Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 12 May 1927, p. 3

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THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1927. Read a v: of April, 1927. Town of Barrie TAKE NO IlIC'.. that the foreglodnyz is a true copy of a pro- posed by-law which has been taken into considesraltion and which will be nally pa. by the Council of the Municipal Conporartion of the Town of Barrie in the eivenrt of the ament of the duly quali- ed eleotors being obtained thereto after one month from the nal publication thereof in the Northern A a newsrpa/per pub- lished in the said Town of Barrie, the darbe of `"1 ich said first publliczttion is the 21st day of Apnil, 1927, and a pow. will be held for the purpose of reoortlling the votes of the said electors on the sale by-1-aw on the 18th day of May, 1927, at the fo1lowin~g' places .' WARD 1.--J. A. R. CAMERON,S HOUSE. WARD 2.---FIRE HALL. WARD 3.--I.0.0.F. HALL. WARD 4a.--BINGHAM S STORE. WARD 4\b.-BINGHAM S S'I`0RE. WARD 5.-A. MEEl{UM S STORE. \VARD G.--0RAN1G;E HALL. DATED this 201.11 day of April, 1927. By-Law No... and second time in open 'Co'uncil, this 19th rday _ ft - i NOTICE war, that, should the factory erected operated for a period of three monmhs ten-year period, the provisions. of this id and the assessment of the said lands _-:_x 4:....4........ .-Lam: nnf n.nmV2fp For 8 of t1e';x1}nd1e ra-teable propenby ne Town of Bamrie, according` to .... 4.1.. nuance.-rnnnf n fan` the A. W. SMITH, TOWN CLERK. WHEREAS it is expedient in he interest of the Municipal Cicrporati-on of the Town of Baxrrie to provide for a xed assem- ment of $15,000.00 and exemption from all rates, except for school purposes, for a period of ten yozms fl1'OTT\ the 1st day of January, 1927, upon the property of Ohaarke & C`l13.`1`ke Company, Limited, situate in the Town of Bar-rie, and being more paa*ticu de- scn-.i ZEUS follows : ALL AND SINGULAR tilirose oeritain parcelis or tracts of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Town of Bautrie, in the County of Simcoe, and being composed of Lots Nmmbers Ten, Eleven and Twelve on tfhe East side of Ellen Street, in the said m....m nf Rm-win. ac;-.0:r(hin`` to`Re2`iste`red Plan Number 22, and `own 01' liamrle, accoruu1n:; w the assessment poll for the Baby Chicks--From \One Week to Maturity (By Uncle Ohticukery) Ater the first week, keep pn feeilt ing the same 1T1r11`Sll1 as given in last week s l`e17te1', g'ra(lluvavl'ly re(l.u.cing the number of feedingrs umtil the mash hopper is left open all (lay by -the sixth week. Wlien the weather is the su-n.s`h:ine the mash. may he fell, all they wanrt, sooner `oh-an six weeks. The cod liver oil may also be dis- Keep pushing` them on. pensed with. in f ea clierivnig If they appear slow , out, add 5 per cent. of old process tabl-esipoons to a quart of mash. Let them have all bhe milk they can drink. If not pro- curzuble, add 5 per cent. meat meal to mash. As soon as the sex can be bclld, separate. Fat and market your cockerele. Flor fa- otin:g', mix tovgretslier 2 pints corn meal, 1 pint sihiorts, ,1 pint oat Cll ll0p, 1/ pint mea-.1: mead). a milk so as to make a bvatter. Starve coekerels for 25 I]1lC`Ul'S aml {rive at the rate of 1 -teaspoon of sallitas per bird. On secoml (lay feed mash 3 times a (lay, all they will eat in 20 minuttes. As soon as they go off their feerl, which will be in from 10 (lays to 2 weeks, ,they will -be rea.(l`y 01` market. Mrark any ])Ll'l etS wlhich are slow in g'ro-wtlli, as piossible ewlIlLs laic-2' on. W1hCll tihe 'pui`ll(-uhs be;e\a.n to Fed. up, or when 4 l movntihs. ol flor lvif.-`ht b-ree :6 months for heavy b1`C0(l4S, feed` a -.2`-o4o(l la_\`lll`f_ mEliF|l1. If early ll=';ltCJhe(l pulwlets are to be used as breeilens Inext season, get them. on to laying `by Amevusit, and ll1(lluCC a mowlt i.n .Oei1oiber. If pulwlets are to be simply used for layers only, (lelay egg: pro~ oil meal or 1`, warm and the clhicks can ge-`L out in I (lucti.on- unwtil Oertober, by C.11'lZ`tIll 1i,`_. ` on the maslh and fee-limo; more , ' _e'rain. - H 7...-.. h:~,\..m.;. n-F (`lair-lznn-S grain. Common DlS0aS(?.'~' of Ghickenns It is a (liicult mritter for an_\'one to cer\mine 21 denite in chicks, owing` to the sim5l:u`it_\' and 1'z1pi of 11105-t of their uiilmeni-ts. .\'vtiliing` nced be said l`(`._`.`.'1l`(l iI1{_ c-hicks which (lie from o\'e1'fee I fault_v incuwbzmion, or chilling`. The cause and cure is clear. but the S_\`Tlhlpft.0h14S in chicks vvhich (lie from above mismana..g'e.menvt is so simiilar to that fatal disease, bacillai-y w-hite (l:i211'rhe-:1, tahat white (lifariwhea is t.hou_s;'h.t to be more common "than it really is. The sym1)toms of all the Ialxove is sleelpiness, (liwoopingj winigis, short back and _sru.mmed up behind. It is best to sfspeet the more serious (lnisease, baciiltary wlh-ite (l`i`a1'rhez1, ,'i1 your mnanlagement has been apparent- l`y _e:ood. Wuhite (liiarnhea is causexl by bacteria wrhidh are transimizttecl from the hen to the and nlienoe to the chick. It is incurable. Kllal off and burn worst cases. Clean uip ` aiml (li-sinfect. If the disease is in your own flock of hens, get vid 6! them and commence again with chicks from a blood tested ock. VII 1: , 3..-.) ...:l1 nuiltvn n 1lIiq{\;1;Q(: VIA -oui-t`ry Culture CWIICKS I!`.C`n1 kl l)1UUll w:mu.u --V... M.oul(lvy food will cause a (l`lSCl=SL' `of the wimlpipe call1l`e(l asipc,-rg'cvl~losis. Chicks will have the szune symp- toms as white (ll'2l1`1`IhC&l., but with rapitl and difcullt b1'ea>t.l1i11;'. For a cure, remove the cause and (lisin-fr,ect. Chic-ks which are not receiving: pro- per nourishment either from the l?ac.k of sun5l`nime. c.': liver oil 0-1' the vitaniincs A, B or D, wil.l make &11.`0\`V ,2`l'0\\'Cl1. Some will just simply (lie without any noticeable s_m1`ptoins, while others will go off llheir le:.,>\s and be unab-lie to walk, and starve to death. In the above case, _Q'ive two ta.b1e.=spoons of cod liver oil` to 1 quart of dry mzLsal1. AJ`.-... nl-u'nL-.e turn 1 nmnnth 0.1([ a 1 quam 01 (try 1n.u.:u. After chicks are 1 month old disease termed; Cioccidiosis may oc- cur-1'. It is a germ disease caulsed fncm t-hy quva.rtc1's and can easily be in~tro(luced by the feet of human beings, cats and (logs. Span-ioxvs and pige-oznis are lqniown carriers of the rliseaise. Wlhen tlhis tlisecaise p:e~ts into a y-ourug' ock dhiclcs will die off :1 few every' day and uniesc prerveni - tive measums are taken, from 50 to 75 per cent. .of the flock wilil (lie. The rliiscase is ln`Cl1*1`aJb=i`O, but not un- contitollabile. The symnpmms. are as uwsiuial sleepimc.-ss, (l=mo.pi'ni;1' wings, wih most often :1 blomliy H .ver, if after your chicks are a miontih cihl, and they commence to ~..i-om oil`, at once suspect oocciodiosis. It can onnly be C0ntI"0ii`C(l, so far, by griving` buttermilk or skim milk to (lrim'k exolusiveily, or by acl. 40 per cent. of (lrierl milk to lYlL..l l. In conclusionn, I may say that the mzijority of (le.-wlis in clhieken life are czuxseicl by prevon-table CZIUISCS, \niz., '_ poor pzirr.-nt stock, faulty incubation, faulty i)l`i0r01lin;1' and iTz1ul.'i'._v foetlinug`. it is S(`l(lIOm tzlmt l have come across t2h:1.t mucvh tznlkeml of bacil- lruny white (iiZl'1`1`i1()21. Follow what has been giivezn in previous letters `and you w-nn t go far wmn4._r. xr.....4- ...n.-(I; 1 vnil mi-up :4 lihtlp ad- Vii S i r o. \\ jaml w-nxrx. gm mu wx-uurg. ` Next week 1 will} {give a little ad- ivice an anymhing and 4.ver.yth}1:'mg. 'I'he.kin,o:dnm nf $r-nven is within you--no is the kiugwdom of we mm: Lug- , I The Northern Advance composed of hots Numners Len, Town of Barrie, aoco~r(lnin`g to`Reg`iste Lots Numbers Ten, Eleven and '1\vel:ve in rear of said mt men~ tioned lofts and extending Ezusterlly iihererom to the Westerly limit of the alllowance for road of the Granlcl '1`-nunk R.-amlnaway, save and except that part of said Lot No. 10 on the East side of E-len Shreet, heretofore cmweyed to one George Atkinson by Registered Instrua ment No. 19870, and to exc-mplt the said Clarke & Clarke. Company, Ilimitecl, from all muniicipail taxes excepting school rates for he said period of ten years, the said Ollanike & Clarke Company, Lim- ited, to pay schrool taxes wpon the said xed assessrnemt of $15,000.00. ` A ,,_ ._ _ r 1- .1 , ,__x._.1.. -....J-,-.nk1n nu-nnnmhv %[LE.k_ig}g_EIckward I . --v-? The sons of M1`. D. CzLmpbeL1,l Oro, have left for .VIan'itoba, and` otlxers are to foHJ:w. i - . I I The Lady of the Lake came in-` to port. on Tucsda_\' -having` in tow; a raft of Logs for` Perkins miull`. l-- ~~-- W 7 `- A Port :C`f Entry was opened in Barrie on the 1.s.'t inst, with Mr. Grant as Co11e~ctov1' of Customs. His Hwonzor J u g`e `Gzowan has dec(l- 1 ed a walluable property at Smntyl Bay to the pastor cf the Orillia` P1'es~by.`ce11iran Ohurch, Rev. Mr. Gray,` for use as a manns in conneo t.ion' with G\uJ1Jh.ri`e Church, 01-0. 'I`.he Arsscsdsr prc-senrt.e(l his roll to` the Council on Monday n'ig1h~t, wvhic-h SheOI\VS porpuclubion 4,238, assessmcant $1,237,135, number of cattle 98, mmmber of sheep 63, number of hogs 17, number df `horses 220, nurnibear _...L` _Y\....... 017! of'd1cgs 275. There are eight patients in the hozspima'I at present. Dyrment, Bumtenel- & Co. are (Lo- ing; a big bwsiunc-as. Th-is m:on`uh they s.11`i:pq)e(l seven car loads of stawmisll maohi`ne1`y and are now lling an order 1101' the C.1'orw s P-ass, B.C. I `D110 Grand Trunk Railway wiuld add several new 1`o-eomotives to the A1Ian(ha1e division. 42 new Ioco'm.o- tives awe being` brolugwh-t from Eng- `lraml by the G.T.R. AND WHEREAS the amount tnhcfv of the M-unicipa Corrporation of the the last revised assessment rcxm, being the year 1926, is $4,473,990.00. 'I`he S(:1l1uo4r.:I Boamd at its meetinag on Moml~a_V n`ig'ht com-pleted the esti-\ `mates for the year. The total re quire=(l to May 31st, 1903, is esti- mated at $13,2=17.8, estim21ted income $1,198.56, leavi-11g` $12,`049.32 to be 1'uise by ]e'\'_\'. The committee re- commentl that the school rate slhizultl not exceed 8 mi1r1;s on the d`01la1'. THORNTON PREDICTS WONDER-F FUL GROWTH FOR CANADA` r'I`:l1e Domintion of Canada, which now has some 10,000,000 in'h:a-bi- tants, will have 2: popu.-I of 25,- 000,000 in fteen years, acc-31'din_e to Uhe p-redwicti-on of Sir Henry I`ho1'n- ton, president of the Canad`ia~n N'a t,i`on`a,1 Railways, the big: 22,000- mile, p`uzb:1ic-ownetl transpovtaatiuon s_vs1tem of the Dom.in.i-on. 7,, u__ _-.`..-.. .4! ...x .'.-.+m~umu 1` '_\ SM.`Iu l_J_J. Ullt: 1JUlu`.Au.rvu. In the course of an interview, Sir Hemry p.a.in~ted the future of Canada in bri.g;ht colors. He is in New York -on bLusi11~e.=s connected with the rail- wa 3'- vvuy. Sir Henry, an American born rail- roa(lie1' wiho mzade 21 notable record as a t1'ansporta;ti'o'n executive in the U.nrite~d States and Engrliantl before assu.miini_: `his present post, is an ack- n.0iw1ede:e o.pti:n1.i`.=vt in 1'e_war to t1he future of Canada. He has denite- ly set the big: t1'$1nS`] )`01`t1;ti01"l system of the Dominion on its feet, brin_21'n-g the net ea1'i1iii=g's of Canmi ian Nsa't:ion- :11 up frcm 21 total of $3,000,000 in 1922 to over $48,000,000 in 1926. H 7 *--F~I-I~-` .....L1,. nuvnm-.-hin ;.ra.;. uu uv\_. .,....,.,.,_ _/_, , He public ownersluip, has met with 21 la1',q`e measure of success in the case of Can-.ul'.a'.`; rail- VVa_V. ct \ ,...,.,... +l1inn- uhnnf n`n\v(\_1-n1n(\n,1` TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO r- u `:1 1:: Ann ) VV like what it isn t. A queer thing` about `2`o\'o.rn1nc,-nt ow`1\e1`;<~hip," he said wdth :1 smile, is that it swuccec when it is 1~1`0axf(`l] 4... LA 4`nn+ H-wm+ Han I ll 1 I I A...-n.`-a .-\..\. Advance :Fyle, :Ma.y 10, 1877] ~.-. _\ U'21.1' LUGU, m -.,x-x,-xu,uuv.v... AND WH.EREAS the amount. of bhe existing (]eb01"l:`l IlJ.|1`C debt of the said Municipal-ity is $588,980.66, of which no part, either for princripnal on` irxteurest, is in a1~.re`arr. BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Muni'cipa1 Cmmoration of tlhe Town of Barrie, AND IT IS HEREBY E.\IACTED as fol- Lows : .. /`I : o r`1I._.J..\ |.llK(? W`l`lU.L ll. l>`ll u. He recferretl to the fact that the Cainarlian Nutiona-l System had been ope1*ate(l e.\'actl_V as if it were a pri- vate road. Camulians pcxint out that Sir Henry has permitted no political interference with his a(lnnin`i.s`tnatio'n of the road. What will your country be like when it has 25,000,000 po,pula.i`on ? Sir Henry was asked. Twen.t_v-ve million, he consider- uur_m n1`l kn an m-.nanm'nuS 511` Henry was u.~xu:u. ed. We'll all` `be so pnosperous when we wliave 25,000,000 people in our country we won't lm-ow wilmt to do. We ll all 250 to the races then. W l1tat wovuldi be blme effect on the national raiwlways ? I :11!` 1- ,. _ ...:1.1 .'..n-n-n nrf H- hp A VVLAIA 1-; IVA-A ......-_, .--- Advance Fylef,-May 15, 1902 Inzmonm I`a1|1way.s ; I`akirn:g' a wid jump at it, he said, I think id; w~c~u.1wd mean hat the 1`a.b1wn_v worulwl earn between 350 and 400 millions a _vrrar. That is revenue, not pr-ots. 'I1lnat is azb-ouxt doub1r~ what we have now. AlT\ ,,... ;.u.:..1. 0: nnn nnn nn`r.n]'-!- what. we nave wuw. Do _you think 25,000,000 popula- tion is in prlospoct f-'01` Canada '3" Yes. said Sir Henry, of c'our..=n it is. The tide is tu`1min'g` from your co.umt1-y now. 'I`zhe_v will be 0ockin._r.z to Cnnvzula durin.;1' the m-xt: 5 yn:11'.<. W.1wn do you `(chin-k 25.000 000 ncpu`1~ation is a real po.=il)i1it,\' for uu uu--uuu ...... do Cvanwadua '3 In fteen _vom:s. snial Sir HO1 H`_\ . `Sir Henry callled attention to the many opportun-itios that Canzuln offem -to A.mnr.ican=. both in the in- ____:....n......1 ;:,.M.= um! oirem -L0 l LTI1lEr.1('.ax1:.\' Lnuwn nu ulu (1`\1.s\tri'1.] am] a.g'ric.1.t11.na1 ='ldn'~2. and he psointod out that the _m'ex'nn1. re- mnrkmlo. period of d in ((h+x D'rmi~n.ion vvan very '1:1r1:L-y due" to T>z'.`.`..':'.I:.`P.. l1.'.r.-r1 01' Amt-:ricun 'mdus- triad-isnt and Amemican capital. FIFTY YEARS AGO `A In ,UU\J,uuu in ;.:...u. publi c 1.. f \-\-\r.l\(`I`!\`() nf APRIL DONATIONS T0 CHILDREN'S SHELTER Ill) \VB 1 1. THAT the zrssessnieiit of the property of Olznrke & Clarke Company, Limited. situate in the Town of Barrie, and being com- posed of ALL AND SINGULAR those cesrtain parcels or tracts of land and premises situzvte, l_vin_2; and being` in the Town of Ba-riwie, in the Coun,t_v cf Simcoe, and being: composed of Lots Numbers Ten, lilleven and Twelve on the East side of Ellen Street, in the said Town of Barrie, according` to Regirstere(l Plan Number 22. and Lots I\ umbe1's Ten, Eleven and Twelve in the rear of sai rst mentioned Bots and extending` Easlterly therefrom to the W est erl'_\` limit. of the alllowance for road of the Grand Trunk Rnilw.a_\`, slave and except thzvtpzn-t of said Lot Number Ten on the East side of Ellen Sh1`(`('r[; heretofore conveyed to one George Atkinson by Re_2'istered Instrument No. 19870, for sohzool purposes, be and the same is hereby xed at the sum of $15,000.00 for a period of ten yeans fnom the first day of Januaq-_v, 1927. 2. BE IT FURTHER ENACTED that the said Clarke & Cl-arke Company, Limited, be and they are hereby made exempt nom the payrrnem; of al munJicipaJl- taxes, excepting school taxes, upon the property described in the next preceding parggnapli for the said pe-rilod of ten _vea,rs, and dn.u'ing' the said period of ten years the said Clnarke & Cliarke Company, Limited, shall pay sohloo-l taxes upon the said xed assessment of $15,000.00 only. 3. PROVIDED, h.oweve'r, upon the said Lands be not at any time during the said By-4l'aw shall be null and void for any year in wlhidh the said factory does not operate for a period of three months as a.foresa:id, Shall-l be xed at the actual value thereof in accordance with the provisions of The Assessment Act and such assessment sham, in that event, continue for the re- mainder of_ the said` period of ten years. -1 ru 1,, p_ `Mr. Bemham, maple syrup; Mr.| Saso, 10 sections honey in cumzb`;| lsoldziers Club, stew and bread; Mrs.` C. Devlin`, cake; Bryson -`s, csandJy; `Prices Corners Womenv s In-stifoute, H4 cm: comforters. *" ' 1 H, -1. L1...| J1 .......,..,o.. `-m , There are some bigger boys at the 1 halter eag'er for chances on farms and a-lsso some sIma\1`1cr ones who would t into any corner in a good -horme. We also have scme nice little girls rezuly to {:0 out. and you should our 1'os_v-d-umpling baby boys !f1wovn1 six m-o`n.t.hs to one _\'ea1' old. }1\`I.o-re iII11f0l")'WZ1ti0H may be had by writing: Mr. W. J. Justice, Box 914. iBzu*rie. SOC `ELDERLY VESPRA WOMAN HITI lav STAYNER CAR AT CUNDLESI Mrs. David Cairns of Vespna. was pain-unllly injured` when she was stiruck (Down by an aimiomobile at Cuinrdlles on Silmlizxy. Mrs. Caivn-s, WH3 is an elderly woman, was d1'.i~v- mg` toxvamlns Ehnvale as a passenger in a Eon] t-ciur,in.9,' car. Opposite Cuiulles school the zmtomobile stop- ped. Mtrs. Caaims got out on the riglhlt hand sidve and went behind the car to CI`CbE the 1'oa.d toithe left. When in the iiiiclme of the mad she saw a. car driven by Donald Par- trid-_2'e of Stiaynm coming` towards Barrie. The auto was her, am1Mrs. [ M-1'. Pantrirlyxe swe1'\'Aed in the same , direction at the same time, and she " 1 L... 4.1. 1 I -__._. Inun-.nnv close upon, Cairns t,L11'neid back. ` I (l`l1'L`.(:LlUll `db NIU Dunn: um-n., ulnu m...` was knocked drown by the bumper.) The wheels did n):-t pzisus` over her, burt Mrs. Cairns face struck the gznolund and was cm. and bruised} Mr. Pa1't1'id_u e was (h'ivinw;: quite slowly at tho time and the 1D';litt()1` was z1.(l=ju(l_2`o pur0'1r_\' an accident byi the P1`ovinc.ia1 Polic-0 who investi- _`._`,`15tC(i. ` In the Beautiful Muskoka Lakes T11-c :'.t0mnm' Sngazno xrrrmmg at Royal `fmkzoka. wharf. in the Muakolm _.T nukes. VT !-`U1 passcmgems who m'o Mm---ling 9. 1`~.-:;;;mt1n1 holiday in {ma Iuauuuf-nrl 1ukel:u'.J or 0Ma.ri-0--Oxuxz>dir.nn National Railways phomxliph. AGREATER responsibility for alert caution rests the motorist using the highways now that the s limit has been raised. In every case speed must be governed by the circum- cfnnrruz, Safety on the Highways must be maintained Ontario Department of Highways R.C.C.S. DANCE .-\1'm0u1'i0s was nely decorated, am! (}.\:('L'H(`I1t ]i:.~,thting' effects were Over 500 people attcndod the :1chi<:-vml by the .'~;o1d`ie1's. Ben brillliant dance hr-Id by the Ro_wL} Iiokews o1`ehest.1'.'1 provided the (.`:anadia.n Corps of Signals of Camp h1U`>"iC. Pmrrons cf the (Lance wort, Borden in the Barrie Amn=ou'm'es or. Brvigaxlier-4G;eneraJ and Mrs. A. H.` Fridiay .n-`igaxt. The men if the Bel`T', Lie'ut..-O00. and Mrs. E. Fomie R.C.C.S. were resp1e'n~dent in -Uheir Wing Cofxnmamder N. R. Anderson, new ``blues`' and thhe vamiety of "Fm Wmv-xip '}'..-nw- Duff :m<`1 "Wm .o`..hc:' :"c.5:i~mr..1'ta1 _uniI`~o1'm:s made me iuff of Bzrrrie, Major and C. R. affair a very colorful one. '11helKemda-`Isl and Capt. E. G. Weeks. NEW SPEED LIMIT TI-IRUSTS GREATER RESPONSIBILITY ON DRIVERS FOR CARE AND COURTESY. The Hon. GEO. S. HENRY, Minister omX.uo 'M1N1s1'1:R WAS KILLED 1 BY BAYONET THRUST .Hon.g: Komg, May 2.--'I\he Rev. `M-orvis Sliuhter, of 'I`oronrto, On~t., the lChin-a Inalnd Miami-on worker who was murdered 1~ecent.1_v -near Yun- inanfu, Wi-tth his ei_s:*h!t-_vear401(l (iEJ.ULQ`i1~ lter, wzms ba_v`onet;te(L after being Uh)`-OW'I1 to the ground, zicc0i'rI in_Q` `to |mai1 zul-vicc-s reachinf.-: here from lYunnz1nfu co-(l`z)..\', b13Z\1`i11j the (late of `April 15. The ])aiv t,_\' \\'as made up, besides the Rev. Mr. Slichter zmd his (l=21.ug`htn-1', of his wife, her ve-_\'e:11'- old son, 1Vliss Man` C1'z1i_x, a medicvasl missi-onaiv of Phi1:1(lo1~phia, 1321., asd 21 Roman Catholic I]1ib`Si0I1a1`) . Mrs. Sliciiim`, the boy and Miss Craig were priszoners and Miss Craig` was Ireleazsed later. Mrs. Siichter and the `boy have now been released by the ' I bandits and are enroute to the capital iioif Yunnan Province. "` I v--.-,- ..-.. m.`..+ +1..` In, OI lunnzul f`l`UVlH\;l:. The mail advices say tihat the In- `land Mission gmsuq) left Sliilliuts-un._r.z for Yunnanfu with an escort of 110 tsolrliers, but that when only a sliort distance from S'l1ill1tsru'n:.,v' about 250 men attziclmtl tihc panty and the es- cort ed. Tlhe missionaries were sur- 'rounded z1ml.s.l1wo:t at, Rev. Mr. Srlich- ter being: wounded. 'I\hen one of the lathac-king` party knocked him down with a rifle and as he was lying on the grouml with his diauglmer in his anns, he was killed by a bva_woine't t:hrus t. The girl was killed in a sim- ilar manner. Mrs. Slichter was _.sta.bbc(l in the b1'e:1s't several times. 'I`hr- Ca`tl1=oli~c priest was shot art. He escuipe beli-iml a wall, later running into the hills, where he waited for two (lays, t1'_\'i.ng' to learn the fate of his compan i onus. rm. ,. ..- f\lI\`I 1. mm n (` 1 l1 n n H.) #1: i rur HIS C.0|ll:palllUll|S. . The members of the attac`kinig }pa1~t_\' are ;=11isI to have worn uni- forms. S:hil1:tsun,<.~; is three tlzms journey from Y-umranfu, wihi-ch is the iCihiiCf ci-t._v of Yunnunfu Province, in the most soumhern pant: of China, b0rde1'in_: on Iml`0-C'hina. Page Threa . BY-LAW OF THE TOWN OF BARRIE TO FIX THE ASSESS- MENT OF THE PREMISES OF CLARKE & CLARKE COM- PANY, LIMITED, IN THE TOWN OF BARRIE, AT THE SUM OF $15,000.00, AS HEREINAFTER MENTIONED, FOR SCHOOL PURPOSES. 4. PROVIDED FURTHER thafc should the said C1`an'ke & C`lm'k=e Company, Limited, fail to employ on the average not lose than forty hands, inclaudving oice sba , for not less than 300 (lays in any year of the said term of ten years as required by memor- andum of arxreement cltante(l the ]:st of Januiary, 1927, and made bemween the said Olarke & Olarke Company, Limited, and the Cc1'pora~'ti~rn of the Town of Barrie, then the provisions of this B\'-law shall be null and void and the assessmemt of the said llantla in any year in which the said Cla.rke & Clarke Company, Limited, do not so employ the said required number of hands shall be fixed at the actual value thereof in a.eco~r(lance with the provisions. (\r +1. Ac-:n:c'n1nn+. AM . and such asst.-s=nnent .=ha:l:l. in that event, uuuuucn u; vI|\. .......e. 1...... at value thereot 1'11 aocovrdance wvtn mic pruwm-un:-. of the .1\sx7ess111ent Act and such .=ha:1, in continue for the remainder of the said } )CI`10(i of ten years. 5. PROVIDED FURTHER that 2=.ho'u2].d the szuid Ciizxrke & Clarke Company, Limited, fail to expend the sum of $20,000.00 for the inatailiiation of nmchinery upon the said premises on or hefore the 1st day of January, 1928, and the further sum of $10,000.00 for repairs and improvements to the build on the ':=uaid premises on cr before the lsvt (my of Janum'_\', 1928, as re- - quired by pa}-am-apvh seven of the said agreement dated the 1st day of Januar_\', 1927, then the piwovisdonas of this B_\'-law .=1h>aj1~] `be null and void and the assessment of the said premises slmbl be xed at the actual value thereof in accordance with the provisions of` the Assesmneni: Act and such ztwewment shall], in that event, con- tinue from the 1st day of January, 1928.

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