\IJ;l.I.I L.l.Il.rL-I-I vnvv Miss Mary Morrison of 'I`m1on1Jo spent the week end with `her parer1u ns, Mr. and Mrs. Dam-can M.o.rrxison. A n,,____ 1_-.._ _.4.L.....l,.,l 4-.1. Jones now uses Stafion-to-Station exclusively. He finds _it answers every requirement and saves money. At our Showrooms, 16 Owen St. MAKE A NOTE OF THE ._r,-Wn,, 7 ,_, , [No other rm in Canada, has a. ner 'equLptment or a mosre varied assort- -ment of hair goods or a staff more capable tham bhe Pember Storres. f Let the Pember Stores look [after your welfare in the matter of Hair Goods. Dime will tall the tale wh-ethecr you can secure a -seavice equal to the Pcmlber Srtores artistic womk and Inarbural apzpeamamce of our goods, and also the dumbity of the goods we manuiamturer. `lMonday:wi\_ lay 16th T- ..t1...-... 1:... 1... t"....... .. .. n Gan |PEMBELWR S LAuu_yu LVL(JvU\AJlCUUC Luau Au.u_y a.vu; .a.;.-unu his ock non his farm twwo rnes south of Cihurchll. The thieves are still at large. Uu .Lun:o\ua._y uu5uuu v4 uuuu vvwyln Lloyd Matclhette lost fty fowl from L:.. n-..1- ..... 1.4.. .c......... 4-...... w.-:.`lv.m 1 29 Yonge St. | Call and see our representative. He will have a. fine array of goods to show `you. Our prices (are reasonable. 1"-IF, hree Years Merit A Announcing their Representative Q 2?` CC vi 1'-`Q C Queers iiarrie Manager. W. T. Pgxier Stores "'LosEs FIFTY-CHICKENISIW `On Tuesdlay night of Last week 4.-.! `|l_L.:L_LL, 1...; l2A..- J.`......1 .42.-.. --.-- v T .___ Who wil'l be lat the Limited ` price THE Page Five Next to Fisher Flour Mill `\-/\>c,,..`y Toronto, Ont. `.1.=.>.2:7;. A T splendid ap- ' = 'pearance of Dunlop Balloons is .no guess- work. That rugged road resistance is not there by chance. That adequate resiliency was no blind selection. You receive the Benefit of thirty- three years of honest thinking, careful planning, judicious experi- mentation when you buy 1... vv /-\< runs-1-\1-It`! . J lme May i)UNLb1> TIRES to-day. SOUTHERN GROUP SCHEDULE 20-Lef1'-any at A1'La"ndxa.l1e.* 26-Stnoud at Camp Borden. 31-Ca.-mp Borden at Lefroy. 1-A]s1amdaJ1e at Strvoud. 6--Strm1c1 at Lefroy. v8-Camp Borden at Ahamhale 13-Lef1'.oy at Camp Borden. 15-AlI1a.nd1a1e at Lefnoy. 17--Camp Borden at Stroud. 22--.-`..1x1.3.n at Camp Borden. 25-Lef1=oy at Stroud, 29-Stroud at Allandrale. Games start at 6.30. '\JlIll.LLU.|l `Jl.C4\.h L}LuUU I Rev. N. Ceunplbeu of Bam-ie was the guest of Mr. Wm. McA1rthur ~ca1-ly in the week. \.u\4 an `no; uuvun. u'.-\.. Mr. and Mars. Geo. Dunn and son of Coolnsbown were the guests of Mrs. Dunn s mother, Mrs. Reynolds, on Sunny. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Rlcebertson of Barrde were the guests -of the 1591m- er s brother, Mr. Chas. Robertson, on Sunday. 11.. __.x mm... 1:L_...1 CL`;--1.4 ......J ......| AVLIX KGUUCI \.l|\l'\IlLILK2L'.lV|VV, IAIS-L-J\.lAA' I training at Hnamilmcm-, -cpenrt the week end at her home here. 11,, -_J In ..- rI,- ,'\_-__._ _._.l .._... '\II . u..,.,. Mr. and Mrs. Fred: St'c'tt and son Jactk of Wyevaile oaded on Mrs. Geo. Hunter and friemdLa cm Satturdsay. Mr. and Mrs. Shenman Todd and zamilry of Gmloard spent Sumdlzny aft the theme of the former s sister, Mm. F1-ed" Robeltbson. Ma`. and Mrs. Ed. Jeffrey and fam- ily of Mi(I`1-znml were the `gtueasst of the I latter ~s uncles, Messrs. O11za.n1'ter, OVCI` the week end. -1- g 11- `Ir n n 1 n -n, ,,:, mu; vv\:L,n \;Ar\I- Mlisa Addie McCuHoug1h of Barrie visirted wIi.tzh Miss Gnace Wice on Sunday. `.|/I .. .....,) 1\l ..,. `XX... Dl\r\1'f\ nl uuuuu._y . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boake of 'Dhornt-on called -c-n he La.tter"s father, Mr. A. C. Walfwce, on~Sun- (May, as `he `is under the doctor's ;Au\l AVA]-To \A\_L(.|`|lvI|I\. 4uL._\A|u|\u \u-\. :1 recit`a.io:r1 about mother. Thei .,\'0un-,: Mullins adult Bible class pre-I s(-nted their h.0`n`c11z1`1'_V t.ezmhc1', `.VI1's. J:u'I1.m Black, and present teaehexxl 1\'l'1's. VV:i'1sc-'n Black, each with 21, gboquvt of_roses as a token of up-(3 precizutxion of t h.ei'1' services in the past. E V!`.L.. YYT.Vf\ IA... .1 .` ...... A-L` .~.4..~.4.fly IILISI/u Tihe U.F.O. loeuled a car of stzodk this week. 1 1111:-,,,_._-Ll A). J\u\.uu,u uauu. Hrs. C. Downey and infamt son have 1'et1u'neLl home f11c'm the R.V. I~Lospi`ta1, Ba.1'rie. 1: xv I. 1.1 A4: 'n1m....k.. sun U ll'\| Ill l)(l'LLIL'a The annual business meeting` of the Women s Institute was `held at the regular meeting` on 'Dhu`rs(lu1.y, May 5th, in the Ova.~ng'e Hall. Dhe report of the activities of the b1`aJI`l'Cll was given, also the nancial report, which showed every`.1hinz to be in a very satisfactow condition. The ofcers elected for the coming` year are: President, Mrs. D. Campbell (re-elected); Vice-Pre-sinlenlts, Mrs. H. Pearson and Mrs. S. Fmlick; Sec.- l. I`1'e:1s., Mrs. Iiwin Johnston; A1.l(lIi- -:ltox~;<., Mrs. -Beilby and Mrs. G. Jolm- `stun; Dist Director, Mrs. I. John- s'trm. I`he W.I. expect to have the i;.-uy, 'I`.hr- Pi-omiserl Land, to be l])l'(_.'\`(`11iI(.`(l by the Wyevale young (people on MzL_\' 2-lth, further notice 301' which will be given l-ziter. ; The fzLther and son banquet held lin the lm.'~'e1m-nt of the Uni-.tel (`h1n*(:l1 on Tvln11.<,(lu_\' evening.-', May lth. \\':`.s :1 ll(`()l(i(.`(l success. Ahlvul l'r-i-'.._\' men and boys sat dowjn to iwelsl-l:ulen tables and the tempting ivimnls soon under the i.~1li:11~peiied appetites. After the sup- .})(-1` :1 .=5ii__"-.~v0n:." xvas helwl. Hzwoltl 'l`mc_v ucteil as tor1.~`tInm.:te1' in 21 very vflicient mzxnner. M('1'\')'ll Parker p1~oposel the toast to the n1lC'll`1(>!'S, `whieli wz1..~1 respongletl to by Mrs. Young. Hugh Johnston sponsored ltihe toast to the f1bi.`1l101`S, and it was .i*e. to very nicely by Mr. _R.onz1l and Mr. Parker. The toast Eto the King" wa.'~: proposed by Arthur Al:m1.<. to which all respon(le(l by . the N~:1tioina.l Anthem. Short , _,__.._ ...f.._ .. 1.. ll . \1,,:I `In - L-[no vvx,-.n. Jorlm Hunter loaded half 21 car I potzbtoos on Mondray. I .l\'1l'. aanu M11115. .|J'UJlI'L;u.ll. AV.A\U\|.uuA)uu- A number f1'o'm here attended the special modzhers day service in St! Andrew s Ch.u=1'cuh om Sundlay even-I ing at Oro Station. I nil... 5...... N-n+ (.4-` Hlnn Tlnn-:1": Qun. &VJ..I..I.1 .I.ILl.L I.` \.A | Mr. D. Wood spent the week end' in Allzxmluzxle with his (lzLug1lmte1', Mrs. B. Ricxlmrdson. u -,, l`_,_L ___. rlAU5]Il`l{Cl|, JJLIAL l 11.`. Miss Kinnohl of I`.horn spent the week end wirtzh Miss Col- bins. -.- IN 1- - .1 . .,,,,,,. I L_.--, vuvtua I\II`ns. J. W. 'I1huompson of Thornrtom is visiting` in the v~i1`1-age for a few days. ._.._._...L.... .. Ad... ...,...-.-'1-`Au. -. II.` I m.._..,. A mzmber of `the membens of Minerva Lcdlge, A.-F. & A.~M., motor- ed to Elmvale on Frixlay evening and attended the ofci-all visit of the D.D.G.yM. there. 1 .,,,1;._ vusu._y . Mrs. I. Mchachsan and (laughter, Mcma of '1`-cuendlznle are vuisitimg w:i dh the formers mothc-r, Mrs. Wrm. W1`i_L1111:t. ` mr-u.-.._: .._..- ,.L-,...,,..x :.. LL...` _ Mro-thors Day was observed in the Unvitetl O}im1'oh -here both at Sunday School and the eve-n.ing' service, which was based on H-on4ou'1' your fat1l1e1' and mother. I.n the SumlJ2Ly Sc-nhuool a prog"ram was partly foL1=:w- I ed out. Mrs. I. Spri`n.;' .=`an;Q' a suLo` and Miss Ge1':11(line P.o_\ no1(l`s .4-`ave! A. .- I . .I V nu W1-s. C. Plowrizgths returned Khonm on SLl1.'.L1`.`tiI1`.)' after spendJian,2' the win- ter months w.i.~th her son in Hunts- ville. -- 1. .- pm, __,4;, 3., u..u. \J.vLvJ.- uuca. x;. 1\/Ins. Pexfcy Loukes returned to her home in Waxlkerville after visit- ing with her parents Lhere. Mrisss Kabhsaleen `G1ordI0n returned wirbh d1er. u. .a-. n. I n noun 1 11.2 1xauAuau:Cu \Jl'~Il.\uUlL L\/Uktlllkll. vvruu. .nu,;. Mrs. Sam. Todd of Gidford called on Mrs. R. M. McCIon-key on Tues- (hay. '31.... T M ....L1.... ....-..I .]nuunnJ-nu Mrs. NI. Knapp of 1`oron:o is visit- ing` her (I-aup,\htc~1', Mrs. D. Cwmpbe.-iil. Mr. and Hrs. Smy spent the week and in Barrie. ..-u v - ,_A_,L_v___ ,3 Jug an. U10 Ouauluu. I 'he Sam: ent of the Uo*rd"s Sup- [ per wi\1*I be dispensed `in Central Church next Sabbath. ' ,,,_,.L,1I -1 `l`)..,.-..:.. ....-.,-.| :-..ldw-.-.-u-.~-. wore _u'ivcn by Neil Mc- I"rl`i(ll?, B-oy.Muyor of Barrie; Sandy Coutts, member of Boys Par1i:umen;, Bum -0, and Rev. E. J. Wham, Baamnic, who wm-0 }.`.'ll(?St.`i at the banquet. , Tm was served by the mothers. STROUD Miss Isobel Gsootllfelcrw, nurse-im ...._.._... -4. l'Y.....H.L.._ ....._....L 4.1.- .......l, MINESING _ ._ Ll. . The Northern -Advance -uugaa LING-L Ar. .u\.u.xu.u5u.u was home over Sunday. 11," -r 1- Y'!l__l_ _.__I |V Miss Je-am Gcaodsfelfbow oxf Toronmo spent over the week end: wtifth her uparen-`at. IA ! .... `MI .....:... `IA ..`I . .u' nc'l.d- AC "I'\nnn.nf-.n LI`U'llLLCl`f3HRLC l.l| L'U'l.`UIh|JU. Ma`. and Mrs. H. A. Henry and dmrmgihrter retumed this week from their home in Flsouridla and will spend the sumrmer at their cottage at 'DoIl~ lendale. 'r\ 1 . 11 r.- ,9 n-,._- T)-.- J.Vl.`UIL`(,1ii1Ay J.`U'L' LLLIJSII. LUAVUL, {M100- Mrs. R. J. Guibet of Bond Head vwisidsed her d1aug`hIter, Wilda, `in Bar- rie a couple of (Lays last week. A......... 1\/I'..1\T..L ....,...4- Han .mm1.- mu] ~WRLa Anuuu: UIVCL uuuxuaq. Rev. J. J. Bdaok and Rev. A. J. G. Oarsaadnden let to-(ha-y to attend n_,,1,,,,,, -. :_ fI'\_.._..L._ LCH\.l@.lCc Sergtt. R0-bt. Eadie of Camp BIO!`- ,dven spent the week end with Ihlis cousin, J. L. M:a.cDou-gval, leaving` on lM`ond:a.y ow High River, Ata. ! ML... 1') 1' IV:-1..-.4L ..J~` Dnmrl LY.-\.n.A THURSDAY, MAY 12; ' i ` A represelltativc g'a`ahe1'ing' of the ,Gi1'l Guides of the Li'iJ~')`tl`i`Ct was pres- iy inte1'estiin`g' lecture on Ca-naclian Wild F1iowe1=s was given by Prof. R. B. 'I`.hormson of the University of Toronto. Mr. Dlmom~son is a. wivdesly -i1ln.1JstrzLte(l by :1 1a1'g`e number of splentlid slides, many of which Sherw- ed the flowers in their n-a.tu1'al colours, held the ezxgezr attention of LL- ,..r..:1_ __._..._.....L [ent at Txiinity Parish Hall on 'I`h11rs-` (lay evening lost, wilien an extreme-i renzowned b0'tJaJnli`St, and his ad(l1'c-ss,' Concferemce in Donon1Jo. |u. \JKIn.l>Dva-\.uu.\.u u.;u uvu * 1- 1 II :7 A LILU a. L;>uu1y1t: uu. u.va._yo uuou vu.\,n. Angus M`cNab spent the week end as the guest of Mervyn Oonbeiit ixn 'I`.h10rnton, and sang very acceptably at 'Do'wnIl=ine Presbytenizan Ohumch at the Sunday a.ternoon service. 1')-.. t`r.......1.u...... -1! '1"):-|.It\v1rI\ \T.nmwm1 1... \|4\L ....u\.u, u.-.. 1 the g"ir3'1:s presenrt. 7111. A ...... -.. `I. .... ..._... -.-us. bu .,.; 1:.\..;\,..w. The speaker professed to be great- ly struck with the natural] beauty o-f Barrie, and grave it as his opinion that the woods and swamps of this vicinimy should abound with many ne specimens of our Canoadian wild flowers. P1-of. Thio-mson does much of his bontaniizing in the H'o111a.n(l Lan (lui n 9: marsh, and freq ue ntly brings his university classes there `for study. T...L...._..,_.LZ..,.. _-..__.....-...... _..-...- a.vuuu~uu uuuuuq uvunnub. Walter 'IWh4o-mpson of St. Cath- arines and James Thompson of Oo~ bourg` spent the week end wih their ather, C. T. Thompson, of Penetang St., who su"ered a sltiglmt stroke om Friday. Mr. Garrett I`.hom4pson of `H301-Land Landing`, a brother, also 'spent the week end here. Mrs. W. C. Hunter its spending several tliays this Rveek at the home. of Dr. and Mrs. Harold Hunter in `0ri`1lia. Mr. W. C. Hhnter, Mdss lLe-ila Hunter and J. Hickling [motored to Ori1.1ia on Sumlay for a but sJu.uuao_y auwcxuzvvu uv..4.vu.\.. Roy I-Lougihiton of Tovoruto Nomnal Sclhlool spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Houg1h- hon. - n f` `It a - cn,___A,L_ __ uvu. R. G. Manual was in Toronto on Saturdlay Last at cen=diinxg the fumeml of -his aunt, Mrs. Bufcllaml, who pass~ ed away suddenly. 1'-..-.._n.`:._.. A.......L.L .1... :,. 4 an: EGIRL GUIDES HEAR .FlNE I J LECTURE ON FLOWERS: \.Ll `....., .....-....._,. Jnosepthime Amott, who is in resi- dence at St. Mark s Gaixihs School, 'Dov.onIbo, spent the week end with her ather, Dr. Arntotb, retuming: to Tonorntlo Sunday evening. uL..1.L-.. rnL......,......-.. -4` G; r'1...I-1. PRICES REDUCED FOR MONTH OF APRIL AS FOLLOWS : -... .,-...._.. Inte-resrtimg comiparisons were drawn by Prof. Tlmormson between Oamadian ora and that of SJO`111.'ll0I'Il coumrtvies. In the latter countries, suclh as Indnia and Afnlca, mvc-st {lowens are w1ti:h4out petals and have great bunches of stamens. 'Ilhe leaves of southern trees and plants give very little shade because they (110 not open up widely to the sun in order to keep from being; 9lm'ivel- led. In addition the leaves hang` so that the sun on-ly stmikes their edges. - ~.u.b\.u. Amomgx other pointers given by Prof. 'I`huomson to his hearers Was a `waming not to pick the leaves of triilli-ums, bepaticas and other native lcwers. Gathering the owers alone does not harm the plants, but pluck- ing` the leaves destroys the beds be- cause the planuts are then unable to man-uf'z1cture and store up n.)uriv.~1h- ment for another season. It `I\ -- n. VJJ-LL J-Isl--I-`-I `Hl`>` 1\I1`s. \=n-nic Gdbbolns has mturnctl from Toronto, wtherc she spent the winter. `Ir III 111'! . "nu.-.1. Mr. and Mrs. Columbus are at their c-ot.tag'o at Arlcona Beach, hav- ing` come up from 'I`c'1~om.'o. KILL. `MI'....!,. C.-Jun. nu/I NH ...-. (.`1\nr1 I. . wuuu-n.. u\.u..-uu. Mrs. D. M. Stewart p1'c~.~1ilL- over| the meeting` and int1`0(1'UC('(l Prof. 'I\huo.mscm. uuulu up .Ll\Jlll 1.wAu|ruu. Miss Marie Spring: and Mrs. Chas. Nests visited at the home of the forme1"s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Spring, over the week end. A number of niendss called on M1`. and Mrs. Chas. Neeiy o.n F1~i.(ha.y x: v \;nmw;_',. 1\`Ii:ss Ma1`;;`:L1`e.t Fovbes and friend vwisitcd in Toronto ~c'ver the week end. 1: 1 It 1-1 1 1: f1 ,.,,,; v'InA|A,u In Aurvuuu uv\.L mu. v\\.\.1\ \.lI\I `Mr. and Murs. Fred McC spemt Sum'da.y at their cottage at Cedar Ilambor. up u u u: .- . .-.o 9- n VaLUn'Ig). Miss Marie McKnight of Toronto ___ L._._-_ -_-.... C......l...u Mr. A-lvie Nlafhin is visiting iemds in Toronto. Stove Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.50 Egg-Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00 Nut Coal . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15.00 Pea Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13.00 Cannel Coal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$13.50 Nut Coke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$12.25 Stove Coke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $12.25 Dry Hardwood, split, $7.50 box load; Hardwood Slabs, $7.00; Hardwood Edging, $5.00, and good`, dry Tamarack, $6.00. 8TH LINE, INNISFIL 11:1. (`1u'ld\n.n u 11.. _. PERSONALS I WOMEN'S 1NSTlTUTE_ , ELI-ZCTS NEW OFFICERS .111; mu: nuccuuqs Ivu. mu. ;.a-.a..4u nu me.n s Institute, held on Tuesda. , May 8/`Uh, the fohlsowing oice-rs were ..I....&...J . uxav. 1J`l`l cwuux `Sodial Oom.---Mrs. Kelcey (Com), Mrs. F. Warnica, Mm. `C. Oculter, Mrs. A. Bell}. ` n:..1.. __.,1 1:\1`..-..-_. r\....,. `M... 0.... I AVLLL o. \J Arv` vv u.\A-.7. Vluutvbt, Avjjlu 4;. u\.m. I Sick amd Flower |Com.-Mrs. Bur- dettte-, Mrs. A. LeGear, Mvns. J. Tom- Ilinson. . ; I 1` /I 1: (V 11, Pnogram Com.-Mrs. S. Rowe, M113. T. H. Bu1rtorn~, Mrs. H. ;Bog1ard~is, Miss A. Snoudice. xv n,.,u,1, 1.r,,, `Y | u you xx. uuuu uu\uu.\,. Audsibox-s-Mrs. N. .Sm1Tt1h, Mrs. V. Va.nAt:t.er. UVLI. - GHULI. J-VA-IL $1 llllllllal. \lL VLM\l\4AIn\4\I Square sperm: the week end with Mxr. and Mrs. W. Clark. 1 1 , L__,_, _ 1 uuu LILL.Jn Iv. \JllbJ.l\. Mrs. W. K.ir1cpatr.ick has returned home after spending a week wih friends in Guthrie. 1: n L L` ,,,.,1. Lewis Coal& Wood Co. yvcuuuvu nu V4 Au.A-noun A numiberr fmm East 0110 motored to I-I;a:w'-kestone on Fridsay efvenimg and took im hhe dance in the Orange ' ~rr,,n __..I ._-_-..A. .. 1..\....... ...........l .....1 unu `hUUl\ Mu. uuc uvvuuu uu I-nnu v:.uxqb\. Hall and repent a ltamge cnowd and a gzqod time. 1M.. r1 Kx7-......-... I\` (`*,.n1.~.nn nv\n'vm+ a. E,.\`uv-u uuuc. .Mr. C. Warner of Coulson spent the week end in and arovumd East nullity .1. \Ia.v\: Service in St. Mark s Church next Sunday at 3.30 pm. 'III.. ....../.I ll... T..'I-u-I-.u. II" INK!-n'Inn.'|.l ;L'AcuAuB J-ll \J'unuLLA\.. Miss M. M~cCwaig spent the week end at her Home in Gurhhmie. __,- ,1 _ cuu up um-an Anuun. nu uu-mun. Mr. A. Patterson has secured a pnosi-tiJon im Orimlia. A .-....~.fl.~u -funwu IT`.~.n4- Dun van!-n-nun} .x. vv-; uvuv. `Dist. Directo1'%Mx!s. C. Bowxlm. ~ 7.7 1, AM; the meeting uocf the Barrie Wo- --..>.. `r_....a.:5...+.. J...-.lA nun "I"mnu.-In-u u'u. Sec.-Treas.-M1s. D. Jacobs. Direc'bors--Mrs, G. E. James, Mrs. D. V. Babcock, Mrs. W. Pearce, Mrs. L Corbett. . _ ' 11,," n 11-41. IUUUCU - Presiden`o-Mrs. T. R. Huxatable. 1.5: V1':_ce-Pres.-Mrs. F. Sanders. 2nd Vrice-P`res.--M:rs. J. Cavanagh 3nd vcice-Rnea--Mrs. A. V. Dona:1d- ' EERAL 0120 _ mr_.-.. 1|/r.......:,...... A"? W`: wuuuay an u.uv -yau. Mr. amrd Mrs. Imlnster of Mitchell __ I _._'m_ It... The Barrie Gas Company Ltd Gas Cooking Demonstration Are you overlooking `thls real ecmmmy ? May 16th to May 21st A . A. S1\[T I`H EAST 030 __ Du. 1Ur-__l_),. You Are Cordially Invited to Attend THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA T ten o clock, on about five days a Week, Jones of Kitchener says to Long Distance, I Want to speak to R. H. White, Peterboro. White looks forward to Jones calls, and is always at his desk ready for them. Why do you always ask for Mr. White? a. telephone salesman asked Mr. Jones. Because he is the man I want - no one else will do. But Mr. White is always at his desk. If you said to the operator, `Please get me anyone at 2624 Peterboro, you would get Mr. White, and the Station-to-Station rate would be about "twenty per cent cheaper. , ioal and Coke