Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Apr 1927, p. 6

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Hfuxw of Commons a.~`-.~1l1TT10S that u. jtxdnro has r<--ncht-` the and o-f his u. at tnho zxytro of 75, at 1(-;1_<.`t it has p:1.'~7sc :1 bill providimr for the ntmmnmtic mm-cmnnn; of jutlgns at that a.g'e. On the other hand the Ontario G~overn.mr>nt p1'e.=m1Its Mr. Hanna as hhc Strong; Man of 0n`La.ri.o, . capable of (lmwinz 8 salary of $20,- 000 for doing` nobody is quxirte sure \vJ'1-a.rt, and_Mr. Ilannn is in hill 79331 y`01r.----VV'oo(Hb0c.k Sentinel. .,~.v.. 4 unu. "Dhe reccml of accidents (lu1'.in_;' re- cent yams is : ` \|,\.L`|.A'lLlL (|o\.\4llICll`L`n`u I Caisson disease a`ect.in~;:' under- gwounrl vworkels and sil.icosi~s, a (lis- ease a'0ctin_2' 1'n.ine1's in N01 Ontario, brougrhi; under the act,V1`:he lTz1.tc1' alxwc-,z1(l_\' causin._9; 'zuwx.1'd:s t0It2L]- "rm: $200,000. $250,000 rcbzlted to schedule 2 cm- p`xo_vm'.< as 21 result of reva.].uin.:;' pen- sion fund. nu INDUSTRIAL ACCIDENTS IN ONTARIO INCREASED 10 P.C. High spots in the annual repo-rrt of the On-tamio wo11kmen s compensa- tion boards, which was tabled in `che Leg'is1a1ture, are: 1926,_ the w:.1'st year on record in the number of in uluwtlvizxl ztccidcn-t.s. I ru: v- -- Light C'>"'/<'X`2<`>\ >\><'2\ >Q- \ I u- n . -- (3; mg, nmwmng,_ ` nr hcmlm-Inc; ,L nigh!-. J'll_v'u (.711-zun u n.l n v\n`n .. ...$2330u`3-1 $179024 VI`!-`1 Northern Advance uA 1\.vAL-J KJLLE,Lll ldll` g'e`1s ............................................ .. Z.-'IThree varieties of Sxvodish Fl"... ___ 17343 4525 41017 31288 6062 3000 00 1498 46 161 15 40 00 330 25 300 00 nn l\l\ .., vv 700 00 86 Perhaps the only part of the North American continent that possesses an authentic collection of folk-lore songs is the province of Quebec. Four hundred years ago when the first French explorers and settlers came to the shores of the St. Lawrenve many of these songs were on their lips and in their hearts and they have never died out. It is t.n__the honor of the. French-Canudizm race that they have ` You can Increase your Business by Advertising---Try The Northern Advance French-Canarlian Chanson Has New Lease of Life ,. -\.....\. -....-..-u..a nu. uuv), uU_|u or Japanese Beans 9.--Ei_2\ht varieties Flint and h-__L 71'.__1,,-, (1 LIVINGSTON BROS. Consider this a personal in- Vitation to test our state- ment on the highway. Name anything that a car does-any operation con- nected with driVing--and We can assure you without qualication that these im- proved `Dodge Brothers cars establish new standards for their type and price. 7e Also Sell Dependable Used Cars never oeen allowed to fade from the remembrance of the people, nor has the flood of ephemeral and ruhhishy popular songs of the day over- whelmed them. Originally sung at the court of the French monarchs, they were passed on from fatlmr to son. and ' were brought with the ezxrly settlers I from France to Canada. And as the 1 `years have pas:-led the old hallads I have been supplemented by new ones 1 Special Sedan - - De Luxe Sedan - - Special Touring Car Special Coupe - - Dunlop St., Barrie, Ont. I7/zwz`a.tz'me Delivered $1375 $1510 312 05 $1275 ... -......\. vuuuvncn ux uy.L'1u5 W`.hez1t ............................ .. 5 -Two vm*iet.ies .of Buakwlheat .-'I`]n'oe v1a:rie1;ic>.s Field` Peas... 7.--'I`~w'.o varieties Spring Rye .... .. 3.-'I`lhree vuriei:ie.s of So) , Soja nu Tnunnnev. `D,........ `YUHI. With the idea of popularizing the English versions and thereby bringing about :1 closer understanding between the French and English elements of Canada, Mr. Marchand is at present mal-:in:._: `.rz~.n:aI-ontinentul |f0ll`.' tom` ',`.n"":'?r: .1v::'pi':csnHl1t~}J-,~"- ` C.)luvk'i.i 0'. `lilxtxicutioni. THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1927.. ,. .._-../. 4\v. .4; uunuxny dull and Emmer .. 3.-'I`wo varieties of H=u11ess Bamley ........................................... .. 4.-TIhvee V9,-rieties of Spring \xm.n..+ - lumber Crops P11 1.--'I'h1'c-e varieties of Ollat Z.--O.A.C. No. 21 Banley and an n ,1 L`-nu-n nu -,....u. .\\I. u uczus, (hates of secdim: "` A (1 \V,, OE OatsL at .=.eo.rIing' its, at `fhrrze Plots Le.vi Simcoe County ..................... ..$34l14 Pamikn Ooamnimiotn 2215 Pubilzic Lihmry ...._.-.. 3085 , Public _SphooJs (mrchmive U1 debentures) ._. 45436 . '1 Law Costs Discount on Pmpuymcnt hf 'I"-avnu Any person in Ontario who ;::1'0w:~ eld crops may apply Em` any onr of U110 c-x.prAri1non.`.s for 1927. Each appldbant Hhou-lrl make u seconcl choice, as the rr1satm'i~al for the first hoice migxhct he r:xl1.'Lul'~ttc4l before the application 1-ocniwri. I`,hr,- ma- terial will he fo1wan'zln in the order in xvvlwioh 910 appIlc:ztirn.~: nro rr~- cr,-fvml while tllw supply l:a. .\ o ('ll":L."I`f} i= mm!/~ for the expm`in1ont.'Ll material and the prorlluco hr-comr-.= the p1'opo1t._v of the oxpm'imc-ntor. A calreltly lled out l`f`I)0r l. is roqu(,-51`- ed after l1ar\'0.4:. lC:1el1 pvrsnn !lpY)l_\'- i`n,;: sfhould carofully writv his nmno. al(l.rc`s\= and county. All xvttun ap- plications wlmthor in clo.5url rr in open onW_-.lopm` r(-quire full po. -...-.,....v vu :. Aupwy of Taxes ................. .. Uncollcotablc Tizuces Eleclions In&emst on Temporary Loans J Special Gr2m:ts-- .-\y,-'1-icu1t.umal Society .......... ..$ Bm'1'ir,- Band Victorian Order of Nurses Royal Victoria Hospital Hr1'tic`ulLura1 Society .......... .. Poultry Associaivion \rV0n1t)n H Rest Room ......... .. Sa1ariesr-- Clerk and Treasurer . Clerk : Assistant Page ................................ .. Audistors ....................... .. Assessor Extm help in office Stationery ...... .. Stamps ............ _. El ectio ns ......... .. .Vfisccl~h'a n e 0 us ~v ' P1-.in:t.in=g'--- V otters List ............................ .$ Financial Stafnmnent .......... .. Au Report ;By-l`a\vs ]R.e Taxes and Assessm`en.t `r YT"...-... .. !Public Works ` Si(lewaH<:~' I ;uxu.nuu`: Fuel Insurance . .. Inspection of Scales . Water Ligvht iMarket Clerk ......... .. i Repairs ..... .. ' up u.au:1 I Hydrant RentaJ-- [S7 `hwlranms at $35 .......... ..$ 3045 [25 hydmamzs at $30 750 ['Fanne1'y re pzm-tec"ri`on, 10 hose connections .... .. 23 - 1 new hychvant 30 * 440 o."v1inzu'_V .~7tx'ect lights at $8.00 ................................ .55 23 5tan .=.t)'e/wt. li_2,1hts, _ 300 xvatts, at $22 .......... .. ~11 standxax-(1 sjtreet lights, 200 wadlrts, at $18 .......... .. 15 stamhard street lights, 100 Waatitas, at $15 .......... .. Post Ofoe G-ore I-ig`httin.g'... 10 new 1FLg1}1:ts R. J. Lee-- Salzmry .............................. .. Help (lu-1'in.g' h`oLi (Dr. C. A. Z.-wintz, Am`icw1hwrad'-Ool- lw,-:e, Guelph) The I1ig1li~(=rst yi(?'i(l`iI1\Q` \'a`1 ivtios of several rC].`2l.\`SOS of f:u'~m cvops in On- tario have l>L'r>'n o1`i_u'inaJ:c(1 at the Onntario Agxi-iou-l`tu1-al C-OHQ._9;(' t.|n-.ou_uih h\_vib1`i um] . Lu-:ul`in:_' vzwictius of ot.hL-1' C!i:L.~`.~`.(`:s' of fzirm cnops hxzwe in-mi S(.`L`1I1`1`(i 1oc411i_\' or t1hvou_Q1 iinupoxttutioxi. Tim co.:mp;-r:1- tive r>xp(~riin0nJ..< to has ('nmlL1ctv t.hrou-:.1".1oui`L. On`t:1ri0 in 1927 tIi1)`01LL!i1 the med.iIu.m of the I`Ix_p-riim-nt.-1;] Union will contain :1 mv of hhu v0r_\' best vzn'i0ti<-5 of fa-inn c1wnn.< as do- temnined in pzist _vvz1)'s by -.Vpm'i- ments 'COn(iiLlI(:"(-Cd am the Ontz:u'io Ag'ricui1tLm'211 C.nlIe_-:0. The forli-owin:_L' List indicates the Inzutm-i.'11 uvxxilzwlc for the co-op0m.ti\'o `.c. for 1927. Nua'nbe1' P1'o=t.s nvuwvll 1LuIu-*` Feed 'S`.1ooing', Harness, Etc. `P Police Depa1'vtzmen.t~- Sa.vI1zm~_v, Police Mnagisrbrate...$ Salxzmy, Chief Stewart Sa.1m'),', Constable Case .... .. Salau'_\', Consstxable Ihlyner... Extra Constables CI1ot1]1irug' .................. .. . Telepfhonecs ............................ .. C 0 n1`.`i ng'o nci ers .................... Fire B1-ip,wzule--- Salvzwy, Fire Chief ...... I`L-IepJno'n0, Fire Ohief . Instwamce on Mon ....... .. Ai'*ten-d.ring Fires Com1.in`g'encies p 1:: Fire Fi:4:h.t.ing_' Equipment-- Sumics 3 Fire T1-uck Maintenance 2 Fiw Admin S_\ S.`t0l11 3 4uuuuvcuow| Fucsl ................... .. Supplies Czwewtazxker ......... .. 'I`0Iep`honos ...... .. E]oc't1'.ic Liglumt . Wato-1' ...... .. Repu.ir.s ln.=.urmcc- .. BarrieT ; Tax I 45.6 Mills For 1927 I I Ma rket- Stu-nt I,5_2'htin, An .\..,I:........ _.&..-..L I Tmvn Team-- u (Continued frmn page one) Fire Hall and Council Cmambelr Mainltc-n21nce-- 1...: - ~-* .--Pr:rrfect Mnmlicl Sxvede Turn- ips, t.h`innod at zhree dis- tances in the rows 7.--Ye Leviathan M-znngrnzls, txhinnml at thrr.-n rlisrtancos in the rows .... . -4, stre At. l i mhts, :, :, nt 01: $ H00 ()0 $ 26.30 nnn s 1300 ...$ 2700 00 nun nn 3 9500 $ 900 00 _..$ 8000 00 4 Pan An $ 3848 $ 5269 $ 6400 uuuun U1 -`.L'l,'(lHl)_` 4.-O.A.C. No. 85 Sprinyz Wwznt at tI1rec.- dates of -.=ee ....... .. . 5.--O.A.C. .\'.0. 211 Soy Beans. v.=.-own b1*.oadcast and in 2000 00 -4694 00] 300 90 500 1000 500 350 100 I00 l()0 00 O0 00 00 00 00 ()0 $ 1955 wvvv vv 1500 00 500 00 500 O0` 300 ()0 260 00 900 O0 150 00 100 175 00 00 1150 .. 4 3.__o.A.c.' I6 66 300 O0 204 00 1000 00 150 00 2000 00 1200 00 1800 00 1200 00 1200 00 150 00 206 00 1350 00 117 00 gv IV 00 506 450 -_. Auu\.v._: v`cuIL IzAC.7 U1 D\VL`(ll-$11 'Turnips .................................... .. 13.--Two v:u'ie`ties F`a:ll 'l`vu1`nip.=. 14.--Two vari-eties Cz1)'1'ot.s 15.--Fiel Cam and Soy Beans. grown eepz1n~a`tel_\' and in cvom.bination ., . l6.---Su1lia`n Gnass aml `.\vo var- ieuties of Mil-lo:-.*t .................... .. l7.--S1.1nflowm`, Sorgzilmuin and Corn for Fodder . |8.--Grass Peas, Vetches and Soy Beans l9.-Ra.pe, Kale and Field Cab- 20.--Two \'a1'ietie.s of Biennial Sweet Cl.lo\r'er ......................... .. !1.--'Ilwo varieties Alfalfa !2.--Hu.ba-m, Biennial VV:hite and Bienn-iatl Yelilow Sweet Glover ..................................... .. !3.-- I`ihmee varieties Field Beans E4.---Sweet Corn for table ilsse fmom (liffement clxafaes of Planting ............ .. t5.--Low and Hwigm Grade Fer- tiilizezr and Manure with Oaths and Red Glover ...... ..'.' 16.---F`erti'1izens and Mlanlure in a denite rotation, starting writn potatoes, followed by baml`e_v see.(le(l wiutzh. alfzzllfa (Potatoes and manure to be furmislhecl by the ex- perimenter. Commercial fertilizers in 1927 and Barley aml Alfalfa Seed -in 1928 to be furniished by Experimentval Union)... 9.--'I`h`:ee gvrain mixtures for vgnain pr.c(l!uc".ion D.--'Ill11`ee grrain niixtures for fodder pmcluotion .. ,. I.--O.A.C. No. 21 Bzmliey, at three rlatc-5 of Sf,'C(lin_'_ 2.-O.A.C. No 14-1 Oats. at three rlates of ) l'\Af`I\Ynr\; 300 150 r- 38 4.../v vv 266 00 .nrn Ill: S50 00 300 00 300 00 200 O0 350 00 G60 00 I 250 00 480 00 125 00 12-3 00 .5. g Page Six U0 mm menIlar.'uIo_ giving you i1|';V!I(l(lt-"1`f-!- lief. llo.-ml rultlr; nud cutnrrh yield like c._ Don t stay stuffed-up and minor- able. Relief is sure. ._-.... uu uun A La sold ............ _. Con:tin_2'(~nci(=s nu mru;:;znn,v,r~Im- hrvuflh at (IN. 1:. .-mnl`l lmHJv uf Hahn frmn `vnnr um! Ilpply n litllu of (his frugzrnnl. uul.im-ptiu (-rs-um in _\'our nmtl.ri|-4. ll. pom.-l`rulc-.3 Lhrmmh eve-rvv uir p1I.~4m|g\- of the hem]. nothing and In-xinp Hm swnllm or inamed mn- n)enIlar:nIo_ instant le- Il`).gic._I}1_)rIV utued-up am! mam.-. ..........u vvauul auuu uurnr to Manufac/Lu1*e11s T1-(::L. s Bond Indemnity Bomd May-o.r s H_onora.rium . NIa_vo'1"s l`c ............ .. Park Lots ............................... .. Loss on Carrizly.-:0 Factory, zxnlal How To Get Relief When Head und Nusc are Stuffed Up. VVW* (`hunt NH! \7...... ....|.: 2 u . roum, nn._v! Your mld in head or r'ul.:Irr|| diwlppt-:II`H. Your dogged nos- Lrnl will open, the n.ir pzmsugm of your lu-ml will vlmr uud you cam breathe in:-l_\'. No mnro unullling, luuwking, nnu-mm llIk('ll:ll'[:(`, lr_\'m-sm nu Mru;,r;5lin,v,r-l m- lm-ullh .-.mnl'l lmH.|.. ..r |.u..-.. tn. {,____ COM("_!1'l`LT.(3 Illititllrte (ex- rv1nL-1'1.vn n4` 1,:-\\l\..L---A~-r\ \./--;;\g.`-v.uu\. nuanuwLL' (OX- clusive of debentures)... Separate School ................... .. Dv.I)nntu'x'es ..... .. Coupons .................. .. M isceJ.]:1 na0.o1u~'-- Refund Water and 4.-. lI.....`.t`, ,;, C0-OPERATIVE EXPERIMENTS WITH FARM CROPS vu u'\. an <:uucu. It was considered that ve _vea.rs exposu-re wcusld dvervelop this d1'sea:se. In the ante~prim.a.r_v stixge, the man could be revmoved` without having: su"ered i.mpainnent and sh1oufLd b e given $500 compensation. In the p1'im:zm-_\' ETb:L_I(!, some impairment- was fair cormponsation. In *second:a1'y .=iIicr..s"i.<, u. complioaated witxh tubo'1'cul`o. `.`.1e_ earning: power is 1-a,pid:1_v apm*oach.ing' complete ex- t,in.yJ'11is1lnnent. and perm`zLnen't total (!i.=.'a.biwlii.g\' mi}.-'h:t have to be zlwzxrtlod. |'[l1e board lwld a conference at Tim- nmims, where an ag:rec>mcnt was reach- ed as to the metlhsod orf L5'l~`.C?Sin-K! com- shown and $1,000 was consid-eretl a! pensation." I V.. -,;,.n,\I\.I \J.41J- Dui1'inug' the year, says the re- port. the ind-usta-ial diseases covered by the act were very la.rg'eJ-_v added to in respec`: to silicosis in mining communities, pneumoconiosis in quar1`_vin_Q', crushing and ginindirm of atone and metals and cassorn disease in connection with deep sewer wor`,-: The most i.mport.ant of hese is sili- cosis. The department of ir~d.udiu'.iaJ hy,<:ie.n~e fyouni-(I `(that in the mining camps a very considerable mrmbex of miners were su'e1-iinp: mm tlhtis disease mused by the silica in the rocks. I`h:ose working` undvergtvoumi or in the crushin:g houses were found to be affected. H11, ' Iuuvlvll U1 `R. "l`l1e benets awa1*(le were com- panaitively low in spite of the large number of accidents, but the 1926 acci may be reected in the 1927 ZL\VZ11`(lS. Tlhe awa.r(ls mmle in 1926 hoba.l`led $5,821,351, as a_2'ain.st $6,173,861 in 1923. Those under schedule 1 reached $4,652,526, mh-is being` collective liability; tilmoise under sohedu-le 2 ~s imliviclual liiability total- led $1,168,825. u1'\._ , :, ...vnuu cAu`\.C LJLIJ. 'I`mn.pc1'zm'y total disability cases numbered 30,019, permanent pzmrtial d:is.abi1it.v cases 2,304, and pe.1*rr1.a.n- ent tzoifal disabiliiy cases only 14, a 1`(}(luc:tinn nvf' A .`.....u..-. v.1 1'ed`uction rl\I u Total The fatal accidents in 1926 total- led 400, as aglainsrt 345 in 1925 and 402 in 1924. Aug'uu=Rt showed `.he hi_2`he. number of accidents in any momh since 1915. rru..-.,,., 7 - - V-vvvvvvvvvvv (`numb fifty! Your (-old : ulurrln (Flll)lM':lI`H. Vmlr I-|nrvrnul ... ._.u _..w. w..u..n.u -2;; uuu.`l'1UHS, an m- crease of 15 miwllicns. The number of emplvoyems decreased b_v 1,189. T110 tonbal nvumnber of accidents (Lur- ing -'.~h0 boam(l s t,-weLLve years hu'sJto1t_v was 567,930. During that time the board paid out in benets $57,315,- -147. 1923--61,109 ; 1924-(33,675 ; 1925-60,102; 1926--65,916. The board dos--s not explain the ten per cent. increase in acciden:ts-- 5,814 in actual number. Burt in- creased emp1o_\'men-t was a pa.1"tia.I cau.se. Tue estimated paymbls 1701' the year totalled 411 millions, an in- Ilhrxnon A4` 1: .._:n:,, - ..._....... vunnkauluo run auxu Denrt Husking Corn D.--'I`.hrce wnrietie-s I\rIangeI`s ....... .. 1.--T-wo va-rieti-es Sugar Man- mnil.n

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