I PROF. D. WEIR, TEACHER OE} Piano and Violin. Piano Tuner.` 44 Worsley St. Phone 518. un. W. A. LEWIS SURGERY AND DISEASES `/K VVOIVIEN `V, .. .-. / bhice, Ron or lnte Block. H. H. CRESWICKE Bun-inter, Solicitor, Notary, Money to Loan at Lowest R2 .11. - :___.________._ )1{S. T.I'I"I`LE & LITTLE, PHYSIC-! ians, Smizeons. Office and Resi- lence, 47 Maple Ave. Oice hours: 1 to 3 p.m., 7 to 9 p.m., or by appointment. A. T. Little,` M.D.. W, (". r.'+n,. un - Lu--U-` 213. T`"```-`` ` ```-``` '``;_ 1 ` ADENHURST & HAMMOND. ' Barristers. Solicitors: an. nm-- -. .u.\.ur\Jl'll\.l, D.l-'5 Successor to Creswicke & Bell Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Money to Loan Ofce, Rosa Block, Barrie. _ _}, oYs & BOYS, B.-\RRIS'[`ERS. ` Solicitors, Notaries Public, Con- veyancers, etc. Money to loan at` lowest ratee of interest. Ofces` 13 Owen Street, in the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Office, Elmvale, Onrtario. W. A. Boys. K.C., M.P., R `Runn- 41-1o. J. R. Boys. DONALD ROSS, LL.B., TM ... ter. Solinitnr M.- 8. W. SYLVF7S'T`.Y`I> 'v*r~4rw1vn nu x sn::.AAiVJ.)lR COWAN, sUccEs-, sor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown. Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of will, guardianship and administration, and General Solici- tor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Money to loan. Offices: Hinds Block, No. 8 Dunlop street. '_'1 !!U RSDAY, DECEMBER PROFESSI6NAL CARD; MUSIC LESSONS u_y appointment. )., W. C. Little, 1.ruJ1bLV11UKST HAMN Barristers, Solicitors, etc. _1st oor Masonic Temple ing. Money to loan at rates. IUNALD BARRIS ter, Solicitor, etc. Masonic Tem- ple Building, Barrie. Money to loan. . D. F. McCUAlG, B.A. GORDON LONGMAN nu. Etc. > Rates of Interest. EDMUNDTIARDY, MUS. BAC.. -F1[`.C.M. Te,-achnr nf Dham-. n- LEGAL mu..c_y LU man at :' Ofces t, ad :h 1'. Little, ' Krone DJ)`. 3.. BARRIS: [nannin W`.-n Barrie. I 2, 1926. mended pzxynmnt of Walter account fur $17.80. The requests from the various Teachers In;~itu*.c~s for the `u.ua.) gm11ts were left over till the Janu- ary session by the adoption of the `Education Co-mmi1 r.ec s rc-pLrt.. 5 Tum n..:...:._.. n 1 Veterinary Surgeon Day and night calls promptly at- tended to. An _~-.., v......., .,w, u~uL.:urson, `ros- .=oron`.x'o, 5511; Robinson, Coldwator, 1 7.50; Shic-111's, NC ttuva.~'.z1g`z1, $17.10; Snwmh, Colingrwood, $16.50; Spichcr, Su`nnida.le, $18.20; Temple- n1zm.n\Iutchudash, $32.50; Tam, Col- llingvvood, $16.50; A. H. Wilson, V0;~`.p1'a, $12; J. Wilson, Tiny, `$12; Robt. W.ray, Tccumseth, $6; Wyley, Medsnte, ,'$15 m LY]. U1VlJ- Oice, Build- lowesf I .,.....,u, :\.1n'_1(l, .\1L-lontc, $20.50;] .-\: Tiny, $11; I3e{.:',.>', ("ol!.`n;':- woml. $16.50; I. K. Brown, Mitllami, $10; R. A. Brown. Orillia, $l5; Cm`- betz, Pom :\IcNic0lI, S11; Crzlwfonl, Oro, 37; A. \A. Cunningham, O1':'lli:x 'I'wp., $213; Dummy, -Essa, $18.50; Doran. Vc.'pm, $5.70; Down:-_\`, l`I"Ios, $12; Dr_vs F105, $17.50; Glover, Nottv.v\'a.sag:1, $14.60; Good-! cn.Mi(I|I;mrl, _Q1n- r:---+--=-- ' 'euu...~. .1. .~\. L,unmn.:han1Aan(l Tem- ploman for repairs by the County on lthe b1'i(Ig'e over the \'or`.h River bc-tw(.-ml Mmche(1a:~`h and `O.ri1Iiz1 To\\'n:4ln'p:s'; that the petitioning Councillors be :-xppointed '21 commi'- Jtorl to have the! no.-ce.~7.~'.11'_\' `1`epai1': [1`n:xdr.-. V......a.._. .~<.-raiun, fJ,'l\'lll_`.`,' a :~:peciali' _L`2`ant of $5,000 to help the cost of a b1jil}.:'e heinj: built by Tuy and the Provincial Government at `Waubau. The report pa:~:: _ in Januzn'_\' \\-"Z15 `.0 the ef`l'ec`t that the .2'1'ant be paid by the County T1'ea;~t- urer to the Town: of Tay on the completion of t.he bril;:e, and the _ receipts of the _ce.r:ic.ate of the lsupe1'visi11g` en_2'inem' shcwin2' that the b1'ilig'e had been cont1'ucted ac- cording` to plans g`ove1'nin_2; the work. The nal clause 1'eg`ar(lin_2 the payemnt was ainended on Fri- (day to `read that the ,;'2ant be pa_\'- able to the Provincial 'l".1'easure.r by the County T1'ea. on the com- pletion of the b1'idg,'e, and the receipt of the certicates of the Reeve of Tay and the supe1'visin.p,' engineer showing` that the b1'i(l,2'e has been completed in accordance with the specications g'ove1'nin,:' the work. Repor: No. 6 of the Roads and Bridges Committee recommenrletl af- `ter con-sideration of the h-equest of Couns. A. A. Cunningham and Tem- Hilr-man fm- wm-,.;.-_- 1, +1. r~ - I t I Report No. 10 recommended: 'l`h.xt ds action in reward to a grant of .'.'*`.:'H) to defray the expenses of the ju:l{1- - inq: teams of North and South Sim- S, coe while at the Winter Fairs of To- ` ronto and Guelph be left over till 2 the January session; that the Chil- gs dren s Shelte.1' be asked to take C11l`: - )f of RandJa1:1 J. Clrark until he reaches 1 3. six years of age or can be commit 1 " ted to the Bellevirlile School; that a 1 grant of $500 be made to the Un- \ - ion School Sections, No. 14, Tay, and ' 15,= Medonte, to assist in building` a =- new -school; that the account of Boys & Boys for $237.91 be `paid; t that the $15 account of W. H. Mar- 1" `_ [tin for selling` house of Mrs. Hudil, C 'St1'oud, be paid; that the request for a _e'rzmt IOW3.)`(l plzicingr 21 light on gthe `corners of County roads at Dun- 21 ltroon be not g'ranted. (`I No. -'1 report of the Roads and 0: `Brid_:e.< Committee deal`: with the W l`C( |L1L*.~`t of Couns. Gratrix and Pottei b! 171' an :-.mr~ndment to a committee SI -report passed :1`. their insitigrzitioii at the J21nuz1r_\' . n-w,n~,+ F or Ann _;'i\'in_;' .~:peci:1lid< \.\.u\,1(u ruu H121-I'll} -`$131.50 was paid Cour. 5*, as the 1 was a County one. n .-.- (Conetinued from page three) all proper accounts he received and paid, payment to commence on April 8th, 1926. In all cases where the patient was a township resident ,` under the Act the municipality was 2, to pay one-half the account on noxi- cation from the Ccunty Clerk. In ' accorclzmcn with this, the committee * lroconnno.nc`e that 21 refund of $177 ' be male to Tecumscth Twp. Coun- 1 cil, v.*?i.'cl`. haul paid an account of < .":`."'..*'.~l t he Mu.~:kol<:1 Hosrftztl. T21\'g( `Twp. was also H,-fuml(.-rl {mil 1);`, :`I`r-I-. .nr r:1tiont.< who W2."- inrli-.21 of tlzc Cmlnty. An :.cr:ounf"l< of 523.50 M Hm T? \' 73* " ' " I iv Count; _CSc`r:1`n;:i~ -~=r-vv Hm business of the! -rs/JI\.l\a\l BU. A11.cases treated under the latest veterinary scientific methods. Phone 811 - - Bayfield St. -T. ,epo1`L v recom- Scot.t s Lu: al but ow .,...\,.u n.n'L:l`, unu IO!` the pose of renumberim: certain under the County systen1 i.n TO\V'l1`Shi,]). n - .. nu. uI;L5Kl 011215. in the out for such and - or '1`.reasur1'c. ..., au.uw.uJ|L ('.1'.'~` and L) |pedlzu`s? had taken out licenses during` the] _\'car, a.moun'.in_2' to $1,135. ' ' Some (liscussion took place 'ove1w the menace of pe t}n'oug`h the` County wirthout taking: out a Iicense.i It was u1';:'e tha; the rc-presenta.tives n1unicipalities look} repent to the Ole)-kjg T.rnn.:|n-vn I -. t 1! Ii 3 for the tw\vn. of Inni.~'I. for the. By-izuvs were pa: .L-'uar:Lnteeing debe11t,ure.'< to the amount of $5,000 purpo;~te of bui1din_e' 21 school at Le- frox" f.-`uurz1r.teein_: debr.-ntu1'e.s' to . 9 I the amount of $24,000 to the town of Midland for the .'~:e\\'er . also `.0 the amount of $160,000 for the constwuction of pz1\'en1ent. T. Beecroft and W. fl`. Stewart were appointed by by-law to audit the books and papers /of the Treasurer for 1927. Clerk ;< Report The report `of the Clerk showed that 29 auctionet-.r:< and 5 |pedlzu`s +..L-m. - - ` Ant hm} extension of :1, \l uux. uub I __;___:__. When a man fails in life he usual- ily says, I am as God made me. When he succeeds he prou pro- ;c1aims himself a ``self-made man.- `W. G. Jordzm. 4 ;and `is assistance was a1\\'ay.< aV:1ii- able. Warden `Gives Parting Messa:;'e At the close of the sesion Warden Davis thanked the members who had given him such assistance durin_: thei year. He had enjoyed every session` to the full and his duties were psreat-` ']y lightened hv - I By- Many By-Jaws Passed On 11'ccommemi:z1tion of the Fin- unce Committee 21 by-law was pass- (-(I authorizing the County Trcznsur-i or to pay all accounts in connection with the Chi1di1'en s Aid Socic-:_v toni l)uin_L` certied by the Board of Una Society. ! . . \/AVLLALV ' associate Coroner, County of Simcm . Phone (/1. Of.ce-58 Collier St. E Office Hours: l 8-9 a.m.. 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 ___.____..__:}- :\CL'UUlILS The Finance `Committee, cominittee appointml :t()liL'1`.1 .he l1o. accounts, recoimm-_n that each ho. he nzqtiestetl to >('ll(i notice cl z1d.mission o1'.e21ch in- ]l:1l.l('l1t. 54'i\'in4' rlate of v.d`mis- sion and name of imlnicipality lfrom which patient came, and how long rc-sident there, also name of `doctor in attendance, and that the `Clerk of the County send a `copy of this to said municipalities, and have the Reeve and Clerk certify as to resi- dence and as to the patients zabiliity to pay. It is the opinion that `such accounts are not cl1arg'ea'ble a:,r_>,'a._inisl the annual grant maicle to the hos- pitals unless it can be shown that they are strictly County patients. It was further recommended that the T1'easu.1'er be authorized to pay all} accounts that are considered genu- ine by `.he local municipalities, {but that all accounts disputed be held for the conside1'a.tion of the iFinance Committee. after I eo2isiI,-1'inu' the repvrt of the speciaili with l v.._..-- .... .uuu\..v The Finance Committee recom- mended a. `grant not exceeding $200 to the committee in charge of rais~ .1 ing and properly storing the mid Nancy in the Nottawasaga River, the grant being` for the purrpose of interesting `the Government in vais- 1 iug and properly lhousing this his- . toric relic. 'Reg'a1*(ling the request that the County Council assume the cost of properly iimintainiiig` the Na-ncy, provided the Provincial and I Dominion Governments pay expense I of 1'aisi1i;1' and housing`, it was re- ( ,ccimnLntlr.>!l `.1121: such assulunce be I `2'iven providr.-(I the .\':incy is raised C ,ziml IproperI_\' h0u.<(:d 1lt`l.ia' prr-.~ I Ilocution in the .\'otl;:1\vzL. P.i\'er. P St.r'i(`tr~r .\Iu1.~`u1'er Re Hospital I .-\ccoun`..< p rm. wt ~ ' 1 _.... `1uA` mmberimr roads Tayl I Makes Grzmxt to Nancy \n 17` .... _- I" The Northern Advance j ....vu \.\ ' ... 4|, pu r- ...... .1., nrouc god and_ This fish 1: laijgest vhonlr ` ' me observation car. Now, Mr. Kidder is a 1-etty good sherman, but he says t at the ex- perience he had` while shing in Cains River, New Brunswick is absolutely unique, and that as far as he knows he was successful in hooking what is probably a record salmon with a I trout rod and y. is nnnnnaf-innn}.l.. LL- 15. rudder of Kalamazoo, Mi- W. chigan arrived in Montreal over Canadian Pacic Railway lines, recently with the best sh story of the year. It was a pretty good story, and we had to believe him, especially when he showed us a'forty- pound salmon packed away in ice In ' the observation _ NOW. MI`. Klrinr 1:: n \n--5`-- -`~" VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES I Barrie Branch. Miss Irene Munro. 1 86 Worslcy St. Telephone 751w.` ,..- ___.. "gr.-\n\A_ L .1 El Quotations from the `local Whole- sale houses Show this week's market! 3 to be quite sound. Potatoes are be- ing bought at $1.25 a bag. Wheaft comfnantlvs from $1.20 to $1.30. ' Other prices are: Oats ................................................. .. Barley I Hay .............. .. 1 Buckwheat ................... .. 1 Rye ................................ .. 50c bus. . 55-60c bus. ...... .. 815 ton . ..... .. 70c bus. ` 80-85c bus ---wv W E. Kidder of o gr!-riygd __in__ Montreal nun- f"......A:._- Green Onions ........ _. Turnips .... .. Cucumbers Butter Beans ........ _. Cabbage .................. .. Egg Plants Red Peppers .. Cauliower Vegetable Marrow . Pumpkins WHOLESALE MARKETS {xpquestionably thg ........ . ........ ton, ....... ( LUL L'dUH .. $2.50 bask 10-35c each 50c bask. ..... .. 6 for 250 ...... .. 5c bunch 10-20c each 10-20c each 10-20c each .. 50c bask. A Record Fish and Story mestream. This fish was forty-ve and three- fourths inches long measured in a straight line. If measured around the gontoxxr of the boqy it_ would pru- ; we nau no tlme to take a. pictureyof it. My canoe man and myself were busy ever second of the time from twenty m nutes past four until after dark. In fact up to the last few minutes of the ght I stood with one foot in the bow of the canoe constant- ly, when I was not in the canoe and chasing the sh back and forth across the stream. `T`ku nk nun. l'...4... A2..- - ` -' DR. A. S. BLACK '.;-._..:A H 1' opinion was expressed by game wardens who viewed the sh in the live box. But the really great point was the terric fight that this sh put up. This was so spectacular and so fast and furious, accompanied by ; rush after rush of 150 to 200 feet, that ; we had time to take picture of ` and mvsnif mom ~ ~as.-rn..aD./ I. EVERY BOJK GUARANTEED A PERFECT AN ITEM OF IIVEPORTANCE THAT VVE CAN SUPPLY PROMRITLY The Northern Advance Dzxb/522753 - Ca r.I Jr2;22;zec2 - and ail , >r)p-zifai` 3 J Ask us Er QUALITY BEST r\;....-. -_, Place your orders at home uuzvgunu HAKUY, MUS. -E;(l`.C.M. Teachnr of Piano, 01'- .`i'l, Vocal and Musical Theory. Organist :m'l Choirm-aster of St Andrew's Presbyterian Church. Gold Medalist of Toronto Conser vatory of Music aml of the Uni versity of Toronto. 113 Worslr.-3 street. Phone 663. Samples and Price .- ....a uancu wan a N0. 12 y, which is very much smaller than is com- monly used for six inch trout. The rod weighed only four and seven- eighths ounces, and the ordinary trout leader, with a three pound hr-=>nYr"w `v'nn;zth was_ not rpuch . great deal of ta_ken after he had been ghting the wires _of the live box for ' ays, In which he undoubtedly lost a weight. ' had been measured when first taken he water he would h at east two inches more. However, no matter how you look at it, he was big enough to suit me, and the fact that it was a `hook bill and `leaping fish instead of a female or `sulker gave me that much more satisfaction. Then, too, it was taken with No. 12 very mm-h amen... H--- -'~ I }*.", ) ca Z9 Cm`.- 2()zz Leaf . ..-.5.... rernaps 11 he aasured ter have been . 2 fact was :1 `hon -" `.77. ! sizes BOOK Page Seven |\ .__.__2__._;___________ "MR. MORTIMER LYON, 122 BLOOR V -. ,St. West, Toronto, will be at 91 Owen St., Barrie, 1st Saturday of each month. Di-seases-Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Consultation hours, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by appoixztxnent. '