*~ i2isdii6oi.'"1b}ii2i5M-` HOLD FINAL. T... i 'I`rin.it_v Srs.--Goal, Dy\men.f,; de< `fence, Corbett and Godden; centre,- ,B-losrg`; W Anderton and Looker; '_s1Lb s. Johnson, E'dw2ard`s and Smith. A 11-.. .l-1.. `l)..-..l.....\L....:....n ann1 ` ; Thomas Bell cluntged with wife de- ise1"hion, pleaded guilty in the Police ' ; Couvt before Magistrate Je's on ' I Wednesday mo-rnii-n~g* and was ned 'i$50 and costs, or in default of pa.y- ' iument, sentenced to three momahis in jail. The ne, if paid, goes `to the _ wife, who W815 let wivtih three chil- : : dren. 1-: I1 1 tu L2- ___31.`- ._...1 ..L!l.'l..,... A... L;bLI'pUllLUL, buwta, Luumg uvu\A ;Juuu-..w._,. i Trinity Jr.s.--Goa1, Bob Powell; ldefence, Brummell and R. Ba1drw\in; _centro, Tnominson; wings, F. Ander- `ton and Edxge; subs, Jorlmson, Dick ;Powe'1l and Bill D_vtmens`.. H Bell left his wife and children on _iJvuly 151;, police allege, and went to live with his mother and sister in ' 1 Midland. He was -brougl; to Coxmt Vin Awugvulst, and P-olice 1VI:a.gixst:11a.te ;Je`ws made an order that he pay 1158 wife $5 a week. After payumg $15 ` Bell again deuamped, and when he 9 l cowld not be located a wlarnanlt was 9 issued for his arre-st. At New Year's he returned to his Midannd home Fl from a nortihern lumber camp and I alsas`. week was apprehended by Pro- ,v1'ncia.l Oicer Kelly of Ba=rni~e. I . 3 V Church Hockey FINED FOR WIFE DESERTION } A country is not made great by `the .rI11W' -M: 0* '"'"<~w= miles it con- ` -"tuaxra Luu; :.;uw_qauu uuuu 4.v;. vnnv Sid Godden was the lone Page I1`ive.. unavunp, uu u\.;.\.v-.4. The principals reports were as follows 2 ~vr- ,, n,_ W, r\._ .__n .cn 4.-nun .1 King Geo1'}Ie-On roll 42, av(*ra_;'c` for month 25, pr.-rcent.ag'e 84. f\.. . 71.3.... .c ur..xA.. ...u :!\A I [U1 Jzluuuu tau, .n.u.x.uuu.,_.,x. -.21. Prince of Wa]r>s-On roll 504,3: avera..qc- for month 378, percen oup,'e 85, penny bank deposits $59.36. `[I..,.. `D,l....n...l n nnll QR`) nV7nu,` age xv: Iuunuu uuv, ln,.v.....,-...,,_\, uu. ` Victoria--On roll 472, -:werap;r:' for monmh 358.6, pe1`cen`tag'e 90,7 penny bank deposits $34`.71. ; ou, y\;uu_y uuuls u\.yu.uu.~ -guy.-..u. King E(lwax' roll 362, aver- age for month 280, percentage 86. VI1..&...... n vu-\11 4'70 n\'n\-nrrn :J\.cu_v UL ucunn; uuu n_u\.\;um: ;nn.:wy-ax BARRIE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE `tor Harry Wri;;1`ri=`. seized four slot Thirty members a.`*ttenderl the meet- `machines in Midland.` one in Penen ing .he.](1 an Tuesday, 4th inst at `tang and one slot machine and two] the horne of Mrs, V, L. Va,na`bte1',,puI1C1'h boards in Victoria Harbor ini Roll 03! was answered with New jtobucco stores and P001 1`00mS- The Year -s resolutions. istores relieved in Midland were those Ilhe different reports of Christmas iof Broderick and McGill, Herb. cheer work was `.110 'main business of Parker, Stanley S. Wilson and James the afternoon. Five well-lled `Bugryr. Abe Moses pool room in baskets were sent to needy families, ; Penetumr, Crooks and McI1vay a` ten Christmas stockings were made 1 pool rooms in Viclvoria Harbor were and filled with fruit, candies, e`.c.,';t:he other places raided. .1 ,,,1_._1_- 'n......L L.......1.. ......l...1...L ..........`I..:..-......,. LCWJ R`! l.l.'ou|uI.xuuo. I Broderick Wilson `-pool lled e`.c.,i|t:hc for the old ladies in the Arrlaghj Punch boards and slot machines are Memorial Home. Friut was sent to alleged to be gambling devices barred a wee lad who had been sick and in this country. The latter, which owers to three members who are are allowed in the Unied States, are unable to zmtend -the meetings. iput out in Canada by a Mr. Snyder For the pr-og'ra.mme there was i of Waterloo. The manuacturer music and a question box.` A speI- places them in stores on a 50 per ling nmtclh was to have been held, cent. of the earnings basis. One but time did not permit. _'pro-prie`tm- whose machine was seized On Thursdiay, 13-Lh. the mermbens was realizim: $50 to $60 each week are hiaviniz a social evonintr fr +.l~"* " 7:. likelv to be . ,. . I KC) , 01., i Mr. and Mrs. G. R. Hamper have `returned home after spending` a 'coup1e of weeks in Barrie. ' J`o`hn Barclay is visiting; in ithe city with her diauighter, Mrs `|Cwlarkson Spring. i Mrs. Burton of Barrie is the guest `'of her 3-istcr, M13. Wm. W1'i_:`ht. Mr. Geo. Spearn of G1'avenhu1~.; spent 21 day last week with his mo`.h(.-1'-in~1aw. Mmgv Givens. Z\'I`i:=s Meta Hunter spent V\ e(1nes- : in B-z1.1'1'ie, the guesi of Mrs. A.] 11 WHM no acLAuu..n._y nu. h- M I -visiting with her aunt, STROUD Jan Boake of Thornton is Mtiss Annie Wall-ace. It `I ___.-.._) 1...... ....L.........l n 1' VVQfLL'GCCo Mis. J. S. Leonard -has returned home after visiting with her sister- 'in-law, Mms. Wm. Martin, at Knock.\ I Miss Eva Spring has returned (Continued frcrm pagf_e' -1')`t_i1_:)." V te-ac.11e_1.~._s-`vvnlo were ik-1:1, an; of $26.09. ' x | n. ........a.:.... -4: r~ 1':v ..{...`.c1.. ...Al Au-yaw, ulna. vvuu. ;uu. mu, . `home from the city. | -nr:__ 11' 1-,` ..........L H..- Id. ILUL Iuuuuc All AJlh\|.AvL'\.uo 3. Mus. Kate Johnston of Toronto is with her sister, Mus. Robt. McCon- ikey, S12, who is seriously ill. 3 TM ... .....I inn... (1 D 1 .Imm,~... 11n\'n 'IllUuuc .l.l'\I'lll xunc \.Au_y. ! Miss H_. Lee spent the |af her home in Bradforcl. ` at 17 1 1',L.,_L-_. ...E H I 1 1\I=.'.<. Richard Bell is s care with a bad cold, also ;JI*",-. Henry Cole. The neig`hbors and friends of Mr. and ;VIr1*s. Jns. McMinn :.>`athe1'ed on A,:\Ion(l~ay evening` a: the home of Mr and 1\IIrs. Frank Orr to bid farewell to them and p1`e; them with ai present as :1 small token of reapeeti Mrs. Jim Ross is on the mend. Wima.m and John Dealziel have. `2'e`.`u1'ned to Midlzmtl after a v'sit`- with thetir uncle. John Robinson. The Ladies Aid met at the home of `Mrs. .-\:ndrew Miller last week and there was 21 good turnout. Wu'_. 1 --._..- .. .. I 0--..-. ..An. .. .. 1.... - under the ` 1 35;. ! Mr. Ja:me`s Latimer and Mr. Petra` 5Sprnig' were in -Minesingx attending `the funeral of the late Wm. Graves. A n 1 5,1, 3m, -.u. u nu. \.u...v x..;. bill.` A nu.mber of people are sick with LLlllK.'1`(/ll u; .uL, an `\z\}'ll.|D- : Miss Maud Clark is visiting frieml>.= iin To1'on~to.. nu `r1-v'.Ir\ v_,v,I , _-__ ,1- ,L_,I_ `All ; un uuv\.r.. I The U..F`.`O. loaded :1 car of stock ion Tuescbay. E The annwaxl Vestry meeting of St.` lpauna, Innsisl, will be held on 'I`~hau'nsday, Jan. 20th, at 8 p.-m., in the Rectory. ` I uu.;\. nun :4 3:/vu v......u..... `ii, M1`. Lawv1`ece Swartman has re- titurned to Goderich af'te1' spending: a 1 week with his gmlndparents, Mr. and! I Mrs. Wm. Robinson. '_rH-UR.sDAY,- `J"ANU.iRY\ !13;;I-319121` Miss Edna Tuplinrx has l'0tLl1'110(l` to Honeywood after Spend the ho]-i~ days with Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Belul M1`. Dave Jones and Mi.=s Edith `Tnask of Alllandale spent Sunday at {John Robins.on s. |,.a-.~v-~-v I .1 day, Jan. 9th. .201` age, having: been born Jan. 7th ;1847. 1 W1'.]Li`am Graves, one of our best Jcihizens, (leparted `this life on Sun-, He was eigvhty years 5 4 He was a valued member oi 5 the Anglican church and a sinundhr ;C-ons`nrva. t.ive in politics. He 1eave.= {to mourn four sons, VVi-11~'Lam` of A1- `lzxndzxln, John, Isaac and Louis of ,jMine.=ing`, and :1 tr=r. 9 now 1\'Ir.<. M7i11.=.. `fv - M. Binnie, Hannah. Anton I a `Mrs. M. A. MacLeo(I- of Blackfoot, A1b01'ta, who has been \'isiti11g friends and relatives in this burg`, has 530.110 to Midhurst to stay for some time with her b1'o`.her, Hen-r_v Tracy, and his family. f The annual supper of the Berri `1Ring' sub-s.c1`ibe1~s was held last week, Friday, at G. G. J0hn.ston s. In `spite of the very bad wezather, the aztend-ance was good, and of course the smpper was, as usual, very en- , j oyable. l . 1 In raids made last 'I`hurs night` and Friday Provincial1,I,OfT'1cer John` {Kelly of Barrie and License In. L-.. 11_..____ 1lr__:_.1_L ....3..._.l 13...... -1-` INNISFIL VESTRY MEETING SEIZE SLOT MACHINES MINE SING UTOPIA W-U-v_w . v, On motiom of G. -FL_Sm:i".h and Mrs. Ord, it was decid-637" 126 buy a "Romeo Dufpl-icator for the'u.se ,of the` public shoo17s at $110, less 15 per~ cent. ! at n 1- an - ,. - . I ,._; week end :_q1ci1' and Mr. and Mrs. .AbrahamvChH`s61Jher Bishop ceeobrated hsa.p[pii1y their gol- _1..._ ......l.!.'.-nu at 4-n.-.5. Inn-nan ha Wvrvu- uazaxtvy uwtlvvxunuu Avut`-Iurnnl -1...... D... den wedding at their home` .in Elm- vale on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Bishop have resided in ELmva.~1.e since 1880. They were staunch pioneers of the Methodist church there. and Mr. Bishop is now an elder in St. J ohn s Unitecl church. He is 21 Con- servative and a siauneh temperance advocate. Mrs. Bish~op s maiden name was Phoebe Harris. .u L; ___ _: 11.. ...._i mt... nwuu: was .L'luul:uc LJ.a11.Aa. All but one of Mr. and Mrs. ` Bishop .s six children were present at ` the celebration on Monday. Herbert - -Bishop of Sasksatoon was unable to be there, but there were present three sons and two dztugliters, Ci1:i\1'iCS Bishop of Saskatoon, Wil- liam of Trenton, Frank of Elmvaale, Mrs. Napier of Tottenham and Mrs. Fred Webster of Richmond Hill. Mrs. N-apier and Mrs. Webster were ac- compa.nied `by their imsbands, aml onher guests from a (1i.~*tance were: iRev. E. R. and Mrs. Morton of Tnhornbury, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ' Bishop and Mr. George Harris of Lyndon, Mrs. M. E. Dutcher of Bar- rie and Mr. John Lennox of Cape- ? i____ UUVV nu About two hundred friends of Mr. and Mrs. Bishop attended a ,:'.b1'ic reception on Tuesday afternoon. Many gifts were receive-.1 by `he happy couple, including` a .handsome purse nof gold from the family. ------- I WM. \'E ATSON MADE !HEAD OF `MOUNT CALVARY PRECEPTORY | At the last meeting` of Mount Cal-! vary Precepto1'y, Kni.g1hts. Templar, the following` officers were `installed for 1927 : vs 11... r:1:.. 174. I17... .lUl.' lillal . Pres. Prec., Em. Sir Kt. Wm. Watson; Cons`.., Em. Sir Kt. Roy` L. Jay; Marshall, Em. Sir Kt. O. Wil- liams; Clmp., Ern. Sir Kt., J. W. Merrick; Re_9;., Em. Sir Kt. J. N. Hoblc-_v; Treas., V. Em. Sir Kt. Jas. Sl11'ub. Sub. Marshall, Sir Kt. A. H. L. Benson; Alrmoner, V. Em-. Sir Kt. \-\'a.rren Jolm-ston; Capt. General, V. Em. Sir Kt. Jas. Shrubsole; 1st ;S.B.. Sir Kt. Geo. Baycroft; 2n &S.l3.. Sir Kt. M. E. Bell; Sword `Be-u\.'e1', S31` Kt. Thos. McKenzie; 5 Or:;'m`.E. Sir Kt. Wm. H. Kennedy; ;l.1;<. Hemm, Em. Sir Kt. P. J. Love- I 3 r 1 i H'ix'Iehe_v; Capt. of Guard, Sir Kt.` Zml Herald, Sir Kt. V\"m. J. Peck l I .' Guzml, Sir Kt. C. W. Carley; Aucl~i- tors:, Em. Sir Kt. J. Sinclair and Em. Sir Kt. J. B. Barr. Mvr. A. J. Saarjeant pointecl outl "that the committee thought that a 'be1:~`.cr machine which was under con- . sidevation, was more than worth the_ difference in pnice. Mr. Smith shat-' ed -that Principal Morrison of the: Pnince of Wrales school, in which the: machine was to be placed, was satis-` ed wikh the Romeo. Dr. Brereton E3-l(l tlmt. Mr. Bell of the l{i11::; Ed-`V ward school could easily use the` (lu-pliator in the Central school. to wliiclrtlio E-nst VVlar(l 'teacher could have easy access. There was about 3300 available and two m:1c.hine.< could easily be bought. A L3n.L1.. ..,.......1!w.,...#....n nnnnn u} PRESENTATION TO ALBERT E FORD BY GRENFEL U.F.O. Grenfel ~U.F.O. Club held its an- nx. meein_9; on Tuesday, Janu-ary 4th, at the home of Mr. Albert Eord. About 115 people .were present and sat down `me a hot fowl supper :<.e1'ved during` the 1-adios. Du1`in_2' the evening` :1 rh~a;pp_v event took place in the presen\taJt-ion to Mr. Ford, sec1'et.ary-trea;sure1' of `the Club. of a ne vwriting' set. Mr. Ed. T1-avers made the prese-nrtaoion and Mrs. Ben. Parr read the ad- dress, which was signed by W. W. Scott, Edwxard T1`aVe1's, -Ben. Part and Redvers Dobson. Mr. Ford! lthankc- the club for the gtit and for. their .hea1'ty co-ope1*awtion during the} evening by the ` 1`C'SlLllA.`(l `ct: Luuuwn . President, Ed. Travers; Vice-Pres.,l llsniah McMvz1ster; Secy.-Treasure1', Alba)". F0l'(l; Colnmittee, Thos. Wal~ [ton and Frank Travers. yUu.'. _ The election of ofcers or 1927 rc-:=ul ce(l as follows : -n ,:1.._;_ 73.! I11 ....... ,.. `Yin . Dunc I 1 tPROMlNENT" ORILLIA MEN 1 SWINDLED BY STOCK AGENT'l Local Provincizil Police are seek- iine` [an Smiley of Cobalt, who, it is oluimed, swindled a number of O1-.illia s prominent business men in .a fake Etock rlenl. Sadler is alleged to hzwe posed as the agent of Mr. Ed. Horne, `president of the Horne I-R.(`_`.`~f()l'V(3 S_vn(lic2:.te.. He isoh 5 or 6 prominent Orillians who were ac- lcu.~.ome(l to (labbling in stock, and who, knoiw'rin~g' Ed. PLorne s reputa- tion, jU.iTl`]')D(l at the opportunity of l)u_vvin_a: i`C'.`<(3!`VC` stock from the tion reve-znled that the president of the company was an E. J. Horne, entirely ferenI`. from he familiar 1 Ed. Horne. and the stock, which was sold at $25 per unit, was wortihlless. , The names of those swindled have , not been revealerl. ~ `Noranda Mines, offered by him. On:_ receiving their oerticartes the men- became suspicious and an investiga-` I l MARK GOLDEN JUBlL_E!- A re occurred in the home of Mr. DaP1:zmrte, 70 Small-1 St, on Saf.u1'da.y afternoon. It is reported to have been caused by a child srilting matdhes while in bed. The re got! into a partition and considerable; do.m.a.;-:0 `resulted from re, smoke} and water before the fire brigade? put it out. The featlher nxattress had .` LA I -.. atm m:-"lam 'l`Ha ill: 1\:E1..u|t:L lIlltU\.`L\;D uuu ~~+ um vrr`-ulnw. The` Th _N-ntfthem -Advanr-,9 `boys was good. The genenal appear-` I m:1c.hine.<{ Ml . A higihly complimentary report I was received from Capt. T. A.: James of his inspection of the three `5 companies of Cadets organized in the '5 public schools. Thenre were 193' Csadeius on parade when the inspee- C tign was made. The efficiency of: the corps was remarkable consider-ii ing the short time it had been organ- ized, stated the report. 'Dhe type ofi< ance and phyisique of the rank and le was good, as was also tlhie e`i- cieny of-the officers. The physioalx "training and infantry practice, in-12 eluding` company, squad and section drill, were all pronounced to be good. T D '|'\......I.....,.1-. ..,..s..L AI A`i:e'1eg?'15aan feceived in Barrie this morninng .`( Dhu2-sdJay) announces the sudden death of Mr. George R. Wood at his home in Chicago. The -nr, 111 _ _ ,1 ___-_ ____.1.1 `I.._......_ 2.. vv'vuu an Inn 'un.rAAn. n.; \.uu.vu.vv- -..u. la`te Mr. Wood was well] known in Barrie and district. He was born in Cm Tnown~sh~ip, and for a number 0! years was principal of the West Ward Scihool, Barrie. He went to Chicago some years ago, where he was engaged in a line of chain stores wiv`.`l1 his brother-in-lxaw, Mr. Alex McLean. He is survived by his wiidow and two sons, Archie and Jack; also three sisters, Mrs. John! Farrell and Mrs. Lottie Grose ofl Barrie and Minnie of Dalston; and` three brothers, Fred of Barrie, James of Toronto and Alfred of Dalston. Interment takes place on Saturday. l - the Barrie Union ceemr`.ery, conduct- After an illness of only ve days dura-`.ion, there passed away` on Thursday nigxht last, Jan. 6th, Mrs. Joseph Littlejorn, aged 52, at her home on Gunn St.` The late Mrs. Littlejohn, whose maiden name was Mary Graham, was born in Green-I wood, but went while youriwgto Claremont, Pickering township. She was first married to Thomas Te-w, who died while they were living in Toronto. Elglilt years ago the de- ceased married Mr. Littlejolhn and came to Barrie. She resided on K Gunn St. for the past seven years. The surviving relatives are Mr. Littlejohn, ve brothers, William and `|Jvohn Graham of Toronto, Cil. i George and Joseph of Barrie; . ` hailf-*bl`the'1`S, Robert of Toronto a Williard of Toronto, and two half- ' sisters, Mrs. Daniels of Toronto and. - Mrs. (Dr.) Cain of Hamilton. The` ` funeral took place on Saturday to` - ed by Rev. E. J. W'h.an. I I The death of Mrs. Lucille Hender- son occuvred at her late residence, 17 Howlanrl Ave., Toronto, after 21 1.ing'er.in;_r illness. She was born in Oro township, `and came to Toronto about 20 years ago. She was the `wife of James Henderson, who is lemployed by the Mail and Empire vasf . . 1 `.'a printer. Deceased was a Baptist.` r l 1' e 7 A former citizen of Ba-rrie passed laway in St. Michael s Hospital, To- ronto, on Dec. 28th, in the person of Alphonsus Firth, following an ill- ness of over two years dunation. Mr. Firth was born in Shefeltl, Eng- land, sixty years ago, and came to Canada with `his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Firth, when ten years of age. The family made ltheir home in Barrlie. For the past 'thirty years the late Mr. Firth had lived in Toronto, where he englaged in business as a painter. T-here re- _ main to mourn his loss two sisters, Mrs. M. Bennett, Toronto, and Miss ` Lily Firth,`I-liamlilton; tlhree brolahens, ;Joseph of Stralfuford, Edward of Hamilton and Wilfred of Bvarrle, I :.:'\d and Edward, one Mary, all of '1lo.ronlto. dla1Lg'hter, on 'I`l-hlursdla-y, December 30, `Y... A lpenditure of $542 left a balance of `$206. ;expenditures, had a balance left of `$34. the late 2 Fund, raising to 7 An l The Senior B.Y.P.U. raised $60, and after missionary and oltlher The Junior B.Y.P.U. secured $10 and expended $6. ii] Total Sunday School giving's k `amounted to $387.75 during the t `year. Of e:-apenditures of $412, ,1 =:$119 was paid to Ml:lSlOllS. The; `Bible Glass collected $108 and paid? out to Missions, Building Fund, Sun- 1 may School, etc., $105.56. '1llle;] .along with his Wlllft`, two sons, James -,Foreign. Ladies Auxiliary raised $584 and `n-lS`l`lC(l the year with a $362 bal-`I lance. The` Senior Women s Mdlssion `(Circle 1-aised $118, of wlhich $63`: iwent to Home Missions and $38 to}. The Junior Circle raised I` 33:34 and had a balance of $13. '1lll-e; `Mission Band also closed the year`l The funeral took place in Barriewith a small balance on hand. The >1 from `church memebrship increa-sed during St. Mary's churcll to the Raomanl the year from 128 to 140. l 10077 `Jan 1'\.....!...... nnnn~1-nmcnfinn - inaugural meebing of the Boys Town `Chambers. Mayor Neil McBride oc- cupied the chair. Proceedingis of the session, which lasted for two and a '. `half hours, were lively, and a real scrap that would have been `a credit to the conporation fathers took place in the midst of one of the discussions. It was decided on motion that a concllave be held in Collier St. Uni`.- e ed church, January 24, at 6.15 p.:m. n iA committee was appointed to make n arrangerments for the conclave, con- .. iniahimr n`F thew. nlnlow'in.e': Georrze f 1 i 3 Friday evening, Jan. 7th, thez ' ` Council was held in the Police Cou;r L~ Few changes were made in the`-c .o`icers of the church a lie`. of whom ( follows: i :2rq2;7g_1, Deacons, W. J. Justi-ce, E. Arm3'( `strong, George Smith, E. T. May, A. ( ,Prince; Trustee Board, W. J. Ju.s- 1 'tice, Wrm. Dobson, Wrm. I-Ivarker, W. 3] 'Urry, Geo. Smith, E. Armstnonvg,3 `John Campbell; Ohurch T1'eas., Geo.'; }Smi~th; Missionary Treas., VVm.l "I-Irarvker; Clerk, E. A. Pybzurn; Card; |M~arker, Jos. Bailey; Ohoir Leader,i, M. Sinclair; S.S. Su.pt., E. Arm-jh, strong; Asst. Supt, Geo. Smith; SOC.-1 Treas. S.-S., Geo. Pearce; Ushers, E.] Arnnstron-g T. Morris, Geo. Pearce, l` J. Bailey, H. Markle, D. Markle. .una.L_y, an UJ. uuuuxruu. ' in Barrie from: M-ary s Roman` Oa.`.iho-lic cemetery. ' l C.S.E.'l'. BOYS TOWN `COUNCIL 2 HOLD INAUGURAL MEETlNGi the]: C Iinaugural gf `Council Couxrtil oc-.6 ~cupicd '1 ,.,...,.:.... ...1..:..1.. 1...+N! cnw hm` mm! :2. ~ ulauluaclunna. on Iconchave 1ed I {a1-mrngennents isisJt2ing' of the` olrlowfin-g: George `Goring, Arthur Carscadchen, Alex. Ooutts, Mr. A. G. McLe11an and Rev. I l buuu. J. B. Dandeno s report of the: course in A.g'1'icu.1ture being given at! the Collegrialtle Institute was also re-; ceived. Mr. Dandeno siatetl that thei `teacher of a:'riculturr.-, Mr. A. B. Cockbuntn, was doing: unusually good, work zmrl hoped that the work vms approcwlatml by the Board. The laboratory accommodation would bel' improved if another room similar `.0 the Ph_\'s`c_= room were furni: There were 106 first year stutlents and 50 second yarn` .=tml<>11ts tz1kin_-1 21':,Ticulturo. 'l`hr: homo proj0ct.< in- clude-nl coll<~c1`.ionr< of wemls, wood see(l.=, and woods, home _2'arrlens~, 1:oultr_v. and some S(`\`J'lnf. ,' for the` :."i1*l.=. All projects except sewing were .=.11pr:1'\'i.~*r,-rl by Mr. Coclchurn. It "was planned to have the classes \'i.=it a butcher shop, the I`annery` and `he Shoe F`:1c'tor_v. The a_2'ricu.l-, tural c-quipment haul been increased" ;~5ince the lnspoctor s last visit so that V its value was $106.75 now, compared u wui`tlh $58.25 a year ago. 1-,, II l L1, . ___.L'l2- ~ `wvuvvu, .-A. . 5D. C. Hill. ! Council went into committee of` [the whole, with D. Smith as chair-' `man, to discuss a motion that a {committee be -appointed to prepare `a schedule for team games to be held in the B.C.I. 1111.-.. _ . . . _ . . . u . .... 81...-.~. nnn-rvvuif, ucuu in nu: u.~.;.;. .-3_y................... When councii rose from commit- tee and the Mayor resumed the chair the decision was reporter`. that the B.C.~I. be used on Friday !nivg*h'ts only. Tuxis boys were to play ; btasketaball and Thai! Ran-gens vd1nle,y- fball. "I`.he fo1owing corrrtrnxirtee was` jdelegated to draw up a schedule` .`Ne1'~1 McBride, Walfer Coutzts and` Mr; A. Morrow. . 1_` . . no. MRS. JOS. LITTLEJOHN MRS. L. HENDERSON _, :<;1:onc;A R. woon ALPHONSUS FIRTH h, la nmily mradely For past'i=$ r. ` E emg1a.ge(1!o `yd `I to, 1f roe :2 ULUHUU G [ BAPTIST_ oronto and, H . ,., `N.-.nu~..-..- F'a\'o1'uble crmdi`ions in the public! schools were shown in the report of I the san.itar_\' inspection by Dr. A. 'I`.,` "Little, l\`I.O.H. Recommendations by` Dr. Little were that Dustbane be. used on the floors of King George and Victoria Schools before sweep-ix ing; spraying of seats, desks and; oors as a routine at least once week in Victoria, Pnince of Wales` and Kin-32` Edward Schools; xveiszgliing scales for the School Nurse in Vic- toria, Prince of Wales and King Ed- ward Schools; more drinking; foun- tains and a 1-argrer playground for the King}: Edward School. 1 r1_,,. I ;.a.;.a. .a.;.-4;. ii Barrie Bapwtist church held its 2111-` ;vnua`I convg'1'eg`ationa1 meeting` on! _ Wednesday night. Reports from the; various (lepartments were given, am; {of which showed the church =`.o be: ivinile and in a healthy state nancial-I Ely. Total receipts in the current` ifund were $2,293.19, while the! '-`year s total expen(li".u1`es were 32,-! 5, 277.79. The amount outstanding at E1 the end of the year was $145.27. . n r1:__:....__ 1.- 1.1.- ...!,......\... ~L`.....,I A-I! `Annual Meeting Of Baptist Church"; |4lIC CIIKI. U1. L-ll`; JCLAL `V00 I!Y.L X(la-nil: U , | Givings to the missionary fund of L * the church amounted to $369.99., ?"Dhe grand total of monies received ' 5 from all sources was $4,281.60, out 5;of which $664.15 was sent to mis- -_sions. Subscriptions to the Benevo- ?1e.nt Fund to~`.a11ed $54.48, and ex- |penditures $53.83. Du1-in,_e' the year $425 was given for the Building J!Fund, raising it to $748. ex-i i-apenditure ni$206. Senior r in-I-A .....1 ...u.,.... ....:...:......n." nvurl m4.'In.- ....c _yca1. ....... .l.Ad\J . . . . .. During 1927 -`.l1e congregation hopes to install a new baptistry and _platforrn in the church. The brick-` .ing of Rev. Mr Whan :s home hasl ibeen mooted in `the Ladies Auxiliary. 1-1 I , ,- ..__J_ 2.. Av`..- MAN HIRED ON SIGHT DEPARTS' WITH $40 IN CASH AND WATCH` i Arthur Warren, 19, who was iii 'workin~g as hired man with Mr. Ge-o. i` 1` Leslie of ALIiandaie, left for 'parbs'i_ unknown at ve o'clock Tue-sd-ay i J morning, taking with him $40 in!` cash and a gold Waithaim watch and I 1 cihvam beion-g'in:g` to Mr. Leslie. The I ( youth had been en-Lraged on the 5 street by Mr. Leslie as a farm labor- 1 er wibhou-t presenting` any refer-|_ vuv\AJ- Warren was arrested last. 4 nesdsay) evening in Toronto Station hy Detective Sergits. V `house and Wim`.-rs While he v the ac"t of taking a train to f url\.p\/A: r1A4AvA|A-l\.ILl ..\v..uu.. The First Warden of Simcoe County, 1843. JACOB AEMILIUS IRVING I./vv 3 ` ...1"e report of the Finance Com-` mittee, presented by Dr. Richa.1'(lso-"1, showed accounts amounting to $1,385.17 had been received. The receipts amounted to $7,372.59. Sa.1aries paid totalled $7,114.02, and accounts paaid $3316.52. "\I\ C,.L..\.I \YIIIlP-I1 nu-\n.~n.l v-n.n`Ir . \ .. ....- . 3 Unioni Water- nun nu nk et. (WE.-d-` . 'I \'_.,.._. LulI:H an lall1\:C _:, uu uxu, \.A'v\.un\,vu I W Trini't_v seniors lost to Adlandafle 31P1`csb_\'te11ian-s in the first x|`.`u1'e by 1 in score of 3 to 1. Sandy Ness `scored i ` twice and Pete Hoclgvsoxl once for the 11:1 r<...I.J..... ....... LL 1...... Another round of Church Le-agvue ihockey was played on Monday night. jGoo(l hockey with low scores fea- '|ture all three _9:a.n1es on the dodkert. I . . . rn......L.. . A _ . A . .- 1....4- 4-,. A.Ho.~nr1m n vvunu\,..:. -gnu [Trinity marksman. -nr 1 Llllllb) |ll St. 1\ Ia1'_v =s seniors defeated St. Andrew s in an exciting` game by 5 to 2. Jack Moore was the outstand- ing` player of the game, his dvogigred work and boring` tactics around the 'P1'esbyx`.e1'ians 5:o~a.1 netting; him three counters. Desourdie and Hanley divided the rest of the scoring hon- ors for St. 1VIar_\"s, each tallying: once. Neelands and Geo. Hunter secured St And1'ew s markers Leo Fliaherty was the -bad boy of ~`.he game, dnaW- " in`-1 eight penalties 7.. um :....:-.. .......... 1~.n+..mm. '1`~im_ ` awua. uunuouu, .u\nvva1.um3 cuuu uuuuu. a _I A1Land~a1e Presby-e-rianxs -- Goa], ]JT:he2Lkstone; defence, John Hunter gland Bob Hunter; centre, Kelcey; Iwings, Ness and Hodgson; swbs, C. :1 `lRidde.1 andJ. Ardell. lll L'l`Q|llI llCIlL|lIIl\/:1 In the junior game between Trin- ity and St Mm'_v s, the former cani out _on top wi-tih a score of 1 to 0. The Angiicans won on merit. They had the best of the ])1a_\-' and. it WBIS _th1'oug'h the work of Barney Devlin iin the Saints goal that the score was kept so low. Dick Powell scored the only goal on a pass from Bud , '1`om]inson. I ,, , 3|` St.,"A.ndrew ~s Srs.--Goal, Scott; _-!def-_/nce, Hill and Hart; centre, Van- : atnfer; wingts, Neelands and Hrunter; ; subs, Pulford and Tomlinson. St. Mary's Srs.--Goa1, Joe Byrne; 1 defence, Desourdie and Flsaxherty; ifcentre, B. Lang; winrgxs, Moore and - `Hanley; subs, Cuff and Joe Hayes. 8` St. Mary s J1~s.-Goal, Devrlsin; de- '-Efence, B. Lang and F. McGinn-is; - centre, J. B. Byrne; wings, Saso and l 11 Carpenter; su=b.s, Lang and Donnerly. '3` m..:..:+.. Tun ,,,_r1n.-.1 `Rnh 'Pmxm1 a\.\.uuu'un ywnu -_.2-.a;u.u... The School Nurse reportml mak- ing` 36 visits, inspectimz` 1,350 chil- dren ,ndving 50 defects, and term- in.a'ting 32 defects. '1Vl., ......n..7.n..1J um.-.1--.~ uuuuu 1\ rue