3 N1 VICKS :r<>'1;I>'l;aVof}{1l the family. VAPO_BV_ _I)Ill . I .II nun! _ %__When Paid in Advance Inquire for our Special Clubbing Rates with The Mail and Empire The Advance $1 a Year of ahy description When in need of Phone 53 Printing a.x,\.uvA, 4uuv. .ua-u.uu .u\..u. nlwvv, 3;, sided. The attendance was large and the Wa.rden s report showed one of the best years in the history of the church. The Sunday School and Women s Auxiliary reports were read, showing great activity, with creditable balances on hand in each case. Votes of thanks were passed to the organist, Miss Gertrude Len- ....... .....] LL- ....~:.~L....$. 'l|II'-:.... T......... Peop1e s Warden, Mr. Esten Davis;| Rector s Warden, Mr. Wm. E. M. Banting; Sr. Sidesmen, Thompson J ennett, Frank O. Banting; Jr. Sides- men, Watson Downer, Verald Eliioltt; Executive Com., T. M. Fldtcher, Fred Arnold, Frank Goodwin; Dele- gates to Synod, Wm. Banting, Sr., Henry Downer, Geo. Davis, Sr.; Auditors, Robt. Lowrie, Wm. Bant- ing, Sr.; Vestry C1erk-I. F. Len- nox; Organist, Miss Gertrude Len- nvox; Asst. Organist, Miss Irene T A-..-.... The armual vestry meeting of Christ: Church, Ivy, was held on Monday afternoon, Jam. 25. The l.__.;.__.. -n-.. 13.......1 `n....... rs... ...... vu mu. unbunuuv, `Inna: u-.Lua.uu-s. ;.u.u~ nox, and the assistant, Miss Irene Lowrie, also the choir for their un- tiring efforts and efficient work dur- ing the year. The Wardens, Messrs. 'Esten Davis and W. E. M. Banting, were congratulated for the excellent way in which they handled the n- ances of the church and things in general. f'I'1L.. ..!........ ..I....L.\.I ......... -._ .L'_I A considerable fmprovernent was shown in the market attendance on Saturday morning, due doubtless to evpthe mild weather which followed on the heels of a bitterly cold week. Butter quoted at 45 a pound on all tables and eggs sold for40c a dozen, as on the previous Saturday. Cuck- ens remaimed rm at 28 a pound, while their elders went as low as 23c. Stove~1eng'th hardwood took a drop, $11 being the price asked per load. All other quotations remained unchanged. "TL- -u\`v:nr\a uvnvn o bx. ..... .. The officers elected lows : n - . vvv . up ...vvv;.a-.- The Vestry then all went over to the rectory, where the ladies act` `the Women's Auxiliary, after having their meeting, had prepared a dainty luncheon. ANNUAL VESTRY MEETING OF CHRIST CHURCH, IVY The annual medting of Christ church W.A. was held at the r n1-1 Kn-v-nrluou ca-50-anon Ann T...--. 0! -A. ugvuuu; u-|.v<.:;Jn.I\lu, ua-In nu, am All depa.rtments of the work were reported to be in a. ourishing nnnH1'\Hnn "I"1-ya A-mnn-an n1nui~...l 0.... Ivvcu 4vyvA vcu vv Ln: us :1. uuu.r&:uuu.g condition. The officers elected for the year were : \ Presidenz, Mrs. T. J. Dew; Vice- Pres., Mrs. R. F. Lowrie; Cor. Sec., Miss Irene Lorwrie; Rec. Sec., Miss Gertrude Lezmox; T2-eas., Mrs. G. D. Banting; Dorcas Sec., Mrs. J. T. Jennett; Leaet Sec., Mrs. S. R. Elliott; E.C.D. Trea.s., M.rs.Thom1r son Jennett; Little Helpers Sec., Mrs. G. L. Davis; Canvernor of Literature, Mrs. Geo. Davis, Sr. The Nottawasaga. Agnimturazl So- ciety had a very stwoemft year in 1925. The receipts ammmmed to $4,860.86 and the expenditures to $3,995.11, 1env'm.g` a balance `of $365.11. All the old dimeotootns were re-elected. .-up.-.u.u _ uuuu auuuuul In uunx I110 lsinge ones have no cause for drink- Man-ied.man shauJ.dn t drink 1:: Fvnnn Anna Knew. van .......- A... n,- v were as fol- Fowl ........... .. Chickens .._. Potatoes ................ .. $2.25-$2.50 bag Turnips .................................. .. 5c each Lettuce, home grown ...... .. 10c bunch Parsnips ........................ .._. ..... .. 25c bask. Celery .............................. .. 10c bundh Beans ............... .. 10c pt., 3 for 25c Rhubarb .. 15c bunch, 2 for 25 Apples ................................... .. 25c bask. Apples - ............................. .. $3.00 bbl. Squash ............................ .. 5c-10c each Beets _...-. Onions ..-. . On.bba.ge Sage _ .................... _._ Summer Savory .. ................ .. 5c bunch Hardwood, 12 inch .,... ...__. $11 load Beef .................................... .-1 10c-14c 14b. Pork .1. 18c-20c lb. Lamb ............ .. 21c-22c lb. 30 pt. un.u\, uuu.-u vuc vvxu ynnycl. \ Barrie was the rst to score, 1 Powell counting in a mrix-up in ; front of the Midland nets. Mid- - land came right back and tied the score, Burgie netting one in another : mix-up, in which Mtidxland had ve ` shots on the goal mouth. Doyle put his team in the lead by a long low shot from centre ice that caught ` ` Brodeur napping. Barrie skated off the ice for the first rest with a one- goal lead, but not before Lyle At- lcinsoun was put out of the play by an ugly cut on the lip from on up- hook of Amnst:rong s stick. mi... ..:...a...... ...........x u... --__._; ..__.. AlrUUL\.a yuuuu uuuu UJLCLL 1.n:n.L.L`UJ.uIkn.IL\;!:, but it was too late. And in spite of the ve-man attack uncorked by them the visitors tallied twice. The winners outskated and outguessed the home team at all stages and dis- played more combination, although neither side showed much desire to pass the puck. It was quite notice- able that the Barrie -outt did not Q pull together as they should, and under such conditions they have none -but themselves to blame for their . loss. Until the nal f1ja.me it was seldnom that a `local defence player, breaking away, was accompanied by more than one wing player. D......1'.\ ......... 4.1.- ....|L 1.- _--___ uvun VJ. 4:4.-anonuvusa owvn. The vistors evened the count soon after play started in the second ses- sion when Burgie tallied on a pass out from behind the Barrie nets by Hubert. They assumed the lead later when an easy shot over half the length of the. rink beat Tuck. Armstrong got into the scoring col- umn next by batting the puck past B1-odeur as Hubert was hookzingg it out from behnd the net. Just then Roy Reid bounced Cumxingham off the boards and the Midland boy took the count. Before the air had cleared Armstron-g *s stick again got into troube and ripped open Brough -s eye. When play was re- sumed again Atlcinson and Cunning- ham were back in action. The lat- ter made his presence felt by scor- ing just before the gong. Tn +1.. :....1 .......-..x LL- `.1-.. ..___ ...,,, Juan UCLULU mu: guug. In the nal period the play was much faster and healthier. When they could not score by orduinary means all ve of the locals went up on the attack, but still were unable to count. Cunningham added to the visitors lead with a hig'h shot which Simon tried to catch, but which was deflected instead into the twine be- hind Tuck. Burgtie made it six just before the curtain. Brodeur, Hubert and Burgie star- red for the winners and Roy Reid was about the best of the local out- t. Tuck played far below his usual form in the nets. Keeley and Simon in front of him were poor in break- ing up the attacks. Powell and Amnsstrong showed no desire to back- check and combirned poorly. Doyle, on* the relief bench, was fairly good while on the ice. To cap it all the swbbtitute referee sent up from 0.H.A. headquarters was a. lemon. Mida.nd-Goa.l, Brodeur; defence, McM.illin and Hubert; cexvtre, Bur- gie; wings, Atkinson and Brougih; subs, Cunningham and McDonald. A Ban-ie--Goal, Tuck; defence, Sti- _ man and Keeley; centre, A.r.Im9t:rong; . wings, Powell and Reid; subs, Vair .' and Doyle. D............ IT A -nnnxv,-u ALEXANDER FLEMING Word has been received here of the death in San Diego, Gal, cm Sunday, Jan. 24, of Aexzamler Fleimimg of Cxuigledth in his 93rd no.-u T\ .... 4-.-J 1- --L _n_- ___, 1 1 _,....... ...,.,....n.u, vvuv was um: may surviving brother of the late Sir Sandiord Fleming, was barn in Kirk- caldy, Scotland, in 1833, and came to Canada wirth his parents in 1844, settling in Toronto. He was a resi- .I-...L ... I"_.1I2_._ -4. I II, -3 \ . ~ . u . v .. \/v\AA.uAL6 vwvv-u 1.1.71 UVEI IV years. Surviving are three children, Maude E., Alexander, G and John E. Fleminng, and a sister. The fun- eral took place in Oollci-ngwood yea- terday, Feb. 8a-d. ` rBa.rrie e chances of winning the local group title in the O.H.A. inter- mediate race diminished not :1 little when the 1002.118 lost to Midland here on Friday night by a score of 6 to` 3. There have been much better` contests on Barrie ice this season and the fans had little to cheer about until the nal twenty minutes. Thei_ winners deserved their victory, since _ three of their men were taken off the ice (luring the game because of ` casualties, only two coming back, and because they outplayed the ' losers in every way. The homesters _ were distinctly \_o. color and turned in a very half-hearted game during _ -the first two periods. In the last lap, when the score was 4-3 to start with, they came to and injected a little punch into their pecromnance, Jud A...: 1'4- nvnn {nun Ind-.-. 3.. ....-{J-.. A! uuuwunb us :.uLvu'uv. 11!: Witt! it 112`!- kcbenyt of Cotllingwood for over 70 Iianvvu Qanouh-.:.... ...... .L.L...... _1.n.1..-_ uv-An; .|.vA -vvwr $50 I-I-IV, GHLIKI Ill SIM: places a lile la. Linn the other fuels which are being sold instead of ll-llI4J|(1oAA&E\AI The prices were: Butter ............................ .. Eggs . . ............................ .. . ........................ .. $ ....................... .._ . ..: ............................. .. ........ .. bu Alberta coal ozftihehighestgmde isnoovwotnthewuy. 'I'hiacoa1wi]zlbe sold for about the name, and in some vnznon - IHIJL. I._ LL_- AL. ..n_-_ Midland Doubles On Intermediates u uvyac. Referee-H. A. M:c.Nei]a]. The Northern Advance 'Uhe Post Office Department is bm.'n'chi'ng curt into a new line of activity. A notice issued from Ot- tawa reads: Free illustrated lec- tare on post office work will be given on request before church 2-zitherings, schools, business m s clubs, etc. Dates may be arvamged with your run.a:-rno~:lnu K Repomt of the Ontario Mothers` A'1n];ow1anvce Board shows that during ` Janua.1'.y 4,293 mothers received % $154,005. Thmty widowed mothers were added to the pay roll since De- cember. Since January, 1925, 158 mcthers wefe added to he pay roll, d`ncreasi4n.vg' expendi-'tu~1`es by $6,039. I Downtown Barrie was furnished _ with the most exciting event it has ' seen for a long time on Saturday ' mor.m'ng' when a colt belonging to Mr. Ernest Tuck kicked itself free > of its cutter in front of Wise~ma.n s _'butcher shop and dashed wild-ly [down the -main drag with a pair 'lof shafts (lragging along in its wake. :}The entire business population and ' pedestnia-ns immediately betook . themselves into the middle of the . road, the better to watch the frantic eqinue caree:-ing along its mad way. It was brough`too a. halt _in the vicin- ity of the gas plant and shortly af- -ter was recovered by its Inaster. The rumpus was started by a (log which ran under the horse and stzmted it kicking. W'ha-`tever the results to the harness and sha.fts, it was at least a dainty morsel for ex- citement lovers in town, for as one man said after it was all over, We don t even have a decent dog {`I.;.>;ht these days. DUNLOP s'r. TREATED TO I RUNAWAY ON SATURDAY non-nre on me use snore. M _ _ Bill Potts, head of th_o nocky Mogntyun Guide Asso- mation nd Brewster-a.I.nm1ted are bnngmg forty ponies from the range early x_n Janu|ry_ to mun than for ski- jm-`ng ('-vrhwrv an mmvvnl. Pmvws. skis and guides will be at tho disposal of those who may need them. Q SBIGCCCQ HV8 OCDOIS WIUJIII 3 ramus OI IWO mues ITOHI Banff, so selected to allow return over a different route than the outgoing trig. Ski slides abound on these trips, some diicult enoug for the expert and others more moderate to inltiate novices into this sport, the king of all winter pastimes. Ponies will be available for ski-inrem and than I-Ion. G. H. Boivin told a Montreal audience that the King Government would stay in power until beaten at , __`1_ winning to partake or we run on tobpggans or bob-sleds. A real western barbecue of steaming hot meat of wild game, bread, coee or tea, W1 appease the appetites of the bikers at each of these depots. During the carnival a hike par excellence to_ Lake Minnewanka is planned. Here a. huge bualo will be barbecued over a glowing hon-re the lake shore. ` HI vnffu `Land nf {Kn nnnbv 'IA'nnnn3n r1..:.a.. A--- au wmter pasmmca. _ Ponies will be avallable for ski-jorers and those wishing to partake of the toboggans bob-sleds. A real western barbecue of ntaamintr hnt mnnt nf wild During the cor_ning winter _ carnival in Ban, the mornings W111 be set aside to entertain visitors, afternoons and evenings for the events. In former winter carnivals in Banff so many events were crowded into a week as to preclude visitors from taking part in the fun * themselves. This year, the committee met the wishes of the visitors by extending the annual event to cover two i weeks, from February 3 to February 17 inclusive. The most exnert skiers and snow-shnen: in `H11: ` weexs, xrom renruary 5 1:0 rem-uary 1'1 inclusive. The most expert skiers and snow-shoers in the mountains will thus be freed from competitions to take charge of parties of Visitors on pleasure bent. They have selected ve depots within a radius of two miles from 'Rn'n'_ sin splat-tad tn allnw rphirn nvnr n dinrnnf. 2-nu!-A L Adlaringleaplnto twice.` 2. TobogQanln`]`)`aI"l(;i;I; 3.` Brilliant Winter Carnival Banff During the month 4,465 accidents were reported, 2-1 of them being fartzul. The total for December was 5,207, of which 28 were fatal, and the tota'] for January 3. year ago was 4,042, of which 19 ware fca`ta.1. I The W01-k.men s Compenmtion Board awarded during` `she month of January $498,826.13 in benets, $419,690.19 being for compensation and $79,135.94 for medical aid. WORKMEN S COMPENSATION SATURDAY S MARKET ;v.u Halifax Sydney Charlotte- nun: auu urancnes including Vancouver Victoria Calgary Edmonton Regina Winnipeg Fort \v:n:..... Ottawa Montreal Quebec St. ]ohn,. N,'F um London Hamilton P79 0001' 800 Branches innlurhn I` 0!`! VVi1liam VVindsor, ()nt, BARRIE BRANCH THORNTON BRANCH A nwift run down means nn up hill walk. 4. 1 In training for the Derby. The Royal Bank of Canada Treat Colds Externally space or Irom 40 teen to 180 Ieet. ' During the two weeks eight ladies hockey teams will contend for the AJpine.Clpb of Canada Cup emblematic of world's` championahxp m. this sport. 8:: of western C_anadn a best amateur_ men's hockey teams will tight I bxtter battle on the Ice for can-mvul honors. S skatin and fancy skating events and exhibitions, xlntero nnorsc-5 betwn-on narindn in the games. relieve an vnmm- cames mm Into me an` alxtyjeet a spectators below. The new Jump i space of from 40 feet to 180 feet. Duriha that turn waulm nialut Ina: sxaun and fancy skating and {ht}.-E I nnorew m mm-8. relieve the mono- HOLIY 01 MW was auu pey up um spun b\:uvAuv.'d. nann at me sin-Jump when these events are being run 011'. While waiting for the arrival of the teams visitors will witness Canada's premier ski-jumping competition on the new Ban jump. Many abknowledge this new jump in the most picturesque and spectacular in Canada. Set on the side of 9. mountain as it 15, the Jumper begins the slide far up on the mountain side, and seems to soar to earth through a lane ofoines and spruce. The wooden take-of carries him into t e aixtyjeet apove_the heads of the spectators Jump in built for loans: into yin :1 ning nuvu. -u_y mu. can-u..u4.x vvuu any yucca- `mg bad bills have given change for $50.00 tendered for some small pur- chase . In view of the prevalence of this counterfeit money the police aurbohries have issued a warning to merchants to be on the lookout for` any bogus currency. ne auxty tee: above the heads jump is built for leaps into feet 1:9 '.Counrterfeit paper money of all devnominarbionxs is in -circulation throughout Western Onrbario cirties. Most of those who have been victim- ized by the swimmers who are pass- I.-.n. L.-..l 'l-.:'l1,. 1.....- an..- _L..._.... J... I. R. Diet. Manager M. C. Wigle. Manager 335 For sore throat, bronchitis or deep chest colds. rub Vicks VapoRub briskly over throat and chest and cover with annel._ Vicks acts in we ways-both direct: abm-bod like a h_niment_ and inhahd as a vapor. A qiuck tglief for the cold troubles of all t 1: family. Ski-joring at a fast clip. Page Seven Nassau Portofspain BuenosAires- Rio de 1.. "-1.-. Havana San Juan Santo TWA-Zn. ]aneiro- Montevideo- f`.. -- ..-.. ........... and in Colombia Peru ~ Venezuela mo Domingo Port-au- `D-n.... 00! 100 Brhnches ' including London New York Paris Barcelona St. John's, Nfld_ mn s, Nfld no THURSDAY, FEB. 4, 1926. :._. Northern Advance BARRIE