Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 26 May 1927, p. 8

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Page Eight Maderia Doylies, Centres, Ovals and Napkins from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . to ..\v F K". r 5!: .n.l .. '.bJic-| 19.5 I the '"$`2".`2?7$2.75, 'Dhe s.pe`a,ker went on to the habitat and usefu'~.I`n0srs of the {various classes of ycatohen.-s, thru~sh- It-.5, nches, wild sparrows and 'o"the1's. Mn`. Kay has found in ,1\'Iuskoka over 110 d`i`srtinot species of !sm:1]1 insectivorous and veg'et.i\'orous` `ibirds. He has studied bird habits ifor a number of years and can now '1'eco.Q1nize any Muskoka bird from its lSe011_. Hlis ob.01'\ were made [while c-a1*1`31ing on his daily work as is farmer. G_-A .5... 1 -1.` 4.1.- 1-... ..._:..A ..._.:.! ;ho1'1ow fence post in his garden. The QSWHIIIOWS were quite tame now. ` no- ..-.. ._,.,,u -..:,1 `.'|:f.. 1: ._m...K..u... ..... .,..... ......... So you see, said Mr. Iay, ifl you give the birds reasonable pro- tection they appreciate it.and g'zLt:her around your place, and the less in- .sec2t-s you will have. ` Speaking of the low price paid! for the bird collection, M1`. Kay said I -he reg`arded the birds mac-u*.ic.a1l_v as -a p1'esent from Mu`. Beatty to the} |town. Mr. BeaA.t_v s name should be; [rcnwmbered for all time by the c5ti- | lzrms of B-arrrie. As a taxider1nisv t,' the sqaeakor reahized the en-o1'mo*u;s| amount of wxork entailed in the! mounttin_e,' of szucxh a colectiom. T\-L..`...!._... L- L.'...I 1:1`- I/L. 1'-.. n|v\Jur|nvuAAI_L, u; uuuu u \.uuu.wv-nu. Returning` to bird life, Mr. Ray decvI`a1'e t1:a.t if it were not for cu`. insectivorous bird's, vegetation wou`. be strippe~ Trees would die. Eac-11 species of him] has its own pamticuylar work to do and it does it a(l Certain b:i1'd~s stay in rpen e-I(l:~w, others in the woods, _u'z1r or marsrhcs. v-1 1' .1 1 1 V 7 J Rev. J. S. Shortt, M.A., Minister Edmund Hardy, Mus. Bac., F.T.C.M. Organist and Choirmaster. ..u....u-u,... En_2=Iisl1 sparrows have become a regmlar pest, (].1'iving` away and de- [st.ro_\'.in_:r other kinds of birds aver- [red the sq)eak4e1'. Cana(l=ian w?ld `par1ows are muc~h better. The song, .-.r~ am'ow is one of the nest, stated M1`. Kay. while so also is the white- .1 . .1 u .-n 1 `-1 |.~.-. mu. ..-`I;-4..-.-... uuuuu-nu -v..u eparrows. throat, the beautiful sp-z1r1'ow xxwhich sings C-a.nad~a, Canadva, Canada, and which is be`i~ng: co`n_s'ide1'ed as a m1tiona.1 bimd. Mr. K-ay ])0`1`$0I18H-2.` 't':1\'r>rr (1 the song` sparrow beczxuse 1'1 ` "= better known ever a wider xrzuv-`.0. Both have the-rir good points, how- There are many more crows `ml +.'n.'s 1oc:a.l.i`t_v than in k\'I1].Fk10J\'3. statr-d M1`. Kay. exp1.a.i:nvi`n,;' that it was be- cause this 1'c-prion is no ]om2;er \Vl0(l- ed as forms-nly. The raven an-'1 hanrrnod owl, the naturall r.-nmnins of -the .cmow. had been driven noM`J1 with 1%)? retrrzdixng woods. -1.eava'rmg;' tine crow fron to mu:Irt'i13'. Mn`. Kay xwwuld "Pr: to we kmgn nunubem of CTOVVE: deutmo:ye'd. I Hui-:mstitc11cd colored bo1'de1*s, 111-.111i'" (>.5,'"`b]11e 1)01'C11 Linen Sets, 36x36, 4 napkins, and Oyster Linen Table Cloths, \\'it11\(Ij;;tx}*11'61-1: (1011- - 4-.... `)RvQ{{ _ j j _ _ > _ __eq:9 nn \I"k)|l\/L II-IAAI-\loh --v-.v_v V- .,, N, tre, 36x36 . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2_ Oyster Linen Table Cloths, blue,` yellow? trim, 54x54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .` . $2. ,b111 0 $5.50 $7.75 -$8.50 $400 ` Sunday, May 29th 11 a.m.-'I`he_Minister. T p.m.--Rev. Dr. Mason of 01-31:- lia. Special music by the choir of Orillia Presbyten1'an Church. 3 p.m.---Sunday School. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, at 8 Successors to J. Sutclie 8; Sons -.50 to $10.00 .75 to $10.00 Annual Auessnnents The a/ctent"on of ct owners is drawn to the annual a.3s.=.svs1ne11ts for care of lots which are payable to J. W. Ness, Sec.-Treas., Beecmft's Bank, Dunlon St., Barrie. . f\ _' ________, _1! `I_A__ _,,_ ,__.. ___,v.,1 L1,_L yu...-, azuuAv]' um, gun`:--. Owners of lots are reminded that- ward become a cha.1'ge agax 151; the lot and should nut be allow-:-:1 to act um- |u1ate as un:.lcv- t!.e Act TIIEY MUST I 7\1'\ n A -rvx vxsw-any-run rv1`rv'r\ w run.` I | . . . |unpa1d asse;~:sments :1-om 1:113 on- ]Barrie Union Cemetery EEIEW 1;:JAI3.:)`MB15'1A:OREv THE. LOTS .CAN BE USED. Unpaid assessments from 1913 to 1926 inclusivenre overdue and those Efor 1927 are payable rm or before iJuly 1, 192". i Lot owners are also reminded ,.`t;lmt with the new Enduowmenr. System now available they may geliminate, if they Wish, further as- Isessments by pemnanenlitly endowin-g` the lot to provide for perpetual care at a VERY REASONABLE ERICE. % A,ssessme1z-t Rm es-$2 per armum for one lot- and $1 for each midi- `-tional 10:1: owned by the same person; ;$1 for half lot. ' A\ .:; -~ ~I.L4.|b:n:: .- :..;.-: \-J l\\ Ellir St. United churail Meats 2nd and MI: Thursday of each Month. W. Munro, W.M. - Allandale. F: Lvonchumt, Recording Secretary. E ....... .. .. .. .... E0. L. No. 432, A11a{{}i17a Salvatiqn A rmy .-\n_\'m1o having 1nf r-0`T <-lotI1ing' to (10na.te, please phone 449 and we will call. DON T FORGET THE Barrie Union Cemetery Board, Thomas Nash, Pres. PTHURSDAY MAY` 26, 19 ; -.4 - 3.-Gait-1 D! 7; Saturday Next May 28th 211` 10 z1.m., in the V262 Brdiwv i; name` . 'Rini1iiiiE{g% Sale The 1027 bz1.=cb~:LI1 . opens in Barrie on \Vc. June 8th, ac- cording` to a schedule up for the Sour`h S`.mcoc- Lo:1 last week. fFoHo\ving' is the .~'ch(-(11110: June 8-I\'_\' at Bznwio. 9--~I{n0ck at .-Uliston. 1f`--.~\11i.<-ton at Ivy. 1S-B:1rric at Knock. 22---.-Xllfston at Barrie. 25-Iv_v at Knock. Juzly 2-Ban'ic at Ivy. 4-.-Xllistlsn at Knock. 'T--Ivy at Alliston. 17---Knock at Ivy. 21-Barx'.ie at Alliston. 27--Kn-ock at Barrie. 'I1he uxmspirczs dhosen w-are : Barrie, Dr. D_vm' a-md .-5.. Moiaizt; Knock, Locldhxart and Buoyd; Ivy, 1?. J::ann.ett iacnd F.'Ba11vt`rin:; A !rl?v_z:on., D. I :m'_r.`.`.r and H. !@1x.:5:'_\. _\.\|. \ LL $5.00 :`2`. (`)b Rev. J. Johnetone Black, Minister 3'-' Horace Wilson. A.R.C.O. Orgranist and Choirmaster l Divine Service, Sunday, May 29, 1927 11 a.m.-'I`Ahe Minister. 7 p.m.---Service will be in charg'e of the Boys Orgznnuization. Special speaker, Iiarl Lautc-natcjer, Premier of the Sixth Ontario Older Boys Pa rl lame nt. r\ n u my 1 - ,n ,1. A (11 nruuspuu. 3 p.m.--~Sumlay School in all cle- pa rtm 0 nts. --Speci:x1 Mu.sic-- Morning Armhen1--P1'aise the Lord. So1o-Se10cterl ........... ...\`Ii.=s C`- 1` vpnuuh Anthem-Se1eof.ed. Junior Male Qu-artette Soloists, Stewart Bryson, Frank n v....._.,. So1o-'I`oach 310 to :1 `. Victoria Industtrial Scihool, Mimico, requires .in-strucutors in carpentry, shoemaking, zv].<:o plumbing` and tin- srnibhin-g combined. Must be expert in 211'] branches of the work. Refer- ences as to ohztmctcr and w.1-k re- quired. Apply to (`I-man Farrier. S. SIMCOE BASEBALL SCHEDULE _...__.?_:.____ BROCK "i3'1(_3s`. -Artur nr-1 LII 'r'DAl"II.` M1`. Harry Barron, Choir Leader Mrs. E. Richardson, Organist Sunday, May 29th 11 a.m. and 7 p.m.---Worsh1'p. The pastor at both services. 3 p.m.---Bi-blue School. .-.A...-- .`w.\ Y1?/\v\;~vvU`-\ vtrvrnvv v-rn St.Andrew s |_ res_byt_rian Chqfch A. J. G. Carscadden, I Tn/tI_9,;(_3_ELIJAV1~IA1*.oUs _____4 _:-.--_.-u INSTR CTORS WANTED KITLL I-93`:- JACK-OF-ALL-TRADES a PHONE 1048 >J:Il_V uu Chester Fen-ier, 1 Supt, Mimico, Ont! MAN WITH CAR WANTED Wmrtetl at once, man with car to travel througih coumtry for summer months with a well-known Canadian product. Libeval terms. Apply to Box B, Advvanoe Ofce, Barrie. \J|(A_L',~ `ach D.) Th): \Vi11" Angus McNabb -3, lbs., $2; 5 lbs. patch-I A. Mc-Creery, Chatham, Evendn ;: _,L-.1 ;. A4v;u `...VIiss Ghc-esm-an Minister; tare? iV1C"oll`U1 ll. Mr. Herb. Webb of Detroit visit- ed at the home of W. B. Webb last week end. /*4 . ac 7 Mrs. Johnson of Tifn St. is in the R.V. Hlssrpuital at present. Dr. F. W. Cane died at the home of his sistc~'1' in Newmarket last week. Mr. Alex. Galt has returned to A laml-,:11e after spending" the winter i 'I`o.1'on~to. -r 'r 117 ,,I.__..__ -4` I)....,.`I. C4- 1". L um uuvvo Mrs. J. 1`ct1n`ned Mea ford . v ,._._. W, L0st-A lady's brown leather bag`, on Pcnetang Road, between Barrie and C~mig11`u1'st, on Tuesday, May 24th. Finder please notify Mrs.` Williams, 118 Hiillsdale Ave. W., Toronto. Re- warcl. vv\.\. - . M . . \ .. Howard Heslip and Gordon Mc- Leacd of Toronrto visrited fa'iend`s in A1`IamI~a1e over the week end. Mrs. John Blower has returned to Queensville after spen(Lixn`g a week with her daugwhter, Ma's. (Rev.) G. E. Coulter. .M.iss Annie C-rowe was called to the bedtsidle of her mother -in Orillda last week and is remaining with her because of Mrs. Cm'owe s sevious ill- ll\"LhJ Mrs. Lot Webb, fcmxerly of Alden- qdclwae, retmmed So he: -`meme in To- ronto to~d'ay after spending` two weeks at the hrome of Mrs. Edward Carr, Painswick.` - - -an 1 _____1 A_ V`-.u., - .........._-._. .'-Xflternoovn tea will be sjerved on the 1)a1fso11ap4e lawn by the Ladies Aid_of"B~i11'ton Ave. Und`te Clhumh to-tmrorrow afte1'noon. A sale of `b:ak.ing' will also be he`-1d. K ~`-~ I , 1- rr\I______A.....' Txhe _voun_2` people of_'Dl1~o1mton United Ohurrdh are to present the pl1a_\', The Road to the City, in Holly Ohurch next Wednesday, under the auspices of Holly Ladies Aid. Dr. and Mrs. Armsct1'on`g' and (lz1u.ml1t-or Helen of Toronto and M-1's. Ire-land of Winnipeg; VrllS'lt,(}(l the forme1"s neice, Mrrs. (Rev.) G. E. CouIlte1', to-day while returning from Bez1umua.1'is to Toronto. A`llan.da'le Softball 'Dhe season opened for the South Sjlmcloe Softball League in Allandale on May 20rtah., when the home team lost to Lefvoy 11 to 9. Except o-1' one bad innings, the third, wvhen Le-` f1-.oy gxot seven rwns due to er1'ors, the Al'1andz1le boys more than hold their own. Tlhe real star of both teams was J. Ardiell, w1ho turned in a sparkling perormance at second base for the losers. He also starrecl at bat, reachling rsrt four times in five trips to the plate. J. Reive s1'Lg[htl`_V shsa.d~ed Binnie from the` . lpitdlming end, h-aving ten str1'ke-out`-.9 to Bdnnie s O11`l'. u.w......, ..., Score by Lefroy .......... .. A]`lan vv Lun: WvHll:`I.l.y vvc1.c . Lefx*o-_v-'I`-wiamlbly rf, 3b, W. Stewart c, G. Bvownin-g` cf, W. Reive 2b, J. Reive p, R. Reive 3b, 1. Robertson lb, E. Jayne ss, G. Harlvaing lg. 4n-._.1..1- ,\..,1n11 Oh I `Qh-ruin n niuxwing L34. A41I]am1aie~-Arde-11 2b, W. Binnie p, Bel`l lb, T-ravis rf, Desourdie if, F. Plant 3b, A. Kelcey ss, Monvtcrieff c, Tuhoxmxs cf, Giwlchxrist rf, lb. innings: `II-,,__ nnn-n1n1nn 11 For Sale--A quantity of sweet clover seed, $4.50 bushel. Geo. Leslie, A1- Iand*a1e. Phone 541. I United E:l'wa.rd H. Walker, a respected and beloved citizen of Dauphnin, Man, passed away on May 17t1h. The late Mr. Walker was born at Newton Robinson, Simcoe County, but his parents moved to Allil-iston when `he was a child. Aifter com- pleting: his public sclrool education he attended Belleville Co1leg'e and .VIc.\I\aster Universit_v, niishing; his 2'1'zuLu.atio11 course in WI'1nn.ipeg', af- terwzmls being appointed Inspector of tihe Dauphin (laistrict, and later principal of the Dauphin Normal School, mhiich position he held till the time of his death. M1`. Walker is . by his widow, four bncthers Chauncey of Detroit, Homer of l`~ole Frank and G.. Hiawley of Toronto, and four sisters, Mrs. F. H. Hurlbu-rt and Miss Ella W-a`l`km' `Cf B2u`rio, .\T2's'. Geo. Ing'olml of Nl21f.,11l'11 Falls and Mrs. L. 'I`:hom.p.=on of Win- nipog. The funeral took place in .~\1li: on Satumlay under auspices of the l.0.0.F. 'Flh(` Minister of Education cf Manitoba sent his de- puty to represent he depairtrnent. E. H. WALKER, BROTHER OF MRS. F. H. HURLBURT, `DEAD n......\.... ...., - _ . Umpi1'es-G1`oss, .-\1Iand=a,10. n, l`L`._ cu REID--Im Barrie, on Sunday, May 22, 1927, Elzzabetzh Marshall. widow of tile am Jnim Reid, in. the? 65th year. `I*\met1-:1 on Tues-. ,hj,' to Siwh I.~ ..ne (3wn'ster:-y. Im- nisl. A-LLANDALE f . Wra-rdman of Brook St. has after spc--m1.in~g` a week in` Softball Stamlin:2;s Senior vvv DEATH Lefroy; Remnants-3, es, $1.50. Mc-Creel l'\_L Won Lost Pug1h , Everett. I W. Thetakstone appeared in Police Cicurt Saturday morning c1u1rg'ed with the tnheft of automobile radia- tors from the rear of Barrie Radio and E-leotric Co. s promises. He was 1'cma.mled a week. William Nicely appeared in Police Court Fl7i(l1ay mornaing charged with fraud. At the request of Crown At- torney Evans the case was atljioumnexl till May 27th as the evidence was not in proper shape. -Service at Essz-1 St. Prebyt;1'iau_| Cehurch next Sunday at 3 p..m., dun? ducatetl by Rev. P. W. Currie of _.__L.|. Warnzin-g" is given by Ohrief Stew- art to all automobile owners to be careful to use their parkinxg lights on wll tihe streets of the town, and espeaialy the plcrtions o-f the Pro- vrinc-ial Higlhway except Dunlop and Blake Sts. ' held in OC'1`11ie1' St. United CJmrcuh on June 1st, 2nd and 3rd. T1he pub- lic 001-(Ii=alI1y i`nv.'m:e(l` to the meetings. Speciiil speakers and good musical prog'ramme. No admission to any'o.f the mectJing's except Wed-nesdoay evening. The W.C.T.U. convenrtion will be` I I Dr. Ma~1-tin, assistant to Dr. F., Ross, su e-red a cold duclkin-_2' at noon on Surmluy wwhen the (I'ingvhy he was 1:`-ailiinxg` 1011 the bay ca.f)sized haxhf a mi1e from s.h;01`e. Mr. Cali . Carley, who had not gone to dinner because of an`uic~ipating' an accidenct in the hIi.g1]1 wriml, went out in a 1'owIb`oa't! resc=u=ed Dr. Martin, and towed the; ding-`h_v to slhtore. Dr. Mzartin c`1un;g'! '00 the ove1'tun'ne(l boat urntil Mr. Carley arrived on txhe scene. Last week the Barrie Gas Com- pany had a special domronsitration on s-hiowing the newest features in gas ranges, which is the Automat*ic4uvok, i a convtrivancve specially adapted for xnaintainin-g an even temperature without any a?ctenti.on. By simply prepanin.g the dishes to be cooke-d `and setting the temrperature desired, they may be left till the required time and they will be uniformly cooked. -- up -n ,9 L1 , n_-_n. 1.1........,l.... vs, up Ont. MANY LADIES "ATTENDED GAS COOKING DEMONSTRATION C UU'l\ cu . Mrs. McRae of the Beach F'ound'r_V Co., Ottarwa, whiose ranges have the Aiutomaitimmk attachment, abrly demonstrated what may be dlone with a gas range. Many ladies in Barrie visited the show rooms dsuring: the week and were much impressed. Sevei-ail types of 1-angzes with this new feature are on xlisipl-ay by the Barrie Gas Comrpany, and Mr. Hills will be glad to further explain their merits. ) GREAT BRITAIN AND FRANCE WILL BREAK`WlTH RUSSIA` It would appear that B`1'i t,a.in will sever I-iplomatic relations with Rus- sia. The Cabinet has so decided, ensfitv`-~rF?2tz.~:v.-W3 mu` hrs -..--/~a.. . 3.`): R-$1 1-MU?` not mien : sfat of v.':=r be"?-`Jeen 'C-111;` UVVU COUHEFICS, DITU Willi CI'GZ1CC an unpleasant situation in Eunope. Premier Baldwin on Tue-sdnay read a statement in tihe House justify'i~nwg` the acition cf the Cabinet, and also the raid recently made on Soviet House in London. A gmoup of secret agents from Moscow had been try- ing: to obtain secret diacwments for Russia over a peniod of miamy months. 'Iihese a;-;en~ts were working for Rwssia and got their instru~et.ions from ofciails of the Russian Erm- bassyy. The trade deilegation at Sov.ie.t HIOLISO, Mr. Braddwin said, had been a clearing` h10`uL:iC` for Communist documents exohangred between Mao cow and half the world. Dlscumenhs had been found proving txhrat Miueelwler and Kohlingz, two trade de1ep:zL t.ion ofT1cia].<, were employed as spies to convey secret communications zibmcmi. I ...,. Wthat effect the breaking: of rela- t.i0ns vuitlh Russia will have in Europe and on the world cannot be cresto-Id`. It has been shown that Russia is working` for Russia alone, and will side in with any nartion to further her own ends. The troubde in Oh;inaa .ha-s be-cm cmmzxd .pmi.ncii.pn.by by Rm- ~ aria anti we '-may `expect. that Britain will he urhhn.-r aa:'Jm'a.t.ul now that ' miatioww lmve been scvexed. It is reported that France is also propzu'i-112: to break with Russia. The Rw.<;~'iun F`orei_L:n Ministe1' has been in F1'a11ce-t1'_Vinug' to negotiate a loan of $200,000,000, but lmtil Russia makes some settlemcant of payment to French bond holders of pre-wzn' loans, nevgvot.iations will not be con- Sl(l01`(.`(l. 1171 . m . .1 1 1 - .- LOCALS The Northern Advance `Gives Interesting f Talk On Bird Lifeg We do anything you have to do and` anything else you have to do. ..-.A-.- . l\ 1!: fhe ninety cases of birds that com- 1 prise the Beattzy bird coldection, now_ ondisplay in the B.C.I., were named last week end by Mr. Alfred Kay of Ram Sydney. Ml`. Kay also gave a, very inte1'csrtin~_2' lecture cn Birdi Life in connection with the ora-- torical contest held in the school on. Fniday night. Tl/f.....\.. T'\..l? \rTu- 1n'4)1' :..t..,..)..,..\.l L. J.uu1u.J Mtayor Du introducetl .VIr. Iizxy, and in the course of his few 1'cma1'k.~:, made mention of the acquisition of the bird co11ec;t.ion for the town _ u .n9...:-_, .1 _ 2..- ... .._ 1:14.,-.u... Mr. K-ay, in his add-ress, declared] that nmn was dependr.-nt on the birds for his very existence. 'Dhey'ha(l been created to be of g,'1`eat pecun- iary advantage to mam, but from rt/hie-m he also derived great pleasure rthznougwh their beauty and their beau- tiful songs. ` InL...... ....... -4. A.L:- a.:..-A -1` ..-.... |th.m"mg.k the eEwa..'s.91 $78531 iii! Y_.- 9!! .'n- #154 5- 11` i" I ll I --.. ...... ..~ -- -- .,. . . . . `pa-1'1: 01 M1`. Bezmy as a ba):n(|e1'mis-t.` `Eh- origizxal am;-.-..;o.-. was that it shvousld form the nucleus of a local. museum, and hat aim luul not yet] been lost. sight of. [ 11.. 1,'n.. .._ I..- ...1.I..m~ .I....I.......)l ..-... -....,,-. There are at this time of year` many punplc ncih near the speaker's home on a MwuAskoka farm. and t:hm'1' song is most inspiring`, declared Mr. Kay. Severasl pairs of winter wrens, the possessors of one of tho mos`: tihazilling; songs meat one C`9U:I(] h';~:ten to, had winten-ed around his hrme. This spring: tree swallows drove ai beautiful pai41'_of bluebirds from a! I !!1D'l)'i'Jl0 d you EEG lnsmm. reuex. All! How good it feels. Your nos- trils are open, your head in clear. no more hawk-ing, smxting, blowing; no more ht.-adzmhe, dryneu or struggling for breath. EIy s Cream Balm is jtwt what. sulfa-rare from hand colds and catau-rh need. llfa a delight. If your nostrils are clogged and you: hand is smiled and you cnn t bi-eatlie freely because of a cold or cat-urrli. just get (I. small: bottle of Ely :-1 Creaun lmlm V at any drug sore. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic cream into your nos- trils and let. it penetrate through every air Imssn e of your head, soothing and hen] ng 1e inamed, swollen mucous j mem-bmne and you get instant relief. Ah! Lvood it feels. Your t Sufggestio The June Bride % Tfbii c;\+;\'+:`rs:;%;'% NOSTRILS AND HEAD Central United Says Cream Applied in Nostrils Relieves Head-Colds at Once. Where Most People Trade ~ Oyster Lineh Table Cloths, _\'0110w t1'im, 53x53. an I `Silkalo Bed Spreads, 72x00, rose, 1na11\'0, Silkalo` Bed Spreads, 76x90 , Silkalo Bed Spreads, 8()x10O White Honey Comb Bed Spreads ditifil" di E. B. Sutcliffe 9 White Linen Cut Work, H0111 Ecru Linen Pieces, lace t'1'i1n1n0d, fmn1 COME AND WORSHIP WITH US.

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