Page Two The really bip: m.'1n--12he one who really does somerthi.n\g--does not adopt an attitude of superiority; the mzm whose feet are rmly set on the road to success is: there be- cause he realizes that, after all, he does not know so verry much, and does not amount to such a wfhole lot and that there are at least a few lbhingis he has yet to learn. Tlhe l'm~1.le Man, on the other hand, af- ter, if may be, yrsars of failure and` with as yet a snmtteri-ng of or knowled-,ra, immediately assumes a know-it-all" 1tUl 2UdC and takes on a head of ball-oon-like pnoportion-- yes, that -.4 it, bu.lloon~4l.ikc,. because, pricked, it collapses with much the same na.pirl'i".y as the toy balloon does` when snagr::e with a pin.-SL-lectc-d. Why is it that so mzmy cmn1;ara- tively young: men are leaving: the ministry to ei`ng':L;.:c in some other line of work was :1 q1i(+.~.'f.ion asketl roe:-.n`.i1y. There, no doubt, arc var- ious reasons for this. 'I`:hero are m`i-sizs" in the ministry as well as in every other occupati-on, and some who are }1.oi1c.-ma with timniselves and others, W1h`0I1 they `nd that they are out of `their sphere in the ministry fret out of it. Only the really brii~ liant men in the ministry command large salaries and pnominent `church- es now, and many men after spend- ing: years in preparing` themselves 1 -or the ministry nd they can make more money in some other line of work and the Aemptation to accept "Ls too strong to rcs'i.=;'t. A man may nd avcniles of f'7h"i.=`1inm ysorvine in any y__;,,;_.._. ,. .... .__4, Lzut, there are `too many who ontar the ministry as n husinms and ,0! otnme. these can never be a. success: THURSDAY, MARCH 17, 1927 -..n. Ht he joy cont`.< just l about i `that the l,.. ....uu_.u 4vlI.u|.\, ,;uxu.navxu1|a, `fl wv vlo '.l1at we will be able to ex- pand this .=c1'\'ice much more 1`3.])l(l'l_V `tlum we can t0-(llZ1_\', because we mu:=.'t have an eye to the amount of money available-. The Prcmir.-1' announced Gyovernmont had spent to `(late for extension of the zul\'antzLg`e.s {of l1_\'<,l1'o 0 ruxml dwellers 21 total of s2,.157,000. uuu 1 -I\.|\.4In Anlvnx, Alllflkl \.4\I/\,|l'.)lUIl UL `I~`lU ate the fa1'min_: conmmnity. I do not know \\'1my, he swirl, \v]1Qn we Taro pu".'ting` expenditure for h-i_;'hwa_v `;con=struction into capital account, Tmoney spent on construction of {t1'z1n; lines should not {:0 in- .0 capital. 1 am not an c_\:pe1*t, but I am groin}: to suzimzst. that the; .'1`rr>` =u1'c)' ask somcbo(l_\', because I think the cha1'_g'e should be OL1`1`i0(1. _ I on Lln'ou{.-`h future `L'enc-1'at10n's, andl '14` .1.` .L..L ..m ....'H 1... A1.I. 4.- _._ l i For the r.~:'t time in many yezL1's, Llw l>ud_-rot dvrhute ended on Tue-sdzly 1\\'itllOll`iL 21 division of the House. No ':1mm-nd`.n1ent haul been submitted by `Oil.-l1(1` Oppo.~'ition and the T1 ezLsu1-erls motion `.o :30 into Committee of Sup- ply was 21dop:te`d without a (li: voice. The debate was closed by W. E. N. Si11elwi1' and Premier Feng`u- son. 'I`he former conned his cri- ticisnnrs la.rgel'y to the size or dis- position of various items he had tag- ged in the public accounts, and some of which he himself dlld not appear to understand too well. The Liberal le4ad~o1' is always listened to with in- terest by the House, billii . he does not inflict very serious damage in the role of criticv. P1'e.miei~ Fenguson dealt with a wide 1*anp:e of subjects, and included an lntC1`0Stll`hg' state- ;ment on rural h_\'d1'0, \V`hJlOl'l. opened {the piosezibility of a different nancial a1`1'an,e`e1nent w.hic;h would permit jimicih more rapid extension of h_vdro `!\ `lxn (`.-....-n:..... ....W........:;.. at J- .\'zu- c()rpor`21li0n of :1 )m)\'in(`-1:11 pmvur :|>;xtL- \v:1.< 1: The week opened w1i't-h the passing on Mo`n'dJay of a rescxlu-`.\i-on express- ing` unanimous opposition of the House, irrespective of party, to the fedc-mu] bill which would renew the Goolrgrian Bnay Canal (.`hxil1't(`l' 1301' the Sifbon in.c1`0s1ts. 'I."hc Lupjislature took this .st:1nd on n.0n-political _:r0un P1-c.mier F('1:}.:'u:3on".s resolu- tion being` sucomlexl by W. E. R.2mc_\', and in the bvlin-,1` that the c`hm".er rn- nuw;Ll w0uM mozm t2hr- _;'iI't to :1 p1Vi-' :1.-.--AL worth 1m.- 100,000,000. 1'm`.!x-Ir izm~\.'.. ."v:xt.uru of t.h<,- dw- I-(-l:1r:1tEon by P1-umi-r n .~\. n .- Uh9NnrIh2rn.S{f;u} "'(lI:\. (I .......... iI"m'_L"i1-.wm1 of Um! Grovn-1'xnm':nt 4.s` in- !tc1'L-st in the pro:;'i*<>s.<: of E:L. On-i ltinrio, and its willin_9;no..x~: to embark iupon 1|. policy of pnop:1- :4:1m1u and publicity to abtmc" in- till.s'tl`iL"S to it. I ` 'l`l1r.-re was an int.e1'es':in_9; aLlusi0n ' in the Premier .'~` speech to the rela-. `Live standing` of provnicial and fed- eral zulministrations in relation to ;l)USiY1L-`.~'. ~T cond.i`.ionT=_. The Ontario Government, Mr. Fergusion said, had iheen able so to handle the ,L`reat `wealth-producing resources of the {people as to stimulate industry and ibring; more money in the country. `W-hat the Government at Ottawa idoes, he said, is regullate how `much you can afford to ship out and how much you should let your com- petitors in some other country ship in to drive you out of bmsirness. (Applause). We here to-d::1y are ende-avioring `to maintain a high standard of living in this province. Then, the high cost. of that standard must be added to the cost of a pro- duct, and when we take an Onitari-o prorlluci, created under these condi- tions, into the world market and ind there :1 similar product created where wages are lower and working hours longer, how can vou expect to compete unless you bni( the dif- ference in sirandanlss of living`? That is the task of the Ottawa Govern- ment, not ilhis Govennmen ." 3Amen to the Higihrvmy Traflic Act, which passed committee stage on Wednusd-ay, inc:lude~l the am`.icipat.e(l features of a. 35-`mile speed limit; oompulsory lighting of all vehicles on all romls, and also motor cars equipped with four-wheel brakes. Oppo: to the compul- sory lip,';: of horse-dmwn vehicles has no; entirely D21SE'0ll out, and there was :1 sllgewstion thnzxt. it be made to apply only to county and provincial higchwuye, but M-1`. Henry pointed ou`. that those c.on4s;tit,uvte nnly 20 per cent. of the whole, and saizl that 2:. checkerboard system would he dangrerous. A su.;:`g`e'stion fmom A. Be'l'an,e,'er (Lib., Russell) that plenty of time should be given the fanning` commmnity to become acquainted with this provision met wiv`.h 11. more favorable response from ` the Government. Premier Ferguson ' said: Perhaps the bill migrhl; be _ suspended to come into effect a few l months hence, but the public must _ vet regadv, or it is coming: into '77.. L Ha...` LL. ...l 'pnovi.=ion for :1 sign on the book of V;.=.1-wared to accept it and cozLo\.-mv to it." The Mdnistar added that he thought the Highways Dc- LAST WEEK iN LEUiDLATURE A ])iif?:L.x11t tribute from :i l.i`ue'i'al member to one pluise of _u`ovei`mnen1: ao`tivitie.s came on T`h.urs`(tay from William Newman, North Vicitonia, in i-e_:,-'a.r. to the Experi-meinta.1 Fur F`.:11'mmainmineLl by Hon. Cihavles l\'I<:Crea. s tlepartment in M-1`. New- man~ s 1'idvin\g'. It has been establish- ed to devise ~`.ihe best methods of b1`ee(liing; fcur-bearing` animals and as- sist the 700 fur fammers of the p110- vince. Ayn ercperienced man is in charge, and the place is stocked with muskrat, fox, sher, beaver, ,etc. When the estimates were under dis- cussion Mr. Newman rose from his place in the Opposition to say: I do not pretend to know fox farming`, and I may be thiougiht a poor Liber- al, but I wvam to give "credit where I believe it is clxue. This iin requires e:-apeniinevntal work, the same as z1;:nicultu1'e, and I believe that the Government is wise. I have been on this farm and believe they are (iOil1_L` grood \'.1oi`k, and will do still l)et.tei'. (Applause). Fridzxy morning` 2Lpp1`ovel an amend- ment to the Hospitails and Cha.ri t;- able In:~1`.itutions Act maikingr the medical ofiicer of hr.-alth of any town- iF.i1iD bo1'(ie1'inv_'_>' on 21 city or . town the only atltiioitity to .~:i:.'.`n or- ders for ai of indigent pat- ients to hospitals. Legislation pass- ed a year ago _L'ave re-eve and coun- cillors the power. In nniergrtmt oases a hospital superintendent may mimi`. in(l2'ent.<, but, accordrinrx to a fur-t-her new subsection, oven in t-hose 11.1 1- `-1-. n .. ']`i1e`Mun:iciipa1 Law Committee on] \ .........-... nu." .-u-u.u..\,muu. \ vn.u nu L-un..~n cases tlhe liability of the county shall not continue beyond seven days from the admission, unless the medical officer of health ~of.suoh town- lshvip _J,`iVCS an order in writing.-: up- lpnoving of such'ssion. Conservative strength in the House has been inczrezuscd by one and now Lo".a~l.s 75, as :1 rc-usudt of the decision of Km`! K. Htmmth, Lzuobr murmbca` for South Wz*.te1`l`00, to join the ranks [of Gv0\'m`nn1ent .=;upportr:r.~'. He was ()1L'(."tL.*(l on the g'ove1'nmcn1. conntrol -E54111-; \vzt..< not 0[)1'}0.~'(-~11 by 21 Conscr- !\*aLti\`A c.zu1 marl in the Ilo.u:. f1'cc0r\L1y Z1IH.UUllL',l,'l1 his c-oncu1'r(11c(.- Iin "the _u'cnu1':1l 1)()]i(:ir-;~` of `.h(.- Gu\;- vr u ` .. ru -. . ...-. .4`. ..-.\_ H... u ..... \,'vnA>\;\ . \'z1`ci\':- c:zu<'u.~: of \V(:, ME \v.hich the ctmtr-01 bill was (1'Iscu.a. zmnl was wul-cmncd wdt.'n chr->r.<. In! '11 :;t1'.t:~.n1(.~nL g,-'ivvn 1:h(.- pr(`;~':.< nets. (lay he t*X[)]R).iI1C(l that he believed he could be of ::z'(-.utc1- ;=t.-rvic:.- to his coms'tit'u(rnc_v as u govcrlmxcnf. sup~| porte.1'. [Notes and Comments? In accordlance with :1 sug'g'estiox1 of Premie.'r Fe1tg'11son in the HOWSC on Wednesday, the Municipal Law Committee has a.ppoin`:ed a sub-c0m- mittee to look into the provisi~on`s of the Cemetery Act. 1-: is composed .\4-' `L! I` 7\T:-rn.. `l')u.~,..H \Y.\.J..!4.J. Y ...- \J ...... LLJ ...... .. .,.,...,,w... of H. G. Nixon, R.uissei] Nesbitt, L. Macauley, Alex. Mewhinney and '1`. Birketrt, and will meet next Tueisdzxy afternoon. The Prime Mn'n`is`.er on Wednesday said: I have been glad to notice that there has been wide interest taken in this House in the preservation and beautication of old, hzist-oric cemeteries. It is a shame and diisgvrace the way some are negilected, and a real eiort. is being made to improve them in that respect. Many members are inter- ested and some have swgsgested legio- 1.-.o.:.-.... T .....-..,..,.,..L L..L .......1...... LL. p.:.uu&,ununL uuuhi wudx uui. a. un.IIm1.. type of lamp that could be fun'.ni`s.h- ed` :1 low 0O\S7t to the farmers. .....-.. ...... .,.,..... ......, ....,,E,w..\. nup_.'.L>.7' latrio-n. I srugtqustt that perhaps thcl Municipal C-ommittcc rnrigvhdz aprpozint a sunb-committee to consid-er the two or three Ceme:e1'y Bills in the House and be preparer! to make some re- commendations." The m.on".Ih1y .report of M~i-5'3 Mumro, V.O.N., at the reguflzur meet- ing: of the Exeeutiive on Mondiay, showed that in the month of Febru- ary 226 visits were n1-ude. 10.5 of these were nursing` visits, the rest iinant .we1fare, `social service, etc. Four clinics for crhwi-1l`1-en were held, at which i3i1C`.`-'3 was :1 totzul attend- ance of 68, um! two gtmup t.'1:1k's were given to niioitlwrs, as xvedil as attend- ance at t'i110 T.B. (l.iap',n:os:t.ic clinic at the RV. Hospital. V.O.N. HAD BUSY MONTH; 226 VISITS IN FEBRUARY The report of the treasurer show- ed tihat $161 had been reu.lize fmom the bx-idge, eucwhre and dance last month. It was decided to make the annual canvass fovr memibenship and dionzxbions and a. committee was ap- pointed -to Intake arrangements. It is hoped that every assistance will be given to hiwse who are endIeavor- ing to cu.rry`.on this work. The work being done by Nurse Mumwo. "1 ...r. . .....\..-.:..4....x -_._y 2,, n `Ha-hp Lo ligghten -tit; hbumden- on Executive by dialing what ya can to assist. ...,...,, u.uu\. u_v .|.\u1ovu JVIUKIUU. v -"W is appreciated am` in Hr` |. .1_ ..... . w1':L1 porlicit.-:4 Hr: :x`.1.<:ml-t my int`.roduced in the Le~gi`sIatu1'e Just week does not provide any -surprises. It is along the lines outlined by Premier Ferguson before the election in December. Restrictions are as strong: as it is [possible rto make them, and should go a long way in putting the bootlegemr out -of Ibu.=iness. It is generally agreed that those who want liquor are ;` to .g'et .it. vsome way, and, by retsricting and reg'u~]wat- ing` wthe sale =`.he1'e will `be more re- spect for the -lmvs than has: been the c.~a.=e in the -]1'S`t `few ye:J.1's. ` The Govermn=en.t Contnol Bill as I E I The Northern Advance the The election of J. H. R. Fairbairn, of Montreal. chief engineer of the Canadian Pacific Railway, as presi- dent of the Engineering Alumni of the University of Toronto, was an- nounced at a dinner-smoker of the alumni held in Hart I-louse recently. More than 150 ;1`I`l(lLmt-(`S acclaimed the new president with tho ('nth'.i. astic spirit characteristic of a gath- ering of Schnol men. 'l'l~.v.~. chief speakers of the evening were Sir T)..L.__.L lT`..I,-__-,, Y`I,,_ Ev . n .1 Edward Islam`. s se-ed potato busi- ness, ng_o;1'e_2':1tin2; 800.000 huslicls` for the past season. mostly shippcci ` south, formed a subject of discus- sion at the 5lst.annual convention of the New Brunswick Farmers and Da.irymen s Association here. It was pointed out that this business has rapidly developed; that ten years back not a single semi potato was sold outside of the province. The remarkable advance in this bu:=inoss was due, it was claimed, to the pro- duction of :1 disease-free potato. 1 The rapid strides made by Prince i A`1`,h.oug`.h business co11(l`.iLions were . not uniformly ugood *Lh.nougmut 1926, ` d:}u,- number of televphones gained` duurinp; the year was 40,840, rhhe mnnuzxl report of the Bold Telephone Company poims out. The total of Bell telephone-3 in service in ~O\n.a1-io _ and Quebec -on December 3161; last`. was 630,161. Add mo tbhis total the ! 1.`.2 `T86 -o11r=.`v-.zz;mi by in- "v'.` (V.-"0_[1:'L"`.' '*:"' Mvng` ..-;.h hen exchanges and you have u` devalopunent w}u'c`h places the we; provinces in the torez-ant as mgmia this impontnnt service. ` x For the second time in thrc-v weeks the stork has paid a visit to a Cana- dian Pacific passenger train. Yes- terday on the Imperial Limited go- ing` east from Vancouver. llirs. Olson, of Malakwa, B.C., gave birth to a son between Malakwa and Revel- stoke. Mrs. Olson was on the way at the time to the Revelstoke hos- pital. Railway officials and em- `ployees did all in their power to render assistance. Telegraphic dis- patches from the hospital state that both mother and son are doing well. ny\.|-IA\\.L-.7 VA uuc Cvcltlll vv\;;c an Robert Falconer, President of the University, and M1`. Fai1~b:=.irn. Immigration to Canada in the ten I months of the fiscal year ending i January 31st, amounted to 118,199, compared with 76,430 for the same : period of 1925-6. This is an in- crease of 55 per cent. January im- migration amounted `:0 4,164, com- pared with 2,324 for the preceding January, :1 gain of 79 per cent. Of this immigration 899 were British. 905 from the United States and 2.360 from other countries. During Janu- ary 2,297 Canadians who had gone to the United States with the inten- tion of remaining permanently re- turned to Canada, making a total of 50,898 so returned for the ten months of the fiscal year. LIII: uuuau-an Lu.\.ILI\. lzu-u..u..w...,, office located at Sicamous, B.C.. spent more than $100,000 in 1926 for Okam1;:.'1n products. Fifteen :11-zursx ago such purchases amounted to but. $5,000. Until the prr>l)lom of trl'r:l< trum- peiitinn is .`('l\'C(l :<:itisl':u-tni'ily all tl`1lTl.$l)T)I`l.'lllI)ll in (, will sit."- fer, a(::(n'(linL' to 'l'. ."l. M:'l'lr-mwll, Vice-l`rosi(lent of the C:m:uii:m Pn- cific Express Cmnprmy, in u l`nrrm?<> 1(l(lI`(`sS routlnily b4-fore tlm 'I'r:m:<- portatinn Club. llo s`.z1t.v.r< (hut under the pz`cs<.-n1: ti'aiispnrf,"ril,ir.n I`Cg`l.ll.'1l;lOYlS the railway and vxprcss companies are operating under very unfair conditions. Cm1:1d:1's D>iamoml Juhiloo should be ttin;.1`1_V co;-.lcb1*at0d i'n B:n'1'ie. The Town Council, we umlo1'.st2Lnd, is to `take the initiazivc in fo1m1u.l.'1tin_cc plans. If anyone has any sug'3:eshi`0n as to the beast nmtnlwchs of cc-1eb1`atio.n Jet us have them. With the fisheries of the ]')Y`l)\-`ln(`(,' of British Columbia running to $.21,- 000.000 z1nnua1ly-ur h:1`:f the (inn- zulian tv>LuI---11umI)vx':< of muguirit-s; are being rm-('ivL'd from finum-inl, in- to-rusis in IC:1stm't1 (7zm:ulzL and Mn- Unitvd Sl.'.lL(`!-, with :1 View to spy- ing out bu.`-im,-.. 0p[)m'tunil.iC.!. The Hon. William D. Euler, Minis- of Customs and Excise. an- ` nounces that the present period of ` 30 days of free entry into Canada of United States motor tourists on 1 permit will be extended to 90 days, to conform with the privilege now granted by the United States an- thorities, who admit Canadian cars carrying motor tourists free into that country for 90 days. The only difference will be that the Canadian permit will not initially be for 90 days, but for a first and second 30- ` day extension. if and wlien the tour- ists can show bona-fides and recom- mendation from reputalnln associa- tions of automoliilists in the United States.` A larger tourist mnvnmont in Canada is expected to result from the change. I... The Canadian Pacific purchasing: ..u!:... I_....;...: -4. G:............. H I` IN THE FOREFRONT are There v WM. LILLY, FOR 26 YEARS 1 CLERK OF TECUMSETH, DEAD` William Lilly, Clerk of Tecuinsetlil `for the last 26 years, passed away on Tucsd`ay"lz1St, March 8, from a sudden lieart -atb-ac`.;. MT. Lilly ~hua.d tendered his resignation at the last meeting` of the 1`own:.hi.p Council, the minutes of which `he recorded. He was in (his 65th year and since his youth had been actively identied wifah municipal and political affiaim. He was a staunch Conservative. The funeral was held on S-aturday, :1 large number from all parts of the district a..:t; Some idea is =gva.ined of what an enormous job tit is to tlook after the te1`epIh-one mequiivemenvts of the com- mwnity when rwe learn `fnom Ifrhe Bell Telephone Com1p:any s annual ~repo.1-t that ~adduit.ions and betterments to the company's qxropemy in 1926, made mp cof land, bu`i`ld'mg1s, centml ofce equipmenrt, Iouhside plant and sub- scribers` equipment, cost $16,978,127. The new telephone rates Sll\_L`,`g'L`Stl `that talk -is not always dhesap. Obd I3-ilal says he is not \vo1'1'yin1g' about the sa`L1`o11g' man so Ion}: as the beer `.0 be (li.~wpe11sed is strongr. N Icon & mwue. Ibtouw. Ont. 5-43 Dry-Ceaaaed mid Pressat THIS IS THE ONLY DRY CLEANING PLAN'f OUTSIDE THE CITY HANDY TO YOU. Dyeing 109 Dunlop Street. SCOTT S EMULSION Rich In Cod- liver Helps Build Strength Rapidly Out of Town Orders Receive Prompt Attention The Tonic That The Liberal I.r~3.,-is,Ia'.-1111) of Quebec voted down woman su1Tm_-_-'<>~-zn1d yet some would .~`:1y that I.ihvrz11.< are behind in zul\'e1nc(,-1| In-5.:'i.<`]:1Lim1. fa -2 P V" _ us. i .a....;..."..Nb A VAST OUTLAY Goods Called for and Delivered VVMII an n('munuI::lt-.d knnwlc-df,-_: nf |m1|kEnr',- :1. -4 nppli--1| to hzIHi1n~'s' cxh-n over 70 yc~:nr<, lln-. Bank of Toronto uc-rs :1 -,u-t;p-ration l).'I'3`(l on sane and prm-.131-.::l atlvimz. 15:.-rh nf our is trained in bl]!-iJl('!-SH finance-.. His un- l)i.-is:-d advice is supported by the ('.X]H'3l"i('.lI(7(: of the bank, its directors and its head uice or- ,.'Ini'I.ntiun. These serviczr-9 are available to all se:ki.m2 financial counsel. W. FERTH =CLO'"HES i rovilha has too many dogs running at nlarge and the Gmmcll is 4s:.m.-.`.Le.z'- ing taking action. Baa-rie has a dog by-law, but does not seem to_be very effective. v--.______--_ .. .- _._-.-. PRICES Riiiifromn JOHN F. MURPHY, EPr< I79 Bayeld St. - Ban That a jzreat new continent. twice the . of .\`o1'th America, lies be-` no:-itih the \';x.~'. elds of ice in the` Ant:n'ctic rru'lon.=, is the belief of a` f:nnou.< .-\l,1.~`.t!`2l.lial1 explorer, Sir Dougrl-as 1\Iaw.~ton, who discovered King: Georuw Lanrl and other islands in the frozen South two years ago. Acconlnr: `.0 Sir D0ug'l.a.s, it was t1l1rou2'l1 the :~:turl_\' of ocean currents and phenomena while on previous e)cpc~l~iti0n.`~' that his conclusions hadi been reached, anrl he is making plans l to go in Search of the seventh con-l '.in:n`c in 1928 or 1929. He believes` that it may contain great minlevall wealth, and that it may even be pos-I siblc for human beings to live there in years to come. I |47 Elizabeth St. Phone 215 i _ Open Day and Night [Barrie - Marble-Works G. G. slynm & co | Memorial Tablets , Corner Stones I Markers Monuments Canadian & Scotch G-ranite Open day and night. Morgue and Chapel in connection. . Phone 82.- I`Il.UIbSDAY, MARCH 17, 1927. P. C. LLOYDW Motor Ambulance in Connection E. J. BYRNE Some one is :xl\v:1ys t.zLkin:.:' u out of lift-. (`oul (lruppml 50 ( `.1 ton at Lhv minus on Momlzxy, when we don't, wzxnt to think :1 coal. Specialist in Embalm- ing. Owen St. Barrie, Ont. Phone 268. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER FUNERAL DIRECTORS 'Telephone 734. Repail'in.g Esta wlished 1869 FUNERAL DIRECTOR Phone 229. Barrie. Ono , _.-vr- Barrie Acco1`d`in{.," to the Mllnicipzll Worltl, the mam who o1)c-mtcs :1 :.:`z1. pump on the public ; shmultl be assessetl as 21 tenant. of tho munici- pality.