Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 26 May 1927, p. 4

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nu uuvuy Av- If your lines will be as full as /(that on a 5 and 10 cent change you will still make money, said Mr. Mc- Keown. `VIII n - 1 1 1 .1 1. Jlusgux. Yes, you people practically ig- no1~ed us, said Mr. McKeow'n. You thought because you had an agree- ment with the Bell Co. ytou coud ignore the Board. We nally had to t.e11 the Bell Co. that it would. have to cut o communication w.ithl' you unless you _:ot ,\1our rates sanc- tioned, in order to force the matter to a hear. nu 1 n. M1's. H. Pearson, :1coompa:1icd by her da.ug`hter Ruth, and Miss Cole- man, of Allandale, left an Monday for Quebec, whence they s.1il on Werlncsday on the Empress 01 I .ScctLan(1 on a visit to the fo2`m\.r'-~ home in Bristol, England. ` .IJ`.. .. 1:: \x7 t:n.........x.; .. _.x ,:..`...L I vxu nllasllu Kl|.III\I`U.V Ill f\Lll`Ula\- Miss Winnifrcd Young is home from Toronto University for the L'n0Ii(1a_vs. \c~ -n.-.. m . --. .. u\.LvI\,L u.u QLU a _yI::a1. Mr. McKc-lawn said the 5 cent tari might be specied for a conversation limited to 5 minutes in order to avoid overcrowding of the Lines. He incorporated a prov-ision or an over- time charge in .t1he Boards order. ...... u.,u wv\.A uu.u\Ia-]. Mr. C. McFadden of Toronto spen the week end with his sister, Miss M. McFadden. of the M C.S. 1|/7.... YT `IX 2-lth.` uv n ...\.uu. The chairman. then said that after} a year s trial of the 5 and 10 cent` rate, if the company found its Lines I were c]ut;te1'c,-(I up and that it could not gvive rst class service, it w1ouJd be at 1ibe1`t._\' to apply again for an increase. 4:7 n I feel quite sure you will get us into trou`b1e," complained M1`. Pur- 'vi:-. I dwon t t:hi.nk another com- pany in the country gives continua] service for $13 a year. 7|/1". `H/l"..T.7-...-...,. .....`.) LL- r:' ,___;_ L-__:n- Mis Mae McKinley was in To route for a few (IBYIS last week. 1/1 ~`,.~ 17-1... rI......_A:._.__: -1 r\__,._ Avlnuu Au; :4 LOW u.a_y'\a Luau wcun. Miss Velma Crawford of Owen Sound and Miss Sara McKinley of Toronto were at their respective homes over Sunday. \I.. F 1\A ..1:\n.:.1.... .: 'T`..__.._L- _.__..; STROUD .'fi:LE1>HoNE MUST REDUCE RATE` Page Four (Continued from` page one) MINESING I Mrs. Kirk of Winnipeg viited wlitih her aun-t, Mlrs. Johnston Black, one day hast; week. HI .\_..I `HA ..- T `I3 `AIf.........x1......... ......) uu_y uuav vv uylxa Mr. and Mrs. I. B. M-wssezrnan and son Oscar of Maple spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Green. 11'!-11 . I nu-u. ..-.. \~nA\A ..-..... u.-.v.u Mr. and Mrs. Wili Boake anJd' daughters of Thornton vishtecl with Miss Amnie Wallace on Sumctay. : |1\l__ 1`\ 1Ur-___.1_... ....-_J. 4.1.- \...I.'.l..... AIAl'\.\J 4uA|.A|,A\. nu..uw\.\. uu ~.......\.u...J. Mr. D. Mowder spen the hovlviday at his home in the city. 11.. n\L.... 117:1--- -1: rI'1.._.-..L... ...-..J uuc vvccn cuu vvnvu uno yuxuuuz. Mr. and Mrs. I. 1\IcLaoh`1zm and (lau_g*h.te1' Mona of Tollencbale were the guests of the latter s parents, Mr. and M115. Wm. W1-iv_2111t. Miss Hilda Ferris and her cousin, Mix Fc-rris, of Toronto, were` the [guests of the fo1'mer s parents for 21 .___. .1... lav tun uuuu; Au mu. \.nu_y. . Mr. Dhos. Wilson of Toronto spent the Week end with his parentzs. 11.. ..._ 1 RN... `r \A'_T -._`l.l.... .....1 .u. . wuu AVA.A|~II I I guests few days. It 1- 1 vwuu \,lu.nu-.. \..uvu.5-u Axum uu_y nuuu...w.J. . We will have to put in another. trunk line to carry the cams, de- c1-ared Mr. Su1:he1'1a.nd. It will clog` up the lines a,_2va.in. That is all there is about it. 117:! .. ... . .. n I I M1`s.`_Luck of Toronto is visiting wilth her sister, Mrs. Ben. Webb. v xv 1 L, n.; .1...-and, .u;.. u... 'I\/`4llI ! Mrs. E. H. Ness has returned to her sistc~r s after visiting with friendrs in A1-landale last week. I <|r- at rn 1 1 I take this opportunity of ac- `knowlo(1~:inp_' and thanking` our dear zfrionds and 11oi.2`hbo2's for the mzLn_v expros.=ions of syrnpathy and acts of kindness during" my hour of affliction and berezwement. Also the nurses of the Royal Victoria Hospital for their devotion and attention during my wife's Late- illness. 121 A n\.. ,,,, , , ,... .....u........ ....,. "W... Miss Marjorie Black, n`urse~in- trainirm of 'I`o1'onto, spent Sunday at her home here. my 1 111-1 n 1-\,,,,t, ,_,,1 ! Miss Carrie Motcalfe was '_L"11(}St of Mrs. Wm. Warnvica R I- :J.in.wiok last week. n 1`-' v. v. - Rov. and Mrs. R. B. Beynon and ::2'an and Mia: Doane of 'I`h.01~nton were in the village on Sun- .1.- Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Harper spent 'I`uesday in Barrie. `.\`I'.... lI ..I`..._ .1. _._J L-1_,. 1,--,, _,, l.\A\.A.`I\I(,|.i All 1J:.M.|.I.ll;- Mrs. McCouish and baby have re- ,tu1'nc(l home from the hospital. I cu. nut. uvuu, u\,L\.. Kiss G~1.ady-s Wiles of Barrie and |:\I1's. Fred Leonard of D01~onto spent the holuidiay with the latter s m-other, LM1's. J. S. Leonard. n-rv *..u..:. u. u. ;4\,uuu;u. M1`. and Robt. Hamilton of Horn- in: s Mills are visiting at the par- sonage. `hf- ......I RAH... T- .1. 'I'_`l'..-..~.\.. .-....I ,..-\,uu u. Mr. Puwis asked Why the matterl had not been brought up before, since the changre was made in 1922. l"7...< .............1 `PK ......'I.- 1.4. 4.1.. I The regular meeting of the United Ladies Aid will be held next Wed- nesdiay, June 1st, at the home of Mrs. A. W. Green at 2.30 o'clock. Visitaors welcome. The United Church here will be closed next Sunday evening owing to the Presbyterian amiiversary being held at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. The Sunday School at the United Church will be met at 10 o clock instead of 10.30. vvvsn . 1 . . . . ;u.uv. The U.F.O. loaded a car of stock I this week. `Iv u v . . .1 . `.- We are _L`Ia(l to report that Mrs. .\IcC1`a\\` and Mr. A. C. Walzace are v \.-:u_;. Mr. and` Mrs. Frank Wateredd and son and Mr. Wesley Alpine sqlont the holiday at" the latter s -home here. nu 1 .- G .-. vv -. P i mprovin 3:. nu u.~g,x.. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hewson and family of Toronto were the guests '01` the fo1'me1"s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hewson, over the week end. ...- ....._, .......... .. Mr. and Mrs. Matt Robertson of Barrie were the guests of Mrs. E. T. McConke_v on Sunday. NIT n...l I-Tu . l"AAJ.....!.. at 'D....-..1;. Mr. an.d Mrs. Goo;l;v1'n of Barriel spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Wilson. | up 1'!` 1 -10 . , Mrs. Sadie Mtadill and son Jim have returned after spending a week in the city. KHZ. .....l- `RAH... `I.......I. TX7`..L....C...1,! Mis Belle Neelands is visiting` with friends in the city this week. NIL- _._.1 7ur._.. `IM _a.J. T)..`I.._..J...__ -1: About 11.30 o cl1ock Monday night a oar driven by F. Turner of (`>7 Windex'mere St., Toronto, ran into :1 car driven by A. Bromlcy, 11.12. No. 2, Barrie, at Dr. Tumbullks corner. Bath autos were slightly damaged. '1`urnu- is alleged to have been on me wrong side of the road. CARD OF THANKS STROUD .....n.a A Tamer. the ..,,... The deceased was an ardent and active Ohrisbian worker of the Dals- ton Church and Sunda.y School nom early man-hood. For many years he was a member of the Ofcial Board of the Methodist Church, and after Union was made a member of the Session. His kind and sympaheti-c manner `had won for him many friends who deeply mourn his demise. To the bereaved `family, who mourn the loss of a kind and loving hus- band and father, nwoh sympaiihy is extended. The f`-oral tributes were both numerous 17`-d beautiful and a `token of the esteem in which bhe deceased was held. .. -..l \I\.\/\.cuJ\.\L vvwa |1\,A'.|- I 'Dhe funeral was held on Sarturclay afternoon, May 21st, at 2.30 p.rm., from his late residrence to the Uni-ted Church, the services be.in;u' conducted by a `late pastor, Rev. R. S. Fraiiick, of Oakwood Ave. Church, Toromzo, stssistel by Rev. E. F. McL. Smitii of Weston, chairman of the Simooe Presb.vte1'y, and Rev. W. S. Iinvin of` Domnsview. During` the service at the church Rev. W. S. and Mrs. Ir- win rentlered a duet, Under the`- Shadow of His Wings. Interment was made in the Dalston Cemetery, the pa11-boarc-rs being` six nephews,` E. C. Brown, F. Williams, Jos. Har- rie, F. Watson, W. Nixon and H. D. ` Moore. JAMES WESLEY BROWN` The many riendis and resl.a.17ives of the late James Wesley Brown 1em'.n- ed with deep regret of his death on 'I`hL_u-sdiay miorzniing, Mlay 191111, at his home, lot 27, concession 1, Ono, mf- ter a short illness. Mr. Bnown was in his 63rd year, being born in -the Ilown-shiip of Flos on February 2-nd`, 1865. He came with his parents to Dalston in 1870. He was `a son of the late Jane Rolling` and James Gamble Brown, and had spent his useful life in that community. He was married in 1.894 to Annie Stew- art, who survives him, with three children, Mrs. Victor Church `of. Gookstown, J. Ewart of I~l]a.milton and Clarence W. on the homestearl. Av]- so one sister, Mrs. David Peacock oi`; Pain-swick, and one brother, W. E. Brown. A sister, Mrs. Henry W:i'1- liams, pretlecezmsecl him four years ago. 7I\L.-. .1 . . A . ~ A.) .--...-. _ .....l_.AL 7., I I Two automobiles were injured ini an accident which occurred Sun(l~z1_\'C eveniing` oppgosite Mrs. E. D. iVIort.on .< lprvniises on Duniop St. Mr. 19). Stanrton of Oi-ilila was p1'oceedin_r.r east \V`-hL'H someiLhin_e' apzmprently went \V1'0-I1_:' with the steering: great. The car became unn1a.'imgea.b1e and swerved ucrox tihe street, striking the front of a Ford sedml being: dniven west by Wm. M`cM*aster of 13 Perry S c., Barrie. Stanton s auzto wevnt'on over the curb and sidewalk and through Mrs. Mo1'bon s ion fence | before being brought to a stop. The` I front parts of b|ot.h cars were dam- aged. UJ. .l`\JLV\I`IIUlJ cunt u. ;. ux. uv. Luuunu-mu. A private service was held at the late residence of the dt,-ceased, 57 1\ IcDon-a-I`d St., conducted by Rev. J. J. Black, on M.onrl.a_v afternoon.` Later a service was held in Collier St. United C-hurch, at vwh.ioh Rev. J. `J. Black of'c1'a.ted, assistc-(1 by Rev. J. D. Bylmes, Rev. Wm. Hipkin and Rf:\'..A. J. G. CZl!`SC2ld(1(?n. The pal}-` -bearers were Messrs. F. Mart. A. J. S:L1'_i(>ant, A. F. A. Malcomson. A. W. Gwcodfellow, A . G. MacLcl1an and Dr. W. Ric.har(Ison. 1 WILLIAM FREEK V l One of Barrie s grand old menl passed away on Friday last, folllo-w-I ing a brief illlness, in the person of, William Freek. Deceased, who was in his 83rd year, underwent an opera ation in the Royal Victoria Hospital} on Tliursrlay l 1l_L_ ,`llflZ last, and passed away peacefully late the following af`r,e1'n\oon. -ur ru 1 1 - 17, 1, -n, Olhairman MaKeoWn cong'ra.tm1ated the ofcials on the company s good service. It was very commendable, but when the company was in such good nancial pdsitzion it was ca.I1]i1Lg on its su.bso1tibers for a Little too much. A dividenud of 8 per cent. was quite enough for any industry. r- ...:11 1.--. an _..4. :.. ....-;1.A..I unuuuu-Cup UL mu, uu.-uu:u_v -Junuuvu Mr. Freek is survrived by his} widow, our sons and four chawgihters, J. P. Freek of Vancouver, Wm. Freek of McLeod. AIt1a., R. P. and! Ma.rsiha1~1 Freek of Toronto, Mrs. D.| D. McLe-an and Mrs. W. C. H-owe] of Barnie, Mrs W. G. A(InaTl1S of I Grimslby annd H. W. M-orden -ofi Toronvto; :1 sister, Miss Mary Freak of 'I`o1'om1o, an-(1 two.brot1he1's, 'Dh0s. of Tonotnto and J. P. of St. 'Dh=oma..=. A V 1,_1,l -1. LI... LalJ.`|/\Z.L uvvuu. Mr. Freek was born in Yorkville, `.\'o1-tih Toronto, the son of the late James Freek. He moved while young` `to Raichmond Hill and 56 years ago came to Barrie, where he had re- sided ever since. Here he carried on a large brick mamufactu1'in_q bum - ness successful for many years. He had been a member of Co1lie1"S-t. Church ever since coming; to 'Barrie, and was one of its most active mem- bers during: his lifetime. For some lme before his death he was the old- est memtber of the Session "and one of the most beloved" men in the congregation. He was Recording Steward under the ormer Me uinod~ist Churrdh, and 1 -or ten years was Super- intendent of the Surmiiay School. `I11. 'V..._1. ._ .1 L1. 1.:n OBITUARY The Northern Advance \4llULJ coy >.Jv\.uI.'A| 4uv-.,;. A month later Michael came to see his wife at Sowth River, and, express- ing` regret for his conduct, promised to treat her propevly if she would retunn. He agwreed to give up the hate-1 and take up fanning. Or. ]these conditions, Mrs. Duffy consent ed, and they took up 1esid`ence on a farm belonging` to Mic:hae1 s brothe-r near Orillia. Shortly after they pur- chased 3. home in Orrillia, but after 1'esid%ing' there a year moved o Longrford, where they joinvtly carried on a boardi.n_e_' house. I " ~..-- ` uuu.n nu aJ\.I.4L|UuIn 'Ilhe pliaimtiff was in the witness box for more than two hours of l1rrililing' examination during the fore- lnoon. According` to her story, she `was married to Midhael Duffy at South River in 1908. During the nst eight years of married life thel two not alone fairly well, notwith- .~itaiml`in_:: the defendia.nt s bad tem- pered disposition. When in 1917 [they moved to Kearney, where the defenduant operated a hotel, the lat- ~ter s treatment of the witness be- came exeeeclingly bad. Mike drank to excess, and very frequently nremaiined away rom home for days at a time, leaving Mrs. Diuy to run the hotel as best; she could. '1lhe l1wsband :s bad temper became worse and Luring periods of drunkenness his language was more blasphemous. Finailily, because of his unbearable conduct, the witness was cemvpellecl to leave him and return to her par ents at South River. u.-- -. Here, Michael a_e`ain resorted to drinking`, accor(lin_e' to the witness and, as before, left 1'l|lS wife to run .the blcarding house for days at a time. When intoxicated he ill]- treated her and blznsphemed her so thaat she was again forced to go to her parents. Two mo.nt4lns later he wrote to her asking her to return to him again. She did so. Miohae1 s ts of ill temper continued, how- ever. He called the witness ville names and accused her indelity `On March 1st, 1926, during 21 ser- ious row he ordered her out. l`.hink- ing her hulsband was hlard'l_v respon- sible for what he said, the plaintiff remained at home all the next day. 'I`he defendlant refused to speak to her, however, and ordered her out again on the inlorning of March 3rd. The witness obeyed and has since re~ sided at the home of friends, Mr. _ and Mrs. H~a3wvood of Orilltia. 7I'\L_ ...I1......'..... 'l-tL.... .!AL....1 f\..!`HZ.. A. F. Cooper, owner of tho Long`- !fo1`d boardlingt House which Mr. and Mrs. Duffy ran, grave evidence of `hav-inf: tried to settle several iris- pwtes between the two. 'I`he_v usual- wly occurred after R/Iiko had been ld'1'inkiny:. Micihael Dufl`_\'. in defence. denied lmwiny: :1 bad temper or diisposition. `He never dnrnk to excess. and at all times comluotetl himself in :1 pea.ce~ ful. quiet. lmsb:1nd-like manner. He ldenieul c.0mpellin_<.:' his wife to leave ihoeme, but stated that her doing` so lwas because of the in-tin1:1e_\' wl1ic=h developed he/tween her and James }l7a_\n\1ood of Orillin. witah whom she persisted to :1.=. ag`ai11.~1t his will. When hhe plnintifl left Lon_2'ford to return to her parents the defend- ant gvzwe her $300 for her expenses. claimed to ll|.`LVL` corresponded with her in :1 friend-l_v mzumer. When in Omilliu. later. the -two lived quite Im.ppi.ly until the defendant, return- ing home from work about 11 o'clock , kwlhiile she was 11W:1_\' the witness `one morning` found Haywood in his home alone with his wife. When Judment was reserved by Judge! W'Lsmer after an all day hearing in the County Ooumt on Monday of the action of Mrs. Nllamgvarret Duffy `do se- cure alimony from her hrusbzmd, .M.idhsael Duffy, fonmerxly of Oridbia. W. A. Boys, K.C., acted for the plaintiff and E. C. Awrey of Wind- sor for tlhe deefndxant, who now re- sides in Detmcsit. unvnuu nu u;aauux, J;1u.5A.a.uu. R. W. PIow2'ig'h:t, wife and dang; - tor spc-`nt Sumlay in Aurora. \{:-.. \lr:.\__:4'..-.) xr,_..,-. 3 1 , Judgment In Alimony Case Dear Mag`g'.ie-~I am writing you these few lines to try to put an end to the misunderstand`in_:' between us. We have lived happily and have had `our own home for 8 years, and it is a crime if any trouble or differences man and Wife. We have both a %Little bit wrong. Bat thank gioodness there is nohing that either of us cannot easily forget. B-obh myself and our home are here Waiting: for you, and I do want you to dome home. are allowed to come between us as` U\l ,,..w \...,...u.m. M1`. Irwin WestingVt.on, 21 former` barkeepeyr, testied that Michael Duffy was a regvuilar patron of the bar wlhen it was open. -w A - - - I From your loving hustband, I Midhael." 1 Since M&D1'CJI1 3rd the defendiamt lcontribuzed nothing to his wife s sup- |por c, and she claimed that unless sufoient alimony were grmnted by the dcu1't that she wou1`(l be reduced {to great distress. 11.. 1'...__:__ 111, ,J_f , ,4 n u...) ;u,.v-vvvu \I.A. v.u..u.. The foil-1o\v1'.ng letter, dated Orillia, April 9, 1926, was produced in Court : 1-eprimancled, Mm. Duffy left home and went to reside with Haywood. Witness was still Willing to support the plaintiff if she lived with him as ...i C,. vux. 11; Wife. I d'on t thin}: I abused her any, the witness declared. Swearing is one thrinvg I am very careful about. I I dmm t use the names she says I did very often. I did `once, a year ago, in connectipn with Haywood. I think we got a19n-g` together pretty Miss Ldith Tracy and Miss Bernice 'Youn:.:' were at their homes over the n ILL Buchanan 8: Son, Barrie T. 'R. Coulter, Barrie Geo. G. Moiore, Barrie W. Turton, Barrie N. Marshall, Allandale DUNLOP OFFICIAL DEPOTS /heqthe stzurs seem unenduyq. Residence Ext/ex/asion Tsggpgones A The Cbject of good tele- phone service is to save you time and needless effort. The great added convenience of an exten- sion teiephorxe is out of all proportion to the triing cost. //I? ' me, I-IE users of extension telephones in many thou- sand homes are now en- joying very substantial reductions in cost. In this excha:-age the old rate was $1.24. I\I()`"V it is 75C. per month. Cobwebs form in the unused hu- man attic. gofold. I take a drink or two with anybody. f\A.L.... ...:+...-m..,.. 4`.-n Han 11:!-`an4\pT Mrs. A. P1'i'm1'ose of Tabel`, A1tz1.. is visiting` her dzLu_L=htcr, Mrs. J. Roe. Two carloads of gypsics camped over `Sunday nigrhlt on fhc outskirts of the village. The villagers were not .9orr_v to see them depart on Mond`a,\' afternoon. unyuuuy. Other Witnesses for the defencer were" Allison Dalt, Patrick Mcllory, Myrtle Wassenburg, Chas. Duffy, Mary Peacock, Catherine Birney and Mrs. Geo. Baker. *,L:m ,__.1 1|r_. .....1 III ... J.u.Lc. ucv. JJcL1\vL 0 The plaintiff and Mr. and_ Mrs. Haywood were called in rebuttal. B.`-Thomas, Allandale B. McFadden, Cookstown T. Rankin, Cookstown A. McQuay, Thornton Smith, Angus 7 It is still :1--we z.".ut 6:117 ` subsc7`ibc1's are re-' cciving more in ser-: -vice for what they pay than the subscrii bers of other systems -public or private.` THURSDAY MAY 26, 1927.4 *--?:A__ Magar nu-\.\. mu. \.u>uu,;n. vvua uuuxu. AAA .a_u_u. You refused to reply to the` Board s correspondeunce, said Mr. Dag`g'er. (EXT-.. ......

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