Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 14 Apr 1927, p. 1

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I The marriage took place on Wed- ':'d1l_\', March 30. of Marie Butler, ponmlier Rn-ad. 'T`omnto, to John H}!-upchsn.-as c:f Ailandale.-. Rev. J. E. Hunter 0'! 'I`oroi1t2o performed the ceremony. F'oilowri'n;: the wedding H7. mu? Mrs. H11Lcfhinz_::n loft on a`{ month's wudding"tnip to Chhfomia. ..u... 11 freedom, .. 1) o____- Linoleums and Oon,gvoliu.m' Squares all sizgs, at to-dlwetd prices tj.his'9aa- son." 'Sarjeam; -& King, Utd. Have you wm-.n Pierette Silk Hose ? Sarjeant & Kinzp; have them at $1.50` and $1.75 a pair. Szntisftactiorn gvua.1*- anteed. . .......,, ....\. mm. _vv:a1 :\:1`\'t:tl as cnan`- man of the Board, vmhcnt the Con tun-uaxtion School was stbarited. -_...`..-.,,`--..... u_v nun unnncuuull Ill`IIllJ.+ try, but he has also taken an active part in 2.121 the life of the commun- itty. For three years he has been a tnustee of the Fa-ilvbank Sclhtoovl Dis- triclt, and last year served as chair- vnmn ml-` (Ln D-__..1 -,,1,,,, n A` ,-_, _.<.. ... --. .-nu. An uLu'c1 unal- he may accept a call from Cenrtrml Uniuted Ghumolw, Barrie, on Jwly Lst. Mr. Ba.ke'r is servdm-: on his fth year as pastor of Hi1:lsda1~'e Chuvdh and his mdnistmr has been a mosh`. happy and prosperous one. He has` not only endeared himself to his cong'regxa.ti`o`n by his unselsh minis- C-vu kn-I Ln 1.... -1..- 4__1_ -' At Hiddscliale United Church, ~'I`o- r-oun-`bo, on Sumiay last, it was an-' nounced that the Boavd had new lu~c aaru ..1y agreexl to release the pas- tor, Rev. A. E. Baker, in order that, ha rv-|411v ..........a. .. _..n 1-_._.., run v vp; uu uu:uu.uLuua. Repo1*tin.g` for the W.M.S., Mrs. (R:ov.) Wad-lace stated that the So- ciety had 127 members. The treas- urer s report showed receipts of $1,338.35, of wwhich $1,270 was sent to Presbyterial headqumters. Mrs. Stavealy 1-.epo.rtod the Ladies Aid So- cie1`._v to have had a successful year. It had 76 membens. The rec:-Ipt::' (Continued from page four) REV. A. E. BAKER, TORONTO, COMES TO CENTRAL CHURCH \..`.. ...... -puxrun wcn`. -piI14'O.lL- Ln Lhc I3o;,';~.' Work I_`~;..;.'._..-.`:vL, W. J. W'a'lke`r repoftetl six o11g'an1"zed: C.S.E. [`. ;:rou13s. Miss Leika Hun!`er' reportetl four girls gwouxps carrying,` on the C.G.I.T. prop:nam-me, and" united into a single department wihh [over 50 members. ,-,_>__V`. .- .. ... --... -_ vuv. JJLUWH. `Trustee J. D. Wisdacrm 1'a1'sc4I the question of what wdwkl be done zis to t::~arn:_-.po1%t.'wion for pupils from the e (Lg'e of the town if an auxiliary class was fcrrned in one of the cen- tml sdhools. G. F. Smith s-tszutcd thalt he jitneys would grant the mund trip to such pupils for a sim:'Ie fare. Dr. Brereton said would be used in presenting` the ad- \'anl`.a_ :c--s of such :1 07.2155 to the par- emt-as comcerned. The homes would be visit;e(1 by the propel` pe1'.swrm_= and the naxture of the c-1135...: expzlainml th.o1*0~ug1]11_v. If people ddd not want \ their children to attend tghe class the ' HCIEIYLI could not uml would not. f0l'C? I In other places where such tlassos have been c~:tab1i.~1he(l people have been eapfex to have their chid- dzrvm attend when tihey malize-(I the valhue Olf the work being` (Lone. THO Rnan-41 Y: L. ...1......:.. - that tact * xu vrw VJ Reporting: on the Maintenance and Extension Fund, H. M. Lay repo*rrt.ed that he ohurch had fallen short of its $4,550 allocation by about $840. About $100 was still to com}: in, and the books were being kept open so that the decit might be made up`. Dr. W. R.ich.ar gave the re-- port of the Ofcial B-oard, and A. J. Sarjeanf. that of the Session. F. H. Hunllburt repo}-ted that the Sm~rl.a.`.' Sohoo1 s gn'ving's for current expenses announted to $469.40. The Sc1hool s total . were $928.72- In -I.,. D.....~ \:r_.,1_ n volent Fund re~ceipt'< were $201. D1-. W. A. Lewis, giving the rev pant of the Committee of Stewards, after men'tionin`g' the chur.c:h s ne" response -to the call for funds, moot: ed the insttifution qf a si.n fund of $500 a year to clear off the pan`- sormage mort;1'a,9:e. He also raised the question as to whether enough insumnce was can-ied on the chusvch q ...u \.u u_\ \u;uL-ll. 'I`I1e'Trr-*z1.=111`e1".~` 1'9}:->.1't. `liven by G. NIcL0Hm1, showed 71 _2'mml total of p`ivin_2's for all purposes of 316388.96. Thv total revenue for cu1'1'eru. oxpe11.s'e:< xvas 7;'7.456.31. The` (3l1:`1'1`(`l1t b:1J:mc0 umountc-:1 to $444.50`, oon1pav1'r2-(I with $477 `the previous` "'r""" The ccn_2')'r22':1.tinn had raised 133,711.72 for the 1\1a.intr>na`nco and` Extension Fund. ' he contribu" ~.ns` to the Organ Fum! anwtlnte to $3,170. Salary j)a_vmm:ts an`-':u.w to $4,788.85. $51`-0 had hem. span` in repairs to pvoperty. The Bene- nu in A 1-- 9 - u I uuvllii will Il(,'a:lEll_V. Rev. J. J. Black, wiw uctcil as chz1i1'ma'n of the meeti.n_2.', stated that hvel1a(l`(>11jo_Vc-(1 his work in the cong'1'e_Lmtion du1-ing: the year. He appreciated the lioy-alrty of the or- ganizamicns, and also the g'e11e1wos`id:_v of the Ofciatl Board in giving` him an extentlcd holi this summer. In his statistical repcmt Mr. Black repolltod 300 families in `Uhe congre- gation and })Ol`;~'0I1S not connected with f'an1ili<:-S. The membership at the preser.i`. time was 691, and the total number umler pastom] care 850. During` the _Vea.r the-re were 16 b`aptvisms, 4 n1a1'1`i-:1_u'r_-s and 17 burials. 'l`we-nty-foul` united with the church. Eisrht members were rc- moved by (loath. rnv, .m x I _ annual co11g1'eg:1tio'naI xneetimrgj on "I`unsd.a_V night, when reports \\'m'e ypresc-.n/'.c(l by all the o1'_2'an-i:I.a.tio's. `iThe1'e \va.s :1 fair attendance The i1'eports showe. the C0 l'lf'_ .'C_ J,':l.`.iOl1' to 'fbc active zm I hea.-Ithy. Dan T T 7*` Co1=Iic-1' St.` United Cnhlxrch held i`t'=' ' r1`Qm1 ANNUAL MEETING 01? ; CNNLINN ST. CHURCH `>131 (i\'ings ,-\mo11n1'0d $1(i,2,}US); Mt-n11-)o'1'sl1i1) f\"()\\' 65)]. Eight Pages to \,.,.....uu.u.~ was L,'llli}J`UVVe1'(.`(l 130 bake the 11ecesrsery prelilninary steps to- wards the establishment of an aux~ iliary class for the b21.ckwm'(l scxhtoml ch-i`I<'Iren of the town. The auithourity was gvon the committee to act by u mvotion int1~.od.uced by Dr. E. L. Breretzon, oh-nimman of the Mvamag'e- ment Commi.-twtee, and seconded by Geo. C. Brown. ,-n___,, 1 .... At Mo-nLz~._v nig'ht s meeting` of the Board of Ednuoation the xVIzmag'emen-t Csommmtitltce was emp`owe1'e(l to take H10 nnr-n=.1uu-xv nu-"1-?.....' -4 V I - AUXILIARY ems Wm. @%'rA=a:TEa)g; , , VI ]3o;11'd of .I`}dl1(tz11'1nn I)(~.(-.1dv f r1 ' - \ ` in I rv]::11'(` hm Llzlss {-- .\'(u\"r Tm'm. [*7 HUTCHINGS-- BUTLER Vol. ].J;K\'I. N0. 7 ...-..... nu um: w1nJ.eT \:c1'.m. M (Continued on page eight) @bz Nntiw mute ,.-........, -mum as 1.1 u push VVIROIVG p:L`1`T,y 1`{u.`|l.iati0ns should not be cnnsidm-ed. -Nuws-`Lott/cl`. I Much excitement was caused at We Five Points about 8 o'clock Sa-f- ,,..j('liay nimht whom a heavy M001: roadster bac-zkexl up onto the side wzadnk in mnt of the QR. Cafe. Two I`oront;o men who were in it were taken into custodv by Chief Stv. and In. L0r Bowman, who x I scan `(I the car and the men fori limd mu-nnu cm. n-,.:.. _L..mw ..,_... ......... u... x.4\\.L'u1(:|lh AvmJ\LflSlJFZi'CC.' It is true that he is not A member of mm yxmty in power at uhe present bnlf. if in n nnuf ...u`L A u . ~ --L- Mr. Howard Gover, Police Magis- trate otf Coidwater, has been author- ized by mhe At1torncey~G to try V cases in the Orillio Polrice Court un- til such time as an appoi'nrhmen.*t is made to (`L111 the wtcancy caused by the denllh of Mn`. Geomre H. Clark. There is a strong` feeling t.}1a.t Mr. G(.aor_2'e A. McLean is athmimbly t- ted for the position and that he would make an excellent Mzagistmte. It is hnnn +.hn+ 1.... :., ..,.c - _-_L N I 5 ` Intligvents-- Supplies and Provisions .... ..$ F`-u`e1 .................................. .. -v- ........_............1z5500-1 00; Estimated Ex m1a'twres for Board of Health-- Sailary, Medical Officer of Health 500 00 Salary, Sanitmry Inspector 1200 00 Telephone for Saneittary In- I Lrpeci`Jor ................................ .. 2 Supplies and Quarantine... 27 00 00 I I _ ..... .., ...;,..u \uout'.ll- {Town Team earnings ....... .. De~bentt.u1'<=s held by Town Accrued imteresb on De- }\.nnrf1~n..:< (\ru1;] . nu u1:&I nun: 11:8.` 0 _bernturc-s sold ...... .. Sm`-plus from 1926 ~1u.u.: uHH.S. Dogs ........................................... .95 ;Pc1'centag'es ...... ..................... .. `Pc']J Tax ..... ., Sewer Rate ............ .. Pavement Rates .. Police Court nes ................ .. Wabe.rwork3 (Debentures) Electric Light (Deben- frlnvnu \ v-.... Avsuvt. my c'u5.|u.J_V nugnel`. I At a special meeting of the Coun- - cil on Friday night, ater carefully paming all esmimatecl expenditures, 1 the rate was a.rrive(l ac. Estimrarbed Receipts, 1927 Collegiate I-ns`t.ii.':ute, 6.01 rn.ills , ......_.........l.$26888 67 'Pu'bLic SQ]'L0O]lS, 13.28 mills 54188 73 `Sesparzute Sdlwol, 11.5 4525 40 `C-runuty Rate, 7.7 ................. .. 34118 62 ;Pull)lic Library, .7 ................ ._ 3101 69 iPa.rks Commissibn, .5 . 2215 49 {Debentures .............. .1. .............. .. 42138 71} General Rate, less exemp- i I tions on farm lands, I |; $187.01, 7.9 mills .......... .. 34817 81:1 is 9.51 milljs, co-mpm`.ed with 7.14 mills las; year, and were it not for this the rzvie would be consiclera`bl_v lower than in 1926. The school rate, c.o.unt,v rate and library mte are lower than last year, while the gen- eral mite is sligthlzly l1ig'}1er. Arf 9 mnn.nn`l ....,...4,:._ 1- :1 r- , ..... .. Lvukz w\:ut:lI.L~u`I'l:` 11110 TJLIS X011? I l #....... .uwu.u us M.-`pu _,_.- .. .n4`uA1) .11. u. Jury, E1_ankD 0_`I_;, F. Hunlburty W. C` (wi'.hin 70 and 100, while in him vva.1~1.=., Major Know-les and J. `R. `:`;`t`;;q_.';:`i`mt3 o`;11`1 et:";`(:"* e`l ;: | - `.. 31. =1 e w1'e< `DIET 85. The t:hi1`dpcrio was fvcun the ' `. , [age of one m.ont.h to the end of the I" le S ith.i1"(l mon t.h.. when pa1`a.su"cic diseases . A = R Hill. I? 1 Armin iwm-r> h1n:ff h'..m,` -- ~u- -v- 1" _.. .....u my; zucll JUX liquid wsons for their strange ac- tions. Nothing: was found, however, and the man wo.rc- allowed to go. It was tl-nought that the car was in reverse and that tho driver srmprptxl on the a.ccL-.]c-rm`.o-r instead of the brake. In its mad dash hc car went over two bicyles s mnding' at_ the curb without broa} thr-m. (_ , _,..._-., \/I .....uu.uu-:.vU 101' LUZ]. `an increase cf $l(i,894.2I9 over 1926. T lM3 tax rate for Public Sdhool sup- p-o1L<-1'.= will be 45.60 mills, and for Sfpar:-1.t0 School] suppo1'te1'.= -13.82 mulls. Tnhe tllebentulre rate this l. ~` 9.51 l'\1:ll o n;..........-,I , -.1 .- 4 n I { The Town Council estmuvtes ex- lfpr':1ditu1*0s of $233.054.00 for 1927. {PH inn!-noon 1-4` Q`1(! On: .1n ,, -AA" 1] Barrie s-'l:;x Rate ,45.e mus For 1927; (`. I l a l `fOl11l11l2I.i.i1l_L' p]z1::< `.0 hold nuH1l)L`1' z1tten(l'e the public for the purpo.~r.c of w I \; `citi'/.en.s` who ll'l(}()i.-ill_Q' culled V, 9. ez-la-l)rz1 Lion coiiiiiienmoratin2 the . wit-tli an- nivc-r of C0nfe(lerat.i.on., there very little enthusiasm. Some heml- way was made, however, and it is ho~pe(l' that a lm*_2'e1' number will art- teml the next meeting` called. is His Worship Ma._vor Duff was charmun of the nieetiny: and J. R. Dier secretary, and on motion of Reeve Lowe aml A. G. Mas4Le]lan., it was agreecl that a healvd. Various su-gyrrestions were mzul-e as to the form the celebrzutizon sihouild take and ht0|'\V it should be o1!gvzLn~ize1l. It was that a committee be a.-pp,o to dnavt. :1 pnogrzmnme and nominate comm-i`sf- tees for the various activities and report art a public meeting` to be call- ed next week. 'Ilhis coinmitee con- sists of MZl_V'Ol` Du , H. E. J:ox*_v, Flran-k Do-yil-e, \VHll`lS. lW.:11'rn- 1' n r\~-vl rv~ T . n .....1 O1 DZl1'l'l(.' ' celebration be l _ - _.._ -- J ursanlsl 990 I __x__ 5 At the 1*r,g;'u'la1' meet-in_::' cf `.il1C Bz11'rie Poultry As_~'-ociation on 'Fl1uJ~.s- lay I]if:_'l1't of last week, Mr. Hzv.rr,v Morren was nppoinitetl as a local ;(lele_e'ate to the W`orl(l".s Poul'b11_V 'C0n,2:1`(-sis to be held at Ottawa next ;A11g'us':. ..-\ new set cf by-lzm's were ltlmwn up for the A.~?.=.ocizr`Lion, except for the Pouiltry Sh-ow rules, which are to be rerlrafted and inco1'po~rate(l lin the b_v-laws at the next meet'iIn;L'. An in4teresltin.g' lecture vms given `by W. S. Robb on the Raisin-5: 0:1 B.a.b_v Chicks. Mr. Robb deiscnibetl the four (lan_Q'c-r pe1wiro in a ch.icken s life. From the rst to fth i I oceunreil from poor br.eed.ing' or im- proper incubation. The rst fort- `nig'l1.t he rlesciribed as `she ihea-t period, when pztrticwulm` attenltion s:houl(l be paid to the broader heat. I`.he temperature slhlou-Id be kept wif.hin 70 ;thir 4-nu-u-n.-\~...&...... , A A 1 vppL' H1 (1 (lay was the period when most (leafrs ' l l l zu199b 1 Pwblic School supporters rate, 45.60 mills. Separa.-'.~c School su'ppo1't.c1~s rzxfre, 43.82 mills. - CITIZENS NOT ENTHUSED I ` OVER JUBILEE CELEBRATION! s 1300 00 (Continued from page six) JI1(l:i11;:' by the number of Bzu-rie iti'/.0115 z1ttcnd'e(l public; Irrct-in}: o-f` . ))muI;1.tin.r-' hlnuc `,2 `...nm .. ...I I, be! .... ....,.,..;:-.__ vu uluuxuu UL; I m$233o54 00% ...__- A`, 9....` `. mu` uu.r z AI....-. AV._L: $31058 88 $201995 L)\-A: S-#000 00; 700 00 M... I 3035 24: 500 00! 1541 47! 532 11 3000 00 ..uvv 400 4360 2897 2500 2200 7392 vu 00 ! 39 64 O0 00 03 vv uu 2600 O0; .,.,. ..-! I 250 OOI 300 00 750 OOI ,,.._..,.._.... ... Luv}.-,u.s1x.. 1Jl`L`1~b`- rnraxkiamg; Baskemm`, Mmaorr Meahanics and Telogwaphy, with a. total regis- tJra.tio.n of 74. `N10 a'b`.en had been better than in previous years, there being an avemge of 75 pea` cemt. during: the fab] term and 68 per cent. for the winker tomn. Many (COn'finIlPr] nn nanm A3-4-"` ;`ux-In LU. First C`-1a.=.s `Hono111's.--Ruh Mc- NI.-m'.in, J Sm Wobdeon, 'Lm'na Mac- Fadxguon, Davina Amherban. Eitleun `roman. Jean Brock, Mary Cmw. Egg-(nu! Chou TJ.;u.,......- h--- '`I'`- ;\n.uu\.'Lu -vuuuucy VVUJDL. Second IOLass I-Lonours--A1]:o Fer- ris, Jack Stteele, Lide Smith, Lloyd Pmttrichpt-, George Hook, Orvile ` 'K:asIhnerr. ' 'I`hird Olsass Hon.o1121s--G1ecm_g'e Jam- icson, Austn M-cJ{nig'.hi, Olive O C-on- nor, Isaac -We:1d!cm. Form LB. First Class Honwours--Maurice Mac- I.a.1'en, Mau.rice Pearce. Doxwoiuhry Doylle, Betty Raobarn-, 'M:1mg`aret Hwb- ' ham], Dorothy Shu`t.cr, Iris Jarvi. I gnr-nnurl r'.1.`.. ,-~ TY ~ ' norm 1.4.. | H .Fir.d'.- ~O1asx9 rH1onou'rs--Eileen Duck- Iwdntih, .Luoretia Rowe, Gfbert `Oar- pembevr, Gorden `Sylvester, Com Brown, `Leslie Hook, Agnes Gncse, |S`baney Walt. o,....u._ .1 .ru 7 H .,-..,.`..u.. u. mmg are exolu a42.'enrts for the famous Pierrottc Hose. _ ....u yLu\!:UUliL`l MICK` jof :1 person in his condition, escaped `without inju1~_v. Tuh.e1*e were 21 num- `ber of xvitnwzss toqahc a'ccident. These qu0s`tiono(I the man and adwrlwss, but his a.nswc-rs were uninrte1lf;r:i=b1c. They were _a.b1<.> to put: his car bzwk on the road and stay: him on his way again. Some of , the svpectatom poured oun; a couple for bottles of liquid 1-eimht mm `aha irlvicth before aI`I.ovwin;:' the man to pro- , coed. as to his name 4 ECollegiate Institute Honor Roll` 4 X A llonc d1'i.vm~ in a Ford tou.1'in~,2 czu*d Iosft con.`crol of his m.aohin.e on {the Penmvang` Road just mppo5n'.te `Hr.~.n1'y Dunsm;o`re s fa.1'.m on Mond'a.y !afv`te1-noon. The car careened into ithe ditch and turned crvc-1' three t.in1e.s before coming `:0 rest. 'Dhel' top of the car was bzulvly zrmashed. [W10 drivel`, wit1 the p1`0\'e11bia.~l Luck} in.4` n ..n..--.. r `1usLLM?lLL` M1`. Robb went 0'n to rIe.~`c1*ibe the . feedin_2' of c'hic-ks, c~o`m'pm'in`2' the two ` most widely used nations, the Ohio! and Wisconsin alil-mas-h raitions \vi'bh the Barrie 17:1 ti o n , recenul y exnolved by Mr. Rczbb himself and used wirtih suiccesc during" the The Wisconsin necesaitate half 3 chicks !in his ' amount of concentrated ' and 37 they 1 Iio-wing the chicks to eat as much as . past two years. and Ohio rations the feeding of youngi small amouznts from four 310 rliozen times a day. Mr. Robtb new ration has lessened the food and J; quantiies .of alfaifa leaf meal east to aid dvi-giestion, `thus :11-' - . ike from the rst. ;, CAR TURNS OVER THREE ' {IN D_lTCH; DRIVER UNHA __._______. `SOME EXCITEMENT, BUT NO LIQUID REASONS; uunu. urzuvu JH`-UCK, JYIEITY UIGW. Second Ohms Honotu-s-Roas '1`-um- | ,,_. _...,........ wm.-u pu1a.:u'uc mseases wiwc-1'9 mostt Iia-brle Lo axttack chicks. I`ho1`(- was no cure for such (]'iS`92LSGS, but they could be controlzled by the use of bLut.tem1i~1k in the ration, and cle.an'Iiner~L:. The fourth pc~.rrIod is from the age of one m:on.`.h to 1n:1:t.ur- ity, when the pou:1-trwnan needs to g'uar a.g-ai11s't. warms and in;tes*tina1 parasites. 7|r__ n It Sarjearmt & King |Z'f.`nft. F01` fan 4'-u...... 3 Wo1'1(l .s to nc.\'t ;d1'z1wn I ;f0I' plIv1+.P\' Qlmnnv \-n'r-=- ---1-:*L `H. Morten Digglt To Poultry Congress I Barrie: Ontario, lThurs?ay', April 14, 1927 Form 1C. --......,_, -v xcau. L|llU' :=n1ashed.} Luck 1 u1~_v. rneu +n~ *+.1...\ .:....:.1-.,L rm : TIMES UNHARMED`, >urt wk ; A u I r\.n1n~n.I A-L -~ In 1*e-gran! to the n12mt.e.r of cqm- peliling pupils to attend the schools in `.1hed~r own (Iistrict unless given special permis`sLon to do othr.-rw.i;-e by the Bvoard, Dr. Brereo.n Said t'ha.t re-i sidenfts in tm east. end of town were paying taxes for a _2'1~a school and ran: `Jhe Board` could not prevemt 0 parents from sr.-nrlinyr their chil-V Wen to a gn*adve school if they w.i.s.h- ed to do so. _ J. E. Mcrrison swbn1frtte a.reAport~ of the Irn.d:us,i.rial Evening` Cixasses held during the winter. Cbasses had ' been condruc't,e in English. Dress- Baskcctmv , ...,,x run - ..-- - ~ exclusive ~ D:-____;_4 nu-n gill; 1 .,.u, uuuuun 1/uuu_\', `1VUL(l`1'l:`(l VVIHJJJIS. IYhri7'd 0113.58 Hwonoours--Boyd Am- nhd, Malwl Sanders, M-uric! Muckr- hhur, Meaud. Ford, Mona Beaxtty. Evecd Antlezzon. p,;u\J;.u$a xrrulvli, uuunu LJ21-_\'. >Sc.c.oml C+1azu=:s Hmn:o=un's--Edith Hub- bard, Minnie Pat:rid.2'e, Fmnestt Amn- old, Mnbell Drrulry, 'Mi`1`(lwred Walls. rm..:...x n1...... 1:... ..... .- n Second Ohms -Hono`~ur.s--Norine R4o'wc1h'"o, Bob Bowed]. Helen. Davis, ,Doris Smart, Ray Wiles. ' Thi-ml Glass H-on,our.=,--Wm'1V. B'ra,_v. Form 2A. ' First Class H:on.our&-Me1ros-'e Pan'- ltridlpxz, Annie Story, Dorothy Scwhes, Stella Clrurtc, Johm I1a._\'. .Qn.u.n.l f`Tl..-,. `[f.._.... V-1 " ` l.'Ulllll LL] F-inwt Glass I~1io`no-ur~s---Her-be.-1-t Foxe- ter, Com ~S_v1kc-s, Merlvi!-12 Rsoberrtson, Chanlie Bosmdxon, Emerson B-zn1Jan- tyne, Audmey Foam`, John Gibson. Jean Shear. ' .... ...~ucuu, -mruwu m.c`uou-g`a.!J. I Dhird Glass H-cmours--Jack Os- borne, Ralph G*o(-sse-1, Mm'i`on Webb. .Mu1mg`a"re!`.' Spencer, ' G~eIrad Smith, F.`mmrm Fhnu-1 Iburl, Mario/n Wisdom, Enlzlnolva `Goes- sel, Harriett Hart, Amdre_v Hook, Heien Boe'J1I,'Eric Mmzmphy, rL415o_vd M101- rison, B`.c.b -Omk, Hede-n Arnotdr, Nel- son Gametbt, Minerva Wilson, Stew- art McLecan, -Mrauxk Mc'DougaJ. I\h i F1` {mane 1 -7.1.. ```` ..~ 7- -1- f` C. H. Bowlves six-year-01-d daugh- `.ter had a miraculous escape fnom ' [injury on Sumhay afternoon when she 'was run over by a Chevtvolet marl- stc-r driven by Rzzy Chappelfl of New- mmwket. Tihe child ran out on the road in front of the aw, which was lt41uve41rlai11:g' south, and was stru-ck down by the left front wheel. 'TThe [automobile passed over her body without causing` any injury. I`he car -was g'~oimg' show and was stoprpod within a few feet. Mr. Chappel a'endc~red eveny ass.ist;ance afterwvardss and repented the ma/cte1' `to the police. 'I`.he accident Iumppended jud`: south of Vespra stre-e t at the r.-:ca.c` spot where the jitney fatality occunred 1ast _vear. It was about four o'clock in the afternoon. .. V- a.auL4A\. u..u KJJLIJU IUSL ween ' :. . was decided to instal a water system for the golf course and club ;'r;ouse._. _D'he water will be piped from gthe :~ox}v'n' system at the top of Bay- lrald St, and a separate pressure -s,vsten1 estzabiishetl on the links. 'Dhe `iofluib house will be equipped wifah imzodeim plumbing conveniences, and` N i Flam m`nm. ..-:.11 ..1-- L, L;L 1` Beginning` with the new school "` term next September, no pwpils will ``_be allowed to attend a Public School .ouJfsi(L'e `J1me in which they re- side wirhout the vrrittten consent of tne Board of E Princ'ipa.]s the Public Schools are to nottfy 34T\1 o?1i:-of- t pupi-ls attending "`".E.+r-schools to that effect at tihe end ,l ......u-mu of the p1'eeen.t terrn, according` to a ,j b I Dr. Brereton. presentetl I I _. `J imzodeim am}! the pipes wiil-l also be taken to (332011 i `green for watering purrpnses. The Jsuheme wiihl require about :1 mile orf piping`. R. J. Wolxfemlen has been given the contract. } I At a -special meetin_: of the r.-xe- ` cutive of Barrio Gm`-I-f Club last week *" IXFOQ r]nn3.lA,l ._ 2.._1.-ux - I 'GOLF CLUB TO INSTAL WATER! [SYSTEM FOR HOUSE & GREENS! I I ........, .....= pwu auuun. we ups. I rB`Otih cars were ba(ll_v \v1`eck(.~d.l `The left: front wheel of Dr. Mor- re.n s 1'.(7zz1.dEite1~was bmonken off. T110 radiator, hood, left fender and run-: nimr boaml were smsashed. T:hc| win(L=f11':ie was also comple.toa1_v shznt- rtered. Mr. Skinner's Star b1'ou_2=ham I had its front axle bvokem. The left 1flTODt spring was s"harttc2'etI and the; . fenrd-er torn- off. . l\4|l\IJ Au. u-u-apuuzu, nu1'111e, w,ne1'e they are now repented to be con- Va.1%`:I1f,"! M1`. Skimmer suf fe.1'e a cmyckecl rib. D1`. M`o.1'1'en had a sh.o-ulder severely wren..ched', while his homsekeepe.r, Mus. Bates, had two front tee:t`11 knm~.kr_=d out, and also had her face cut. Her laithlc son, Jack, was cwt about the lips. I R-nfzh r-nm: Inuvn 1\..,n.v .._...JL ' \JA Anna. , Dr. 1\Iorr(-n waus (i0SCCi1(ii11f_"-tilt} 1 ML] own his way t.o a case at Craig'- hurst and Mr. Skinner was ascending the hilvi on the way to Barrie, when a dog` ran out on the road. Dr. Morrein swerved his car to e.scape hif-i'TlL2` the drug . and an almost i1mad- on C.0litii`Si:0T1 occurme.d. Dr. Mzorresn {had two other people in the car he- 'sides :haim.seiif, and Mr. Skinner had four passen.g'ens. Mrs. Skinner re- ceived a bad Slaip wound and in- juries to her back, and her Gladys, .'~1u`e1-ed painful intei-.n-:11 in- ju1.i.es and abrasions to her knee. Both had Vtlo be taken to the Royal Victoria H-ospitaa], Barrie, where f]-ggxv nu-n hnnv .... ..._u._1 1 v u. '.'vuu. Kllmnrued on -page neven)` CHILD RUN OVER BY CAR Six pt.-rson..< \vm'c- injurod in :1 001- lisicn \\'hEc.`n occu1'2'r,-(I (:u1`.I_\' Sumh1_\' z:fto1'noo:1 at UL-witt s Hill on the: Penetanr: Rom}, bcwcon curs driven by Dr. A.f1`er.l Morren, V.S., of R111`- rie, and M1`. Skinner of :\ Il'S1SiS-FvI1Ll_'.`,'2l St, O1'iL1'ia. T\ If Six Inj11rr3mc_iAI;i-;n1.to I Coliision Sunday - -I-/lo um,-xuuvn. . .3 The. 1'e:po.1'.t also shatted that the! committee had a confemence wintlhf fihe Pwbhc -School p1'inci.pa;Is 1-eg3_,d_ mg 1-egvmlaitxorvs and other general: Work Ovf flhe schools. and recom-; mended that the principals t,aJc_e the game mmrbem up \v1'J`.`h their resrpec- ve staffs. su . -.. pupa u. Eric Munphy and Lloyd Arnofd on- ltemtainnrl 12.3 clown: in Itw :1-.\rrrrv.1'a;=a t.1'c ~ exemisom and betwomn numbers. vvuauulllll ulu: 1-1'21-IJIIS U0-Yl'l~(3 1'11." A tting climax to the cvc-nin;r s entetaiiimient was a playilet, H'i.=. Model Wife, presented by 21 mun- ber of Lower School 9tu(lc-mts. The play was repl-ate with funny situa- tions and all the C351? grave e.\'cel'len:t penfoimmnces. Frzmk Mclnnis and W arrl Smith were c-specially psood. The cast included F. Mclnmis. Wmul Smitnh, George Hnook,, Dotrothy Lirtotle. Mary Patton . Rumh MIuMa.rrt.in, Aud- rey Foster, Marion Scott-t, Mionia Boatty and Gluairlys Conbeitt. Misses K. Perm-y and F. IyI;a.cDouu:g1al1 trained . Ll... ,_--L lie I4\Alb\lL\l|| \/\aI.l.ll|'L4lLlIl. Stewazrt Bnwson creznted gales of laughter in a humonours song, ` Wva.tohin- the 'I`-minus Come In. A Gb+.'..,.. ..I:..--.. A, AI ' ll... .u.~:uxuuuuL, u . \/UUKUUIII. Very attractive Ind-ian Club swing`- nn,;-,- exe1*cisc-s were perfom1c-d by Margaret B'I:a.c.ksbock, Marjorie ' Warnica, ]\1'a.nu'aret Meeking and ;1Hc-len Gamett. A Mayrpole Dance by items on the pro_2mzunme. It folxllowed by :1 qwaint Clap Dance. The girls were Jennie Dodxl, Vera Lyons, Glad_vs McBride, Evelyn Tuck, I/illlian Yeratos, F`mances Huxl- buunt. Velrma Orok and Mdvred` Mc- Kni.g'h!t. Miss W. Shannon was in charge of the club mvin;.~:i11,Q' and dances. All vhree n-umbens revealed the thorougvh and (excellent traminlg wh'ic1h the girls receive un. he school cumiculwm. CV4. .... _ .4. Ti eight g'i-nlus was one of the p1'ert`t.iec~7_ was. fGym Review and [ Concert At B.C.I.} A large nuumber of B`ar1'.ie citizens atended the fune1*a'l of the late Geo. H. Clark in Orilnliu on Mondtay. D2unz1;_-`e an1ountin5;' to $200 ru. ed when a spark from :1 motor i_qnit- ed :1 quant.it_v of ,;`as`o1inv in tlw c1(':2u1i1ig' pi~z1n.: of A. I`). Whi`.:h_\`, Elizzibe-t.l1 St., on 'l`uc. mcrnfn-jg. The cIea.nin_;' plnant is in an isolated cement buihl'in_u` at the rear of Mr. Whitb_\-"S t21i1o1'in.gj shop. There were 11 few coats in the building at thn .timo. 'Iihe timbers of the roof at the front part of the b11ii(iil]fJ,` were charred, but a largo bank of gash- line did n-ct c-a..ch re. Dl1h1Lf.`,`(f to the bui.hl.ini_2- was est.in1ate by the owner at $25, and to the contonms S175. 'I`hero was no in-surance. The Fire Brigade arrived upon the sconv in .'-'l1o.nt or and rendserod exceirlcni`. service in smotheri'n:g' out the ames. Mr. Whitby, who was wo1'iaing' over the cleaner when tihige g`aso1.inwe V1ip`C'UJY became iygrnited, was painf-u1l_v scorched about his hands`; c`} hzl cc 3} gs of ar and ace in esca.pin._2'. 1'9 GASOLINE EXPLODES [N CLEANING PLANT, $200 LOSS . _v u \J v A -u uvu. LI'1lIb`..`5lf`S tmi n ed .4 .. LILI. mu: w-um umn.p.' (Lone. The Bean! is planning` to visit 1VIiduTvan(l and Orillia `.=o see how the auzairliary classes in those towns are. corvclhlxoted. `n

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