Page Four CARD OF THANKS llSOI'flCl'S. l Salts 15 Incxpen. can NJ: In- makcs :1 dcluthtfni :"rn~<'-~nt 1- Ln puck :1 lm Mm. (lilvhri.-:1 .I. ll. L)\.\IuL. u. v.....,.,..v. Twin-ml.~: hurt: h.|.;-1. wet-k MINESING .~, um, u. &/Lt-A abode in Mim.-.~:m_1;, hav- u.~nLployn1L~nL with the sumxly l.. ..l` ll of 'l`m'0nt,0 I` the. wt.-<.-k t.-ml H;i]N).~i(,'(l of Iuzr .~\rnr.sLrun1.;', J 1`. I .u:.,, _ "" gutting ; .~,,._.,. l}2u`ri.- l1u.;- Thumay, Feb. 24%;. `W. A-. ':.`.0Y5u!':'TV?_.ZF: 1`-IOTZCE `I OF (APPEAL IN STAR -CASE W. A. Boys, K.C., M.P., who was given an m|\'~r.-=(- (Incision by :1 jury uml Juusbicc I*`ishcr on February 2nd in his libel action zuruinst the Toron- to Stun`, on W(uLnu.s` pravc: notiicv :1`. O.<.p,'0o Hall of zLppu:L] from L'hv- jLnlu'111-nrt, 1-vnclt.-rntl. '|`hu point: on whi(": 1'.~r- ummul \'.1i*|~1 Iw |):L:<-1| 111'!` : 'l'h:\1, the \'vrli~1 <-1' lhv jm'_v :-ml . Hw _i1II|;mI'IIL \vv)' v"mtr:u!_\' `rr Em-I um! I*\'I|I-H<':- :ml Hw '.v- i"'M ul` -VI: ` u E I in tin- Wlmt is L'_`l:lH'. 'H_/ I-'.!!U\I`/H IL. iihv `ml! ml up` pl:-:1 and to Mw lnw ::.yplir-.:L|r`- to n yrltm of ju.,;l,ili<-.'nt,inr|. 'l'J):1l., 'wh-"'- :L.n hc-rt-, Lhv ImIVIm,gn: um-41 in i'1.:4 plain and rmlinurjx m.I.-:m- ing i;-: lilwlou.-. unvl is an In-M by `Jun lu:Lrnv-4| lmiwl _jlH|r;.',"', UH-n in 1.'w- .1}:- su-nm~ of :1 y.l-:1 pf _iu'ti1`u:.:L1,imn thi- vrmlict l !lll:.'~it !u- for tho: plnin?,ifT zmrl `.|H- l(-arm-I `rial juI|;cr- :-:h.rmM hm/Iv so vI`ircntml tIhv- jury. l'lm1. Lhv Lrinl jmmqrz t.-rrnd in tull- _ im: Lhv jury thwt. c- vI-n if the v/rmfa tzomyilazrim,-d of. Yhouzch lib:-,]nu.'-2, were not true, the V'4`.f"l)l]H.111,. a` would nt:`W:r- tin-`lr~.'a.~: .n:uccr-ml on the plv.-n. of fair I zxlilw yr IV or fair I'v;rvIH'I":r7, qr I "'I'ilmL UH: jmlzcv h:L`.'In.',-' rnzrurrl to` `.111: plz.-:.uIim: am! to hi:-` !'md3n:r ax: :1 ' vnuttvr of law tzhm. no bra-:u:h of $11!: Sr-n:Ltv~ nnrl uf Cmnmmn. Arzt` "l had been c0r:m'Ltwl by 1,'hr- pl:L3n'.'fT` shnulrl haw: <|irr:cf,(:d the jury tr; firm] " H. W,-rvlict, for p1;zinLI". ` l`h:L1, 1hr: judw: r-rrrzd in in:=`.ruz:`.- Eng: Lht: jury that `ux: :u'Lf(:1r: C I.'!'.- 1 j 1 lplainrlrl of w: . .1 .. ....Iv. mi;~:c0nrJuct or impmp the plaintiff in a. prof iity, as a1"leg'c:d in U14 . A01 1 \.n..`,u., b\1|\| ..u..., u. .thi.< attack upon thw p1z=.?nti' 2 profn.-.=,sionaI capacity was nlarie ldent by the artic`:c- on September 10. |a1thou<:h at the trial the defez1daz1t'= counsel admitted t.he1'e was not pro- fessional misconduct and the 2123? judsrc. in the face of such acin `.072. should have directerl the jury to nd a verdict for the plainzi on this branch of the case if they concluded the \\'ord.< used had the 1ues.:`: 10_IC`(1 by the piainti". Tvhat. thu judge should no; 2 4...1,) M... :. .. n...L J`1I\ .`1..:..;:.r ; ucu `told the ad the ltlmt in his opinion no O3l`lC const~_-:1c- `.1 `rm could bu plncml upon cc~1't:=.i. {- -lr~t1m`s. since the evidence of '91:- 7 pl:iin`.~itl` uml Llw late in`i.i1isto1' of cu. w:\.< that the only m;1:.tc2' uloalt with by tho mini. of CLIS-ix zoms was the ('l1z11`_:= of sin113:_;'l`.n_`l; land talmt the Lti.L`l11`ptt`(l ln'ibm:_\' 0l.iv_ \\"z1i.=lwr_;' lizul bx-en moi-el_\' liscu.'\ and proseiitod as possibly i.ln*owin3: `5 some liglnt on the smu5:_::'lin::'_:o. i`. '1`~l1:LL t.ln'ou_2'liout the entire cluu-fro , of the judigre t.`l101'o was :1 total f:Lll- ure to present to the jury evidence 't fszmorable to the plaintiff. while what- 1 ever made against him in any way 1 was stvongly stressed. 1 l`7I'\'!...& &L.. .'.-J...` vnvnacn ll: |.`.om_< 1 \ \'z1i.~*1wr_;' 1 ]if_ ,`h1t unu ` .1 n we ovuuuhx; ovnuoauuu That the judge, upon rerturn of the jury with certain questions fur- ther misdirected the jury and failed to apprehend the second question, but re-o}mrp;ed the jury on matters not referred to in said question. H7YV`l.-L t\.\ ..'...X,-A ..-...;\J :n gnu`:-s V 8 p.m. Admissimia 500. Anyone wishing to make up tables Phone 553 ...,. .ue...\. IJU AK~l\A \,...,.,....,... That the jud._e:e erred in conn- ing` the attenhison of the jury to the amide set forth in pa.rag1~a.p1h two of Mr. Boys cliaim and he ought to have told them they migzwht consider the avticle set forhh in paragxiaph four of the claini, in the matter of malice. Thai. the ju(Lg*e failed to allude to, or direct the jury in regard to the evidence given by the plaintiff and that given on behalf of the de- fence by Hon. Mr. Bureau, the late minister of customs. DEATHS G1BBONS-u\t his home. Con. 11, Innisl, on Sunday, Feb. 13, John Gibbons, husband of the late 1VLu-y Elizzrbeth Herrol], -in his 83rd year. Funeral on Wednes af- ternoon, Feb. 16th. HOUGH'I`ON---At the home of his daughter, Mrs. M. H. West, 10`. 5, Con. 6. Wvost Gwilllirlnbury, on Sunday, Feb. 13, Afred Hougmton, in his 74t1h year. F`unera.1 on I`hursday. Service on arniwll at .Newton Robinson church. qr ~v\vn1111\1 1. mL......_ .... G.....I`.... Tlmt. tht ulVt;'WuUl| Jvuunuauu \.;n.u\.nu McIINTYRE--At Stayner. Sundxayl 3",`. 1;), 15.3. Duncan` McIntyre, aged 78 years. Funeral Tuesday, Feb. 15, a`. Presbyterian -1 1. 1 -ln~-v\1'~rf 1`: ,..r,.-- ....m.._ -.._ J\A\ no jury tltr ,1 h1`ibm`_\' this opinic ,...1l 1.,. . [incl uxn,.~. uu u-y.v...u.;~..; A1 : defendant's? nitfed tnere pro-` 1i.<.cr.~nduct he adm' on. 3 the plainziff L1 31- pr _, ,__,,1._ nu, up A :\.-nu; try: 011- . 5313 r.':;` :.-m'.'- n J wilw Help this worthy cause by your presence and contribution La? *t1io}{1}} chzu'2`es nml Um WHIP!` Lh THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1927. ` An old and highy r<::~'.pcc`.mI resi- `xlent of thv (listrict ]!.A~'..'~;(3d away on 1|'l`hu;.-. Fol). H), 1927, at the v n n. 1 1S:"Z_;`1c_\'. h:1\1'ng: 001110 frotn rim Unit- ed States and se`.t'.`-J at .\'<-\\`n1az'ket at the time of the 22 "011 from Great ,Bx'it.:Lin. Ho w.~L< tfto Ius: of six bro- tilwrs, but is . by t`Jv.rc-0 sis- ters. Mm. Frank \V`Tco. Con. `.2. In- nisl; Mrs. John Mitcliell. New bowel]. and Mrs. C1135. 'I`a'_s'lo1'. Al- lmulalo. The funt-ml nook place on Monday :Lft.ornoon from his lute re. donce. 60 1-Q.-wt St.. to the Barrie Union cemetery. Rev. G. E. Coulter xvas the o1"ci.'1tin52; clervryxuxan. The })1.1vl-1)041X`C`I`S were six nephews, 1.11.111- bort Wice, Innisl; John Miwhell. New Lowell; Clarence, Lc-v.i and Charles S-gxl-ey. 3.11 of Holly, and Mahlon Sx*ig'1ey of Coldxvater. I `JOHN GIBBONS, PIONEER cf INNISFIL, PASSES `AV/{`\Y John Gibbons, a pioneer of Innis- vl Towns,hip, passed away at his `home on the 11th concession on Sun- day last, Febnmry 13th. Mr. Gib- bons contraorted :1 cold :1 few weeks ago, which developed into pneumonia and though everything possible was done, the end came peacefully. Do- ceased was born on the farm where he (Lied, 83 years agro. and spent all his Life there. He was well and favorably known thnougmout the township and the county. In poll- +1'nn Inn vrrnn n :~"`n1Iv\n`-u f`.u-n~.n.u..L-.`.... vunu.;u..y uuu nun. \ All pun- tics he was a. staunch Co'nserv;1,tivc and took an active interest. in his community. Surviving are one daughter, Mrs. Fred Pnatt, Bxarnie, and seven sons, Edward of Shan- navon, Sask.; Will of Assiniboia, Sask.; C. W. of Torontc, J. I`..'...,."v not` B:m'in, Jgzrper of Cobalt, Allan and Herb of Innlsl. Interment took place on Wcdnesday, many old I` V.....I -".. If\\ .. .l:..4........ ..4L,....lf..m JMRS. GEORGE McLEAN OBITUARY It. takes :1 steady flow of customers to your store to keep the cash 1'egis1,cr {ing- ling with pr0t-muking 1`cgu]:u'it_\'. mu Inn`) M (: I An V`v"ELI.I.\'C;TO.\' SRIGLEY I I..uu\...\n..,], IIIAJIHJ VII: 2:. distance attending - r TUII hopti '01`. ms: l sis- 4(\ 7 (}::.rnp- ..l ._A. ..,.l wE1;'n ADVER l.`ISING in The AdVz1n(~0 would 1101]) fo keep old (.`l1St0m0l'S in`r(>1'eS1`od in your store and bring new ones. It spreads the nmvs about your 3101-0 and its merchandise far and wide tn the wo- men of this community. Advel-tising` is the most efcient, economical business force at your command. Pregressive` Merckaiais 1";-iveriise Why not investigate the possibilies `! from page one) in pa.ssir1,1' 1 l..\.l 6-LA P\Q< Customers, Cash Registers and Profits EIGI-{TEEN MONTHS FOR CHICKEN THEFT TO CURB CAMPAIGN FUNDS I 1 V x W. E. Raney brought in a bill to ;;p1~ohibi-1 1):-ewers, listillrms, hotel- rkkeepcm-s and public contractors from! `convtributinr: to political funds. 1 By an amendment to the I\Iav:riedl fem:-n's Property Act, women are our allowed to own and se`.`. pro- ,u, -. 1. :.`4 . .. MARRIAGE ACT AMEND!-Tl") . o RIGHTS FOR WOMEN LVIFS. LIDUS. 1\\:lu, uv\:L mu; VVL/vnx ya... M1`. and Mrs. I. MacLa.0hLan and Mona of Toblemhale usponyt Sunday with the Iatt.or s parents. 1u:._ 1\r....,. s1:\....l\nr- kn`: vn-hn~n- Miss Marion Reid of 'Dovonto was the guest of `her parem`Js, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Reid, over the week end; 1 -u-_._ `I 1ur..-1.....l.ln.-. nnr`l DUIIUV V Miss 1\I-a1';::z11`e :`F01-hes has return- ml home vaftro visi-tin,:_:' with her ..=.'iIs- `u.-r, Mrs. Robt. Huson, of \Vv.=trm. " V T ...1 .....l I:L|\n..I W'Abu Llll: Iauuux a p-;\,.-u.-. I I | I 11, 11:1`, lV1l`.~`. 1\.uuu. uwrruu, ux IV\-`uuu. ` 1\'In.<.s1`s. F'rc- L(\.on:1rd and Wi!1`bm't `Black of 'l`0ronbo spent Mm week end :1`. tvhui1' 1`0.~ap(:ct1iw hmm-.<. M1`. Donald 'Nl_'L'I1|HIl>` of T:|rrir\ `.-pvnt Snml:1`\'-with his p:1rvnL<. M1`. `:u~.I :\h*.<. J. C. Nu-I:1n I .. n \' I... . ....0...-un.I I all lI|'l|l_\ A nnn,,u nx... .,`. '_t"v.'= wvuk 1.0 work on Hw icv. I Mr. l`.:n'l Jnhhi. is \\'m*king.," with `(his uncle. Ur. I-hl. (`.m`. :1`. B'i_L, H.-my i1`v-int. u. (*4 1 1 _,,_,,| t Mr. and .\lr.<. Julm Hunt:-1` \\`'*.'~ `H10 _::`11v. of Mr. zmnl I\lr<. l"rwl Il{v_\'1ml:I.< of Knock on Sunl.:\_\'. : M1`. H:n`nM \\":1ll:u':` of '|`m mm) is .\"..~'itAix1,-4' \\'i.h his p.-m\nL.< hvrv. l M)` Hum`_\' I`rin_<.:`I~ wvnt to l:u'ri0 1 AL .... h'C1:LL'1|\;~:\| l.`U .L.. zuuuuu AAA -v.., in 1921 for stealing parts of a1_ mower. He was released by the` "` ` V` ` 1| 1 ` .. n .uI>. \II'u. .uu.._.. ..... homv fvom 'l`m'unl.n. -\\'hv1'x- \ \:11.t.umhng' Uw IIuvt`1(-uH.\1ml 1 lVlllln l\h~.<. Sarah Lu-m1:n'l is ::pmul:i1Lu' :1 fvw d\:1_\'s in Rurriv, tthv ;,l1('sL of her lwotluw, Mr. Jus. C(mbcLt. \l:-.. l1.'..,. ll < Oh.` inafvn:-_ U1'UL-lIL'I, Aun. nun. \,`\lL>|v\,vvn Mix: .-\1.ico M. Owvns, Lhv instruc- tor of The so\\ inp: class which xvms hold lwrv for thu past: two xvmrlas, wont to Schom1wr_x:. xvlwrv there is 4111011110!` class. \I u _.. YN___I nnmzuwr cI:L.\5. Mr. Wilson Fnrl)os spent last. week with his d:Im:h`.m`, Mrs. I-{0\v.'ml 1h`,\'Im1ds. at ;\Iin0sin_~.~;. .\h`.<. Wm. Johnston has rot.urnud n , ,_:A.. 1\l||\)lAA(l. 2 Carnival -| The carnival which was held at rithr: 1-ink here last '.[`11urs ni2`1`.`r r:[wa.s fai1-ly well attended. The fol- illoxving` were the winners of the L\I1`.< homo c 0l1( land 1 ,... \Jll ...,_.- lCln11`cl1=l.l and the locals was very` lguml. The lncu1.~' won by one 3:031. } M1`. and Mrs. Fred Purvis outer- `;2.i11ml a number of the-i1` friends on 1'Tuv.=lay evening` of this week. All lrc-pm-t :1 good time. The s,\'1nputh_\' of the community is z:-.\;`tencled `.0 the fmnily of the late 9.\I1'. John Gibbons. whose death oc- `curred hero on Sunday of pneu- ; u\.'_..) . ;\'er:d1e Race---1s`., Miss F. Hm`- `:~ .nQ*ton and Mr. C. Lucas; 2nd, Miss `R. H00\'(:2' and Mr. F. Mulholland. } Open Racn--1:, Ed. Webb; 2nd, iI7`2`a. Sutherlzmrl. ` Barrel R.ace-1:;t, Mr. Stevens; 2nd. Mr. A. Woods. 1'11 7 , 1 .J_ `IT..- IL 'I'hrr:r2-Lr=;::_rr-(1 acn--] st, iHuntc-r and Jim Johnston; 2 !W"oor!.=: and F. Mulhollanrl. unIn\::. vxun -\.*A\46hn." -... ` Parole Bozml after 9 mon th.<. In: 1924 he \\':1.=.g'iven 3. 2 year jail 1'.-rm ' for shop b1'eakin_;` in 'l`~0ron`.o. and. Tr,-lr-aserl on Jan. 15, 1925, by the Pzlrole Boarzl. In l\/fay, 1926, the zxccus-:e was also ,gviven 60 days in jail for breach of the O.T.A. Judpge V':mce said he would see that the P:1rol(3 Board gave the zbccused no tfu1*t.he1' clxuncr.-s. He saw now plain- ly hha`. Richarrl Foster, who had been set free for lack of evidence, was` I the other man who stole thel chickens. l l i i 1 l '1 I v i I I K Mr. and Mm. A. l'*`o1~estm' family of Lofroy are vi:~:i.fdng' |roI:1tiw>..s h(:Y'(:. Mr. and Mrs. Gt:0rl?,`f! Shaw fzxmily havv srolrl their farm moved to Barrie. Glad to see the cars and ms mak- lim: their appoaranco. on the High- We are sorry to hour of Eh: sor- uious illness of Mr. John Ruth:-rfotrtll and hope :0 hnar of his .=.p':e(ly re- cow-ry. Cutting and h:`L11] iIlj.',' ordc-1` of the lay. ` 'f`hr.- men fmm h(')'t- w`-1') `n-1'1: lworkaimr in Mr. Gram.-y .< bush in South Orilliu. h-ave nished I;lu:i'r cun- tract. lf:f." wuu M1 . AIAI . -mu Cooper. I ! Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cameron um! Iwce son paid :1. flying; visit to rela- lbivcs in Orlha. I 9 HE illustration has been prepared from the arclf.'mcL's ClrJ.'.\ i:1;<. Sll0\\'ln_Q' the appearance of the Chateau Laurier at Ottmv:-_ \\'l`.(-2`. tltc new xving \\ ill have been added. The structural acldition to t"; c lzstol will provide fnr anullwr 200 rooms, making B. total of 500 rooms 'J.\'ailablc for guc-_~ts. With the (`l`.ln_u.`.~`, banquetsclll Ed ballfioom spalcle andf olther p'.:'Dlic rooms will be\'i.'n L! on en ancin t e use u mess of this ne unit 0' t e L`.m;1di;m efrgiisnl Rnevllu;-:nl;1: hntpl svxtgm. I Mr. (} Smith 11:11.9 been en- gapccd on the ice 3.`: Barrie. A .....,.,x .......... 2.. Hm. Im.r.H+u ..-n E,(AE'Va\A vu mu. nun. nus. ..n....... A mood many in this locality are on the sick list. 'I`he mail carrier, who had the mis- fortune to break his big too, is im- proving, but not able to be out yet. A social gatllerinp,` was hecld at the home of Jana. Dorxm, where everyone .=-.coIrned to enjoy themselves. * The Indies Md meeting was held tat Lnu hun`.e of Mrs. Foresrf VV."r*."" and tea was served in aid of the organ fund. |.. ..u.. u ,,ov,,,u ...,.... -_..... . Mr. R. I.;1.l.en is receiving a large; ,'nv_vmh:,-.r of lugs: at Um. 1.1111. 3 IIHUK`, ill: .\l'l|ll'`|I|`L',- * :1i`tm' \'i. in the city. 1'. Jnsuph R.ich:n-ulson of 'l`01h :`. \'isi1'~.- with his nuice, Mrs. Geo. F5. ns. Ins. week. no rink of c11r1vr.< wont to Mid- this week for Lhv honspiol. "5 M:11'jo1-_\' Bhmk v11tu1`t:Li11mi :1 friomls m1 ']`uo. v\'o1m15: / Wr- arr 1.-Lu! to arm the boys whu `. E:L.s't Om for the winter mnn"l`..s' 2 back a.:,::1in, Mr. Donulcl Cl.l'.1):'0n, Ear] Mzxwl:~7Ir-y and Mr. Wm. \\4\. ~ hockv-_\' match * 1'0 on F1-i1.'1_\' STROUD `gig; :s;,':na;;;;:,,;;g; ational Raxlwayu hotel system. and l`nl:l ` EAST OR0 MIDHURST xtch which was play- `1.'1.\' 11i_Ljhth0t.w0011 10 very la outer- ` I` .1," ,,,._1_ A11 The N orthern Advance ('hlll`(`hvm Vi.` on Suml~:1_\'. has rvulrlw . x icI_- is the J udgz Fri NM n gm], and with and and \I.IEILI J.J.v1..I.l \I.I.v\I Mrs. Co']:i`n Campbell is visiting fsriendjs in Toronto. in! .I,,._A. __...._- .:._ u,..... 1?... JJl'l\ .'llUJb Ill 1U'LUuvUo .'I`he short course in Home Econ- amics closed last Friday. Mrs. Fuunis of Bnzulfortl psavc :1 cle.rnon.s'tnaLion on (leco1'a`iim:' cakes and .s'a1ad on 'I`|m1x~;1lu~_v zLFt(-rnoon, which was very instruclaive. 'l`h<: mrls swrvml ll'1l`1lll(l u wry m1j()_\':1xl)lu time was -.'~'[)<,'l1t by `wlwl. A numlwr uf lwurlix-.~x wcrv pr(-.s- [ vnt fvonl l{u;':h_\'. Om Sl.:nt.iun uml Guthriq-, VVmm.-n'..' IIIH`.-i\t|ll,l'54. Mite. WM,-_: ]\1. nml cl-:lI1g:'M<~r Ih~.:,-.ic- \h:1\ ~ 1'\'llUl'lH'II l'rum .ull':|ln. \\'lu-rv blwy .'u])vlll, Hw ]HL.\'L xix xvm-k.s n.1.. n....:.I 1.` \u...-...- i- hum. I`:-mu l\.f1l`. |"l.t>ri ' J lr VV c;vn;~r: V- 'lu-H tnln-5|` nmnilnly lIt`.`~I`:\_\'. I: h. EH11. Wm. W. (:';i|('h)'i.' lit-mI':mc(-. 'l`h<- pu `H -( tn-ml':1nc(-. ('uln:nr:.'.`<- and from (MI. . In~w~1.i'II3.':. (}iIvhri..l. s:-rvml rt- l`r~::hIn:~11t.<. '|T|n' ,\" |n-01)-11' 01' ('mI1l,r`:|I Urn In-hl :1 \ :L-lnntxim- Sm:-iull on Mnn<|:L_v vw-nnigr in Uw :u(~Imnlrnon1. All _iuin- ml in tlw y:.'nnu-:.' uml crm`.v-e:~'L:~=. R4 (`rt-:luIIu-nh.< W(`l`t' s('n'vt:(| :11, Lhv <',lo.``v: :unl :n.ft.<-r .:inp,'inp,' Llu- Nutimml An- lhvm. HM :|(~]mI'Lr-tl ft.-(-lin,1r [ht-y lrzul 1|. very (!llj0_\'V:Ll)l(` 1-V:--nimz. Mr. J. Arn1.. of Gu1,h,ri- mt- c0mp.'n1iul Mr. H. M. O0l1r1;`L(rI' to Cun- tnul on Sumlsly. at n,._. _.r 1\..:`H ... .....I .|..... .4... . Bridge, Euchre and Dance t:l`iI.l Ull |)ll.lIIlI|J- Mm. Rouse of ()r.iIll.i.u uml hm` sun- min-Jmv. Mr. I). Scott, of V.'mc0uv(:r, ,..l|...I .... ..|.. |....... I...-1 un-1-It an nu." , (`ullwl wculllzl)` quut to .'\l:`.. I u |Io- ... nu on lnmim-.<..<, l1r.u'iny; 1ill:1_g1- p1`upm`L_y to .\ Thu J3:1.;4lu~L ()0. :1 in their annual sumxl I (Eon. .-\ynv.-<, .lr., iiukcn up his in mg` secured |.`l)1]_)I()}' l:. I. . I`.\ liun-,\' 1"oy.:Lm1 um l*`o_\'ston are 1'ccu\'u1'i11g` altbzxck of Inuasl 5. A (lU|/Ll\'l\ U.L lll\.L7l.\.-1- A racing carnival was held in tin.- rink on Wedlxesduy night, Feb. i)Lh, when :1. record crowd Va; on hand.- Some of tzht: winners were: Mi.-.'~:: Cora Brown list prize and Mrs. W. ; (.'ruw1'ord second prize in ]'J.LU(.'.` open race; W. 1}. Crawford first and Norval Luck second in men's open race; lVLi;.s V. Parent first and Jean Muir second in girls` race; Hugh Johnston rst and Tom McKee sec- ond in boys race; backward race, .\'orva1 Luck f`1r.~;t and Tom Rae sec- ond; couplc race, Miss Brown and Bert Fralick rst, Mr. and Mrs. \V., E. Crawford second. mu nun - - a u .. '.l`lw W.1\l,.. A. Perrault, arrested on leaving the witness stand in a case at the`! assizes here, was fined $200 and} <.;`ivcu a month in jail in Penetang; on i `Friday for selling liquor. 1 The County Court case of Rogers! vs. Gentle ct 3.1 was adjourned on` Monday to March 7".ih. I I The family of the late John Gib- bons wish to thank their friend, neighbors and others for sympamhy and kiindncss sh-own duning his ill- m,-5:-) and death. In z;.id of Barrie Victorian Order of Nurses I.0.0.F. Temple, Coliier St. ` the Kidneys, Drink Water! The American men and women must t',u;n'tl constrmtly .'ig.1in:.t kidney truuhle lu-c'.uts.e we uften out too much rich food. (Jur blood is filled with ucitls which the ki:'.ue_\s strive to filter out; they weaken frmn overwork, become sluggish, the eliminntive tissues clot: and the result is i\'illl1t:_\' truulnle. bladder weztl-mess and .1 geileml decline in health. \\'lien your kidnevs feel like lumps of lead; your buck hurts. or the urine is clnudy, full of sctlixnent, or you are obliged to seek relief two or three times during the night; if yuu snller with sick il('.'lll:lCilf`, or dizzy, nervous [)L'ilS, acid stmnueli, or if _\'(,m lmve I'll(.lll11(\l.iSlI`. wheii the weather is burl, lneizin drink- ing lets Hf1`_'f\I`Li w"t \'. .'t'.l`T` and get from _\m'.r ])illl'Ill(\L`lSl :'.bu1 fuur ounces of J:icl Suits. Take :1 tublespuonful in it gl; '5 of water before breakfast for :1. few (lays and your kidneys may then act ne. Tliis tznnous salts is made from the ncitl of grapes and lemon juice, com- llinl-Ii wifli lhhin nml has been used for hm`. grnq .-s bined with Iithin, and has been years to llclp tins!) and stinmlutc clogged kidneys, to ncutr.-i1i;:c the acids in the system so they no longer are :1 source of irritation. thus often relieving blad- dcr disorrlcrs. Jud is incxpen. can in- iurp make: .1 dclizrhtfni : ~'v~="~nt _ ruw time. ..-\._, Hung. ........ .L..... .. _` .. home. bccausrc nobody can mnkc :1 nus- takc by h.1vmg .1 good knluey ushxng By all means have your ph " v. ' `~ ..t 1 .1 1|? . .V' . W , }Take Saks at Fhst Sign of | Bladder lrtaon or ; Backache ` CENTRAL OR0 4:`... f`.n vv\.r\\n`1 in 17 \ nu ])!L\'i(l 1'}. zunl nth` V. (imxvfurd mus in '[`uronLn ly :1ll<.-mlim: Llu: l,il)(:r2Ll bun- o l n.~n1i(-.1` King; 9 l.<;Ll>::l l{u`.~;.~u.-ll HM: \'i|H:l_5.'," u\ :-1` . , , pl ENLARGEMENZIIOF THE CHATEAU LAURIER HOTEL