Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 5 May 1927, p. 1

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\\'it11 Little Il)is(-.uss'1011 and Only 0110 Dissellting Voice. 1\JlI.'{.' nu nu. ;u. 1.IunIu,u.L._y. -Durimg tihe ccu=n1t.i:n\g' of the ba1111'o1L=a Miss Dorothy Scott renderrcd a piano selection very accovptably. After- wards a social hour was spent. Mm. 11. R. 0rd and Mrs. J. A. Macbaren poured tea TJ1e'1`e was a good at- tendance at the meotin.1:;. Duty and excise taxes amounting: \to $3,999.13 were co-111-ectc- at the I-\-_u. ..t 'D.......:,. .l.....-.~ An.-$1 ..nn.ru:l_ W .,u,u.,.,..., vv\L\. w...W..\. ... .,..- 33Po~11t of Barrie (Luring April, accord- ing to statistics. Goods va.~1uc at $34,926 were passed tzhrougth free of duty, while the du1:ia.b1e goods were valued at $10,937. During A.pri.J, . ..-.l1nn6..Y Q`) An `)0 APRIL CUSTOMS TOTAL $4,000 (Continued on page ve ) av -y;v,.:-2:. 4/nu-uh ..`y...m,. v.--; '2-;`1r-cted $2,450 22 so enclosed an un-' adtlrotfsetl to H1`. '. Lnwiwluton S. C12n"ko,\ H:-11`k<: Co., Ltd., `who ! 3 mtihwn 2%itmmw 3 l At an enthusiasrtivc or_s:m1`izatio.n lmee=tin.r: in the Simcoe Hotel on M`cn~ ` I . . -.. ,.,.. DISTRICT SOFTBALL ..~.u- ll bouncil otion _ `AOadfelloMfrs O;se`1*;r;;1 Shorten Bowlingjj./Tilley Qlff':'E 108th Anniversary`; :`;:-2_v nigrht, the District Softball: `Lea~_2'ue got-un(Ie.1' way for an.o1:'n`erE '3-u`cce:=:~:rf1I1 season. 'Dhe1'e were about i 30 prescmt, repres.entin.;' ten teams. All last _\'ea.r s teams will] be back in Q the grame again this year, while Hihlsdaxlwe may emten` the nlortxhern 1 g*)~ou.p, and 'I`.`1orn-hon `or Cooklstown the sou.the2'n. Mr. I. 1\rLa.1-ritt acted as c'ha:i.1*ma.n over mhe m-eetimg. 2 The oicers elected for the season were as follnowsf Preside-nt, Ed. v 1- 17' 1'\ ram ,,_,_,41. U? `M *WI'V"-3 - *'*`-*'~*`-`'1 W yzuun Ab uu IUVL` U'Lll, aauu K/Hrllbh uaauu: Pa.\'110, L9f1`0)" V`iC0'P1`0S-y Eq`1|5VV'1"t-1` `to teach the le-. of mwtuzvl I1:aIIPi' C1`WVf01`(L Minesingi S00-`T1'0?05-y T- nests. True reeligion consists of giv- E- H11"10.\', Bi11'1`iC` M- R`- i"` Cf L9 I;-ivn-_9: ou:1`s0J'vves to sm'vin1_Q` God and f"0.V ?1-"`d M'1'- D- ~*1'3'-Y 0f Mi*mm`5t `helping ou-,1` fc-How hum. VVe avre re- wore appoinfted con-venm`s to draw spcnsime for our b1.0th.,,.Y for no up schedlulcls for the southern and man 1ivet,h unm hi]'nsQ,1f_ vvhm, we no-1't'h1` T`35D9t`V013' `need in our religion is not a cneed, 'Dh0 teams en4t.e1'e are as f0`1u10ws`: abut a pg}-g0.n;;):Iity_` {nvnvf.]1\ Wslmnnnlo Minnzno- .Q11nn.+\7| rr\1_- .... .. .....r3.-...A.1 L,` Ln n.....,m ........-..,, .,_.,.y-. _ , en4t.e1'e<.I` (nortnh) FJ1mwa.}e, Minesing, Shanty` Bay, Bvan-11ie,. Midfmrmt; (south) Ba.r- ` vie, AAMand.alc, St1~c\ud, Lefroy, Camp} B`01`(lL'11. l `ORGAN AT COLLIER E CHURCH DEDICATED; I Dedziozvtio-n of Coldiear St. Unitedi Chuu'dh s new oh1'ee-manusail orgum V `took place on Sunday mo1'n`inrg. Bdhh services of the day were of unusual be~a:u1t_v, mud in the evening` the beau- hiful Easter czunrhata, The Paschal Victor, was vsp1emd`id1y sung by the c`hoin'. Rev. Aexnasmler xVIcM'i=1Ja11, D.D., of 'I`ononIto, Sc-crerta.1'y of the Oormrmittee of Worship and Ritual in ithe United Church of Canada, svzw the special speaker of the ocoasiorn. "V1. A ...3`~.o.]ip. .1 n.-Tn: no.+n.wuv nnunvv-\1\.-n u !Sin1])I(` T111}W:Tr<-s.s`i\*o St-I`\'i<~<*[ `_\* Rm . .-\. .\Ifc-Milhm, ' D.D., 01 'l`m'm'1`r0. :,])1'a_vr.-1', the ofciavl opening` of the : ,r.r_u'an \\':1s made by Wi`1:11ian1 Frer.-k,3 uux, .,,.w.... -,.......`.. V. -..- ..-...... .. The simple ded`rica:tou'y ceremony was held at the o.pem'n.g' of the mxorm-. in-2 service. With the c re-veremnly standivmg` following the in- voca. tvion, the pastor, Rev. J. J. Black, u.-tterod tihe wo-gdL9 of dedica;tiron: I`o vtfhe g11or_v of God, Holy and `B1e~sse 'I`;1.Vi11i'ty, F`amhe1`, Son and `Holy Spimit, we now dedimte this in- strunient of music, amd (110 now set, it. apart t.}mt it nmy be used as an aid to the worship of the sanctuary. to the 5_=`l'o1'y of Holy Name. ;Amovn.. Fo1`1owin_: 21 rlredication i .....-. 1| .1111! up. ; uuvn..._\ .. .... ])1'a_vr.-1', r.rr:an . mmnber of the` Sr>ss?.o`n, who ' also struck a chord for the _rst pub- llio :<-oumliing` of the in`.<"trumen-t. 7` ' - _ ,. L..- ,.Mu.,.--. ` LlL' "lllaIl||IUlI_, LIL U|l\. Ill: Lu |.L|I|\.Anu. Du1'i.n52' the . two anthzr,-m.= xvc-re renderetl by the choir, Oh Father, \V=`nosL-'.-\11`~ni5_-%ht_\' Power, b_\ |Hamlr.-1, and T110 Hc-avons Are T0111- I . .. u 17 1 an,-_,, nu, I3- h..A..- im,-`," by Hznydn. Mi.=s:V_S21t1:ie Brem- ` nc-.r s~an_L` bozuutifwluly, Hem Ye, Israel, frcm IVIe=n(10I1s~W0]m s u1`ijah," wand Mrs. Ho-race Wixlson rendered SuH,i\'an s The Lost Ohord." As a postlude Mr. Horace VV1i`Lson pLa_ve(`. the Ha:L1eo1uja.h Chorus, the organ -1'e.spondinw;;; nely to every demand maule upon it in a srpflendid pe:1'fomm- ance of this great work. m,,1_:,.-. __ 1_.:.. La` 0 f`1........:..1.-... With only a siingrle dissentin.g' voice the Town Council in session on Monday niigit reversetl its de-` cision to comrpe-1 the Beatty Bowling A-lheys to close at 11 ~o cd'ock. At its meeting` 9. for1*t'ni_;*ht ago the Council had zulloptedi a. recommendation by the Fire and Police C-o=nu'r1iittee that a by-1aw be pi-.epa1~e(1 to require the B`orw].ing' A1tIeys`t.o cvl-cse at 11 p.m. Am Mon-diay Tl'igih.lt S meerting it was ordered, on miotio-n of Deq)ut:y-Reeve M=cCuaig' and Reeve Lowe, That the nmtiion passed at the meeting` on April 1A9ttih to the effect tihat the Bowling Ailleys whose ax 11 o'clock `, be res<:ri`n and that no by-liaw be p're.paI`ed. A ..._.........-......L....,. Inn-nu CLA-.us.+ i t I KLHCU U1 UILID ;l&1Io vvvxn. Taking` as his `text, 2 Chronicles, 5-13, `"Iihe singers lite-d up hedr voices w'imh the t;1'umpe'ts, and cym- bals, and instru~men cs of music, amd pnaised the Lord, Dr. MacMi1;1!an used the scene of Oriental spnlendtouxr to indicate the pmopexr warship of God through the beautiful medliusm of music. The-uzgih the aid order chiamiyzerth, amzd tlhe mode of exp.res~ sion in that evemm thousamis uf years ago driers rom that of to~ the un`dem1yim_e' principles in this g~re-a1 art do not change, but ought to guide us in our warship, deolzamed Dr. Mcaclvlian. He went on to Show that in the ;z,'na.pIhic Bible story it was told that the temple czhuo-iir stooad beside the sacred a:11:2u', i.ndioamin.g 113.12 hheirs was an office of hieih honour. 'Dhe ohoristers were ai chosen from the sacred tribe od Levi. 'Iihese were symbioicai VW1,_\"lS of dhiowingr, that it was an honour to be a dh:0'x~i.~1te-1', amd translglterl into mod- ern lanlpzuage meant that singers should be glad of an orppaorrtzunlty to Lead a con:g'regu1ti~o in song, and not regxaa-d it as a favour to the c1h.oi-r- mzuster. , I Wm. Black of Inmsl paid $5 and $3.75 in Police Court on Tunstln" Po-3' w'L uhoui. 12;}...-. (Continued from page six) LEAGUE ORGANIZED '. , I_`4'l'l|5WU17LaH `to to; ;- I`reas., eive Le- )f ms ru;t.he1'n Live:-13'. 1 -ivn._:c o ' helm spc ns -ma n `n (3 ed bugc z mg`, Shamty south) `Th 1 Ai`n`k>s zfroy, Camp love `Members of Bawie Lo- No. 63, 'I.0.0.F., and Be21*.'e:1` Rebekah, No. 190, with :1 num.ber1- of \'i-sito1:s from I I `|J1(3i_L"h`bO1":11-_9,` l=o(l:ges, observed the - 1 108th ann:ivvev1'sua'y of the fo>u.ndin;' of 1 IOd:dr1'e11owsh1ip, by wtrte`n service L` at the Ba-ptisat Church on Sunday Ueven`img' last. Tfhe centre section of - `the c.hm'c'h. was we1:1- |1`]e-(1 when the 1 visivtoms we're all seated. . 1-. V1 -r 1171 . n n , ` Vlonvuulllu \..\, uu .n.uw\. -Rev. E. J. Wh.an~, pastor of the ldhurrch, gave a timcelvy messa_Q'e, tak- rixnufx as hit-*. S11Jb_iQCTt Our Respon- sibi1.i`ties ho Ounr Bm`tIho1', and the `text being` Am I My B1*ot`11>m"ts Kc-~(`-.p0n', Gen. 4-9. Mm1 s highemt `aim is to love Gncd, znml C411-1-ist came 1 .1 p ;_:1I , LILAVU cu. 1l\/{7\lll`tA|.A\l`Vv , The speaker 1'cwfE:mrc- to the three 1 `lnimks of Oc1(l;fela1so*vs'11Lp, rienchship, " 51ove am] trruh. 'I7heIse rc~.presem:te=d the ideals of our 1'e]Aations1]1:ip with 1God and our fellow men. A_`b1'ah`ZlJ)"J was a frienul of God because he obeyed God; the storry of the f\I`iCITl(h- ship of D-avid zm- J om-atlman and of `Ruth and .\Iano`rn-i .~:h:owcd how true f1'iend.~*hip can c.-Ievate men and W0- tmen. Love was tha-t which drew us `to God. Jesus loved men and he Elnoves them yet. His love was such that He was w.i11~i~n._r; to bear the n -1 1 nucuv ;-g nun nun...-_ vv -1... mu. cross. So we shzoud Love our fel- ilow men. T-nu-th xvlznsi 1'(>p1'osc.nted in 'Chmist. I am `uhe _vg;z1_v, the tru tJ1 and the 1li5:1mt. T1`wu1.=h wws not al- lways popui1.zm', but it was a1hwa_v.s .1'i_QYht. If memwbers of the Order livevd up to those idie:1l.s tmheoir lives would tell am"! the world \\'0'u]l(1' be ibott/91' because of t1heiw1' activities. %Leg Broken When %Motorcycle Hit Car V01. LXXVI. N0. 10 Jack McQuarric is in the Royal Victoria Hospital with a broken t.hFLgih V and leg` Ilacemticns as the result of i` an accident when the moitzoroyclle he l was drivin5__>: czrasihed into a Ford car driven by M1`. Ja.mes. Patterson at six o oliock on Friday afternoon hast. McQuar.rie was tm\'el]iini,r__r cast on -Charlotte St. at a speed of about 40 Mr; ' miles an 11011.1`, poliice ztllege. Patterson was (lriving west on B~l`Ll(C St., approadluing the Dund~o~nald St. corner at Jud7e'e Wiszmer s home. Be- lieving` Mr. Pzltterszon was about to turn dviwn Louisa St., McQua:rrie tried to keep to the left and pass on the north side of the Ford. Mr. Pzxttcrson had met reached the turn- ing.-` point, l1OWO\'(:l`. and the motor- cycle ;hit his automobile zL1ni on the north side, l)reakin:g:' the rig'ht front fender, runnin_e' b0z'..r stem`- ing: _e'ear and other parts of the car. The front part of the motorcycle was comp~letye1 _v (lCI11i0lrl'SlTQ'(l. T) ..... Mm `r. _,._,,__ .,_'1., ,,,,,, ,,:v,-, 1 vvu. 1 wu Russeull Koennun, xvhzo was 1'i bchiml McQuxa1*1`ie on the motor- cycle, oscapcul with a slightly in`j`u`re ` left ankle. Mr. Pa!tte.x*s0n was dais- .})']ayin~g' the car to a prospectzive buy- , er, but neither occxupa-nt was hurt. McQ-ua1'.1-ie is to be c`h:a.1'g`c-d \vi12h reckless drrivimg. ..-tux.-.m.L_v -n.uuumuuv.u. TENNIS CLUB ELECT OFFlCERS;I WESTERN LEAGUE DROPPED\ Barrie Tennis Club held its annual meeting in Boys and Boys ofce om Tuesday evening. -'IThe cluib decided after duiscusssion to drop out of the Western Ontario Lawn Tennis League on account of the diiculties of transportation and g'et1tin~g' bevams together owr the vanows ma.-tzches. Hrorme and home giaanes wtirbh Toronto clubs and surroundin-g tcwns were favored instead. It was zulso decided to have mixed d.-owbi-es series within the club, in aaclvdistion to the usual tournnamen-tzs. nu nn 1 . In vv-54.4 uu.u-nu. .. u.:. The oicers elected for the season were as follows: vv v\ 1 . 1-: . ~n .y .-. um .LuAuu vvv. Hucrn. President, W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P.; Pro-s1' R. R. White; V.icc- Prosidont, Miss Hazel Mamlmll; Sec.- Tre Dr. W. C. Little; Cap t..., J. R. Boys; Cocmrmi otee, Misses E Cres- wioke, Olga Bmwnlee, Theresa Gav- anxawh, Mrs. G. E`. Br-ookxs, Rev. A. R. Bcvcnley and Mr. Harold Smith ` The Lmlies` Arid of Collier St United Cnhurcxh are having a axle of homemade baikinng and ~"`.. .' V Barrie, Ontario, Thursday, May 5, 1927; gm dy H Found By lndiansll (if H] `raoJ%A` * myls-`cerious Vlroine of his parents 'has been found. 3/I29n(lay morning` The body of Harry Tebo, whose: disappc-ar~ance from the at Lefroy on` October 29th last stirred all Inni-`srl,!` It was (lisccvered, `bu the shore of Snake Island; at the south end of Lake Simcoe, by some Indians. The young, man, who was 26 years of age and unmarrie, wais C.N..R.| telegraph volperator at Atherley for four years. Last fall he was spend- ing` a few weeks ho1i at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Telbo, C.N.R. agent at Lefroy. On the morning` of Friday, Oct. 29, he let home to go for a walk and (l:isa.ppeavre He was last seen by two persons walking along the Belle Ewart wharf about 10.30 o clock in the m~orni~ng'. His disaprpearaxxce mystie(l the entire (listrict and large parties of men searcheal the swamps and surrounding C0l.1I`1:tI`_V for weeks w-ithout n-ding` trace of "him. A deep water (liver was broug1ht from Mi-cltllancl and an expert fmm Toronto with special (lra.gr_cilng` appziratus to no avail. The man s afl"a:i-rs were in good order and n-o explanation could PARKS IMP] BiLl`1`i( annual ` -last.` N parent, plates 1` ments i town. ci(l-ed Lb] Sa.turd`a It wa 'dza.te (L1 systein at once swr'm;g'.s also pl: system oonveni need 0 given pl 'bClll w Jami parks z1ssi. Alli were 1) be iouml for the mystery. PUR I-lll.'kJ(hL\.\la A communlicatxon from Stewa-rt wnd Stewart on -bellmlif of J. W . Beatty, pa'oIp1vic.tov2- of the BowLinu2 Aslsle-ys, was pw1'e.~`enlte(l to Council ungzinvg` fmr cl1er1' con.<.idm*ati-on before the pa-orpo.=.e4l b_v-law be passed. Mr. Beatity, the letter stated, had ascer- ta'ined before locatinw.-` in Barrie tflmt tllere \m>1'o no l)_\'-lv:~.ws in force here 1'eg7ul.z1rt?n_2' the closing` time of bowl- iwg` u:l le_\'.=. In cornsequeance he hml renrtod the best location pmcurable I and ln>`t1llIl0(l sixullews at :1 lame ex- pense. 'Dl1e alleys were not yet paid for. Much of the patrona_2`e aco0rd'- 4 ed Mr. Beutty was from persons whose occLmabi0n.s kept them en.::ag'e(l until late in the eev.ning'. If the by- law was put tlwouglh M1`. Beatty W-culld lose from $4 to $6 revenue a (lay. p1-esemt income was not sufcient to meet his oblig:ation~s and p1'orv.ide him with an a(lequ.~a.te '-livtinlg`, and he would have to discontinue busimess in }3'am`ie if his revenue was (l\ec'rc-ased. 1- .. 1,,,\ 13..-..- L1... The nding of the body, while a g're: .-t relief to the relva',ives, fails `oo sz-we the quesvtxc-n as to whet;he1' the man com.mi`.te.'l suicide or fell o the dock `into the cold and treucheruu.s. Ar-un yx-u.......a.\... waters: of the Flight Lieut. Dunczm Black of Camrp Borden, cousin of Rev. J. J.~ Black, o.~f Barrie, p1'1o ce(I another of the Fokker aeroplanes to be used by the Dominion Governmenrt on the Hudson S't.rait suivey, from New Jersey to Camp Bordon this week. 9 ..,_v._.. .. , I I Interment Lock place at Lc-froy on Weclnesday. Soldiers Present ' "Pleasing Comedy Fuill of realistic incidents of the war diayis and liively fun, the comedy, io1x1 Bin in Biilc t.s was p1'esc.nted `by the Barrie Smlmliers Club, under the direction of Capt. Fred M. Fisvher to an appreciative audit-.n-ce tih-art ll- ed the Town Hznll to. capacity Wed- nesday n.ig:h-`t. The play was enact ed by Members of the So1d.i~ei's Club, - wimh Capt. Fisher himselrf as Old Bi]-1. 01 Ptc. Herbert Hawkins, and ,Q'.ave a K2-ood ixiterpretzntion of bhe~ role that kept tihc audience in kinks much vcf t1h1:- 0\'enin_Lr. Y1`IL,..... TC-}I`-l\ ..........v .4` L'!..,. A1,] "nun..- uxupu. v1 mu \.v~.u.ub. There were m:1m_v of the old song's that maimttined tho coura._2`c of- the ;1`ht1i:n_2' men d!u1'ingu' the hurt] (l.:L_vs of the war. 'I`hes(: were well .=unv;_,v amid an atm`osphr~re that lackml no- thing of the _2'o.nuinc estaminet scene both i n-(I th e t1'r.rn`cJ1 es. nu . 1 u v -m .1 The aut.io.n had to do with the `-0- formatiucn of an i-muffs:-a.b:le _V'o11~nq_r officer, ju-sit out of trainin-g` s:ohwoo1,} `who tried to impose (I`1*r.=ss-q)-arzulei duiscipline upon the crack platoon of Don Company. In spite of the _ press,-n4tc~d by the lack of] sitage facilities, very effrrative sefctimgs I ,were adhieved. I All the parts were very well taken. Capt. Fish.e1- szL~n,-,- several s-on_2`s with ` gvood effect. Emory Hill as Cpl. ` Barker acted well and gave a couple of ne songs. 1VIi.sises Helen buck and Fl-01-en~ce Arnold as French gzi-zrls aoqiuitted themselvexs most credtaibly. ]Bot1h co.mtr.iibute solos, \Vll'llCll 1 were well received, and Miss`I1LLck gave a` dance. Ken. Ross gave a spilemllid cmaracterization of a Dug Out G-emaerral. Mr. T1'uman Wiulliams gave a gioml p-orrtra.yta l of a beloved O..C. Hm-ol Evans as the` insufferable (V .1 run` n__n ,... -_ T),.A.J...`l.!_.. JJ.u.L'u1u' L1 vullxa (An mu. \.AKA.uu\. Su'b., C']-.i'. Graham as Battalxion Works Officer, G. R. Burns as a Ser- geant, Maurice Esten as :1 kL(L1'es man, James F`o-rd as a privat, and Russell Miller az< a batman, all grave exccxlen-n`. pmsenttaons of their roll. ruJ-M. ..L...... ...t A..- -11 n.-P uJlu..-wn \l'Ul)lCXaCCll- Letters were enclosed from the parents of eight pins boys, stating they were pevfeotlly s:atised ,bo ..xl\'e `Jheir sons work at the bowxlng alley sett.tinv;:' up rp:in.s The boys were makinvgr satrisacxtory p1`o4_n'ess in scfhool, it was stated in seve.mv1 in- stances, while other reasons ad- vanced were that the work was not detnimenta-1 to he h-ys hezdbh`. t.h=at it provided the boys with pocket mono) , and, in several cases, enabled mhem to buy school books and many of tzheni own cl-ot1hes, which was a considerable 110111) to the parents. It was also sta.t<- that some of the boys would be out as late in any event, and that when they were at, the alloys the pzm-nts knewtxhc-_\' were in a 1`r_>.=rpn.ctab1e p-`;:1e0 and zm1on:_-'5 :0 ed associates. rr\1_ _... ..... ,. ,,1 .... ,`..`n1n~n.I nn nu- l:.'M.\:uu'\:Aru y1\.w\,muu.u-uua u; mu... Otxhcr chamc:tm~.s, ail of w. h~r>m nenf'\o2'med well, were : A. C. Gliddnom as the Slrorucch, Rmbtt. W. Taynor as the Load S'\ViT1f.`.'3`1', B. J. Hill in dvuxa role as B.u:g*1?c 1' and Gas Corporal, A. Fraso.1' and` H. L. James as Sigmszlem, and Jack Peroy as a chocolate boy. 'v,,,,11___A. ..--..._Z_,.I ..__..-.4.--.....m.-.-...\...l-n `Ex-celrent musical a.ccun'mavnIim1en os were providml` by an orch-estra com- posed of B. M. S_v1-vcster (Cond.); Walter Perkins, Lorne A1'n:J(L, Earl Sumit-11.. B. Gqntes. Ricfhard Powell, Robt. Powell and Gm-don Sylvester. .__-____ 1!-.. __.`l_`_...1 Jvuuu. J.vvvL.AA uumu \av\JA\|\.rAn - A matinee was __mi~ven childw-(m on Wr>d'nesdray -.43. - \.\Jv\.Aa for school a.te.vmcon. ,,n,,1 , '.. slggiitiiiigi District 1 Winner 13} Oratorical Test COMMISSION PLANS I `I IMPROVEMENTS FOR SEASON I i B-a.rrie Parks Commission held its lann-ual tour of inspection on Friday .VIvany ur_2'c-nt needs were ap- and bhc Cdmmission contem- making` conai improve- in the various parks of the Some lines of action were de- upon at the reg'u-ah` meeting on In _-.. upon Satumlnay afternxoon. was dvecided to install an unp-to- chriniking fountain and water in the n-ew Dunlop St. park on-ce, and a set of three modern in St. Vincenitfs Park. It is pulanned to e.\'rt,<=md the lighting in St. Vincemfs Park. The conveniences in Queen's Park are in of impnovement, and wilfl be isnnnediate attention. I`.h'0 ])l of flowe.1'.s in all the owen was :1ut.'h`.o1`ized. 0 `I 1-: , L _ ...L .0... 11111 a rmnvn-i I`l'i'.f`l` au ah`.o1*ize(l. James Robentson was appointed parks foreman, and Henry Robinson assistant caretaker for the season. .u ,,1,_.__i -3 ]`\:\ (`m1s1miQQi.<`I` |i`lSSl5L*i1Il-L U<'.L1U|.ad.l\l:L LVL vluv u . . . . .. members` of the Co-mmiss - . present at the meeting` but two. ,-_.Jm. TlllIM.`(: was also s.ola'cite letter l. /J Beatty from Mr. Cl2n"k(*, of`Clarkr- aml Cl:-11'l -hoped that tho by--law would not be pull; into cffrlct. it would not have the eITOct inten If people were gwci-n`2' to stay out late at night, the cLlos:in;,>` of wesll-1'cg'ula`tc(l amu: places ezLrl_\~' in the evening` woullmll certainly tend to force them else- where for their fun._ Putting: them out` of one place would not necessar- ily result in tlmir p:oinw;: lmomc. p,,, >, PURSE AND ADDRESS`; T0 FATHER BRENNAN; I - '--" I '~]. np11I;u' 1 ;1.<`m1' Tl ` 733' C`m1g'r(-g'21 ri(n1 of K St. ;\[a11'_\"s. St. Ma1\"s Parish Hall was the scene of a very p1e21sin_Q' event -on .VIoml=a_V evening`, \\"ne.n a purse of $400 was press:-11te by the c0115.:'1`c;_Lra- tion to Rex`. F':.1t.h<:r E. M. B1'ennan. The p1~esenrm1ion was made in con- nection `with a social evening` held by the Holy Name `Scciety. There were about 250 people present. D. J. Qwinlan read the a.(l and Hanny Cu `presented the .purse. Taken u!t:te1'1_v by surprise, Father Brennan was rendered speechless -for a mo- metnfc, but expressed his thanks in a very h.ea.1'tfeL1; lmmner. __,._._`. .."...:.. ....3..nl very 1l.4E5anl'L1L`lIL lllzculutx. . During: the evening czmls were` played, tzhe prizes being` won by Mrs. Avlbert Hogan and Nelson Revard. Mr. Jack Bllackmore of Belle Ewart pleased witl1 a solo. A I-unclmon was served by the men, and later a (lance I was held. Mzr. Ltuis .\I001'c .acte as chtairnmn of the evening. .... . u L, 1..A.L".. D\tn11nr)|1 | C`ll|2LlI'JllJ`da1l U1 ml-L: l:v\.uAu.a- 'Dhe zuldre.=s to Father Brennan, `which was printed on a most artis- -ticznlvly dcco1'a.te scroll, read as fol- lows : Y` v ,, ,2 `n- ..... 1'.`..Hn.. .\ . wws : Reverend and Dear Fz1th0r---.-\ ias well as in h'te1`atun'e, is that men .wheo live for others are not zLpp1'e- forth. Even in the Book of Books we rezul that a prophet is not re- `ce-ivr_-d -in his own cou'nt1'_\'. And as (~'ru1`r.-ly as this was true of the Mas- ter, so has it been true dmninu: twenty centuries of His chosen fol- 1-owe1~.=.. But we Catholics of Barrie, 1~eeo,g'- ' ` ' 7' 1.; -..- -4` +1.,` 1 .m-,1 a zgenerally reco_2'nize(l fact in his.tor_v, ` c-fatml until ilftm` the _L'r0:1t (::)in-.2 : DUT, \VC` Lrihblkullca UL LI(ILL|\., .\,\,.\,v,, 111321115: in our midlstt one of $119 Lord's `anoivnted, vxnish to make an exception {to the Lmholiy rule. We have united to express our sincere and healvtzfelrt gmtittmlwe to you, our dear friend `and swpiriwal Fa..`uher, while you are istilrl with us in the way. ' -I - r-,,..1 1L .l:l:..nM +n un- SUIH VVIUH U5 U1 mu; v\(.1_v. Indieedx, we find it d.i"1cul?t. to pult dnto words an `that we would say on - this occasion, for feexliing is deep and SUM, and wordxs, at best, are but the nbmoy oafting on the surace, mere- vly in what lies nbenerath. . rx.._.:.. ... LLA t-`ma \vn'-art: .n.f' V-r`-`I1! min- LSLI'_V In DUI` Hl.lU.bl4, ,vUcuo u,y.v..- with joy ~a.n(1v gvrief for us all, we have come to know you as somethimg move, much more, than a friend`; you, the stnong man of Cah\ri.st, wthso have gome about among us rwih `a serene and simple dignity doing good. Tit is not too late to join the Bar- rie Horticudtura-1* So<:i`e`cy. Member- ship may be had from the f.o`L1`-ow- i-uxg : Geo. Mizen, W. H. G Mmwwood`. Mrs. D. M. Stewart, Miss M-. E. Campsbell, 1VBaj-or Kendialnl, W Painter- ...... 11.. A '1` `|'.H.Hrn A, W S1'nirt;}1__ Ba.m'i-e ` W0-mens Canadlian Club `held hheir annual election ouf ofcexs at a meetimar in the Americam Hotel on Saturday aftcrnoson. Those elect` red weme: Presi Mms. D. Quain~ `Ian; Vice-Pres., Mrs. (Dr.) E. G Tummbul; 'I`re-asurer, Mrs. G. D. H-mbbsard; Secy, Miss E. Booth; Oom- mdttee, Mrs. (Rev.) A. R. Holden, ~nnr,,._ rYL.... 'I'\~.-1.'.. 1UI'..~ lT\\ D T L}am.p0eu, lVu'd_]'U1` 1\un\ua.m., vy ;...,w\.. son, Dr. A. T. Little, A. W. Smirtzh; W. T. H. G311-oy, W. D. Bnadvlrgv. Rev. E. J. Whan, Pxilip Love, R. J. Hmnewood and Geo. Vi-ckers, Secre- t.a.r_V. Mcmbers ohoclsirng sh-rubs, roses, e~ oc., as a premri\um should leave a N` ` * V rw". `:'.`.r:`r than May y Auu.nuu.\u.uk\ 1 During` the : _J..._. 1 ...... (Continued on page four) HORTICULTURE 1 U ve years of _v-our min- m.i(Ls't, years replete . -1 B-.. ,,"|| uuc c u A'1.vs~\4\., .... - ` .... urn (n`w1's Modal zm_d Eligible to Compete 111 _1_ 1'0\'111ciul Ctmfost. I 5 I .1 To Bi]l Fahey o-f Penetang went` the (Iistrict hon~ors in the Stan` Ora- torical Co-ntesm hieil-d in the 2L~u ium orf Bvamniwe Goitegxime on Friday raigvhit Last. Mr. Fahcy W011 the ne {Imp-hiy ducnadzed by the Star and the Seccmd'a.~1'y SChJOi01 Teachers Federa- tiom, arm! a'1cso a mecdtzxl and the 1-ipjht to compete in the P1~ovi.n'ci.a1 Contest i.n Toronto in the new` future. Axiieen Chew of Midlluand and Ha1w_v Buhock of MacTier were a(ljw(l1g-ex] second asml` third `best, respeictivelry. Four others took part in the compertition, Elsie Wilison of Shiaxnty Bay, repres- entin_:: Uhe B.C.I.; Wilcox Shepherd of C~ol Jmnes Grifths of Col- llingwvoml am! Donewlia Morrison 0'1 Gvzwen`hu1`st. The Cookstowm win nor, Wanhtesr Ba*1~l, did not appear. DiSml'i`Cft oicers of the Secontlrary School Taeahens Fede1~at.i~on WC'l`C in chm`-g'e of the con.te.st. E. J, Keen- an of B1'ad1*'-omd z\ct(.`(i azs chizxivman, and the jurl=g`es were iVIessrs. Man- ning: and 1\Ic.Nz11m.J`Mv~n of New; market and Miss VV-atoiwortii Of ,O`riilia. Over ve humlirecl people i11e1'the audibci-iu.m to CZ):pL1Cit`_V, and _Q`1.\`(' zLp])1'eci`:`.ti\'e ]1CZL1`iI].L` to the seven speeches, all of which were of hi}_1`.i1 o`1'(le1`. The su.b_]'ect on which um spoke, C-:ma.(Ia's Diamoml JuAl)i~ 1 Achievemieiifs Since Con- fe(le1xa.tion," was trezuted frorm almost eve1`_\' awgxle in very i11C.!'0Stin`g' W-;1_v_q, \f'.. TT`..l.,... ....uv,. n urn ......._L. ,, .A....1 l_`\ L`Il_\ (Llljgll: u. -.,._. 4--v~\.~n`..\v||L3:` \,-._y.a. M1`. I7`uhe_V _E1`21,V(3 a xvelzl-consvtluctctj a.(M.1`c~&s, with :1 fo1'co.ful (le1~iv0rr_\' and keen alppreciati-:n of the` subject. Co.nfo(1em1.i-on, he dec1a.re(l, lmul a _;'1`eate1' e -e-ct on our mntrion ulwn wny ot:ho.2' evenit o-r ;:1~o-up of events. The Fa.bhe.rs of. Cro4nfed`e1~ation 1-ew1~ ized that vasciaxl and` I`O1i_g1iy()us pl-cl jud-ice miughd: be overcome. wih the result hhxam F`-rench and En.g_v1igl1, Catlhtoclics and P11o;testa-n1ts are livmg togect:he1~ as a haammonims whole, vv1 togetheo1' 13041` the best in- terests of the Domin-i:on. 1: 171,1, .__ uI_.-.. ucruuuo v; mu, H--.............. i Mr. FaJhey tfhszm wentt on to saribe the tapping` of the West by our nailxvays, and the consequent de- vehorpment of the 3Jf. .'l'iClllIIU'l1Jl"I`l.1 wealth o-f the co1mtr_v. 'Dhe Dominion has lthe laltrrestt. per capita milway Ine- age of any cou:na`c-:'_V in the womld. She has also the _2:1`c-atest \mte.1<\vuL}'S s_Vvsrtom. | I I-ru..~ -.`n...I.,.-.. 4-mm!-nrl mm. -, ,, _:` Canadian Club Officers \ B_\'V-`lL'L'l||o The s1)o:ake1` troaterl with some of the nation s n'a.tu`1'a1 1'esow1~.c,e_q gum? tihen with hm` in (1GV(':];ormn(-nd, 'I'o-dn_v . Cana _Q`og(]|S are` Ifovuml in e\'o1'_v corner of tho _.1`l0bO. `_It is :1 m:a.tt.(,~1` of pride that p`1-;1cca1- I_\' all `she in(Iustn'i(*s of the Dominion `wore bui-Int mp With=0`Ut the a.i(l of `I fox:--i_;'n cztpfdaal. k . Au 4-L. hnn1\:q _,u . 3 1! ! I`.ouch.ing' on the Donninion s social? :L(vI1iev(:~1nenhs, Mu`. Fa.h0'_V am,-n`1ed' thmt Ca n`adia~n scholuars and st.atos.. men are -tmeatetl \\'irt1h gzrcat rospecf ev0w1'_Vwh~e.r0 axbvoatl. Can:ulia-n poets and wv1'ite41 lnzwo received Wm-.1 wide disti:ncti:on, while her i11ventIGn"s and 1'0-Search wo1'kers, such as A, G. B0111 and Dr._ Barmixng, are known to ,u141 men of science. , I . __ . Sarjeanrt & King wish to intzimante tw/c they have made unusma pm. vision for the rush or oor cover. hugs and (h`a.pe1`ic-S that always fol. lows the spr1'invg cleaning. 'm,cy are showing` a large rianure of Limbun-, and Co.mg'o=1em.m Squares are here in beautifmul patterns at g1-ewtly mwuced prices. Come in and get om. mum quohations. 'I`.hey wii-I11 please _vou. Tho nmwrnuir Siulk Pannlu :... ......m..\.1 \| u.xn.u.u. U`: ....., ,,.m,e _wu_ The pocpruar Siulk Panels in sevem; Widths are here at prices rangvjmg from $2.50 to $5.00. W;i,n.d;ow of wide Madras and Net Cwrmimngs on sale this week at 49c y;m1_ Special s1how.i~n~g` this week of our famous Pie1'e`bte H1ose. r1A'ru'l1'IA\vrr\ n -._., POST OFFICE BOX `RENT INCREASED. NOW 52 T0 $5 Notice has been given to am1P0st Office box hovliders tihat the rent wi,1,1 be 'i.n~c1`c-azsed when the yew for which the box is paid expni-ms. Boxes which i`7o1m1c-rly rented for $1 w-in be $2,, the $2 boxes Willi be $3 am] We $3 boxes widil be $5. 'Dhc-re are over 1,000 boxes in the Barnie Post omce. and the increase in rent W1-1I`m oa.n~ 4.~n.I -`7 1.1: ! _--fv - `~- House C|E1_n_ing Time (Continued on pagre eeven) .v\a -.....\..-ax. ".SARJEAN"I:wE KING The Store with the Stock Eight Pages unuuvcn.-, Au.Lo. `nun, n. u. ..u...\..., Mrs. Chas. Devlin, Mms. (D12) R. J. Spmott, Mrs. D. M. Stewart, Mdsss E. King and Miss M. Dormeslly. `n....:...,.. 1.- ...............~ AS 41..,-. kn.Hln+wa

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