Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 23 Jun 1927, p. 5

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THJURJSDAY, JUNE 23, 1927. ; Unable to -p:1_\` the fine of $24.50`; inmo. in Police Court M0n mo1'nin_::' when he pl0(1(lC(l `:11`il:t_v to 1 clm1':.-'0 of -being.-' intoxicated, 'l`hl:s. lSlmnn0n \\ z1.~' sent to the County `Jail for 30 (lays. The man, who xvaslt }\\'01'l here with a C.N.R. _:a11_s:l `under an a.mu1nc-(1 mime, l'll8(l caused, a (llSl2Ul'l)2L11CC along` Ehizabeth St. onl l .Satu1' night. He was scantily icl'0Ull0(l and crazed by drink when picked up by police. It t.o'0k six men to get him into the police car and :lockc-d up. I M . 1 Shannon was convicted of a sim- i_i`.z1r offence here two years ago when \\'o1'k;in`g' with 21 pavemenf `gang: He had the distinctiiovn of being the first ibo appear in Barrie -Po_1ice_ Court idharged tignderftheb n_ew Ixjquor O01)- L.__I A .1: The Northern Advance I A service for Innisl TOVV'll,~'llll]J in commemoration of Camulais Di:-. moml Jubilee will be held in lzmisl V Park on Sumlay, July 3r(l, at '7 13.111. `:l l`.he Cl1lOlvl`.'\' from all the churches are _ l!`(, (]lJ(.'Tl.C`(l `to `1lSSlSt witli the sing'in_Q'. ilstrouxl band will be in attendance, `and txhe Reeve, G. C. Allan, will prc s'i A collection will be talien up lin `aid of the Red Cross fund. The order `cf service will be (lllt'1`ib`utC(l on the ,2`1'0un(ls. All con;`reg`at.ions in the musnicipal-i`t_v and `those adjoin- ing` are urged to join in the service. ) y. 1 1 l DIAMOND JUBILEE SERVICE IN INNISFIL PARK JULY 3rd Suouvld the xveather be unfavorable hq service. will be held in Stroud LPreabyrte1-iwn Church. where` the Reeve prrmide, atgql at Churdhill United Ghmrdh, where the Deputy- Renve, R. H. Reynolds, win preside. IHJL LHUL, AVXIQ. ALI. L. `$VLU\JUlIKL\._y- Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Swinton and family of Oril~1ia called at the par- s'o`n`age on Sunday ll ?! -- T).\"l1.` nun-.4 n 4`nn o\I`An.L;,'L: uu >.>uuuu_y .. Miiss Belle Neelunds spent a few days lzmsit week with her sister, Mrrs. Ed. Jc`1'c_\', ien l`Ti .`i1I1(1. vr:_- 1-.v.._....n- tJ--.--,..... _...M..+ .. uu. ul.ux\._\, I-u Auuu-uuu. Miss Fmnces Hewson spent a cou.ple of days in 'I`o1'onto last week. Mr. W=m. Sutherlzmd of Toronto spen-tithe week end at his home here. Mr. Harry Hougwhton has retunned after spending some time at his home in I`_`mg?la1nl. l\Ii.ss Florence Ha:xrin_e1,on has re- turned home after pemli.ng' a couple of weeks in Ba1'1'ie. xv 1 mr r\,,,,, __,1 ,n rnA___..a._ V\Cl.'l\ unu. an nun Jluuu. nu 4.u;-zu-vu. M-rs. Robt. Brown has returned to the city after vi,sitin_2' with her sis- ter-in-`law, Mrs. `wily Jones. -Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Constable spent a few days last week \vwiv ch their d~a.u_<:hter, Mus. Frank Ro-bertsozn, C001-is-t0WI1. 1|!` n n 111 1 L 1ur.._ 1!? 1' JURY AWARDS $1,440 ` DAMAGES TO RUMBLES Au;.7. Jun:/.1. LLI.VVuvII- M1-. and Mrs. Fa1'nIswm`bh were in Pete.rbo1'ou.g:11 for the week end, the latter s sister and family retunnrimg with them for a visit. if (V Y1 (V 91.1 ,0 rl'\_.,___J__ -..`lI...'l uu mm, LALAIIIILL ...o., .4......,. We are sicrry to learn that Mrs. S. Latimer is ill with pneumoania at the home of her r.laug*h cer, Mrs. S. Wid- son. We hope for a speedy re- covery. r4>>~< 1.1.! n.\...1-.-.... 1,. ..,..-.4 -`.nn,1 Ln l.`llL'L Ullkl V\|UlL |-'HC II: | The school picn'lc, which was held at the Town.\`l1ip Park last Flviduay, was well attemletl. Evc1'_\=l)lc(ly en- joyorl the sports which were p1'o\'il- Cd by the c.l1il`(l1'e.n. A pageant of Confedc-1`at.i'on was put on by so many pupils from each S`0'h100l1. V rm... 1...11 ".-...A 1.-.. l\I \ II\...lnu1 uu-.-ww -_ Mr. Howard Brolc-y is on his hold- days and is visiting` his aunt, Mrs. Percy Loukes, at Walkerville. 'n.r_. r `.uI'..r`....I..n- -4.` D.-Hin L WILL. LJULKDCD ll VI \~|.ll\.aL 'll.4\4I Mr. Clhesrter Mcoonvkey of Orialia spent Tuesclany this week with `his micther, Mrs. E. T.~MoGonkey. 31-. ...-.1 R/T- 1)...t.4- a...:..+.-... and Iv; vv\,\.A\o nu .IJKLAA\.. Mr. and Mrs. Ommuntl visited with Mr. and Mrs. son on Suvnday. R/|'.. nf\ICf\l` V\/I'n..v.]nn nun uu uwuuug . Mr. Doug`-1as Mowder spent th week end at his home in Toronubo. s. u. 1-. 1 .,,,,,\;_ -Mrs. Russetll Webb, `Mrs. W. J. Leonzml and Mr. J. C. Neela-nds are in Belwlewille this week avttend`iyng' the Grand Cshapter mee-`Ling of the 0.E.-S. Mrs. Jack Hewson of Toronto spent the week end at the home of Mrs. Trhos. Hewson. 1 1r rs ., , _4L VVIUH LIIUMI. J.\.u. ca vuoxu. Mr. C. H. Smith of Toronrto cad-led on Murray Hunter last Friduay. ur _ .._,...__ L- 1--.... 4.1.; Mr... O \.v-;,;_v. Moss. Ed. Boadway her bed with the u. mu ~. 1 (Continulxl from pu_L`e one) Ro:.:'arl.im: Mr. Rumblo's claim for $1,000 for C.\'1)(.`1lSCS and the loss of_ his wife s services, the JU(l_L'I_! ;<`:1l(l t a husband had a right to claim forj the loss of the . cwmpzmion- ship and comfort of his wlfo. Mr.` Rumble hzul alrcacly paiil out $530.00 1 for nursing and mrxliczxl expenses. \:.u..... 4.1. :...... 1.-.: ..-s......,..x 4.1..-n`.. |uu.n_y ,,..,,,..., nu... \.uuu w.w..... Dhe ball grame here on E1~ida_v 11ie'i1t between Stroud and C:a.m1p B c1'(lcn was one of the best g'zLmes of the season. It was a good gfamei 1701' St1'oi1(`. to win, but a hard one for the fiicrs to lose. At the end of. the ninth i1111i115:s it was 21 tie 4-4.: Two extra i~n:11i11{_-`s were ])La_\'e1l t?oi decide :1 wi1111e1`, .\'ee1z1n(l:< sco1'i.11g the ` \vi1111i11_u' run with one out in the, eh:-\'-11th i11111i11:>:. Reid pi=t.che(l g`1'eat; hail in the pinches. The Camp man 1 was 21180 wo1't1h_v of p1'ai. Fouse tu1'11<~l in :1 fine 5_1".1111e behimi the The U.F.O. lo: srtock th-Ls week. .' on uitllur team. luv. Brown \vi`H take for his sub- j-ct next Sun A city wh?cl`1y (le- .~'t2'o_\'crI for the lack of a 1'ig"ht(-ous Mrs. Frank Ga;-=.'in of Detroit is visitin_: with her fatxher, Mr. `.VIurph_v, and otnher friamls. n I`! . 1 n ,_ t1,,-_.1_ ...... uuu.\:L ....u..u. ; Goo-rge Smith and Percy Frank- com ,w}m are working` for the C.P.R., ! `spent hho week end at their homes` here. vv . 1-. n . 1 Hunter Russell entertained the T1'ai1R:1ng'e11s on Friday eveni~n~g 1,,4, .1\I'1's. L. T. Higgins visi.t1'n5,>' her parents, Jas. Innes. 1- war. . 51.1 ,1- dun. IIIHIJB. Archie M`onte1'tJh of Thornton ca1-l- ed on M`icl11m1's`r, friends this week. Mr. aml Hrs. H. 1\Ieg'p.:ix1son left czr their home in Saullt Ste. M-aria` this week after spending: some weekzs visiting` flticndws. mr..- nr 11 (`:11 :- null 2 'l"n.mn4~n Vlblllll:-'. Ll-lL,'lI\U.`.- Mrs. W. P. Gill is still in Toronto ha\'in_: her eyes treated by a special- : .4. __Kli|V'Cl UH lla- I\'I1'. Jzus. C1`a:ig; with :1 game: of men has commenced to made the sideroad above F`in1z1_v s bush to the fifth line, :1 much needed job. rI\1 n I ,, (1-1. _-I _-_...-.. Luz uuxm-I5 cu-u -u--u~u.u.. |.\lI\.llu\.UI i After the jury had rc-t.m'nod their R verdsict Mr. Agnew z1rg`u0(l before: .Iu Wismer that according: to this ` last answer Mrs. Rumble hzul been` found guilty of u-1 cimat.e neg:1i;.,-once,` and therefore was precluded from --rc-oovery. The answer was fatal to, ,__.. .....J .`u,l.~ont ..n..1.l nab ls`l.. P. Slm-u::=hn0ss_v has returned~ after! :~2pr,~11(lilLQ' a few months in the West.` 311`. F. Wallwin has i`mproved the 4th line by d1'awin_: _;mve1. Mr. A. Walt, pathnnastm' on the .=0c0n line, has been improving: the Si(l0]`0Z1ll for some time by plucinfs, g'1'ave1 on it. `\.r.. T..,. f`......'..- urH~1\ n mnnn- nf-' \nnn d lAllL' .:..:-ull. Mrs. G. F1'ankLing of Alliston is \'iHi`ti ng' with her daughter, Mrs. J. u nuu-.n lI\.\.I|\.\n J-4 . T1110 Sumlay School convention 1\Fi Union Cihurch was held 1 June 22nd. If A :1 -1 AII.',..L.... 1 U1 IL . Mr. and Mrs. Fret] Harris and f-am.i1_\' of Essa Sta.tion were Swumliay visit`or1's \\'ifJh Mr. and Mrs. Boyce. 11- 1-. .1 ,, \'lY-._L_.. _ 11..L....L.....- - \I5l|.`U'l'b \'\YlUIL llu LIIIH uric. LJuVl.\.- ` Miss Dorot.h_\' Wa1'boy`of Pet;.=rbo1'o = is visiming with Mr. J. McCrac.ke.n for a. few (hays. In,-__ nr;n__..-I..... 1.-.. .._A-..._...A -1.` 1111 u. u.:`vv uugo. Miss Mi:Cm.cken ` has returned af- ter apcmkingaome time in Petexvbono. MIDI-IURST STROUD loaded two Lul. 5;-nu. u\.uA|sn| hzml to pick out her case, and jurtgrment could not ` be entered. - Mr. Boys stated that Rowutt was` also guilty of uitirnate negligence and that w dr.-gme of ne:,")i*gembe' is conned to l of '-1`o1~omrto is Mr. and Nlrs. of 'Do`ronto \ v -vv CIT`! I UL .L'v.|.v|A\L4v I . N. H. VVoi1- the . l'I'V....-..$~n Jub UXUUIECL Luvnlanu ucxc mun "pun. Chas. Crosslamd of Cdeveland, 0., spent several days at his Home this week. --- Ir - - ll , ,1-\,_,_1,| 4A 1 EUR- Miss Marjorie MacDonald of Petervbvoro is visiting Mrs. S. Prentice at her home on Owen St. this week. `in 1: . 1: n , ,,, - -1... :1. 11. Lu\:\:x\u|-5, 14|A14u`u'.I.~u um. Messrs. A. R. Gvirdwood, A. Mor- row, A. B. Cocldburn and E. E. Kidd, and Miss F. E. MacDoug`a11 of the B.C.I. staff are presiding at ex- a.misna.ti~ons in C-olrlinigtvvood Colegiiate rtxhis week. v r: 1` I I ,, 11.... I Bill Harrison of Gait is visiting his brother Ron-aild here this week. an ru___,I-_-_I r\ uau up; mun. uu \/vixann .4... .u..... .......... Mniss 1\Iang1a1'et Murcihison, a stu- dent of Ontario Ladies Comhlege, Whitby, is home for the surnmer va- cation. `r ya . cw us` 1 0 xx," ;.u\. nun. vv|.I-` lttvcll vv` could not'| l,`LLl/AUX}: M1-s. Ernest E. Tbwnsley of Van- couver, B.C., with her d:augh~te1', is \'.i'sit.ing` her parents, M1`. amxl Mrs. D. C. Murchison. I11 1 -n \Jn AVALIA uuauuu Mrs. Lerigvhhon Olarke will rece:ix'e for the rst time since taking up residence` in Barrie on Friday, June 24th, from 4 umtil 6 o e]ock, at 165 Bayold St. Rev. J. J. Black and fanly left on '1`1ur.<.day n1orn.ir1g' for the East. Mr. Black goes to Scotland to visit his old hdme, and 1\'I-rs. Black and ch`i`1d`1'c-n will visit her pare.n t.s in Nova Scotia. 'v\ . xx ; 1v 1 :v_,,. llJ:':=5_ D1`. and Mrs. A. Hopper and fam- ily of Washington, P.A., and Mr. Dalton Meeking `of Pittshurg` are vi'sriting' at her home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Mocking, Elizazb-etlh St. `in. --.... A `n f`:..,l...4m.-..l A `A/lnu, 1Ull. l'b \\L'C'l\. Mrs. H. G. Robertson, 1\'Irs.` I{igv}irt.le_\' and Mrs. A. Paddison have returned from attending` the Re- be.ka.`h G1-and Assembly for Onsmtito. Mrs. Pa was appointed Dwistrrict D'ep~u,t_V `Grand President or this dis- trict. 1 `Ar :11 1- rn1___________ ___,) IL Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Thompson and son, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Friede-1, Wm. I-Layse and Vincent Rivard of Detroit were week end visritors at the home of Mrs. N. Rivard, James St. Mrs. I`~h:omps'on and son, Mrs. Friedel and Mr. Hayes are remaining` for the week. -qr` A -n n x.,__,_1,;.,_, .1` `.\`|".._ \\CCI\- Miss Amy Bell, rlaugihter of Mi-s. Bell and of the late W. A. J. Bell, ;,l{.C., who m-atniculavfetl into Triniity C c!lleg'e, University of Toronto, from iOven(len College, ,:ra in the gfxeneral course this sp1'in_2'. lVIiss iB'.il was active in zwlileties and !social 01`f,21l"l`l7;E`.t`lDl`lS of St. .Hil'dua s `College, the women .< residence of i 1`rinit_\'_. being a member of reception izmml house committees and presitlentt i-cf the .-\thle cic Association and a. `;member of the tennis club. l 5 I Well over $2,( lin Pzn`1'i(.~ in the I !LL`\\'i.< at :1 Hr- Cross _:z1r party `held on ']`L1es 11i_`.`.`h!t- under the i:1u.~1picc-.< of the VVOm(>n .< I11stit11tvo at the home of M1`. 21-I11] Mrs. B. W. Smith, Blake St. BARRIE .RAl'SES OVER $2,000 IN RED CROSS CAMPAIGN I Sp:-oiul (on 1'cd:.-1`a LIon Hi;-uLo1'_\' tests \\'(-)'(3 Inch! recc-ntl,\' in the Pub-` lic Schools of thc` I`11.~`p<-ctorzm: with? 't.hr- )'(`.~`ll1t that Hzlrohl .\I.~2'm1iLh or! _tVictC-via School, Barrit-, tied witihi ".-\11h1'vy McCaul of Co1]in_:'\voo fm: :i`1r.~: place. Loretto Lortiv of PL"!":(,`-: 1t:xn-.:' \vu.< third hi_L`11(\.~It, and Davidi lStunle_\' of St. Mzu'_\"s School, Barrie. lcumo fourth. 3 l`wenty-seven classes cunlpeted.` {The best in each class were chosen iby the teachers, after which nal Kn.ulin,-4'5 were made by members of: the High School Entrance Boom! and 3 by RS. Inspector Jos. L. Garvin. I u........, I.Jl.- `The _;'zm|en ]){l!`L_\' \v:\:< poorly at- temletl and :1 ne ])}`Of_"`.`(lH1111(` was prc-: before :1 more `h=:1n of people. The Kiwanis Boys` Clhoir 1'emle1'edtJhi'ee selections vc1'_\'z1c- ceptabby. Solos were _2`iven by Miss- `es Mabel Oheesrmsain, B. DeHva1't, Jean Kearns, Helen Glass. 1\'Ia.1'p.'a1'et Glass .zLn' Mr. S. W. Moore. Elociution numbers by Misses Louise Hiunlsbu and Margaret Su'Uhe1'lan(1 were miucth enjoyed. A q-uartette fvom the boys` ohvoir, composed of Stewant and Har- old Bmson, Frank Craig` and Douvmlas Smith aso conirributecl selections. CANDLESTICKS PRESENTED `TO MISS CARSCADDEN BY C.G.I.T. On Fritlay eventing` Last the Bow- Iivnot C.G.I.T. group of Co11t1'al United Church met at the home of Miss Wylma Parr for the closi.ng mt-r_~tin_2' of the season. During` a social hour \\`h.ic1h foll`mVe(l the )'Cf.`.'u- nlar meeting", the lemler of the class,- 'Mii.=s Carscadrlen, was presented with a pair of beaurtiful silver candle- stiok.<, accom:p:1mie:l b_V the following :ulrlro:-.: : n `.. n. . . ... Dear ;\`Ii.~s Came-.ul\ the mmnhmze your Sunday School Class and C.G.l.'I`., wish to snhow '(1`l1l` ap- preciation of you-1' services to us. You have z1l\va_\'s- been very kind, .=y1111)at.l1etic and patient with us in all our un We feel mvuclh imlobtetl to you and it is with (loan 1'o,L'1'et t-hr:-It we lmvc lnhvnetl of your `(loparturc from our m.id.t. Yet we rojioice in the fact that you will not be so far removed rom us but that you can return and renew our f1'ien(lsh.ips from time to time. We ask you-to accept this pair of camdle- rrtickus, and may the use of them re- `miml you of the happy hours we have spent toge-tzher. ' ' Q.-....& A... k,.lI.....I ...J 1.1.... III... . A--um v \. rays, um Io\IE,Ul-HAUL . `Signed on beihrzulf of the 011139: Pearl Biggar, Lucinda Paddieon,`I:*:a- hel McQuay. 1.000 has been rais Rod Cross calnpzxig 1c-ed by Dr. W. Page Five xiscd :'l'WO BARRIE PUPILS STAND YFIRST DRUNK UNDER CONTROL HIGH IN CONFEDERATION TESTLACT GETS 30 DAYS IN JAlLi ' l.'l|L' \ll.lz\|`} C ILCTUJ hblalll InA.I4A1A.u4v\. uxu, l.i2`(-mce- could .. not . (mute): imto was c1.o:u*Ly shown to vary.` " -'f.`h(- Jmtge held that ultixnnte neg:-i m.-_._..._.. ......I.h ..-a- ...'.,d.... m.l-A Hm!

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