THURSDAY, MAY 5, 1927. When You Need Printing Phone 53 Eh Nnrihmt Ahuanw Buy In Barrie print anything from a small card to a large rzatalogue Exe;cising for Health ....un u ' Enclosed Bank Monav this months acct. please find Royal _Order forsvrs 2' due Ynllrz s...l.. "z'=}.`. .'?a.`:`gj.. Dear Sir v I.`_-` .... munrns a( Yours truly /-5 FIRE DESTROYS HOUSE OF C. BOWDREY, MILL ROAD Fire hnemkimg out about noon on 'Dh:umd1ay of last week tobax1:y_de- mdlished the home of Charles Botwdk trey, sistwated on the Mi'1l Rroada, just south of Ivlidvhmrst. Mn. Borwxdirey is T an employee at the Miidhurst Re- foresbamiaoum plant, and was away ` when the bdsaze broke oturt, presu:m- j ably fnum a spark from the dhimrmey. ` Mnrs. Bowdxrey and a sister, M115. Oox, were axhone in `aha hcmse, and did not know the house was on re tid warned by passers-aby. The house was a f-' name one and burned quick- ]-y in ' .ce of the efforts of neig1h~ bo-rs. The strong north wind carried the sparks for a `long distamce a.n'd for a time other houses in tzhe neigh- bonhooxd were endnamgered. Some furn-ixbure and other hc~use-hsowLd effects were saved from the rst oor, but notluing was saved from upstairs. The house was owned by A. B. Cowtts of Barrrie. His loss was part- tia.`1'1-y covered by i-nsurantce. Health courses under carefully trained instructors are tal: Bell Telephone girls all over the system. 1`l:1.`.,-,o:-. 0'.` 1 are taught the cure of the body, its nouri; habits of. At moon on` Saturday a chxirmney re ocoumed an; Wmigfhis dairy, 185 Du/nlozp St. The bhaze spread to the roof and caused sligiht dmnage be- ore extin.-gvuished by the Fire Bri- ,, - - , Qade. The Northern Advance Fahey Of Penetangi Wins 0ratbrical' All mu; \.I.L\.uv v-mu, \/vAu\uAuuA\(\A urn:-\. spewaxketr, Oanradta saw her (Lumy ulvgcanrt 1... ..._.I `L-.. ............ .....! .I...n...-Lb-naps. un ay\.w.n-nun, uununuu awn uv. um.-_, vuvv~uA Ty, and her sons and dlamghbens `re __ ,_ ,1 . ,1 __,_I7 4,- LL .. .....1.l 5... ..-.A .,, ....\. ...-. L1\-IMIIJ ...... .....\..,,......._. -- spovnded well to the caahl to em Pkrusssian cultume. Mr. Ealhey men- tioned Ca.nad1a. s afahaimnent to na- ti'0'I1l}|!0(0(l and autonomy. rrrl -n_,,_:,_:___y_ --..........:.. .......uu...... uuvlmuuuvu uo|A\n u... ...... .-_,. The Dotmin-ion~ s econotmic recovery since the Wm` was Juothiismg short of wonderful, Mr. Faih-ey went on to say. Her prosperity has gmown year by year, and over 80 per cent. of the nrartions inxdebtteduless is now owned by the people. Oanatliwns were at peace both at home and wbth 0`Uher nations. Machine gun warfare never took place on the sitreets of `her cities. n~ - n AI,_L m Expressin-g` the wish that the Eaitfhems of Oomfedenation cotud re- turn and see how weclul 1Jh.e'_V hsmd hun`n1-t,, Mr. Ealh-ey said in comciusicm that heiy would nd :1 Oanmla that has nstiern to one of the highest posi- tions in the British Empire and that shandls ready to-dlay to take her place as one of the ommiost na- tions of the world. -1- run 1 - _I_1._____ J- Miss Cihe-w in her acklrress de-I scrrilbesd Ounrfedenation as ome of the great events in m=o-dvesrn would hiss- tory. After desc:rbin!g' he way in which the great men who bmowgfht it about sumlk t,' differences in order to unite the pnovinces, the speaker weantt on to describe the bm1.iJ1KLLmg,' oif the C.P.R. as the rrst grreat bask achieved after C0nvfed>e'1'a4tion`. Irt removal what were alpparenttry in- superauble obstacles zund broug'.h`t the scheme inrho pmantical podsitius. 'Dhe nvaxtionalizartdson of the G~raJnd 'Dnua'nlk , ,1 1.1. _ taken advantage of by_hundreds of Telephone mm: in La 18 young women euclz. good 1ivin:.~'. r-are of the sick. zmzl first aid in both accident and illness. The courses cover 21 period of tw-::lv<= weeks. At the completion of the course those who qualify are awa.rded ce1`ti1`ic;Ltes. The excrcisz.>.s uuij.-ht lzzwe been alevelo1_)e(l by specialists who have given the subject of health conservation and promotion exlmu.=.tive study. lm....w................,.. \JKL ....e ....w.... --...-.. was also an adhievemen-t, amd the -twio naimnays became a means of sfoaabiulaizi-nig commerce. Canada was the 1ea(Le1r of the Bt1`itiISh Colonies in setting up self-giovemime-nvt without the S\MO.1`(1. She stood rm when she migiht e~asiuLy have sevcsred 1'e1m.ions' with Britain. 'I`o-day Cizmada was contributing to the safety of iihe Empire by maintzLiniing; peace with :1 great potenitial one-m_\'. In c-lowsinqr, Miss Clhew expressed the hope that the Jubilee cellebvation mi3_-`hit be both practical and . and that it mig1ht further iznstiid into the people that spivi-t;--C2Lnia 1] n...... '|')ln.n1- A-I-` T`/fwnn"`;r;\v \|v`1r\ u--,1: yuuliu; uuunu uyuu, V.- I-Ia1`1'y Blhock of M:zLc'1`ie1', who xvas :1(UL1dg0(1 `chin! among" the .\`1)C*2lk(:)'.`~ of the evening.-', spoke of Czmadzs progu-ess since Confe(le1*afciom as un- pam11e1e The prairies, opened up by m*anscrnd:t:in.emta1 1`a:i]way.s, had be- come the producers of the wo1'1d greatest wheat. The' went on to tedsl of he DominIiIo~n ~s great `rose-umces in agrricuil-ture, mining, four- estry, sheries. Tr-ade was increas- ing with the country s gvowtih and prosperity. In tihe ner zurts and in invenrtzhotns Canada was weltl to the fore. Hen` ed:ucaIbi~ona1 system was sedond to none in the vworrld. `[5 (Continued from page one) In the Great Wm`, conitinued the ..__.1___. n-___m_ _.___ L-.. .!...L... .1-.- oK,\.4u||\| uv nuns. nu uuA.\. `Miss Elsie Wilson received a greztt t` ovation from the awdlie-nee, both be- t fume and after her spee-ah. She told of theiwncemtainty reg`aT(l-ing the suc- cess of Cxonfederzutilon, of the cour- ageous settvens, who went to the West in processions -by Jumberinng wagons, and later by railway. '1ihe miswuys foretold a 'grea.t futwre for the pnalitries. Settlecments sprang up and men began to gnaw the wiheait which is now world iaansorus 'hn`d represents the golden achievement of the Cansadrian West. Co1son:ima:tion, :'md:ustry and umity were all fostered by the milnmasys, said the speaker. Mtim Willnsonrthen wemxt cm to descniabe the lulmlbcmimlg and shing; industries, the hytlmo-e1eo`t'ri'c development, the Canadian ed1wca:ticma.1 system, her at rhaaimmemt of a national status, amd the heroic pant played by 0aJI`|J.Cl`l>2l'nS in the Great War. Sirxity years in the life-story of a man may ireapresenxt muuh; but what of sixty yc-ams in` the life history of a na'ti.~on- '1 queried Miss Wilson; In the life of Camadna they have -been years of stri-vinyg, and of suc- cess, of sstruggile and of triumplh. In- dustry is rmly estaiblixs1he(ll. Socriuxl reulatiomns are heailrthy and vital. Fm`- eimn tnadie is the 1.z1.r_. in the na- tiorn s history. 'Dho great political vessel l!31llTlCh'(?(l. at Oonfedc-.raIt'i`on has reached the calm waiters of the 20th century._ Canadla has fullled will ex- peotatiouns. 1 L C l I I i J I I I May ""1, who hsms led 11110 siteps of (~.'.`.. nuutioon tzhmommh sixty yerurs of c'r1 to ac1;ieve~m;ent, continue to p:u.ide us in the yealrs of future gvrrnzxtnoa, xvwhich lie before us. The nst speaker of the evnni:n._Q was W`iJ~oox Shephonl of ` Hr: told of the inspimed visions of the Fathom of Con-fedemation, and then wmrt on to zmnswer his own question as to \v`}ve12h-or Canndta h-ad ju`.=:t,io(l the m'e:1t -as.pi:1~ati.o11s of her founudmxs. Beocre Gorn.i`~exlr.mrt'1:on the rz1ix1.wuz._vss were short and ymivwtely owned. Tro- i.c.y Czmadnn. has over 20,000 miles otf milwny in operation, most of wh`o'h is ovm-ed by two companies. The Dozminiom has a wonderful lake and ocean tmade. I-I-er noadas, tihsaat were ommerly only tmaxls, have been bwist at great cost. VVIondK:r:fu1 actozi-es have spururmg up and the Oamadiam (i)\l1`1G;I` has a premL'inmm in every polnbzmft`. coundny in the world. In this year of our Dianruond Juibilzee, Canadians sihoruhd foihllotw the example of the Fathers of Comfedexwtion; pool their interests and wtomk to- ; L .1: n-_ Hum. w. getxhecr : J|3.lTnC'3 Griidhs off `~COl]I1imgTW00d t.nax:ed- CamIa.dia s history fmcrm the time Charles I. sold her 300 years ago to the Er-ernvuh for the sum of $50,000 up to the present day. De- taailnag .th.~e natural resources of the Domimioin, he sadd that he returns frzom ail these, while emormous, are but a glimpse of what is to come`. Canada has not been backward in iphyxsica prowess 01' the realms of seiernice zvnd invention, and has main-" tlained 11`i:g`h reltigious SIta.I'l(iIaII`(11S. She promises well to fulil the prmpihecy of Laurier : The twentieh cemitnury ` bellloinvgrs to Canada. Miss Doneldia Mnorrison recoimted i the events of Oontfeduemaon alml the dark pioneacms days of discontenrt and pessimism thart fonlfliowed. Dumimsg _ this time she was S1bUW1`y bu-t steaxkizly laying tihie foundation for `Hhe gvreat Caniadta of to-(hay. In the Great W-ar Csanvadta ound her soul. She then realized she was a. great nation, that her resowrces were urniliimited. that she was met diependenrt on the Mother Cou'ntn'y. That discovemy only strengthened the ties between the two nations, however, the spea.-k~ er said. It hay with every Czmadiian to strive to make he future grreait nnm, ,__L_...... f`..m... Am V L0 .`SLl`l`vVL` uu uuanu uuc 4-.uu.u. 5-.\..... and the 20atIh cernrtury Cama.-dva .s. A. R. Grirdrvvlood p1*esem;ed hhe cup and medlaxl to Mr. Famey ater the judges was given. M-r. Keefe of Pent-`oan\g spo-kc shcmtly. A som`exv1mt unustm-ul case was heard in the C.o].1ri`n.gwood Police Court on T11u1'sI:a_v last, when VVi1lis Count xvacs o11:o.1` by G. J. Koh that he t1~u.n.v.n1ucc(1 t1h1'ouAg,1h the post ad- to him post cards of an in- (lc-c`0n`t, immoral and s'cu1'1'i10us char- actm-. The ulef0nIan\`ct; pleaded moi sruil-ty and elected to be tried by a jury. 7l'1l..,. Iirnuc 1-nrn-ncnnfnr` OR sending money by mail Royal Bank Money Orders are safe, convenient and econom- ical. SENDER OF POST CARDS IS LOCATED BY HANDWRITING JLu'_\`. The prosecution vsirzns 1'ep1'esented by M1`. F. G.. Evans, County Gmwn .`-\=tto~1"ncy, and Mr. E. J. McEwan, aml the defence by Mr. Malcolm Mc~ Loan. ,1- LL. ......_.L 4.1.- lJl.'il.-II. At the open`Ln. of the court the M:ag' con_:;1'atu1a, ce.(l uuhe Corunty Cmown Adztorney, who was on his nst oicial vrisirt; and on his appoint- ment and `extended a. welcome on be l1:a1~f of the Bar of CouL1`in-gwood. _, 1.141. 1u',. r1 1' 17-.1.1 1.-- ll`(AJL u; unu. uu; u; \4\.ru4|AA Iv\\l`\1\n Lt a.-ppears that Mr. G. J. Kclhl has been the recdupi-emyt of several ponstal cards, accusing` him of imm-omaity, and in order, if possible, to asc~e.r- tain the pamty sen-d.i:ng' them a die- tective and a htamdwtwitinzg expemt was emg with the resurt fdhsat a chmvgae was laid against Wril11Lis Court. 0111., l2._..J. _...:L_....... _._.... `IA ..- 13.----- uxnxurgx. vvoun nunu ugsunuau vvuvuulu \1\.ru.LIu The first witness was Mrs. Enances Legg, who testified that she had been :1 1`eai(I' of Oolmimgwotod for six years and had known Mr. Court and Mr. Kolhl fur osevemil years. She identied several postal ozmdns `chat .had been received tlmmmgh he Coil- ltin~g:w1ood moaddl, one of was `a Ghristmaxs card, Wn'1i|.is to Fmnceus." These were fyled as exhibits. I 1741.1 :_ 1.2. _._'.l_..._.... :.:....u.: ;.. \. vv\.A\ -;u.\.. Inna ..._.....-.v.~. G. J .A Klofhd in his evidvemoe ide.n:`t.i- n-daposbaloardasone recejvedby him and which a.octuse.d hm of im- momility in the absence of his wife. Imam Mirbchell idwenrhixed the sigma- J...._.. -2 ll\"K71l1l... f 1.......4I.H ..._ I.._-.._.. ..-..... ..-.m.V.n..... .\......m~....u v-5\r ..ut,.... inure of Wi.lshs Goumt as hxavinzg 1..--.. _-....._!` 1_ . _...._..._ _- IJ\Ol.\a \IA .....w \J`|l\AlLlV .. ..........,, been signed irn his presence in Con-1-t s house. r\-|- -v\ u u m s.- vvun u u uuv'uu\. Oliver B. Srtamlon, a h.amdJwr.i11'Lng expert, gave Lemgrhy testimormy. I-Ire testied he was an axpemt and called to give evidence in the various High Oounhs of the Domnion. He was quite satinsed; hxah: the writer of the sigmmture Wilis Co1uvt wtas adlso the vmit-er -orf the vamious postal camds and gave reasons orr his conolusi-ons. VTVL- .l,`.L',......]..,....L .--.. .. .L`.\...~....11 .. A... uuu Ewvx. Ayuuv-uvo L'\l'A nu) uvuuuwauu-ua. The Iei`c~n:da.nt wvas fommay com- mitted for t1'ixaIl~, mo evidremce being offered in his beIhsalf.-Me4ssengver. The Roy\a1%Bank- C3939? IIICAL Allv|.u s~AL\n. "mum. II\I ' for the hdghest needs of Guam- Children Need Vitamins To Aid % Growth and Build Strong Bones SCOTT S `EMULSION Abounds In Cod- Iiver Oil Vitamins i>RoH;ss1oNA1. CARDS DONALD ROSS, LL.B., BARRIAS- net, Solicitor, etc. Masonic Tain- ple Building, Barrie. Money ` to loan, RADENHURST & HAMMOND. Barristers, Solicitors, etc. Oic-.:,_ lat oor Masonic Temple Build- ing. Money to loan at lowest rates. STEWART & STEWART, I-iufnra gnl it-ifnra Nnfnn: ESTEN & ESTEN, BARRISTERS Solicitors in High Court of Jus tice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Oice, 1st oor Masonic--. Temple Building, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten and M. H. Eaten. ,\ ALEXANDER COWAN, SUCCES- nnr Lu Lnnnnr, (Tnumn Ry, R1-nwn You can Increase your Business by Advertising---Tr The Northern Advance BOYS & BOYS, BARRISTERS, Rnlioiinre \Yn1-av-ham 'Pnhl1'r- (".nn. v. ...v\. Office, Ron Block.` -.. .u `----u vv -v-nan. Bur:-inter, Solicitor, Notary, El:c.. Money to Loan at Lowest Rates -1 `I'_A.-..__A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Ross Block, Barrie, Ont. DR. C. A. ARNOTT (McGill) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office and Residence, 97 Elizabeth St. (Formemly Dr. A1'na.l1 s O"1ce) Phone 557. ;;.;. -.u.\.u..;;41 1.11.\..I.IJ\.IA.\ Special attention to Obstetrics Associate Coroner for County of Sim-ooe Ofce and Residence, 50 Mary St. Phone 101 Ofce Hours: 8-9.30, 1-2.30, 6-8.30 `LLIWAIXL D1l.`4VV`l'H.1, DALI` risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public. and Conveyancers. Money to loan in any sums at lowest current rates. Office, 13 Owen street. Barrie. D. M. Stewart. -an\. :4 xi. I \Jl\AVIJ\ll4I. Graduate bf McGill University, Montreal. Oics 4nd Residence-Comer Biza- beth and Bradford Sts., Barrie. ' Phone 105. Office Hours-9-10 a.m., 1-3 pm., `LR nm LJ.4J14A!\lVIIl'.lS UUVVALV, DUK U240` sor Lu Lennon, Cowan & Brown. Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of will, guardianship and administration, and General s0]i('.l- tor, Notary, Conveynncer, etc. Money to loan. Oices: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlap street. G DU 1 D, DAICIIID l.'I`.:IVD, Solicitors, Notaries Public, Con- veyancers, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Offices 13 Owen Street, in the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of 'I\oronto. Bmnch Ofce, Elmvale. Ontario. W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P.. J. R. Rnvn. ./Ilsa iuued payable in United Stale: dollars arufslerling Umce D0018 Z 1-8 p.::\., 7-9 p.m., or by appoinahnent A. 1'. Little , M.D. W. C. Little, M.B., Associate Connor Cmllltv Q` shnuuuq DR. MORTIMER LYON, 122 BLOOR ` St. West, Toronto, will be at 91 nwnn Rnrrip, inf. Kntnrdsav nl DR. VICTOR A. HART, GRADUATE of Trinity University and also graduate of Edinburgh and Glas- gow. Specialty, stomach diseases. Oice. corner Bayeld and Wor- sley Sta. Entrance o Worsley. Oice open until 8 p.m. nnvuu v;.u vnA\.c--'U0 \JUlll!=l.' Dv- Office Hours: 8-9 9..m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m. D. F. McCUAlG. B.A. Successor to Creswicke & Bell Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Money to Loan Oice, Roan Block, Barrie. HROF. D. E. WEIR. TEACI-IER0: Pine and Violin. Piano 'l`un-r. 44 Worsley St. Phone 518. <`.DMUI\'D HARDY, MUS. BAC., F.T.C.M. Teadbor of Piano, Or- xran, Vocal and Musical Theory. Organist and Choirmaster of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Gold Medalist of Toronto Consen vatory of Music and of. the Uni- versity of Toronto. 113 Worsley street. Phone 663. `I VICTORIAN Donn-In `D.-an -....-a DR. W. A. LEWIS SURGERY -AND DISEASES OF WOMEN 1 ` lsaociate Coroner, County of Simcoo l Phone 61. O1ce--58 Collier St. f\&-_ 11-....- . DRS. LITTLE & LITTLE PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS PL.`-u- 912 A7 Ilgnl- 'A-- BARRIE BRANCH - - I. R. Die; Manager THORNTON BRANCH - - M. C. Wigle. Manager 335 ROBERT H. SMITH, EYESIGHT DR. N. W. ROGERS PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON D5: W685, 1'0l'0l'lI'p0, W111 De II VI Owen St., Barrie, lat tnrday 01 each month. Diseases-Eye, Eu, Nose and Throat. Consultation _honzs, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.. and by appointment. Specialist, successor to O. R. Rusk. ....-~ 5%: Dunlo:p 9-12, 1-6. 1u1'UIu.l-UV uuumt Ur` Nunanza, Barne Branch. M155 Irene Munro, 85 Worsley St. Telephone 751w. DIBLUIAJVD ALVU UIU`J!JJN Phone 213 47 Maple Ave. Oice Hanna : DR. E. TURNBULL .__I_._:_, -4 13,1-nu 71- - - GORDON LONGMAl;l H. H. CRE#SWlCKl-Z Letter Heads Bill Heaas Statements Invoices Envelopes % Cards, Etc. mac, m.n., nuocamo ` County of Simeon MUSIC LESSONS uvuu av mum of Interest. Tn MEDICAL ORDER OF NURSES, nr-h, Mia: T1-pm: .'NI'n1-n-n. Street, Barrie. Hours Phone 80. Page Seven Barrio. mi. Dnkluu And Get Your Printing Done In Barrie