Page Eigh I EXECUTOR'S SALE OF FARM E PROPERTY IN THE TOWNSHIP OF OR0 There will be offered for salt: by; W. A. 1VIcConke_v, Auctioneex`, at the` Queen : Hotel, Barrie, ; ALY S(illDTE< (Tan n-F 4|-`Inn I-\-Ira-r1u3u+ anrlnana ;v| anno 'I'u"_v+~rvan-r-r1'in_ SATURDAY, FEB. 26th, 1927-. the hour of 11 o clock in th Eforonoon, the farm property of tlr `-1330 John Gcarns. 1-\Av'\t`1!`\1 . `I7 A 1 1:` av . n H. MpCgllough, Bafr nan: uvuu \.1\.uLA|m. PARCEL 1-West half of Lot 26, Concc~.s.sion 2, Township of Oro, con- taining ty acres more or less. Land all under cultivation, comfort- able brick house, good frame barn and other outbuildings. Nearly all Seeded to alfalfa, sweet clover and,` timothy. This propevty is about onei and one-quarter miles east of Dals-' 1 ton on the County Road. I :h\1)IT.`Y 0 13..-. 1...]: -4` 1 .4 no . uuu uu mu. \_z\Iu.A|-u_v ;-uuu. PARCEL 2--Eas'. half of Lot 28, C0nce& 1, Township of 01-0. 85 acres cleared; 15 acres second} j.','1`0W'tl1 mixed timber. Tlicre is :1` barn 24x48. There are 8 acres seeded to wheat. 10 acres to alfalfa? and 40 acres faill plouyrhed. 1 I l I There will be 21 1`ese1'\'e bid. Further terms and conditions will be mzulc known at the time of sale aml in the meantime may be l0:u'ne(l on appliczxtion to l`I......l.l D-.- uu u1;1u.\,.u.xvu xv Donald Ross, Vendor's Solicitor, ' Barrie, Ont. Dated 10th Vob1'u2n'_\', .-\.D., 1927. I Notice is l`I("l`Ul)_V _2'iven pursuant to the "l`1`u:s`.ee Act t.h:-1t all persons` having: cl21i.m:.~' :LL'aain. the Estate of David Henry Minty, late of the 'l`ownshi,p of Oro, Fanmer, deceased, who (lied on or about '.ll'1C Twclifth day of February, 1920, are request-' ed to send particulars of their claims to the 11ml~ei'si._4'nerl on or be- fore the 12th (lay of l\'Izn`czl1, 1927, after which (lH'.0 the A(lm:inistrat1iix will (ll-St'!'ll)11t(` the ztswts. of the Estate, luwing` 1'e;_':anl only to the claims of which they shall then lmve V `notice, and will not be 1`espox1sil)le to any others. Dated at l ai'1wie tlmis 15th (lay of Feb1'war_v, 1927. n n Ot:ange Blend Always Collier St. United Church} NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF` BY-LAW NO. 1622 Notice is hm'e-by ;2;ivem that :1 By- law was passer] by thv Co1mciFl of tho Corpovziti-on of the County of Simco-e on the 2S`:h (lay of Janu.'u'_v, 19`2.7.l p1'o\'i the g'11a1~m1tc~oiri:: 01"` payment by the County of Simcoo of thv :lnhm1t.111'o..< and c:0u1`.o.nL< of the! Town of St.a,vn-or to `.ho amount of $2.-'l.~l00 for the convsztmctioin orf :1 p:1v_-nu-nt on Main S`.:1'(-ct, in the Town of Stuynnr. zmd such i)) -]::\\' \\':L.= i'(~.:'i.~:tr-1'o in th.` RrN,:'istr_\' Ofcr Fm; H11` lox:ist1`_\' Division of thv '.'.`mmt_v of Simeon on the 2n lay 01 ?"~`m'Liai;\'. 1927. _ , ...__I_ _.. r-r\J< ("Hll?ll.\. IUL-I. Any motion `.0 quash 01` set asi the .<.-nno or any part Lhv.rc,~of must be Inadv within three months after the rst |'fca'.ion of this noticv] and cannot. be made thcroaf-tor. Dated phe ?.nd`dz1_v of Feb.. 1927. J. T. SIMPSON, I f`.\....4 . (`VI ..` H (;ne of the biggest seilerg in Eanatda. E1-:tra.;;diI;- 1 ary merit appeals to a vast number of the people. FOR SALE BY un wcu_Vy ;u.... Boys & Boys, Solicitors for the Administratrix. NOTICE TO CREDITORS The Daly Tea 00., Ltd. - Try a. pound and be convinced you never tasted better TPIE STAN DA.IgI{ ABAN K I\T'SIV - .g.n. ` `.74. 41.4. `r.-_' .-v- _._ OF CANADA BARRIE BRANCH-R. R. White, Ilfamzger ..___-L,_ _. n._.__It__.: n____n__.._I I`-..:..I....-..o L(....,l....on Divine Services, 3!`Ll\I\lC4 I'\t`llV\.,I'l:`I'\. l'\. VVIIILC, xuulluycl nchcs at Bradford, Bondhcnd. Crnighurnt. Huwkeuone. Lefroy. Kcswick. Slroud, Hisdale und Elmvnle Financing Productive Enterprise A BANK is a medium for gathering [--f` u,gcu.~..- L110 idle lands of the Nation and employing them to meet the requirements of productive enterprise. A Bank's service to the community is measured by `the efficiency with which it performs this two-fold task. For more than Fifty Years the Standard Bank of Canada has een building an enviable reputation for sound `management and for service to its depositors; land during that time it has taken care of every legitimate de- mand made upon its resources by pro- ductive industry. the 3 the THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1927.? % - Head 01ce: Napanee, Ont. NOTICE OF REGISTRATION OF BY-LAW NO. 1621 Notice is he1`e7by given that a By- {hnv was pzxssed by the Counci of the Corporation of the County of Simcoe .on the 28:11 day of January, 1927, providin:g' for the guaranteeing oi paywnicnt by the County of Simooe of the debt-n tu1'e.s and coupons of the 'I`0wn.h'ip of Sunrnid-ale to the amount of $2,340, for the construction of `as lawvtory at Wasaga Beach, in the Townsh.i.p of S-unnidale, and such by- law was regisstewed in the Registry Office for the Regisrtry Division of the County of Simcoe on the 2.n5d day of Fenbruary, 1927. Any motiion to quash or set aside the same or any part t.he're-of muz. be made wi`t.hin three months zuter the inst publibaiiio-n of this notice and camnott be made thevreazter. Dated the 2nd day of Feb., 1927. J. T. SIMPSON, ........A... nu _ ,_I. All cheques must be marked accepr`..e(1 by bank and made payable at par, Barrie, Ont. If Licenses required by mail add postage. Postage Rates VVithin 20 mile limit - 5c Beyond 20 mile limit ,- 10c For application forms send stamped, addressed envelope. MOTOR LICENSES 1927 R. W. PAYNE 11 a.m.--The Minister. T p.m.-The Minister. 3 p.m.-Sunday School in all de-i partments. .\ for Praise, Prayer and: Bible Study on Wednesday at 8 pm. 3' SPECIAL MUSIC Blorning A ,,u ,._ uo:___yv D..,!.......i BARRIE, r\rr COAL-FENCE-HAY WHEAT, BARLEY AND BUCKWHEAT WANTED Phone 5-4. A4rnA\A\nA4' - V.` ....-.< Ofce over Beecroft's Bank A. Kirkpatrick I I'.'l:`l')I\\I The Food- Tonic Of Special Value To Mother and Child SCOTT S EMULSION CAR EACH ON TRACK Is Rich In The Vitamins Of Cod-liver Oil A n th (-.m--` A In h<~.m--- STOVE COAL FROST FENCE MIXED,_ HAY SPECIAL PRICES ISSUER. ONTARIO .z..uv; uu.AV, County Clerk. LEFROY. Anthem-- :1An.uL`u|--- A. nun ;;.\vu; ;u\.\. --I\IarshaI1 Anthe.m--King of Kings .... ..Shc1ley. Lookout for the daze-:< of the greati 1-eligious drama, The Prodi:_-`al Son. ` 1 Nozicc is i1<:1`Cb}' given pursuant; to the Tl'l.iZ~3tC(:.'~` Act that all person.=.: h'-1\'in':` cl::im;~.' against the E:~'tatr,- of Willizun Gru\':;s, la'.c of the Town-: ship of Va-:<])x`a, in the County of Simcoo, Fa1'1nm', 1i'CC`2l.'-`(:(i, who lied on or about the 9th rlay of January,, 192", are rI:que:str:rl to arr.-nd particu- lars of their claims: to `.`m: unl(;;ng- ` ed on or lJ(-.fow.- the 18th (lay of! Februzngv, 1927, after which rlatr: thei Executors will clistributc the assets of tho cstatt: among` those entitlr:l`: thereto, having rc;rar only to tho claims of which tlu,-y shall then have notice, and that tht-_v will not be rc--I sponsible to any person for the 3.1:`-` sets of saial estatr: whos claims shall? not then have been rnceivc-l. Dated January 27, 1927. Donald Ross, i Solicitor for Executors. Barrie, Ont. i I l H NOTICE TO CREDlTORS l` Harry Barron. Choir Leader Mrs. E. Ric}\a1'dson, Org'anis*t Rev. J. Johnstone Black, Minister Horace Wilson, A.R.C.O. Org-ani.=t and Choirmaster Tenders will be received by the undersigned up 'tiJ11 Saturday, Feb. 26th, 1927, for the contract of buildvimg` 3. new school in the Town- ship of Innisl, at S.S. No. 11.` P-l>ux.s and ;.~pcc2:'1c,u.Llun.- `umy bu .~'.ucn at W. J. Nesily, Stroud Lowest or any tender not necessarily acmpted. ' V:/. J. Neilly, ,I l)f\ St.Andrew s Presbyterian Church . . .,.,. .,, [N dill "fltlu; ne-1:.-'hlmi'liool and taken to Lluzlgi tl1t3i`r'.;\I.(.'.A., and latr-r to the Royal ll: 51-50t5l\ ictori11Hospi.t.u.l. H0 is reported to (:ntitlr: ,,.O;:,(,S3;n,: w(_.]`|_ 1),-_ 1);Ly~_on is" l3' 10 th":. to l h'1V!:'l1).(l :1 small Private h*os,- lb claim. NW1.`- -`hall tl1`` lW~"``1pi1,2Ll at Ci`aV(mhurst at one time, i. tht-_\ rc--;},u1 ;_,- now jnLg(;m_-_ I: 3'13 I"`!`~"'0 -`7'l St. G4sorgro s M:mmvi:1l Hall was shall }],,,| -_0 0v(,rf1,0win;r 0,, M(,m|,,L_V I :4,-w.-nin'.". tlm oc1:zu~:iion buim: the con- _] J3nU~?`' 27 Icurt of Lhrr Girl G1u.i A ne pm- a1 ig'rzLm of sonp:s, choruses and plays `fl \\':LI~l ;.-"iv:-n. W. lC. VV(5(.`j.','2Ll` uctatul as .` ;(.'llllll'IlILUl. A bouquet of llowers was -____ , -- - N V. I ` ;[)l'(-S(:ll`U:ll Lo Mrs. A. I`). Patterson, `_l L` 0.1`. No. 432, Auandalevwho hurl much `.0 do with U'1LlI1 lYl';.{ll Meets 2nd and 4` Thursday of each,i.l1l: (:l1illr-n, along: with Putnol l 1 M0mh_ `l. R43.-ta Spvurn, R.a_v Ilookor ll W._ J_ Munro, WJL _ An:kllC.|11l1ll Vvru G-oo l:l(`lll-1`lHl.l11.|` .~\11:1mlalc. F. Longrhurst, Rt-.cordim.: Sr.-c1`(:.t,a.r.v. 202 I%ra4lfonl St., Barrie. In 1'eco;:nition of his fuithftxl .~'<-1--I Vice as `.1`c-z1su~rur of !\'r-Inn:-nfclttti Lothro, No. 153, Sons of lm.-'Izu1 for the pusot thirty-four .\'--z1`.'~'. Bro. _ W. 11. Webb \\'as on 'I.n-rzcluy nip,`h.ti| . 1 u 1 r ` 4-. Iv\ "up u.. pr(>;~'<-iitc- with 2: &mw`)MdM mm :1Cmmuc0f Nloriit frmn`.}1e Su'p1`(-mo Council, 'I`oronto. Suprmm: Sccrr-t:n'_v David J. Proctor jouvncy to Alhindalo for the occasion and nutdv the prosunLa- tion. 'I`h1'<~<: cun Dr. W. Lhihg Gn0mn:VVubb and Cvc Dun- nott, W(_`1`(` roc(:iv(-(1. Bro. Proct.or tzxking` pant in the initiation cere- mony. Refreshments were served a.f.ter the, which was held in " "`>1\i[a"Y`i';2 Hill`. . \|\ .--..-_v uu,,.w hand.-onw Long A. J. G. Carscadden, Minister `W. B. WEBB GETS MEDA_L- Sunday, Feb. 20th Sunday, Feb. 20th .uv;uun , Sion" ........ ...Rodne_v' Blessed Alre They..Toursi Remnants---3, 1bs., $2; 5 lbs. patch- es, $1.50. A. I\ IcCx`(-cry, Chatham, I'\__L TENDERS Evening I Will Extol Thee Sunday, Feb. 20th. ncuny, Stroud, P.O. _ Onv of Allztntlsblds OM and mosix ;)`u.~'.])('(:lA`(l citi'/.t-ns ]):L?SN[ away on " `iWv m'(:rr.:in_1:, Feb. 16, 1927, 4-1--f:1.~` :1 l'(`HuH; of :1 sthoku su!l'.-.rwI :1` _.].Lg1\w4-l< p!`(:Vi0lJ'b', in tl1t:p(:rsr)n of .1, ;WE1Ii.< William I-lurnq)h:'.-_v. 13x-cnzrss-I gm, Ixvus born .4ix"`._v-four vvzxrs :1}.-`o in tr-` the third L-hlvst in thr- om_v`;f:unil_v of fourt-Lt-n of Hm. Into Mr. of izunl Mrs. J J. H'u:m1)hr:-y of B1l.l'T`ic'. ;ci1,iH<- nwved to An,v:u.-a whv-n that plau- w~j.1`\\':Ls :1 lumht-ring (5('l!tl', his part-nt,.- clr-:n`in;: 21 fzmm nhm-~. 'l`hirty-zaix 1.t.a- _\'<-nrs agro Mr.}n':--;.I mm:- `.0 A:llHl'iL](.`, whore ho vww umpl<;_y-sl 'un- on the pail-way, rstns Wuipgh I\1;.\~Lm- :t.o1' thzm as Yurcl %ln.<.t.vr, uml 11111.4-rI)' 01-cu ins Dc.-pot Mvwsta-r. Ho was numiwl 'ved ithiriy -v~ yuurx ago to Anlbiv (`l:xrk. i ;M1'. Ilumyxhrcy Look :1 kmsn irmm-Ht &in church work. I-In wn-a nu A-Mv Mns. Geo. Watts is visiting` herli sister in Lockport, N.Y. ` .1 ..4' ..1,.. \ r..:.. .._.,\... . 1 HM. n`.1,(>u-nu` lblbltlll Ill uvumyva U AVo.l.a A f':\iI' (cmwd zI,t'Lm1(1(r(l thn o`.t1- L'Ln1c dance in the O1'an;Qe Ham Fnidiay night. `.'\I... T.` Cl>, n? !`In~n1~n1-M1111-cf `Q. lIIE.lll'|n 1 Mrs. E. St(:\'m1s of Grzwewhurst is the guest this week of Miss J. F `user. at I]! I1, ,,,_. _ E._ 111 2.4 1.1.-` 1-. Mrs. M. Hohnes has ro`.urned aftm'| ` . :1 xnrvk with friemls in` Hamilton. n. 1 .f1,,,,I,,4 T\...l2._ 41...] 1' l'i,lDL'l- Mrs. Wan. G1`02lVUS Ls ill in 'ho;~1pi'.aI, but is rc-.p01'te(l to be p1*ovin_o;. mt..- M 1Tn11\1nu Imu mhn-um] n1 any Ont. `v LLr.uuIuuuu. . Stron1bm~_2'-C`zm-lson Radio, the g,'1'o:ntos-t of all. A. F. Padterso-n, phone 148. ' xr..,. xnml M....u1...n 1-Han I-nfln-nn1]' IIHIUIIU .l`2Cl. Mrs. Athol xV1zL1's:1uL]] has 1'et.u1'ned after .~:pn-11 some time with f`rien in Dozroit. Mrs. Honey and oh:i.1(h-en of To- ronto are \'isitim:r 't1}1e t'.om1er s sis- ter, Mrs. F. Dobson. Gmce Godden was also active. v\ ; ~n 1'1-mu, ,, ,_,___,y `__ un \Iv\|\I\.u -vuu -...-..;u ;u.....\.. Rev. A. R. Holden is conned to` the house by ihlness. He,wi1-1 be laid ` up for a couple of weeks. l `l\yT.... O D L]'n"`.ln I-`nu u-On:-nn I up LUL u. uvuyu. UL vvkx.-Ito. Mrs. S. B. Hiinxls has ret.urned| from B1`;1nt.fo1'd, b1'imm'np,' wibh her `her \ui(lo\vod mother, Mrs. Qujn1`an. Miss 1\'I:u~g1are`. Rzxynor has mt3um- ed from 'l`o1`onto, where she under- went an operzxtion for a.ppomliciLis recently. A ..LL.... \1Y.`.I1.,... .1... 3. H64... s\.\,Luu:_y. Arthur VV2uIko1', who is abtcmling the U11ive2's.1".y of I`o1'o11t~o, visited! h.i.< home on Burton Ave. over the` week end. u 1'1 1-17. on An 1: ux Ln \ nu. John Waterson, former Allzmdale 1`o.s'Ide11t who worked for m.a.ny yezxrs ,in the C.N.R. shops hero,| 12l.\\`{L_\-' in Ch.u`x~chi;11 on I`hunsd:1y last. i Miss Donehlzu Hill of Toronto N01'~ im:1,1 School, and her motiher, Mrs. `V. 1\I'c\.\':Lb Hill, of Otillia, spent the iwook end with thv 1:xt.te1"s siste1',: !)I1'.<. N. St. Clair. n `r 1 . ...\,.,.....,.. ti The Con.=.c~1'va.tiv0 .-\ssociu.tion s affair on Monday nip;}1t wa-s pe1*fr.-ct- .{I_\` I>!'opm', but some of tho; going- ; Q h omr- ufte1'wa1` were gar,-L-in :thin<:.'~:." Some .-\:11`21n(l:LI( pm'son.<` |notI'cr.- the glow of an el ec'.1~ic heat-3 Hr-1' in Smith s shoe store, `Essa St.. 55zmrl turnml in a re: zxlarm. The luri- firzulr: 2111?-V\ (f!`Cl] with p1'o1m)tnr:: but 'lfoun rgvr,-1'_\'t,hin;: in order. f 1'\.. Y2` f` T\....L-.4 l`,...u..,..1.. _1` |-vALc- .w. .n.. \/An.5A.|. 2 Mr. Gordon Early of Monctoml l.\'.B.. :L1'1'iv0.s to-day to spend :1 visit lint ch<:- home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. I 1\Ior1'i. n- vv . :1 .- . . 1 ` M1`. Vim. Hog'3.n .= mother lied in Bvockville recently. He and his .-.lz1u:ht(-1' Dc-H1121 attemled the fun- ieral on Tuesday of last week. .....J.\.. .......L ...I1I L- XX.` 1.! (V T\.... .- ...\..-u. _v u. .......w - Sunday next will be W.M.S. Day lin Burton Ave. church. Mus. D. E. [Jones of ;VLar1q1w,m, 2nd Vice-P1*esi- ideut. of Toronto East P1'esbyteria1,I `:will speak at both senicos. I 1:I....o.. ......._... ..~_._1_ -1: n_, I3._..L-._ 1 aa'I;tvr;iUnited Church _v u......_-, nu u. Inn: . F` Dr. 12. (7. Dzxyton, formvrl I G1~avr:nhur.<`., colapsed on the rnr.-ar Pattr,rsson s drug store 12.30 o clock last Saturday "_Hr- v.':,1.< 1)i(Ykf'(l up by some YT fjthr: 1 '3 \ V \I f` \ ..n.l Ink... GA 41... ] F`-o1'Ly younggr people of the Burton iAve. United church held a very en- } _io_va.b1e Valentine party in the chunch {on .\Ionda._v evening. There werel :'.2'amc-s and contests, community sing`- iing and lunch. r1-u,_,_ ____ nn ____,. ,,,__,1_:,,,, _,, n . _.ln....... um vuu-AA .;\..v-.v\,.<. I 'I`he1'e are 90 men working on the icoal field at present and 70 men on `the ice elcl. 75 per cent. of whom `,a1-1; local. The unloading` of coal be~ Egan on Feb. 10th and about 8,000 tons have been unloaded to date. :.-\bou'. 2,000 tons were unloadecl on I 4 Tuesday. ` 7111., f`._...._......L7 ... \.__.._:_.;:_._v,l ALLANDALE W. W. HUMPHREY _.-... ..:.-_. if aturrlay n2g'h.t. in men in the ` I to` is I) all nrivnfn h-n<.. i , _\' ..,, ..._., :1 2 person . -zxrs in rlust ; H.011: about His land Etrceti 11 z1.m. and 7 p.m.--P1Lb1ic Wor- ship. The Pastor will preach. 3 p.m.---B.ib1o School. -M usic--Se1ect.od. the I B1'i eucnhre and dance in aid of Vricto-rian Order of Nurses in Odd- l'v.r}10vv.'<.' 'l`v1npIu on 'I`}1uxw: :~vc ni1;_:: 1 next. I Bis: ']`r>n-D:\_\' Awctinn Sale at 'R.C(fV`("`S JOWL'1I')' SL011-, st.un'tirw: Mon- day, Feb. 21, 21: 3_ pm. ;1,nd H114` daily from 3 to 5.30 and 8 to 10.30. W. J. Rdc11u:L1' 1123.5 moved his `p1u1n:1)im_,-' shop into be-utter qLxa,)'Le.1-5 at 5. ; Idlizzrlwth St. His 1'ox'me1' :Lan has hm.-n tzxkcn over by J. I-lug,-xlws, shoe repairer. -. Showimg surporilor com`ni'nat'1.on uml briJ1'iunt work in txhu ncbs, Owen Sound Grey scox-ml an ix11[)r`c-:sxiv(2 victory ()V(`l' 1V[(.~:Lf'm'tl junivons by 9 to 1 on Monday nipght. srs. Woods and Bvown, are at the `Court House this week a-u(bitin_n~ the lroadv zuc-counts of the Oournty. 'I\h.i:s is 21 new proceodure in u,coo1'da,ncu wi`.'}1 1-L-cent 1eg\i:<:1sa:ti`on. Two D(*xpzmm`r1cn`.:1l A.u(lit;0rs, Mus-I I James Fehis of Beetzon Imd the] ng'm~s of his left hand taken of!` when they not caur_2,`h,t; in 21 cutting box he was opemtizn`g' :1 fo1't,ni_:;'ht ago. He is at present in the R.V. Hwosrpitul, Barrie, recu.ivin,:.:' treat- u { ment. I Sp](m(li success attended the am- nuu] (lance of the R.V. Uospitz Inurses and gmuluzttos, held n ;he Odthfellows To.m.p1c on Friday n'ig'h.t. About 3160 was realized, and the not proc0ml.~7 wi-I-1 pr-obably be about ' $100. _ Chosen F`1'ien in Burton Ave. United church .:nrl was also active in the Sunday School. He was :1 member of the Society of He is survived by his wife and three children, Glark and 1\II.i1xl1*e(l of Toronto and WiLmm' of BniIg`r:hun1u', and nime b)'othe1's and sisters, J. A. Humphrey, Seattle, Wa-sh.; J. W. Humphrey, Mabton, Wwash.; We.91cy Hunlphmy, Hilgc-r, M-ont.; G. B. Humphrey, London, Ont.; Mrs. Thnos. Dobson, 'T`o1'onto; Mrs. Watermanu M~anis`.iqu(-, Mic'h.; M1-s. T. A. Stew- art, Winnipeg`; Mrs. T. A. 1\IcDonsu1d, Orillda, and Mrs. J. J. G~oxwi:n`g', Bar- Mn S ..,,... l Mr. Bloxlmm was an active m(.-m- Hwy` of Holly M1-.Ll1ml`ist churela, l)!`- iing pl-(~sulcn`. of the L(`:12.`1l(.' aml :Sll,]')(`l'lnt('l1(l(.llt of the Sl1Y1(llZ1_V School for mzmy _\'!-ars. He is survived by his W|l(l0VV. two sis-`tons in Engllaml and u l':Lmil,V of ve, Joseph linux- llmm, I21-ant.fo1- Mattnlxew of Culi- fornlu, Mrs. Mzmon of Suslmtellcwzxn, 'Mr.s'. Sllmnnon of Toronto znml Mrv.-x`. lllurns of 'l`hm'n`.on. One son, Loon- . nrtl. (ll(`(l tl1I`m! \v a.g`-0. l l`l... l'.... -J-- .l 4.....1. mu, 7, COME AND WORSHIP WITH US. !hh\-I g i The funeral takes place from iliiwl late 1'L-sidr.-ncc, 68 Burton Avenue, on F`)-i afternoon, to Burton Avenue chumh for public service, and Bar- rie Union ccnietery. Rev. G. Coulter will ofcate, assis`.0 by Rev. iJ. J. Black of Barrie. Tvhm-c pu.<..<,c -zuvay at his home, 5102 Essa St., on Sunday, Feb. 13, 1927, W`ilh'z1m Buswz,-11 Bhoxham, in hti.< Sth _\'e:n'. Mr. Blo.\h:Lm hzul been ailing` for t.hr0<.- _\'(,-zws, but had ~onl_\' hm-n conm- to his be :x fortnigrht. Hv was born in En_:Ie;Lnl, Lhv son of Charh-s .BuI'0xuha.'m amt! `M:m'_\' P.u: He was nmrriexl Itheru to Szmlil Bl:0.\'h.'1m, and (tune etc (`una with his fzLmiI_\', strttliuxmg `in Paris, Ont. He moved latter to ;H.oIly, whore he took over :1 store. '1 : J ,. .__'I It, 1 41 nn _., ..... . nu. ovv|\ uvul u. au\u\;. Els \v'i-fu tliml there 28 years zL_u'o, land hv m:.Lrrir.~(l later Miss Mary Mason of 'l`m'ont.o. Afton`;: `stone in Holly for 30 years, Mr. ,}-oxhszun r4:Lir(.-ul to A1l:uulw]ufiw,~ yenrs ago. 1\,r.. nv....L....- .....- .... .~L' .. -...u mu-x. |vI,I.I\rn ugu. `i The fum-ml took place on Tues- lmlny afternoon from his Late resi(l `.10 Holly church and 'I'.hornton ceme- tm-_v, cnn hy Rev. C. E. Goud- IA. .. nu... ....In I, ,, |\.\ 1.y' uupuuuuvx 1| ll IIATV. \la l'l- K/`lll-Ill` [t.-)'. The pu-vb1~z1rurs w0rvJ:nsu.pl1 iB1oxJhs;vm, BNlIlL'f'0Y'(l; Rob`. Shannon. ; I`m'onto; Chris. Burma`, S12, and Chm. Bm'n.\', J22, '1`-hornton; Gtsomro |Ynum:', Crr-nft.-1, and Robt. Rt-yn.0~l ` Barrt-. I 'I`ht- f:m1i~ly and rsi.sLurs of the 1212,4- Wu-llirrmorl Sri=g`l-y wish to thank lhu-ir numy frivn|.~; for the s_\m*.p:1tl1_V and kimlnu-ax` shown `whom (l1u=in.,~' imltfil` rt-cu-nt lwro-:1vnn1m1't. g AH-).\'A ;`\`1)|')lL~~-On 'l`hIursl-u_v, Feb.` 10, to Mr. and Mrs. Chm. Alex- unmlvr, 92 Murphy Ave., :1 son. |(IAM|-`nllON---On Monday, Feb. 7, to 1 M. run... \I........... .n.....,...,.._ v4IAIIll|lIa\l4V""'\IlI Avnulltuby, ruu. I, lU Mr. and M`xv. Vt-rmm Cameron, .uv WILLIAM B. BLOXHAM LOCALS The .\I`inistc1' at both services. I-Waning: Chamcter Study. S.'1s" Sunday School at 3 p.m. Prayer Meeting, Wed.. 3 p.m. CARD OF THANKS BIRTHS The Northern Advance I `__"y1'l'fI?_'1'f`| 1-. 2-: l`r_"'f`V\"' r- r-:1 (4 ~u- '91- J..n .:..::..:.u.i;na.:.x.uu .:..n.u.u t\'|T t\1"I"l\ 111-1-I-I-Ir-I-I-Ix-n--I (Continurxi from page one) referred to the Nancy whose wreck has recently been di.'~'cov<:rr-rl at VV:Ls7zI.;.r:1 Bozlch. 'l`h..- .`\'m\.r'-_v i.~; :1 u . ` ,, _, _, _ . .. ".sizz1:'ulc" V(?b"s(:i, and was qunw l.'xr_u'- ' for her time. The s])(:akr31' had tmced `.-hr- l(mp:t.l1 of her k(.`H] (69 t't;., 8 izxchn-m`) with :1 soumbim: iron, and thnouqrht that o1'i_L:inzIly it nm:12~`u1*<,~ about 80 frzet. 'l`h<: II;xIig`<)1xizxr1, how (.-vcr, would zLcc0mmo i`.- svlf 21 vtrssztrls thrvr: tin1(:Z~' as lzxrzro as the Nancy. ......-_,. . 'I'<~Iilin_L' .~'om(-,t.hin;: of Lht-:ntr'1`~ n::zt,ionuI races b(.-t.w(,~r,-n vhc Bluc-nosr:_ azxii (7<)!u'.'.1i;T,;i, Mr. Snider .=`..').i that G1()ll.C('.*L(.`]`, I\T:1ss., was at one time as _L,-'1'<-at :1 fishing; centre as Luncn- bumx. Trhrr New E11,Q']an have, hmw-vr:-r, given up their .~'.hin;: to tho Sc-untliinavizins, P01'iLu_u'u_-s and Nova Scoti-ans. Pnogcress is being: mxzulu by the imluustry in the Maui- -lnh.-nn.. T`L.. -_..-..,I :., 1 |1nn.|\|\. -1, ..u. nuum-.u_y LII mu .'u:.uu- tin1r-.<. There were owned in Lunen- bunp; in 1925 55 schooners employ- 'im': about 1,100 men. Last year there were 80 or 90 schooners own- ed in the town, ormployimr 2.000 -v-nan One feature that makes the Blue- nosc shing: in(lus`.ry truly Canmlian, contlnur.- Mr. Snider, is the C0-O])(:J'- utive l)asi-s on which it conducted. The shermen use a system evolved by themselves by w.h.ieh eVG,`l`_V mzan works for himself and eve11vbo else. The vessels are not built by _u rm at the least possible cost, with cheating` by contractors and work- men. Each vessel has 64 shares, and as many as 30 or 40 people take stock in a vessel. before it is built. The ho'11.(.-lws include captazixls, sher- men, women, store clerks, carpe.1'.ers. Even the nich do not own more nhan a few shares in each V'(.'IF`S0l. Thus the whole community has an in`.r;-mst in each schooner, and the1'e is no sl-ackinf: or skinmlngr in the work. AL-.. u.:,. L:-....._ .1` e.._.._ ._.I \n_. \lA .m.,...,,...,; ... .....~ vruxn. Azboul`. this time of _\`ear, saitl Mr. Snridm`, the men s't1'czun in from the lumber camps. .chip_va1'rl.< and fac- `tories and prepare for tho f'rozvn baiting, as the trip of th/- \'(-ari is called. The firm: ]0av0.s }Lb3Ut March 10th, in the wild wind: uf` eavly spring, and takes up position on the Banks \vhereve1` tho sh are 1 unn.inf: well. At 4 a.m. the whole . . , , , ,, ,1` ,, ,,,_ ,1 ;_,,, W; , ,1 L Rev. J. S. Shortt, M.A., Minister Edmund Hardy, Mus. Bac., F.T.C.1\1 Orgxanist and Ch0irn1:1ste1'. ........v...... u\..... .u. 1 .-u. mu. vvuvl- crew W a vessel turns out, and by `the lligrht of torches or electricity, cuts up the frozen bait into 3-inch imorsel-s. On the trawl warp, 350 feet in length, are set zh~in_x: l;r_a115:1ing's about 3 inches long. On these are put several baited cm] `hooks. It is a pe1'=i_=h`ing' job at 4 am. Lzxter 8 or 9 (lories set out the t1'aw'Is`, in :1 circle aroun-'1 `ho schooner. Each diary has a st,-t" of a mile, and makes 3 or Al runs of its trawl in a (lay. Other men work on board .~`hi.p, zmtl as the sh :11`:- b1'ou:ht in they pass from tvhrn:.`- :1 H1... -.. ;. ._ l.__,. H A- uN_.:z.a..... `V 4- u-uu.\n-u nu u.u_y ll'(Q\|g: L|.\1||| w-....~. er, to Iw.'ul(.~1~s.` to spitter," to salt(-r." The dorios often 2'0 . zahmrl of those workers`. and after the lust undm'-1'11nnin.-.-;" the crew wo1'k.= by torchr3:< until the en*.'iro (I-:1y .= catch `irs saltml away. The work ma): lust till mi(lni_:1'11t, but the man am at work ugrzlin :1`. :1 o`clock nrxt morn- ing. ` 1; - ._., n, ,9; , v `..-5. It is months nftt-r :1 catch is . that the . _2`(`t thvir money. \ vs. often yic-ld $175 :1 . `.0 vzu-:11 of thv 6-1 sI1zu'oholzlr-2-.2 in n soascn. Somntimos, :1 hzml .-:|:1::on. the man got $3 or $4 :1 F-hZlI``. As 21 rule tho :=hr.~1'm:m n1ah:~.< $1,000 in :1 season. Tho pooplc are thus fairly prosperous. 7I7I.....,` 1,. l\ ..A..{-niu,.....& A4` 1-11-|\-\ uu. ._- in Kl-`1l\.A vkuup 'I'he1'e is :1 certain amount of rum- ruxming in I.11r1r~nbu1`_-4'. The people look on rum as they do tea, and 91?" no hzmn in the trade. Sums of $2,000 or $4,000 a month are offer- ed for the c`ha-rtering of vesw-1.: tn the trade. Yet such is who nmmlity of the people that the nLm1'ne1' of ve.<.<-ls in the busine~ss in Lunenbu1'_s: (lWin(H(`(l from 50 down to (3 in the Run1-running` is 5.-`oin_: to HARM['1--L1NN--At the pm-. 54 M:zu`y St, on Wodnestlay, Feb. 11:, I927. by Rev. A. J. G. C:n`s- l\ [i.<.s Olive May Linn to Mr. G(:o1*.;:u H:un'is. nu... _y- .... .u..u . u vu n i sh c omp1eto;1y. '9 0 ' 0 0 0 (>0 0 'iX}<><`>C"*(')* \"\/\$ \`/\'2'\'"~'.- (0) -. . -. _ _ (`ount fty! Your cold in bend or ('llt:ll`l`h li:s:nppo:u's. Ynur rlngged uns- trils will open. the air pussugos of your luuul will u-lour am! you run breut.ho frm-ly. N0 mm :-, uuuliug, lunvkiug, mucous list-lmrgc. (l1'_\'nv.~'s or h(`:l!|::l'hP; no strugz-rvliug for lu'mIM| :11 night. Get, an .~'IuuH Imttlc of El_\"s Crtru.1n Balm fr-mu }'(nIIr drug,r_vi.~4t. uml apply :1 little nf this fralgzmut :1mi: ('I`(':h1ll in your vmbfI'il.~'. ll D('ll(`ll`:lH`R thrmuzh e\'m'y uir |uI:-'.xIg_'o of lho ht-ml. :~mnHIiug and lleuliug the swollm nr iu{lnme(l mu- cous un-u:hr::m-. giving: you instant, ro- lief, [loud (`OM14 uud vntarrh yield like magic-, !)m1`t':f::v.~-;|;. ~ - ` ' --- qJ\V;- U-`li.\f in ~u-. I\.4 LII. ON OUR FISHEEEIEN MARRIED .-\nni\'01u'y Se1'\'1'ccs. Feb. 27th.] Sm-cial prozlchor. Rm . Dc-nnlis Maseru! D.D.. of Onillia. I