Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 3 Mar 1927, p. 1

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J ?'lMMlGRATION OF 3 VITAL IMPORTANCE] ` j._ VVAI ,.._. 3 Ctrntaral United Ladies` Aid. sale of baking and afternoon ea, Saturray, March 26. Dhe ' part y i |4II\I\V\`\ :- LUIC VV-KI-1-U. Wlu nun: u ulnv party in the B'apt.i:~t Church school` rooms on Monda_\-', March 7. at 3i p.m. Members are reque~s`.e to at-` tend and brim: their friends. Three B.C.I. students have entered l the Star International Oratorioall Contest, the pnize for which is a_ two-months trip to Europe. The local contest and a band concert will I be held in the B.C.I. Thursday, Mar. 10th. The winner will then be sent to Lhv district con-test. Everybolly welcome. Silver collection. Jud4;1'ment was reserved in the County Court suit heard here yester- da._\' by Jud~p;e Wismer between Man- ley Chew Co.. Ltd., of Midland, and the MacDonald I`3n_1:inee1'in;:: Co., Ltd., of Toron-lo. The plaintiff com- pany claimed that it had purchased on Aug.-'ust Sth last a piling.-: ground for 5;'mve1 and stone from the C.N.R. in `.\Iidl-and, and that on Aug- ust 11th the defendzmt company re- moved without permisgsion 126 yzmls of cement grravel worth $2 a yard. The pl-zxintiffs claimed recovery of the value and damages for '.1'e.~'pass. The dc~.fendunt company pleaded a contract with Manley Chew person- ally, and co-untcmclaimed for $121 . jnd specic pewformance of the con,- tmct or damages tfor breach or con- A._.u.6 Dates To Remember 7 ant: vvu.~\,L pun`... (Continued on nwxe ve) 2 W.C.T.U. will hold :1 bi1'th(la_\'| .- L ru,_..._1. ....1.....1i @7013 `mriber J. P. Griffin, Secretary and Man- ;a;.:'er of the Ontario Milk and Cream ) IPro(lucers Association, who co- `operatml with S. L. Page a year ago .in o1:Q'aniizn;;' the iwo bodies, giave an a He e)epresse(l pleasure Eat returning` for the rst anniversary .anrl seein_<.:' the ne prog'reas made. 1. Con` He sbzntell the object of the milk March;])1'0(lucvers to be the production of .hetter milk under more sanitary con- . :1 Avc._ and ll`CllV'C!`C(l to the con- Mniva] sumer at the least possible price. It 16, in a. false impression that the dculars soci-}a.t1(}>1n was f0:)1;10(l to boost prices as 1154' possi e. I`. only souyrhil {a square deal and fair prices. . . . _ _ Outlining the progrress of the On- ur3'V tario Association, Mr. Grifni said it had cut rlown an indebtedness of l1`tl1fli1.\' over $5,000 to less than $300 and -"-(91001 _pu`. its paper almost on a paying . 3 ' basis duirinyz the year. 'I`h the dt` `co-operation of the various associa- _tions, the Provincial Association had enteredibeen able to secure better prices atorical ' from '.'he tlistributors last fall. The ch a `increase had meant over $500,000 to 2. the shippers to Toronto alone. N; ,,_:n ,. . . ...u 1 n. n Luv ` ' 9 c-rt y, sent` ory:bo 2 lI(L.`,l.V uuu lu co-operatic tions, been 4 increase hz shippe Speaking zation, Mr (luoor, (list cuts price: (lu:~'tr_v anw con.=ume1'. and Bean work l1 am 1 D1 . R011 t]n_v, 1`0ro11t0, I.`(_-llsl I{1\\'z1ni:111s [low (f2111a(121 . Ca11,P1'osp01'. . ____ I H. R. Channen, son of H. Chaim-en, Bzuwio, is now Assess-ment ,Cormni;~`si0ncr for the town of Tim- |min.;~:, and is busy niaking the assess- lment for 1927. Last year, owing to mi.<:advven`ture on the part of the} civic a(lminis't1iation, the rate was not struck and no tax bills were issued, with the result that two yezxrs taxes will have to be paid this year. i A ,____,u:..... Lr\ 4.1.- 1)n....unnn AIL \\'.111 mus _. e... . According to the Porcupine Ad- vance, a new plan has been adopted this year, without any idea of a lower or hi_:her assessment, but to get a properly equalized assessment, one where every property will bear its full share and no more. Under Assessment Commissioner Channen there are four assessors and four as- sistants, two for public school sup- , porters and two for separate school i supporters. They are now b'usy at . work, the town being` divided into four sections. First key values were determined, and with this basis the V-alue of lots and buildirrgs are betinge` f deter-minved. Grea't care is taken in securing` the most complete data and .gall facts in each case. The work is , mal-zine` _L'ood pro_;'1`(:ss and AVI1`. Chan- lbd\ l: uv uc pau- yznen is detvrmine that the work shall be completed by April 30th, ;,.1nd that it .-l:.:i1 be as correct and jcomplete as humanly possible. The xxx bills for 1926 are now being Leent out and this year property own- ers in Tivmmins will be called upon `to pay two years taxes, which will nnt In. \`I-\'\' nnnnlnv 1H. R. CHANNEN ASSESSMENT COMMISSIONER AT TIMMINS :'Local Dairymen At`? Annual Luncheon LXIUIX lll`Il4|6ll _VCl-`X lV(A-` l,n\. l| l,.1.yIV1|- Mr. Maw, in his remarks as chair- man, oulined the aims of the Milk P1'o o1'_2`anization. Their slo- _-zan was Better Milk for Barrie. `The membership hzul 2'1`own from 13 - 1 to nearly 30. J. F. .`e.1les, secretary iof the As I\/Iayor W. N. i1-\,.nr ,,..i I .4....... 1' .`,..`.. 1A1..- `01 `.110 A clauon; mu,yu1' vv. .V. 5Du' and zmitary Inspector John 3 ` Bownw.n also 5.*:ave short speeclxes. ,. ; Over fzy (lairymen of the rli."trict `and a number of ladies attemlml the iannual luncheon and joint meeting `of the Barrie Cow 'I`estinp: and Milk `and Cream Producers Associations 1l`l0](i in the American Hotel on Mon- lclay a.f`.e1'noon. The gathering, over {which D. H. Maw, president of the jMilk and Cream Producer:< Associa- ltvion, presitled, was an enthusiastic lone. Keen satisfaction with the `work of both o1'g'aniza1ions (lui'in_u Ltheir initial year was e.\;p1'esse 1.1,, 111.... ._ L1~ __.......1... ..,. ,.l..... l I Speaking: of the benets of or_1:ani- !z21tion, Mr. Griin criticizetl the pro- dis-`.ributing: his own milk, who prices. It was bad for the in- and ultimntc.-1_V bad for the P)`O(lllCC1'S, disttributors I oard.'< of Health 11.11 had to [work hand in hzmd for the good of [tho in and for thn convsuvmer. ,_ _.__._ . :1," _..M-_... AL: bHL' |||\II.ln`lUl.\ KlH\I IVA NIL! \.vII7\AII n . 'I`here was :1 wrong` idea among` thr\i prmlucers that the Aszcociation was only for produu-rs of whole milk or c.1'o:1m. The or_L':iniz:Ltion also bene- [ittml the whole (luiry intlustry, thou':`h ids o'm`ts were (lirec~tL-(I main- ly to whole milk p1'o(i`uc'.ion. Mr. Griin (lecl:m`c(l that the man ship- pin;2' to :1 cre.'unor_v, separating his milk at home and using` the by~pro- ducts, was bet`er off at the end of the year than the man s.hi;ppin,u' whole milk to the city. He advised the producers not `.0 pass a local plant for the sake of shipping` to the city as the city market was not as good as the one right at home. :n___a.:_..-..| A......... ......-.. o......\ uu; svul xnhnua uh nu-um {Jontinucd from page four) Vol. LXXV1. N0. 1 Tolls Hmv }\ (*a1' ;\l1(`i(\1l1` Oriont C011h'il)11f0d to D OurCi\'iliza`ri011. ' I Speaking` for the third time in three seasons to the B=a`rrie Women s Canadian Club on A1-chaeo1og'y,. Dr. S. A. B. Mercer of Trinity College,` Tononto, on Tuesday nigilmt` gave a highly interesting` atl-d're..x< on the Contributions of the Near, Ancient Orient to Modern CiVii`iZa7.iOI1. Rev. A. R. I-{widen introdiuced. Dr. Mercer. Mrs. L. R. Owl presided over the meeting and Miss Sadie Bremner rendered `two charming 90105. 1'\ aur I u_-1....-.1 1... :4, .....ai DR. 3. A. B. MERCER , AT CANADIAN CLUB; xuuutucu 'vwu I..IIa.L`uuu5 uwnuu. ,.. Dr. Mercer declared that it was ij not the coun`.ries, nor the ancient objects, nor even the strangeness of the evidences of former civilizations that intere.s`.ed people in arcliaeol-ugy, but the human touch, the person- alities tha-t lie behind ihe objects. Interest centres around the fact "that, six and seven '.housand years ago peoples grew up, were married, and lived much as we do. Men had. lived and laboured and impressed, themselves on the very rocks and 1C Soil of those ancient lands. TlLat;5 u u:m,..,._n. 1...4...n.m mu. (`;1_ 5011 U1 Hl`Ual: zluuncnu uuxu-.1. Alunnuy was the di'erencc between our sil- ent west and the old lands. 1: was not the wonderful th.irng`s excavated; `that ut.1`:1cted pmplo, but their a's-; lsociations. i ' .. ._....,.... that Han v. 1 , I5UUl'(lLalUlln`. It does not always appear that the people of 6.000 years ago had much to do wi.h our modern civilization. We never question our churches, our many gifts that we enjoy every day of our lives, yet many of them can be traced back in their origin thous- ands of years. Every` agre siands up- on the shoulder of the past age. Everrthinvs; we now enjoy is a rem- -b_v a chain of use and familia-rizy. The contribution of the near Orient, E_g'yrpt, Baibylioniia and Pale- stine, to the present is nearly end- less, declared Dr. Mercer. Wvhere, ful art of erecting; those beautiful temples of re1i_e`ion, representing the hi_zhe.s't aspirations of man '3 The explana`=ion took us where men worshipped the stars and moon and built sancturies with transepts and n-aves where they of relii_2'ion and the life of the gods, or be permtted to see the great god face to face. Seven stage towers were built, on top of which altars _2'rowth of which we have the minaret and spire of the modern church. Y.` .. ..I .. .-Ac" n` nnv nulnfinl nn.- nant of the past, connected with it_ he asked, did we learn that wonder- - back to Eg:ypt,< sun,` might see enacted some great dramas j of sacrice were erected, at: a lateri. ! U.) ire itr iw: leli - n( il jso lallll .\l)ll'lJ U.L \zlLL' IIIUIHJIH L,uuA\.u. Ezn-l_v pro'.ot_Vpe.s' of our palatial` . _ . 0 modern ocean llI`IL`l'1~Z an: i()l.1I1(l 1n: wonderful ships built in 2500 BC. Even then the size of some of the` iwrsscls on the Nile was nca'1'l_\' as !p ll:1r_2'(,- as modern occ-an vessels. 0110 [was known to have ca1'1'ie(l from the if lrst, ozL'm1'act of the Nile rlorwn to ii` iAlcxamlria. two 5.-`reat obelisks each` 105 feet long` and weighing; 750 tons. it - l It was one of the wonders of sc1cnt- ;` - n .....i ,...,....+m1 ll .:\.u,u w [I F115 UHU U1 MIL` v\'Uuu\:1.> ux. isis how they quarried and erected tlu.-so muonioliths. the :m:ineo.1'im.:' feats of the ancients in the building` of ,b.1-idig'es, their art in scu1wpt.ure, especially in facial ex- pression; their frescoes and inscrip- tions. The Jews had learned their keenness in business from the Baby- lonians. who were even more shrewd. They also had their law codes and sy. Lawyers in that early day, said '.`he speaker, were good church- men, _c-:od imlivduals, wvho -might be called good Christian-s," if you used the word with quotation marks. The spezxker went on to nientioir 1]` In Literature, Medicine and ` Science the present also owed neme- ".hin;:s to the 'anclen~ts, while the _u'reat.est debt of all was to the He- brews for their contrlbultion or the three ;;'rr:at mono`.hei.stlc religions of the world. A su-l).=cribor 5'('I1(iS us the follow-i, in;:: I notice in to-:_la_v s M-ail llli` Empire where u boy hailing,` from. Barrie \V`ZlS zu-ro:~:ted for xveztrins: g:in1 s' clothes`. Is it not rather harm! on tho boys` ? Any day last summn-r you could see on the s`.rects of Hm`- ric dozens of girls, hzmlly recop:niz- able from 1)oys-pm\t$, coats, hats. hair cut, etc. It looks like 21 hu-.r.'.n joke, but rather hard on the boys." I Canadia s development is inse-par- ` ably inltcrwoven with im.migration, and Canada s development must con- tinue for the prospem't,V of he coun- try and good of the world, declared Dr. R`:>ut1e~y, of Toronto, who was the speaker zithe Kiwanis Club luncheon Friday. Canada's develop- ment and her debt have ;2;reat1y oulirun her population, he said show- -ing that in 1870 the per capita net debt of she Dominion was $22.47 and in 1925, $252. In order to re- duce her overhead expenses to nor- mal Caniadia should have twice her present population. The speaker looked forward to the day when 10 millions of people would make Can-, ada great. A nnvnm-`CH-an nF '|'?n+ns-inn: nf'. The-re wee-9 in Barrie durirmzi Fmbrvunry 2 nmrriagm. 10 deaths and E 12 Virtha. " HARD ON THE BOYS Barrie, Ontario, .T.hursday, March 3, 1927 `\V0S1`()1'11 Mam TCIIS ][o\\'] GI`2'l11l Poul. Saved 1"l1 I I`a1'1no1's M1ll1(m.s'. PROSPEC'[S G000 g ; FOR WHEAT Pom, At 21 meeting` in the American ll-lotel on Tuesday night steps were .`.`aken to o1'g'anize for the Ontario _W:hea c Pool, and if suicient farmers contracts Barrie \vill be a ship- pincg point. The County of Simcoe has been divided into three sections for o1-ganization purposes, Non`.h Simc-oe, South Simcoe and East Sim- coe.i At the meeting there were about fifty present, and a.-boul`. a gdoezn signied their intentions of i join~in;; the pool. ' l 1UI'.. D11-IAv\n]` r\v1)L`ir`nl|i+ n`F fill!` `J`UJl|`lH`:__" Llll.` IJUUI. Mr. Burnell, president of the ~Manitob:a Wheat` Pool, was the prin- cipal speaker, and he gave a very comprehensive outline of the western pool. Millions of dollars had be.en _saved to the western farmers by the .pool already. Last. yewr 216 million bushels of _e;nain was handled by the, western grain pool, 187 'lTllllll0l`l -bushels of this beings` wheat. The situation in the West had be-. `come intoleralble for the farniers. l3 80 to 90 per cent. of them had to sell their wheat ri_s7:ht after tl11`e:~'l1- Wing` in order to meet ol)ligations. The I gre-usult was that the market was elut- - ited and the price ways forced down. iby specuulators. Various methods of. ?1reme(lyin-5.: the situation had been `itried. Loc-al co-operative eleva'tor.s; -:were acquired, and several f21vnne1'.s" 'leleV'.a`.'0r comp;mie:~' org`anized. but ( none of these were in 21 position to` l inanee the :.:`1'ain and it had to bet `]:=old at whzttever it would b1'in;1`.i ` After ::he war the Crnnada Wheati `-1`,Borard was fo1'med by the Govern-3 .r_nent. By this an initial paymentlu tzwas made and ce1'tie2.tc-s issued for`-:3 ifutf payinents. This gave `.'he at 1` $far'-mers the idea of fo1`n1ing' a pool. it " g'I`he pool was formed by the farm-[ I *1`) Ears themselves. Each municipztlity 1 . ,- 1: I 0l`_L`a11lZC(l and canvassers appointedi `to _9;e`t the farmers to sign` up for a ve-year period. A Central Board, is formed for each Province, which 5` ' looles after all minor details. For';] t 3the three Western Provinces there is 3` l` in Central Board th.t looks after the ` ` `,sellin;: of e'1'ain, etc. The banks ad-2 Igvance an initial payment when the I :e'rzLin is delivered. The first. year $1 f ;per bushel was paid for No. 1 No1'th- i` ifl 'ern at Fort William. In March zm- ll lslother p'.1_vnnent of 35c a bushel wa.s' inmde. in July 20c, and in Sep'`.e1n:ben' :1 ithe final payment of 110. This made 11 et in total of $1.66 per bushel. The '11 rst year of the pool is the lmnlestv in 'on the faimers, as after that thr:-re C `will always be payments coming` in.` It takes about a year to clean up the ; hel , 1 pool. 1 !`1\r\/ll l The western _e'rain pool had power- lful 01'}.-'anizat.ion.< to rlnal with, but ghave overcome all ition. They have ofliceas at Vancou- `:\'M'. Ca.l_2'a1'_\', Winnipeg`, New York. llCn-_Qv.laml and Paris. From to the condition and the outlook, so lthat the grain may be sold to the lVe1'_V best atlvantagje. I`he pool was three of the l.a1*g'est export com- of wheat. These e)np`01`te1'.s were not at all in-`.ere.stetl in the price of the wheat, but in the margin that they could get. The pool also bx-ou-p:hI`. down the freigzht rates, somelthing that the Government was not able to (10. The price of wheat has been s+tul)jlize and {he fa1'mer.s get the benet.` It was nec~essa1'_V to have ve-ye|zm' contracts to ensure the suc- cess of the pool. 741.. 1,112.-.. -4` #1. . TY.-.= '4 ll IIVVI n1lC<, f\ll difculties and T {have built up a won(le~1'ful o11e'aniza-. these `ofllces daily 1'e-ports are received as. succezssful in pwltinyz out of business. panics who had contro-1lc(l the pricel Lt-an U1 um puux. I Mr. Je"1'ey of the Uniind F:11'n1rzvs Co-operative Conmzmy of Ontario, spoke on the methods that were be- ing" taken to org'an.ize the xvhea`. pool in Ontario. Last year the Co-opens tive Company had h-andvled about (`Continued from page four) 11 has been dec`i~de(l to open an `I~Im.pIo_v'ment Ren'is`.1*:1tion at the 'I`mvn Clerk's Office where men `out of work m.z1_v leave their names and znltlresses. When help is needed the nzmxos will be availvablrs. There will `lbe no chmtge for registmatnion. awa grezu. A commi`.tee of Rotarians, ofld which the speaker` was chairman, 5 had in 1926 made :1 survey of Can-';'` ads. as a business man would takel stock, said D1`. Routley. D1`. Routley `T .` himself a grreat believer in; the fact that Canada is the ,9:1'ea'test \- |co`untr_v potentially in the world.`C Canad-a, he said, offers far _2'1'euterg 0papo1`tuni'ie;< to an industri-0u`s and 1.......m mun Hmn -1v1\.' n+hm- r-n.nnh`v (6 5 Playing in the Dru:-y Cup series `at H:1wko'str>n0 on 'I`uns(Iay night the |h-ovme team defeated Oro Station by 21 to 0._ .The two teams play of? in n-,-.:, .,,-.L II._.._l..... ..l...`Lb Ia. uu Vq.,lJ|\. uvvu U\.`suAA-ca `in v! Barrie next Monday night. \ _ FMPLOYMENT REGISTRATION Bvarrie Citizens Band is to be putl; nentu1)-011 21 p]a_vin_x1' basis by means of i. forga rcampai_2`n for funds for un.iform.'~: ;to be put on among" the people of ad} 000] Vcrades and professions of the .'0'\\'t 1.I `i AL 41.- :..~.......,. .: `LPK Df\1\\I1l -43! V.O.N. HOLDS EUCHRE, BRIDGE AND DANCE A mosf successful euchre, bridge and dance, in aid of the Victorian Order of Nurses, Barrie branch, was held in the O(l(Lfe11ow1s Hall on Thl11'S(1`a_V eve-nin_<: last. There were fty tables of brimlge and fourteen tables of euchre. P`1z1_\' commenced r\ on u . ,, I mu 1(\ A. Lu-1n;n u; uuuuzx. Ai|cA_v \,unuuu.nu,\.u at 8.30 and continued `.`il1 10.45, when lunch was served, after which dancing` was enjoyed for a couple of liours, excdllent music being` furn- isl1ed.b_v lien. Walls six-piece or- chestra. nu 1 . II -, ,1 ,, ,1- 'ar,,, Campaign To Get . Band Uniforms: 'Ilhe candy table in charge of Hrs. Kni-_g'ht and Miss l\IIunv1'-0 was well patronized and many tickets were sold for She draw for a large box of candy, which went to Mr. J. Sin- clair. A1tog`s-ther about $150 was realized by the V.O.N. Much of the credit for the success of the evening was d-ue Mrs. Knigil1`., Mrs. McNiven and Mrs. Devlin, meamhers of the executive, and to Mrs. R. W. Payne and Mrs. G.. Webb, who had charge of the euichre and brid,2'e. The thanks of the executive are also ex- tended to Mr. Botihwell, who sup- plied dishes; `.0 Powell & Hook and] E. A. Harris, who donated flowers,| v 1 i u uuuo auu I l.lA'\l`L\.Do.\\IlAa -vwv .- _ At the instance of the BOCl1'Ii of ET)-ade, the Town Council took the ;mat`.er up some time a_2'o and ap- `pointed a committee composed of G. F`. Doyle (chairman), A. R. Gird- iwood (Sec.-T~rea-5.), J. Merrick, \'. i`Kni_2'h-t'an*(l H. H. Creswickrz. S Zcommittee investigated the possi- P `biliiies of reviving: the defunct Citi- '? z(ms B'and. It found that there were 28 players available for a Citi- 7.on s Band, 22 others for a C0wllc,9;.iat.'* Band and 12 others for a l)e_9:in11er~ lclass. The Citizen's Band would be `oomposml of 10 senior men and IS "|_\'oun;r men who have l`CCCl\ !.`(i sov- eiioral ye=:u's traininr: infhc B.C.l. m1Bz1n The 22 others uv:1ilzLl)lc for gthn school hand without ow-3-la})11in:,-'. T) v'I`hey are trained and would form :1 lioys o1'g`:1ni7.zxtion. The V1 uu\. . 3. V 1'st-class `;be3.':in`n~c1`s are nmkiny: ne m*0;_'r<..=.=. land would he able to take their p`la.ces in one of the senior 0l`f.'.1`21lll7.Z1- tions in the Sl1lTl1TlC)'. Both `would hr: undci' onc-o1*Qt1ni7.:1tion. j'I`hr.-_\' would practice sc-pa!-ati-l_\' un- ,Vinip:, discipline and selection of musi icizms for each _Q`l`0L1p. iC>om'mi t.t.er2 would control ' purch-asin Q, en grragwz-inonts, 1 both bands. :11 as he me nances n 13,,-1 1 Th'.<. bzm'l.< aydcr tho lmntliiiastm`. P. S:.'lvos*.0:*, who would have conrtrol of the toarh- Tho Ban-": L-`.c., for i 1 '1: if li lli u l I t 1: C l 2 i 51 ll ii :1 . l I v I uHy....,...... H... .. .... .__. _,_ honest man than any other country 191'?` in the world to-(lay. `to V0 3 'I'1acin_~_: the ])1`O_`_,"l`CFS of C21I1(l'1"`. W bk` CIKV I-`0IJU1i11'~ Since Confezleration, the speaker said that in 1870 her population was` 3 371 000- in 1025 0 500 000 Tho 7L 1 D 1 - y,- v ~ oca alr rural proportxon was 69 per cent. In} ' 1870, and only 50 per cent. in 1925. L This, the speaker viewed as alarm-3 Z... '..._ .. :+ ....,.....+ +1.. +u-p._`+1~:.-,lc nf` n. v.-\.. R4`.- 1v 4]n:\-xrrvxn unuuno V; uux. -.,zu.uu.uv\. L~A\. u;.;u \..u `tended 'plic(l `.0 owers, land also to the many lE1(llC..< who sup- `plied candy and rofrcshnlents. I T3..I....~ ......,. .l.`n..A-AA -9,. #1. Lin-L I rpuuu n.4.uu:_v uuu .x,;.\..uuuu.uu.;. ` Prizes were rlonuted for the high- est score in brid_g`e and euchre. The yl`a(ly s prize in b1'idx_2'e went to D/I1*.<.. iW. A. Twiss, and _e:ntl-emvan s prize! Qto J. L. Garvin. In the euchre Mrs. ` LA. Milne 1'eceive the 1:1(l_\-"r.< prize iand Mr. Ben't Johnston the _e' . . I I jlI1(] Ben- ; mzm s prize. UU'.ll ..`......,. E All the elipjbln pla_\'e`1`s are equip- iped with instruments. Ei._s;'hts:cn in- s`t1'umcnts are owned by the Citiszens `Bzmd; 17 L1`(} private proper`_v, and .}1(- rest have been p111`chz1.~t(,-'1 by the Col`c_2'iate. Many more players r.-would be in twining,` if more instru- -1 11 nu '_lULlIll LA: in L.'.|IlIAl` u Ill`-.l|\. Iu.`\.1|A nmms were available. There is enough music on hand for two ban-(Is. v v . u . ,,n 4,: 11-.. l:nuu;;,u ununu. uu uxunn .l'\)X UIV'.l 'JL|||\ln. . In order to "put across the Bar- rie Czitizen-s Band campaipfn, the tvwn has been divided up 51CC0l`LiiI1f;,' to (-`asses. Fnom each _-group of` t2'ar,`.csmen, or members of :1 sin:1`ic ]n*0f(~srsion, club, '2tc., the committee hopes `.-`o get enou_9:h money to buy a single banrl'sman s uni.foi~m. Some. of the smaller groups have bc-onl joined tog'ethe1'. The ch.`-).i1'men of the various divisions are as follows: A. E. Bryison, C. W. Pouchrer. A. E. Whitby, J. Monkmzm, Geo. Vickcrs, Wm. Brennan, A. Hanmer. H. Hook, 11.. \X7 f` I LI.. 13.. C... 1,; IT Ivnl. llnpunctu, .\. 1Auu1uk:t 4;. A'uun, Dr. W. C. Little, Dr.vS1'n-o=`.d:, E. Ryan, G. F. Doyle, F. [.ivin,::'stonr3, D. Milne, W. H. Kennecly. A. Felt, `N11-. Inoson, F. Hurhburt, 13. O'Neill. W . A. T\vis`.=, A. M0fTatt, H. M. L F`. J. Byrne. H. H. Crosvsncke, W. I`). Wr~.`r3_::`m`, R. Unrlmthill. G04). Hub- bard, J. R Dim`, J. 1\`In~r1.in. IRVIN.Gr-In the R.V. Howpital on Tuesday, March 1, 1927, 'I"'oIma; William Irving of Innis]. Funer- al from his late residence, in`, 14, Con. 11, lnnisi, on Friday at 1.30i_ p.m. Interment at 6th Linn Ceme- o...-.n . the possx-sg Citi-31; (1 3 Me `.1 01' 1' be_e;3n11er~ 511 {and I} p 18;} rccelvs.-i `t in . `he . c >111 :- ANNEVERSARY AT St.ANDREW S CHURCH 11115, MIL` .\[)\:'a.r\t:| vu;vvL'u an cuauur. in_e`, as it meant that tv:o-`tliirrls: of; three million population were on the` land at the earlier (late, while atl present half of nine million were in! u`1'b.111 centres. In 1870 the agricul-l l l i tural investment of `.l1e country was $968,000,000; in 1925 it was 37,- 000,000,000. There were 10 million` acres umler crop in 1870. In 1925; the crop acreagre was 57 million. acres. At the earlier late 16 mil- lion bushels of wheat were p1'o in 1925, 425 million bushels. Fifty-` seven _Vea'rs' 211:0 Canzulea `.u1'ne(l out $96,000,000 worth of inanvufacturedl pronlucts. By 1925 tlmt sum hzul ..:-....~. +1. Q1 Q11 nnn nnn "l"luu-n \.Vl\\`f* 4 l Lm'g'o Co11g1'ega.()11s I-Tam Dr. .l`)mmis Mason at 30th Services. i What is the greatest art? ask- L(l D.r. Mason at the oL1t.;-at`. Is: it ' the ability to paint a wonclerfu-1 pic- l r of cold marble and make of it some- thing expressing` truth, or the ability of oo1np0sin_2' music that lifts `he soul out of is sordid condition and up- ward to thingrs which are -livine, or is it the art of being: able to sing`, ito sway the multitude by the power `of the hum-an voice ? What an art that is ! Yet I ask you, what is the .:rea.tr-st art '3 `I think none of these, `but the Art of Living. For to me. \to live is Christ. -Everyone of you are callerl on to 'face the _L'reat queszion of Tllf? art oi lreally living`," continued the simakex` 5iWe hear much of being` prepared to die. But. let us rzlther be pre- tipzired to live. No religion '11 the fi-wo1'l(l tells us with so m11r.:l1 secret power how to do so. And if you live aright, you will die might." L} Declaring that the object of life fiwas to live in harmony with God's eilaw, Dir. Mason divided life into I- three phases, business,` pleaisure, 1-e~ r- iligion. Applying` the text to business l-llife, he a.sked his hearers to put to ' themselves the question, For me *0 5 ;live in my business is---what '. ls it. i-i'Ch1'ist ? Dr. Mason declared his l-`belief that there was more honour '0 and Christian manhood in business 5' vl.o-day than ever before. mu 1 1- 1,, ,~,,,.,. ture. or to be able to take :1 piece St. Amlrew s Pre.=.b_V".'orian Church marketl its annive1`sm`_V on Sunday with largely attended special ser- vices. Rev. Dennis Marsnn, D.D., of 01-illia, was the speaker for the 0;- c.a.=ion. The church VWLS lled to ca paicty for the mornin_2' service. am? a: night cliairs had to be placed in the aisles to accominorlate the congre- gation. Special music was rendereci` by the choir and at ni_2'ht Mr. Hiardr. with a twenty-miimte or-- _;":111 recital at the close of the ser-- In the morning D1`. Mason spoke` on the Art of Living, basing hi; sermon on the text, For to me tr; live is Christ. u~nn . A` . . . on 1 `.u-uu_y unuu L.v\.L u\,.u.u\.. The rivalry of `business tests a ;man s calibre of characte-1'. But the [Master knows something` of your iproble-m;< and worries. _'I`a.ke him in- :to your business as a silent partnmn. .zulvi,se1l the s1)0ake`r, He will never .hurt you. An odd pair of pants of`.`en sa.v:=.=' a person for the time being: buying a new suit. This week we are ofT'm'- inp; some special va.lur.-s. in pants. Bc rsurn and see our east window. Wr specialize in men's and boys odd zpiunts. We have what 3011 want, and 'ou-1' price is always the lowest`. M(3n s Cot`t,on Worsted Psmts, $1.98: Men's Tweed or Blue Scrrgre I an:.=, $2.48; Men s Irish Serge Pants. $2.98; Men s Fine Blue W01-stod Pants, $3.98, $5.00 and $7.50; M-;~n s Fine Tweed Pants, $3.50; Young. Mcn s Bailoon '1`rousers `he latest fancy twecds, at $2.75, $3.00 and $3.50; Boys Long` Pants, ages ii to 10 yeam, at $2.50 and $3.00; Boys Twc-ml or Blue Knickers, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. 'T`1-.........L..-`L Ll... ...'l...I.. -L. V...-;u nu... .,....uu. Throw.-'ho`ut the whole store we are offering` unusual values. Buy here `and save. 1 rn1 11v 1*: vv . an .. - .. Pant Sale At Hunter s: , On 'I`ue,sd`ay evening: the members of the B`om'(l of Central Unied Church and their wives tendered an enjoyable banquet to the choir. About 80 {1'ttC(lQ(l. Among` `she toeasts, the one to Our Choir" was proposed by Mr. Pratt and Mr. Chant]~e1' and rc~spomh-(I `.0 by M1`. H. B2n'1'on. Mirs E. Am:b1e1', M-1'. Lenn- bert, Mrs. Rioh~a1'(1.<~on and Mr. Urry. l`he toast to Our Country was prouposetl by C. E. Partridw,src and re- smonwded to by R .`G. Manuel; to the Board, pvo.poset1 by H. Barron and sresponded `.0 by Rev. A. J. G Oars- i cad`-den and Chas. Rolbinsson. Mr. R.`- G. Rich-ard.=:on spoke on Our Church. , Solos were given by Mrs. H. E. Mc- Ii.-Cullouxgh, Miss V. Stra`-nge, Mr. H. -`Barron. Music was suaptplied by an orchestra under Wm. Robinson. -CENTRAL `CHOIR BANQUET lJl'UL|uC|ab~ L)_V 1-Iuu L~ll(.lU nulnn nu`. risen to $1,3`11,000.000. There were _ in 1870 2,000 muiles of railway in, the Dominion, and in 1925, 52,6923 miles. The railway inileage, Dr.{ Rou`t1ey held to be one of the moszi importzlnt evidences of prog'res.<. He` gave other gxures ;~:howin,rr . increases in mineral production, ox-i ports and water power. ff`nnO-innucl nn ll\l)'A) vn] (Cominued dn page eight) Hunter Clothing-,' Co. Eight Pages Central Unitml Church Choir Com! cert will be held on Tlun':~'(la_v. March 17th. i A a V... The Ladies Aid of Burton .-\ve.g Church is holding an I1'i.` C2u'ni\'a1l on Wedncrsday evc-nin_;', March the school room. Full particulars` later.

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