PROFES$IONAL CARDS .__j_ WADSWORTH, President ......... .. Oct. 12, 1 Sept. 28 Oct. . Sept. 21, `2 Oct. 4, 5, Sept. 23, Chub 1 FAIRS r: pt. 2'2, 23, 2-} ..... Oct. 4, 5,1 .Oct. 13.` pt. 1, 21, 22, 6, 25, Sept. 15, . Sept. 16, 13,} ..... Oct. 5, 6, ml, L~:11'1_\' and p1'oxluct..< rc- 'hich he must` ices of others. mm of . mnr=hinn<. 1-t.(`..i Startigg At 2 p.m. Armouries. Contestants and Ofcials will [1 sold to others wishing to "attend. Secure " __I- Special Tag. Day : The New W hippet+I `The distinctive body lina of t_:he New Overland Whippgt rwemble the smartest custom-built automobxles of Amerlca and Contmental Europe. Stand in front of mu car and you can imagine yourself on the boulevards of France. It will travel 55 miles an hour in perfect comfort . . . pick-up in 13 seconds from 5 to 30 miles an hour . . . go 35 miles on a gallon \of Lilla! lllulviarlv .-. U`. ' ._. yr ,..__; r--r- -L..... n...+ Hm Ovnrlnnd Whionet. with its 4-Wheel brakes, gasoline . . . over 1000 miles on a gallon of oil. rv-_. LST REGATTA HELD NORTH or TORONTO IN YEA WELCOME AWAITS YOU. R5 AND A Ofce, Ross Block. Canada s First High-Speed % _Eu_'r'Qpean-Type Light Car _ 17.... nun-.1..nA `Wk!-nnaf. -rognrnhln the France. l seconds 35 of ` oil. 7,.-. Measured_ tests show that the Overland Whippet, will stop in two car lengths from a speed of 25 miles an houi`. The Overland Whippet is 5 feet, 8 inches high . . . not as tall as the s3ve1'a;:_o man. Yet it provides. more room and comfort than .you ve eve; touml in any automobile or this class before. See E. 1. 1_30L_T0_N Overland Dealer, Barrie - `"5 " "J nalncially, tags will be sold during the entire day, and competing in th Parkdale Canoe I Canoeing Mixed Tandem , Rowing 150 lbs Eights Canoeing Junior Tandem Rowing Open Fours ` ` l\ ,- 'I`- __ J -_.. MEN. 'NUFF SAID !" l\\I"II.I5 \Ill\vll A vast`: Canoeing Open Tandem Rowing Open Eights Canoeing War Canoe Open Rowing 150 lbs Fours V Rowing Doubles Open the above events: Argonauts, Van-;'\|y, Ianoe and Island Aquatic, all nf Vroroxgeo, nd Aug. rates. JAMES H. FORD, sec-Teas THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1926.. ,4 U , be piesented wilth Complimentary recure `them early from members of-wake Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Money to Loan Ross Block, Barrie, Ont. )S l`El\' & I*IS'l`lu`.\`, 15."-uuuaumm Solicitors in High Court of Jus tice, Notaries Public, Convey- ancers. Oflifze. 1st oor Masonic Temple Building, Barrie. Money to loan at lowest current rates. G. H. Esten and M. H. Esten. DR. E. G. TURNBULL Graduate of McGill University, Montreal. Oicb mi Residence-Corner Eliza.- beth and Bradford Sts., Barrie. Phone 105. Office IIours-9-10 a.m., 7.9 n m. 1-3 p m., lLEXANDh2K UUWALV, buuLu:.o- , sor to Lennox, Cowan & Brown. Barrister, Solicitor for obtaining probate of will, guardianship and administration, and General Solici` tor, Notary, Conveyancer, etc. Money to loan. Oices: Hinds Black, No. 8 Dunlop street. nus. LITTLE & LITTLE, PHYSIC-1 ians. Surgeons. Office and Resi-E dance, 47 Maple Ave. Oicv knnw: - 1 fn R n,m,. '7 tn 9 n.m..1 DR. MORTIMER LYON, 122 BLOORIV St. West, Toronto, will be at 91; Owen St., Barrie, 1st Saturday 011 each month. Diseases-Eye, Ear,! Nose and Throat. Consultationi hours. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., and by` appointment. ! DR. H. T. ARNALL, OFFICE AND`. -nohlnnno r-nvnor (If Tnrnnfn and? DR. VICTOR A. HAPJ1`, GRADUATE . of Trinity University and also`, graduate of Edinburgh and Glas-1 gow. Sp(:cia\t_\', stomach diseases`: Ofce, cornm` Bayeld and Wori sley Sts. Entrance off Worsley Oice open until 8 p.m. - DONALD \ ROSS, LL..B., BARRIS- ter, Solicitor, etc. Masonic Tem ple Building, Barrie. Money to Man. Successor to Creswicke & Bell Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Money to Loan Associate Coroner, County of Simcoei Phone Cl. 0fHce-58 Collier St. Office Hours: 8-9 a.m., 12.30-2 p.m., 6.30-8 p.m.`l VIC l`ORIA.\' ORDER OF NURSES: 12.,-In pt-I1nrH Rca Tvonp `Vlnnrn ` Veterina;-y Surgeon Day and night calls promptly at- tended to. All -_-,_ L_.__L__) ._._.!___ Ll... `litm 1/t:u\u:u vu. - All cases treated under the latest! ceterinary scientific methods. Phone 811 - - Bayfield St. i I nee, hours 2 .or by `M D , I EDMUND HARDY, MUS. BAC..' F.T.C.M. Teach!` of Piano, Or- gan, Vocal and Musical Theory.i Organist anrl Choirmaster of St.!; Andrew's Presbyterian Church.f Gold Me:,1aIist of Toronto Conser- vatory of Music and of the Unit versity of Toronto. 113 Worslest street. Phone 663. lJl\. vv. :1. LI. vv 1.; SURGERY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN an fl. 1. l"ll\.Vt1J residence cornex Elizabeth 2-tr Elizabeth St. M Telephone 167. Page Six 7 I PROF. D. E. `WEIR, TEACHER OF Diana and Violin. Piano Tuner. ` B. W. SYLVESTER, TEACHER OF Diana. Violin and Cello. 120' Ofce, Ross Block, Bu-no. '1I.,'1'mu.~\.\ uuum: ur humane,` Barrie Branch. Mxss Irene Munro, ; 86 VVor: St. Telephone 751w.` 3. W. SYL\ 1g'5'1`1u`1<, 'L`n.AL,nms ur Piano. Violin Bayeld St. Phone 974w. `ROE. U. r;. wmm, '1'nm..nm: Ur Piano. and Violin. Tuner.` 21 Collier St. Phone 513. ` D. F. McCUAlG, B.A. GORDON LONGMAN H. H. CRESWICKE 1 to as p.m., '1 E0 :1 p.m.,] "appointment. A. T. Little, W. C. Little, M.B. Rune I ._ RADENHURST & HAMMOND Barristers. Solicitors, etc. Oice. 1st oor Masonic Temple Build- ing. Money to- loan at lowes1 rah:-5:. DR. W. A. LEWIS 1\rr1Y1 A rvrw LEGAL DR. A. BLACK MUSIC LESSONS MEDl(.AL A1i.VAl_41.4, U1` 1: 1\JI`4 nnu 1 corner of Toronto and ,. _- , V . .. . Streets. (Opposite` 'Imx_-L a11(-_Lul auto\c.~, ho Methodist Church) .-'to1<: 21 motor car b-1on_L'inj_*' to Fred 0 ilh.-112111, 13 .\Iz1`.L1zm Place, Toronto, [heal a th1*iHin_-_-' u.~:~:p(-ric-ncc on F`)-i:l`a_\' IR H.- \R'1`, GRADUATE` n':'_>`h*. \-rhvn the-_\' na1'1'0w1_\' escaped it." U""91`5it." 3150.11:-ath nt~:u' Orr Lake when the Hurl- nc 1.`,I.,.L....-n-h um! (nnml _ 1 v . ,. ... ,1. .~...,.`. Barrie. Etc. `I Etc. LU Lu1L'I;.:n. J. F0l`. Smizh, fruit mocialiislt of the C'dl1`d1lll~l1 'I`1`zule Commission 1` Service, with liea at Liver- pool, but now in Canzula b1'ing'i~ng' `-to ithc notice of Cianatlian zupple _2'1`ow- ers conditions of -the export a.pp1e wade (l-i1-ectly affedtinig `their busi- ness, -stmessecl the impomlbavnce of this umlentaking of the Imperial Econ- omic Commilt`t`ee as aecti-ng Canad- i-an products of all kindls, and applies paxjticularly. Incidentally, -he has a good word to say for the prod.uc`t of 0n|`r.ario apple orchards, as it aiptpeare , on tihe Brr3'thsh- market. 0|nIta:ni.o apples are much apprreciatecl by `the British fmit tradle -and have 2, halgther repuitaition than any dbher b~a.rrel`ed apples offered. However, they meet stnong competition from Vii-ngiindla. amd New York Su ca'te apples, and there is _L511 0......` . L`-.. in-.nnwnwn,mv\'rl> in `H-1n S EWART & STEWART, BAR- risters, Solicitors, Notaries Public, and Cox1\`;:)'ancc1's. Money to loan in any sums at lowest current rates. Office, 13 Owen street, Barrie. D. M. Stewart. AVCVV J.\I|l\ Lzlvonvy totltlmxauy ....\. still room for improvement grading and packing of `the prod-u.c'rt if `L1; is to maintain ` repumaltion. 1.1.. ow.:H. .1...-.-ml Hm min: 1`l`. pLl`Ld`|/lU'l1. Mr. Smith urged the adIvisa:b-ility of paying more a.t:`cen'tion `to the high- oolored svta:nda.rd}5, as one of the prin- cipal conme`tit.brs of the Onrcarsio apples is the high colored York Im- perial varie`t_v, of which larg:e quan- tities arrive on the Britislh market from Vir_2`i-nia. Ontario Golden Russet is,l1ig'.hl_\' thought of in Ga'ea t Ry-Main :1: 1: H10 Kine` aimle. afnkl l\.lJ.:'~.3't:L 1b`1115.H`1_\ unuiuqgng, u; In \.I',|\.c~u Britain. as is the King` apple, there is a good (lenland for the Greening`, especially in seasonrs of ;<'no1't crop in British g'ro\\'n apples. Political consternation of the lii5.>'l1e: (leg.-`ree was arouseml in the miml of a Venerable and life-long Pais-ley Liberal en Tuestlay as he 1peru.=,e(l his copy of the Globe, nd- ing therein an e(lit.orial most rabi(l~l_v tlefaining` the name -of Mackenzie King` as lezulc-1' of the political les- tinies of our Dominion. Scme hours , later the olcl Glrit (l`.:<.coverel that a _lfriemll_\` Tory nc-i_evhbor had sur- reptitiously inserted the editorial page of the Lomlon Free Press in the place where the Globe e shoultl be. It. was a _;'reat after- noon for the Tories as they heard this old ,2`c-ntleman denounce and re- nounce the Globe and its etlitors.-- Pai; .~\ I r I Br;hzm, - haul thrill E 0 ; 5 7 ni(_v'ht loath son coach 1 t1.l1'n(.-I1 in `(-1 f0rtu`nate i'1 journeyed E uvcniny.-' in The thre Jarvis St.; :\\'(`., and \ .-\\`r_-. The} theft. The trio into Mr. B ;Three Men Injured; Had Stolen Auto LlIL.LL~ is said to have broken `into Behan .-` :.:`ara.;:e, stolen the car, 2: new Hudson coach, and set `out on the 'nig'hway travell-in}.-' north._ .\' Orr Lake the czu`_went into the :~*n1z1sherl to rib-bon;~:. `The men were all scratched and >hrui.<(-rl about the body and face. They then trudged as far as Crown Hill, where they caught the bus for -Toronto on Sat.ur night. They had insufficient funds to pay their fares and their condition was reported to Chief Stewart by the bus lriver. News of the wreck and `rlitch and \\'u:~' quire if :1 Hudson car hail been stolen re.=u1te(l in Chief Stewart semlinf: the three men on to Toronto, [where they were taken into cus1:orl_V at I{oy:,:`s Hollow by Toronto oicer.~'. `(,, n.I_.... Qnnnv Q-A a telephone call to Toronto to in-_ Iu'ru.n \,.. ......_ .. - thc,-_\ were (h~ivin_'." ow: the ditch. but were not 2 in avoiding: arrest as th< back to Toronto Saturdz the .\`IL-tropolitan bus. -.. .-.-. 1 tlix-L-<: are I-Jrlward Parkwoozl William .\Io1'1'ow, Spadim William Elwa1' Concon They will face cl1al`f_"(.*S 0 u Lt.-C01. 'I`..H. Lcnnox was nom- iinatc-l as the Conservative can(l'i `for North York at a large and en- ithusiastic convention held at New- mzwkut on Sutu.1~tl~z\y. _` 1 ESTE.\' ES'[`EN, B.`-XRRISTERS c..I;{.;+m-.- in Hisrh A TORY TRICK I Lun.n.\. In in the Ontario its high th C A-Many l:I;lped By . Mothers' Allowance ulina limp l.\ ;.;;u.. ... -....v . 5$2.000,000 was paid nu. zm;i ll(`(.`L`:`u~".-11'_\' that tht`: _2'i'ez1,t(\:~'f. cu: {.`\i{Cl l in the mlminis-ti-zutinn \\-`n -n .~r> much mom-_v is involvoil. .\'i."i-1` six _\'r-an of 0])C)`Z\tiO11 tlw l\Io1'nm-.3 .\l l0w~.\ncn:- Act is in j_"00li 1':-11-.iti:. Till} munic`:p-.zlitic.< ])`d._\' om--nzilf t'-1e amount and th(_`l`(3 is none 01` \`ur_\' li'.t.le ohjc-cation. The cost of zulmii istrzition loss than four pr-1' c_-nut. 4:138 Bem`,ficzn`i(:s `ihis month 4438 clic-hues will be sent to as many benecanies all over the province. These cheques will go to help 13,200 chilclren u-ruler 16 years of age. There are 3 500 widows receiving help; 595 families are receiving help where the fathens are incapacitated, and 118 where the fanhens are i-n an ausyllurm; 216 where Fche father has deserted for over three years. In 127 cases both father and mother are dead and the childwen are being cared for by `le guardiams or foster parents. .1` MI . n....,... ........1\1..A; H-.,~.1~ 1-.4; hm] ,,._ :0 :-l!1ll'l|l"dJl|Ib UL L'U`3|aCL 1lu.n'A|vuo Mr. Bryce recalled that he had ex- -amrined over 14,000 records of families and ilt was a sad story. In many cases venereal disease had left its imprint amd was doing its 1.. .......1. M,n+.hnvu haul hnnn drug`. ILS liIl'lJp1'l[lL wuu WEI: l|Ul-Alb A10 ux.-u.-.r ly work. Motahers had been strug- gling against poverty trying to keep their little families t,o_g-`ether. The aim of the Moabhens Allowance was to keep those families together, to give them the aclvamtages of an edu- cafcion and the inuence of home life. The work of such service o1`g'ani_za- tions as Kiwanis and Rotary Cliibra is beginning to impress itself on 01.11 g`o\`e1'nment.s and will have 9. far- reaching' effect on the health and in- fluence of our children. Mr. Pryce told of touchiny: incidents V. were the help and advice of those arlminis.`oer- ing the commission ha- re.' in b1*in3:imr hope and cheer `.0 1~.>t.ln.-rs in despair. W. O. M.cKinnon was b00:~:ter for the (Lay and his prize fell to W. N. Du . ALEXANDER COWAN, SUCCES- unit on. T.nnnnY Cnwan & IFINED $19 FOR RECKLESS I DRIVING AT FIVE [POINTS C. S. Elmer of Camp Borden part- ed with $10 and costs in Fnilay s pocc court, he being adjutlvgc-(1 guilty of reckless driving over the Five Points int.e1'seo'tion on Tue.sda_\' c-vc-ningz, August 3. The oflence, which occut1'1'c(l short- ly ater nine o clock, was sa'i Ohief Stewart to have COYlSli}(}(l of Cultting vthe corner at the Five Poimts and rturning up Bayelrl St. in such a manner that an auto coming,-' down Clapperton St. had co swtop hur1'ie(ll_v to avoid a collision. The (lefemliant havl been {rave-llin;r we.'~ on Dunlap S2. and haul burneil the corner am the rate of about 25 miles an rhoulr, Chief ' Stewz1i`L :~vtz1t_(.-(I in his e\'i 'l`11e 2n;:`ur,-(1 that the case was based on mistaken i because he had been at a pt-ivzm: '1'r:.~:ir1encc until `Len o c10ck, but it (Iuvelopml that tun o c1ockh_v Cam-11 3orvl~cn time was only nine by ;~vtaml- zml. He int-hn.zL'tc t-hat he could gut \A"Ltncs<:s to prove that he was not in his car uIn.bil 1en'o c1ock, but, de- clinr.-rl to br-in_g' them into court, whereupon he \-.'as 21:~'.>sc.~'. the us:-ual I (I4lIIULIlIv. Norman .VIarsI1a11 who was in the autc stop to avoid a colli. evidence. Lanulia JD uu up u. .;x.;u.-. memorial .-`tzunpis this your h0nm'in_g ve .~|:4m_-. Sir John A. ;VI-uc 211:1, Sir Wilfrid Luu1`ie1',`D Arcy Mc- Gee, L. H. Lafontaine and Robexvt Baldwin. Wi'.h the excepition of `the Te1`cei1't1-nzL1'_\' stamps with \the pol`- mraits of Wolfe amt! Monitcalm and andthor with po1`n`aiIts of early (lis- cove1'er:~`, this is the x-sir. time tiimt the heads of commoners have appar- ml upon Canadian samps. .1|uI:LLu .... .. u Yukon ('I`) 1 "ST./SNDING ,AT DISSOLUTION. Total .... ..1 16 BOYS & BOYS, BARRISTERS. Solicitors, Notaries Public, Con- veyancers, etc. Money to loan at lowest rates of interest. Oices 13 Owen Street, in the premises formerly occupied by the Bank of Toronto. Branch Ofce, Elmvale, Ontario. W. A. Boys, K..C., M.P., J. R. Boys. % Ped - ' ~ I Lllowance 8 ns for z11!o\\', I > ml to the Pm\`in.- (Y . `I Big Renata an page one) .15 receive and in- .-\ di.~.wt1`i<`.'t in\'s1'.- d is/trict repolvt, ..l- ... mu. . xnuu v; -xuuu-nu aut-0 that hzul collision, also 1.521 IO!` .2lllU\\"dH'..t3.`, Provin- [li:~:1t1`ict in\'. report, t.h;1t Allumlnle, Canoeing Junior Singles Rowing Junior Fours V _ T Canoeing Open Fours Rowing Open Singles Canoeing Open Singles Rowing 140 lbs Eights Canoeing Junior Fours Rowing Junior Singles Events all subject to C.C.A. and C.A.A.O. Ruling All Rowing Events One Mile Straight-Away Individual Prizes to all Winning crews & contestants Officials acceptable to C.C.A. and C.A.A-.O. \ ' Barrie Collegiate Band in attendance Complimentary Luncheon for contestants at 7 p.m. Comrrlencing at 8.30 p.m., in the Armou Tickets. A limited number will be committee. Admission $1.00 a couple. MUSIC To assist the Commiltee in charge of the day's events we solicit your liberal con}trll5ution. The following Clubs have signied kheir inbentibn of Dons, Balmy Beach, Toronto Canoe Club, Kew Beach, St. Catharlnes, Ottawa and Westsides of Buffalo. THIS PROMISES TO BE THE GREATEST AV RODNEY Barrie .............. .` Becton ........... .. B1".u1fo1'(l ...... .. ` Co11in_2woo . ` Orilliza Co1dwn.`.e1' ELm\'alc ........ .. Miullaml ........ .. Oro '- C0ok.~:Lown The fzmner works hard, late to produce. His present his . which c-xclizimrc for Lihe .=e1`\'ices which may t.ukeAt.he form of clothing`, fu1'nitui'-, machines, etc. The wi-iw the 1'an:.;c of other men's .~:e1'\'ice.< with \\`.hich he may c.\Z(:l\1lLLL" his : the more p1'o.=pei'ous he will be. Poliziczxl quack; lmvo been ti`_\"in1.:' to make him believe just the opposite. Why is :1 store estublisl1- ed in 21 certain place `. Bec21u.<.e there am`-. '..hou3;:ht to be people, \!l`lOu_L'.`lx li\'in_-4' near by to suipport. it. We1l-a farm or 21 fz1ct.oi'y is e. lished for no diflerent reason. To` make money you must sell your pro- duct. A inarkez. is the one ;r1'e.ut es- sential. Does a farnior load up his wagron with his products and groi along` the concession trying` to sell` to other .furn\ers ? No--he goes {to} the towns and cities. The towns and 5 cities are kept up directrly or indir- r.-c::1.y by industry; for the most part directly. If industry does not pros- per the farniers cannot 1n'ospe1'.i, Our fz\l'mC1`S are shut out of the United S`..ate:< market. If they do not allow :1 ni-zinket to be built up at home, wihiuz market are they to have '2 Common sense ,r:ive.s us the answer to this question. Our f-.u'n1-I crs cannot have the Canzidian mar- ket unless they protect it. -_-_ .-.,=i DATES OF FALL WILL BE SUPPLIED BY POWELL S MELODY Presentation of Prizes and Dance Barrister, Solicitor, Notdry, Etc Money to Loan at Lowest Rates of Interest.