Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 7 Apr 1927, p. 6

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:0ur debt to our pioneers ! Wlho can estimzvte its true value ? Is it a debt: that can be paid in so many dioilars and cents ? Can money pay the debt. wlhiclh has been incurred th.rou~gIh lives of sacrice ? If not, how can we detenmine how our debt can be paid ?_ Before we can realize the im- mensities of our debt we must know of some of the l1.ard.sh-im emfured by the rs: ploneem of Canada. Troubles did mot only begin when hey arrived at their fwoure thoimes. There were all the difcullties of long`, (lanngerous ocean voyages in clumsy ocean vessels. 'Dhere were (l iu7courag'ing journeys on foot to their destinaltions. There were back- bre`akng' tasks of carrying heav,\` bur- dnens of food and clothing`. There were 3111 the (langc-rs of exposure to wild bezxrivts. And when all these suf- ferings had been borne, there were the unaccustomed taslcs. of making Uheir own crude toohs before homes could be raised above their loved ones. Were not these obstacles great enough to try the courage of the bravest and strongest ? Vvlann Hm: nun-L `I--. _, The Advance prints herewith the ewaay of Glladuys Wilson which was adj=u-d.rg~ed the best of forty emays submi~tl`.ed by Lcvwer Sclhool pupils or! the B.'C.-I., in the essay contest con- ducted by the Women's Canadian Club, the winners of which were-an nouniced at the last meeting` of i` he ciiwb. Ltu~:1: weetk their zippeared in tahieise columns the essay by Mm-iel Mzumpahy on Some I`*h<.o11{,-'ht.~: orn tthe Future of Cnn:ida, w1hic=h won first prize amoohrg 11 coni`riburtions from the Upperr SchooI1= Stu(iC'I1/CS. Fm:n=cis Firth of St. Mary s School and N-orine Fihmsan of King` Eli-W1LI`(i Scxhro-orl oznme wns; zmd second re spectively among 13 competitors in the Public and Separaxte Solmol sec- tion of the oompot.ition:s. Their 05- says wild zuppear in the next two is- sues of the Ad-Vance. Miss Wilson- s emay follows : I\ Page Six The Debt w;`o:;.; To Our Pioneers (By GGa Widson) .. .,..... ...._v .uI'-;;u- ivc. 'I`}1<.- smtlrzrs f Lhe Lrrr.-at outer ye.-.':.r to another. ..._ 1 Au - . ~-n\uull_`. some of tho m:1n).' nmm. ...rL- -1 - a year, but in pionrwrs wort.- yrion zmcl :1 trut- .., ....-:w.\, and Oftr-n VIII umn) who b]:z7.m.' ~ of Czmzula. (2.... - uuunapuuwuu-Ivu. We owe to thr-m the 'luxj:`inxving of aihnyoat all cur in Little did they rennin, w`h.irle hmvimg the tfhr.-ir (m- r Sm`!-n;.,'t.h, ivr-s in the b 1` mmu. we must! Intnrt, it mamas, is p'<;u';d mum lcwhlmz hm) On'lzuri.u and bad onus ls.-zulim: crut.--~-Bu:-dew (.`.iLiuu Saar. Ru 3 net) prov} n L , ". um: .x lwiL(1I7 WL_b4`1 of (10l.lir1-,;wo"l was u!'L-r p"2 vin,;: mt-l.i(::u'l 2 H.:. in}. .I M- I When :12. :L :-L'L'wivn;: ht-0 at Hue l :u'm I` Ef Dzwid Smith, IC4I`r:nvL:.lc, on Wm| !r1r::~2I:9.y of `LIIHL wreak, Lincoln J. '.Iru1':n>:~'Lrn1 was st-rio`u.'~y injurt-I. 'l`Iu: I:ir(:uI:u' mw lrrokv am! Mr. Jo`hn- 1.nn wzue hit on the h.-ml. rv.(:wi.vim4 r-. fr.'u:1.urr4- of thv Hkuhl, thr- :~;(':1.lp bu- iny cut, in HIT:-rt.-nit ])]1L(`l':5' zuul UN- ,ihmin ..7~'.slw l:L<:sn:L1,v-tl. Dr. M.(fK:Ly xu`mm.um~l :uul ;`f'U.r gr-'\/inn un...H....'l ..4.4. .4: I - .-,,...`... m n.-Lurn, mt us -(l(:\ OL!! u lift-time of 3!-rvicn .0 the lam] they {lava} and .=;r:r: that we lo our u't/most rm makv our Czuxzulm. n C:u1cul::L of iw hich they wouvl be proud. | I `IEDENVALE MAN 'BADLY HURT WHEN CIRCULAR SAW BREAKS Iv-zntni. p\l u`llLdolllL'. j Our debt to our pi`onr.-(:r.q ! 'I'rul_\', it is a debt we can never fully r<:- p::_v. They have grivcn us 21 cmnvtry !'oun on true hI,~2Lrt:~: and nrnlyln ' In return, lat -rluvotre -4 4.: I . .. Vvxfmt. mu, um: nu/r um` xuburv OJ (,'.'lIn L1[,-1, \Vh(,-n our ))io_x1r.-n.-`.~' fi,-wt mud:-1 their rouywh. cowl-uroy rrnuts, th:-`V lit'ttIc` that them: would In: the fora-runnom of our 1.-'r(::).t him]- ways; that the mrazL;:'2'r- yirmlltctts-' of their farrns would so incr0a.>4(.- as to demand mmds and railways for Lh_~,ir hxanspontaxion. \If..._... 4.- .1 .... ._.; n, 1 . . : \u,v\-unun vu uzvsnr L:lL'ul`~l:Il SIJEDHU as a rebuke to the somewhat indif- ferent attendance of our churches. Their tent meeting places were re- placed by primitive log: structures, which were g'raduaa.l1y supplanted by lumber buildings of a better char- acter. Now that we have our ne churches within easy distance do we not owe it to thorn .`.-o do our best to uphold the Christianity for wvhich they strove so hard ? The sense of freedom which came ;to the early sestlers life, unshackled by social form:a.1itie-s, in their new- sxlrns nasn t been reached yet-prob- ably won -t be a t. .aine` until 1957, in the opinion of Mns. Catt as set forth in an attack on M. Paul Poiret print- ed in the Forum. 'IThe nrclizher, M. Poh-et ~s climax of womaniood of 1957," she pre- dicts, is g`arbe in trousers, wears pinching` hig'.h-hvee1ed shoes which pre- vent her from utilizing the leg free dom the trousers give, and she is crowned with a top-heavy hat three feet across, formed of sprun glass. And the trousers will be the ruf- fedest, embnoid-eredest, most chif- gave rise to an intense desire for foned tlngs you ever saw, with a freedom of government. Thus. out Rtvlp l\'I'\ .....,\.... _. - ,,, hi nurn :71 .u.u..u nun ucuuuua uazxaulnunus. The efforts made by our pioneers to 1'c-uch a place of vvorship `am! _ rh0i1` devotion to their church stand in: 0 .-.-.k..l.,\ 4... 4.1-. .... .7 V . - 1-.- As tlhie settlemevnnts became larger and the colonists more nume1wu.v=. there was an increase in sickness. The Indians, with their effectiv: 1'emedie were zulmost e2-dzirizct, so that it became necessary to build and niaintain hospitails for he care of the sick. Our pi-oneevs un'de.rt.o-ok this task and thus paved the way for the splendid system of hospitals which now benets Cana;(lian.s. T`l.n -(!!....L,. _..-,1, L,, - .\,....\. 4...; uu] uuullbly. The small]. isoLaJ`.e(I. t1'a(linQ,' posts and strug`;),'1ing s0*ttlen1ents gave birth to our great vtowns and cities, wihicnh are even yet in their yout`-IL In 1800 Fo1'onito. was a. wilderxiess Since then, frdrrn `tilie impetus given to it by our pioneers, it has develop- ed inwo the busy, hustling` city of to-day. Vl'.,. -.1......:__._1 - - '- -uAA\.A`L uaauuua wc`1'\: uu .L'L1I':I1SJ l lul'l'lDC for tlhe homes of fubure Canadians,` to supply furniture for Uh-eir use, and to provide the marterial for] ships to carry their products around i the world. The solitary s1]1e1'n1u.:v} libte tvougrht that the fish which) zzbounded in the rivers wou-Id fun:- iuh one crf the chief sources of re- venue for our country. [`1wn :~1\1nr1:I ..,.1..u ,. ,1 .... .I 2.. Y mizgihtxy maple, `th-art they were clear- ing the way for bnoad, fertile acres, which were to become the` founda- tion of Canada s wealth. 'Dhe samel forelsits from which they cut Logs for lheir oasbirus were to furnish lumber fnv H110 hnn-..-m -4` 4`..L...., r\,_,, I: I m>:xtr~' of w:uim'[n'tmf 1 r p ':u:1.i(:u.hl:. we nmad it |Il"\l 1;-.41-Jr..- 1. I\ .. nu ll` \l ILIIVI 1 ::1;t.r-nt,i<;n, hm! `v-4! mun rt-m'nv-ll In Hu- 0:~Ipi1:.'|.l in an :un|:11`lA:1.I1c<-. :1 <|:Lm.r:-rtnua cmulitiml, Hum- c`mnr:v- of rucuvvry 'in_1: Im-clic: 1- v u: x.uu.~H|l'I .-vUll1(` 0 things we owe to t11o.=r.: the trail into tzhr futux-st \X"L.... IKA ' pmpvr nrv Nrw York .`~5!nlu- I pr-H.'=iun for prop]:- m.'n'riu-I !'Ifl,_v yr-urs. Llw r.-J`. my y~u.m an the vromt. ... u l:|Hl~'|' .~.I'lll l.h-- npmm, w`h um! rs-.~;mn.|:l:~.-c I.`LHl1'l`Df`ViIll' :1:Li| Uhuut l*`::uhlu~r ,3(')l1:u`bmmlII:- W:1. :1 (:ulLu;r<-I mt-mllwr of Lhu :4L:IfT of Mir lIn`iv-mi!.y of |"r:zm:4-, nnul ntn-r :~vp-mlim: >l()|nl(' timr in C:Lnuul:1 lmd I4-('.il,t~.d .0 ml- Lurn 1,0 I`r:uw-- on v.'L(',l'.()llrl4. M Lin- living (:mIvliti.nz1.~<. Hr rzmmiuwl, how:-yvvr, rl:-h~rnIinual Ln [)(`l`h'l',l`Vl'4l'(` unltil hiz; vlcmtllu. l`wo_ ya-:|.r.~; lnh-r hw- w:1..~'. killml by I.-hu lnli.:|.n nu luv wuus r-rt irw: :h:- Nulzl-:|wIu:m.;:Iz1 River. l:1l:ln'r l)<~vina- lmlivv:-.-o lllml. mlwl.iv:-as z.. u.-.... - V ' 9 (: h.ow~v-r, . f".l. U, ...v.m.~ In 11. spoon, \\"|1l(. h Is at ](`1lSL300)'(-.'L)`.`-I of LL','(`, .'Lml was fouml ;w0 _v(:u1'.~w l_L1`0 by chilclrvn on the b:1nk::< ol'1;hr- .\ 0tt;1wzL.<:L;:':1 River, Hr.-v. F:whm- E. J. Dovinv, an oluial of UN! I*Im:'1i>:h->vp:~:Lkim.r J(,`SlliL~`. in ()nt`zLri0, hop:-3 Lo lw 2Ll)rl`(! to fix tiho `spr/L z-J; which lzLt.l'u-r (}|wu'br>nHl`l-. :1 Ju'~`-uit mi.-L=.?m1:u'.\' {Tram lr:mc(-, was rnurrlu,-rr-I on thv l):1r11kx of the river by :1 I'M]!-p`.'L(l(-. In in 1642. FILM]!-D` l):vinr- (l(`niV(')`(`(l :1 l(!(3`LlH`(' \V(.`!h|".`*Z1L'L.\ nij.-`hr, nsf lmvt ww-k in Lhu I\'r1im!rLs oi C()]ll:l1LhUh' Hmll, Sl1u-r- buuruv SL, l`uronrt.0, um `.|lu- (`4:Lnv:ul,i.'m m:u't)'r:4 of Lhv J4-.~:uin, Sm-.i(-l.y. dur- ing` which lu~ told of tihv n,:lin;:' of ithv szpmnx by Uhv childr:-n um! wlhiuh `hm! I):-I-n ;;'iv,-n to him by Billlop ()'Dmn1'-N of Vi.c1L(ni:1, who lrzul |`(`- cuivml i; 1'1-om I".'rUlu~r O`Brim1 of /\'1li.s'Lmx. ILtl|r-r D!-vim` L. .., V` READ TH E , :SPOON IN THE NOTTAWASAGA `MAY LOCATE PRIEST S MURDER vnvs-ax/0 u; uLUllHl].', sums. f Meantime, while women are pat- ironizingr two-pam. SL]C`.S it is quite ipossibic that Zhc g'entlr,= male will ind i1iI`!I.~`(3i-f drift.in_:: into . I Our piano`,-r:~' lnvr,-strrrl crpry, txht.-fr couraxzt-, their s-at:-or their icleznhs and tfhnir liw-:- future cf Canwlu, which wu yield, not to t}'If.1l'I'D."-XU1.Vf'.`~f, but to ( inxr ygenemtions, vzuat tlivialc-nd:-', beyond their vagruc.-'-1' rlrr-u'n1:<. Tl\" .... .... ~ " ' ...,..._,.. All this is 1e-ading to :1 rebelilion that may bankrupt the world, Mrs. Cat: believes. Factories will close and millions will be thrmyn into am- emp1oy1m.-nt. It will be a dreadful and unpzu`allvlelc time, and even Mrs. Catt isn t sure wlrether lm revolu- trouscrs or bathing suits . I N11.-.nHw.,. ...L:1_ WW7, tionisizs will c:me1'g'e wearing skirts,- vu ... mu. L\|llLl'llIo Poh-et"s 11.. r-1-nun-smvl u-4+1-. .. 4......1_A--._. :.u.uu.u u:nuumLu'u. But not soon. Farthest nortfh in skirts hasn t been llVl'_. .__ .:.v in R . J I Will] Women Rob-c`] ? New York, Mm`. 23.-wIu:st as styles mach the point wthere women s letlgs wi`1`I ']w.ve to be st-retched long- er to make skirts seem any qhrorter, Ca1'1*ie Ohapnmn Catt, norbed suffrag- ist Iezlfder, -has sepped forxvard to predict rebeliorn. D...L __,; Y` .vu uuu ulll: L;Uu.I`L U]. opam. Orchid taffeta bouffant is the name crf me Latest dress, which reach- es the floor in back, with a sl-igthit train, and reaches hc knees in front. Gowns this year will] follow the line of the gure, b1`inigin~g tzhc waisf down to the largest part of he thigh. Monvt said: Briililiant covors, pm`- ticuawr]-y ailil shades cr.f green, are the lnsfft on; KIAKIJ uo umuu: mu: pawus IlU(:CSZl.I`y. Except c-r this minor detail, we- men is going` back to feminine style, 11-avinzg` tired of the sheik bulb and Lihe mannisihly-+'taa.`ifLo1'ed costume. And sh`c"s going: back :1 long` way, back to the early tIhi1'teen1Jh century per- iod` and the court of Spain; nrnhi:I +n`n+n I-.....a'..._uy : n V-.,uvu..u\.o. The oreato-1~s say simply lwlt slnort skirts made the pants necessary. Ex0r>m1 rm +1h1'c m.'n.m. .l,\+..:n ...- _...e. ...,V....., vvnunnlll x.u1`.s\:u ;_.','llp. Pants in A111 Outks Eor pants sl1e s goinng to wear, Monvt p1'e.(l`icts. It's going to be pamt of her street, srporrt and evening out`.- ts. Shelll hoarvo frilly, lacy (h'ea_\=.c'.s~, and more urtillitarian onw will be in- co1`:porate(I in her golf and st71'eet cvostumes. rrn -nu A-1 uwu Lnuul, uuw [J`iU|bS. -It's the ultra ul`..r:1 of s1mu't sntylcs, a.ccI:u1`tlin_L' to Ra31])vl1 Mont, (lirv:cnor of bhc I*`:1s1io11 Amt. [.c:L1.~:u0, wzhoslc con- vc-n'tfon lmve h-21.5 alt.t1`actcn(l hv11ye'11s i'1*onn Lhe .,"l'E'1.'t mid-Wc-s`t, where, in anot:her decade, the stmig'l1tz-4I'ace-(I `and ter1~if_ving Titancss lmpt moras and styles within corsett g'-rLp. punt: in An]! l'\nAmI.. -.....,..,,.,, .........u u.z.---1.; yuu sxuuwuu saunter cm the bou-levvard or try your putter on the tricky greens, or dance at the tennis dlub, now that spring is n1-eLo`o1'oLo5g'i`ca:l`1`y here, (l4on t be lsurprised if you see women wearing ipanms--nzot Lr`ou. as men some _itimr~s call them, but pmn. \ .... ....u r:A.'1l.'ll.~l\v1f. I hrurrl ncthim: of world from one Physicians vw.-rt: .'~x:urcr: a sick person died hr-fare 1n1~':l 1., u :PANTS, NOT TROUSERS, ARE' ' DECREED FOR THE WOMEN Ohicago, March 29.--If you shnowlsd nI'n.+rn~ rm hkn ly~.nnlm......I .... ...- .--.., wuua _yuu cw.- blown in on .1! nrII||l Vl'f1 H1] -11! l":Ll.h-r \-wluitell in nil ` :1 pnwtlul` AD V~l`}.lT.l8l:`.M ENTS. hf a spoon, which is at .-1 Mu nl' - ' nnw |Jru'p():+4~: n vwlm lmvu but-n l"|u-y vluim -Llmi. of nmrriu-cl lit..- ..-.-.,_-u I\.IVl l`. 1-H l..... I`I.,, .I I"- every passing I till I V|l`lI`Iv`VI1:` (H|n|1hvnlI('|M(` :m|i| .`ii!l\'('l', ` gmlr. \,....n..au .-pun. ])Z``\'8.Hf`( The mail service was lar and The Northern Advance Pnrllxnyxn Hm only purt. of llw Nurl I1 Amnrivnn vunl`Im-nt, thul ])(I:l:H'.`l.'~H`N an I|II|.hm|l.iv 1-ulivvliun uf full;-lorv unnuu In Hm |1I'u\'in'uof Quvlwu-. Mun` humlrml ynum ngu whvn tho lir.-et ll'l!n(!h uxploruru and Hum la-rs vnlno to tho ulmron of the SI. Luwrvm-o nmny of thtmu mnu,vn wurv on Hu-.ir Hprx and In their hourh-a nnd tho-y luwo nvvr-r died out. It. in Lu thn lmnur nr Hu- l."rcm:h-(L`un:nli:u: ru-.-c that thr-_y luwu: ` . xnln my-run:-.\ulw\.S .iu\.\`.`.fl'&`.'.` French-Canadian Chanson Has New . ou can Increaseyour Business by Advertising---Tr The Northern Advance .u we Imnur nf (ha-' that LIVINGSTON BROS. Consider this a personal in- vitation to test our state- ment on the highway. we can assure you without qualication that these im- proved Dodge Brothers cars establish new standards for their type and price. Church .~tr:2<.'?cI,~:< \}.'I.-rr: car the homes: by tram,-l1in;: about once or twice yo; spite of this the pionr: sbaunch in their roligrion :1 C /nr:"-rtian :-~pirit p2':\'ailr-I. rm. nan ~--=4- Name anything that a car does--any operation con- nected with driving--and 0\\'H1.`[ C0 U10 CIIOPUS 0! JOHN Murray nv\'(-r m-vn nllnwml to fade from tho Gimlonv Whose tmnslatmns fl be .~: I1-Inmnlnrzlm-1- of thv ])(`()))i(", nor has I h1`51`L`d "1 1900]` form earl) "1 the n Hm How] of t`]llH`H`|(`l`lll und riihhishy )'03T- _ _ r pnpulnr .~mm.:.~; of the day o\'or- With the idea of popularizmg the t \\'|wlnimH1u`m. ()ri;:inn|ly sung at the English versions and there_by bringing n court. of the From-h immarchs. they ahoutacloser understgxiidxng between v \\`I.`|'l`])l|HH(`(lOnfN1lllfllU\(`l`tO!lOn.and the French and Enizhshlements of i were lirougit. with tin curly seters Canada, Mr. Marchand IS at present" r from Frunvv to Canada. And as the making: trans:-.m_itinental conc(-' - _vn-um haw pnmwd the old lmliads tourundertlieuusp1cesoftheNati:=~- .- luwc hm-u muuplmuulilml by new tunes Councilor Education. Special Sedan - - De Luxe Sedan - - Special Touring Car Special Coupe - - Also Sell Dependable Used Ca Dunlop St., Barrie, Ont. Im/z'z`ozl`z'0n Delivered -r<-ated by the lumbermen and habi- `zuits: for music is a living art in French Canada. Only within recent years have we lat-giin to realize how rich is the treasiiry of lovely melodies associated with the folk songs of Canada. Thanks to men like Charles Marchand, inter- pretvr of the French-Canadian "('hanson", these folk songs have taken on new life, and before long they will be available for the English spO:1kim,: population of Canada, owing to the efforts of John Murray Gibbon, whose will published in early in NH. H... :.1.-... at ......,.I....:_.'._- LL. $1375 $1510 $12 0 5 $1275 ......: u.u n.-,~_;u.aw.n DO :a*u: lift: in the animals. With :~;prin,':, and the end of a 1011;: winfcer of : came rc-lief, and Lht: crops in 1817 were as plentiful as they had b.-on scarce. % 1 i 3. Slmzlml and paddling: went well together. Lease of Life THURSDAY, APRIL 7, I921. g.--Try ...-....u...w auu .:v1'\)1L`gt:5b 1 When the rough log cabins had placed been ereclied, the pioneers could not enjoy Lives of luxury and idleness. Homes were not the only necessities. Food must be provided for the fam- cjmmhc ilies. They could not walk two or not ow. three blocks to a store and pm-chase articles to ll zlheir needs. Their 51: food was to come from the soil. And : before they could compel the fertile soil of Canada to yield its treasures um they must rid i; of the almost i.m- ri penetrable forests which covered freedom mile upon mile. iof this 1] When a small clearing had been lsible go la.b:riousl}' made around each dwell- 5l,a,n(l`ing ing. implements were required. How [to-(la,y, . to 0-pT ."`r'u-J11 xxv): 41 mug`.--

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