Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 22 Apr 1926, p. 5

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'l`HURSD.AY'.' ':'ERIL . In one minute your clogged nostril: will open, the air passages of your head will clmr and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuflling, blowing, hendntche, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or cataxrh will be gone. Get. :1 small bottle of F11-v'n Grnnm wm no gone. :1 of El-y s Cream Balm from your drug-gist. now. App! at little of this fragrant, antiseptic, hen}- ing cream in your nostrils. It ene- tratns through every air passage the head, soothes the inamed or swollen mucous nmmbrune and relief comes in- stnntly. It s inst ne. D0n t stnv stu'm1-nn uxzury ob. _ Mr. Morley Wallwin of the Bank of Toronto staff was transferred on Tuesday to Hamilton. ?\rl .'-.. r`..u_,...:._ , n smnuy. just stay 3t\1'od-up with a cold or nasty cntarx-h-,Relie v~-v'1n-`-I an rur-|r|v_ \au\.Al)A|a Mr. Milton 0 De11 of Meaford is visiting` his mother at her home on 1\Izn'y St. uu, vvccn uuu wuu. u'u:n(m' In narrle. `Mrs. Watler Sarjeant returned on Tuesday after visiting friends in Guelph. 3/1.. 1\f:lL..._ r\n\,n 4- 1: u . - u:vuu.u::u LJJULII Luau" weuuulg YL`I'lp. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. King spent the Week and with friends in Barrie. I .M'..,. ur..u_._ 0-... , - .,A_ , ,A V I Mrs. W. Wiles and daughter Ruby lspent Wednesday in Toronto. .\r.. .....4 ll... 1 1u...._u-____ 1,__, ._-yuuy vv'cu.ucauu_)' Lu LVLUHUU. Mr. and Mrs. J. Momkman have returned fncrm their wedding tlri p. M!` and. NT-= I `D 13:... .~-\.._.L Tells How To Get Quick Relief from Head-Colds. It : Splendid! T. R. COULTER CREAM TFTdri`61{T'KII_2iI"m OPENS up NOSTRILS KERR LODGE P.M. NIGHT PERSONALS Page Fi_vo_ Ailments Peculiar To Life Phone 405j. Box 902. Drs. Bu_1:f1_,wD.C., Sp. NOW LOCATED AT PALMER S GARAGE, ELIZABETH ST. DEATHS REGISTERED CHIROPRACTORS _ `Ma.caui1ay Pope of Toronto w-no/Le; ' council that as rpresidont of the! 5 Utilities Finance and Sales Cox-po1'-| = ation, Ijtd., he was desirous of start- ing up in Barrie a. business to handle electrical appliances and corLtra.ctors siipplies. He was unable alt p1'.esent,= hiqwever, to pay the $250 demanded by the town and a.s.ke(I if he could z;1framg'e it in the form of a g'u2u-an- tee. I I Acad~ia-Moi-r"s newest package, half pounds, 400; pounds, 75c, at Bryson s. 4 The death of Mrs. Wm. Conmell took place at the home of her niece, Mrs. R. C. Whitcside, Essa, on April 10th. . L6rwe--I.aoewer--'1'-hat the work of `(V.jI'e;an the treets in the diffarem j yams of the town he done. motion _. introduced by Dep.- -__Re'eve McCu`a.ig `that the town as-. _$gs_sor be instructed to make a. suffi- cient increase in the assessmenf so _` that the increase would take care of on debentures not included in 1926 '4-nan... _ _ _ _ .._; the ant.ici~pa_.ted increase of next ; yean- s exzpendiltmve due to liability ' .~..r.~, IV we -7 __:onside'raItion. I A motion by Deputy-Reeve Mc- Cuaig and Reeve Dorwe was passed ir'1struc't'1ng the town solicitor to de- fend the action. Other motions passed were : Co1es--Lower--Tha.t the account of Mr. Clark for snow ploughing be nah} r At theispecial meeting of the town council on Wednesday afternoon 'to pass the estimmes for the year, somewhat of a sensation was caused `when Town Clerk A. W. Smith gave notice that a writ had been served on the town at the instance of -Har- old Ayerst. Mr. Ayerst claimed ` (lznmages and an injunction from Judge Vance` in the County Court re.stra.in`ing' the town from conferring on one person the exclusive right of operating` motor vehicles fonhirel 5. F ll 1 within the munlicpality contrary to by-law. The writ had ,been served on the Mayor some time ago by M. B. Tudhope of Orlllia, coumsel or the plaintiff, said Mr. Smith, and had been given to the town solicitor to protect the town s interests. 1 i Writ On Town Ayefstserves ' 60 Elizabeth St. Upstairs .... ._..,.. uuu un.-a.u.u:.u Lu J.-tau was sent to comm.ittee for nu-..$.'.._ ` Oakland and Chevrolet Dealer BARRIE and ALLISTON and The Touring Car .. $790 Roadster . . . . . . . . .. $790 Coupe . . . . . . . . . .. $1000 Coach . . . . . . . . . .. $1000 Sedan . . . . . . . . . . . . $1097 Landau Sedan $1165 All prices include taxes and are F.0.B. Barrie. .. guy`, bvvu awu ua/u. v . -,2. And a Way of 5' -nil Finally, the way of Jes'usl-.w.va.-s a way of service. It meaant*expressi:i::g-V 1-ove in"a.cti9n,A giving one s.ta`1enm_,. persona.1i cy,..power, leademhip; sym- pathy and -patience to of. hers..~in4.'a11 the relationships -of life. - :2 r. npnnuk. u.u\.| A..l4\-hcllolllll ruuu. ' At the annual meeting of the Central Sunday School the Thum- .day previous, the yearly -reeports [showed an .enro'l~men_:t_. of 325 pupils iand officers. During the year $291 !was raised for local purposes and `$173 for the Maintenance and Ex- ltension Fund. A quiet we-dd-in-g was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Scott, Gravenhurst, on Wednesday, April 14, when W. T. H. Gilroy was united in marriage to Annie Eliza- beth Todd, bofh of Barrie. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. Biliton, Gravenhurst. The best wish- ges from :1 host of friends for a long `and happy life is extended to Mr. !an Mrs. Gilroy. l uurt awnu\rCAI . At the meeting is was reported that $52 had been raised .by the league last year for the Mai'n=t\en- ance and Extension Fund. `L LL. ., I ' The home of Mr. R. J. Turner, gshanty Bay, was the scene of a pretty wedding Saturday afternoon `at three o clock when his eldest lxlaus.-`liter, Ruth Lillian, became the |brirle of Mr. Maxwell Oharles illewitt, of Craighurst, ' son of Mr. `William Hewitt, Crown Hill. The bride was becominsgly gowned in blontle g'eo1'g`ette and carried a bou- quet of Ophelia roses and sweet -peas. Following` the ceremony, conducted `by Rev. C. Jones, a (lainty luncheon was served, after which the bride and groom left for a short trip, the brixle travelling in a French frock, lhat, shoes and hose to match air! l.<<.-:11 coat. At the annual meeting of the Young People's League of Central Unzited Church on Monday evening the following` oicers were elected for the ensuing year: President, Roy I-Ioughton; Vice-Presidents, (1) Miss Stella Cooper; (2) Mrs. E. Partridge; (3) Wm. Ba1'la.n ayne';-. (4) Miss L.` Lowe; (5') Miss.Dor1s Turner; Secretary, A-rrt -D. Cams-1 . .cadden; Treasurer, 'Misss ` Caz-scadden. ' AA .1 Aoa.d`ia-Moi~r"s newest package, half pounds, 40c; pounds, 75c, at B1-yson s. I Don't forget the date of the big 2-in-1 show comiing to the Grand Opera House for a 3 day engage-_ I men-t, Thursday, Friday, Saturday ` ma.-tinee and night, April 29th; 30th,- ` and May 1st. Patrons Otf the Grand ` ` Opera House will be treated to what i` [is called the 2-in-1 show, consisting of moving pictures and Bert John- ` ston s big` music, mirth and magic i show, at one price of admission, 1 ground oor 35c, balcony 25c, chil- 4 dren 10c. Watch for the big free 1 street attractions every day (luring-[1 these date. Bert Johnston s hired man will appear on the streets in Fantaisha attire. Note: Mr. John- ston carries his own orchestra and we assure you of a big evening-,"s em- tertainment. Reserve these dates for something new, novel and entertain- mg-;. C for Economical 7iztn.~parlalion | CENTRAL Y.P.L. OFFICERS AT THE GI-(AND; OPERA B`OYS---In Tornrr), on.-:."I.;L1es.`.I: April 20, 1926. Margaret -"' Ross} widow of the late 'I`homas '1`.-IA. ` Boys, BaL1'riste1' a`. Law, f:n'mer1y of Barrie, and daughter of the late Rev. Alex:1nder R032, of Bradford, O.nt.,' minister of the Church of Scotland. HEWlTT--TURNER GlLROY---TODD ,N:orth..-1'!_,1 Advance ` Jarvis, Mrs. H. A. aoonc, wuss m., :11 112559. b't.,4A1J.anda1e Emrms, _Mdss Hilda .... ...Shanty Bay ...... ..Barrie Vera A. ...:Cund1es Bray, Mrs. H. .......................... ..Owen St. Cresw-ic-ke, Miss Margery ...... ..Barr1e' Svrnith, Miss Bessie ............. .. McC1el~land, Miss Ilda . Peacock, Mm. Fred ...... .. .. Graham, Miss Gladys ...... ..Barrie Edward, Miss Janet Moovre, Mrs. G. G. . ...... ..Barrie Sims, Miss Peggy Allandaie .T|')Ih| n.Y1_ Miss Gharlvrz '|\/Tam-v .Q+ aims, Miss reg'gy ................... ..All:andaLle Jolmson, Miss Gladys M. 26 Mary St. Miller, Mxrs. Allan Pratt, Miss Edith Beelby, Miss Zeta .. Smyth, Miss Verna .. Barron, Miss Doris Goles, Miss Conmie Heath, Mrs. J......- ................... .. Brown, Miss Dorothy ....... ..Poyntz St. McCullough, Miss A. ...1S1 Elizabeth Wigigins, Miss Josephine, Shanty Bay Baldwin, Miss Vera ...................... ..Barrie Wilson, M-iss Luella Anton Mills Beetoin, Mrs. Geo. Lang, Miss Grace .. Giosney, M1`s. F. ..... .. Craig, Miss Dorothy Smith. Mviss Irene .. Burtch, Miss ..... .. Hadden, Miss Je Simmons, Miss Dulcia ..Allamda1e .....Barrie .........Stroud 9 Bayeld ........ "Barrie _Grove St. ............ ..Utopia ' ...... ..Minesing 3 Brol ey, Mrs. Sam. ..................Stroud Burton, Mrs. Thos. .... .:McDonald St. Lenrnox, Miss Hildreth ..North St. Manson, Miss Ruby ...................... ..Barrie ; McCuaig, Miss Catherine Shantv Bay Wallace, Mrs. M. Welch, Mrs. ............... ., Drury, Miss Beth Ryan. Mrs. E. A. Worsley St. Kendall, Miss Grace ................. ..Barrie Newman, Miss Helen .....................Barrie ..Barrie Robertson, Miss Mabel, Johnston St. , Slesser, Miss Beth .......... ..Shani .y Bay Jones, Mrs. (Rev.) C.G., Slianty Bay , Albert, Mrs. R. ...37 Blake St. Beeton, Mrs. Harvey .. ....Minesing Hewson, Miss D .. .....StroI1d Casey, Mrs. N. ............... .. Balliston, Mrs. H. G .... ..Bam~ie Robinson, Miss Alice, 11 Bradford St. Anderson, Miss Elsie .... ..150 Bayeld Herrell, Miss Thelma ................... ..Barrie E Keenan. Miss Gentrude, Elizabeth St. Wilson, Mrs. H. .................................................. .. Roberts. Miss Eva C. .... ..Barrie Baer, Miss Florence ...Alliandale Johnston, Miss Lavina .... ..Shanty Bay Sinclair, Miss Katie .....................|G;utJhrie . Abbott, Mrs. W. .53 Dumbonalrl St. Loth, Miss . . Jukes, Miss Queenie .`.'E-arrie Gilchrist, Mrs. P. A. ....................................... .. Stoddart, Miss M. ............................................. .. Hoover, Mrs. A. .......... .. Lam1'be.rt, Mrs. Wm. ..Barrie Tuck, Miss Alice . . . . . . . . . ..Barrie Trumbley, Mrs. ......... ..77 Victoria St. Webberley, Mrs. J. ............................. .. Murphy, Miss Vera Minesin;;' Meredith, Mrs. H .._...........Barrie Reburn, Mrs. D. J., 14 Wellington E. Brown, Mns. Cliff. ........................... ..Barrie Lewis, Miss Eileen ..Brock St. McArthur. Miss A. ....Minesing McLauig'hlin, Miss K. Amten Mills Paley Mrs. .............................................. .. . Caldwell, Miss Gladys . Turner, Mrs. A. Bio-nney, Mrs. J. ..... .. Brady. Mrs. S. rCampbo`ll, `M-iss C Callig-hen, Miss Aileen, 12 Wellington Clifton, Mrs. Andrew F. ............Ba.rrie Dyment, Miss Peggy ....... .. ..Barrie Gowan, Miss E. _.....Barrie Garvin, Miss F. ...........Biarrie Johnson, Miss Olive Brock St. Kissock, Mrs. 'Ilhos. ......Thompson St. Leslie, Mrs. J. R. . .............. ..Barrie Morton, Mrs. D. ...... .. Miller, Mrs. W. J. McLean, Mrs. C. .. McKeenan, Miss McKinley, Miss M. Nellio, Miss Flo O'Brien. Miss Annie ....... ..H.'w.'kr-st/me Pildl, Mho F: "1-as-win . nrown, muss uora .. ` Hail, Miss Laura Goodwin, Mrs. M. .........RZ"\'i. Hospital Henson, Miss_Dorothy .......... ..A~l'1sa.n.da.1e Wolfenden, Miss Edith .....Barrie A mnst.z-omg, `Eileen ....... .. .-..Barrie Walt, Miss'Ve"ra. ....... .. ...Mid-hurst White, Mrs. Malbel .._ ..Bm-rie Crogan, Miss Lillian-_... Murphy, M_iss_ Knthieen .. Bowyer, Mrs. Charles Mhlnv Muu~-aha Mustey, 1vuss"baDe ..............J:sarrxe Luck, Miss Helen .......... ..M-:Donald St. Scott, Miss M., 91 Essa St.,.AILandale Ermns. Mdss Hilda ,,,, ,, Shnnfv Raw L;v:.au1,_u.|.J.s5 Agnes ..... .. . $1I`).'l Minnjkin, Mrs. Harvey .....Barrie B1ac.ks`tock,- Miss `Helen .. ..0wen St. Looker, Miss Laura ............... ..Al.la.nda1e Bell, Mrs. .................. ..187.Bmdford St. ' M13. Annie A. .... ..A.lLa.nda1e McD'omald, Miss Mary J. ...... _..Bzu'rie Brown, 'MJ'ss"7Oora .................... ..0wen St. Hail. Mine I.n1n~o ' rLII+k w3n nrmn. M ms` Pncvm . Mrs`. C. ilAikens, Mrs. Thsos. ........................ ..Ban'ie Coleman, Mrs. D. H .44 Blake St. ` Cook, `Mrs. Jack ..................... ..Pa.inswick i Stoneham, Mrs. R. W., 197 Braclford 1 Bogardis, Miss Janet ...Fi-ederick St. Jacobs, Miss Reta ............. .. Marlwin.g-, Miss Viola Munroe, Mrs. J. ...... .. Nelles, Miss Betty . Love, Mrs. F. J. ..... .. LeGeaa', Mrs. Annie . Gracey, Miss Ahlanclale I\o:mlin, Mrs. Harry Simon, Miss Mabel White, Mliss Dormhy . Spearn, Miss Bessie Hora.'n,_Miss Agnes . . . . . . . . . . . ..B:1rrie .. ....0wen St R:-H Mr: 151': ....i......i Q& biWebb, Mrs. Norris .. ..Allandale ;IRoIbinson, Mrs. John ...Barrie . Young, Miw Thelma ...................... ..Barrie _ Lyall, Miss Agnes .... ..140 Dunlop St. ' Hook, Miss Mazbel .................. ..A11:andale ' M3cLFadgen, Miss Lorna ..... ..Ba.rrie - Gibson, Miss Bessie .. ..B rton Ave. ` , Brunton, Mrs. G. ............ ..Ali2md~a1e .lKennedy, Miss K. ..53 Mary St. i { Lainson, Mrs. A. .....A1Ianda1e ; vspearn, Miss Reta .. .A1la.ndale `-lThomas, Mrs. S. ............... ..A`1'landa1e - ` `(Continued from page me) man of joy rather than-' a-~"man of- sorrow. What would the-`*l3ivds of, the disciples have been as 'sh`e1 n`n`en?' contrasted with the t.hree wc~ntic years spent with Jesus. ` I A Way of Love ` The way of Jesus was ailsda way, of Love, continued l\Iiss" Mills. Christ said that the g'rn`atest com- mandment was that about love. The Jesus way called, first, for the love of God with all ione s stren-gth, heart and mind, with all one s personality, and with every word, :1-ee.-.l, de':ire, - pleasure and ambition. It also call- ` ed on a person to love himself, not of his own pensonality, the infinite value of the -human sou`. ~'I`he gift 0.: one s life_ was such a precious thing that one had to seek to make it high, holy and good. What a per- son made of himself was his gift ' back again to God. The way -0! Jesus was also a way of loving other - coniceitedly, `but realizing the worth) people; loving them because of. the .inin.ite value of the human/.sosu.l, be-5 cause of their possibilities-..for good; lowing` them not spasmodicalll"y,j emotionally or sen-timentallly, wbut} witli `a deep and lasting '-love"; .`Iil:7 called for loving peaplexiuon ~'han.lj 1- never seen, people one dvisl-i;l'd(l,'I*i.oh' snarl -nnmc mm-ul ..~..A I......: 1 . - .'Standing of Contestants, April 19:]: %`s,;,i;.m;.;a%a:g* * " Shoppers Club ', Mrs. unam: Miss` "Babe L/I'u'-n `LIA! 1... ...Burton ......... ...53 .... ..A11a:nda1e ..A1la.ndale _.....A`l'landale ..44 .....Pa.inswick V7 nw.,u'm.,: K "`|I-'):m R-n v-rin ..,.,........u w vuc vu:ax5'.- ugiuu. Mrs. Ida lvlathers has returnc-(I af- ter visiting friends in the c v. Mrs. MrcCouish and da11g'hLer spent a day this week in the city. Miss H. R. Orchard spent a couple of days last week in Barrie. 1\.1'.. 'l -L..-L-_. .1` A `II` ...uDuu.:. Mrs. Wm. Johnston and grand- Mary spent a few lays this; week with friends in Barrie. Q 1\.1`.. .....1 1m ... ru, rm 4A.AI.AA\.|L`J All Lldllnlcw M-rs. Ed. Jeffrey of Mhllzmzl was the guest of her sis`er, Miss Flora Neelands, for a c_oup1s= of days last week. -Mr. Robt. Black of 'T'horn`.on vspent a few days last wee}: at Wilson Black's. cu. .-.. A -- JJlKI\al'\ a. Mr. A. W. Green of Toronto has returned to the village again. Mr: Trln R/'I_)+11r.~.~r_~ L..." u.~b-----J -4` VJ. uu._ya xuau vvccn ul L)'cu`1`lt.'. Mr. Johnston of Orillia is visiung with his daug`hte`r, Mrs. Harvey Hughes. :?tIIi3A3"i:VniIi:5iT" M GOILIER s'r. CHI,{3.CH l Mrs. Wan. Latinier has returned home after spending a few days with friends in Barrie. ll..- 13! V nu _ ug. .. vv\.\.1\ vvlvu 1l.lUll\lD Ill lJ'(1ll.'l'.5- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Spearn and family of Barrie spent F;'id2._v with the 1at.ter s mother, Mrs. Mary Givens. 1:. `Ir . ..-. . Miss Margaret; Forbes span : the week end with friends in Allmuiale. `X /\ ....,\ ...1..J L. #7, A I1 I `ll axiom, it may be said that it .~; an ill north wind that blows nobody good. While ball games and other summer activi*..ie.s are delayed by the lateness of the season, the cu1'l_-rs cf Stroud are making good use )1 the ice at the rink, havin_2' curled on Monday and Tuesday of this week, and report the ice to be in good con- dition. There -was also skating` on Monday evening: and everyone re- ported a good time. FIVL... vvnn _L:__., 1 :- vuuu ||\. nu. nuuu um: uuI.- a_;',.ulI. By way of para.phrasin_: an 0 I I -u_vnuuu uull ;a.u|u_y. Mrs. Thos. Stokes is su e1'in_9: with some trouble in his eyes. T\/fun f` D1.` .u..u. Lu: uuu;\:1' are: rresxuent, Mrs. Geo. Brown; Vice-Pres., Mrs. A. Johnston; Secretary, -Mrs. J. Haw- thorne; Asst. Sec., M-iss Clara Brow-n; Treasurer, Mrs. Fred Brown; Organ- ists, Mrs.`-C-has. Campvbell and Mrs. Fred Brown; Flower Com.,b Mrs. W. Hunter, Mrs. Ch-as. Catmtptbell, Miss M. Lougheed; Visiting Com., Mrs. Johns, Mrs. Clarence Scrigly, Mrs. F. Guest, M-rs. Keli. After the election of ofcers lunch was served. ' Tnfani-a n..1:nn.+ n1..._L-I Hurt .\..-.\.-nun. uu. uuu:t:l`b' JLLIIIGI1 W38 SBTVEU. Infants Delight, Plantol, Venbena and Rose Toilet Soaps, 3 for2-5c, at Wisdom s. ` um...` uuu yum: 1_1n:uua HI .`1}JiL:lllulU. We are glad to report that Mr. Wilson Black is improving and -hope that he will soon be out. a_o:ain. `Du um" A4.` ..-.......L.. On Tuesday evening: the annuall meeting` of the Barrie Lawn Bow-ling Clwb was held in the Police Court Chambers. There was a good at- tendance at the meeting, which was presided over by the past president,` D. W. Lennox. The club intends holding its annual tournament on Wednesday, June 23rd. Those elect- ed for the ensuing year are: Hon. Patron, W. A. Boys; Hion. Pres., A. Hay, A. Brorwnlee; Pres., Chas. Beelby; Vice-Pres., A. F. A. Mal- comson; Sec.-Treas., D. F. McCuaip;; Grounds, ','om., Harry Tidcxman, Chris. Thompson; Executive Com., W. Turner, W. H. Kennedy, W. F}. B1'0\VStC1`, P. T. Clark; Auditors, H. H. Lay, W. Turner. I , . u . L LII u guuu uuuc. ' The U.F.O. shipped :1 car stock this week. ' Consultwtion free. Phone for appointment. Hours 2-5, 7-8, by appointment. Adjustments for all diseases. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foyston Seattle are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Foyston and family. 1\.Tm~ Than G4..1.A,. L. ....a`...:__... _._: x. uvuuu, Ill uxn cycb. Mrs. C. Plowrigxht has been called from Minesing to help nurse :1 sick grandchild in Huntsville. Her son Sidney is living in Huntsville. Big; One-Cent Sale at Pzu`.-terson sI Drug Store, Allandalc, April 29th, 30th and May 1st. uvllv We are glad to repoirt that. most of those that were on the sick list are able to be around again. Milton Guest, who met with an accident while wood" cutting; result- ing; in having` three stitches in his head, is improving` nicely. The Lades Aid of Holly United Church met in the church basement ` on Wednesday afternoon when the _ election of` officers for the year was held. The officers are: Preside~n=t, Mrs. Gan, n1'nnrn- v:.m 13.... M ..- Ruffet. l`/Iilss Winnifred, Belle Ewart Sl1raug:l1nevssy, Mrs. A. .......... ..Ml(l'hurst Wilson, Mrs. W. H. ......l15 Collier St. W.han, llliss Alma Tl1omp.~'on St. W-mul, Miss Edna \\'ools.ley, Mrs. a.vLIvuc wCong'ratuIations to M1`. and Mrs. Alan Johnston on the arrival of a (`nu J.wu.u|n Awzyuunta U1. \JL`t:IL1t.'1. Mrs. Rorbt. Beaumont and daugh- ter Alice are visiting friends in To- rorvbo. ,-. .... . -- \.......e,~...u.., &VAADu vv. u. `L1Upl\lllb'- I Elmer Hunter is visiting with Mr. Robt. Reynolds of Grenfel. 1\:1'..~ DAL; D---_.___L - Mr. Hill of Barrie visited his caughter, Mrs. W. N. Hopkins. F`.h-nay Ixnvu... :. ..:.. ...:u. IL. Eric Clarke spent the week end! with lumen Lougheed. u vv-u Female troubles are "Functional" or pre ceded by functional disorders, therefore, the adjustments will set your physical system in order. Better Investigate! BOWLING CLUB MINEING STROUD H6LLY The Trinity Parish Aid was enter- tained at p1;:cha`e ` in the Americari Hotel on M onda`.y"nig'h`t by seven of its -members, .'Mrs.-~ Coleman, the Mises Gamble, MQ'S. Rogers, Mrs. McNiven, Mrs. A. Wolfenden and Mrs. Sylvester. Fourteen tables were played and the prizes won by Miss Cornwall, Mrs. Coleman and Mrs. 'l`.' O'Neil. QUEEN'S ALUMNI `ASSOCIATION At a meeting of the executive of the Barrie Queen s Alumni Associa- tion at the home of Miss F. E. Mac- Dougall on Tuesday night, plans were made for holding a reunion of all Queen s University gratluates of Barrie district here on May 12th. Dr. Bruce Taylor, principal of Queen s University, will be the chief speaker of the occasion, and among others will explain the emloxwment Icampngn that is being made at pres- gent. u\.\.u.y_:u;.; nu: \,uau_n . W.M., W. Bro. E. MwcFa l.P.M., W. Bro. W. N. Liscumb; J.W.. Bro. D. W. Emms; Chap., Bro. (Rev.) Roy Melville; 'I`reas., V.W. Bro. Freul `.\'I:u`x'; Soc1'(-t.ar_v, R.W. Bro. W. N. Duff; S.D., W. Bro. H. Chzmnen; J.D., Bro. J. H. Rodgers; ` D. of C., R.W. Bro. A. Co-wan (Cmx, No. 96); I.G., Bro. H. J. 'I`wiss; S.S., W. Bro. A. G; M-acLel1an (Can, No. 96); J.S., Bro. E. R. Lewis! Or- _9;zmist, Bro. Horace Wlson; Tyler, R1-n T {'3 \7-aiv A Past Masters Night was held by Kerr Lotlge, AF. and A.M., in the Masonic Temple on Thunsulay nighit cf last week, with the following oicers occup_\'ing' the chairs: ur ml H7 1).... tr 1\n',n_, I v Prior to his departure for Owen Saund, Rev. A. D. Cornett was pre- senrted with an umbrella by the members of the Town Baskebball League, with which he was associat- ed this winter. . Respond Well to Chiropractic Adjustments. u . \~ - .; uvuL\.I an uu.`.4uIuwaLl:l d.lI(l vice. The toast to the King and Canzula was proposed by W. Bro. E. Sin-:11` (W.M. of Corinthian, No. 96); that `.0 the viistors was made by Bro. (Rom) S. H. Greenslade, and replied to by Bro. Daniels of To- ronto and Bro. C. Wice of Stroud. Bro. L. O. Vair propose-rl the toast to the Past Nlasters and responses were made by R.W. Bro. W. N. Duff and W. Bro. J. Craig`; the Candidate was toasted by W. Bro. Robertson and Smith Kain 1'espon(le(l. Solos were given by H. Barron, E. Hill 014-. A 13...... Mr. Jeffries of the `Royal Bank has gone to Dutton ho spend a. fort- ni-gh`t's holidays with his parents there. -n .u.. . -'- _.,u....;u, u; u. AAULC Bro. L. O. Vair. The vst (|eg'1'ce was conferred by Ithe Past, Masters with musical ri!t~ ua), all the Past Masters present as- sistingz` in the work. I"......`..-..._ _.,-_ , 1 p. . ` Iiunchcacn was served af ce1'wa.rrdAs at the American Hotel. Bro. D. F. McCuai;: (S.D.) and Bro. L. O. Vair (S.W.) acted as toast.n1'aasteran ......` V'rII._ -__;_ L, n 1-- AczLdia-Moi1- s newest package, half pounds, 40c; pounds, 75c, at lBryson's. .. A.uL.auuv_y ;_u:. u. Vlblb Hl 1U1'0K1T0. Mrs. G. S. Burdett and baby daughter of Toronto were the guests of Mrs. M. Turner, Small St., last week. 1: 'rna n.- - uu..u., D.-Lu u_y and A. Knox. --......uu_y vv uwxnnuuuxl. Miss Catherine Ross has retumed to Barrie after spending" thre'e"_ moniths at her home in Grafton. Hun `LT!..'|-l:_.... 0.. I --` ....,....... can nun. uvun: Au \rl`d.LbUXl. Mrs. Hickling, Sr., and Misses Leila Hunter and Jean Hickling left on Tuesday for a visit in Toronto. Mun D, G 1:).-_.I_;L __,u 1 u CHEVROLET PROVIDES A FINE AP- PEARANCE-CONSTRUCTION TYPICAL OF THE HIGHEST -PRICED CARS- DURABLE DUCO VFINISH-LATEST IM- PROVEMENTS IN DESIGN AND EQUIP- MENT. HERE QUALITY AND COMFORT COMBINE WITH- GREAT ECONOMY.

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