Ontario Community Newspapers

Northern Advance, 8 Apr 1926, p. 3

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The 'l`own.~:hip School Boards Bill was li. on 'l`11:,-stlzt)` by (hi- Prime .`llI1l.~'L('l'. Dr. J. l). _\1um...=::il (Con., .\'oi-zh Perth); A. l . .\l<-whin~ ney (Lib., \Vu>sL Bruce); Sum Clarke (i/Lib., .\'orthu1nbcrl:md); A. J. F:1`l - (Con., East Durham); J. W. Szm'_'< tor (Lib., (}len:.-`zu'1'_\'); D. J. 'l`z1_\'lor (P2-054:, N-oitzli G.rcy); D. M. Ross (Frog,-'., North Oxford), and A. Bul- anger (Lib., Russell). The bill, as previously intimated by the Premier, was submitted only for discussion and publicity, and was then with- drawn for a year. Mr. Ferg:us.:1 \;`_3.id that while he had a number 04 letters and re.solu:ions from trust:-3 bodies in favor of the measure, the Province was evidently not ready for it. He said : It is true there is a good deal of feeling` in opposition to the suggestion. One reason is the sentiment that surrounds the little red schoolhouse; the other is the reluctance of local school trustees to lose autonomy in the handling of llocal affairs. I think it only requires ~\u little education to show them that we can gradually improve the sirtu~a- tziiom. Oicers of the department who have worked out this problem from a nancial standpoint assure me than in ve or six years the cost of education under such a plan would be reduced 25 to 30 per cent., and l this Would certa.inl~y be a great relief I1 to rural people." '1 I I I I It is really 3. -simple matter to confine your shoppix a. beautiful car or one of the {many other fvaluable If you do not care to make use of the coupons for demonstrate your xfriendship in a more ,practical I avw Ca1*ey-H1u-lbmt Shoe Co. J. Little GRAND PRIZE CHEVROLET CAR Visit these i l , ......u.., |:r|.`L n.`HHl.`lH`, \\'!]f) Hful cmiducted (`.\'ZLll1lll2li-i011 oi` \\'i:i1(~.:>':=s |l'm` the Go\'ermnent, m:1d<- it known! [to the committee that Mr. )}.ll1(`_\`i lhim.-`elf \\'2L< 21 (lirector `of the (`om--: land-Clia:.t.(-rson Compun_\' of To- mnto, which sold . to the G-overnment, an that he had also I been a director in 1920, as well :1.-I :1 Sl19.l'0l10l(lCl` continuously, 'b(.-in_e: therefore in just the same position which he luul declared so reprehen- sible in the case of Mr. L_Von.~; and George Oakley, M.L.A. When it is remembered -that the evidence of a witness -one day during` the week disclosed the fact that Rev. E(lrp,'a1' Watson and Jack Ramsden, while members of the Legislature during the Drury regime, took commissions on insurance placed by them for the Governmen-t with a Toronto agency, it will be apparent that the Opposi- tion has not only achiev-`.d nothing: by this session s Pub] ` Accounts enquiry, but received Jot of un- desirable pwblicity. Mr. Watson, who is now in the United States, was U.F.O. member for North Vic- toria, and Mn`. Ramsden was a Lib- oral representing; stituency. a 'I`.oront.o con- When bhe Hr0USO was passing` sup- plementary estimates on Tuesday [Premier Ferguson called attention to an impression given by some newspaper hezulinlrs that the Govern- ment proposed to cut off entirely and at once all contribution to} | noyml `from 11' 1 t!'O(lUC(` viewing the proceedings and report- ing the evidence to the House with- 'chai1'man, Major Alex. Lewis, ' However, W. out special comment. ve- ~g`e minority report, en-umera11;- ingr variuos little details he had pick- ed out of the evidence from time to Itime, by way of criticizingp: depart- IE. Raney proceeded then to read a men~tal methods, with the immediate result that Col. Currie MacBri(le moved a resolution that HJSU. James Lyons is entitled to a complete and unqualied exonera- tion of any breach of the L(`;,"l.=l2l?l.lV(' .-\. Act, and that his com- pz1n_\".< hu. record with relation to the Governnic-nt or any contractoi lm\'in,2' lJu;~'ine.<.< rt-l:1.`i0n.< with the Gxuvernlnent ln3_\ 0n1l reprozicili. [This w2i.< mlomml on El vntw of 22 to |- .. ,. A A I is and M. -i TO- I Kingston and London. He exp] `ed that while he had given authorities of these instituvt warnvin.g; that they must look al for endowments in order to augm their revenue and carry their i nancing, yet he recognized bot'h were doing; good work and ti was no idea of terminating a.bru.; and entirely all prov-incial assiste during; such period as they were srzmg'in;: to finance themselves. con-tenrtion, however, was that ronto was the state university, it was not 1`0l.SOl`l8.blC to ask province to indefinitely n-ance otliers. Part of one :1fternoon s discussi rn Ww|ne.<:Iz1_v, sufficed to dispose ('01. John A. Currie- s P L{'0V'ernm the `sh 0 1', All Double-Value Coupons Must be D4;-posited by Saturday Night, :---- . .. .. .....v\.u.-.1 vwmn um nmcnt. buyoml va..< vote t( \'(' In,-in}: I\'I(,~.<.~`1'.~'. Ram-_\' , Sinclair and VVildivl .-\n by Mr. l'L:,1m-_\".~z In-pzu't1n' ,- It nun uu CHLIICI H to} ,~.<(-ntt parti.~ Y3- F4` ` -` `I\J 5"`?'rki11;: ~I1(lin(.\.-` w : yourlshopping to these enterprising stores. LL __. .._. I,,, 1 ., \.\l uI`,'~`-7` :, William I W115` who had C"1- ,........-.u. I trhnl one discussion, ,`[)l`OZ1Cli1."iV`vll of t0`Col. Lrovernment Rim:-3-,icont1'o1 bill, and also to give oppor-' 'i(i. _-\n-it1miL_\' for ur:.:umcnt on the 10 pm ~pz1rt1m icvnt. l)(w!` bill of J. A. Pinartl (Lib., to in-!l`2z1. 0t.tzu\'21). Delyatc on the latter Wi]]i;m1lw::< mljoumr-cl until '1`hur's(la_v and .\`lm l1.'nl|(."i. (`um-in-'. hill .....,. _..1.: . The Public Accounts Committee hcd its nal sitting on Wednesday, V _ -.. ._-.. .. .v..w sou aunts auu J er prizes. And now; you can get a. Idouble mumber of points for: :oupons yourself, just sign the `name of a. "relative mr friend who is al way. ' ` ` ' Dry `C4.o:c`I; A J. VVcbb . . .- V. ;..-.Lu.Ll/UL \J1Ul:'1l1J. Hardware . Robinson Hardware Baker `rwvx Men s Wear 11'? 1`: 1'1- Cleaners and Presser: A. E. Whitby W. Firth - When the Premier's bill to g'1-anrt $5,000,000 additional for Northern Ontario development was before the House on Monday, several Liberal speakers took occasion to 8I'ld!04l"S8 the expenditure. Mr. Sinclair ob- jected only that more de`_ailed in- formation should be given in ad- vance, burt Mr. Ferguison pointed out that it was based on the estimate of divisional engineers who were on `he ground and fully acquxainrted with the needs of their districts. Huom. ;Ja.s. Lyons, althougih not now Mi.n- ister of Lands and Florests, made a vig`o1'ous speech on behalf of the `north country, and emphasized the lfact that the outlay on roads up {there is not a ea bite compared IL,` Yv\::f\-HQ c-nrnf in (`Ll I'\-.b.._:_ U... on. Lulu absout that. _, ....m. -.uu1.\uu_\' Elm! ]l("l. (`um-ii-'.< hill \-ms rulerl out of ;lrn-(Ir-1-. lll`l`n1l(`l' Ft,')`f_ ,`llv.'~70l1 spoke to lhoth hills, r<.~pvz1tinp,' his rlec`lai`~ati0n `lthut ill(`(;l)\'('Tnll1(.`nllI proposed tc `take no more referentla or plebis- citrrs, but rather to ,<:atl1e~r infm'ma- ltion 1'eg*:mlii1_Lr the feeling` of the public in all parts of the province, and 1`(`:lCl`l 21 decision on bhat basis. When that was (lone the public would be informed and given oppor- tunity to express themselves at the polls. The O.'I`.A. will be an issue at next election in any event, for the Premier on this occzysiom poinrted out that if the Governvmenrt decided he Act should stand unchanged, the electors would have oppror-tunirty to say at the polls what they thought I 0)' P [both that the 1 `take n tion ro,2`zn' public in...) 4* V {Z-:- __ vlKin~g'ston explain- the ins"t.ituvtions about augtmeanrt own that there abruptly land assistance lduring` ar- ,1-zmg-in;- tn nanann +.L....,..,.h1-.-_ "' Tononto, April 3. - Wi'tlh two. morning` sittings of the House, and as many as three committees at work at one time, the Legislature handled a great a.mrount of business in the final week. Not a great deal of 1eg'is1~ation proved contentious, and the Opposition appeared to have |\_I_.1o4 serious objections to Government `}yl'easures. Such discu.~7sion as -ther-: vms took place on public and private bills. The Prime Minister's invtin;a- tion a few diays ago that the Govern- ment had no objection to stu_\'i11g on and continuing the se. after Easter zuljournmcnit, zippears H i1;.1'.'e thud the effect of ll1Z\'[)il'lllj;' private members to e.\'pe:Iit(- bu. In 2u,ldit.'m, the Pl'0j.`,'l`L`S.~fl\'L- gmup lms _ at been very lnruv-ily 1`<~pm. {ind mo.~.~t of one L'\`t'lilIl_'_" .<-- sion last week (5\'('l`_V .~'('{li in that .<~. tion of the Helm: \v;z.< \':1c:in'.. ....., .., uuv a uca uuu: CUJTIJPBICII `_`*'\ m.o" ='pr`n+ in CM 022. ! avg F. Rayller For every coupon handed out during the above period there will 1 coupons are stamped by the merchants issuing rthem. Remember, must be deposited by Saturday Night to get credit for them. vvua 3. Hunter Clothing Co. ram Now till Saturday Night Eah Coupon _Is_ Gqod For ALL .. gm-uu an uncy nance His 1...-H.-nun. ...- .. u . COUPONS HAVE INCREASED IN VALUE The N orth-urn Advancq 200 vo 1`I~iS and . the two In The Legislature 1 I Chielly he-cause there was not op- portunity, at such a late stagze, for full (l-iscuxsion, the Municipal Com- mittee on Wev(lne.s(lay threw out for this year amendments to the Tran- sinnt Traders Act providing or a scale of license fees for peddlers and for the regwulaating of transient traders. Representatives were pres- ent from various business interests and the Retail Merchants Associa- tion of Ontario, and exoemption from the provisions were asked in respect to sewing machines, Fuller Brush Company, tea merchants, newspaper oanvassers and others. One provis- ion of the bill would have the effect of giving a preference to Ontariso manufacturegl prodstwts, in respect to direct sa.-le methods, and it was pointed out that this might indrwce retaliation ag'ai.nst Ontario by other provinces. 'I)he committee agreed that the retail merchants who pay heavy taxes had a grievance in re- spect to the competition of peddlers and transient traders, but felt that there was no time for adequate dis cumion, and consequently the meas- ure was not reported to the House. i I l J 1 ll I _____ in a bill including the sessison s' amendments to the Munic-i.pa] Act,` Whinh wme nnf .+.1-n-mnnll-. .... vn1_..._- I. ..-.n.u\unn;A|n.3 L-U UIIU 1` which was put -tJn'o'u;p,1h there is a clause ena "f police `7`!.`:";jn.s to : Although the special committee on the election laws threw out W. E. R:a.ney s bill to provhibti-t campaign contrib.uti~on-s frvom brreweis, g1overrn- mennt contractors, e r,c., several im- portamtt changes were approved. Atl- vanced polls will be held on T.hu1-s- (lays, Fridays and Saturdays im- mediately prrecedinvg election day, for railway men and commercial travellers. The three m-onbhs resi- dence qu-alications is reduced to two, with 21 View to relief of farm 'llZlb0l'(.`l'S and ovthers who take em- ployment in :1 new place in the .<}')l`llLL'. Elections in this province ;~'.omr-times come in June. The vet- ing` time is also to be extenrlml an hour in the ev(-nine`. Provision is to lie mmle wlH:!`(:by per:~'on;~: in rural con:ttitu.tL-ncies who finrl their nzunes` left oil` the list m-ay vote by mzxking an z1fl`il:wit and obtainin_2* the alli- (lavit of one well known person. \ v 1 particularly umder the Last years of the Late gvoverrnment, when the womt of the noads in the older part of the province were better than the best in the north. I us to me Munic-i.pa] Act, : on Thursday, L enabling truste 17371-mung in on... I... V" !Y , . ' . - _ ou don t lose anythmg and you Increase your ppportumty `to . a. Pdouhln mwrnluno A4` ..\..:...L.. 1-- __ .1, -. .. wnavvv I-I J. D. Wisdom & Co. J. A. R. Cameron Roy L. Jay L. P. Singer Automobiles fl`! T`I IV `H ualsouglas Drug Store Grocers `T T\ 1*`r -u A '- Newspaper Northern Advance lIILIJ\I Bl-ILEII) T. R. Coulter will be 200 iQ`l1';'Hn` Hshnvvs 'D4..u......'L--- -L - - The other day one of our women book down the receiver of the tele- phone and discovered that the line was in use. I just put on a pan of beans for dinner, she heard -the woman oomrplacently informing an- other. She hunug up the receiver and waited for the conversation to end. Tryim-g ag~ai.n, she found the woman shill balkimg. The third time She b(`,f`Bl'!YIn nvnunnv-no-.\,l __J `- ` .... ...... .1... uanunu.. rne Lnn-(I time became exasperated and broke ind:o the conversabon, Madam, I smell your beans burning, she an- nounced crisply. A horried scream greeted the remark and the young woman was enabled to put in her Av-7' - v '1 ii Hon. Chas. McC1'e:1 has announced i]. lidvcision of the G:O\ 0TI)ITl(:I1t to taktriv rover fish hzutcheries in {this province 3 which are beings: ;.>;iven up by the 'Dominion Government next n1uont.h. The aimouncemcnt foliowr-d 21 con- ference here with federal oicials. I`.h(,- ha-tchr.-rie;~; are at Point Edw'ard, :I\'enoru, C-ollingwood, Wiarton, Piort, I . I V I I Arthur, Soutnhampton, Beileville and Kingzsvilie. The province alreatly operates hatcheries at Port Arthur, Fort Francis, Kenora and Norman- dale. When the Dominion Govern- ment nave notice that it proposed to discontinue nine hxatcheries in On- tario, vigorous representations were made to the Ontario Government not ho let -them be abandoned, in view of Hum nncwle A: H... ::,.\.:_.. 2.. L, n .... ..... uuuul uc aua-mIunu(l, 1n vlew of the needs of the shing in and Mr. Mc.Crea has placed an amunt in the esimaaates for this year lin (mnnm-nn xvi?-1': Wm`-+n'"""-'~ ,__.- ....., .,..u....um.ua LU]. uuus y in connection with maintenance. - inple iY1ViO1"VO(l, After brief dviusacussion of the prin- D. J. Taylor (Pmgx, Nortih Grey) on Wednesday with- drew his resoluvtion calling; for the House membership to be reduced to the same number as Ontario mem- bets in ihe Commons-82--and for Ontario ridings co have boundaries icoterminous with federal constituen- cies. M11`. Taylor is one of those who objectod . last ses- sion Lo the wiping out of rural con- sii-tuencies by the re(iist.1'il)1itio11 |;il1., I r paying themselves for attendance at meetings, not more than $5 per day. Owing to `the action of the Munici- pal Commibtee the other day, the clause now carries at the end this pnovisio, a:ftea` such by-law has been submitted to and approved of by -the electors on the day of the annv*] election of trustees. CAMPING ON THE LINE -v Irv. uvavnl Chevrolet and Oakland Gamge Lick s Garage Ladies Wear 1`! n /2 L points allowed, providing r, the special double value 'coupons t, April 10 u wuu vvcnupz "i`. E. Harley Electric _ -mwI`3f`i`s:hop Bros. Furniture G. G. Smith & Co. Paints and Wallpaper r[`_ F. W91-`aw Barrie-Allan Thea,tres-Drea1 dale Dairy C0. nland Butchpr vz:;'1'ie Radio & Electric C0. 1.. Some important clianages .were made in the election law by he Leg`isl.ature this session. The length of time a person has to be domiciled, in a constituency is reduced from three to two monfhs; polling bvoobhs will be kept open till 7 o'clock in~ stead of till 6; if a candidate de- cides to retire after the ballots are printed the Cllerk of the Peace is he be notified and a notice must be posted up in the polling` boobhxs. The committee recommended that the number of names on nomination papers may be reduced from 100 to 50. Premier FCl'j1'l.lSlOI1 objected to this last recommendation, as it might tend to get irresponsible candidates, ... ;'...1en;l::1cnt \. ..... Ls... .- I SOME CHANGES MADE IN THE `ELECTION LAW -MwI: :)\v;:'11W<?: C0. Shoes -r-r Father E. J. Devine, S.J., in a letter to the Tloromvo Star recently, tells of the rst cows Wl1l(1|l1 were in On1;ario--brought to the Georgian Bay by the early Jesuit Fatnhers. Father Devine s letter is as follows: 'l`l-.n umiem. -4! LL- L_~'|- 1- xv FIRST COW IN ONTARIO ` /CAME TO GEORGIAN BAY Page Three " J ewellors A. H. Felt W. B. Webb

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