, Goowre Firman. ` D,.,.,\..~..rm.l.-ul rm qr-r-minrft n1 in- ili1J;'-SEOII, 1.!`B(l VV UUU, \IcuLv_:',x: ;uuu..... i Rocommeamlerl on acco-unrt of ill- ? ness--Barba1'a Gimbwood, Betty 3 Iiirghtlc-y, Cath-arine McKenzie, i I`hc:1n1a Hoax-11.1, Eldon Goring. --F. Campbell. [ 1 Q1. 1. LL! LL: `1 Fimt Class Honours---Gle~n Ayers, iGcart.rulrle Morris, Teddy lneson. Bee- icroft Underhill, Curl Lee, Kamie Mc- Kc-ver, Be!t.t_\' VVhite, Jack Inglis, Vernon Palmer, Donald 'I`lromlin;son. |Vivian Black (Helen S`cc1bbini_2's, Hazel Bowles and Elc~a1w1* Fisher, equal), Roberta Ha=. (Alvin Robinson. `Ruth Clelaml and Tom Exelll, equail), Louise Priin-:51-e, Helen Penny, Vernon A dlzmns and Maurice Johnston, equal. ~ . an 11 ......._.. DL..1.ln Ttlfn I A(l.'21;I1!.~} Zlllu Luuuxuuc uunuauuu, L\1u.uu. I Second C1z1:~:s Honours---Phy1 Mc- I Niven, G4o1`d`ovn Haveroroft, J o-hn : Nye, Stanley Moon, Stuart East-, , , ,, I .HL2l'!1. Pass--Elme1` Kemvetm, Maurice Smitxh, Helen Garvin. n , ,v.,v ._ ..... ...+ I\: :11 I .l\1C`bUV|IuAA|C`uru\.\.; u. `nevss-I-Lugnh Black. dl\.. 1. .l\J sun. I: Flnstt Class Honoux-s-~Mau11ice Hines, Helen Bateman, (A1* t.hu1' Smith, Lloyd Jolmsmon and Cleatus Jsack Parr, Winnie Tucker, Katlhtleen Robsinson. equal), I..eonarr.l G-lover, !Bowle's, Patty Elliott. (VI--- 1J ...........~ `LI.-dnv. DIIIJUII, l'll:Jl.'lJ. \.raL\Au. Roccm1me.mIed on account of `ill- ness-En1orson Osborne. T1 11 I' I DU\`\v'll5b, ['d`Lt\ Auunuuv. Second Class Honours--He1en Jacobs, Charles Robinson. TN I" Gun!-L SR. PRIMER TO JR. 1. First Clasv Hon.ouzws--Haze] Com- ish, Evelyn Checsman. (Billie Mc- C4orleimlullc-, Mary Clark amd Armrlc M-cQum'ry, equal). Helen Ohoesnmn, Eric Leigh, Juameta Mvclnnes, Lor- raine Clnapmam, Mildred J ohmson, Howard Penrny, Earl Fo1~sythc, Ha.rr_v Yolunsg, Etllllll Cocale, Harold Smih, Elsie Bla-ck, Helen All-ZLHTS, Bille Nixon. n 1 ("O , 1'r-._-....._ 111314.-.. Tin XVLXLMI. Second Cass Liv- inugvstone, Eileen Storey, Lura Had- clcn. "1 "F v\ ~r 1'! __1n TI-'L'L.. Y7`11w'na|-L HCII. ' ' )- Pass-T;oe Kenwel, Bobby Elliottt. Rc-commend:- on account of 1111- nc-ss--Hetlen Lowe, Kenmethh Lowe, MJ11'_V Smith. ,_T\ {'1 Q1-(vhf `arm AJJ.I`t`u. UULU, <:qw'au;, :.vuu.y.. \J$OlI| ernon, Donald McP!h~ee, Dormbhy Wiles, Ernie Guile, Kenneth Terry, Bnobbie Hzu-die, Me-rvyn Longtnut, Llnoyd Goring, Kennqth F`-ox. u......... `I (V1- _ n. Icahn] DIV. rn. LLI on. A._ Class Honom-s--Ja:ek Pul- fomd, (Jean Bird, Frances DenRcirve'zvs and Alfred Cole, equal), Rmlrpih Cam- -n-._ -14 `|A ..`l:lL l\!fk n-.-mhku dluyll U`UIl4_!:, X\{'ll|lC'l4 rvg. Second Class HonotIns-'-Isabel yam Lxellgvll, Luar: JJuIuuu:L, .|4\Ivn Ken-neth Mc-Drornsad, Elsie Ul\4. 1. J.\l uAv. At First Class Honouns--Phy].Lis Shan- mm, Victoria Aamsoomb, Donomhy Ridhardts, Nmtma-n~ `Barman, Oliver `I')_.-__ 3uvL nu... -E. V. Chanvncn. nuuuu. -D. G. Scott. --H. Smith. Gourtftxs, Foster Amorht, Ruth Barr, Relginsaxld Bnyson, Jean Stephenson. Pass-AJIu'ce I-Ilaawkulns. Retcommen-dyed `ocwriumg bo H-h'1``$r-` Geonge Scott, Currie Powerl. _.M F}. Ambler JIC. rn. LU on. :.n. Ehe Borwmman, Hilda May Cole, Eanl Ferguson, Bonbfbie Jvouhmson, Bile Maxrhirr, George Muoxwimg-star, Pemay P-etmbvernborn, Jimmy Wa1kin Rzoss Wvaikrimshaw, Velma Rzavelnl. HM W`. Awn.h1zmr-A SOIL, 1'1l':'1'Bll. uwviuxy, Lwrnlnununw, .......,.., Dvourgillazs Norboxn, Miran Oakihey, I-rrvtinug Penrny, Jean Plhillips, Launa Roach, Adiime Seagnam, Barbara Suzcitfe, Mildred Waillai-nlshxarw. KDG.--J-R. PRIMLER , Phyiris Adams, Nomna Arrnlo-ht, A'n~ gus Beedh, Hembemt Ohaspxrnlan, Jackie Couclh, Do1~.odJh~y Curtis, Atice Crum- tress, Ireme Dyment, Evelyn Foster, C1'a1'e Giorimg, Jack Gan-4eIht:, A~rrtzhu1' H~a.rris, Betty Huattom, Fboremce HIorun- slotme, Mavgwarelt 'Ke`ht, Eric Lowe, Mzurjaorxie Love, Go'vdto=n Mansoni, An- mie McEachern, Esrbher McE-aicthemi, Wizulace M<:Ewam, Many Nixon, R.-oss ` Nixon, Mildred Pnirmge, Edrtih Per- kjnis, Cbliasyrton Perrvy, Gnanit Py1buq'.n, Tommie Rogers, Dmuglias Srriiitih, M1i1- dred Smith, Dellcie Thevaks`tJon, Victor Tlhevalasbon, Enid Wedte, Vera Wilson, Domailwd Wakinslhaw. KDG.--KDG. PRIMARY No.rman Baker, Keith Bamr, Mmmiel K Bateman, 'BIi'.1Jiy Cheesmsan`-, Fredla Cruise`, Detmiis DeRivers, Vemom, : Ehlrioott, Lauma Feiiguson, Charlie Forrsvyrhe, Isabelle Fostecr, Hatry , I-olbbis, George Livinigsmon, Many Div- inzgsrbovn, Norma IJi-vimgston, Vererba : Lonxghurst, Vemocm Mc`CuTd`ry, Vermom Mulnnis, Neil Mrouris, Mamy Barr, Leornla Povole, Gordon Raoa.-ch, Bruce Reid, Jackie Roibinison, Mianie Stab- ` bimgss. ,#'D T'\m1T.n1w1- [ 1\..lJU.-In. 1\J uu. LLB: Jean C\]Ja,1-ke, Domad Feast, Aideem Grey, Le Harris, M'arj`ox'.ie Inle- son, Hell-en Ilwveary, Tommie Nixon, ,.L-... Arm-.... n..1n1:,.m T.wu:im.n 1xuvLn. J.\J Lxuu. a.;u;;u;;;-1.. Conmde Dixon, Winrif.1'eiy Kelsey, Edma Gordon, Donelda Burger, Kath- leen` Lairnson, Constance Hammond, F1:o1'em1ce Sim, Agwves Fengruson, P.hy1%1is Poucher, Evenlyn Sm.-mclen, Betty McBride, Billy Dun-nett, Ohm`- lie St. Crhair, Vernon Spezmn, Roy Milwl-er, Jack Cavert. 1.71'\f `DTJ f'I"I'\ T1 ) `D'D .`.VJ.ll`l\./L, u-cu. sin vw. KDG. PR. TO JR PR. Myrna Firman, Mangatret Pamk, Madge Shetar, Bernice I-Irurnter, Be Uby Pugfh, Eileen Bowen, 'I`1hIomvase`n1a Gordon, I{`z1.-hllee-n Boymscn, Dell-oris l\TcGreg`o1', Jessie Madden, Maudie I\I'zu1(le:n, Ovba Bannmmlan, Gerald Gzwtner, Jack Goodchild, Victor Re_vn.oMs, Alex. T1~a;<.k, Dorothy VVa1ker. Francis N[z1.*m'c]I, Olive Stunden, Kenncrth Firman, Bertie Gosnm-3', Ltlroyd Kc-t.t]e, Mor1e_v Rich-- ar(I:-"..n, H21rr_\' Ritc.h.i(:, Ernesn; Smith, Tommy Suto1`ifTr*, Howard Warenhranl, Hznmlrl Wvhitc-. Bobbie Sc1' 2 Frank McGuire. Iirlward LeC1a1ir. -Miss 1\'IcI{in.lo;v -..-u-..;.\.\.... G osno y, ` I-Iamol r1 1. 11. Second C1iass Homo1ms-(Grey Smiirbh amid Florence H-owamd, equal), Ghmilie Miill-er, Dorris Hawkins, Billie Graham, Hiil-(ta Richards. Pass --Cetci1 Rank. 1ur:.__ :u_..._...... uu.. 1.5:. ;v }l5| .;u.. Oswald Blogxgr, Evcyn B=1ain, F]'o_vd ' B1ll`_Q'01`, R(>`1)c-mt Fe`1'1'_\', Betty Lon`_2', A]f1'0(l Looknr, Mzxrjorie Ma1'sel1-`us, Arthur 1\'I`cG1`eg'o1', C-om Plant, Ethel Planrt, Ha1~r_V Riddell, Vernon Shzmpe. C1?) `I )T) "l"f\ TY) T it Eiilist Clzists HonIou1~s.--Li]1ian Wal- glacc, Margmet Barnuamrl, (Mzu'_v Dun- nemt and Eunice McQuade, equal), Olive Bipsgm`, (Batty Leitevman and Edna LeGear, equal), Melville Me- `,'i]11, Ray Hiunst, J-othnnie Miller, G.eo. Peters and Beatrice Sim, equal), Laurence Gartner, George Henson, Hzwold Sooitt, (Kcnneath Good*chi1`d and Avcuhie Trask, equal), (Jack Hill and Jack Mahh-zmrs, equal), Joan Dixon. m 1 run yr 1: Second Class H:on0uns--~Marjo1-ie Thwompson, E(l.i1i]1 Marshuall, Billie Mc- Bride, Jack St. Clair. Pass~-Geo1~.p.`e Reid. Reco1mnen`de Dixon. Reccmimenrlml on ace-ounzt of ill- nc~ss-L1woy(1 Swoe'ni0_\-', Nancy Dhor- ixivgvbon, Glad-ys Wnigiht. Xffa... T173..- unv. a nu us First Ctlam I~ioruouvs---'Ru:th Storeiy, Ross Ri Donald Bowen, Dorothy Hcwm-(1 and Marion W equal. Cn...m....I I'Tlr..,.~\u..~ "HIV 1f\f\OQ IJAIIO ;. ;v AAQ J3`n'rstt Class H0nou1~s-Floy(1inc Ban- nc~rmsam, (Isobel Scrubon and Edna Hunrter, equal), (B'ill'ie Little and Lillian Stun<`d0n, equal), Fnancis Moore, (Fred RzL,vnuc~1* and Dovoftihry Thompson, equal), (N-cmene and Betty Panbk, cquwl), IJ11oyd Bur- ger, Mae Smith, Arthur Mmldcn, Alma Ra'.dde1l, Hamry Lee, Mary Logan, Ennest White, Beatrice Kin- selfha. ` r `-2- 1:.- AAz\-lVQlA\l uuu .u;u.uu --...u.., l.ll\A.I.IrlI Sc-connd 0142139 Hrono1Lrs---K:L`.` Ioem Kalsey, -Mi1(l>ro Kashner. Pass--Oa1mie Dainty. OT) 1 7 I\ TT Second Class Honours--(Ma1*y Bnook and Mildred Reid, equal), Mae Reynolds, Alvin Di:key,.NomIan Ap-. pletton. Gordon Bdain. 1).. .. D.......I lI...l.l.... zuuvu. \J\II\u\.uI -an.-an. I aass---Pear! Madden . KDG. TO KDG. PRIMARY .. `lX7...;#`....-u T4 n1. KING EDWARD SCHOOL \.m~2.w_y Uluuunu, u`1uu\: .AIL(&LDuAuuA muu . Thwmas Hills, gquaal), Peanl Goddar Douglas Srmirh, Betty Smitih, Ruth Tracy, Huxhabe, .(Jean Sibransman, Lezmore Osborn-e and Fra-nfk Maley, equal), (Lloyd Smith, .-4 IN... .....,I Dlmnn 1I\n11n-whnn PR. lid .lva. vlcuu. --M. E. Ambler. TU I U'W 51111. -M. E. Ambler _ 1-av` run The Northern Advance --B. De1I~I:a11t. ` -\`Iiss _Wice >.u.w. u. 4.u .L4A. Eirst Class Honomws-Ka:t1h]een Miller, Beryl Patterson, F.i1-`man Mlabnhews, Betty Scott, Bernice Thomas, Ruby Lee, Alice Hunter, . `(Edna Booth and PzLt.1'ic~ia 1\`Iz1im,: 'equaJl), (Edith Hursit and Earle Ker.-' l (Lrick, equal), Bill Scruton, Biluly Long. -. c~._-_..x /11...... ' 'rrA..-.. ..` `I,T............. I ,...,..b. Second Class Hc.11ou1`s--1\Ia1\2'u01`- ctta Gartner, Ralph Thompson, Ram- I Anderson, Lillian Travis, (Nel- 1 sonx Watson and l\'Ia1'g`c-.1*-y McBride. equal), Laura CZ1.'1Ve1`.'t, Connie; Spearn, Margaret Edge. i `D.-.m- (`y1G~`.u.r] C4-mun.-Inn T nu.-l.n Llll\.cAl.lI, ...;.._.,.... 4_4u'c\,- Pass-C'1iiford Stunden, Marsellus, Jack Arnuott, Fem-y, Tommy Mzrrshzrll. T).......u..........1, .1 Y7~vn1..n `LT te 1'. I.` l`i.l.'llII\ .Luau:_y' , L`-Lfktclllj , \ ;.auu_yvu u....u.., Elmerr Gmse and Elma Fru11e'vbo`n, equal), (June Jay, and Mznd.e4Iine Mc- Leod, equal), Benba Grimyer, Bobby Hemnson, Edith Green, Alvin Hou.g'.h- tlcm, (Emerson Astridlge a:rvd Billy Povnitt, equal), Aazn Bamtviclnge. c1.\__...,1 r `LI.-u...~.nma, T\o'1'lno+